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利用2007—2009年热带降雨测量卫星(TRMM)的微波成像仪(TMI)观测到的亮温资料,计算9个通道(10、19、37、85 GHz的水平和垂直极化通道及21 GHz的垂直极化通道)的亮温和极化修正温度(PCT)在不同范围内的最大值、最小值、平均值和区域阈值与热带气旋强度之间的关系。结果表明:亮温信息可较好地反映热带气旋的强度,单个参数与热带气旋最大风速的相关性最好可达到0.83,线性拟合的均方根误差接近业务误差;低频通道的亮温相对于高频通道可更好地估计海上热带气旋强度;位于台风中心0.5°~1.5°度范围之间的亮温与气旋强度的相关性较好,圆形区域的相关性好于圆环区域;对于位于海上的热带气旋,区域亮温的最小值与热带气旋强度的关系最好;低频通道(除10 GHz外),阈值位于260~280 K区间的亮温与热带气旋强度的相关性较好。  相似文献   

利用2007—2009年热带降雨测量卫星(TRMM)微波成像仪(TMI)观测的亮温资料,建立一种西北太平洋热带气旋强度(Tropical Cyclone,TC)的估计模型,对2010年热带气旋进行独立估计试验,并对估计误差进行分析。结果表明:该模型对强度小于强台风TC的拟合效果较好,均方根误差约为5 m/s,平均绝对误差约为4 m/s;对强台风和超强台风TC的拟合误差较大,均方根误差分别为9.65和6.60 m/s,平均绝对误差分别为7.76和5.49 m/s;对强台风及以上强度的TC,模型的拟合误差在日(夜)间减小(增大),误差最小(大)值为6.00 m/s(11.96 m/s),说明估计值在日(夜)间偏大(小)。  相似文献   

Variable thicknesses in the lowest half-ηmodel level (LML) are often used in atmospheric models to compute surface diagnostic fields such as surface latent and sensible heat fluxes.The effects of the LML on simulated tropical cyclone (TC)evolution were investigated in this study using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model.The results demonstrated notable influences of the LML on TC evolution when the LML was placed below 12 m.The TC intensification rate decreased progressively with a lowering of the LML,but its ultimate intensity change was relatively small.The maximum 10-m winds showed different behavior to minimum sea level pressure and azimuthally-averaged tangential winds,and thus the windpressure relationship was changed accordingly by varying the LML.The TC circulation was more contracted in association with a higher LML.Surface latent heat fluxes were enhanced greatly by elevating the LML,wherein the wind speed at the LML played a dominant role.The changes in the wind speed at the LML were dependent not only on their profile differences,but also the different heights they were taken from.Due to the enhanced surface heat fluxes,more intense latent heat release occurred in the eyewall,which boosted the storm's intensification.A higher LML tended to produce a stronger storm,and therefore the surface friction was reinforced,which in turn induced stronger boundary layer inflow together with increased diabatic heating.  相似文献   

准确估算热带气旋(TC)强度,对于预测TC发展、减少财产损失具有重要的意义。前人将TC看作满足静力平衡和梯度风平衡的轴对称涡旋系统,基于云顶高度、云顶温度、海表面气压等物理量建立了TC强度估算模型,该模型未考虑环境垂直风切变对TC强度的影响。本文提出一种修正模型,通过统计拟合手段将垂直风切变加入原模型中。从2006—2015年的Cloud Sat资料中筛选出穿心个例共63个。针对云雷达(CPR)数据特点,提出根据反射率因子的垂直分布确定眼墙和外围边界位置的方法。分别用原模型与修正模型对这63个TC个例进行强度估算。与最佳路径数据相比,原模型结果总体偏大,尤其对风切变较大、强度较小的个例估算效果不佳。修正模型对于风切变大于5 m·s~(-1)的个例误差明显减小,平均绝对误差MAE、均方根误差RMSE和平均绝对误差百分比MAPE分别从5.8 m·s~(-1)、7.7 m·s~(-1)和19.5%变为3.5 m·s~(-1)、4.9 m·s~(-1)和11.5%。在一定强度范围内,修正模型估算效果随着强度的增强而提升。修正模型对于成熟阶段的个例效果更好,北半球的估算精度高于南半球,纬度越高,估算误差越小。试验结果表明,用该修正模型估算TC强度是可行的,可以对现有的技术进行辅助和补充。  相似文献   

利用1979—2012年西北太平洋热带气旋最佳路径资料,Hadley中心的海温资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料等,研究了夏季(6—10月)热带北大西洋海温异常与西北太平洋热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone,TC)生成的关系及其可能机制。结果表明,夏季热带北大西洋海温异常与同期西北太平洋TC生成频次之间存在显著的负相关关系。热带北大西洋海温的异常增暖可产生一对东—西向分布的偶极型低层异常环流,其中气旋性异常环流位于北大西洋/东太平洋地区,反气旋异常环流位于西北太平洋地区。该反气旋环流异常使得TC主要生成区的对流活动受到抑制、低层涡度正异常、中低层相对湿度负异常、中层下沉气流异常,这些动力/热力条件均不利于TC生成。此外,西北太平洋地区低层涡旋动能负异常,同时来自大尺度环流的涡旋动能的正压转换也受到抑制,不能为TC的生成和发展提供额外能量源。反之亦然。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of two different ensemble forecasting (EF) techniques–the lagged-averaged forecast (LAF) and the breeding of growing modes (BGM). In the BGM experiments, the vortex and the environment are perturbed separately (named BGMV and BGME). Tropical cyclone (TC) motions in two difficult situations are studied: a large vortex interacting with its environment, and an apparent binary interaction. The former is Typhoon Yancy and the latter involves Typhoon Ed and super Typhoon Flo, all occurring during the Tropical Cyclone Motion Experiment TCM- 90. The model used is the baroclinic model of the University of New South Wales. The lateral boundary tendencies are computed from atmospheric analysis data. Only the relative skill of the ensemble forecast mean over the control run is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the EF methods, although the EF technique is also used to quantify forecast uncertainty in some studies. In the case of Yancy, the ensemble mean forecasts of each of the three methodologies are better than that of the control, with LAF being the best. The mean track of the LAF is close to the best track, and it predicts landfall over Taiwan. The improvements in LAF and the full BGM where both the environment and vortex are perturbed suggest the importance of combining the perturbation of the vortex and environment when the interaction between the two is appreciable. In the binary interaction case of Ed and Flo, the forecasts of Ed appear to be insensitive to perturbations of the environment and/or the vortex, which apparently results from erroneous forecasts by the model of the interaction between the subtropical ridge and Ed, as well as from the interaction between the two typhoons, thus reducing the effectiveness of the EF technique. This conclusion is reached through sensitivity experiments on the domain of the model and by adding or eliminating certain features in the model atmosphere. Nevertheless, the forecast tracks in some of the cases are improved over that of the control. On the other hand, the EF technique has little impact on the forecasts of Flo because the control forecast is already very close to the best track. The study provides a basis for the future development of the EF technique. The limitations of this study are also addressed. For example, the above results are based on a small sample, and the study is actually a simulation, which is different than operational forecasting. Further tests of these EF techniques are proposed.  相似文献   

为探究西北太平洋台风尺度对台风强度变化的影响,从美国联合台风预警中心(JTWC)2006—2015年最优路径(best track)观测资料中筛选出快速增强和非快速增强两类台风样本,采用台风最大风速半径(RMW)、34 kn(1 kn=0.51 m/s)风速等值线半径(AR34)和最外围闭合等压线半径(ROCI)三个尺度参数,初步分析了台风尺度与强度变化之间的关系。结果表明:内核尺度(RMW和AR34)与台风强度变化之间存在显著负相关,而外核尺度(ROCI)与台风强度变化之间的相关性较弱。经历和未经历快速增强过程的两类台风的初始尺度,前者显著小于后者。可以使用RMW和AR34代表的尺度参数来辅助中小尺度台风的强度预报和快速增强过程的预测。  相似文献   

The evolution of spiral-band-like structures triggered by asymmetric heating in three tropical-cyclone-like vortices of different intensities is examined using the Three-Dimensional Vortex Perturbation Analyzer and Simulator (3DVPAS) model. To simulate the spiral bands, asymmetric thermal perturbations are imposed on the radius of maximum wind (RMW) of vortices, which can be considered as the location near the eyewall of real tropical cyclones (TCs). All the three vortices experience a hydrostatic adjustment after the introduction of thermal asymmetries. It takes more time for weaker and stable vortices to finish such a process. The spiral-band-like structures, especially those distant from the vortex centers, form and evolve accompanying this process. In the quasi-balance state, the spiral bands are gradually concentrated to the inner core, the wave behavior of which resembles the features of classic vortex Rossby (VR) waves. The unstable vortices regain nonhydrostatic features after the quasi-balance stage. The spiral bands further from the vortex center, similar to distant spiral bands in real TCs, form and maintain more easily in the moderate basic-state vortex, satisfying the conditions of barotropic instability. The widest radial extent and longest-lived distant bands always exist in weak and stable vortices. This study represents an attempt to determine the role of TC intensity and stability in the formation and evolution of spiral bands via hydrostatic balance adjustment, and provides some valuable insights into the formation of distant spiral rainbands.  相似文献   

登陆华南热带气旋强度变化与大尺度环流的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用UK再分析资料,采用合成分析方法,对比分析了登陆华南的登陆前迅速增强的TC(Rapid Intensifying TC,简称RITC)和迅速减弱的TC(Rapid FillingTC,简称RFTC)登陆前24h的大尺度环流背景特征。结果表明:从外流、入流强度和范围上看,RITC的低空入流和高空外流均明显强于RFTC,两类TC高空外流强度的差异比低空入流明显,RITC的次级环流径向范围大;从外流垂直伸展高度上看,RITC的平均外流主要集中在500hPa以上,而RFFC的平均外流比较分散,向下伸展到850hPa;从高空流场配置看,RITC上空除西北象限外均有较强外流,而RVrC仅在东北象限有较强外流,相应的RITC和RVrC的高空辐散在范围和强度上均有明显的差异,其中RITC的高空辐散明显强于RFTC;强烈的西南季风水汽输送是登陆华南的TC登陆前突然加强的先兆条件,RITC的对流活动明显比RFTc活跃;RITC的纬向风垂直切变比RFTC小,有利于RITC的强度增强。  相似文献   

热带气旋移动速度是目前热带气旋研究热点之一。本文利用1951—2017年中国国家气象局最佳路径集资料,系统分析了西北太平洋海域热带气旋不同强度等级移动速度的年代际特征,初步探讨其原因,并对不同强度等级移动速度的分布特征进行系统诊断。结果表明,1951—2017年间平均移动速度(所有强度等级平均及对于大部分强度等级)呈现出减慢趋势,且主要体现在强热带气旋等级移动速度减慢;热带气旋向高纬度迁移趋势理论上将使移动速度增大而移动速度仍然减慢,说明气候因素是引起移动速度减慢的一个重要因素;不同强度等级平均移动速度、增强阶段基本相当,减弱阶段随强度减弱在初、中期明显增加,之后又逐渐减小,变性气旋移动速度显著增加;不同强度等级速度概率分布,增强阶段基本相同且相对集中,减弱阶段差异较大且相对分散,变性气旋最为分散。  相似文献   

周聪  余晖  傅刚 《大气科学学报》2014,37(3):285-288
介绍了一种非参数检验—Wilcoxon秩和检验,并将其应用于热带气旋(tropical cyclone,TC)强度预报方法评定。由于在TC强度预报评定中,预报误差的分布是非正态分布,因此无法使用常用的参数检验,必须用非参数检验。结果表明,将Wilcoxon秩和检验应用于TC强度预报方法的评定,有利于更加深入理解TC强度预报方法,提高预报准确性。  相似文献   

气溶胶对热带气旋强度及电过程影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
将详细的气溶胶活化方案和非感应起电参数化方案耦合到WRF模式的Morrison微物理方案中,在此基础上模拟了理想的热带气旋个例,讨论了气溶胶对热带气旋强度及电活动的影响。研究发现气溶胶对热带气旋强度和电活动的影响在不同发展阶段是不同的。在热带气旋发展阶段,气溶胶增加使云内的云滴数浓度增加,云滴尺度降低,抑制了暖雨过程,未降落的小云滴粒子上升到冻结层之上,冻结形成了更多的冰相粒子,冻结过程释放潜热,激发云系对流发展,使热带气旋强度增强,电活动更为剧烈。而在热带气旋成熟阶段,污染个例中的冰相粒子降落,形成更多的降水,降水粒子在下落过程中对上升气流产生拖曳作用,抑制对流强度。降水粒子在海平面蒸发吸收了大量潜热,使该区域温度降低,这也阻碍了外部暖湿能量向内输送,抑制了对流发展,从而使热带气旋强度降低。而由于污染个例中的冰粒子较少,参与起电过程的冰粒子减少,热带气旋的电活动强度降低。  相似文献   

The changes of tropical cyclone (TC) activities in response to influencing environmental conditions have been paid more and more attention to in recent years. The potential contributions of single and multivariate environmental variables to annual TC frequency and intensity from 1970 to 2009 are investigated in this study. Instead of using correlation coefficient that assumes a set of samples satisfying the normal distribution, a quantitative measurement is formulated based on the information theory. The results show that dynamic environmental variables play an important role in variations of TC activities over the western North Pacific, North Atlantic, and eastern Pacific. These dynamic factors include wind shear between 850 and 200 hPa and 850-hPa relative vorticity. However, the effects of thermal factors on TC activities are distinct over different basins. The thermal environmental variables only have significant contributions to TC frequency and intensity over the eastern Pacific as well as to TC frequency over the North Atlantic. It is found that the primary factors influencing TC activities are indeed not the same over different basins because of the differences in atmospheric conditions and their changes across different areas. The effects of dynamic variables should be considered more in the regions such as the western North Pacific where the thermal conditions are always satisfied.  相似文献   

普查建国以来影响我国北方的所有台风个例 ,建立了影响我国北方的台风详细历史资料库 ,对台风位置、形成季节、移向、天气形势等进行相似分析 ,并在MICAPS平台上 ,建立了短期和中期台风相似预报系统。  相似文献   

西北太平洋台风季节预报的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用中尺度气象模式WRF(weather research and forecasting)对2006年7月1日-9月30日的西北太平洋夏季台风进行了动力季节预报试验。结果表明:1)在对3个月以内的台风作动力季节预报试验时,WRF模式模拟的台风总个数与实况接近,模式模拟的总登陆台风数与实况相比偏小。从各月模拟情况看,台风总数与登陆数的模拟均与实况有差距。WRF模式对台风强度的模拟总体偏弱。2)WRF在模拟2006年7q月台风以及平均高度场、水平风垂直切变时,7月与实况接近,随时间增长,与实况的差别明显增大.WRF模式具有一定的台风动力季节预报能力,但其预报时限有待探讨。  相似文献   

Evolution of the electrifi cation of an idealized tropical cyclone (TC) is simulated by using the Advanced Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF-ARW) model. The model was modifi ed by addition of explicit electrifi cation and a new bulk discharge scheme. The characteristics of TC lightning is further examined by analyses of the electrifi cation and the charge structure of the TC. The fi ndings thus obtained are able to unify most of the previous inconsisitent observational and simulation studies. The results indicate that the TC eyewall generally exhibits an inverted dipole charge structure with negative charge above the positive. In the intensifi cation stage, however, the extremely tall towers of the eyewall may exhibit a normal tripole structure with a main negative region between two regions of positive charge. The outer spiral rainband cells display a simple normal dipole structure during all the stages. It is further found that the diff erences in the charge structure are associated with diff erent updrafts and particle distributions. Weak updrafts, together with a coexistence region of diff erent particles at lower levels in the eyewall, result in charging processes that occur mainly in the positive graupel charging zone (PGCZ). In the intensifi cation stage, the occurrence of charging processes in both positive and negative graupel charging zones is associated with strong updraft in the extremely tall towers. In addition, the coexistence region of graupel and ice crystals is mainly situated at upper levels in the outer rainband, so the charging processes mainly occur in the negative graupel charging zone (NGCZ).  相似文献   

采用基于集合Kalman滤波数据同化和偏差修正方法的集合预报技术来研究热带气旋的强度预报问题.集合预报系统考虑初值误差和模式误差,利用MM5中尺度模式,采用Anthes-kuo、Grell和Betts-Miller等积云参数化方案和High-res-olution Blaekadar、Burlk-Thompson、MRF等边界层过程的9组不同的组合,分别进行45、60和75 min的短时预报.对9个预报结果采用"镜像法",得到18个集合成员.将蓝金涡旋作为同化的观测场,18个集合成员作为集合Kalman滤波的初始背景集合,采用ENSRF算法和逐点局地分析算法进行同化.同化后的结果作为集合预报的初值,预报过程对模式参数采用前述9种组合,进行72小时预报.通过求取偏差系数对预报结果进行修正,减小模式系统误差.选2003-2004年16个台风过程作为预报个例,讨论偏差修正前后对预报结果的影响.实验结果表明,基于集合Kalman滤波数据同化的热带气旋集合预报相对于非同化的集合预报对路径预报的改进效果优于强度预报.平均而言通过偏差修正,强度集合预报的潜力得到挖掘,绝对误差明显减小,通过偏差修正减小了强度集合预报均值的误差,进而使得预报概率密度函数均值向理论值靠近,从而提高了概率预报的精度和合理性,因此基于集合预报的偏差修正分析方法,是改善热带气旋强度预报水平的有效途径.  相似文献   

热带气旋(TC)的强度预报是TC研究中的前沿性问题和实际业务中的难点.当前具有参考价值的预报方法主要是统计类或模式释用类方法,例如气候持续性(CLIPER)模型等.CLIPER模型的核心技术为多元线性回归,这种回归算法在预报因子之间存在多重相关性时会丧失建模的稳健性,进而影响CLIPER模型的预报精度.为了提高CLIP...  相似文献   

数值模式的热带气旋强度预报订正及其集成应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
余晖  陈国民  万日金 《气象学报》2015,73(4):667-678
提供热带气旋强度预报产品的业务数值天气预报模式有很多,并已表现出一定的预报技巧,为提高对模式热带气旋强度预报产品的定量应用能力,分析2010—2012年7个业务数值模式的西北太平洋热带气旋强度预报,发现预报误差不仅受到模式热带气旋初始强度误差的显著影响,还与热带气旋及其所处环境的初始状况有密切关系,包括热带气旋初始强度、尺度、移速、环境气压、环境风切变、热带气旋发展潜势等。根据这些因子与各模式热带气旋强度预报误差之间的相关性,采用逐步回归方法建立热带气旋强度预报误差的统计预估模型,并通过逐个热带气旋滚动式建模来进行独立样本检验。检验结果表明,基于误差预估的模式订正预报比模式直接输出的热带气旋强度预报有显著改进,在此基础上建立的热带气旋强度多模式集成预报方案相对气候持续性预报方法在12 h有28%的正技巧,在24—72 h则稳定在15%—20%,具有业务参考价值。  相似文献   

A relocation procedure to initialize tropical cyclones was developed to improve the representation of the initial conditions and the track forecast for Panasonic Weather Solutions Tropical Operational Forecasts. This scheme separates the vortex perturbation and environment field from the first guess, then relocates the initial vortex perturbations to Lhe observed position by merging them with the environment field. The relationships of wind vector components with stream function and velocity potential are used for separating the vortex disturbance from first guess. For the separation of scalars, a low-pass Barnes filter is employed. The irregular-shaped relocation area corresponding to the specific initial conditions is determined by mapping the edge of the vortex radius in 36 directions.Then, the non-vortex perturbations in the relocation area are removed by a two-pass Barnes filter to retain the vortex perturbations, while the variable fields outside the perimeter of the modified vortex are kept ide.ntical to the original first guess. The potential impacts of this scheme on track forecasts were examined for three hurricane cases in the 2011-12 hurricane season. The experimental results demonstrate that the initialization scheme is able to effectively separate the vortex field from the environment field and maintain a relatively balanced and accurate relocated first guess. As the initial track error is reduced, the following track forecasts are considerably improved. The 72-h average track forecast error was redu,~ed by 32.6% for the cold-start cases, and by 38.4% when using the full-cycling data assimilation because of the accumulatedL improvements from the initialization scheme.  相似文献   

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