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Solar Physics - We analyze coronal loops in active region 8272, observed with TRACE on 23 July 1998 during a 70-min interval with a cadence of 1.5&;nbsp;min, in the temperature range of...  相似文献   

The STEREO mission provides an unprecedented opportunity to reconstruct the 3D configuration of solar features. In this work, we combine SECCHI/EUVI data from both spacecraft by means of a local correlation tracking method. The technique allows an automatic (without user intervention) matching of pixels in both images. This information is then used to triangulate the 3D coordinates of each pixel. We use the method in order to reconstruct and analyze the 3D structure of active regions. In particular, we focus on the extraction of coronal loop heights, observed nearly simultaneously in the 171, 195 and 284 Å passbands. We compare the properties of loops in the different wavelengths and extract valuable information regarding their geometry. In particular, we demonstrate that some loops that look co-spatial in the 171 Å and 195 Å images have in fact different heights and thus occupy different volumes. Our results have important implications for multi-wavelength studies of coronal loops, especially for calculations using filter-ratio techniques.  相似文献   

Carcedo  L.  Brown  D.S.  Hood  A.W.  Neukirch  T.  Wiegelmann  T. 《Solar physics》2003,218(1-2):29-40
Many authors use magnetic-field models to extrapolate the field in the solar corona from magnetic data in the photosphere. The accuracy of such extrapolations is usually judged qualitatively by eye, where a less judgemental quantitative approach would be more desirable. In this paper, a robust method for obtaining the best fit between a theoretical magnetic field and intensity observations of coronal loops on the solar disk will be presented. The method will be applied to Yohkoh data using a linear force-free field as an illustration. Any other theoretical model for the magnetic field can be used, provided there is enough freedom in the model to optimize the fit.  相似文献   

Solar Physics - We measure geometric and physical parameters oftransverse oscillations in 26 coronal loops, out of the 17 events described in Paper I by Schrijver, Aschwanden, and Title (2002)....  相似文献   

The corona associated with an active region is structured by high-temperature, magnetically dominated closed and open loops. The projected 2D geometry of these loops is captured in EUV filtergrams. In this study using SDO/AIA 171 Å filtergrams, we expand our previous method to derive the 3D structure of these loops, independent of heliostereoscopy. We employ an automated loop recognition scheme (Occult-2) and fit the extracted loops with 2D cubic Bézier splines. Utilizing SDO/HMI magnetograms, we extrapolate the magnetic field to obtain simple field models within a rectangular cuboid. Using these models, we minimize the misalignment angle with respect to Bézier control points to extend the splines to 3D (Gary, Hu, and Lee 2014). The derived Bézier control points give the 3D structure of the fitted loops. We demonstrate the process by deriving the position of 3D coronal loops in three active regions (AR 11117, AR 11158, and AR 11283). The numerical minimization process converges and produces 3D curves which are consistent with the height of the loop structures when the active region is seen on the limb. From this we conclude that the method can be important in both determining estimates of the 3D magnetic field structure and determining the best magnetic model among competing advanced magnetohydrodynamics or force-free magnetic-field computer simulations.  相似文献   

Kjeldseth-Moe  O.  Brekke  P. 《Solar physics》1998,182(1):73-95
Monochromatic images from the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) of loops above active regions show clear evidence of rapid time variability. The rapidly changing conditions that we observe give a new conception of loop systems that has never before been seriously considered. Loop systems, particularly in emission lines formed at temperatures in the 1–5 × 105 K range, traditionally thought of as transition region temperatures, are seen to change significantly over a period of 1 hour. Loops may appear or disappear in certain emission lines, may show rapid variations in the distribution of the emission along their lengths, or may change shape or expand outward, all on time scales of 10–20 min. At other temperatures below 1.5 MK the variability appears less striking, but is still pronounced. At high temperatures, i.e., T ≥ 1.5 MK, conditions are normally much more stable. Examples exist, however, of loop systems showing violent changes in images at all temperatures up to Fe xvi formed at 2.7 MK. The structural variability is accompanied by high Doppler shifts, especially in the O v line. Corresponding velocities typically amount to 50–100 km s-1, but values as high as 300 km s-1 have been recorded. Animations with illustrative examples of loop variability have been prepared and are found on the enclosed CD-ROM. In addition we briefly discuss other structural and dynamical properties of active region loops, particularly those with temperatures below 1.5 MK. Theoretical models of loops cannot explain the present observations, but models that combine extreme fine structure, episodic heating and magneto-acoustic wave disturbances propagating in the loop legs seem promissing. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1005031711233  相似文献   

Andrews  M.D.  Wang  A.-H.  Wu  S.T. 《Solar physics》1999,187(2):427-448
We present a qualitative and quantitative comparison of a single coronal mass ejection (CME) as observed by LASCO on 5 October 1996 with the results of a two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model. This event was selected as a clear example of a CME that is not caused by the disruption of a helmet streamer. This CME occurs against the background of multiple bright streamers on the west limb. The CME is first seen as a brightening of the entire west limb. The CME has a bright, sharp front that moves outward with no significant change in shape. The CME moves outward with roughly constant velocity that is approximately twice as fast at high latitude as near the streamer. The measured CME mass is 1.2×1016 g. There are two parts to the MHD model. The pre-event corona was calculated using a 2-dimensional bi-modal model. The CME is simulated using a time dependent perturbation at the base of the corona. The model successfully reproduces the observed morphology, velocity profiles, and change in coronal mass. The observed velocity asymmetry is a natural consequence of the structure of the pre-event corona. Animations have been generated from both the data and model to illustrate the good agreement between the observations and simulation. These animations can be found on the CD-ROM which accompanies this volume. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1005178630316  相似文献   

This paper deals with the determination of the three-dimensional distribution of flare stars in the Pleiades cluster. For this purpose a one-dimensional distribution is first constructed from the observed two-dimensional distribution of the stars. It is shown that reliable construction of one dimensioned distribution requires solution of the Abel equation. The last one used to determine the dependence of the true three-dimensional distribution of the density of flare stars on distance from the center of the cluster. This reveals a spherical layer of width 0.5 pc (2.8 R 3.5 pc) with a deficit in the number of flare stars. A profile of the three-dimensional density distribution of flare stars is constructed in the region of deficit. The characteristics of this region are described.  相似文献   

Previous attempts to produce three-dimensional (3-D) reconstructions of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) have required either modeling efforts or comparisons with secondary associated eruptions near the solar surface. This is because coronagraphs are only able to produce sky-plane-projected images of CMEs and it has hence been impossible to overcome projection effects by using coronagraphs alone. The SECCHI suite aboard the twin STEREO spacecraft allows us to provide the means for 3-D reconstruction of CMEs directly from coronagraph measurements alone for the first time. We present these measurements from two CMEs observed in November 2007. By identifying common features observed simultaneously with the LASCO coronagraphs aboard SOHO and the COR coronagraphs aboard STEREO we have triangulated the source region of both CMEs. We present the geometrical analysis required for this triangulation and identify the location of the CME in solar-meridional, ecliptic, and Carrington coordinates. None of the two events were associated with an easily detectable solar surface eruption, so this triangulation technique is the only means by which the source location of these CMEs could be identified. We present evidence that both CMEs originated from the same magnetic structure on the Sun, but from a different magnetic field configuration. Our results reveal some insight into the evolution of the high corona magnetic field, including its behavior over time scales of a few days and its reconfiguration after a major eruption.  相似文献   

We study lightning on Jupiter and the clouds illuminated by the lightning using images taken by the Galileo orbiter. The Galileo images have a resolution of ∼25 km/pixel and are able to resolve the shape of single lightning spots, which have half widths (radii) at half the maximum intensity in the range 45-80 km. We compare the shape and width of lightning flashes in the images with simulated flashes produced by our 3D Monte Carlo light-scattering model.The model calculates Monte Carlo scattering of photons in a 3D opacity distribution. During each scattering event, light is partially absorbed. The new direction of the photon after scattering is chosen according to a Henyey-Greenstein phase function. An image from each direction is produced by accumulating photons emerging from the cloud in a small range (bins) of emission angles. The light source is modeled either as a point or a vertical line.A plane-parallel cloud layer does not always fit the data. In some cases the cloud over the light source appears to resemble cumulus clouds on Earth. Lightning is estimated to occur at least as deep as the bottom of the expected water cloud. For the six flashes studied, we find that the clouds above the lightning are optically thick (τ>5). Jovian flashes are more regular and circular than the largest terrestrial flashes observed from space. On Jupiter there is nothing equivalent to the 30-40-km horizontal flashes that are seen on Earth.  相似文献   

Sui  Linhui  Holman  Gordon D.  Dennis  Brian R.  Krucker  Säm  Schwartz  Richard A.  Tolbert  Kim 《Solar physics》2002,210(1-2):245-259
We have analyzed a C7.5 limb flare observed by RHESSI on 20 February 2002. The RHESSI images appear to show two footpoints and a loop-top source. Our goal was to determine if the data are consistent with a simple steady-state model in which high-energy electrons are continuously injected at the top of a semicircular flare loop. A comparison of the RHESSI images with simulated images from the model has made it possible for us to identify spurious sources and fluxes in the RHESSI images. We find that the RHESSI results are in many aspects consistent with the model if a thermal source is included between the loop footpoints, but there is a problem with the spectral index of the loop-top source. The thermal source between the footpoints is likely to be a low-lying loop interacting with the northern footpoint of a higher loop containing the loop-top source.  相似文献   

This paper describes the methods used to obtain the thermal evolution and radiative output during solar flares as observed by the Extreme ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). How EVE measurements, due to the temporal cadence, spectral resolution and spectral range, can be used to determine how the thermal plasma radiates at various temperatures throughout the impulsive and gradual phase of flares is presented and discussed in detail. EVE can very accurately determine the radiative output of flares due to pre- and in-flight calibrations. Events are presented that show that the total radiated output of flares depends more on the flare duration than the typical GOES X-ray peak magnitude classification. With SDO observing every flare throughout its entire duration and over a large temperature range, new insights into flare heating and cooling as well as the radiative energy release in EUV wavelengths support existing research into understanding the evolution of solar flares.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional coronal magnetic field is reconstructed for the NOAA active region 11158 on 14 February 2011. A GPU-accelerated direct boundary integral equation (DBIE) method is implemented which is approximately 1000 times faster than the original DBIE used on solar non-linear force-free field modeling. Using the SDO/HMI vector magnetogram as the bottom boundary condition, the reconstructed magnetic field lines are compared with the projected EUV loop structures as observed in the front-view (SDO/AIA) and the side-view (STEREO-A/B) images for the first time; they show very good agreement three-dimensionally. A quantitative comparison with some stereoscopically reconstructed coronal loops shows that the average misalignment angles in our model are at the same order as the state-of-the-art results obtained from reconstructed coronal loops. It is found that the observed coronal loop structures can be grouped into a number of closed and open field structures with some central bright coronal loop features around the polarity inversion line. The reconstructed highly sheared magnetic field lines agree very well with the low-lying sigmoidal filament along the polarity inversion line. This central low-lying magnetic field loop system must have played a key role in powering the flare. It should be noted that while a strand-like coronal feature along the polarity inversion line may be related to the filament, one cannot simply interpret all the coronal bright features along the polarity inversion line as manifestation of the filament without any stereoscopic information.  相似文献   

We developed numerical codes designed for automated analysis of SDO/AIA image datasets in the six coronal filters, including: i) coalignment test between different wavelengths with measurements of the altitude of the EUV-absorbing chromosphere, ii) self-calibration by empirical correction of instrumental response functions, iii) automated generation of differential emission measure [DEM] distributions with peak-temperature maps [T p(x,y)] and emission measure maps [EM p(x,y)] of the full Sun or active region areas, iv) composite DEM distributions [dEM(T)/dT] of active regions or subareas, v) automated detection of coronal loops, and vi) automated background subtraction and thermal analysis of coronal loops, which yields statistics of loop temperatures [T e], temperature widths [σ T], emission measures [EM], electron densities [n e], and loop widths [w]. The combination of these numerical codes allows for automated and objective processing of numerous coronal loops. As an example, we present the results of an application to the active region NOAA 11158, observed on 15 February 2011, shortly before it produced the largest (X2.2) flare during the current solar cycle. We detect 570 loop segments at temperatures in the entire range of log(T e)=5.7?–?7.0 K and corroborate previous TRACE and AIA results on their near-isothermality and the validity of the Rosner–Tucker–Vaiana (RTV) law at soft X-ray temperatures (T?2 MK) and its failure at lower EUV temperatures.  相似文献   

Klimchuk  J.A. 《Solar physics》2000,193(1-2):53-75
Careful examination of 43 soft X-ray loops observed by Yohkoh has revealed a number of interesting properties of the loop cross section. First, the loops tend to be only slightly ( 30%) wider at their midpoints than at their footpoints, implying less-than-expected expansion of the magnetic field. Second, the variation of width along each loop tends to be modest, implying that the cross section has an approximately circular shape. And third, cross-axis intensity profiles tend to be singly-peaked and simple, implying that the cross section is approximately uniformly filled on resolvable scales. We conclude that the energy which heats the plasma is either dissipated axially symmetrically on a scale equal to a loop diameter ( 11000 km) or else is dissipated with any spatial structure, but on a scale much smaller than a loop diameter, and then transported laterally in an axisymmetric fashion (perhaps via conduction along chaotic field lines). In their present form, none of the theoretical ideas concerning the magnetic structure and heating of loops are obviously capable of explaining all of the observed properties.  相似文献   

Zhugzhda  Y. D.  Nakariakov  V. M. 《Solar physics》1997,176(1):107-121
This paper is aimed at establishing the relationship between the large-scale magnetic fields (LSMF), coronal holes (CH), and active regions (AR) in the Sun. The LSMF structure was analyzed by calculating the vector photospheric magnetic field under a potential approximation. Synoptic maps were drawn to study the distribution of the B field component and to isolate regions where the open field lines of the unipolar magnetic field are most radial. These are the sites of occurrence of X-ray and Hei 10830 Å coronal holes detected from the SXT/Yohkoh images. It is shown that coronal holes are usually located in LSMF regions with a typical pattern of divergentB vectors and a so-called saddle configuration.B vectors from the conjugate (spaced by 90°) coronal holes converge towards the active regions between CH. Variations in AR distort coronal holes and change their boundaries. This implies that the energy regime in CH depends on the energy supply from the active region. The LSMF structure is more stable than coronal holes, remaining practically unchanged during tens of rotations of the Sun. Thus, a peculiar magnetically coupled system of LSMF/CH/AR has been revealed. A model has been suggested to describe the interaction of the emerging toroids in the convection zone and in the photosphere. The cellular convection, that develops at the center of the toroids, is responsible for the occurrence of active regions. The model qualitatively describes the observed particularities of the LSMF/CH/AR system.  相似文献   

A mechanism of damped oscillations of a coronal loop is investigated. The loop is treated as a thin toroidal flux rope with two stationary photospheric footpoints, carrying both toroidal and poloidal currents. The forces and the flux-rope dynamics are described within the framework of ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The main features of the theory are the following: i) Oscillatory motions are determined by the Lorentz force that acts on curved current-carrying plasma structures and ii) damping is caused by drag that provides the momentum coupling between the flux rope and the ambient coronal plasma. The oscillation is restricted to the vertical plane of the flux rope. The initial equilibrium flux rope is set into oscillation by a pulse of upflow of the ambient plasma. The theory is applied to two events of oscillating loops observed by the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE). It is shown that the Lorentz force and drag with a reasonable value of the coupling coefficient (c d ) and without anomalous dissipation are able to accurately account for the observed damped oscillations. The analysis shows that the variations in the observed intensity can be explained by the minor radial expansion and contraction. For the two events, the values of the drag coefficient consistent with the observed damping times are in the range c d ≈2 – 5, with specific values being dependent on parameters such as the loop density, ambient magnetic field, and the loop geometry. This range is consistent with a previous MHD simulation study and with values used to reproduce the observed trajectories of coronal mass ejections (CMEs).  相似文献   

分析了2个耀斑事件,这2个事件分别是2002年3月14日M5.7级和2003年10月29日X10级耀斑。这两个耀斑在紫外(Ultroviolet or UV,160.0 nm)或远紫外(Extremeultraviolet or EUV,17.1 nm)都具有双带结构,在硬X射线(Hard X-ray or HXR)能段有明显的共轭足点。通过"重心法",可以得到EUV双带以及硬X射线足点的位置。通过对这2个耀斑事件的初步分析,得到下面的结论:(1)耀斑脉冲期,这两个耀斑的共轭亮核和双带都具有明显的会聚运动,会聚运动延续了3~10 min。亮核或双带的分离运动发生在会聚运动后;(2)耀斑的硬X射线足点具有很强的剪切运动,并且在耀斑过程中,剪切角的变化持续减小。这些结果表明磁重联通常发生在剪切程度高的磁场区域。这些结果支持Ji(2007)的磁场模型,这个模型认为耀斑环的收缩运动是剪切磁场松弛引起的。  相似文献   

We identify 356 transequatorial loops (TLs) from the data set of Yohkoh Soft X-Ray Telescope (SXT) in the period of solar cycles 22 and 23. The classification of the TLs can be made on two bases. One is according to the magnetic polarities of the footpoints of TLs, and the other is according to the number of TLs in the same region. Based on the first criterion, TLs fall into two categories: PTLs in which the magnetic polarities of the footpoints are the same as the preceding polarities and FTLs in which the footpoint polarities are the same as the following polarities of active regions, respectively. It is found that PTLs have a preference; about 66% of the TLs are PTLs, and this preference of PTLs is independent of the solar cycle. The percentage of FTLs is about 34%. Based on the second criterion, TLs are also divided into two categories: the number of TLs in a region is either single (STLs) or multiple (MTLs). In addition, we find that the number of TLs, PTLs, and FTLs have good correlations with solar cycle indices. By comparing the number of TLs and the number of active regions in each year, we obtain the ratio between them. The separation of footpoints and their yearly variations are calculated, and we find that our result is consistent with spörer's law.  相似文献   

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