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春季东海表层水叶绿素a含量分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鲁北伟  王荣 《海洋与湖沼》1996,27(5):487-492
依据“科学一号”调查船1994年4月在东海10个断面上所进行的表层水连续走航观测资料,研究东海表层水叶绿素α含量在不同空间尺度上的分布特征和变化规律。结果表明,叶绿素α含量在陆架区高,在外海低;测区南部海域的含量一般高于北部海域。叶绿素α含量的分布形态变化很大,在某些外海深水区,叶绿素α含量连续百科公里没有显著变化,变化幅度小于0.2mg‘m^3;而在某些近海浅水区,叶绿素α含量在不到1公里范围内  相似文献   

东海二甲基硫丙酸的分布及其制约因素的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
于1994年4月对海水域二甲基硫丙酸浓度进行观测,结合对叶绿素和营养盐的监测结果,分析研究了了DMSP分布及其调控因素。结果表明,DMSP浓度范围为0.17-5.66nmol/L,最高浓度出现一410站。  相似文献   

Elevated levels of phytoplankton were observed at the Northern California coastal upwelling ecosystem studied as part of the CoOP-WEST project during monthly summer surveys in 2000, 2001 and 2002. The high concentrations of chlorophyll were made up mostly of larger cells; the phytoplankton communities that resulted were dominated by centric diatoms. The highest chlorophyll a concentrations were observed when large diatoms or small colony-forming species dominated the assemblages. In contrast, when smaller nano-flagellates and picoplankton were dominant, total chlorophyll a concentrations were over four or five-fold lower than when diatoms were prevalent, illustrating the importance of large diatoms to total phytoplankton biomass. Each year, when chlorophyll concentrations were greatest, Chaetoceros species created a Chaetoceros-dominated system. A few other genera contributed to the upwelling diatom community, mostly the centric diatoms Asterionella, Thalassiosira, Rhizosolenia (including Guinardia and Proboscia), and the pennate Nitzschia. These diatoms have been described in other coastal upwelling ecosystems, and at this study site form a functional group that are apparently well adapted to the high-nutrient, turbulent conditions that are typical of these coastal regions.  相似文献   

During the Austral summer of 2006-07 a series of extreme oceanic events occurred in the Tasman Sea. Following a series of strong wind-driven upwelling events, an intense cold-core eddy developed off Sydney, Australia. A data-assimilating, eddy-resolving ocean model is used to create a three-dimensional time-varying reanalysis of these events. The reanalysis indicates that the cold anomalies associated with the upwellings were in excess of −5 °C near the coast, where sea level decreased by as much as 0.2 m. The reanalysed three-dimensional structure of the cold-core eddy shows the eddy "leaning" to the west-north-west, in towards the continental shelf. The diameter of the eddy is about 100 km and the sea-level anomaly at the eddy centre peaks at around −1 m, with an associated sub-surface temperature anomaly in excess of −8 °C at 200 m depth, corresponding to an upward isotherm excursion of 600 m. The circulation around the cyclonic eddy is ageostrophic, with upwelling in the southern sector of the eddy (where flow is onshore and climbing the continental slope) and downwelling in the northern sector (where flow is descending off the slope). Three-dimensional trajectories of water parcels around the eddy involve 50-100-m vertical excursions. Based on the reanalysed circulation and composite satellite images of Chlorophyll-a, we hypothesise that the circulation around the eddy led to significant nutrient enrichment in the euphotic zone around the perimeter of the eddy.  相似文献   

大鹏湾赤潮多发区的叶绿素a分布与环境关系初探   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
根据1990-1991年大鹏湾盐海田域4个测站的观测资料分析结果表明,大鹏湾赤潮我发区海水中叶绿素α含量的测值范围为0.06-8.28mg/m^3,平均为1.33mg/m^3。季切平均值以春,秋季较高,夏,冬季较低;表层的叶绿素α含量稍高于底层。采用多元逐步回归分析得知,影响叶绿素α含量变化的主要因子是Fe,COD,s,其次是DO,t,Tb;此,Mn,Si(OH)4,PO4,NO2与叶绿素α的分布  相似文献   

应用时间序列分析法对太湖叶绿素-a含量的动态研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
叶绿素-α是湖泊浮游植物现存量的重要指标,其含量能反映水中浮游植物的丰度和变化规律。研究叶绿素含量的动态变化,可以有效防止、监控湖泊富营养化的发生。以太湖为研究对象,根据其营养水平进行分区,使得不同区域内叶绿素的浓度不同,而同一区域内浓度大体一致,然后利用地理信息系统技术对每个区域内未采样点的叶绿素浓度进行插值,取区域内所有栅格的平均值作为其最终浓度。应用时间序列分析方法对太湖1998-2004年每月的叶绿素含量进行动态模拟,建立各湖区的预测模型。结果表明,中营养区I符合MA(1)模型,轻富营养区Ⅱ和中富营养区Ⅲ符合AR(1)模型,富营养区Ⅳ符合MA(5)模型,重富营养区V符合AR(6)模型。由此预测出2005年各湖区总叶绿素的含量,经前10个月实测数据的验证说明,所建模型在一定程度上能反映太湖各区域叶绿素浓度的变化。  相似文献   

东海定点连续观测站海流资料分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杜岩  朱伯承等 《海洋工程》2003,21(1):94-100
采用快速离散傅立叶变换(FFT)、潮流调和分析以及小波(wavelet)变换等方法,分析了一个位于大陆架边缘海域定点连续观测站上的海流记录。FFT结果表明在该海域以半日周期潮流和日周期潮流为主。潮流调和分析结果表明垂向各个潮流分量受上下边界层影响存在显著的变化,余流的东西分量在观测时段内发生了一次转向。用小波变换对海流观测的高级分量进行了分析,分离出10-20min周期的高频内波信号,U方向和V方向的信号在不同的时间有所差异。  相似文献   

针对2012-04—07甲子以东海域3个站的潮位和海流连续观测资料,采用潮汐和潮流调和分析、海流旋转功率谱等方法,研究了它们的潮汐和各层潮流的分布特征,探讨了这些特征形成的原因。结果表明:1)甲子港及其以东40km海域典型日潮的形成是由于M2分潮的无潮点的存在和潮能在甲子外海的辐散两种原因引起的;2)日潮海域的潮流则是正规半日潮流的性质;3)研究海域的潮波较为复杂,驻波性质不明显,前进波性质较为突出;4)通过类比黄河口M2分潮的无潮点,认为该海区存在一个退化到岸上的M2无潮点是可能的。  相似文献   

南黄海夏末叶绿素a的分布特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
根据1995年9月利用日本《神鹰丸》号调查船在黄海32°00'–35°00'N,122°00'–127°00'E海区的19个站位上进行的中日联合调查研究中叶绿素a含量的调查资料,探讨南黄海海区夏末初叶绿素a含量的变化、平面分布、断面分布和垂直分布状况,以及与海域环境因子之间的关系。在每个测站上作垂直取样,表层水用圆塑料桶取自海表面,深层水用日本提供的专用采水器采集,取出水样立即量取200ml,用玻璃纤维滤膜过滤浓缩,并加入2%的饱和碳酸镁溶液,防止叶绿素脱镁,然后保存在冰箱内(-1°C),用冰桶带回实验室进行分析。将载有浮游植物的滤膜放入闪烁瓶内加入10ml 90%的丙酮溶液,在冰箱内提取24h。用萃取荧光法测定叶绿素a含量。结果表明,该海域的叶绿素a含量较高,平均值为1.14mg/m3,其变化范围为0.10–7.76mg/m3,最高值在次表层。(1)平面分布:各层次平面分布特征差异较大。33°00'–33°30'N之间叶绿素a含量均较低,低于0.50mg/m3。33°30'N以北,叶绿素a含量低于0.20mg/m3,而33°00'N以南,除济州岛附近的17–19导站以外,叶绿素a含量均较高,高于100mg/m3。(2)断面分布:水深在30m时,叶绿素a含量的高值区在20m以上水体的次表层中,而水深为50–80m时,其高值分布在20–40m的次表层中。(3)叶绿素a的垂直分布也体现了断面分布的特征。所以作者认为,光是浮游植物生长和繁殖的重要因子之一。  相似文献   

海洋叶绿素a浓度是衡量海洋浮游植物的生物量和富营养化程度的最基本指标之一。黄、东海叶绿素a浓度年际变化显著,其影响因素需深入分析。本文依据黄、东海的地理位置、水深和生态特征将其分为5个区域进行研究。由5个区域叶绿素a浓度的季节变化可以看出,水华发生早晚依次是黄海西岸—北黄海中部—南黄海中部—东海陆架区—东海近岸海区。从年际变化可以看出,除东海陆架外,其它4个区域的变化幅度均较大。在冬季和夏季,5个区域的基础生物量在2008年均达到最低;在春季和秋季,黄、东海近岸和北黄海中部的年际变化较大,5个区域在2006年春季均达到最高;2009年秋季较其它年份均低。5个区域基础生物量由高到低为:黄、东海近岸较高,然后是北黄海中部和南黄海中部,东海陆架最低。从与水温、风速和有效光合辐射的相关分析来看,浮游植物生长的年际变化受海面风速的影响较大。近岸区域水体混合均匀,营养盐丰富,风速较小时水体稳定有利于浮游植物生长,而水深较深区域,风速较大时,营养盐易补充到表层,有利于浮游植物生长。  相似文献   

东中国海潮余流自适应数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
以自适应数值模型首次计算整个东中国海三维 M2 分潮潮致 Euler余流、Stokes漂流和L agrange余流 ,并分析各海区 L agrange余流的特征。渤海 M2 分潮致 L agrange余流在整个海域基本形成一个大的逆时针环流系统 ;辽东湾有一个逆时针流环。在黄海 ,潮致余流也是黄海环流的重要组成部分。在东海的东北部 ,潮致余流有强化对马暖流的作用 ;在台湾北部海域 ,潮余流对台湾暖流有强化作用。在近海海域 ,由于复杂地形的作用 ,潮流非线性作用加强 ,潮余流的量值有较明显的增加。计算结果表明 :在浅水区域 ,Stokes漂流较大 ,Euler余流与 Lagrange余流差别显著  相似文献   

Satellite-derived ocean color data of Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) on board the Nimbus-7 and Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) on board the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) are jointly used with historical in situ data to examine seasonal and spatial distributions of chlorophyll a (Chl-a) and suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations in the East China Sea. Ocean color imagery showed that Chl-a concentrations on the continental shelf were higher than those of the Kuroshio area throughout the year. Satellite-derived Chl-a concentrations are generally in good accordance with historical in situ values during spring through autumn (although no shipboard in situ measurement was conducted at nearshore areas). In contrast, ocean color imagery in winter indicated high Chl-a concentrations (4–10 mg m–3) on the continental shelf where bottom depth was less than 50 m when surface water was turbid (2–72 g m–3 of SPM at surface), while historical in situ values were usually less than 1 mg m–3. This suggests that resuspended bottom sediment due to wind-driven mixing and winter cooling is responsible for the noticeable overestimation of satellite-derived Chl-a concentrations. The algorithm for ocean color needs to be improved urgently for turbid water.  相似文献   

利用2006年夏季渤海湾驴驹河赤潮监控区实测资料,分析了水文要素、气象要素、化学要素等环境因子与叶绿素-a浓度的相关关系。结果表明,透明度、化学需氧量、磷酸盐、硅酸盐、溶解氧、pH值与叶绿素-a的相关关系较好。根据环境因子对叶绿素-a浓度的影响程度,提取主要的环境因子作为自变量,以实测的叶绿素-a浓度为因变量,通过多元回归分析建立了它们之间的定量关系。回归结果表明,渤海湾中叶绿素-a浓度同溶解氧、pH值的关系密切。本文研究结果对渤海湾叶绿素-a浓度预测指标因子的确定及渤海湾生态动力学模型变量及参数系统选取有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

The importance of the circulation of fresh water within the Nordic Seas has frequently been pointed out, especially its effect on deep water formation and therefore possibly on the thermohaline circulation. The main source of fresh water is the East Greenland Current entering the Nordic Seas through Fram Strait. The Jan Mayen Polar Current and the East Icelandic Current (EIC) carry a part of the fresh water into the Greenland and Iceland Seas respectively. As a part of the EU project VEINS, Aanderaa current meters were deployed on two moorings within the EIC from June 1997 to June 1998 on a standard CTD section from Langanes, Northeast Iceland, to the central Iceland Sea in the direction towards Jan Mayen. The current was mainly concentrated along the slope where it was baroclinic, while over the deeper part a weak barotropic flow was observed. Geostrophic calculations, referenced to the current meter data, were used for estimating the volume flux and fresh water transport with the current. The total transport over the section towards the east was found to be 2.5 Sv. The fresh water transport relative to a salinity of 34.93, above 170 m, amounted to 5.5 mSv. This is roughly 4% of the fresh water transport through Fram Strait. This transport is put into a long-term perspective using hydrographic data from the Langanes section.  相似文献   

黄海、东海表、上层实测流分析   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
根据迄今为止所获得的142套锚碇浮标和58套卫星跟踪漂流浮标的大范围测流资料,综合分析了黄海、东海表、上层环流。研究结果更加清晰、形象、直观地展示了黑潮及其向对马暖流的分支,台湾暖流的分叉,和黄海暖流、长江冲淡水及涡旋发达海区的若干主要特征。  相似文献   

用沿岸上升流指数分析中国东南沿岸风生上升流的特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苗馨  胡建宇 《海洋通报》2011,30(3):258-265
对1968年1月到2007年12月中国东南沿海(17°N~30°N,109°E~123°E)上升流指数月平均数据进行分析,结论如下:(1)风生沿岸上升流主要在4-8月间发生于海南岛东部、雷州半岛东部、汕头以北至浙江沿岸.(2)风生沿岸上升流的强度具有时空分布变化特征,其中海南岛东部沿岸上升流最强,浙江沿岸其次;整个中国...  相似文献   

Monthly seawater pH and alkalinity measurements were collected between January 1996 and December 2000 at 10°30′N, 64°40′W as part of the CARIACO (CArbon Retention In A Colored Ocean) oceanographic time series. One key objective of CARIACO is to study temporal variability in Total CO2 (TCO2) concentrations and CO2 fugacity (fCO2) at this tropical coastal wind-driven upwelling site. Between 1996 and 2000, the difference between atmospheric and surface ocean CO2 concentrations ranged from about − 64.3 to + 62.3 μatm. Physical and biochemical factors, specifically upwelling, temperature, primary production, and TCO2 concentrations interacted to control temporal variations in fCO2. Air–sea CO2 fluxes were typically depressed (0 to + 10 mmol C m 2 day 1) in the first few months of the year during upwelling. Fluxes were higher during June–November (+ 10 to 20 mmol C m 2 day 1). Fluxes were generally independent of the slight changes in salinity normally seen at the station, but low positive flux values were seen in the second half of 1999 during a period of anomalously heavy rains and land-derived runoff. During the 5 years of monthly data examined, only two episodes of negative air–sea CO2 flux were observed. These occurred during short but intense upwelling events in March 1997 (−10 mmol C m 2 day 1) and March 1998 (− 50 mmol C m 2 day 1). Therefore, the Cariaco Basin generally acted as a source of CO2 to the atmosphere in spite of primary productivity in excess of between 300 and 600 g C m 2 year 1.  相似文献   

Recent observations suggest that the annual mean southward transport of the East Sakhalin Current (ESC) is significantly larger than the annual mean Sverdrup transport. Motivated by this observational result, transport of a western boundary current has been investigated using a simple numerical model with a western slope. This transport is defined as the instantaneous barotropic transport integrated from the western boundary to the offshore point where the barotropic velocity vanishes. The model, forced by seasonally varying wind stress, exhibits an annual mean of the western boundary current transport that is larger than that of the Sverdrup transport, as observed. The southward transport from October to March in the model nearly equals the instantaneous Sverdrup transport, while the southward transport from April to September decreases slowly. Although the Sverdrup transport in July vanishes, the southward transport in summer nearly maintains the annual mean Sverdrup transport, because the barotropic Rossby wave cannot intrude on the western slope. This summer transport causes the larger annual mean. Although there are some uncertainties in the estimation of the Sverdrup transport in the Sea of Okhotsk, the seasonal variation of the southward transport in the model is qualitatively similar to the observations.  相似文献   

根据2006年8月和2007年1月两个航次的调查,在15条断面91个调查站点共获取浮游植物样品182个,基于形态分类的方法对浮游植物样品进行了鉴定分析,发现东海蓝藻赤潮藻类束毛藻由薛氏束毛藻(Trichodesmium thiebautii)、汉氏束毛藻(T.erythraeum)和红海束毛藻(T.hildebrandii)组成,其中薛氏束毛藻占优势,其次是汉氏束毛藻和红海束毛藻。夏冬季节,束毛藻分布趋势一致,呈现近海和黑潮流经海域高、其它海域低的特点,温度和营养物质是束毛藻分布的主要控制因子。  相似文献   

利用2011年7月5个断面共30个站位的温盐深(CTD)测量资料,分析东海南部陆架水体的温盐结构和温跃层特征,探讨黑潮和台湾暖流对东海陆架水文状况的影响。结果显示,本区广泛存在着浅部温跃层和深部温跃层。浅部温跃层分布于20 m水深以内,跃层强度普遍较弱,具有明显的日内生消变化。深部温跃层分布于中、外陆架和台湾海峡。在中、外陆架的深水区,跃层底界深度约80 m,跃层厚度约10 m;跃层强度大,约为0.8 ℃/m,且较为稳定。在台湾海峡北部,温跃层分布于水深14~30 m,跃层厚度6~10 m,跃层强度偏弱,为0.2~0.5 ℃/m。在温跃层附近,由于上、下层水团温度、盐度的差异,其混合过程常出现盐指现象。在东海陆架90~110 m等深线之间,深部温跃层之下盘踞着一个深层冷水团,水温为16.8~17.6 ℃。黑潮水的入侵,使得外陆架温跃层强度减弱至0.2~0.5 ℃/m;同时,跃层层位上升,厚度加大。温跃层强度可以作为指示黑潮入侵的灵敏指标。当夏季深部温跃层强度低于0.6 ℃/m,同时伴随跃层厚度加大时,可判别为黑潮入侵。本区夏季黑潮锋可以到达110 m等深线附近。在中陆架50~80 m等深线之间,深部温跃层的消失,说明台湾暖流的强烈影响遍及整个水柱;而从南向北,台湾暖流的影响逐渐减弱。台湾海峡北部深层水温度较低,平均值为22.52 ℃,要比东海南部中陆架深层水低3 ℃,这可能意味着台湾暖流深层水主要源于黑潮分支的加入。  相似文献   

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