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苏北青龙山超高压变质榴辉岩流体包裹体特征与流体演化   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3  
根据青龙山超高压变质榴辉岩中流体包裹体的化学成分、矿物中的分布特征将岩石中的流体包裹体分为五类,即富N2包裹体、高盐度(22.4-略大于23.2wt%NaCl)的NaCl CaCl2 H2O体系流体包裹体、中高盐度(12.6-16.0wt%NaCl)的含Mg2 或Fe2 的NaCl H2O体系流体包裹体、中等盐度(6.4-10.5wt%NaCl)水溶液包裹体和低盐度(3.3-0.2wt%NaCl)的水溶液包裹体。富N2包裹体形成于超高压变质峰期阶段,高盐度的流体包裹体形成于超高压变质岩折返早期固体出溶体出溶阶段,中高盐度的流体包裹体形成于高压变质重结晶作用阶段,中等盐度的流体包裹体形成于角闪岩相变质重结晶作用阶段,低盐度的流体包裹体形成于折返晚期的绿片岩退变质作用阶段。超高压变质峰期阶段和折返早期的高盐度流体和中高盐度的流体主要来自继承原岩中的流体(如含NH4 矿物分解或片麻岩原岩中的有机质分解,名义上无水矿物中羧基水的出溶),晚期角闪岩相退变质阶段的中等盐度的流体除名义上无水矿物中羟基水的出溶外还有外来流体的加入,绿片岩相退变质作用阶段的流体主要为外来流体。  相似文献   

刘贻灿  古晓锋  李曙光 《岩石学报》2009,25(9):2149-2156
岩石学研究表明,北大别超高压榴辉岩经过了超高压和高压榴辉岩相变质作用以及麻粒岩相叠加和角闪岩相退变质作用.其中,高压麻粒岩相和角闪岩相变质阶段形成的后成合晶以及石榴子石和单斜辉石等矿物中成分分带的存在,证明该区榴辉岩经历了一个快速折返过程;而不同变质阶段的温度、压力和形成时代,却反映该区榴辉岩在峰期超高压变质作用之后又经历了一个缓慢冷却过程.超高压岩石折返期间的缓慢冷却过程也许正是北大别长期难以发现柯石英和有关超高压证据的重要原因.因此,本文为大别山不同超高压岩片的差异折返模型的建立提供了新的证据.  相似文献   

徐荣  刘勇胜  张艳飞  邹宗琪  张军波 《岩石学报》2022,38(12):3771-3784



The electrical conductivity of upper-mantle rocks—dunite, pyroxenite, and lherzolite—was measured at ∼2–3 GPa and ∼1,273–1,573 K using impedance spectra within a frequency range of 0.1–10Hz. The oxygen fugacity was controlled by a Mo–MoO2 solid buffer. The results indicate that the electrical conductivity of lherzolite and pyroxenite are approximately half and one order of magnitude higher than that of dunite, respectively. A preliminary model involving water and iron content effects on the electrical conductivity was derived and is summarized by the relation:
The results also indicate that pyroxenes dominate the bulk conductivity of upper mantle in hydrous conditions and suggest the maximum water content in oceanic upper mantle is as high as ∼0.09 wt%.  相似文献   

We determined high-resolution three-dimensional P- and S-wave velocity (Vp, Vs) structures beneath Kyushu in Southwest Japan using 177,500 P and 174,025 S wave arrival times from 8515 local earthquakes. A Poisson's ratio structure was derived from the obtained Vp and Vs values. Our results show that significant low-Vp, low-Vs and high Poisson's ratio zones are extensively distributed along the volcanic front in the uppermost mantle, which extend and dip toward the back-arc side in the mantle wedge. In the crust, low-Vp, low-Vs and high Poisson's ratio anomalies exist beneath the active volcanoes. The subducting Philippine Sea slab is clearly imaged as a high-Vp, high-Vs and low Poisson's ratio zone from the Nankai Trough to the back-arc. A thin low-velocity zone is detected above the subducting Philippine Sea slab in the mantle wedge, and earthquakes in the upper mantle are distributed along the transition zone between this thin low-velocity zone and the high-velocity Philippine Sea slab, which may imply that oceanic crust exists on the top of the slab and the forearc mantle wedge is serpentinized due to the slab dehydration. The seismic velocity of the subducting oceanic crust with basaltic or gabbroic composition is lower than that of the mantle according to the previous studies. The serpentinization process could also dramatically reduce the seismic velocity in the forearc mantle wedge.  相似文献   

本总结了榴辉岩的高温高压弹性波速测量结果,并将其应用于苏鲁超高压变质带地震资料的解释。由于榴辉岩具有高密度和高波速,它们和长英质片麻岩、大理岩、石英岩、角闪岩、麻粒岩、蛇纹石化橄榄岩的界面可以产生强反射。如果俯冲的陆壳物质以榴辉岩与围岩互层的形式在上地幔保留下来,就可能在造山带的上地幔产生地震反射。根据CCSD孔区地震剖面所建立的地壳成分模型表明:苏鲁超高压带地壳浅部的高速层可归因于夹在花岗质片麻岩、副片麻岩、角闪岩等岩石中的榴辉岩和超基性岩;中地壳主要由中酸性片麻岩、斜长角闪岩和副片麻岩组成;下地壳以中基性麻粒岩为主。在该超高压变质带现今的深部地壳,榴辉岩含量很少或几乎没有。因此,折返的超高压变质岩是以构造岩片的形式沿一系列剪切带逆冲并覆盖在正常的中下地壳之上,深部榴辉岩的缺乏可能与下地壳拆沉作用无关。  相似文献   

关于现今板块构造体制何时启动是目前地球科学研究的焦点问题。本文在原报道的古元古代丰镇火成碳酸岩中发现的榴辉岩捕虏体基础上,开展了详细的岩石学研究。该榴辉岩捕虏体分为两种类型:即相对富石榴石的Fz-2和贫石榴石的Fz-16,它们产于同一地点,且具有相同的矿物成分和结构构造特征。Xu et al.(2018)的研究表明该捕虏体具有1839±26Ma和1766±7Ma的独居石U-Th-Pb年龄且具有大洋辉长岩原岩的全岩成分特征。本文通过进一步的岩相学研究发现该榴辉岩至少经历了两期变质阶段:M1,角闪石/绿帘石-榴辉岩阶段;M2,硬柱石-榴辉岩阶段。具有放射状裂纹包裹特征的柯英石假象在石榴石变斑晶和基质绿辉石中以包体形式出现。以蓝晶石与黝帘石共存为特征的柱状硬柱石假象,也偶尔以包体形式存在于石榴石中。变斑晶石榴石分为富含包体的核部和比较干净的边部。石榴石从中心到边部具有明显的镁铝榴石含量增加和钙铝榴石含量降低的环带特征,通过相平衡模拟和等值线投图得到其温压范围为2.6~3.7GPa和655~670℃,记录了从M1到M2的近等温增压的进变质过程。通过石榴石边部-绿辉石-蓝晶石-石英的地质温压计计算得到温压条件为3.0GPa、734℃。金红石中的锆含量温度计也给出了相似的温度条件,即在2.6~3.7GPa压力时为601~685℃。石榴石边部的柯石英假象和硬柱石假象支持了M2硬柱石-榴辉岩阶段的存在,这表明丰镇古元古代榴辉岩可能是目前发现的世界上最古老的低温超高压变质岩。同时,我们得到该榴辉岩代表的进变质过程中的地温梯度为216±35℃/GPa,证明至少在~1.8Ga以来代表现今板块构造体制的板块冷俯冲作用就开始启动了。  相似文献   

苏文  高俊  Reiner  KLEMD  熊贤明 《岩石学报》2006,22(5):1380-1386
运用电子探针和显微Fourier变换红外光谱技术,对新疆西天山3个榴辉岩样品中的石榴石进行了详细的主量元素和结构水分析。结果显示,石榴石发育以核部富锰铝榴石组分、边部富镁铝榴石组分进变质作用的成分环带。石榴石中OH^-1分布也具有规律:核部→边缘。其结构水OH^-1逐步增加,即从核部的89-239ppm增加到边部的367-658ppm;与石榴石边部相比,石榴石的核部含有较低的OH^-1,却含有较高的H2O和Mn含量。这表明,在蓝片岩向榴辉岩进变质作用过程中,含水矿物脱水反应而释放出大量的分子水,这部分水促进了高压变质反应,形成榴辉岩相矿物,石榴石核部的结晶就是在富水和Mn的条件下进行的。随着高压变质作用的继续,石榴石核部的分子水逐步失水而进入石榴石晶格,形成结构水。因此,在高压变质作用过程中,OH^-1演化实际上是一个由内部不平衡逐步向平衡转变过程。P588.348  相似文献   

中国大陆科学钻探主孔位于苏鲁超高压带南部的东海县毛北榴辉岩体之上。主孔0-600米深度的榴辉岩的塑性变形以具中等倾角的东倾面理,近南北向的水平拉伸线理、“A”型剪切褶皱和一系列平行面理的微型韧性剪切带为特征。使用电子背散射(EBSD)技术测量的主孔7个榴辉岩样品的石榴石和绿辉石的晶格优选定向(LPO)表明:石榴石基本上无序排列,而绿辉石表现出强烈的LPO。绿辉石的[001]轴近平行于拉伸线理方向,(010)面的法线和[100]轴垂直面理分布,{110}的法线形成垂直面理的环带,反映绿辉石的位错蠕变由[001](100)和1/2〈^-110〉滑移系控制,其不对称的LPO指示了由北向南的剪切指向。根据单斜辉石的高温实验结果,毛北榴辉岩经历了800-900℃的超高压变质作用。通过构造重塑,揭示毛北榴辉岩体为剪切流变褶皱,形成于扬子板块深俯冲时的超高压变质过程。因此榴辉岩中保留的早期岩石组构特征可以为板块的深俯冲运动学和俯冲极性提供重要信息。  相似文献   

The Maowu eclogite–pyroxenite body is a small (250×50 m) layered intrusion that occurs in the ultra-high-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane of Dabieshan, China. Like the adjacent Bixiling complex, the Maowu intrusion was initially emplaced at a crustal level, then subducted along with the country gneisses to mantle depths and underwent UHP metamorphism during the collision of the North and South China Blocks in the Triassic. This paper presents the results of a geochemical and isotopic investigation on the metamorphosed Maowu body. The Maowu intrusion has undergone open system chemical and isotopic behavior three times. Early crustal contamination during magmatic differentiation is manifested by high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.707–0.708) and inhomogeneous negative Nd(T) values of −3 to −10 at 500 Ma (probable protolith age). Post-magmatic and pre-UHP metamorphic metasomatism is indicated by sinusoidal REE patterns of garnet orthopyroxenites, lack of whole-rock (WR) Sm–Nd isochronal relationship, low δ18O values and an extreme enrichment of Th and REE in a clinopyroxenite. Finally, K and Rb depletion during UHP metamorphism is deduced from the high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios unsupported by in situ Rb/Sr ratios. Laser ICP-MS spot analyses on mineral grains show that (1) Grt and Cpx attained chemical equilibrium during UHP metamorphism, (2) Cpx/Grt partition coefficients for REE correlate with Ca, and (3) LREE abundances in whole rocks are not balanced by that of the principal phases (Grt and Cpx), implying that the presence of LREE-rich accessory phases, such as monazite and apatite, is required to account for the REE budget.

Sm–Nd isotope analyses of minerals yielded three internal isochrons with ages of 221±5 Ma and (T)=−5.4 for an eclogite, 231±16 Ma and (T)=−6.2 for a garnet websterite, and 236±19 Ma and (T)=−6.9 for a garnet clinopyroxenite. The Cpx/Grt chemical equilibrium and the consistent mineral isochron ages indicate that the metasomatic processes mentioned above must have occurred prior to the UHP metamorphism. These Sm–Nd ages agree with published zircon and monazite U–Pb ages and constrain the time of UHP metamorphism to 220–236 Ma. The Maowu and Bixiling layered intrusions are similar in their in situ tectonic relationship with their country gneisses, but the two bodies are distinguished by their magma-chamber processes. The Bixiling magmas were contaminated by the lower crust, whereas the Maowu magmas were contaminated by the upper crustal rocks during their emplacement and differentiation. The two complexes represent two distinct suites of magmatic rocks, which have resided in the continental crust for about 300–400 Ma before their ultimate subduction to mantle depths, UHP metamorphism and return to the crustal level.  相似文献   

Temperature and water content anomalies just above the 660-km discontinuity under the Japan Islands are estimated from seismological observations. Two sets of seismological observations of P-wave velocity perturbations and depth variations of the 660-km discontinuity are used, which are (1) long-wavelength (~ 500 km) variations from seismic tomography based on a grid parameterization and waveform analysis of ScS reverberations and (2) moderate-wavelength (~ 150 km) variations from seismic tomography with a block parameterization and receiver-function analysis. To estimate temperature and water content anomalies, partial derivatives of velocity and depth variations with respect to temperature and water content determined by mineral physics studies are used. Under Southwest Japan, low temperature and high water-content anomalies are obtained from both sets of seismological observations, which have already been found by a previous study. Under Northeast Japan, however, there are discrepancies between the results estimated from the two data sets, possibly due to the different resolution scales. This discrepancy is dismissed when examining distributions of the temperature and water content anomalies. These anomalies can be grouped into two geographical locations, one group under Southwest Japan, the other under Northeast Japan. The two groups are clearly separated and exhibit common features in both sets of the seismological observations. The grouping is interpreted by a compositional difference between the subducting Pacific slab under Southwest Japan and a normal mantle under Northeast Japan.  相似文献   

Wencai Yang 《Tectonophysics》2009,475(2):226-234
All results from integrated geophysical investigations in the Sulu region are summarized in this paper, trying to reconstruct the Sulu UHPM processes. New seismic S-wave tomographic results suggest a velocity-abnormal zone occurs beneath the Sulu crust, revealing detailed upper mantle structures that high-velocity lumps within the abnormal zone are sequentially distributed beneath the bottom of the asthenosphere. These high-velocity lumps might represent delaminated eclogites or residuals of the subducted oceanic plate. Based on integrated interpretation of the geophysical data, we propose a working model for tectonic reconstruction of the Sulu UHPM processes, which can explain the crust and upper mantle structures of the area. The involved tectonic processes are related to north-eastward escaping of the Sulu terrane, subduction and delamination cycles of the Dabie-Sulu oceanic plate, and post-orogenic lithospheric thinning and magma underplating. The UHPM rocks are believed to have syn-subduction delaminated down to the bottom of the asthenosphere during 245-180 Ma, and the delamination process seemed smooth and nearly continuous without extensive violence.  相似文献   

地幔中水的存在形式和含水量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水以含水变质矿物、无水硅酸盐矿物(橄榄石、辉石等)及其高压结构相(β橄榄石、γ橄榄石、钙钛矿相、方镁铁矿等)、高密度含水镁硅酸盐和熔体的形式存在于地幔各层圈中。根据各类玄武岩水含量推断出的上地幔源区的水含量,和由地幔岩主要矿物———橄榄石的水含量估算出的上地幔水含量(质量分数)很接近,在0.02%左右。以橄榄石和辉石高压相的水含量为依据,进行了过渡带和下地幔水含量的估算,其结果是:过渡带和下地幔上部的水含量(质量分数)为1.48%,下地幔下部水含量(质量分数)为0.21%。据此,计算出的地幔各层圈的总水量表明,地幔水的74%以上存在于过渡带和下地幔上部。将地幔总水量和现代海洋总水量之和作为地球总水量,计算出现代海洋总水量约占全球总水量(质量分数)的6.6%,这个结果与笔者根据地球的球粒陨石成分模型计算出的总水量(6%)十分接近。  相似文献   

大别-苏鲁区超高压变质岩的多期构造变质演化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对大别-苏鲁地区超高压(UHP)变质岩的详细构造和岩石学研究揭示了其复杂的构造变质演化历史。除前超高压事件外,至少可识别出5个相继发育的构造变质事件或阶段(D_1-D_5)。D_1和 D_2同超高压事件与三叠纪(250~230Ma)中朝克拉通和扬子克拉通间的大陆深俯冲及碰撞有关,而超高压后的 D_3和 D_4韧性变形及其伴生的减压部分熔融作用和退变质作用事件,则是超高压岩石向中上地壳折返过程中(230~140Ma)发生的。碰撞后形成的 D_4构造,主导了大别-苏鲁超高压和高压变质带区域尺度的构造格架。第5阶段的构造以摩擦或摩擦-粘性过渡性变形机制为主,并伴随有大规模的未变形的花岗质岩体就位,该期构造热事控制了现今大别-苏鲁地区的地貌学特征。新的构造和岩石学资料并结合可利用的地质年代学和地球化学等资料,提出一个涉及中朝与扬子克拉通间三叠纪大陆深俯冲、碰撞及相继超高压变质岩石向地表的多期折返构造变质演化模式。  相似文献   

1:25万区域地质调查在东昆仑西段昆中断裂以北的北昆仑变质基底中发现了呈构造透镜分布的榴辉岩及其退变质的榴闪岩,沿小灶火-苏海图-夏日哈木-拉宁灶火断续延伸长达20km.榴辉岩经历了强烈的退变质作用,大部分已退变为榴闪岩,由峰期变质矿物组合石榴石+绿辉石+金红石+钛铁矿和后期退变矿物组合普通角闪石(绿色)+斜长石组成,石榴石边缘发育似针状普通角闪石及微粒状斜长石组成的后合成晶结构,形成宽0.15~1cm的"白眼圈"结构.石榴石成分为Alm52-53And4.2Spess0.7-1.2Gros21.7-22Pyrope19-20,绿辉石中硬玉分子量30.14mol%~37.7mol%.估算榴辉岩相变质温压条件P≈20kbar、T≈660~700℃,榴闪岩相退变温压条件P≈7kbar、T≈550℃,岩石经历了明显的降温降压过程.榴辉岩中锆石阴极发光图像显示大部分具有扇形分带或"杉树叶"结构,17颗锆石Th/U极低,在0.007~0.09之间,其(LA-ICP-MS)U-Pb年龄411.1±1.9Ma代表了榴辉岩相峰期变质年龄,结合区域构造岩浆事件,确定本次高压变质的峰期时代为晚志留-早泥盆世,其形成可能与大规模的陆-陆碰撞事件有关,这一发现为研究东昆仑造山带的构造演化具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Lattice-preferred orientations (LPO) of olivine, diopside, enstatite and garnet from the Zhimafang garnet peridotite body in the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane (China) were measured using the electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique. The peridotite was captured from a mantle wedge immediately adjacent the subducted Yangtze slab and then experienced the UHP metamorphism at 750–950 °C and 4–7 GPa. The olivine LPO is characterized by the [001] axis close to the stretching lineation and the (100) plane subparallel to the foliation, indicating the prevailing of (100) [001] slip. Enstatite LPO displays the dominance of (100) [001] slip. Diopside developed complex LPO patterns that are difficult to explain using a single slip system of (100) [001]. Garnet is almost randomly oriented due to its low volume fractions, cubic symmetry and the presence of numerous slip systems. Calculated seismic properties of the peridotite yield a maximum P-wave velocity normal to the foliation and a minimum along the foliation, with anisotropy up to 8% in strongly sheared samples. The S-wave velocity pattern is complex but the fast polarization plane generally normal to the foliation. The inferred shear sense from the olivine LPO is top-to-SE, in contrary to exhumation-induced top-to-NW thrusting recorded in the quartz LPO, implying that the olivine LPO formed at early UHP metamorphic conditions. The olivine crystals have relatively low water contents (141–475 H/106 Si), indicating a fluid-deficient environment for the LPO formation. The present study suggests that a combination of low temperature and UHP plays a much more important role than the water content to promote the activation of (100) [001] slip in olivine.  相似文献   

夏群科  刘佳  张宝华  李佩  顾笑龑  陈欢 《岩石学报》2022,38(12):3631-3646



The Khoynarood area is located in the northwest of Iran, lying at the northwestern end of the Urumieh–Dokhtar volcano-plutonic belt and being part of the Qaradagh–South Armenia domain. The main intrusive rocks outcropped in the area have compositions ranging from monzonite–quartz monzonite, through granodiorite, to diorite–hornblende diorite, accompanied by several dikes of diorite–quartz diorite and hornblende diorite compositions, which were geochemically studied in order to provide further data and evidence for the geodynamic setting of the region. The SiO2, Al2O3 and MgO contents of these rocks are about 58.32–68.12%, 14.13–18.65% and 0.68–4.27%, respectively. They are characterized by the K2O/Na2O ratio of 0.26–0.58, Fe2O3 + MnO + MgO + TiO2 content about 4.27–13.13%, low Y (8–17 ppm) and HREE (e.g., 1–2 ppm Yb) and high Sr contents (750–1330 ppm), as well as high ratios of Ba/La (13.51–50.96), (La/Yb)N (7–22), Sr/Y (57.56–166.25), Rb/La (1.13–2.96) and La/Yb (10–33.63), which may testify to the adakitic nature of these intrusions. Their chemical composition corresponds to high-silica adakites, displaying enrichments of LREEs and LILEs and preferential depletion of HFSEs, (e.g., Ti, Ta and Nb). The REE differentiation pattern and the low HREE and Y contents might be resulted from the presence of garnet and amphibole in the solid residue of the source rock, while the high Sr content and the negative anomalies of Ti, Ta and Nb may indicate the absence of plagioclase and presence of Fe and Ti oxides in it. As a general scenario, it may be concluded that the adakitic rocks in the Khoynarood were most likely resulted from detachment of the subducting Neo-Tethyan eclogitic slab after subduction cessation between Arabian and Central Iranian plates during the upper Cretaceous–early Cenozoic and partial melting of the detached slab, followed by interactions with metasomatized mantle wedge peridotite and contamination with continental crust.  相似文献   

本文分析了中国东部的上地幔剪切波速度结构及其与超高压变质岩带之间关系的构造意义。结果表明,在华北块体下面150km深处的速度高于扬子块体的速度值。大别-苏鲁造山构造带下面存在着一条地震波速度变化带。苏鲁、山东半岛下面的速度分布与大别造山带下面的速度分布处于同一个速度等值区域上。横跨大别造山带的南北走向速度结构剖面上,在100km以上的地壳和上地幔区域,华北块体下与扬子块体下面的速度均略低平均值。100km以下,大别造山带南北两侧的扬子与华北块体下面的速度结构分布形态大相径庭。华北下面的波速高于扬子块体下面的波速。大别造山带下呈现速度异常,界线的南侧,有一个略低于零速度的负波速异常区,呈现由南向华北块体的下方斜冲形态,下冲角度大约为30°,其先端部位下冲深达300多公里,其外围零速度等值线的分布区,斜向下延伸超过400km。在速度结构变化分界线的北侧,一个零速度值的分布区带,呈现出从由100多公里深处从北向南朝地表面斜上冲形态。这些速度结构成像的几何形态可能意味着200Ma前大别超高压变质岩带的形成与演化的俯冲、折返的构造运动在上地幔和岩石圈中留下的“痕迹”。  相似文献   

The Kuril-Kamchatka seismofocal zone was thought to be a single plate approximately 90 km wide and dipping to a depth of 700 km at an angle of 40°–45°. This concept reflects primarily the physical differences (elastic wave velocities, density, temperature, etc.) between the seismofocal zone and the mantle hosting it. Detailed investigations show that the seismofocal zone proper is also heterogeneous with earthquake hypocenters variably concentrated and clustered within this zone, where both seismogenic and aseismic strata, as well as subvertical zones, can be identified. The latter are reflected in the structure and faults of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle.  相似文献   

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