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结合塔里木河南勘探公司网络改造工程,介绍通过电信VPN增值服务和IP语音技术,在网络数据通信的基础上实现语音通信,从而提高企业管理水平,降低生产成本。  相似文献   

使用高质量、高压缩率的语音编解码器,可以在保证通话质量的前提下有效地提高通信系统的容量。这里首先介绍了基于共轭结构ACELP语音编解码算法,并针对该算法特点提出算法优化方法,如固定码本搜索优化,开环基音分析优化,运算移位溢出检查处理等;然后给出在TI公司16位定点DSP芯片TMS320VC549上实时实现该优化后算法的方案和过程,分析了编解码语音的质量和算法的性能,最后得出实时实现的结果。实验结果表明,优化后的CS-ACELP语音编码算法在定点DSP上的实时实现,能得到良好的语音音质,所用的资源和功耗极低。  相似文献   

在嵌入式系统下借助语音识别技术设计一套无线控制系统,通过此系统对传统家电进行一些常规的语音与界面人机交互操作,实现包括多设备交互控制、网络连接、数据显示等功能,这将极大提升家居生活的便利性和舒适性。系统采用基于高级精简指令集机器(advanced RISC machine,ARM)处理器+Linux+语音识别库+无线传感器网络的方案,主要包括硬件电路设计和软件开发,控制系统利用语音识别技术对声音进行识别,借助ZigBee模块进行主控系统与终端设备的交互。与传统产品相比,该交互式家居语音控制系统提供多样的识别、交互模式,创新的控制模式及更大范围的识别距离。  相似文献   

基于VSAT小站的应急通讯系统针对野外地质调查工作特点,遵循任务牵引、技术先进、机动灵活、平战结合原则进行系统设计与架构,可实现网络数据交换与传输、视讯会商、语音通话及传真等功能。在西北艰险地区开展了基于地质调查工作的系统测试与应用,实现了野外现场视频、语音信号与西安中心固定站的实时传输,同时实现了与北京地质力学研究所卫星便携站和视频会议终端双向视频的实时传输互联。   相似文献   

正作者上传的OSID材料应有助于深化读者对论文的理解,内容必须真实且不涉密,可包含但不限于以下内容:(1)语音介绍:论文的研究方向、研究目的、研究意义,以及前期准备和研究过程等相关细节。要求简明扼要,语言流畅。可上传5段语音,建议至少1段,每段不超过10分钟。(2)附加文字:论文内容的拓展材料、研究背景和参考资料等未放进正文的相关内容;研究方案的  相似文献   

田书仁  张银贵 《铀矿地质》1996,12(2):121-124
YD系列语言应答器采用了固态语言存储技术与各种电话交换机配套使用,语言清晰,大大减轻话务员劳动强度,获国家专利号912024852。  相似文献   

论述了VSAT系统的组成结构、系统在东昆仑地区试验的内容以及试验中所取得的经验和遇到的问题,其中试验内容主要包含了VSAT便携站卫星电话试验,音视频传输试验,单兵、便携站、固定站点对点测试及联机测试等。基于VSAT小站的应急保障系统在东昆仑试验区可实现的主要功能包括野外现场与指挥中心间的VOIP语音、计算机数据及图像视频的通信;各地质工作节点间的视讯会议或视频会商;野外临时作业现场之间的语音视频通信与数据支持等,为应急保障系统的进一步研建工作提供了科学依据。   相似文献   

正作者上传的OSID材料应有助于深化读者对论文的理解,内容必须真实且不涉密,可包含但不限于以下内容:(1)语音介绍:论文的研究方向、研究目的、研究意义,以及前期准备和研究过程等相关细节。要求简明扼要,语言流畅。可上传5段语音,建议至少1段,每段不超过10分钟。(2)附加文字:论文内容的拓展材料、研究背景和参考资料等未放进正文的相关内容;研究方案的产生思路、研究过程中的趣事、值得加强注意之处等。  相似文献   

最近,中海达推出了RTK新品——海星达智能iRTK。该产品采用了Linux智能操作系统,结合3G通讯网络优势,除提供传统RTK的功能与服务外,还能提供智能语音操作提示、智能播报、智能化故障自我诊断,远程智能网络升级注册服务等多种个性化功能与服务。中海达全新推出的此款iRTK新品,历时中海达研发团队3年心血。基于Linux操作平台的iRTK,因为Linux系统本身具有的强大功能以及可扩展性,使iRTK具有了无限的扩展功能,可谓重新定义了RTK。它具备主机闪存空间大(1GB,最大可扩展至4GB)、向导式语音提示、RINEX直接存储、系统升级轻松快捷、系统启动快、智能化故障自我诊断等多项功能。  相似文献   

<正>作者上传的OSID材料应有助于深化读者对论文的理解,内容必须真实且不涉密,可包含但不限于以下内容:(1)语音介绍:论文的研究方向、研究目的、研究意义,以及前期准备和研究过程等相关细节。要求简明扼要,语言流畅。可上传5段语音,建议至少1段,每段不超过10分钟。(2)附加文字:论文内容的拓展材料、研究背景和参考资料等未放进正文的相关内容;研究方案的产生思路、研究过程中的趣事、值得加强注意之处等。(3)图表照片:产生实验结果的中间过程、原始数据等相关图表;研究区野外地层、钻井和研究体  相似文献   

Groundwater samples from six wells and various species of plants from soils developed on ophiolites were collected from an arid area (AlKhod area, Oman) and analyzed for trace elements including rare earth elements (REEs). The distribution patterns of REEs in plants indicated an enrichment in middle REEs (MREEs?=?Sm to Dy) and heavy REEs (HREEs?=?Ho to Lu), when they are normalized to the REE composition of the Post Archean Australian Shale (PAAS), with a significant negative anomaly in Ce and a positive anomaly in Eu. Compared to Oman ophiolites, the REEs in different species of plants are depleted in Ce and enriched in MREEs and slightly enriched in light REE (LREE?=?from La to Nd). Relative to PAAS, the distribution of REEs in groundwaters revealed similar patterns to the REE distribution in plants. The distribution patterns of REEs in plants relative to those in waters are nearly flat. These patterns suggest that the transfer of REEs from soil solutions to the groundwaters in Oman occurs without any significant fractionation.  相似文献   

Nitrate in groundwater and N circulation in eastern Botswana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nitrate pollution due to deep leaching from pit latrines has caused water supply wells in eastern Botswana to exceed health limits concerning nitrate. It was deduced from the estimated intake of salt and protein by the population that, as an average, about 10 percent of the human nitrogen excretion is leached to the groundwater. This fraction was also found in southern India, where on-the-ground excretion is customary. The nitrogen circulation in general in the savanna ecosystem is not appreciably affected in spite of a large livestock density. Overall nitrate leaching is in the order of 1.5 kg N/ha/y, similar to that in another semiarid area in southern India. However, in India, there seems to be a more diffuse areal leaching from agriculture as well as from villages.Measures to minimize the nitrate leaching could be to plant deep-rooted trees adjacent to pit latrines or to use latrines that separate the urine from the faces for a more near-surface infiltration facilitating plant uptake. Measures to minimize leaching will also lessen the rick for bacterial pollution of the groundwater.  相似文献   

地球化学基因是近两年提出的一种新的地球化学示踪技术,本文选择北京怀柔云蒙山地区两个邻近的花岗岩风化剖面(编号为B和C)来分析岩性地球化学基因和金矿化地球化学基因的属性特征.剖面B样品的化学蚀变指数CIA变化为51.3~58.9,WIG的范围为89.4~68.6,属于初始风化程度;剖面C样品的CIA变化为52.4~78....  相似文献   

谢树成  罗根明  朱秀昌  王灿发  袁松虎  邱轩  纪建达  阮小燕 《地质论评》2022,68(3):2022062039-2022062039
“四深”微生物是指深海、深地、深空和深时环境的微生物,特别是细菌、古菌、真菌、病毒等。人们对“四深”微生物的了解非常有限,是亟待突破的地球生物学前沿领域。“四深”微生物的研究对理解地球生命起源、界定生物圈的边界条件、促进地球科学与生命科学以及行星科学之间的交叉融合具有不可替代性的贡献。随着我国深海、深空、深地等重大工程计划的推进,一系列与“四深”微生物有关的前沿科学问题不断提出,包括地质微生物与气候环境的相互作用、地质微生物的生物安全与生态安全、地质微生物参与的隐匿地质过程等。特别是,“四深”环境活性氧自由基对微生物的影响、地质病毒对生物演化和地质过程的影响等前沿领域都亟待突破。活性氧自由基能对生物分子、细胞、组织和器官,乃至整个生物圈的演化以及微生物地质作用都产生重要影响。病毒引发了现代和近代诸多全球性疫情爆发,地质病毒则可能对生物的背景灭绝和大灭绝以及一些地质过程产生影响。  相似文献   

Critiques of the neoliberal governance of agricultural systems have led to a number of political responses which attempt to address the socio-environmental consequences of the dominant regime. In this paper two case study regions (South Australia and England) have been chosen to represent variations in agricultural policy and to highlight subsequent outcomes on the sustainability of agriculture. Interviewed governance stakeholders highlighted issues in regard to the agricultural governance of each area, from social and environmental consequences of minimal policy intervention in South Australia, to issues created by greater economic support in England. As such, the distinct variations in agricultural regimes will continue to demand scholarly attention, in order for the value of diversity within the sector to be more widely understood. The study concludes that it is likely agricultural support will continue to decline in both case study regions. Importantly, however, innovative policy mechanisms that aim to reduce local risks and value local agricultural priorities, without requiring significant financial support, might be the most promising way forward in regard to agricultural system sustainability.  相似文献   

应用全国范围内的678个气象站1951-1998年长系列逐月降水资料, 用线性回归方法研究降水量的变化趋势, 同时结合长江、黄河和松花江主要控制水文站同期的径流资料, 研究径流对气候变化的响应. 结果表明: 降水的年内变化表现出较大的区域特性, 最显著的变化特点是秋冬季 (8~12月) 东部地区降水量普遍减少, 1~3月江南地区降水有增加趋势. 气候的上述变化趋势对我国干旱的西北地区有利, 该区河流径流量有明显增加; 另一方面, 夏季降水的增加可能会导致洪水事件的濒发, 与此同时, 降水量的年内不均匀变化, 特别是在 8~12月长时间的降水减少趋势, 导致枯水期径流的减少, 从而加剧秋冬季水资源的供需矛盾. 长江、黄河和松花江主要控制水文站6个站1~4月径流基本上表现为增加趋势, 而6~12月大多表现为减少趋势, 只有黄河上游唐乃亥站6月, 长江下游大通站7月和松花江哈尔滨站8月径流为增加; 另外, 气候变暖使发源于青藏高原的长江(宜昌站3、 4月)和黄河上游(唐乃亥站4~6月)的春季的融雪过程提前, 融雪期径流增加.  相似文献   

The present study aims to evaluate a relationship between the mineralogy and structural analysis in the Halaban area and to document the tectonic evolution of Halaban and Al Amar faults. The collected samples were taken from deformed granitiods rocks (such as granite, gneisses and tonalite), metasedimentary, metavolcanic, metagabbro and carbonate rocks are trend to NE-SW with low dip angle in the Halaban area. These samples were 8 from granite, 14 metagabbro, 6 metavolcanics, 5 tonalite, 6 metasedimentary, 10 gneisses and 8 carbonate rocks. Our results are described for the different axial ratios of deformed rocks as the following: XZ sections range from 1.10 to 4.60 in the Fry method and range from 1.70 to 2.71 in the Rf/? method. YZ sections range from 1.10 to 3.34 in the Fry method and range from 1.62 to 2.63 in the Rf/Phi method. In addition, XY sections range from 1 to 3.51 in the Fry method and range from 1 to 1.27 in the Rf/? method for deformed granite rocks, metasedimentry rocks, and metagabbro. The stretch axes for measured samples in the X direction axes (SX) variety from 1.06 to 2.53 in the Fry method and vary from 1.20 to 1.45 in the Rf/? method. The values of the Y direction axes (SY) vary from 0.72 to 1.43 in the Fry method, which indicates contraction and extension in this direction and vary from 1.13 to 1.37 in the Rf/? method which indicates extension in this direction. Furthermore, the Z direction axes (SZ) varies from 0.09 to 0.89 in the Fry method and from 0.52 to 0.71 in the Rf/? method. The stretches axes in the Z direction (SZ) show a vertical shortening about 11% to 91% in the Fry method and show vertical shortening about 29% to 48% in the Rf/? method. The studied rock units are generally affected by brittle-ductile shear zones, which are sub-parallel to parallel NW or NNW trend. It assumed that different rock types of have similar deformation behavior. Based on these results, it is concluded that the finite strain is accumulated during the metamorphism after that was started the deformation by thrusting activity. The contacts between the different rock types were deformed during thrusting under semi-brittle to ductile deformation conditions by simple shear. A component of vertical shortening is also involved causing subhorizontal foliation in the Halaban area.  相似文献   

西安地裂缝作为一种特殊的城市地质灾害,已经对基础设施造成很大的危害。长安路立交的破坏最为严重和典型,文章结合西安地裂缝的分布及活动特点,详细分析了地裂缝活动引起的长安路立交的破坏形式和特点。并对引起长安路立交破坏的原因做了进一步分析,得出了由于长安立交没有很好的排水措施导致地裂缝的异常活动从而引起桥梁破坏的结论。同时,文章还结合长安路立交的结构措施给出了在地裂缝带修建立交的结构措施建议。并最终得出了在地裂缝带修建城市立交等基础设施,应从采取措施减少地裂缝活动和采取合理的结构措施以适应地裂缝活动两方面进行综合考虑的结论。  相似文献   

江西银山热液多金属矿床矿体围岩发生了强烈的伊利石化,研究这些伊利石化是认识本矿床成矿作用的关键之一。通过伊利石的化学成分和矿体围岩蚀变前后的化学成分比较等方面的研究,本文得出以下认识:银山矿矿体围岩千枚岩、英安质流纹岩和中酸性次火山岩都发生了强烈的伊利石化,矿石与蚀变千枚岩中伊利石的化学成分最为相近。银山矿矿体蚀变围岩的化学成分以K2O的含量较高、Na2O和CaO的含量都很低(平均值都在0.11%左右)为特征,矿体围岩在伊利石化过程中Ca和Na被大量带出。综合各方面的证据推测,引起强烈伊利石化的热液是以H2O+CO2为主要组份的氧化性火山-次火山热液。  相似文献   

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