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A new record of Sebastes koreanus(Kim and Lee,1994) was documented based on morphological characters and DNA barcoding. Fifty-six S ebastes specimens were collected from the coastal waters of northern China. Samples were identified as S. koreanus based on morphological characters. The coloration and morphometric measurements were consistent with those described from specimens collected in South Korea. In this study,specimens had the following morphological characteristics:light brown body with dark stripes and tiny dark spots,4–5 wide indistinct vertical patterns on the side,2 radial stripes behind and below the eyes,1 large dark blotch on the opercle. Additionally,the following meristic characters were recorded:dorsal fin XIV-13,pectoral fin 16,anal fin III-6–7,pelvic fin I-5,lateral line scales 29–30,and vertebrae 26. The fragment of cytochrome oxidase subunit I(C OI) gene of mitochondrial DNA was sequenced for phylogenetic analysis. The mean genetic distance within the species was 0.3%. Net genetic distances between S. koreanus and other S ebastes species ranged from 3.1% to 7.6%,which was greater than the threshold for species delimitation. The phylogenetic analysis strongly supports the validity of S. koreanus in China at the genetic level. The origion,evolution,patterns of speciation and unique features in genome divergence among primate lineages of this species still need future directions of research.  相似文献   

A new record of Platycephalus sp.1 (sensu Nakabo, 2002) was documented based on morphological characters and DNA barcoding. We collected 174 specimens of the genus Platycephalus from Chinese coastal waters of Dongying, Qingdao, Zhoushan, and Beihai. Samples were identified as Platycephalus sp.1 morphologically. The coloration, meristic traits, and morphometric measurements are consistent with previously published records. In brief, it is an orange-brown flathead fish with dark brown spots scattered on head and body, lateral line scales 83 to 99 with one or two spine-bearing anteriormost pored scale, no yellow blotch on the caudal fin. Cytochrome oxidase I subunit (COI) gene fragments were sequenced for phylogenetic analysis. The mean evolutionary distance within the species Platycephalus sp.1 was 0.1%. Net evolutionary distances between Platycephalus sp.1 and other species of Platycephalus ranged from 10.8% to 19.7%, which is much greater than the threshold for species delimitation. The COI sequence analysis strongly supports the validity of Platyceohalus sp.1 at genetic level.  相似文献   

We collected leiognathid fishes from the Hainan Island and Beibu Gulf between November 2007 and December 2008. Ten of these specimens were identified as Nuchequula blochii (Valenciennes 1835), which is the first record of this species in China’s waters. These specimens are distinguished by the combination of these characteristics: breast fully scaled, cheek naked, anteroventral profile of the lower jaw almost straight, a conspicuous dark blotch distally on the anterior part of spinous portion of dorsal fin, a yellow blotch distally on posterior part of spinous portion of dorsal fin, and a dark blotch on nape. This paper reviews the genus Nuchequula and describes three species that occur in China’s waters.  相似文献   

Wang  Jianyan  Cen  Jingyi  Li  Si    Songhui  Moestrup  Øjvind  Chan  Kin-Ka  Jiang  Tao  Lei  Xiangdong 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2018,36(6):2202-2215
The dinoflagellate genus K arenia is known for recurrent harmful blooms worldwide. However, species diversity of the genus is generally overlooked owing to the difficulty of identifying small unarmored dinoflagellates. We have established four clonal cultures of K arenia longicanalis isolated from the type locality, Hong Kong harbor(strain HK01) and other three locations along the Chinese coasts(strains YB01, DT01, and NJ01). The morphology of the strain was studied by light and scanning electron microscopy(LM and SEM) and the pigment composition analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. We provide the first molecular data of K. longicanalis based on the large subunit(LSU) rRNA gene sequence and internal transcribed spacer(ITS). The four strains showed identical LSU rDNA sequences with a similarity of 99.4% to the holotype of K arenia umbella(strain KUTN05) from Australia. In the ITS phylogeny, the sequence of K. umbella branched between the Chinese strains of K. longicanalis. A careful comparison of the morphology of K. longicanalis and K. umbella reveals the similarity in the diagnostic characters. Diff erences may appear due to the sample treatment for SEM. We conclude that K. umbella is a junior synonym of K. longicanalis.  相似文献   

There is an urgent need to develop efficient evaluation tools that use easily measured variables to make rapid and timely eutrophication assessments, which are important for marine health management, and to implement eutrophication monitoring programs. In this study, an approach for rapidly assessing the eutrophication status of coastal waters with three easily measured parameters(turbidity, chlorophyll a and dissolved oxygen) was developed by the grid search(GS) optimized support vector machine(SVM), with trophic index TRIX classification results as the reference. With the optimized penalty parameter C =64 and the kernel parameter γ =1, the classification accuracy rates reached 89.3% for the training data, 88.3% for the cross-validation, and 88.5% for the validation dataset. Because the developed approach only used three easy-to-measure variables, its application could facilitate the rapid assessment of the eutrophication status of coastal waters, resulting in potential cost savings in marine monitoring programs and assisting in the provision of timely advice for marine management.  相似文献   

Lancelets (subphylum Cephalochordata) are a transitional species between invertebrates and vertebrates. They are currently listed in the Second Order of Protected Animals in China. Lancelets were first documented in the waters around the city of Weihai (Shandong, China) in 2002. However, little is known about the phylogeny of this population. We analyzed the sequences of cytochrome b (Cyt b) and cytochrome oxidase c subunit I (CO I) genes from samples collected from coastal waters in the cities of Weihai and Qingdao (~150 km to the south). We analyzed 176 sequences, of which 150 were novel sequences and 26 were obtained from GenBank. Our results suggest that (1) lancelets in the two cities belong to the species Branchiostoma japonicus and have a high level of genetic diversity; (2) there is a high level of gene flow and low level of genetic differentiation between lancelets from the two cities; (3) demographic expansion occurred an estimated 1.1 million years (Ma) ago (mid Pleistocene) for lancelets in Weihai-Qingdao; and (4) the divergence between B. belcheri and B. japonicus was estimated at between 37.75 Ma (early Oligocene)-46.5 Ma (late Eocene).  相似文献   

Thirty-two 63.0–134.4 mm standard length specimens collected during 1954–1990 from the coastal waters of the South China Sea and the continental coast of the Taiwan Strait were identified as a new species,Pampus minor Liuet Li, sp. nov. Contribution No. 3329 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Study supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences Special Grant for Biota Research.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new polychaete species, Eranno carrerai sp. nov. from coastal areas of China, is described based on specimens deposited in the Marine Biological Museum of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, collected during 1957 to 1976 from the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea at depths of 9–210 m.  相似文献   

We describe a new species of gerreid fish,Gerres septemfasciatus,based on four specimens collected from the northern South China Sea.G.septemfasciatus most closely resembles G.limbatus in general appearance.However,G.septemfasciatus is distinguished from the latter and other congeners by having 3 to 3.5 scales between the base of the fifth dorsal spine and lateral line.This species has a distinctive color pattern,including 7-8 regular,vertical,blue-grayish bands on its side.The distribution of this species ...  相似文献   

We collected five specimens of threadfin bream from Beihai, Guangxi, China in March 2010. These were subsequently identified as red filament threadfin bream Nemipterus marginatus (Valenciennes, 1830), being the first record of this species from Chinese waters. N. marginatus is distinguished by the following characteristics: lower border of eye lies above a line from tip of snout to upper base of pectoral fin; mouth oblique, maxillary extending to lower anterior border of pupil; teeth in jaws in several rows, pointed; upper jaw with 3 to 5 pairs of small recurved canines; suborbital with straight lower edge and rounded posterior edge; pectoral fins extending to between level of anus and origin of anal fin; pelvic fins reaching to the first or second anal rays; caudal fin forked, upper lobe tails into a short reddish filament; dorsal fin bluish with a yellow margin distally and a broad yellow median band which subdivides posteriorly into 3 small bands.  相似文献   

Radioactive markers are useful in dating lead(Pb) deposition patterns from industrialization in sedimentary archives. As a well-known natural reserve in the world, Yancheng coastal wetland in Jiangsu Province is one of areas most sensitive to global sea level change and is located in the most developed and polluted region of China. Two cores were collected in Yancheng wetland in October 2013 and dated using ~(210)Pb and ~(137)Cs radiometric techniques. Sediments in both cores were sectioned into depth bands and examined systematically for dry bulk density, water content, magnetic susceptibility and grain-size. Multiple elements including Pb were also measured using inductively coupled plasma systems. Unsupported ~(210)Pb activities decreased with depth in both of the two cores, and ~(210)Pb chronologies were established(covering 150 years) using the constant rate of supply(CRS) model. The measured Pb contents ranged from 14.97 mg/kg to 29.40 mg/kg with average values of 17.17–22.79 mg/kg, and the Pb fluxes ranged from 41.70 mg/(m~2·yr) to 172.70 mg/(m~2·yr) with averages of 95.59–123.41 mg/(m~2·yr). Temporal variations of Pb flux, enrichment factors and Pb isotopes show a gradual and continuous increase over time and clearly reflect increased emissions from anthropogenic activities in the region. The Pb isotopic compositions show that most of Pb deposition in Yancheng wetland is input from natural sources by water flows and has the same levels of Pb as in the surface sediment of the Yangtze River and the Pacific mineral aerosol. We also stress the anthropogenic Pb contribution in Yangcheng wetland sediment and the reason of our Pb isotopes not showing anthropogenic signature is likely the instability of anthropogenic Pb in high Fe/Mn oxide conditions. Therefore, more attention should be paid to current local pollution problems, and society should take action to seek a balance between economic development and environmental protection.  相似文献   

Based on literature and survery data of fish composition collected by bottom trawl investigation from 2006 to 2007 infour main estuaries of China southeastern coastal areas and their adjacent waters,changes of the taxonomic diversity across spatialand temporal scales of fish community were analyzed by taxonomic diversity indices.The results are as follows:a total number of1397 fish species(including some freshwater species),belonging to 2 classes,42 orders,186 families and 593 genera,were collected inthe studied sea areas.The species richness increased with lower latitudes,particularly so with Perciformes.There were 339 fish spe-cies in the Yangtze River Estuary and adjacent waters,belonging to 2 classes,31 orders,101 families and 231 genera.There were 535fish species in the Minjiang River Estuary and adjacent waters,belonging to 2 classes,33 orders,133 families and 323 genera.A totalnumber of 803 fish species were collected in the Jiulongjiang River Estuary and adjacent waters,which belonged to 2 classes,35 orders,155 families and 419 genera.And 1021 fish species which belonged to 2 classes,32 orders,153 families,and 466 genera were collectedin the Pearl River Estuary and adjacent waters.The numbers of orders and families of fish species from the northern to the southern wa-ters first increased and then decreased.The average variation in taxonomic distinctness(Λ+)gradually decreased with lower latitudes inthe four estuaries and adjacent waters.There were no significant differences in the average taxonomic distinctness(△+)among the fourestuaries and adjacent waters,and fish fauna were closely related with each other,and all of them belonged to the same zoogeographicalfauna(Indian-Malaysia fauna).Fish composition in the Minjiang River Estuary and adjacent waters was more similar to that in the Jiu-longjiang River Estuary and adjacent waters among the four estuaries.Compared with the historical data,the average taxonomic dis-tinctness of fish community showed a great decrease in the Minjiang River Estuary and the Jiulongjiang River Estuary and their adjacentwaters.  相似文献   

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