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Helium, neon and argon isotope compositions of fluid inclusions have been measured in massive sulfide samples from the Jade hydrothermal field in the central Okinawa Trough. Fluid-inclusion 3He/4He ratios are between 6.2 and 10. l times the air value (Ra), and with a mean of 7.8Ra, which are consistent with the mid-ocean ridge basalt values [3He/^4He≈(6Ra- 11Ra)]. Values for ^20Ne/^22Ne are from 10.7 to 11.3, which are significantly higher than the atmospheric ratio (9.8). And the fluid-inclusion ^40Ar/^36Ar ratios range from 287 to 334, which are close to the atmosperic values (295.5). These results indicate that the noble gases of trapped hydrothermal fluids in massive sulfides are a mixture of mantle- and seawater-derived components, and the helium of fluid inclusions is mainly from mantle, the nelium and argon isotope compositions are mainly from seawater.  相似文献   

对冲绳海槽Jade热液区块状硫化物中流体包裹体的氦、氖和氩同位素组成进行了测定,流体包裹体的3He/4He比值为(6.2~10.1)Ra,均值为7.8Ra,与大洋中脊玄武岩一致[3He/4He≈(6~11)Ra],20Ne/22Ne比值为10.7~11.3,明显高于大气值(9.8),而40Ar/36Ar比值的变化范围在287~334之间,接近大气值(295.5),这些结果表明,块状硫化物中热液流体捕获的稀有气体是地幔和海水源组分混合的产物,且流体包裹体中的氦主要来自地幔,氖和氩主要来自海水。  相似文献   

The stable carbon isotopic ratios (δ13C) of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) of gas-rich fluid inclusions hosted in fracture-fill mineralization from the southern part of the Lower Saxony Basin, Germany have been measured online using a crushing device interfaced to an isotopic ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS). The data reveal that CH4 trapped in inclusions seems to be derived from different source rocks with different organic matter types. The δ13C values of CH4 in inclusions in quartz hosted by Carboniferous rocks range between −25 and −19‰, suggesting high-maturity coals as the source of methane. Methane in fluid inclusions in minerals hosted by Mesozoic strata has more negative carbon isotope ratios (−45 to −31‰) and appears to represent primary cracking products from type II kerogens, i.e., marine shales. There is a positive correlation between increasing homogenization temperatures of aqueous fluid inclusions and less negative δ13C(CH4) values of in co-genetic gas inclusions probably indicating different mtaturity of the potential source rocks at the time the fluids were released. The CO2 isotopic composition of CH4-CO2-bearing inclusions shows slight negative or even positive δ13C values indicating an inorganic source (e.g., water-rock interaction and dissolution of detrital, marine calcite) for CO2 in inclusions. We conclude that the δ13C isotopic ratios of CH4-CO2-bearing fluid inclusions can be used to trace migration pathways, sources of gases, and alteration processes. Furthermore, the δ13C values of methane can be used to estimate the maturity of the rocks from which it was sourced. Results presented here are further supported by organic geochemical analysis of surface bitumens which coexist with the gas inclusion-rich fracture-fill mineralization and confirm the isotopic interpretations with respect to fluid source, type and maturity.  相似文献   

The Wufeng-Longmaxi organic-rich shales host the largest shale gas fields of China. This study examines sealed fractures within core samples of the Wufeng-Longmaxi shales in the Jiaoshiba shale gas field in order to understand the development of overpressures (in terms of magnitude, timing and burial) in Wufeng-Longmaxi shales and thus the causes of present-day overpressure in these Paleozoic shale formations as well as in all gas shales. Quartz and calcite fracture cements from the Wufeng-Longmaxi shale intervals in four wells at depth intervals between 2253.89 m and 3046.60 m were investigated, and the fluid composition, temperature, and pressure during natural fracture cementation determined using an integrated approach consisting of petrography, Raman spectroscopy and microthermometry. Many crystals in fracture cements were found to contain methane inclusions only, and aqueous two-phase inclusions were consistently observed alongside methane inclusions in all cement samples, indicating that fluid inclusions trapped during fracture cementation are saturated with a methane hydrocarbon fluid. Homogenization temperatures of methane-saturated aqueous inclusions provide trends in trapping temperatures that Th values concentrate in the range of 198.5 °C–229.9 °C, 196.2 °C-221.7 °C for quartz and calcite, respectively. Pore-fluid pressures of 91.8–139.4 MPa for methane inclusions, calculated using the Raman shift of C-H symmetric stretching (v1) band of methane and equations of state for supercritical methane, indicate fluid inclusions trapped at near-lithostatic pressures. High trapping temperature and overpressure conditions in fluid inclusions represent a state of temperature and overpressure of Wufeng-Longmaxi shales at maximum burial and the early stage of the Yanshanian uplift, which can provide a key evidence for understanding the formation and evolution of overpressure. Our results demonstrate that the main cause of present-day overpressure in shale gas deposits is actually the preservation of moderate-high overpressure developed as a result of gas generation at maximum burial depths.  相似文献   

Processes underlying the temporal and spatial variations observed in the distribution of jellyfish and non‐gelatinous zooplankton in the Gulf of Oman are not well understood. This information gap is clearly a major issue in controlling the harmful blooms of jellyfish and non‐gelatinous zooplankton. Samples of jellyfish and non‐gelatinous zooplankton were collected from six stations in Chabahar Bay and three stations in Pozm Bay within four seasons. At each station, environmental variables were also recorded from bottom and surface water. A total of 83 individuals of medusae representing four species of Scyphozoa (i.e., Cyanea nozakii, Chrysaora sp., Pelagia noctiluca, Catostylus tagi) and species of Hydrozoa (i.e., Diphyes sp., Rhacostoma sp., Aequorea spp.) were observed in the study area. A total of 70,727.25 individuals/m?3 of non‐gelatinous zooplankton dominated by copepods and cladocerans were collected in nine stations within the four seasons. The results of a RELATE analysis yielded no significant association between species composition for jellyfish and non‐gelatinous zooplankton. Among environmental variables, water transparency, nitrite concentration, water depth and temperature were better associated with the total variation in jellyfish species composition than with that of non‐gelatinous zooplankton. Dissolved oxygen, pH, and phosphate concentration were significant environmental variables associated with the variation in the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of non‐gelatinous zooplankton assemblages. Although some jellyfish species (i.e., Rhacostoma sp., Pelagia noctiluca, Catostylus tagi) occur independently of non‐gelatinous zooplankton assemblages, other jellyfish (i.e., Chrysaora sp., Aequorea spp., Cyanea nozakii, Diphyes sp.) are strongly correlated with non‐gelatinous zooplankton assemblages.  相似文献   

Calcite veins and cements occur widely in Carboniferous and Permian reservoirs of the Hongche fault zone, northwestern Junggar Basin in northwest China. The calcites were investigated by fluid inclusion and trace-element analyses, providing an improved understanding of the petroleum migration history. It is indicated that the Hongche fault behaved as a migration pathway before the Early Cretaceous, allowing two oil charges to migrate into the hanging-wall, fault-core and footwall reservoirs across the fault. Since the Late Cretaceous, the Hongche fault has been sealed. As a consequence, meteoric water flowed down only into the hanging-wall and fault-core reservoirs. The meteoric-water incursion is likely an important cause for degradation of reservoir oils. In contrast, the footwall reservoirs received gas charge (the third hydrocarbon event) following the Late Cretaceous. This helps explain the distribution of petroleum across the fault. This study provides an example of how a fault may evolve as pathway and seal over time, and how reservoir diagenetic minerals can provide clues to complex petroleum migration histories.  相似文献   

To understand the source and nature of the ore-forming fluids of the Edmond hydrothermal field on the Central Indian Ridge, we studied the He-Ar isotope composition and fluid inclusions of the hydrothermal precipitates.Our results show that the sulfide samples contain noble gases He, Ne, Kr, and Xe with their abundances in between those of air-saturated water(ASW) and mid-ocean ridge basalt(MORB). The ~3He/~4He ratio varies from1.3 to 8.7 R_a(n=10, average: 5.1 R_a), whereas the ~(40)Ar/~(36) Ar ratio is from 285.3 to 314.7(n=10, average: 294.8). These results suggest that the He was derived from a mixture of MORB with variable amounts of seawater, but the Ar in the ore-forming fluids trapped in the sulfides is predominantly derived from seawater. The fluid inclusions of barite have a wide range of homogenization temperatures and salinities varying from 163°C to 260°C and 2.6 wt%to 8.5 wt% Na Cl equiv., respectively. It is suggested that the ore-forming fluids were produced by phase separation, which agreed with the present-day vent fluid study.  相似文献   

The Ulleung Basin, East (Japan) Sea, is well-known for the occurrence of submarine slope failures along its entire margins and associated mass-transport deposits (MTDs). Previous studies postulated that gas hydrates which broadly exist in the basin could be related with the failure process. In this study, we identified various features of slope failures on the margins, such as landslide scars, slide/slump bodies, glide planes and MTDs, from a regional multi-channel seismic dataset. Seismic indicators of gas hydrates and associated gas/fluid flow, such as the bottom-simulating reflector (BSR), seismic chimneys, pockmarks, and reflection anomalies, were re-compiled. The gas hydrate occurrence zone (GHOZ) within the slope sediments was defined from the BSR distribution. The BSR is more pronounced along the southwestern slope. Its minimal depth is about 100 m below seafloor (mbsf) at about 300 m below sea-level (mbsl). Gas/fluid flow and seepage structures were present on the seismic data as columnar acoustic-blanking zones varying in width and height from tens to hundreds of meters. They were classified into: (a) buried seismic chimneys (BSC), (b) chimneys with a mound (SCM), and (c) chimneys with a depression/pockmark (SCD) on the seafloor. Reflection anomalies, i.e., enhanced reflections below the BSR and hyperbolic reflections which could indicate the presence of gas, together with pockmarks which are not associated with seismic chimneys, and SCDs are predominant in the western-southwestern margin, while the BSR, BSCs and SCMs are widely distributed in the southern and southwestern margins. Calculation of the present-day gas-hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) shows that the base of the GHSZ (BGHSZ) pinches out at water depths ranging between 180 and 260 mbsl. The occurrence of the uppermost landslide scars which is below about 190 mbsl is close to the range of the GHSZ pinch-out. The depths of the BSR are typically greater than the depths of the BGHSZ on the basin margins which may imply that the GHOZ is not stable. Close correlation between the spatial distribution of landslides, seismic features of free gas, gas/fluid flow and expulsion and the GHSZ may suggest that excess pore-pressure caused by gas hydrate dissociation could have had a role in slope failures.  相似文献   

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