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Using seismic data of the aftershocks sequence of the April 20, 2013 Lushan earthquake recorded by seismic temporary and permanent stations in the source region, with the visual inspection of particle motion diagrams, this paper preliminarily contains the polarization directions of fast shear wave and the time-delays of split shear waves at every station, and analyzes the crustal anisotropic characteristics in the source region. In the study area, the polarization direc- tions at stations BAX, TQU, L 132, L 133, L 134, and L 135 are northeast, which is consistent with the strike of Dachuan- Shuangshi fault. There are two polarization directions at MDS and L131, which are northeast and southeast. The scatter of polarization directions suggests the complex stress field around these two stations where two faults intersect. For the normalized time-delays at every station, the range is 1.02-8.64 ms/km. The largest time-delay is from L134 which is closest to the mainshock, and the smallest one is from L133. The variations in time-delays show the decreasing at stations BAX, L134, and L135 because of the stress-relaxation after earthquake.  相似文献   

正Erratum to:Earthq Sci DOI 10.1007/s11589-013-0034-z The original version of this article contained an omission in the Acknowledgments section.The corrected version appears in this erratum.  相似文献   

In this paper, variations of shear wave splitting in the 2013 Lushan Ms7.0 earthquake sequence were studied. By analyzing shear wave particle motion of local events in the shear wave window, the fast polarization directions and the delay time between fast and slow shear waves were derived from seismic recordings at eight stations on the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone. In the study region, the fast polarization directions show partition characteristics from south to north. And the systematic changes of the time delays between two split shear waves were also observed. As for spatial distribution, the NE fast polarization directions are consistent with the Longmenshan fault strike in the south of focal region, whereas the NW fast direction is parallel to the direction of regional principal compressive stress in the north of focal region. Stations BAX and TQU are respectively located on the Central and Front-range faults, and because of the direct influence of these faults, the fast directions at both stations show particularity. In time domain, after the main shock, the delay times at stations increased rapidly, and decreased after a period of time. Shear-wave splitting was caused mostly by stress-aligned microcracks in rock below the stations. The results demonstrate changes of local stress field during the main shock and the aftershocks. The stress on the Lushan Ms7.0 earthquake region increased after the main shock, with the stress release caused by the aftershocks and the stress reduced in the late stage.  相似文献   

使用中国数字地震台网记录的区域宽频带波形,通过频率域和时间域多步反演,研究了2013年四川芦山“4·20”7.0级强烈地震的震源运动学特征.基于点源的震源机制解揭示:地震发震断层面参数分别为走向214°/倾角47°/滑动角96°,表现为一次高倾角的逆冲型事件.矩心在水平方向上位于震中(30.303°N/102.988°E)西南向约4.5 km,矩心深度约17 km.平均总标量地震矩M0为1.16×1019 N·m,矩震级Mw约6.6.进一步模拟高达0.5 Hz高频波形,获得了芦山地震破裂过程图像,结果显示:此地震为一次不对称双侧破裂事件.破裂半径约15 km,整个破裂面积为706.7 km2,平均滑动量约0.231 m.破裂在8 s内释放了大多数能量.震后0~3 s内,破裂以孕震点为中心向四周同时扩展,3 s后,破裂表现出明显的方向性,主要向北北东扩展,导致位于震中北东向多数台站视破裂持续时间总体偏小,最小值为4 s.破裂约8 s后基本停止.  相似文献   

Both P- and S-wave arrivals were collected for imaging upper crustal structures in the source region of the April 20, 2013 Lushan earthquake. High-resolution, three-dimensional P and S velocity models were constructed by travel-time tomography. Moreover, more than 3700 aftershocks of the Lushan earthquake were relocated via a grid search method. The P- and S-wave velocity images of the upper crust show largely similar characters, with high and low velocity anomalies, which mark the presence of significant lateral and vertical heterogeneity at the source region of the Lushan earthquake. The characteristics of the velocity anomalies also reflect the associated surface geological tectonics in this region. The distributions of high velocity anomalies of both P- and S-waves to 18 km depth are consistent with the distributions of relocated aftershocks, suggesting that most of the ruptures were localized inside the high velocity region. In contrast, low P and S velocities were found in the surrounding regions without aftershocks, especially in the region to the northeast of the Lushan earthquake. For the relocated aftershocks of the Lushan earthquake from this study, we found that most aftershocks were concentrated in a zone of about 40 km long and 20 km wide, and were located in the hanging wall of Dayi–Mingshan fault. The focal depths of aftershocks increase from the southeast to the northwest region in the direction perpendicular to the fault strike, suggesting that the fault ruptured at an approximate dip angle of 45°. The main depths of the aftershocks in the northwest of the main shock are significantly shallower than expected, revealing the different seismogenic conditions in the source region.  相似文献   

Both P- and S-wave arrivals were collected for imaging upper crustal structures in the source region of the April 20, 2013 Lushan earthquake. High-resolution, three- dimensional P and S velocity models were constructed by travel-time tomography. Moreover, more than 3700 after- shocks of the Lushan earthquake were relocated via a grid search method. The P- and S-wave velocity images of the upper crust show largely similar characters, with high and low velocity anomalies, which mark the presence of sig- nificant lateral and vertical heterogeneity at the source region of the Lushan earthquake. The characteristics of the velocity anomalies also reflect the associated surface geo- logical tectonics in this region. The distributions of high velocity anomalies of both P- and S-waves to 18 km depth are consistent with the distributions of relocated after- shocks, suggesting that most of the ruptures were localized inside the high velocity region. In contrast, low P and S velocities were found in the surrounding regions without aftershocks, especially in the region to the northeast of the Lushan earthquake. For the relocated aftershocks of the Lushan earthquake from this study, we found that mostaftershocks were concentrated in a zone of about 40 km long and 20 km wide, and were located in the hanging wall of Dayi-Mingshan fault. The focal depths of aftershocks increase from the southeast to the northwest region in the direction perpendicular to the fault strike, suggesting that the fault ruptured at an approximate dip angle of 45°. The main depths of the aftershocks in the northwest of the main shock are significantly shallower than expected, revealing the different seismogenic conditions in the source region.  相似文献   

本文利用玛多7.4级地震科考密集台阵150个台站和固定台站MAD记录的近震波形数据,采用横波分裂分析方法测量,总计得到22518对有效横波分裂参数,获得了震源区上地壳各向异性特征.结果显示,震源区各台站的快波偏振方向和慢波延迟时间存在着明显的空间分区特征,但未能表现出随时间的规律性变化特征.最明显的横波分裂特征表现在沿...  相似文献   

The April 20, 2013 Lushan earthquake which occurred in Sichuan, China had only moderate thrust. However, the computed seismic moments (M0) for the Lushan earthquake calculated by several institutions differ significantly from 0.4 × 1019 to 1.69 ×019 Nm, up to four times difference. We evaluate ten computed Mos by using normal mode observations from superconducting gravimeters in Mainland China. We compute synthetic normal modes on the basis of moment tensor solutions and fit them to the observed normal modes. Comparison of our results indicates that Mo is the main cause for some large differences between observations and synthetics. We sug- gest that a moment magnitude of Mw6.6, corresponding to a Mo of 0.97-1.08 × 1019 Nm, characterizes the size and strength of the seismic source of the Lushan earthquake.  相似文献   

The April 20, 2013 Lushan earthquake which occurred in Sichuan, China had only moderate thrust. However, the computed seismic moments (M 0) for the Lushan earthquake calculated by several institutions differ significantly from 0.4 × 1019 to 1.69 × 1019 Nm, up to four times difference. We evaluate ten computed M 0s by using normal mode observations from superconducting gravimeters in Mainland China. We compute synthetic normal modes on the basis of moment tensor solutions and fit them to the observed normal modes. Comparison of our results indicates that M 0 is the main cause for some large differences between observations and synthetics. We suggest that a moment magnitude of M w6.6, corresponding to a M 0 of 0.97–1.08 × 1019 Nm, characterizes the size and strength of the seismic source of the Lushan earthquake.  相似文献   

2013年4月20日四川芦山7.0级地震震源破裂特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
徐彦  邵文丽 《地球物理学报》2013,56(10):3396-3403
2013年4月20日四川芦山发生7.0级地震.本文运用反投影远震P波的方法研究了中心频率为1 Hz的芦山地震震源破裂特征.研究结果显示2013年芦山7.0级地震破裂长度约为20 km,震源破裂时间约为26 s.本文认为在芦山地震的开始阶段(0~4 s)震源的破裂是向震中位置两侧进行的.而芦山地震破裂的第二阶段(5~26 s)是单侧破裂.芦山地震最大能量释放区域位于震中以北.本文对比了运用相同方法研究的发生在同一断裂带上的2008年汶川地震震源破裂特征.发现2013年芦山地震和2008年汶川地震有三点相似之处,即,破裂主要沿北东走向的龙门山断裂带发展;最大能量释放区域没有位于震中;能量都是通过多次子事件来释放的,且第二次能量释放是最大能量释放.对比两次地震破裂区域,可以看出芦山地震的破裂区域是在2008年汶川地震破裂区域的西南端发展的.两次地震的破裂区域占了整个龙门山断裂带的三分之二.  相似文献   

2013年4月20日四川芦山M7.0级地震介绍   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
2013年4月20日四川芦山M7.0级地震发生在龙门山断裂带南段,震源机制解为逆冲型.震后3天震区已发生3000多次余震,其中M5级余震4次,最大余震是4月21日17时05分芦山、邛崃交界M5.4级地震,余震区长轴约45 km,短轴约20 km.芦山M7.0级地震与2008年5月12日汶川M8.0级地震均位于龙门山断裂带,但汶川地震发生在该断裂带中-北段,两个地震的余震区存在约45 km的间隔,芦山M7.0级地震不是汶川地震的余震,但两者密切相关.  相似文献   

Variations of shear wave splitting in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake region   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Through the analysis of S-wave particle motion of local events in the shear wave window, the polariza-tion directions of the faster shear wave and the delay times between the faster and the slower shear waves were derived from seismic recordings at the stations near the fault zones. The shear wave split-ting results of seven stations in the area of Longmenshan fault zone reveal spatial variation of the po-larization directions of the fast shear wave. The directions at stations in the southeastern side of the Longmenshan fault zone (in the Sichuan Basin area) are in the NE direction, whereas the direction at station PWU (in the Plateau), which is in the northwestern side of the faults, is in the EW direction. Systematic changes of the time delays between two split shear waves were also observed. At station L5501 in the southern end of the aftershock zone, the delay times of the slower shear wave decrease systematically after the main shock. After the main shock, the delay times at station PWU were longer than those before the earthquake. Seismic shear wave splitting is caused mostly by stress-aligned microcracks in the rock below the stations. The results demonstrate changes of local stress field dur-ing the main-shock and the aftershocks. The stress in the southern part of Wenchuan seismogenic zone was released by the main-shock and the aftershocks. The crustal stresses were transferred to the northeastern part of the zone, resulting in stress increase at station PWU after the main-shock.  相似文献   

2013年芦山MS7.0地震的震前及临震应变异常   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
距离芦山地震震中70 km的姑咱地震台YRY四分量钻孔应变仪2013年4月16—19日记录到8次幅度达到十倍固体潮幅的张性应变阶跃, 这在该仪器6年多运行期间尚属首次. 这些应变异常与芦山地震在时间、 空间上相关; 应变异常的主压应力方向与震前宝兴水压致裂地应力测量主压应力方向相近, 并与震前5个月中长达3个月的应变异常主压应力方向一致; 应变阶跃起始与远震震波同时到达. 综上认为, 4月16—19日的应变异常有可能是芦山地震发震断裂在破裂错动前地层蠕滑的反映.   相似文献   

浅谈芦山地震   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
陈运泰  杨智娴  张勇  刘超 《地震学报》2013,35(3):285-295
地震序列是对地震现象的回顾性描述,只有在地震序列结束后它才有可能被确切无疑地判定.鉴于龙门山断裂带或地震带的整体性、统一性和系统性,不可否认在其西南段发生的芦山地震是与汶川地震一样的同属于龙门山断裂带的事件.鉴于芦山地震的震源位置、震源机制、震级大小和破裂区覆盖的范围,目前可认为它是汶川地震迄今最大的余震.鉴于地震序列的判定是对地震现象的唯象的描述,有相当的任意性,对芦山地震究竟是"新的主震"还是"汶川余震"的"讨论"实质上是在根据经验判定地震的类型,即使目前看"主震说"提出的4条"论据"明显缺乏说服力,"余震说"比较有说服力,但最后都需要等到地震序列结束之后才有可能"定论".作者认为,相对于需要等到地震序列结束之后才能"定论"、甚而在地震序列结束之后未必能"定论"的芦山地震究竟是"新的主震"还是"汶川余震"问题,应当更为关注芦山地震的发生引出的一些重要的亟待研究的科学问题与防震减灾问题.  相似文献   

2013年4月20日四川芦山地震强地面运动三要素特征分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
2013年4月20日四川省芦山县境内发生MS7.0级地震,地震造成196人死亡,21人失踪,11470人受伤,震中最大烈度IX.地震发生后,中国数字强震动观测网络和成都市地震烈度速报网络分别获得了114组和63组3分量强震动记录.记录得出在近场加速度幅值较高,与汶川地震峰值相当,然而震害却不严重.本文介绍了这些记录的基本情况,分析了其地震动三要素(幅值、持时、频谱)特征以及对建筑物结构的潜在影响.分析结果表明:芦山地震PGA(地震动峰值加速度)与我国常用的霍俊荣地震动预测方程较一致,高于即将颁布的第五代区划图中使用的预测方程;PGV(地震动峰值速度)与第五代区划图中使用的预测方程基本一致;Significant持时和Bracketed持时高于全球经验预测方程,且Bracketed持时衰减显著慢于全球平均水平;典型11个幅值较大记录的5%阻尼比加速度反应谱峰值周期都在0.1~0.2 s范围内,且谱值远高于规范设计谱,但在周期0.3 s之后迅速下降至设计谱以下;芦山地震地震动PGV值较小以及对应我国中小城市和城镇主要建筑物的结构自振周期范围(0.3~1 s)内加速度反应谱远低于规范设计谱,可用于解释其震害相对较轻的原因.  相似文献   

2013年4月20日四川芦山MS7.0地震:一个高角度逆冲地震   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用中国地震台网和IRIS数据中心提供的近远震数字地震波形记录,首先读取P波初动方向,在考虑深度误差和速度模型引起的离源矢量误差基础上,利用网格搜索方法,计算了2013年4月20日四川芦山MS7.0地震断层面解,其断层面走向/倾角/滑动角依次为212°/44°/92°.然后采用近远震波形联合反演方法(CAPjoint),反演了地震矩心深度和点源近似下双力偶解,表明地震发生在12 km深度,发震断层面参数为212°/47°/93°.通过分析波形反演中深度和震源区地震波速度模型对断层面倾角的影响,并结合短期余震机制解,认为芦山MS7.0地震是一个高角度逆冲地震.  相似文献   

2010年玉树7.1级地震震源区横波分裂的变化特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文对2010年玉树Ms7.1级地震序列的横波分裂的时空变化现象进行了研究.通过在横波窗内S波质点运动图的分析,从位于甘孜—玉树断裂带台站的地震记录中提取了S波分裂的快波偏振方向和快慢波之间的时间延迟.断裂带上3个台站的S波分裂的结果显示了NEE向快波偏振方向,与区域内最大主压应力方向基本一致.观测到了快、慢波到时延迟的趋势性变化,空间上,位于震源区甘孜—玉树断裂带的北支断裂上L6304和YUS台的到时延迟大于位于南支断裂上的L6303的结果,同时YUS台的到时延迟又大于L6304台的;时间上,YUS台的到时延迟在主震后迅速增大,持续一段时间后又减小.横波分裂现象主要由台站下方岩层中随应力分布排列的微裂隙控制,本文结果揭示了主震和余震过程中区域应力场的变化,玉树地震主震区的应力在主震后得到了释放,地壳应力向东南转移,导致了YUS台的到时延迟大于L6304台的;玉树地震的发震断裂是甘孜—玉树断裂的北支断裂,而南支断裂对其影响较小;YUS台附近的地壳应力在主震后得到了增强,随着余震活动导致的应力释放,后期应力减小.  相似文献   

In this study, we determined fnax from near- field accelerograms of the Lushan earthquake of April 20, 2013 through spectra analysis. The result shows that the values of fmax derived from five different seismography stations are very close though these stations roughly span about 100 km along the strike. This implies that the cause offmax is mainly the seismic source process rather than the site effect. Moreover, according to the source-cause model of Papageorgiou and Aki (Bull Seism Soc Am 73:693-722, 1983), we infer that the cohesive zone width of the rupture of the Lushan earthquake is about 204 with an uncertainty of 13 m. We also find that there is a significant bulge between 30 and 45 Hz in the amplitude spectra of accel- erograms of stations 51YAL and 51QLY, and we confirm that it is due to seismic waves' reverberation of the sedi- mentary soil layer beneath these stations.  相似文献   

杨溢  常利军 《地球物理学报》2018,61(5):2088-2098



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