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Uncontrolled coal fires are natural disasters that may cause mineral loss and environmental damage. The traditional loop source transient electromagnetic method can effectively detect the low-resistivity region of coal fires, but its detection efficiency is not so good for high-resistivity regions. In view of this limitation, a technique based on electrical source transient electromagnetics is proposed in this paper to detect high-resistivity regions in the spontaneous combustion process of coal. Considering the complex geometry of the coal fire area, an unstructured tetrahedral grid is used in this study to realize the spatial discretization of the model, and solve the electromagnetic field based on a vector finite element algorithm. Numerical analysis is used to investigate methods for detecting coal fires and the characteristics of effective anomalies are further examined to provide guidance for practical detection.  相似文献   

With the increasing researches on geotechnical properties of the diesel contaminated soil ( DCS), the water content measured is indispensable part during the early period. In this study, the relative error of water content measurement using the traditional method is as high as 20.78%, which is no longer suitable for contaminated soil. Through a series of tests to measure the loss coefficient of diesel in the drying time, the authors finally proposed a modified calculation formula for test samples. The results show that the maximum relative error calculated by using the modified formula is 0.96% , far lower than that of traditional formula, which can pro- vide accurate data for further study of diesel contaminated soil.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to understand the effects of forest gap and variations in different seasons, gap size, locations and diurnal variations on forest microclimate and soil water content. Spatial and temporal distribution features of air temperature (TA ), soil temperature (TS ), relative humidity (h) and soil water content (Ψ) were measured in Castanopsis kawakamii natural forest gaps created by a severe typhoon or fallen dead trees. The results showed that: (1) the variations of TA , h, and TS in four seasons were extremely significant. The variations of Ψ in four seasons were extremely significant except for those between spring and summer. (2) The diurnal variations of TA and T S were expressed with a single peak curve. The diurnal variations of h and Ψ presented a high-low-high trend. (3) The variations of TA , h, and TS were extremely significant among the large, medium and small gaps in C. kawakamii natural forest. Medium gaps had the highest TA and the lowest h while small gaps were just contrary to medium gaps. The variations of Ψ were extremely significant for large, medium and small gaps except those between the medium and large gaps. (4) The TA , h, TS and Ψ were decreased from the gap center, canopy gap, expanded gap to understory. These results will help further our understanding of the abiotic and consequent biotic responses to gaps in the mid-subtropical broadleaved forests, which also provide a theoretical basis for the scientific management and population restoration of C. kawakamii natural forest.  相似文献   

煤层底板音频电透视探测成果反映的底板阻水条件   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用音频电透视技术,分析了杨村煤矿2702工作面底板30m和50m深度界面的探测成果,并与井下水文钻孔揭露的煤层底板岩层结构及探水结果对比研究,发现音频电透视探测的煤层底板综合视电导率高异常与岩层的裂隙性及其充水程度具有很强的关联性;岩层裂隙与含水层连通性良好部位明显显现视电导率高值异常,结果表明,音频电透视探测成果能够综合反映底板岩层的阻水条件。  相似文献   

To evaluate the diurnal and seasonal variations in soil respiration(Rs) and understand the controlling factors, we measured carbon dioxide(CO2) fluxes and their environmental variables using a LI-6400 soil CO2 flux system at a temperate Leymus chinensis meadow steppe in the western Songnen Plain of China in the growing season(May–October) in 2011 and 2012. The diurnal patterns of soil respiration could be expressed as single peak curves, reaching to the maximum at 11:00–15:00 and falling to the minimum at 21:00–23:00(or before dawn). The time-window between 7:00 and 9:00 could be used as the optimal measuring time to represent the daily mean soil CO2 efflux. In the growing season, the daily value of soil CO2 efflux was moderate in late spring(1.06–2.51 μmol/(m2·s) in May), increased sharply and presented a peak in summer(2.95–3.94 μmol/(m2·s) in July), and then decreased in autumn(0.74–0.97 μmol/(m2·s) in October). Soil temperature(Ts) exerted dominant control on the diurnal and seasonal variations of soil respiration. The temperature sensitivity of soil respiration(Q10) exhibited a large seasonal variation, ranging from 1.35 to 3.32, and decreased with an increasing soil temperature. Rs gradually increased with increasing soil water content(Ws) and tended to decrease when Ws exceeded the optimum water content(27%) of Rs. The Ts and Ws had a confounding effect on Rs, and the two-variable equations could account for 72% of the variation in soil respiration(p 0.01).  相似文献   

潮滩土壤含水量具有变化频率快、空间变化大的特征,是影响潮滩地表反射率的重要因素。潮滩土壤含水量的精确提取,可为潮滩特征地物信息遥感反演提供基础。本文利用江苏大丰王港潮滩4种典型沉积物、449组不同含水量对应的实测光谱曲线数据进行特征分析,构建高光谱预测模型,实现了潮滩沉积物含水量的遥感反演。研究结果表明:(1)在短波红外波段,沉积物含水量与反射率之间存在良好的分段线性相关关系,分段点对应的含水量分别为42%和62%;(2)1165nm、1336nm、1568nm和1780nm特征波段反射率,对含水量变化具有良好响应,由特征波段组合计算得到的差值水指数DWI、比值水指数RWI和归一化水指数NDWI与含水量呈显著线性相关,可有效改善单波段反射率与含水量之间的分段线性关系;(3)3个水指数中,DWI反演的含水量精度优于RWI和NDWI,且对不同含水量大小均有良好适应性,而RWI和NDWI更适合含水量变化范围中等的情况;(4)对于粉砂、砂质粉砂、粉砂质砂和砂4种沉积物类型,DWI1336,1780验证组模拟含水量与实测含水量的相关系数,分别为0.891、0.915、0.920和0.905,均方根误差分别为9.87%、3.56%、4.24%和2.98%,表明由DWI构建的高光谱遥感反演模型,可有效实现潮滩表层含水量的时空变化预测。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to develop a unique modeling approach for fast assessment of massive soil erosion by water at a regional scale in the Loess Plateau, China. This approach relies on an understanding of both regional patterns of soil loss and its impact factors in the plateau area. Based on the regional characteristics of pre- cipitation, vegetation and land form, and with the use of Landsat TM and ground investigation data, the entire Loess Plateau was first divided into 3 380 Fundamental Asses...  相似文献   

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