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榆林长城沿线处于环境变化敏感带,其风沙滩区沉积剖面的磁化率和粒度分析结果显示,该区全新世早期11 500~10 000 a BP随着全球气候的逐渐转暖,磁化率、黏粒和粉沙含量逐渐增高;全新世中期的10 000~4 500 a BP气候相对比较湿润,植被覆盖度增大,风沙活动减弱,地表沉积物当中粉沙和黏土成分含量显著增大,风化成壤作用增强,地表发育沙质弱古土壤;全新世中期后段的4 500~3 000 a BP期间,气候以比较温和湿润为主,但在4 200~4 000 a BP出现一个气候干旱事件,风沙活动强烈;近3 000 a以来,气候显著干旱化,波动频繁,地表风沙沉积物显著变粗,表现出有5次沙漠扩张。该区生态环境演化、人文历史变迁基本上是自然因素与人为活动综合作用的结果,以自然演化为主,近代人为因素对环境变化起着加强和放大作用。  相似文献   

甘肃通渭县黄土堆积区全新世环境变迁   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
通过对甘肃通渭县四家庙全新世黄土剖面的粒度和磁化率分析。并依据前人研究成果对年均气温和年均降水量的相应恢复,揭示了该区全新世期间气候演化的特点和规律。分析认为,研究区全新世以来的环境变化是不稳定的,无论古土壤发育期还是黄土堆积期,气候都具有频繁的次级波动。尤其在全新世中期。两层古土壤间的黄土夹层,反映该区在全新世大暖期经历过一次历时千年之久的气候显著恶化事件。  相似文献   

This paper presents the study on two continuous glacio-lacustrine sedimentary deposits, Laotanfang (3 597 m) and Shibantang (3 689 m) located on the southern and northern sides of Hulifang peak in Yunan, China. Environmental change indexes are constructed for each deposit, based on grain size, geochemical and pollen analysis, environmental magnetic susceptibility, and 14C dating. The study of climatic environmental change since the Holocene epoch in this region shows that the climate fluctuated at different stages during the early Holocene, that is, the climate was cool and wet during 8.4-7. 7r ka, cold and wet during 7.7-6. 5 ka, cold and dry during 6. 5-4.7 ka, cool and wet during 4.7-2. 1 ka, warm and wet during 2. 1-1.0 ka, and warmer and wet since 1 ka. These findings reflect the overlapping influences of the southwest and southeast monsoons in different times during the Holocene in the north part of southwestern China are in accord with other Holocene climate change models in this part of China.  相似文献   

This paper presents the study on two continuous glacio-lacustrine sedimentary deposits, Laotanfang (3 597 m) and Shibantang (3 689 m) located on the southern and northern sides of Hulifang peak in Yunan, China. Environmental change indexes are constructed for each deposit, based on grain size, geochemical and pollen analysis, environmental magnetic susceptibility, and 14C dating. The study of climatic environmental change since the Holocene epoch in this region shows that the climate fluctuated at different stages during the early Holocene, that is, the climate was cool and wet during 8 4-7 7 ka, cold and wet during 7 7-6 5 ka, cold and dry during 6 5-4 7 ka, cool and wet during 4 7-2 1 ka, warm and wet during 2 1-1 0 ka, and warmer and wet since 1 ka. These findings reflect the overlapping influences of the southwest and southeast monsoons in different times during the Holocene in the north part of southwestern China are in accord with other Holocene climate change models in this part of China.  相似文献   

Based on palynological and geochemical data (Organic Carbon-Corg and Sulphur-S) of sedimentary samples from a vibrocore, considerations about the palaeoenvironmental evolution of Itapeva Lake region during the Holocene are made. The analysed core (BOXVI) consists in its lowermost part of a fine to medium sand packet, rich in glauconitic minerals, whose upper limit is considered to be the Holocene-Pleistocene contact. Using Cluster analysis on palynomorphs combined with Corg and S data, it was possible to distinguish four zones related to the Holocene transgression-regression cycle. Variations in Corg and S data permitted the recognition of changes in palaeosalinity. Zone 1 represents the beginning of the Holocene sedimentation; palynomorphs composition reveals a marsh environment under predominating freshwater conditions. In Zone 2, the occurrence of dinoflagellate cysts and high S values, indicating brackish water, reflects Holocene sea level highstand around 5100yrs. B.P. High concentration of Cyperaceae associated with a significant increase in Corg in Zone 3 indicates a typical marsh environment influenced at least sometimes by higher saline water, reflecting a regression phase. Salvinia natans (L)All. and Cyperaceae grains are considered to be the most significant palynomorpha in Zone 4, characterising a freshwater marsh. Based on the occurrence of dinoflagellates sample 2, Operculodinium sp., related to marine to estuarine environments, a question arises regarding about the time at which Barrier Ⅳ became completely closed.  相似文献   

涛动(ENSO)间的相互作用可进一步诱发季风突变,造成北半球中低纬度地区大面积干旱。   相似文献   

末次冰期后,在全新世大暖期及区域沉降的影响下,渤海湾沿岸普遍发育海侵现象,位于莱州湾南岸的潍北平原区在经历全新世最大海泛面后,海水退却过程中留下了数条古海岸线,形成了多处贝壳堤、牡蛎礁等海岸带遗迹.研究区内新发现常家村、后柳家2处牡蛎礁,其14C年龄分别为(5130±30)a B.P.和(6030±30)a B.P.;...  相似文献   

The Holocene environmental evolution in coastal area, including deltas and estuaries, is vital to the Neolithic colonization in the eastern China. A 29-m long sediment core XL was obtained from the region between the Taihu Lake and Qiantang Estuary, and multiple analyses on the core sediments have been done to investigate the evolution history of the inner coastal zone of Hangzhou Bay during the Holocene. Six sedimentary facies are identified since the late Pleistocene, including the paleosol at the bottom, overlain by tidal-flat-channel complex(TFC), tidal-distributary-channel(TDC), inner estuarine basin(IEB), subtidal-to-intertidal-flat, and fluvial-plain facies. The TFC and TDC facies are dated to be formed before 8500 cal yr BP, featured by relatively coarse sediments, high magnetic properties and less abundant foraminifera, denoting the tide-influenced setting with large terrestrial inputs. The IEB facies characterized by the most abundant foraminifera fossils and the lowest sediment magnetic properties, is inferred to be deposited during the maximum flooding period between 8500 and 7900 cal yr BP. The branch estuary was then infilled by local sediments with a shallowing-upward subtidal-to-intertidal sequence during 7900–4300 cal yr BP. At last the fluvial plain system developed since no later than 4300 cal yr BP, favouring the rapid development of Neolithic cultures in the region.  相似文献   

天水谢家湾全新世环境变迁及人地关系演化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在野外详细观测的基础上,对天水谢家湾全新世黄土剖面以2cm为间距进行了连续采样,并对所有样品作了磁化率和粒度分析,结果综合反映出研究区自全新世以来,经历了早期升温、中期基本暖湿、晚期趋于干冷的气候环境演化阶段,其中全新世中期在总体温湿的大背景下,存在频繁的气候波动。以此为基础,结合对渭河文化的历史研究资料,探讨了区内约1万年以来的人地关系演化历史,指出人地关系的和谐与统一,对人类社会发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

泥炭作为一种环境信息载体,在全球变化的研究中具有重要的作用。东北地区的哈尼泥炭地位于全球气候变化的敏感区域,研究意义更加显著。运用碱提取溶液吸光度法对东北哈尼泥炭腐殖化度进行了测定,结合14C测年数据,与泥炭纤维素δ18O时间序列相比较,较好地恢复了全新世哈尼地区的古气候状况,指出了哈尼地区的全新世气候演变的5个阶段:①11.5~9.8 kaBP气候温暖阶段;②9.8~9.0 kaBP气候急剧降温寒冷阶段;③9.0~4.8 kaBP气候温暖阶段;④4.8~1.8 kaBP气候冷暖交替波动阶段;⑤1.8~0 kaBP气候寒冷阶段。   相似文献   

The East Asian monsoon system influences the sedimentation and transport of organic matter in East Asian marginal seas that is derived from both terrestrial and marine sources. In this study, we determined organic carbon (OC) isotope values, concentrations of marine biomarkers, and levels of OC and total nitrogen (TN) in core YSC-1 from the central South Yellow Sea (SYS). Our objectives were to trace the sources of OC and variations in palaeoproductivity since the middle Holocene, and their relationships with the East Asian monsoon system. The relative contributions of terrestrial versus marine organic matter in core sediments were estimated using a two-end-member mixing model of OC isotopes. Results show that marine organic matter has been the main sediment constituent since the middle Holocene. The variation of terrestrial organic carbon concentration (OCter) is similar to the EASM history. However, the variation of marine organic carbon concentration (OCmar) is opposite to that of the EASM curve, suggesting OCmar is distinctly influenced by terrestrial material input. Inputs of terrestrial nutrients into the SYS occur in the form of fluvial and aeolian dust, while concentrations of nutrients in surface water are derived mainly from bottom water via the Yellow Sea circulation system, which is controlled by the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM). Variations in palaeoproductivity represented by marine organic matter and biomarker records are, in general, consistent with the recent EAWM intensity studies, thus, compared with EASM, EAWM may play the main role to control the marine productivity variations in the SYS.  相似文献   

基于第一次地理国情普查成果,结合高分辨率遥感影像、遗产保护区划图、遗产要素统计信息,获取、分析了大运河申遗之前(2009年为主)、申遗成功当年(2014年)、申遗成功一年之后(2015年)三个时点的环境景观及变化信息,为大运河调查、评估、规划、管理、监测提供理论和地理信息支撑.通过本研究探索,对地理国情普查成果有效转化应用起到很好的示范作用,并为其他世界文化遗产和不可移动文物监测提供了有效借鉴.  相似文献   

As an important marginal sea under the influences of both the Changjiang River and the Kuroshio, the East China Sea (ECS) environment is sensitive to both continental and oceanic forcing. Paleoenvironmental records are essential for understanding the long-term environmental evolution of the ECS and adjacent areas. However, paleo-temperature records from the ECS shelf are currently very limited. In this study, the U^K_37 and TEX86 paleothermometers were used to reconstruct surface and subsurface temperature changes of the mud area southwest of the Cheju Island (Site F10B) in the ECS during the Holocene. The results indicate that temperature changes of F 10B during the early Holocene (11.6-6.2 kyr) are associated with global climate change. During the period of 6.2-2.5 kyr, the similar variability trends of smoothing average of AT (the difference between surface and subsurface temperature) of Site F10B and the strength of the Kuroshio suggest that the Kuroshio influence on the site started around 6.2kyr when the Kuroshio entered the Yellow Sea and continued to 2.5 kyr. During the late Holocene (2.5-1.45 kyr), apparent decreases of U^K_37 sea surface temperature (SST) and AT imply that the direct influence of the Kuroshio was reduced while cold eddy induced by the Kuroshio gradually controlled hydrological conditions of this region around 2.5 kyr.  相似文献   

环境磁学在古气候环境研究中的回顾与展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
基于磁性矿物的性质变化能敏感记录现在和地质历史时期的气候环境变化信息,环境磁学方法能鉴别环境演化过程中磁性物质在大气圈、水圈和岩石圈中运移、沉积和转化的过程,系统介绍了沉积物中磁性矿物的特征和鉴别方法以及主要的环境磁学参数和意义,着重回顾了环境磁学在以黄土、湖泊和海洋沉积物为载体的古气候环境研究中的应用及其取得的重要进展,指出了环境磁学在古气候环境研究过程中要加强多磁学参数综合应用,促进地质记录和磁学指标之间的定量研究,有利于理解不同沉积物的磁性矿物特征和环境变化过程的相关关系.同时强调沉积物还原成岩作用过程的环境磁学研究是目前以至今后发展的一个重要方向.  相似文献   

该文利用已有资料,综述了纳木错流域冰川湖泊对气候变暖的敏感响应。太阳辐射是气候变化的主要能量来源,西风和印度季风的不均匀分布对高原冰川和湖泊的影响具有区域差异性。在气候变暖背景下,1970年以来,纳木错流域的冰川呈退缩趋势,湖泊面积呈扩大趋势,湖泊结冰时间延迟,融化时间提前,平均降水量变化趋势不明显。以上指标的变化都不具有周期性,很难识别太阳黑子的活动周期。冰川融化是湖泊面积扩大的主要因素,冻土融化产生的水量也是湖泊面积扩大不可忽视的原因。  相似文献   

This paper is a review of studies of abrupt climate changes(ACCs) during the Holocene published during the past ten years.North Atlantic cold events are indicators of ACCs.As indicated by North Atlantic ice-rafted debris(IRD),there were nine confirmed cold events during the Holocene,occurring at 11.1 kyr,10.3 kyr,9.4 kyr,8.1 kyr,5.9 kyr,4.2 kyr,2.8 kyr,1.4 kyr,and 0.4 kyr respectively according to most representative results from Bond et al.(1997).However,the identification of chronology has been made with some uncertainties.Considerable climatic proxy data have shown that,during the cold events,substantial climate abnormalities have occurred widely across the globe,particularly in the areas surrounding the North Atlantic.These abnormalities were in the form of high-latitude cold in the both hemispheres,expansion of the Westerlies to low latitudes,drought in the monsoon regions,recession of summer monsoons,and intensification of the winter monsoons.Studies have indicated that the four ACCs occurring in the early Holocene may be related to freshwater pulses from ice melting in the northern part of the North Atlantic,and the other five ACCs that occurred during the middle and late Holocene may be related to the decreased solar activity.  相似文献   

Earthquake induced landslides are one of the most severe geo-environmental hazards that cause enormous damage to infrastructure, property, and loss of life in Nuweiba area. This study developed a model for mapping the earthquake-induced landslide susceptibility in Nuweiba area in Egypt with considerations of geological, geomorphological, topographical, and seismological factors. An integrated approach of remote sensing and GIS technologies were applied for that target. Several data sources including Terra SAR-X and SPOT 5 satellite imagery, topographic maps, field data, and other geospatial resources were used to model landslide susceptibility. These data were used specifically to produce important thematic layers contributing to landslide occurrences in the region. A rating scheme was developed to assign ranks for the thematic layers and weights for their classes based on their contribution in landslide susceptibility. The ranks and weights were defined based on the knowledge from field survey and authors experiences related to the study area. The landslide susceptibility map delineates the hazard zones to three relative classes of susceptibility: high, moderate, and low. Therefore, the current approach provides a way to assess landslide hazards and serves for geo-hazard planning and prediction in Nuweiba area.  相似文献   

基于PM2.5(Fine Particulate Matter)浓度、地表温度(Land Surface Temperature,LST)、归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)、植被覆盖度(Vegetation Coverage,VC)、土地利用等数据,借助综合评价指数(Comprehensive Evaluation Index,CEI),本文对2000―2015年京津冀环境质量进行了评估.结果表明:京津冀整个地区,CEI呈逐步退化和退化的面积分别占34.88%和4.15%,主要位于东南部的天津,河北邢台、邯郸等地.京津冀城市建成区,CEI呈退化和逐步退化的比例分别达到54.80%和25.87%.46.76%和39.86%的城市扩张用地的环境质量分别呈现逐步退化和退化状态.京津冀?LST值呈现西北、东南低,中部高的分布态势,?PM2.5和?VC均呈现从东南向西北减小的趋势.相关分析表明?PM2.5、?VC和?LST的变化对城市建成区及其城市扩张用地的环境质量有显著影响,其中?PM2.5浓度变化是导致城市建成区及其扩张用地环境质量恶化的最主要因素.  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的加快,如何及时、精确地对城市环境的变化做出评价,进而制定出合理的发展方案,对城市可持续发展至关重要。本文综合利用卫星遥感获取的PM2.5浓度数据、地表温度数据(Land Surface Temperature,LST)、植被指数数据(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)及城市用地辅助信息数据,基于综合评价指标,分析海上丝绸之路沿线12个超大城市地区2000-2013年环境质量的动态变化。研究结果表明,2000-2013年,海上丝绸之路沿线约75%的超大城市呈现出不同程度的环境恶化现象。12个超大城市用地环境恶化及逐步恶化面积占研究区域总面积的31.33%(4732.39 km2)。2000-2013年,城市扩张用地恶化和逐步恶化面积约占总扩张用地的29.48%(3765.83 km2)。平均地表温度的上升、植被覆盖度的急剧下降及PM2.5浓度的增加均对海上丝绸之路沿线超大城市环境质量变化产生影响。其中,空气中PM2.5浓度的大幅度增加是2000-2013年海上丝绸之路沿线超大城市扩张用地环境退化的主要原因。  相似文献   

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