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On April 20, 2013, an earthquake with mag- nitude 7.0 occurred in the southwest of the Longmenshan fault system in and around Lushan County, Sichuan Province, China. This devastating earthquake killed hun- dreds of people, injured 10 thousand others, and collapsed countless buildings. In order to analyze the potential risk of this big earthquake, we calculate the co- and post-seismic surface deformation and gravity changes of this event. In this work, a multilayered crustal model is designed, and the elastic dislocation theory is utilized to calculate the co- and post-seismic deformations and gravity changes. During the process, a rupture model obtained by seismic waveform inversion (Liu et al. Sci China Earth Sci 56(7): 1187-1192, 2013) is applied. The time-dependent relaxation results show that the influences on Lushan and its surrounding areas caused by the Ms7.0 Lushan earthquake will last as long as 10 years. The maximum horizontal displacement, vertical uplift, and settlement are about 5 cm, 21.24 cm, and 0.16 m, respectively; the maximal positive and nega- tive values of gravity changes are 45 and -0.47 μGal, respectively. These results may be applied to evaluate the long-term potential risk caused by this earthquake and to provide necessary information for post-earthquake reconstruction. 相似文献
Chengli Liu Bin Shan Yong Zheng Ying Jiang Xiong Xiong Key Laboratory of Dynamic Geodesy 《地震学报(英文版)》2011,(2):177-183
Based on the elastic dislocation theory, multilayered crustal model, and rupture model obtained by seismic waveform inversion, we calculated the coand post-seismic surface deformation and gravity changes caused by the Yushu M W 6.9 earthquake occurred on April 14, 2010. The observed GPS velocity field and gravity field in Yushu areas are disturbed by the coand post-seismic effects induced by Yushu earthquake, thus the theoretical coand post-seismic deformation and gravity changes will provide important modi... 相似文献
使用双差定位方法,对2013年4月20日08时02分芦山 M 7.0地震后近10天的余震进行重新定位,获得精度较高的重定位结果;在此基础上,对余震空间分布特征进行研究,推测芦山主震的发震断层可能为大川-双石主断裂东侧的一条次级隐伏逆冲断层。 相似文献
四川芦山7.0级强烈地震影响区域内有大量的砌体结构房屋,既有未采取任何抗震构造措施的非约束砌体结构,也有设置了圈梁和构造柱的约束砌体结构.文中首先简要讨论了本次地震强震动特性,表明其高频成分丰富,反应谱中低频部分衰减较快,是刚性结构和柔性结构地震破坏表现差别较大的原因之一;继而论文重点以现场震害调查资料为基础,总结了不同烈度区、不同类型砌体结构的震害特征;高烈度区不同类型砌体结构的震害程度和破坏比对比表明,约束砌体结构的抗震性能明显优于非约束砌体结构. 相似文献
2013年4月20日在四川省雅安市芦山县发生M7.0级地震.根据四川省台网资料和收集的国内外相关资料,我们分析了芦山地震的基本参数、余震分布、序列衰减等特征.结果表明:芦山地震位于龙门山断裂南段,其震源力学机制显示为纯逆冲性质,与龙门山断裂构造特征相符合;芦山地震的余震较丰富,震后15天震区已发生7800多次余震,其中,5级以上余震4次,最大余震是4月21日17时5分芦山、邛崃交界M5.4级地震;余震分布形成的图形显示其长轴走向与龙门山断裂构造走向一致,余震分布显示密集区长轴约40 km,短轴约20 km.与汶川M8.0级地震在震源力学机制、破裂过程、余震空间展布以及地表破裂等对比分析后表明:芦山地震与汶川地震的震源错动类型、破裂过程、地表破裂以及余震活动等特征存在明显差异;芦山地震与汶川地震震中位置相距90 km,两次地震的余震密集区相距50 km;汶川8.0级地震造成龙门山断裂中北段较充分破裂,芦山7.0级地震则展布于龙门山断裂南段且破裂尺度有限;两者有发震构造上的联系,但两次地震是相对独立的地震事件. 相似文献
应用芦山MS7.0地震震中附近跨断层及连续形变观测资料, 分析了芦山地震前不同阶段地形变变化的特点, 讨论了震中附近区域异常时空演化过程. 结果表明: ① 自2013年1月起, 沿鲜水河断裂带一些跨断层基线观测到显著的加速转折变化, 沿安宁河、 则木河断裂带个别场地的跨断层水准基线, 2010年以来出现的巨幅异常等是突出的场兆变化; 沿龙门山断裂带一些水准观测在汶川MS8.0地震后持续的调整变化具有近震源区变形特征. ② 鲜水河、 龙门山和安宁河3条主要断裂围成的三叉口地区, 地倾斜、 应变、 重力及断层水准和蠕变观测临震前均未有显著的异常变化, GPS水平、 垂直位移年速率最小, 该地区是形变变化或形变异常分布的“空区”. ③ 在对近场与远场多种连续形变数据通过傅里叶变换提取年周期成分后发现, 临震前2—3年近震源区域的地倾斜、 重力年变化幅度不是增大, 而是减小. 芦山MS7.0地震前观测到的形变前兆现象特征与汶川MS8.0地震等震前的前兆现象较为接近. 因此, 芦山地震前近震源区及外围形变异常分布特征不是个别的现象. 相似文献
2013年4月20日四川芦山发生7.0级地震.本文运用反投影远震P波的方法研究了中心频率为1 Hz的芦山地震震源破裂特征.研究结果显示2013年芦山7.0级地震破裂长度约为20 km,震源破裂时间约为26 s.本文认为在芦山地震的开始阶段(0~4 s)震源的破裂是向震中位置两侧进行的.而芦山地震破裂的第二阶段(5~26 s)是单侧破裂.芦山地震最大能量释放区域位于震中以北.本文对比了运用相同方法研究的发生在同一断裂带上的2008年汶川地震震源破裂特征.发现2013年芦山地震和2008年汶川地震有三点相似之处,即,破裂主要沿北东走向的龙门山断裂带发展;最大能量释放区域没有位于震中;能量都是通过多次子事件来释放的,且第二次能量释放是最大能量释放.对比两次地震破裂区域,可以看出芦山地震的破裂区域是在2008年汶川地震破裂区域的西南端发展的.两次地震的破裂区域占了整个龙门山断裂带的三分之二. 相似文献
2013年4月20日四川芦山M7.0级地震发生在龙门山断裂带南段,震源机制解为逆冲型.震后3天震区已发生3000多次余震,其中M5级余震4次,最大余震是4月21日17时05分芦山、邛崃交界M5.4级地震,余震区长轴约45 km,短轴约20 km.芦山M7.0级地震与2008年5月12日汶川M8.0级地震均位于龙门山断裂带,但汶川地震发生在该断裂带中-北段,两个地震的余震区存在约45 km的间隔,芦山M7.0级地震不是汶川地震的余震,但两者密切相关. 相似文献
2013年4月20日四川芦山7.0级地震给震区建筑结构造成了严重破坏.本文选择不同烈度区典型震害的钢筋混凝土框架结构,介绍了结构梁柱、填充墙、其他附属构件及地基等的破坏特点,分析了各类震害特征与破坏机理.结果显示,钢筋混凝土框架结构在本次地震中表现出了良好的抗震性能,除了极震区个别建筑框架柱发生了结构性破坏外,地震区绝大部分均为非结构性破坏,如填充墙及其他附属构件破坏,且大部分破坏不影响结构框架承重体系继续使用.最后针对该次地震中钢筋混凝土框架结构存在的主要问题,给出了一些钢筋混凝土框架结构设计与建设改进建议. 相似文献
木结构在地震中表现出良好的抗震性能.本文以芦山“4.20”7级地震Ⅶ一Ⅸ度区村镇木结构考察为基础,总结了“4.20”芦山7级地震后村镇木结构的震害程度和类型,发现木结构砌块填充墙破坏严重.考虑我国村镇经济特点和村镇施工人员的施工技术.提出用铁环&钢丝网片夹壁的加固和维修的方案. 相似文献
On April 20, 2013 at 8:02 am, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake occurred in Lushan County, Sichuan Province, China, which induces massive landslides, causes great losses to life and property. Based on the locations of aftershocks provided by the China Earthquake Network Center and the characteristic of Longmenshan active faults system, combined with the current preliminary focal mechanism solution, the fault rupture direction is determined. With the finite fault inversion method, we invert the rupture process of the Lushan M s 7.0 earthquake by teleseismic waveforms data. The inversion results indicate that the main shock is dominated by thrust fault component and the rupture initiated at depth of 15 km, and most of slip ruptured around the hypocenter with the peak slip of about 1.5 m. Most of rupture slips released at the first 20 s and the main rupture occurred at the first 10 s after the onsets of the mainshock. Most of seismic energy released near the hypocenter with a length of 28 km, especially on both sides of the hypocenter with the range of 20 km, and the seismic energy released relatively smaller in other areas. There is a large area with weak slip between the main rupture and another two asperities on both sides of the hypocenter; it may imply that the accumulated strain on the rupture fault has not been completely released. Therefore, there is a significant possibility of having strong aftershocks in the areas where energy is not fully released. This is also the main reason why there are a lot of moderate to strong aftershocks in the Lushan aftershock sequence. In addition, there is an earthquake vacant zone with a length of about 50 km between the Wenchuan M w 7.9 earthquake and this event, which is of high earthquake risk and is deserved to be paid close attention to. 相似文献
汶川大地震震后重力变化和形变的黏弹分层模拟 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
基于有限矩形位错理论及陈运泰等、JiChen等通过地震波反演的断层模型,结合研究区地壳——上地幔平均波速分层结构,利用PSGRN/PSCMP软件模拟计算了黏弹分层半空间中汶川地震(Ms8.0)产生的同震及其震后地表形变和重力变化,同时给出了震后形变和重力变化的年变化率.模拟结果表明,同震形变和重力变化显示出发震断层倾滑逆冲兼具右旋走滑综合特征;其变化主要发生于断层在地表的投影区附近,震后地表重力变化和形变量均不断增大,影响的范围也不断扩张;震后50a间近场年均形变量可达10mm,年均重力变化量可达2times;10-8m/s2,而远场年均形变量一般低于2mm,年均重力变化量一般低于0.4times;10-8m/s2;形变和重力变化在震后200a内变化较为显著,变化率逐渐减小,水平位移在400a后基本稳定不变,垂直位移、重力变化和大地水准面变化在800a后基本稳定不变. 相似文献
We obtained a catalog of early aftershocks of the 2013 Lushan earthquake by examining waveform from a nearby station MDS which is 30.2 km far away from the epicenter, and then we analyzed the relation between aftershock rate and time. We used time-window ratio method to identify aftershocks from continuous waveform data and compare the result with the catalog provided by China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC). As expected, a significant amount of earthquakes is missing in CENC catalog in the 24 h after the main shock. Moreover, we observed a steady seismicity rate of aftershocks nearly in the first 10,000 s before an obvious power-law decay of aftershock activity. We consider this distinct early stage which does not fit the Omori law with a constant p (p ~ 1) value as early aftershock deficiency (EAD), as proposed by previous studies. Our study suggests that the main shock rupture process is different from aftershocks’ processes, and EAD can vary in different cases as compared to earthquakes of strike-slip mechanism in California. 相似文献
Wei-feng Liang Yun-feng Zhao Yun-ma Xu Yi-qing Zhu Shu-song Guo Fang Liu Lian Liu 《地震科学(英文版)》2013,26(3-4):251-257
This paper introduces relative and absolute gravity change observations in the eastern portion of the Tibetan Plateau. We analyze and discuss a change that occurred in 2010 in the gravity along the eastern margin of the plateau and the relationship between this change and the 2013 Lushan M S7.0 earthquake. Our results show that: (1) before the Lushan M S7.0 earthquake, gravity anomalies along the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau changed drastically. The Lushan earthquake occurred at the bend of the high gradient zone of gravity variation along the southern edge of the Longmenshan fault zone. (2) The 2013 Lushan earthquake occurred less than 100 km away from the epicenter of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Lushan and Wenchuan are located at the center of a four-quadrant section with different gravity anomalies, which may suggest that restoration after the Wenchuan earthquake may have played a role in causing the Lushan earthquake. (3) A medium-term prediction based on changes in gravity anomalies was made before the Lushan M S7.0 earthquake, in particular, a prediction of epicenter location. 相似文献
A continuous GPS array across the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone recorded the deformation during the process of the Lushan MS7.0 earthquake that occurred on April 20, 2013. Such data can provide meaningful information regarding the dynamic evolution of crustal deformation in the seismogenic zone. Our studies have shown that the occurrence of the Wenchuan earthquake led to the loading of compressive and sinistral shearing strain on the southern segment of the Maoxian-Wenchuan fault, whereby the extrusion strain accumulated at a greater rate than before the Wenchuan earthquake. The strain time series in the seismogenic zone revealed that the principal compression strain rates decreased from west to east in the direction of N30°–45°W. Furthermore, the area to the east of Beichuan-Yingxiu fault behaved as a zone of compressive deformation with obvious sinistral shearing deformation. The surface strain and the first shearing strain time series decreased with time, while the area to the west of the Beichuan-Yingxiu fault behaved as a zone of dextral shear deformation that increased with time. Furthermore, the regional deformation field before the Lushan earthquake showed that the rate of extrusion strain accumulation in the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone was obviously larger than before the Wenchuan earthquake. Moreover, the sinistral shearing strain accumulated in the area of the southern segment of the Maoxian-Wenchuan fault. Based on the above analysis, we consider that the eastward movement of the Bayan Har block increased considerably following the Wenchuan earthquake, which enhanced the accumulation of compression strain in the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone. 相似文献
In M S7.0 Lushan earthquake, a large amount of strong ground motion recordings were collected. In this paper, we analyze the recordings carefully. The abnormality of ground motion recordings is identified through a log linear regression. In the station of 51BXD, the PGA value has exceeded 1 g, which is the biggest peak ground acceleration (PGA) value obtained from all recordings in this earthquake. The log linear relation shows the PGA value in this station is abnormally large. As this station is located on the footage of a hill, the topographic amplification factor is explored in order to explain this abnormality. Through 3D numerical modeling using spectral element method with transmitting boundary conditions, the amplification factor is quantized. In this station, the topographic amplification is highly polarized in the direction of East–West which agrees with the empirical recordings. This research result suggests us in future directionality of topographic amplification should be considered in the aseismic design. 相似文献
使用中国数字地震台网记录的区域和远震宽频带波形,通过频率域和时间域多步反演,研究四川芦山 MS 7.0地震基于点源模型的震源机制解和有限断层模型。考虑到使用不同波形资料类型、盆地效应及简化的一维速度模型等给反演震源参数带来的影响,经测试比较,结果表明:使用区域波形和本区域简化一维速度模型,波形拟合误差最小。此次地震表现为高倾角纯逆冲型事件矩心在水平方向上位于震中偏南西向约4.5 km,最佳波形拟合矩心深度约17 km,矩震级 MW约6.6。推断此地震大多数能量主要在震源偏南西约4.5 km 处释放。 相似文献
芦山7.0级强烈地震建筑结构震害调查 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
继2008年汶川8.0级特大地震后,2013年4月20日8点02分在四川省雅安市芦山县又发生了7.0级强烈地震,震源深度13公里,造成大量房屋严重破坏或倒塌.根据不同的结构类型、不同烈度区,文中对应急调查评估的603栋各类房屋结构进行了详细的统计归纳总结,得到了各类结构在不同烈度下的破坏比.在此基础上,主要对钢筋混凝土结构、砌体结构、砖木结构和木结构的震害特征进行了深入剖析,此外还对一栋大跨空间结构和一栋隔震结构的破坏特征进行了分析,最后针对各类结构在地震中尚存在的主要问题,提出了一些改进建议. 相似文献
本研究采用双差定位法对2013年4月20日发生在龙门山断裂带上的四川芦山7.0级强震及主震后48小时内504次余震序列进行重新定位,最终得到328个精定位地震事件.结果表明,余震在水平方向上主要沿龙门山断裂带的山前断裂西南段的大川—双石断裂发生,扩展模式以西南向为主(约23 km)兼有弱东北向(约12 km),并非简单的单侧扩展.在深度方向上,余震主要以铲状结构分布在18~22 km之间.通过拟合精定位后的小震空间分布特征,显示本次地震断层面倾角在15~25 km深度范围内由主震处约44°逐渐向西南向扩展增大至约73°,可能表明断层往西南破裂过程中走滑分量逐渐增强,与2008年汶川地震引起中央断裂倾角由西南向东北变化相类似. 相似文献