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应用单点声达在北京附近一个近山地区进行了低层大气温度结构的连续探测。分析了回波传真图象与地面风速的关系。发现在地形影响下逆温常呈层次结构。根据传真图讨论了对流混合层的发生与其上方逆温层演变过程的关系。并为在我国使用单点声达开展大气边界层的研究作了一些探索。  相似文献   

边界层大气湍流特征的声雷达探测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
声雷达可以直接测量温度脉动谱Φ_T(K_0)或温度结构系数C_T~2值。由于大气中谱的尺度很宽,在边界层大气中,用声雷达测得的Φ_T(K_0)或C_T~2是一个随机量,具有正偏态分布的特性,并满足对数正态分布。 从Φ_T(K_0)的频谱分析中得到,在频率为10~(-3)—3×10~(-3)秒~(-1)的范围内,存在着一个能量的峰值区,峰值和高频之间,能量的过渡带很陡。过去一般认为中尺度范围是大气谱段中能量的低值区。本文的分析发现,在中尺度范围内,无论在稳定或不稳定层结,经常存在着几分钟到十几分钟的周期活动,并对能量产生较大的贡献。这对今后大气湍流理论的研究,是一个值得注意的问题。此外,由于大气中谱尺度很宽,必须正确地选取气象要素或其它物理量的平均时间,才能获得稳定的气象要素的平均值。  相似文献   

声雷达可用于遥感探测边界层大气(1—2公里以下),能够实时地获得风速、风向、温度梯度以及风速脉动和温度脉动谱的空间分布和随时间的连续变化。由于边界层大气对人类活动有着最密切的、直接的联系,因而,遥感探测边界层大气气象要素的方法也得到了迅速发展。从1968年声雷达开始出现以来,已得到不少国家的重视和应用。  相似文献   

赵松年  熊小芸 《大气科学》1991,15(2):101-109
在SWT声雷达探测系统中,采用作者提出的检测声回波信号的跟踪滤波锁相方法(PLTF),提取Doppler频偏f_d的V-F-BCD变换和模块化设计,减小了锁相环(PLL)的失锁现象,改善了声雷达的测风精度,闭路同源标定结果表明SWT声雷达探测系统的测频精度优于0.1Hz,相当于测风精度可达λ/4/s(λ——发射声波长),由于环境噪声的干扰,将会使测风精度略有降低。  相似文献   

单点声雷达与边界层大气探测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文叙述了声雷达的工作原理。介绍了他们研制的单点声雷达探测系统,并在野外进行了短期观测。探测高度达600米。对所获得的逆温层结构、辐射逆温形成与消失过程、重力波以及热对流等资料进出了初步分析。  相似文献   

利用2016年5月1日至6月15日在河北省邢台市皇寺气象观测站获得的多普勒声雷达风场资料和探空资料,验证声雷达资料可靠性,并在此基础上,对观测站近地面边界层风场特征进行了分析研究。结果表明,声雷达水平风场资料与探空资料的一致性较好,证明声雷达资料可靠,且声雷达资料与Graw气球探空和台站探空的一致性好于与系留气艇探测的;风场特征分析显示,皇寺站水平风和垂直风日变化特征明显,表现为显著的山谷风特征,白天吹谷风,盛行偏东风,垂直风速相对较大,对流旺盛;夜间吹山风,盛行偏西风,垂直速度较小;在垂直结构上,30~50 m盛行西风或东风,50 m以上逐渐转为偏南风或西北风,且随高度增加,大风速比例和平均风速逐渐增大,说明声雷达探测到的山谷风垂直范围为30~50 m,垂直风速主要集中在-0.1~0.1 m·s-1之间,说明大部分时间对流较弱,以0值为轴,左右比较对称,表明上升气流和下沉气流出现频率相当。  相似文献   

南京地区大气边界层晴空回波研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
以2005年6月23日南京多普勒雷达探测的晴空回波演变为例,分析了回波反射率与径向速度从夜间至上午的演变规律,利用实际的气象观测资料,对比了折射指数、地面温度、露点温度、水汽压和气压与回波强度的相关性,进一步探讨了边界层晴空回波与湍流混合特性之间的关系.研究表明:夜间大气的温、压、湿梯度使湍流出现,但湍流未充分混合使梯度维持,并导致折射指数的梯度增加,出现晴空回波;白天升温后湍流的增强使近地层大气充分混合,温、压、湿梯度减弱导致折射指数梯度减小,回波减弱消失.  相似文献   

辐射雾的大气边界层特征   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
利用ADAS对一次连续5天辐射雾进行探测,获得了辐射雾生消过程中的温度、湿度、风场等要素的垂直分布。通过对这些资料的详尽分析,讨论了辐射雾在不同发展阶段的边界层特征。结果表明:逆温层对雾的形成和维持起着重要的作用,而雾又对大气边界层中的温、湿、风结构产生重要影响。  相似文献   

西安市近10年大气稳定度和边界层厚度特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用西安市1996~2005年逐日24个时次的气象资料,运用修正的Pasquill稳定度分类方法和国标GB/T3840-91规定的边界层厚度计算方法计算出逐日逐时次的稳定度等级和边界层厚度,分析了各类稳定度频率和不同稳定度条件下大气边界层厚度的逐年、逐月变化规律。结果表明:西安市大气稳定度出现的频率以稳定类为主。近10年来不稳定类和稳定类有缓慢上升的趋势,中性类有缓慢下降的趋势。稳定类和不稳定类随季节变化非常明显。西安市春季大气边界层厚度最高,夏季次之,冬季最低。  相似文献   

利用ADAS对一次连续5天辐射雾进行探测,获得了辐射雾生消过程中的温度、湿度、风场等要素的垂直分布。通过对这些资料的详尽分析,讨论了辐射雾在不同发展阶段的边界层特征。结果表明:逆温层对雾的形成和维持起着重要的作用,而雾又对大气边界层中的温、湿、风结构产生重要影响。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the derivation of the convective mixing height and the characteristic convective velocity w * from profiles of w measured by sodar. The parameters were obtained by fitting an analytical profile to the observed data. Results were compared with values obtained by the meteorological preprocessor of a dispersion model and from noon radiosoundings. In addition, a Monte Carlo method was applied to study the influence of measurement errors. It turned out that it is inherently difficult to determine the depth of deep mixed layers from sodar measurements with a limited range, although the determination of w * should be possible. However, a significant underestimation of w , and thus w *, was found, which is probably due to disproportional sampling of updrafts and downdrafts.  相似文献   

The investigations on the dynamics of the PBL have been developed in recent years. Some authors emphasized macro-dynamics and others emphasized micro-structure of the PBL. In this paper, we study and review some main characteristics of the wind field in the PBL from the view point connecting the macro-dynamics and micro-structure of the PBL, thus providing the physical basis for the further research of the dynamics and the parameterization of the PBL.  相似文献   

Sodar has been used for about 20 years to determine mixing height. However, estimation of the height of a convective boundary layer (CBL) that exceeds the sodar-probing range is still an unsolved question. As one possible way, it is suggested that one adapt a simple mixed-layer model to sodar observations during the morning growth period of the CBL, when its top can be clearly detected. Results are compared with other methods for CBL-height estimation from sodar data that have been proposed in the literature. Finally, some prognostic aspects are discussed.  相似文献   

Two different approaches to scaling turbulence in the planetary boundary layer over Lake Ontario are investigated. The height up to the inversion was found to be the appropriate scaling height while u. for near‐neutral and w* for unstable conditions were the appropriate scaling velocities. The results were in general agreement with the numerical models of Deardorff (1972) and Wyngaard, Cote, and Rao (1974).  相似文献   

This review of the last three years of progress in the understanding of wind profiles and the structure of turbulence in the planetary boundary layer is divided into three parts. The first part, by N. E. Busch, deals with the atmospheric surface layer below 30 m. It is shown that the Monin-Oboukhov similarity hypotheses fail at low frequencies and large wave-lengths, probably due to mesoscale influences. Also, it is suggested that the neutral surface layer is a poor reference state in some respects, because the structure of turbulence in unstable conditions is quite different from that in stable stratification. The second part, by H. Tennekes, is concerned with the intermittency of the dissipative structure of turbulence and its effects on the velocity and temperature structure functions. It is shown that the modified Kolmogorov-Oboukhov theory, which attempts to explain the consequences of the dissipative intermittency, is unable to predict the shape of the temperature structure functions. The third part of this review, by H. A. Panofsky, deals with wind profiles and turbulence structure above 30 m. It is shown that between 30 and 150 m, surface-layer formulas can be used, if such mesoscale effects as changes of terrain roughness are taken into account where needed. Experimental data on turbulence above 150 m are quite sparse; some of the current scaling laws that can be used in this region are described.  相似文献   

By use of the small parameter expansion method, the nonlinear planetary boundary layer (PBL) is studied in this paper. The PBL is divided into the surface layer and the Ekman layer, which is divided into several sublayers. In the surface-layer, the eddy coefficient K is taken as a linear function of height; in the Ekman layer, different constant K values are taken within different sublayers: these values are determined from O'Brien's formula (O'Brien, 1970) approximately. Under the upper and lower boundary conditions and the continuity conditions of the wind velocities and turbulent stresses at each boundary between sublayers, analytical expressions for wind velocity in all sublayers and the vertical velocity at the top of the PBL are obtained. A specific example of steady axisymmetrical circular high and low pressure areas is analysed, and some new conclusions are obtained. The results are in better agreement with reality than previous results. This example also shows that the vertical velocity at the top of the PBL caused by friction approaches zero near the center of a high or low pressure system for this model, but attains its maximum absolute values near the center of the high or low pressure area for Wu's (1984) model. This is due to the fact that in our model, the geostrophic wind speed near the center of this specific vortex approaches zero, which causes the wind shear and the friction effect to be very weak. Therefore the wind distribution in the PBL is very sensitive to the type of eddy coefficient.  相似文献   

Frontal substructures within the planetary boundary layer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A two-dimensional mesoscale model, extended by a TKE closure for the subgrid-scale terms and coupled with a soil model, is used to investigate the role of the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) for the development and the substructures of two different types of cold fronts. The effects of turbulent friction, large-scale (geostrophic) forcing and the diurnal variation of the terms of the surface energy balance (SEB) equation on the frontal development are studied by 10 different model runs. The ageostrophic cross-frontal circulation in the lowest two kilometres of a cold front results from friction as well as from large-scale forcing. The first one dominates the PBL processes and causes a special boundary-layer structure, which becomes apparent through the existence of seven characteristic zones defined for the x-z cross sections of potential temperature. The arrangement of these characteristic zones depends on the sense of rotation of the frictionally induced part of the ageostrophic circulation and hence on the direction of the along-front jet within the boundary layer. The daytime increase of the terms of the SEB equation for a midlatitude midsummer case leads to a strong enhancement of the frictionally induced cross-frontal circulation. The arrangement of the seven characteristic zones, however, is approximately conserved.  相似文献   

From sodar measurements gathered during the Voves experiment (France, summer 1977), the variations of the temperature structure parameter C T 2 were studied in the morning planetary boundary layer. Dimensionless profiles of C T 2 are consistent with the mixed-layer scaling of Kaimal et al. (1976); however, for z < 0,5 z i, the decrease of C T 2 as z 4/3 should be weighted according to Frisch and Ochs (1975).When the final breakup of the nocturnal inversion is achieved, the variations of the maximum of the C T 2 profile are in good agreement with those predicted by Wyngaard and Le Mone (1980). Discrepancies are observed mainly when the mixed layer is shallow and mechanical turbulence is important compared with buoyancy-driven turbulence.  相似文献   

In an inversion-capped planetary boundary layer (PBL), the structure of the turbulent fluxes as well as the height of the inversion are determined by the interaction of turbulent mixing in the PBL, large-scale subsidence above the PBL and radiational cooling. Here the sensitivity of the inversion height and of the turbulent fluxes due to radiational processes is investigated with the aid of a three-layered model for a well mixed PBL. For an example of the Trade-Wind region, the inversion height (i.e., the difference between surface pressure and pressure at the inversion level) varies between 46 and 257 mb and the surface flux of moist static energy between 417 and 99 W m-2, if the (mean) radiative net flux divergence for both the inversion and the well-mixed layer is changed over a reasonable range of values. None of the parameterization schemes existing in the literature is able to describe these radiational effects in an appropriate way. This is due to the fact that these parameterizations are either not or not flexibly enough linked to the thermodynamical model parameter. Therefore the demand for an adequate parameterization of the radiational influence in a well-mixed PBL under a subsidence inversion is obvious.  相似文献   

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