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We investigated the impact of sediment reworking fauna and hydrodynamics on mobilization and transport of organic matter and fine particles in marine sediments. Experiments were conducted in an annular flume using lugworms (Arenicola marina) as model organisms. The impact of lugworms on sediment characteristics and particle transport was followed through time in sediments experimentally enriched with fine particles (< 63 μm) and organic matter. Parallel experiments were run at low and high water current velocity (11 and 25 cm s 1) to evaluate the importance of sediment erosion at the sediment–water interface. There was no impact of fauna on sediment composition and particle transport at current velocity below the sediment erosion threshold. At current velocity above the erosion threshold, sediment reworking by lugworms resulted in dramatic particle transport (12 kg dry matter m 2) to an adjacent particle trap within 56 days. The transported matter was enriched 6–8 times in fine particles and organic matter when compared to the initial sediment. This study suggests that sediment reworking fauna is an important controlling factor for the particle composition of marine sediments. A. marina mediated sediment reworking greatly increases the sediment volume exposed to hydrodynamic forcing at the sediment–water interface, and through sediment resuspension control the content of fine particles and organic matter in the entire reworked sediment layer (> 20 cm depth).  相似文献   

In March 1978 the coast of Brittany was heavily polluted with oil from the Amoco Cadiz. Marine nematode assemblages from the Morlaix estuary were regularly monitored at three sites from October 1978 to November 1984. Differences among the assemblages and indications of the effects of oil contamination were detected by diversity, correspondence analysis and fits to empirical models. Clearest evidence of the effects were seen at the shallowest upstream site, and were detectable four years after the spill. It was difficult to demonstrate unequivocal effects at the deeper sites against the background of natural variation. It was concluded that by 1984 the fauna had recovered at all sites to a situation similar to that pertaining in October 1978.  相似文献   

The eelgrass Zostera marina is a key structural and functional species across the European coastline. The separate and interactive effects of eelgrass canopy removal and sediment addition on the sediment characteristics and the structure of benthic communities were studied in a factorial field experiment in the Northern Baltic Sea in July–August 2006. The removal of eelgrass canopy temporarily increased the sediment oxygen consumption, reduced the content of fine particles (<100 μm) and organic matter in the sediment, and increased the share of sand fraction (250–500 μm). Sediment addition increased the content of fine particles (<100 μm) and reduced the share of sand fraction (250–1000 μm). The effects were strongest in the presence of eelgrass canopy. Benthic invertebrates and macroalgae were affected by eelgrass canopy removal but not by sediment addition. The removal of eelgrass canopy significantly decreased benthic species richness and invertebrate and macroalgal densities. To conclude, our experiment demonstrates that Z. marina defines the patterns of benthic macroalgae and invertebrates but has moderate effects on sediment structure and metabolism in the Northern Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

海洋药物及海洋功能食品的研究现状和开发思路   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
简述国内外海洋药物及功能食品的研究和开发现状,结合我省的具体情况,提出相应的发展规划和科技投入思路  相似文献   

A draconematid nematode species,Dracograllus filipjevi Allen and Noffsinger, 1978, is described from the washings of shallow littoral coralline algae at Guryongpo in the eastern coast of Korea. This species is recognized by the following characteristics: larger body size, number of posterior sublateral adhesion tubes (9 in male and 12-13 in female) and subventral adhesion tubes (8-9 in male and 9-10 in female), the absence of cephalic acanthiform setae on rostrum, the presence of longitudinally areolated body cuticle with dot-like punctations, the presence of some cuticular collar in swollen pharyngeal region, the shape of amphidial fovea (large, elongate, and loop-shaped in both sexes), the absence of preanal corniform setae, and the absence of lateral differentiation on narrow body region. Morphological features of the species using differential interference contrast photomicrographs are described in detail in the present work. This is the first report ofD. filipjevi in Korea.  相似文献   

The relative paucity and heterogeneous distribution of marine protected areas (MPAs) indicates the need for better understanding of factors that foster MPA establishment at local, sub-national, and national levels. The relationship between national-level MPA establishment and geographic, ecological, social, and political factors that may drive patterns and trends in MPA establishment were assessed. A country's coastline length is the strongest predictor of both the number and spatial extent of MPAs. Controlling for coastline, the Human Development Index (HDI) and spatial overlap with designated conservation priority areas are positively correlated with MPA establishment. Surprisingly, some factors influencing MPA establishment in case studies, such as percentage of fishers within a population, were not correlated with MPA establishment on a national scale. These national dynamics explain a relatively small proportion of variation, however, indicating that other biological or social factors, as well as sub-national processes, also influence MPA establishment. Positive and negative outliers illuminate the importance of policy engagement at both national and local levels. Ensuring a supportive enabling environment at the national or even multi-national level can enhance success at the local level.  相似文献   

Samples of dead biomass from the marine brown algae Fucus ceranoides, Fucus vesiculosus and Fucus serratus were studied for their ability to remove cadmium from aqueous solutions. The metal sorption process is rapid, with 90% of the metal uptake completed within the first 25 min of contact. The kinetic data was described successfully by a pseudo second order chemical sorption process with rate constants of ca. 0.6 g mmol− 1 min− 1. At pH 4.5, the raw biomass of the three species exhibited equilibrium uptake capacities for Cd as high as 0.8 mmol g− 1 (90 mg g− 1), on a dry weight basis, without chemical pretreatment. These sorption capacities are much higher than those reported for activated carbon and chitin. The sorption of Cd was found to increase as pH increases, reaching a plateau at pH 5.Batch sorption experiments and continuous potentiometric titrations of acid-treated biomass samples in 0.05 M NaNO3 were used to derive thermodynamic binding parameters according to the NICCA model. The total amount of acid sites was 2.4–2.9 mmol g− 1, with median values of the affinity distribution for protons and cadmium ions, log H and log Cd, of 3.7 and 2.69, respectively (conditional values). The apparent heterogeneity of the sorbent was successfully taken into account by the empirical NICCA isotherm, which described very well the competition between protons and metal ions, in contrast with a simpler discrete competitive Langmuir model.The experimental results demonstrate that these seaweeds constitute a promising, efficient, cheap and biodegradable sorbent biomaterial for cadmium removal from wastewaters. This use would represent an example of exploitation of a renewable marine resource in water treatment technologies for the prevention of heavy metal pollution in the environment.  相似文献   

王诺  丁凯 《海洋通报》2019,38(2):202-209
渤海是斑海豹在我国唯一的繁殖地。研究结果表明,半个多世纪以来,渤海的斑海豹数量减少了80%。尽管我国20世纪末已将斑海豹列为国家Ⅱ级保护野生动物,采取了建立自然保护区等一系列措施,但在海洋生态环境持续恶化的情况下,其数量仍不断减少。近年来,随着海洋环境的改善,斑海豹的数量有了明显回升。本文从海冰面积、鱼类资源以及水质污染等方面分析了渤海海洋环境的状况,探讨了斑海豹数量变化的原因。本文研究可为我国有关部门在制定渤海环境保护政策时提供参考。  相似文献   

本文评述了1991年进行的添加维生素B12对浮游植物群落动态影响的围隔实验结果。初步探明,富营养的围隔生态系中B12异常增加,会提高中肋骨条藻的细胞分裂速率,而增大了赤潮的规模。从长期的效应看,会影响整个浮游植物的结构;还可能影响演替的进程,甚至可能诱发需要维生素B12的甲藻赤潮。文中还针对这个实验方法作些评论.  相似文献   

It is indeed my great honor to receive the Okada Prize (1983) for my studies on the population dynamics and production of inshore marine copepods. This article summarizes the lecture I gave under the above title. It has long been postulated that there is some mechanism whereby a species can repopulate after its disappearance from the plankton, since the appearance of many temperature marine copepods clearly occurs on a seasonal basis. During the last decade, evidence of resting egg production has been found for more than 20 species belonging to Temoridae, Centropagidae, Pontellidae, Acartiidae and Tortanidae. In the Inland Sea of Japan, a summer-fall copepodTortanus forcipatus lays diapause (obligatory resting) eggs in the fall, which overwinter in the sediment on the sea floor until the following summer when water temperature reachesca. 15°C. On the other hand, in Onagawa Bay,Acartia clausi is perennial and produces only subitaneous eggs, many of which, however, sink to the bottom and undergo quiescence (facultative resting eggs) due to adverse environmental conditions (e.g. low temperature, deoxygenation, darkness). There are a large quantity (0.5–2.0×106 eggs m−2) ofA. clausi resting eggs in the sediments of Onagawa Bay, which may play an important role in maintaining a more constant planktonic population. The parameters of population dynamics,i.e. the rates of egg production, recruitment and mortality, have been analyzed forA. clausi in Onagawa Bay, by an integration of field and laboratory studies. Recruitment into the planktonic population older than NIII only accounts for 10–20% of egg production. This apparent loss of eggs, which coincides with the benthic resting phase, may be a characteristic feature of the population dynamics of this species. Stage-specific mortality is generally similar in most of the stages, although CI and CVI suffer more severe mortality, possibly as a result of great morphological change in the former stage and heavy predations in the latter. The seasonal change in daily production byA. clausi has also been investigated, its annual production being 2.45 gC m−2. Daily production and biomass (P:B) ratios increase linearly with temperature. Estimated values of production for other inshore marine copepods are reviewed in relation to P:B ratios and the ratio between secondary and primary production.  相似文献   

I~IOW~ne nelnatode is a ban gIOup of benthic OrgAnsrns. Abbot 5 000 spotes Of free-livingnelnatedes have ben dedbo so far, and it has ho estimated that abbot 20 (XX) are as yetunknoWn. Chinese bothologist has Paid attention to marine nelnatodes in China seas in yare. The spatial distribution and shoes commotion of marine nelnatedes in the HUanghe EstUary, Qinhuangdao waters, QingdaO Bay and Xiamen ~ have ho reported (Zhang etal., 1990, 1991, 1993; ac and Li, 1998). ~ new shoes in the…  相似文献   

The concentration of copper, lead, zinc and cadmium in the acid-soluble fraction is presented for 86 seabed, 15 beach and 10 river samples of sediments from the southern Cardigan Bay area. Comparative results are presented for 8 samples of the Pleistocene sediments and 6 samples from the Aberystwyth Grits (Silurian) which outcrop along the shore line. The sediments from the Rheidol and Ystwyth rivers are strongly enriched in lead and zinc. The Pleistocene sediments are enriched in cadmium by a factor of 10 with respect to the seabed sediments in this part of Cardigan Bay.  相似文献   

区域海洋管理是对一定海洋地理空间范围内具有重要意义的区域系统进行的自觉干预和内外协调的活动。文章讨论海洋区域、区域海洋管理的概念、管理区域划分、区域海洋基本思想和管理方式等,试论区域海洋生态系统管理是海洋综合管理的新发展,认为区域海洋管理必须以生态系统管理为核心,以社会-经济-自然复合生态系统为管理对象,才能使区域海洋社会经济能够在可持续的生态系统支持下发展。  相似文献   

孙静  黄勇 《海洋科学》2016,40(9):39-44
海洋线虫是海洋底栖生物中数量上最丰富的类群,在海洋生态系统中起着重要的作用。对海洋线虫进行种类鉴定是线虫研究中最重要的工作之一。目前,海洋线虫的鉴定主要采用形态学的分析方法,但是这种方法往往费时费力,对于如此丰富的物种,急需新的鉴定方法。作者以黄海潮间带自由生活线虫优势种——中华钩线虫(Oncholaimus sinensis)为例,在形态学分类的基础上,将DNA条形码技术引入线虫的鉴定中,探讨了线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶第一亚基(mt COI)基因序列、28S r DNA序列的D2D3区以及18S r DNA序列的部分序列作为DNA条形码在中华钩线虫中的适用性。结果表明,18S r DNA序列可作为该种线虫的DNA条形码,为海洋线虫的DNA条形码研究提供了很好的借鉴。目前,利用DNA条形码技术对海洋线虫进行鉴定的报道在国内还属空白,本研究将是海洋线虫分类学研究的很好补充。同时,对于了解该海域海洋线虫多样性及群落分布格局,开展海洋环境监测,进而对海洋的底质环境状况进行健康评价具有十分重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

海洋经济发展规划监测评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着全国海洋经济发展规划的贯彻落实和省级海洋经济发展规划的相继出台,对规划进行监测评估已迫在眉睫。文章设计了海洋经济发展规划评估指标体系框架,探讨了从国家层面上和项目层面上对规划监测评估的方法,借助信息化管理手段,推进和完善海洋规划管理体系,形成对海洋经济发展规划有效的监测评估。  相似文献   

Two new species of genus Diplopeltoides Gerlach, 1962 and two new species of genus Minolaimus Vitiello, 1970 were described based on recently collected specimen...  相似文献   

台湾海峡中北部海洋线虫群落的种类组成及分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1998年2月对台湾海峡中北部3个断面13个取样站进行了自由生活海洋线虫调查,获得了海洋线虫100种,隶属于3目28科91属,其中密度较高的种有萨巴线虫(Sabatieria sp.1)、变异矛咽线虫(Dorylaimopsis variabilis)、Vasostoma sp.、花斑线虫(Spilophorella sp.)、吞咽线虫(Daptonema sp.)、Linhystera sp.1、吸咽线虫(Halalaimus sp.1)和(Filoncholaimus sp.)等。虽然这些海洋线虫绝大多数只鉴定江口外海降低。从优势种分布看,不同取样站其密度差异很大。海洋线虫的取食类型以选择性食沉积物者(1A)占优,有38种,但刮食性种类(2A)和非选择性食沉积物者(1B)也分别为29种和25种,表明了台湾海峡中北部海洋吸虫取食类型的复杂性。文中还探讨了海洋线虫分布与海流等环境因子的关系。  相似文献   

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