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Experimentally gained parameters,decisive for rock fall analysis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary This paper presents the methodology adopted for assessing experimental parameters relevant to computer rockfall analyses and describes the data gathered from several in situ rockfall tests carried out by ISMES and ENEL CRIS during recent years.Through the calculation of block velocities during their fall from and onto slopes of various geometry, and the measurement of the run-out distances, heights of bounce and the geometric characteristics of blocks, the following experimental parameters were studied: Restitution Coefficient, Rolling Friction Coefficient, dispersion of trajectories, effect of block geometry on its fall, and efficiency of a ditch, at the bottom of a slope, for arresting fallen blocks.  相似文献   

西南地区地形复杂,位于地震高发区域。为了进一步研究该区域地震作用下落石的运动特征,以我国九寨沟景区内荷叶寨后山危岩带2为例。首先研究危岩带2中单一危岩体在自重荷载下的失稳情况,分别采用RocFall和非连续变形分析方法(DDA)进行模拟,结果表明:DDA和RocFall的模拟结果相近。DDA中落石水平位移模拟结果为210.6 m,RocFall中大部分落石水平位移分布在205 m附近。鉴于RocFall的局限性,采用DDA方法继续研究地震作用下危岩体的密度、高度、体积和地震波峰值加速度等因素对落石运动特征如运动轨迹、水平位移和速度的影响规律,并监测落石在坡脚附近的最大弹跳高度。研究结果表明:(1)危岩带2所处边坡自然坡角范围为65°~75°,落石在坡面上加速,在高程约2292 m(与居民区相对高差约为132 m)处发生抛射,运动方式以滚动、碰撞、弹跳为主;(2)岩体软弱结构面的贯通时间随落石密度、体积以及地震波峰值加速度增大而减小;(3)峰值速度随边坡高度、体积及地震波峰值加速度增大而增大;(4)水平位移随落石密度、边坡高度及地震波峰值加速度增大而增大;(5)坡脚处落石最大弹跳高度随各因素变量增大而增大。继续研究内部存在节理裂隙的岩体(3条平行节理将危岩分为K1~K4部分)在地震荷载下的运动特征:(1)在地震荷载作用下,危岩沿节理面发生倾倒破坏,落石水平位移模拟结果为191.5~243.8 m;(2)落石在坡脚附近的最大弹跳高度范围为0~13.8 m。  相似文献   

The Ajanta caves are situated in Deccan Trap basalt and declared as one of the World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. The present study aims to investigate and understand the damage of caves and to protect the life of the visitors from the rockfall phenomenon at and around the caves. Information related to the detached rock mass/block was acquired by using Barton–Bandis model in Universal Distinct Element Code. Parameters for rockfall simulation were determined by rigorous field study and laboratory experiment and then calibrated some of the parameters by back analysis. RocFall 4.0 program has been used to calculate maximum bounce heights, total kinetic energies, and translational velocities of the falling blocks of different weights. The maximum bounce height varies from 14.0 to 19.0 m for the weight of the block size ranging from 500 to 2,000 kg, whereas the maximum velocity and maximum kinetic energy are 30.0 m/s and 917.66 kJ, respectively. Finally, the results of simulation have been used to find out the position of the barrier and its capacity to design the protection barrier. The barrier capacity was found to be 325 kJ for 2,000 kg of falling blocks at a height of 50.0 m.  相似文献   

This paper reports the field evidence and the kinematical study of the motion of two blocks (A and B) mobilised by a rockfall in Lavone (Valtrompia, northern Italy) on 14 February 1987. The two sequences of impact marks left by the blocks on the ground surface were measured and the lithostratigraphical features of the debris slope were surveyed. On the basis of the field-collected input data, several computer simulations were carried out to calculate the coefficients of restitution (E) satisfying the trajectory conditions. The computed output values show that rebound trajectories require high coefficients of restitution (0.8 ≤ E ≤ 0.9). Back-calculated impact velocities range from 9.2 to 19.8 m/s. Trajectory heights vary from 0 to 2.4 m above the slope surface. Block trajectories differ considerably according to the circumstances of initial air projection, i.e. to initial rebound angle (αr). The calculated values of (αr) denote a considerable range (36°), emphasising the random nature of this parameter. The described case-history shows that rockfall computer analyses can be an effective tool to describe the bouncing propagation of single blocks but care must be taken in choosing the restitution coefficient E and the geometrical parameters of initial air projections.  相似文献   

对影响滚石的岩性、地形坡高和地质结构等因素进行现场地质调查和分析,初步确定存在潜在滚石的坡体。借助BJSD-2B型激光断面仪,选取上述坡体的4个典型剖面进行坡形测量。结合数值分析结果,确定块石A~F发生滚石的可能性较大。现场测量确定A~F块石的体积。在此基础上,利用Rocfall模拟软件对6块块石滚落的运动特征(运动距离、弹跳高度、动能和运动速度)进行预测和分析。结果表明:块石D的失稳对游客的生命安全威胁相对较小,但会直接导致7号洞洞室发生严重破坏;其余5块块石的失稳均会对游人的生命安全造成重大威胁,但不会严重影响到相应洞室的稳定。建议对上述6块块石所在坡体的关键部位及时采取工程措施进行加固。  相似文献   

Rockfall hazard and risk analysis for Monte da Lua,Sintra, Portugal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The prediction of rockfall trajectories below a rock cliff is essential in susceptibility, hazard and risk maps, particularity close to populated areas. The Monte da Lua hill area in Portugal, a tourist destination close to the historic city of Sintra (UNESCO World Heritage), is a typical granite boulder chaos landscape where from time to time rockfalls occur, the last such event having occurred on 29 January 2002. This area is therefore suitable to develop a rockfall study in order to provide hazard and risk maps a basis for mitigation measures. A preliminary investigation of the area leads to the identification of 188 potentially dangerous boulders. Detailed locations and geotechnical characteristics in terms of geometry, strength and context were sampled for each boulder. Digital elevations at 1 × 1 m resolution, known rockfall trajectory and building locations are provided in a GIS project for the study together with the spatial database of boulder characteristics. The modelling approach was conducted in two steps: (1) discrimination of the boulders in terms of static and dynamic mobility behaviour with multivariate analysis; (2) stochastic simulation of rockfall trajectories. The rockfall trajectory algorithm proposed is straightforward and is only dependent on elevation data, initial location of boulders and a friction angle. Due to the slope of the area, it assumes that rockfall is always of the rolling or sliding type. The friction angle was calibrated on the basis of the rockfall travel distance recorded on 29 January 2002 and generates simulated “realistic” trajectories. A smaller friction angle increases all simulated trajectories, leading to more “pessimistic” scenarios. The combined analysis of trajectories and potential damage to buildings and discrimination in terms of static and dynamic behaviour provides a final table in which all 188 sampled boulders are classified in one of the five risk grades.  相似文献   

This paper reports the field evidence and the kinematical study of the motion of two blocks (A and B) mobilised by a rockfall in Lavone (Valtrompia, northern Italy) on 14th February 1987. The two sequences of impact marks left by the blocks on the ground surface were measured and the lithostratigraphical features of the debris slope were surveyed. On the basis of the field-collected input data, several computer simulations were carried out to calculate the coefficients of restitution (E) satisfying the trajectory conditions. The computed output values, obtained by running a specific automatic program for rockfall modelling, show that rebound trajectories require high coefficients of restitution (0.8 ≤ E ≤ 0.9). Back-calculated impact velocities range from 9.2 to 19.8 m/s. Trajectory heights vary from 0 to 2.4 m above the slope surface. Block trajectories differ considerably according to the circumstances of initial air projection, i.e. to the initial rebound angle (α r). The calculated values of α r denote a considerable range (36°), emphasising the high variability and the random nature of this parameter. The described case history shows that rockfall computer analyses can be an effective tool to describe the bouncing propagation of single blocks, but care must be taken in choosing the restitution coefficient E and the geometrical parameters of initial air projections.  相似文献   

The Saptashrungi gad temple (SGT) situated on basaltic hills belongs to Deccan volcanic of Upper Cretaceous to Lower Eocene, is one among the 51 Shakti Peeths and most holy place for pilgrims. Rockfall is a major problem in the past and causing danger to the lives of the villagers settled at the toe of the SGT hill as well as the pilgrims who perform parikrama along the tracks. On the evening of 16 April 2011, an old woman died due to rockfall at SGT hill when she was performing parikrama, moreover, two persons got injured during the deliverance process of this old woman from the continuous rockfall activity. The problem of rockfall could be linked to rainfall, jointing, weathering, man-made or the compounding of all. In this research, the rockfall hazard analysis at SGT hill is assessed using both 2D and 3D rockfall programs along the two parikrama paths: Parikrama Path 1 (or the Badi Parikrama Path ‘BPP’), and Parikrama Path 2 (or the Chhoti Parikrama Path ‘CPP’). Also, the study area of the SGT hill has been divided into eight zones (Zone#01 to Zone#08), based on field observations, orientations of joint sets and hill slope faces and eighteen topographic profiles (AA' to RR') have been taken from these eight zones for rockfall analysis. A detailed topographic survey along with field investigation has been carried out along the temple for ascertaining the nature of rock, discontinuity orientations, and slope geometry. DEM has been generated using topographic profile in ArcGIS to facilitate the 3D rockfall analysis. Maximum rock block sizes are taken into the analysis and run-out distance, bounce height, kinetic energy and velocity of the basaltic blocks are evaluated separately. Based on the analyzed data, the rockfall hazard zone map has been prepared and site having potential rockfall risks have been identified. Finally, wire/net meshing has been proposed after removal of unstable blocks as a stabilization and protection measures.It is worth mentioning here that for the first time rockfall hazard assessment was made in such detail for a site. Suggestions made are implemented by the State Government for the protection of the temple as well as the life of pilgrims performing the parikrama from the rockfall.  相似文献   

Rockfall, up to several hundreds of cubic meters, is a frequent and rapid landslide which menaces extensive areas in mountainous territories. Rockfall susceptibility zoning map at a large scale (1:5000–1:25 000) can be the first tool for land use planning in order to manage rockfall risk. A methodology allowing to analyze susceptibility in extensive areas with optimum cost/benefit relationship is needed. This work analyzes rockfall susceptibility in an extensive rocky mountain of the Principality of Andorra (Pyrenees Mountains), first on the rock slope and then on the exposed area located below. The rockfall record, obtained by means of geomorphological analysis, supplies the main data to analyze the susceptibility on the rock slope. An additional historical inventory verifies the accuracy of rockfall sizes recorded by means of the geomorphological analysis. According to the classification recommended by the Guidelines of Joint Technical Committee, the density of rockfall features on the rock slope assesses susceptibility in four levels. Subsequently, susceptibility on exposed areas has been analyzed by means of reach probability of rock blocks analysis using empirical models. Data acquired from thirteen recent events, from 1999 to 2004, have been used to verify the accuracy of the two empirical models mainly used (reach angle and shadow angle). Five reach probability limits (1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.01, and 0) establish boundaries between susceptibility levels. The resulting rockfall susceptibility zoning map allows: (a) to identify land areas and human elements exposed to rockfalls and, (b) to establish several exposition levels. This map can be a useful and cost-effective tool for administrations responsible to manage natural risk in order to guide urban grow in extensive areas or decide upon work programs based on in-depth analysis (hazard and risk).  相似文献   

Rockfalls are common in the steep and vertical slopes of the Campania carbonate massifs and ridges, and frequently represent the main threat to the anthropogenic environment, potentially damaging urban areas, scattered houses, roads, etc. Despite the generally limited volumes involved, the high velocity of movement (from few to tens of metres per second) poses rockfalls among the most dangerous natural hazards to man. Evaluating the rockfall hazard is not an easy task, due to the high number of involved factors, and particularly to the difficulty in determining the properties of the rock mass. In this paper, we illustrate the assessment of the rockfall hazard along a small area of the Sorrento Peninsula (Campania region, southern Italy). Choice of the site was determined by the presence of a road heavily frequented by vehicles. In the area, we have carried out detailed field surveys and software simulations that allow generating simple rockfall hazard maps. Over twenty measurement stations for geo-mechanical characterization of the rock mass have been distributed along a 400-m-long slope of Mount Vico Alvano. Following the internationally established standards for the acquisition of rock mass parameters, the main kinematics have been recognized, and the discontinuity families leading to the different failures identified. After carrying out field experiments by artificially releasing a number of unstable blocks on the rock cliff, the rockfall trajectories along the slope were modelled using 2-D and 3-D programs for rockfall analysis. The results were exploited to evaluate the rockfall hazard along the threatened element at risk.  相似文献   

Rock fall is a common natural hazard causing significant damage to infrastructure and loss of life and property. This paper describes selection of prevention method, construction processes and the results of a rockfall hazard assessment for the village of Sarica (Gürün region, Turkey) based on an engineering-geological model. The study area is located on the lower parts of an area with very steep cliffs and 40-500 slopes with fractured sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Detailed studies have been conducted in the region to prevent the risk of any rockfalls. Maps and charts are prepared including the rock blocks that are likely to fall and the related housing area under the risk. It was found that block sizes reached 3 m3. Rockfall analyses were performed along the selected profiles using the Rocfall V.5.0 software. Kinetic energy, bounce height, horizontal location of rock end-points and velocity of the rocks along each section were evaluated separately for each profile. This data was used to select design and construction of rockfall preventing system. In this study professional type rock fall barrier (catchment fence) was used. This method was chosen because it was cheaper, more practical and reliable than others.  相似文献   

滚石灾害是山区常见的地质灾害类型,研究滚石的运动特征对地质灾害调查及危险性评估有着重要意义.通过对尼泊尔某项目滚石灾害后现场进行工程地质调查,分析其灾害成因机制,查明事故原因.调查结果表明:9·15灾害非人类活动的影响,属自然地质灾害,造成事故的主要原因为超高位岩体崩塌,而滚石的范围又超过前期预测的危险区.通过现场痕迹...  相似文献   

Rockfall hazard analysis for an historical Castle in Kastamonu (Turkey)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Kastamonu Castle located on a sandstone hill with Eocene age is one of the most historical and touristic places in Kastamonu city center. The settlement of the city expanded towards the hill of the Kastamonu Castle and adversely affected by rockfalls in the past. The rockfall problems around the castle could be related to jointing, weathering, freezing-thawing and earthquake effects or a combination. In this study, the rockfall hazard at the castle is evaluated by two-dimensional rockfall analyses along 17 profiles selected in different orientations. Different size of rock blocks and various types of movements are taken into consideration in the analyses. Fall-out distance, bounce height, kinetic energy and velocity of the sandstone blocks are separately evaluated. The obtained data are used to define the possible rockfall hazard zones. Finally, the areas having potential rockfall risks are distinguished. Based on the evaluation of the data, rock bolting after removing of unstable blocks and supporting the area with the protective fences are suggested.  相似文献   

马显东  周剑  张路青  黄福有  李蕊瑞 《地球科学》2022,47(12):4559-4573
为获取被动柔性防护网在不同崩塌滚石运动特征下的动态响应规律,以鲁甸803地震震后崩塌滚石造成防护网损坏现场为例,通过无人机倾斜摄影技术实现地质调查,采用Rockyfor3D获取研究区落石的运动特征,并通过被动柔性防护网有限元模型,对不同落石冲击形式下防护网的动态响应规律进行研究.研究显示区内落石弹跳高度普遍在1~2 m,优势路径上的落石会形成稍高速低弹跳的范围冲击.在范围落石冲击下,防护网绳索最大拉力增加可达123.7%;在低弹跳落石冲击下,绳索最大拉力增加可达181.2%.范围落石冲击会导致防护网网面耗能的降低,并导致上拉锚绳拉力的增大.防护网下一级支撑绳对不同落石弹跳高度的响应较为敏感,部分高弹跳落石会对上拉锚绳和上一级支撑绳产生影响.   相似文献   

Catchment ditches along highways are designed to contain hazardous rock falls from cut slopes. RocFall, a rock fall simulation software, was used to evaluate the maximum roll-out distances of rock falls in order to determine rock fall catchment ditch dimensions for Ohio's cut slopes. Based on stratigraphy, cut slopes in Ohio were classified into five types. The parameters required for simulation process included friction angle between rock fall and slope face, coefficient of normal and tangential restitution, slope roughness and average weight of rock falls. A total of 400 simulations were performed for various slope heights, slope angles and catchment ditch slopes. The results are useful in designing catchment ditch for Ohio and neighbouring states where the stratigraphy consists of sub-horizontal, inter-layered hard and soft rock units. The widely used guidelines developed by the Oregon Department of Transportation do not work well for Ohio's stratigraphy.  相似文献   

无人机影像在高陡边坡危岩体调查中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在高陡边坡危岩体的调查中,复杂的地形条件经常限制工作的正常开展,如何快速准确地获取地质灾害信息一直是地质灾害调查研究中的难点之一。以往的研究中对无人机遥感技术在黄土、高原等地区应用有所报道,但对西南地区高陡边坡危岩体灾害调查的研究尚无报道。文章以锦屏二级水电站出线场边坡落石灾害所在区域为例,将无人机摄影测量技术应用于高陡边坡危岩体调查中,通过无人机倾斜摄影获取高分辨率遥感影像,开展遥感影像三维建模,进行地质灾害遥感解译,总结了无人机遥感系统在高陡边坡危岩体调查的技术流程。通过三维实景模型,精确地分析了落石灾害的空间分布、失稳模式及演化过程,查明了区域内危岩隐患点的分布特征;基于三维点云模型,提取出地质灾害体的属性信息,测得落石方量为11.7 m3,采用最小二乘法进行平面拟合,得到落石两组主控结构面产状为275.4°∠31.2°、103.5°∠63.3°。实践表明,无人机遥感技术在高陡边坡地区落石灾害调查中具有明显的可行性和优越性,可以较好地应用于高陡边坡危岩体调查中。  相似文献   

Bathymetric data available for Swiss lakes have typically only low to moderate resolution and variable quality, making them insufficient for detailed underwater geomorphological studies. This article presents results of a new bathymetric survey in perialpine Lake Lucerne using modern hydrographic equipment. A digital terrain model (DTM) of the lake floor (raster dataset with 1 m cell size) covering the Chrüztrichter and Vitznau basins documents signatures of major Holocene mass movements and relics from the glacial history of the lake. Combining the bathymetry data with reflection seismic profiles and an existing event chronology allows investigating the morphology in its geological context. Subaqueous sediment slide scars with sharp headwalls cover large areas on moderately inclined slopes. The particularly large Weggis slide complex, correlated with an historical earthquake (ad 1601), features a ~9 km long and 4–7 m high headwall and covers an area of several square kilometers. Large debris cones of prehistoric rockfalls and the deposits of recent rockfall events imaged on the almost flat basin plain document mass-movement activity on steep slopes above the lake. Six transverse moraines, visible as subaqueous ridges, as lake-floor lineaments, or only imaged on reflection seismic profiles, indicate a complex glacial-inherited morphology. As many of the documented features result from potentially catastrophic events, high-resolution bathymetry can significantly improve natural hazard assessment for lakeshore communities by extending classical hazard maps to the subaqueous domain.  相似文献   

GIS-based evaluation of rockfall risk along routes in Greece   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents a GIS-based system, designed to assist in the management of rockfall risk along Greek routes. The system was developed in two stages; the field data collection led to the implementation of a rockfall rating system with its fundamental parameters, while the data process concluded to a rockfall data base and a GIS-based interface. The fundamental parameters were derived from the rockfall hazard rating system developed by Pierson et al. at the Oregon State Highway Division and provide a coherent approach to decide the type and the cost of protection measures to be applied in an area affected by rockfalls and presents highest rockfall risk. The system presented in this paper as well as the original system comprises exponential scoring functions that represent the increased hazard and reflected in nine categories forming the classification. The method presented in this paper modified certain categories from the original system which were described qualitatively and may lead to quite subjective estimations. These categories are ditch effectiveness; climate and presence of water on slope as well as rockfall history. Moreover, the original category “Geologic characteristic” was changed to Structural and Discontinuities Index; an index that relates blockiness of rock mass and orientation of joints with their weathering condition and their roughness. This index follows the classification of weathering and joint’s roughness suggested by International Society of Rock Mechanics, while other modifications regarding the categories “decision sight distance” and “roadway width” were applied based on Greek standards. An application of this modified method to a 3 km road which connects Athinios port and Fira, the capital of Santorini island, Greece, a high traffic intensity road where rockfalls periodically cause traffic interruptions is presented. The method was applied in fifteen cross sections of slopes adjacent to the road and the analyses showed increased risk and the need for urgent remedial works.  相似文献   

滚石是突发于人工边坡或自然边坡上的一类特殊的地质灾害,对坡下的人类活动和基础设施的安全构成极大威胁.柔性防护系统是滚石灾害防治的重要方法之一,而摩擦制动环是应用于钢绳拦石网并起到关键缓冲作用的部件.作者发现,当前使用的摩擦制动环存在着缓冲效率较低、较易损坏、成本较高等诸多不足.针对这些不足,提出了一种可应用于滚石柔性防护系统的簧式缓冲器.理论研究表明,它具有缓冲效率较高、不易损坏、价格较低等优点,可望在滚石柔性防护系统中得到广泛应用.  相似文献   

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