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High-pressure (HP) metamorphic rocks, including garnet peridotite, eclogite, HP granulite, and HP amphibolite, are important constituents of several tectonostratigraphic units in the pre-Alpine nappe stack of the Getic–Supragetic (GS) basement in the South Carpathians. A Variscan age for HP metamorphism is firmly established by Sm–Nd mineral–whole-rock isochrons for garnet amphibolite, 358±10 Ma, two samples of eclogite, 341±8 and 344±7 Ma, and garnet peridotite, 316±4 Ma.

A prograde history for many HP metamorphic rocks is documented by the presence of lower pressure mineral inclusions and compositional zoning in garnet. Application of commonly accepted thermobarometers to eclogite (grt+cpx±ky±phn±pg±zo) yields a range in “peak” pressures and temperatures of 10.8–22.3 kbar and 545–745 °C, depending on tectonostratigraphic unit and locality. Zoisite equilibria indicate that activity of H2O in some samples was substantially reduced, ca. 0.1–0.4. HP granulite (grt+cpx+hb+pl) and HP amphibolite (grt+hbl+pl) may have formed by retrogression of eclogites during high-temperature decompression. Two types of garnet peridotite have been recognized, one forming from spinel peridotite at ca. 1150–1300 °C, 25.8–29.0 kbar, and another from plagioclase peridotite at 560 °C, 16.1 kbar.

The Variscan evolution of the pre-Mesozoic basement in the South Carpathians is similar to that in other segments of the European Variscides, including widespread HP metamorphism, in which PTt characteristics are specific to individual tectonostratigraphic units, the presence of diverse types of garnet peridotite, diachronous subduction and accretion, nappe assembly in pre-Westphalian time due to collision of Laurussia, Gondwana, and amalgamated terranes, and finally, rapid exhumation, cooling, and deposition of eroded debris in Westphalian to Permian sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

Petrological studies and electron microprobe dating of monazitefrom the mafic Andriamena unit, north–central Madagascar,indicate that an apparently continuous PT path inferredfor Mg-granulites is actually discontinuous, resulting fromthe superposition of two distinct metamorphic events at 2·5Ga and  相似文献   

Abstract Blueschists occurring as layers in calcite marbles of the Meliata unit occur along the so-called Roznava tectonic line situated in the southern part of the Gemericum, Slovakia. Mineral assemblages and compositions from seven blueschists localities and one occurrence of amphibolite facies rocks overprinted by blueschist metamorphism were investigated. The most common minerals in the blueschists are blue amphibole, epidote and albite. Some Fe2+- and Al-rich rocks also contain garnet and chloritoid, respectively. Na-pyroxene with a maximum 50% jadeite component was also found. The blue amphiboles correspond mostly to crossite and also to glaucophane and ferroglaucophane in some samples. Almandine- and spessartine-rich garnet has very low MgO content (<3 wt%). The Si content in phengite ranges between 3.3 and 3.5 pfu calculated on the basis of 11 oxygens. The zoning patterns of blue amphibole, garnet and chloritoid suggest their formation during a prograde stage of metamorphism. The P-T conditions of metamorphism are estimated to be about 380–460° C and 10–13 kbar. Pressures of 7.5–8.5 kbar and temperatures of 350–370° C were obtained for some actinolite- and aegirine-rich rocks. Apart from chlorite, other mafic minerals formed during retrograde metamorphism are biotite and occasionally also actinolite.  相似文献   

Mineral equilibria modelling and electron microprobe chemical dating of monazite in granulite facies metapelitic assemblages from the MacRobertson Land coastline, Rayner Complex, east Antarctica, are consistent with an 'anticlockwise' Neoproterozoic P–T–t path. Metamorphism occurred at c. 990–970 Ma, achieving peak conditions of 850 °C and 5.6–6.2 kbar at Cape Bruce, and 900 °C and 5.4–6.2 kbar at the Forbes Glacier ∼50 km to the east. These peak metamorphic conditions preceded the emplacement of regionally extensive syntectonic charnockite. High temperature conditions are likely to have been sustained for 80 Myr by lithospheric thinning and repeated pluton emplacement; advection was accompanied by crustal thickening to maximum pressures of 6–7 kbar, followed by near-isobaric cooling. This P–T–t path is distinct from that of rocks in adjacent Kemp Land, ∼50 km to the west, where a 'clockwise' P–T–t path from higher- P conditions at c. 940 Ma may reflect the response of a cratonic margin displaced from the main magma flux. In this scenario, crustal shortening was initially accommodated in younger, fertile crust (MacRobertson Land) involving metasediments and felsic plutons with the transfer of strain to adjacent older crust (Kemp Land) subsequent to charnockite emplacement.  相似文献   

新疆阿尔泰造山带低压变质作用相平衡研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
通过对阿尔泰造山带低压型变质序列中典型泥质岩石进行详细的岩相学及相平衡研究,获得黑云母带变质作用的温度为445~550℃和压力为0.2~0.6 GPa;石榴石带为480~566℃、0.54±0.22 GPa;十字石带601±20℃、0.8±0.25GPa;十字石-红柱石带540±20℃、0.32±0.05 GPa,而632.4℃、0.785 GPa这个值不是红柱石的稳定范围,这可能是其早期中压变质作用条件;矽线石带为640℃、0.43 GPa左右,由于石榴石中有蓝晶石包体,因此其早期也可能经历中压条件的变质;堇青石-矽线石带740~800℃、0.4~0.7 GPa。阿尔泰造山带低压变质序列不是一个正常的变质序列,其野外变质梯度呈现“Z”字型特征。阿尔泰造山带低压变质作用可能形成于早期中压变质岩的挤压抬升和以此相关的大量花岗岩侵入的构造环境中。  相似文献   

The metamorphic evolution of micaschists in the north‐eastern part of the Saxothuringian Domain in the Central European Variscides is characterized by the early high‐pressure M1 assemblage with chloritoid in cores of large garnet porphyroblasts and a Grt–Chl–Phe–Qtz ± Pg M2 assemblage in the matrix. Minerals of the M1–M2 stage were overprinted by the low‐pressure M3 assemblage Ab–Chl–Ms–Qtz ± Ep. Samples with the best‐preserved M1–M2 mineralogy mostly appear in domains dominated by the earlier D1 deformation phase and are only weakly affected by subsequent D2 overprint. Thermodynamic modelling suggests that mineral assemblages record peak‐pressure conditions of ≥18–19 kbar at 460–520 °C (M1) followed by isothermal decompression 10.5–13.5 kbar (M2) and final decompression to <8.5 kbar and <480 °C (M3). The calculated peak P–T conditions indicate a high‐pressure/low‐temperature apparent thermal gradient of ~7–7.5 °C km?1. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry isotopic dating and electron microprobe chemical dating of monazite from the M1–M2 mineral assemblages give ages of 330 ± 10 and 328 ± 6 Ma, respectively, which are interpreted as the timing of a peak pressure to early decompression stage. The observed metamorphic record and timing of metamorphism in the studied metapelites show striking similarities with the evolution of the central and south‐western parts of the Saxothuringian Domain and suggest a common tectonic evolution along the entire eastern flank of the Saxothuringian Domain during the Devonian–Carboniferous periods.  相似文献   

Garnet porphyroblasts in sillimanite‐bearing pelitic schists contain complex textural and compositional zoning, with considerable variation both within and between adjacent samples. The sillimanite‐bearing schists locally occur in regional Barrovian garnet zone assemblages and are indicative of a persistent lack of equilibrium during prograde metamorphism. Garnet in these Dalradian rocks from the Scottish Highlands preserves evidence of a range of metamorphic responses including initial growth and patchy coupled dissolution–reprecipitation followed by partial dissolution. Individual porphyroblasts each have a unique and variable response to prograde metamorphism and garnet with mainly flat compositional profiles co‐exists with those containing largely unmodified characteristic bell‐shaped Mn profiles. This highlights the need for caution in applying traditional interpretations of effective volume diffusion eliminating compositional variation. Cloudy garnet with abundant fluid inclusions is produced during incomplete modification of the initial porphyroblasts and these porous garnet are then particularly prone to partial replacement in sillimanite‐producing reactions. The modification of garnet via a dissolution–reprecipitation process releases Ca into the effective whole‐rock composition, displacing the pressure–temperature positions of subsequent isograd reactions. This represents the first report of internal metasomatism controlling reaction pathways. The behaviour of garnet highlights the importance of kinetic factors, especially deformation and fluids, in controlling reaction progress and how the resulting variability influences subsequent prograde history. The lack of a consistent metamorphic response, within and between adjacent schists, suggests that on both local and regional scales these rocks have largely not equilibrated at peak metamorphic conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of Tertiary Alpine metamorphism on pelitic Mesozoic cover rocks have been studied along a cross-section in the central Lepontine Alps in the Nufenen Pass area, Switzerland. Greenschist facies to amphibolite facies conditions are indicated by the formation of the index minerals chloritoid, garnet, staurolite and kyanite in pelitic rocks. Regional metamorphism reached maximum conditions during the interkinematic period between a main Alpine penetrative (D2) and a late Alpine (D3) crenulation type deformation phase or synchronous with the late Alpine deformation. Based on AFM phase relationships four different metamorphic zones can be distinguished: (1) chloritoid zone; (2) staurolite + chlorite zone; (3) staurolite + biotite zone; and, (4) kyanite zone. The isograds that separate these zones can be modelled by univariant reactions in the KFMASH system. The conditions of metamorphism calculated from geological ther-mobarometers for the maximum post-D2 por-phyroblast stage are from North to South: 500° C at 5-6 kbar and 600° C at 7-8 kbar. Detailed thermobarometry of garnet por-phyroblasts with complex textures suggests that maximum temperature was reached later than maximum pressure. Early garnet growth occurred along a prograde P-T-path, post-D2 rims grew with increasing temperature but decreasing pressure, and finally post-D3 garnet formed along a retrograde P-T-path. It may be concluded from the calculated pressure and temperature difference over a short distance (3 km) across the mapped area that the isogradic surfaces of the post-D2 metamorphism are steeply oriented. The data also suggest that isobaric and isothermal surfaces are parallel. Much of the observed metamorphic pattern can be explained as the result of a significant post-D2 differential uplift of the hot Pennine area relative to the Helvetic area along a tectonic contact zone. The closely spaced isograds (isotherms) in the North may then be interpreted as a thermal effect owing to the emplacement of the hot Pennine rocks against the Got-thard massif with its cover. Whereas, in the Pennine metasediments, post-D2 porphyroblast formation can be related to the decompression path which was steep enough for dehydration reactions to proceed. It is also remarkable that late kyanite porphyroblasts probably formed with decreasing pressure. The interpretation given here for the Nufenen Pass area may also apply to the Luk-manier Pass area where similar metamorphic patterns have been reported by Fox (1975). The formation of the ‘Northern Steep Belt’;, as denned by Milnes (1974b), and the associated late Alpine fold zones may, therefore, have significantly modified the metamorphic pattern of the Helvetic-Penninic contact zone.  相似文献   

The Variscan high-grade metamorphic basement of northern Sardinia and southern Corsica record lower Carboniferous anatexis related to post-collisional decompression of the orogen. Migmatites exposed in the Punta Bianca locality (Italy) consist of quartz + biotite + plagioclase + K-feldspar orthogneisses, garnet and cordierite-bearing diatexite and metatexites, derived from metasediments. Field evidence, petrographic observations, ELA-ICP-MS zircon and monazite dating and pseudosection modelling suggest that anatexis was apparently episodic involving two main stages of partial melting. Using pseudosection modelling, we infer that the first stage of partial melting is in the upper amphibolite facies (~0.45 GPa at ~740°C). Cordierite overgrowths replacing sillimanite, combined with the composition of plagioclase and K-feldspar, suggest decompression followed cooling below the solidus at low pressures of ~0.3 GPa. The age of the first anatectic event is not precisely constrained because of extensive resetting of the isotopic systems during the second melting stage, yet few zircons preserve a lower Carboniferous age which is consistent with the regional dataset. This lower Carboniferous migmatitic fabric is offset by a network of pseudotachylyte-bearing faults suggestive of cooling to greenschist facies conditions. Garnet/cordierite-bearing diatexites incorporate fragments of pseudotachylite-bearing orthogneiss and metatexites. Pseudosection modelling indicates nearly isobaric re-heating up to ~750°C, followed by further cooling below the solidus. The inferred P–T path is consistent with decompression and cooling of the Variscan crust through post-collisional extension and collapse of the thickened orogenic crust, followed by nearly isobaric re-heating at low pressures (~0.3 GPa) yielding to a second melting stage under LP-HT conditions. U/Th-Pb monazite ages for diatexite migmatites indicate an upper bound of 310–316 Ma for the second melting stage, suggesting that the second melting stage is coincident with the regional phase of crustal shearing. The cause of the high geothermal gradient required for re-heating during the second melting stage is unknown but likely requires some heat source that was probably related to dissipation of mechanical work within crustal-scale shear zones. According to this interpretation, some upper Carboniferous peraluminous granite precursors of the Corsica–Sardinia Batholith could be the outcome rather than the cause of the late-Variscan high-T metamorphism.  相似文献   

利用最新的内洽性热力学数据库和THERMOCALC3.21程序对胶北地块高压与低压泥质麻粒岩的相平衡关系进行了定量分析。计算了胶北地块高压泥质麻粒岩、低压泥质麻粒岩和夕线石榴黑云片岩等代表性富铝岩石KFMASH(K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O)体系的p-T视剖面图,再现了这些岩石随温压条件变化可能出现的各种矿物组合与矿物成分变化,发现原岩成分不同的变质岩石,尽管变质演化过程有所差异,但在麻粒岩相变质条件下所形成的矿物组合一致。通过计算泥质岩石在高压(p=1.0GPa)和低压(p=0.5GPa)条件下的T-X视剖面图,发现极度富铁、贫镁的岩石,在高压麻粒岩相条件下并不会生成含蓝晶石的特征矿物组合,在低压麻粒岩相条件下也不会生成含堇青石的特征矿物组合。将样品实际观测结果与p-T视剖面图的计算结果对比,确定胶北地块高压泥质麻粒岩变质峰期的温压条件为830~860℃,1.25~1.4GPa,峰期后呈现顺时针样式的p-T演化轨迹,反映陆壳先碰撞增厚、后又快速减薄的地质动力学过程;确定胶北地块低压泥质麻粒岩变质峰期的温压条件为790~820℃,0.62~0.68GPa,峰期后呈现近等压冷却的p-T演化轨迹。  相似文献   

张聪  刘晓瑜  杨经绥  李鹏  张立飞 《岩石学报》2016,32(12):3715-3728
同一造山带中所包含的多期造山作用信息是研究不同时代区域构造演化的重要依据,对理解不同时期造山过程中岩石组合及其地球化学演化有重要的指示意义。但由于晚期造山作用往往会部分或者完全抹除岩石中保存的早期造山作用信息,使得对记录多期造山作用的岩石中早期造山带变质作用及年代学信息的研究变得十分困难。独居石为一种副变质岩中的常见副矿物,由于其具有很高的U-Th-Pb体系封闭温度和对流体及变质温压条件的敏感性,使其可以记录多期造山过程中丰富的年代学信息。电子探针独居石原位化学定年方法使得年代学信息与岩石中矿物学信息及变质反应相联系,从而得到不同时期岩石记录的P-T-t轨迹。我们利用独居石电子探针原位U-Th-Pb定年手段与岩石学研究相结合的方法,在柴北缘早古生代加里东期超高压变质带锡铁山地区的含石榴石蓝晶石/夕线石黑云斜长片麻岩基质矿物及石榴石变斑晶的独居石中获得886±18Ma格林威尔期的年龄等时线。独居石稀土元素配分特征与新元古代变质独居石相吻合。通过传统矿物对温压计计算得到格林威尔期现存矿物组合记录了高角闪岩相变质温压条件607~727℃,6.5~10.0kbar,略高于区内记录古生代变质作用的副片麻岩。与记录古生代加里东期变质年龄的副片麻岩相比,格林威尔期副片麻岩在微量元素地球化学上具有高的稀土总量和明显的Eu的负异常特点(Eu/Eu*=0.50),并相应的亏损Ba、Sr元素,表现出活动大陆边缘沉积岩的地球化学特征。结合全球格林威尔期造山事件及罗迪尼亚超大陆的形成及裂解过程,我们认为柴北缘地区在新元古代时期应为与罗迪尼亚超大陆形成有关的活动大陆边缘地区。  相似文献   

Metamorphic diamond in crustal rocks provides important information on the deep subduction of continental crust. Here, we present a new occurrence of diamond within the Seve Nappe Complex (SNC) of the Scandinavian Caledonides, on Åreskutan in Jämtland County, Sweden. Microdiamond is found in situ as single and composite (diamond+carbonate) inclusions within garnet, in kyanite‐bearing paragneisses. The rocks preserve the primary peak pressure assemblage of Ca,Mg‐rich garnet+phengite+kyanite+rutile, with polycrystalline quartz surrounded by radial cracks indicating breakdown of coesite. Calculated P–T conditions for this stage are 830–840 °C and 4.1–4.2 GPa, in the diamond stability field. The ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) assemblage has been variably overprinted under granulite facies conditions of 850–860 °C and 1.0–1.1 GPa, leading to formation of Ca,Mg‐poor garnet+biotite+plagioclase+K‐feldspar+sillimanite+ilmenite+quartz. This overprint was the result of nearly isothermal decompression, which is corroborated by Ti‐in‐quartz thermometry. Chemical Th–U–Pb dating of monazite yields ages between 445 and 435 Ma, which are interpreted to record post‐UHP exhumation of the diamond‐bearing rocks. The new discovery of microdiamond on Åreskutan, together with other evidence of ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphism (UHPM) within gneisses, eclogites and peridotites elsewhere in the SNC, provide compelling arguments for regional (at least 200 km along strike of the unit) UHPM of substantial parts of this far‐travelled allochthon. The occurrence of UHPM in both rheologically weak (gneisses) and strong lithologies (eclogites, peridotites) speaks against the presence of large tectonic overpressure during metamorphism.  相似文献   

Rift‐related regional metamorphism of passive margins is usually difficult to observe on the surface, mainly due to its strong metamorphic overprint during the subsequent orogenic processes that cause its exposure. However, recognition of such a pre‐orogenic evolution is achievable by careful characterization of the polyphase tectono‐metamorphic record of the orogenic upper plate. A multidisciplinary approach, involving metamorphic petrology, P–T modelling, structural geology and in situ U‐Pb monazite geochronology using laser‐ablation split‐stream inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, was applied to unravel the polyphase tectono‐metamorphic record of metapelites at the western margin of the Teplá‐Barrandian domain in the Bohemian Massif. The study resulted in discovery of three tectono‐metamorphic events. The oldest event M1 is LP–HT regional metamorphism with a geothermal gradient between 30 and 50 °C km?1, peak temperatures up to 650 °C and of Cambro‐Ordovician age (c. 485 Ma). The M1 event was followed by M2‐D2, which is characterized by a Barrovian sequence of minerals from biotite to kyanite and a geothermal gradient of 20–25 °C km?1. D2‐M2 is associated with a vertical fabric S2 and was dated as Devonian (c. 375 Ma). Finally, the vertical fabric S2 was overprinted by a D3‐M3 event that formed sillimanite to chlorite bearing gently inclined fabric S3 also of Devonian age. The high geothermal gradient of the M1 event can be explained as the result of an extensional, rift‐related tectonic setting. In addition, restoration of the deep architecture and polarity of the extended domain before the Devonian history – together with the supracrustal sedimentary and magmatic record – lead us to propose a model for formation of an Ordovician passive continental margin. The subsequent Devonian evolution is interpreted as horizontal shortening of the passive margin at the beginning of Variscan convergence, followed by detachment‐accommodated exhumation of lower‐crustal rocks. Both Devonian shortening and detachment occurred in the upper plate of a Devonian subduction zone. The tectonic evolution presented in this article modifies previous models of the tectonic history of the western margin of the Teplá‐Barrandian domain, and also put constraints on the evolution of the southern margin of the Rheic ocean from the passive margin formation to the early phases of Variscan orogeny.  相似文献   

The Longquanguan shear zone is an important structural belt in the North China Craton, separating the underlying Fuping complex from the overlying Wutai complex. This shear zone has experienced three episodes of deformation: the first and main episode is a ductile top-to-ESE shear along the gently northwest-west dipping foliations, while the other two episodes are later collapse sliding. Prolonged granites parallel to the shear foliations make one of the main compositions of the Longquanguan shear zone. These granites experienced deformation to form mylonitic rocks when they emplaced during the first episode of deformation. Structural characters of the granites and their contacts to the country rocks indicate that these granites possibly resulted from in-situ partial remelting by shearing, i.e., they are syn-deformational granites. Monazites in these mylonitic granites are magmatic minerals and their crystallization ages may represent ages of the magmatic events, and also the ages for the main deformation of the Longquanguan shear zone. Monazite electronic microprobe dating were carried on two samples of granite, which gives multiple peak ages, among which 1,846 Ma and 1,877 Ma are the main peak ages for the two samples. These ages represent the main deformation of the Longquanguan shear zone, which is consistent with the main regional geological event at about 1,850 Ma caused by the collision between the Eastern and Western Blocks in North China. The good match between the monazite ages and the corresponding regional tectono-thermal events shows the feasibility and reliability of monazite electronic microprobe dating.  相似文献   

Studies of calcareous nannofossils and microfossils and their distribution in different intervals of the flysch rhythms in the Kloko ník brook in the Bílé Karpaty Unit of the Magura Group of nappes in the West Carpathians gave the following results. The highest species diversity of calcareous nannofossils was found in the lower parts of the Bouma Te hemipelagic intervals. The Campanian marker species Ceratolithoides aculeus and Aspidolithus parcus were found in practically all layers studied. A stratigraphically important foraminiferal fauna was obtained from the upper parts of the Bouma Te intervals, including the Campanian-Maastrichtian planktic foraminifers Globotruncana arca and Globotruncanita stuartiformis. In the non-calcareous pelagites, agglutinated species with a range from the Late Cretaceous to the Paleogene dominate.  相似文献   

The Fosdick migmatite–granite complex in West Antarctica records evidence for two high‐temperature metamorphic events, the first during the Devonian–Carboniferous and the second during the Cretaceous. The conditions of each high‐temperature metamorphic event, both of which involved melting and multiple melt‐loss events, are investigated using phase equilibria modelling during successive melt‐loss events, microstructural observations and mineral chemistry. In situ SHRIMP monazite and TIMS Sm–Nd garnet ages are integrated with these results to constrain the timing of the two events. In areas that preferentially preserve the Devonian–Carboniferous (M1) event, monazite grains in leucosomes and core domains of monazite inclusions in Cretaceous cordierite yield an age of c. 346 Ma, which is interpreted to record the timing of monazite growth during peak M1 metamorphism (~820–870 °C, 7.5–11.5 kbar) and the formation of garnet–sillimanite–biotite–melt‐bearing assemblages. Slightly younger monazite spot ages between c. 331 and 314 Ma are identified from grains located in fractured garnet porphyroblasts, and from inclusions in plagioclase that surround relict garnet and in matrix biotite. These ages record the growth of monazite during garnet breakdown associated with cooling from peak M1 conditions. The Cretaceous (M2) overprint is recorded in compositionally homogeneous monazite grains and rim domains in zoned monazite grains. This monazite yields a protracted range of spot ages with a dominant population between c. 111 and 96 Ma. Rim domains of monazite inclusions in cordierite surrounding garnet and in coarse‐grained poikiloblasts of cordierite yield a weighted mean age of c. 102 Ma, interpreted to constrain the age of cordierite growth. TIMS Sm–Nd ages for garnet are similar at 102–99 Ma. Mineral equilibria modelling of the residual protolith composition after Carboniferous melt loss and removal of inert M1 garnet constrains M2 conditions to ~830–870 °C and ~6–7.5 kbar. The modelling results suggest that there was growth and resorption of garnet during the M2 event, which would facilitate overprinting of M1 compositions during the M2 prograde metamorphism. Measured garnet compositions and Sm–Nd diffusion modelling of garnet in the migmatitic gneisses suggest resetting of major elements and the Sm–Nd system during the Cretaceous M1 overprint. The c. 102–99 Ma garnet Sm–Nd ‘closure’ ages correspond to cooling below 700 °C during the rapid exhumation of the Fosdick migmatite–granite complex.  相似文献   

This study investigates the behaviour of the geochronometers zircon, monazite, rutile and titanite in polyphase lower crustal rocks of the Kalak Nappe Complex, northern Norway. A pressure–temperature–time–deformation path is constructed by combining microstructural observations with P–T conditions derived from phase equilibrium modelling and U–Pb dating. The following tectonometamorphic evolution is deduced: A subvertical S1 fabric formed at ~730–775 °C and ~6.3–9.8 kbar, above the wet solidus in the sillimanite and kyanite stability fields. The event is dated at 702 ± 5 Ma by high‐U zircon in a leucosome. Monazite grains that grew in the S1 fabric show surprisingly little variation in chemical composition compared to a large spread in (concordant) U–Pb dates from c. 800 to 600 Ma. This age spread could either represent protracted growth of monazite during high‐grade metamorphism, or represent partially reset ages due to high‐T diffusion. Both cases imply that elevated temperatures of >600 °C persisted for over c. 200 Ma, indicating relatively static conditions at lower crustal levels for most of the Neoproterozoic. The S1 fabric was overprinted by a subhorizontal S2 fabric, which formed at ~600–660 °C and ~10–12 kbar. Rutile that originally grew during the S1‐forming event lost its Zr‐in‐rutile and U–Pb signatures during the S2‐forming event. It records Zr‐in‐rutile temperatures of 550–660 °C and Caledonian ages of 440–420 Ma. Titanite grew at the expense of rutile at slightly lower temperatures of ~550 °C during ongoing S2 deformation; U–Pb ages of c. 440–430 Ma date its crystallization, giving a minimum estimate for the age of Caledonian metamorphism and the duration of Caledonian shearing. This study shows that (i) monazite can have a large spread in U–Pb dates despite a homogeneous composition; (ii) rutile may lose its Zr‐in‐rutile and U–Pb signature during an amphibolite facies overprint; and (iii) titanite may record crystallization ages during retrograde shearing. Therefore, in order to correctly interpret U–Pb ages from different geochronometers in a polyphase deformation and reaction history, they are ideally combined with microstructural observations and phase equilibrium modelling to derive a complete P–T–t–d path.  相似文献   

Werner Fielitz  Ioan Seghedi   《Tectonophysics》2005,410(1-4):111-136
Middle Miocene (Sarmatian) convergence created the fold and thrust belt of the Eastern Carpathians of Romania, which subsequently experienced post-collisional crustal deformation combined with calc-alkaline and alkalic-basaltic volcanism in late Miocene–Quaternary time. This deformation led to the rise of the Cǎlimani–Gurghiu–Harghita volcanic mountains and to the subsidence of the N–S-oriented intramontane Borsec/Bilbor–Gheorgheni–Ciuc and Braşov pull-apart basins, and the E-oriented monocline-related Fǎgǎraş basin. The regional drainage network is the composite of:
(1) Older E-, SE- and S-flowing rivers, which cross the Carpathians, radiate towards the foreland and were probably established during the Middle Miocene (Sarmatian) collision event.

(2) A more recent drainage system related to the contemporaneous development of the volcanoes and intramontaneous basins, which generally drains westward into the Transylvanian Basin since late Miocene time and has been capturing the older river system.

The older river drainage system has also been modified by Late Pliocene–Quaternary folding, thrusting and monoclinal tilting along the Pericarpathian orogenic front and by reactivated transverse high angle basement faults, which cross the Eastern Carpathian foreland.  相似文献   

The Jining Group occurs as the eastern segment of the Khondalite Belt, North China Craton and is dominated by a series of granulite facies rocks involving ‘normal’ pelitic granulites recording peak temperatures of ~850 °C and ultrahigh‐temperature (UHT) pelitic granulites recording peak temperatures of 950–1100 °C. The PT paths and ages of these two types of granulites are controversial. Three pelitic granulite samples in the Jining Group comprising two sillimanite–garnet gneiss samples (J1208 and J1210) and one spinel–garnet gneiss sample (J1303) were collected from Zhaojiayao, where ‘normal’ pelitic granulites occur, for determination of their metamorphic evolution and ages. Samples J1208 and J1210 are interpreted to record cooling paths from the Tmax stages with PT conditions respectively of ~870–890 °C/7–8 kbar and >840 °C/>7.5 kbar constrained from the stability fields of the observed mineral assemblages and the isopleths of plagioclase, garnet and biotite compositions in pseudosections. Sample J1303 is interpreted to record pre‐Tmax decompression from the kyanite‐stability fields to the Tmax stage of 950–1020 °C/8–9 kbar and a post‐Tmax cooling path revealed mainly from the stability field of the observed mineral assemblage, the plagioclase zoning and the biotite composition isopleth in pseudosections. The post‐Tmax cooling stage can be divided into suprasolidus and subsolidus stages. The suprasolidus cooling may not result in an equilibrium state at the solidus in a rock. Therefore, different minerals may record different PT conditions along the cooling path; the inferred maximum temperature is commonly higher than the solidus as well as different solidi being recorded for different samples from the same outcrop but experiencing different degrees of melt loss. Plagioclase compositions, especially its zoning in plagioclase‐rich granulites, are predicted to be useful for recording the higher temperature conditions of a granulite's thermal history. The three samples studied seem to record the temperature range covering those of the ‘normal’ and UHT pelitic granulites in the Jining Group, suggesting that UHT conditions may be reached in ‘normal’ granulites without diagnostic UHT indicators. LA‐ICP‐MS zircon U–Pb data provide a continuous trend of concordant 207Pb/206Pb ages from 1.89 to 1.79 Ga for sample J1210, and from 1.94 to 1.80 Ga for sample J1303. These continuous and long age spectrums are interpreted to represent a slow cooling and exhumation process corresponding to the post‐Tmax cooling PT paths recorded by the pelitic granulites, which may have followed the exhumation of deeply buried rocks in a thickened crust region resulted from a collision event at c. 1.95 Ga as suggested by the pre‐Tmax decompression PT path.  相似文献   

The Higo Complex of west-central Kyushu, western Japan is a 25 km long body of metasedimentary and metabasic lithologies that increase in metamorphic grade from schist in the north to migmatitic granulite in the south, where granitoids are emplaced along the southern margin. The timing of granulite metamorphism has been extensively investigated and debated. Previously published Sm–Nd mineral isochrons for garnet-bearing metapelite yielded ca.220–280 Ma ages, suggesting high-grade equilibration older than the lower grade schist to the north, which yielded ca.180 Ma K–Ar muscovite ages. Ion and electron microprobe analyses on zircon have yielded detrital grains with rim ages of ca.250 Ma and ca.110 Ma. Electron microprobe ages from monazite and xenotime are consistently 110–130 Ma. Two models have been proposed: 1) high-grade metamorphism and tectonism at ca.115 Ma, with older ages attributed to inheritance; and 2) high-grade metamorphism at ca.250 Ma, with resetting of isotopic systems by contact metamorphism at ca.105 Ma during the intrusion of granodiorite. These models are evaluated through petrographic investigation and electron microprobe Th–U–total Pb dating of monazite in metapelitic migmatites and associated lithologies. In-situ investigation of monazite reveals growth and dissolution features associated with prograde and retrograde stages of progressive metamorphism and deformation. Monazite Th–U–Pb isochrons from metapelite, diatexite and late-deformational felsic dykes consistently yield ca.110–120 Ma ages. Earlier and later stages of monazite growth cannot be temporally resolved. The preservation of petrogenetic relationships, coupled with the low diffusion rate of Pb at < 900 °C in monazite, is strong evidence for timing high-temperature metamorphism and deformation at ca.115 Ma. Older ages from a variety of chronometers are attributed to isotopic disequilibrium between mineral phases and the preservation of inherited and detrital age components. Tentative support is given to tectonic models that correlate the Higo terrane with exotic terranes between the Inner and Outer tectonic Zones of southwest Japan, possibly derived from the active continental margin of the South China Block. These terranes were dismembered and translated northeastwards by transcurrent shearing and faulting from the beginning to the end of the Cretaceous Period.  相似文献   

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