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海洋高分辨率地震调查主要受震源系统、接收系统、缆源的调谐组合技术、地震记录系统和野外作业条件的影响。缆源的调谐组合技术是整个方法研究最为关键的环节之一。通过对“电缆、震源的沉放深度”等野外参数的合理组合,达到最理想的勘探效果。受地震勘探中“鬼波效应”的影响,缆源的调谐组合参数与地震系统的接收频率直接相关,对地震调查资料影响很大。文中从地震系统的滤波效应、直达波与鬼波传播路径及时间差及野外资料的处理对比和理论计算,分析了直达波和鬼波的综合效应,结果表明理论与实际资料在陷波点及幅频特性方面非常一致。研究结果在“海洋天然气水合物调查”项目中得到了应用,对缆源沉放深度的确定具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

根据多道地震反射资料分析,温哥华岛近海的北喀斯喀特俯冲带边缘有一清楚的BSR区。海底以下300m处的反射层代表笼形物或甲烷水合物层的底界。1300m水深和3600m长的地震检波器组合允许BSR振幅随炮检距变化,并进行高分辨速度分析和垂直入射资料模拟,所有三种类型分析结果能够较好地解释海底以下大约300m处BSR之上10-30m厚的高速层,并有一明显的底界和过渡顶界。在这层内,大约1/3的沉积物孔隙空间为冰状水合物充填。地震无法探测BSRs之下的游离气,这些结果对水合物BSR的形成与分布的模拟起到重要的控制作用。  相似文献   

天然气水合物将成为21世纪的替代能源,地球物理方法是勘探天然气水合物的重要手段。本文比较全面地分析和总结了天然气水合物的各种地球物理识别技术以及地震资料的特殊处理和分析方法,详细地介绍了水平地震剖面、垂直地震剖面、测井以及旁侧声纳剖面上天然气水合物的表现和识别方法。特别地,针对海洋地震资料的特点以及天然气水合物在地震剖面上的识别标志BSR、振幅空白带等特征,文章引入了真振幅处理、子波处理以及多项式拟合等处理方法来提高天然气水合物识别标志在地震剖面上的显示效果。最后,为了全面了解海底天然气水合物的分布 以及微细结构,文章介绍了AVO分析、全波形反演速率分析、叠加速度分析和走时反演等正、反演技术。  相似文献   

高分辨率地震不同于高频地震。使有效讯号保持“宽而高”的频谱是高分辨率地震的核心。因此,只有从野外采集到室内处理都围绕着“宽而高”这个核心,采取相应的技术措施,才能获得高分辨率的地震资料。本文着重从野外采集出发,就海洋浅中层二维地震勘探,论述了高分辨率采集的主要技术和方法,并较详细地介绍了仪器设备的主要性能与参数。  相似文献   

近海平缆三维地震资料的宽频高精度处理在岩性油气藏勘探中越来越受到重视,但尚缺少专门分析论述。以东海西湖凹陷西斜坡深层精细岩性勘探为目标,通过发展波动方程延拓迭代减法去除鬼波、叠前综合多域去噪、浅水区组合去多次波,以及基于目标体的精细速度建模和偏移成像等技术手段的综合应用及效果分析,建立了海上平缆三维地震资料的宽频高精度处理技术流程,并将其应用于西湖凹陷西斜坡实际资料处理中,实现高分辨率宽频保幅高精度地震处理。利用宽频资料开展深层岩性油气藏的精细描述,有效实现了油气田增储扩边和深层优质岩性气田新发现,以助力海上深层岩性油气藏勘探开发。  相似文献   

为了检验光纤水听器阵列在海洋地震勘探中应用的性能, 在南海, 使用1024基元的光纤水听器阵列与进口的360道压电水听器海洋地震勘探仪, 采用相同的作业方式在同一位置进行海洋地震勘探调查, 对两个设备采集的海洋地震勘探资料进行对比。试验结果表明, 光纤水听器阵列采集的数据主频范围达到10~120Hz, 宽于压电水听器海洋地震勘探仪的主频范围10~80Hz; 地震剖面分辨率优于压电水听器海洋地震勘探仪。光纤水听器阵列在经过适应性改进后完全能够满足海洋地震勘探的性能要求。  相似文献   

介绍了SPECTRA综合导航系统的功能特点、系统配置、操作方法及在海洋勘探中的应用。同时对该系统在运行中可能出现的问题,如GPS信号质量对系统的影响、监控节点对网络通讯的影响及调用在线数据对质量控制记录的影响逐一加以描述,并提出行之有效的解决方法。  相似文献   

鬼波影响地震勘探效果,其中较为典型的是震源鬼波。震源鬼波的变化主要由其相对一次有效反射地震波的延时决定。从鬼波的形成机理出发,借助二维海平面及水平海底模型建立海底反射震源鬼波延时、震源沉放深度、作业水深与炮检距间的数学公式,将确定的震源沉放深度和作业水深带入公式并实现可视化,分析炮检距及震源沉放深度对震源鬼波的影响。结合作业中震源沉放深度的变化状态,分析震源鬼波的间接控制因素的影响,并通过实测数据进行验证。研究表明:小炮检距作业有利于降低鬼波对地震勘探效果的破坏作用,但是炮检距对深部数据影响较小,在平面上大致限于作业水深小于炮检距的海域,在纵向上的影响深度约为炮检距与作业水深的差值;震源鬼波受震源沉放深度的影响要大大超过炮检距的影响,当作业水深<15 m时,震源鬼波延时变动范围对震源沉放深度变化响应约为对同尺度炮检距变化响应的5倍;海水面的起伏是导致震源鬼波变化的重要因素,选择较好的海况条件作业有利于提高海底及地层反射同相轴波形的一致性及地震波能量的均衡性。  相似文献   

按河道形态,河流分为4类:(1)顺直河;(2)曲流河;(3)辫状河;(4)网状河。根据河道砂岩体主体的宽(w)与(h)高之比,河道砂岩体分为带状砂岩体(w∶h小于15)和席状砂岩体(w∶h大于15)。在参考前人资料的基础上,总结了在横切河道的地震剖面上河道砂岩体的反射形态、结构及振幅变化。重点介绍了曲流河内侧沙洲地震勘探,以及三维地震勘探技术在寻找河道砂岩体方面的应用。并强调指出,在河道砂岩体地震勘探中,应当加强地震资料与钻井资料、测井资料的结合。  相似文献   

浅海回填区域的地震映象效果分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地震映象法是近期工程物探在工程地质与环境地质勘察中新出现的1种浅层地震探测方法。本文主要介绍该方法的实用方法技术与主要特点及其实际应用效果。并通过奥运工程勘察实例详细分析了该方法在复杂的浅海人工回填区域中不同的填入物与地质体在时间剖面上所展现的各种不同波形特征。  相似文献   

Seismic character of gas hydrates on the Southeastern U.S. continental margin   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Gas hydrates are stable at relatively low temperature and high pressure conditions; thus large amounts of hydrates can exist in sediments within the upper several hundred meters below the sea floor. The existence of gas hydrates has been recognized and mapped mostly on the basis of high amplitude Bottom Simulating Reflections (BSRs) which indicate only that an acoustic contrast exists at the lower boundary of the region of gas hydrate stability. Other factors such as amplitude blanking and change in reflection characteristics in sediments where a BSR would be expected, which have not been investigated in detail, are also associated with hydrated sediments and potentially disclose more information about the nature of hydratecemented sediments and the amount of hydrate present.Our research effort has focused on a detailed analysis of multichannel seismic profiles in terms of reflection character, inferred distribution of free gas underneath the BSR, estimation of elastic parameters, and spatial variation of blanking. This study indicates that continuous-looking BSRs in seismic profiles are highly segmented in detail and that the free gas underneath the hydrated sediment probably occurs as patches of gas-filled sediment having variable thickness. We also present an elastic model for various types of sediments based on seismic inversion results. The BSR from sediments of high ratio of shear to compressional velocity, estimated as about 0.52, encased in sediments whose ratios are less than 0.35 is consistent with the interpretation of gasfilled sediments underneath hydrated sediments. This model contrasts with recent results in which the BSR is explained by increased concentrations of hydrate near the base of the hydrate stability field and no underlying free gas is required.  相似文献   

This investigation examines long wave reflection and transmission induced by a sloping step. Bellman and Kalaba‘s (1959) invariant imbeddlng is introduced to find wave reflection. An alternative method matching both the surface elevation and its surface slope of each region at the junction is applied to the determination of wave reflection and transmission.The proposed methods are compared with the accurate numerical results of Porter and Porter (2000) and those of Mei (1983) for a vertical step. The wave reflection obtained for a mildly sloping step differs significantly from the result of Mei. The wave reflection is found to fluctuate owing to wave trapping for the ntild sloping step. The height and the face slope of the step are important for determining wave reflection and transmission coefficients.  相似文献   

试验研究了多向随机波浪在直立式防波堤和斜坡式防波堤前的反射情况。在试验中,改变波浪要素(波陡、周期)、波浪入射角度(正向、斜向)和方向分布以及防波堤的坡度,以充分研究这些因素对波浪反射的影响。遗传算法用来分析多向随机波从建筑物的反射。试验结果表明,直立堤的反射系数基本上不随入射波浪方向变化,斜坡堤的反射系数随波浪峰频的增大和堤坡的变缓而减小,且随波浪方向有一定变化。还探讨了多向随机波浪在斜坡式防波堤上的反射面位置问题。  相似文献   

The hollow-pipe perforated breakwater is of low reflection. In this paper the functions of reflection coefficients of both regular and random waves are theoretically derived, based on the concept of linear superimposition of reflected and incident waves and with the total flow rate continuity of integral form instead of the non-continuity of the boundary condition, and based on the concept of linear wave spectrum theory. Comparisons between theoretical results presented here and measurements of model tests show reasonable agreement.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionGreat efforts have been devoted to the protection of coastal areas over many years by erectingdikes,seawalls,groin systems,and detached breakwaters.The sea walls,jetties,detached breakwa-ters,etc.are traditionally adopted as absorbingfacilit…  相似文献   

Quinn  R.  Bull  J.M.  Dix  J.K. 《Marine Geophysical Researches》1998,20(1):13-20
Chirp frequency-modulated (FM) systems offer deterministic, repeatable source-signatures for high-resolution, normal incidence marine seismic reflection data acquisition. An optimal processing sequence for uncorrelated Chirp data is presented to demonstrate the applicability of some conventional seismic reflection algorithms to high-resolution data sets, and to emphasise the importance of a known source-signature. An improvement of greater than 60dB in the signal- to-noise ratio is realised from correlating the FM reflection data with the transmitted pulse. Interpretability of ringy deconvolved data is enhanced by the calculation of instantaneous amplitudes. The signal-to-noise ratio and lateral reflector continuity are both improved by the application of predictive filters whose effectiveness are aided by the repeatability of the Chirp source.  相似文献   

通过分析天然气水合物在海洋中的6种主要赋存状态类型,总结了每种赋存状态之间的相互转化关系及其物性参数计算方法,并应用到地震波场的正演模拟中.对比研究了声波模型、弹性波模型和双相介质模型对各种水合物赋存地层的响应特征,结果表明:1)当地层中存在孔隙充填型水合物且下伏地层不含游离气时,双相介质模拟的含水合物层底界表现负极性...  相似文献   

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