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为应对全球气候变化的挑战,发展低碳经济已成为国际共识。根据核能的特点,分析了核电燃料链的温室气体排放及其与其他能源链的比较,指出核能是各种能源中温室气体排放量最小的发电方式。介绍了世界主要核电国家发展核能减排温室气体状况,分析了我国发展核电的温室气体减排效益,提出积极发展核能是我国构建低碳型能源结构、应对气候变化的合理有效选择。  相似文献   

英国温室气体排放贸易制度的实践与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温室气体排放贸易作为一种经济激励型的环境管理手段,对企业减少温室气体排放有成本效率作用。详细介绍了英国温室气体排放贸易制度框架,并对其政策的效果及存在的问题进行了评价。  相似文献   

度量不同参与者已使用的温室气体排放空间是温室气体排放核算的重要问题。从人际公平视角,基于人年均温室气体排放,本文提出了温室气体排放空间使用比率及其计算公式,利用142 个国家1950-2013 年温室气体排放和人口数据进行了具体计算,并根据计算结果对这些国家进行了排序和分类。计算结果表明,美国温室气体排放空间使用比率在3.33以上,占用的排放空间远高于142 个国家的平均水平;中国处于0.50~0.70,明显低于平均水平;印度在0.30 以下,远低于平均水平。本研究表明,温室气体排放空间使用比率可支持决策者和社会各方了解参与者使用温室气体排放空间的程度,也有助于提高排放信息的透明度。  相似文献   

企业是国内外温室气体排放核算标准化工作关注的重点领域。随着全球应对气候变化工作新需求的出现,国内外标准化领域也发生着与需求相呼应的变化。国际上,企业层面的核算标准已经提高了对企业供应链排放的核算与报告要求,同时,针对具体行业的企业温室气体核算标准也进入制定程序;国内企业核算标准更加贴合中国实施重点企业直报、碳排放权交易等任务的需要,注重与国内现有标准体系、企业计量基础的衔接,更具可操作性。通过对ISO 14064-1修订版、ISO 19694系列标准及GB/T 32150、GB/T 32151系列标准的比较发现,这些标准采用了基本一致的核心方法,为未来可能的交流衔接提供了基础;标准间的差异主要源自适用范围与施用对象的不同,体现在排放源划分方式、数据获取方法、体现特定导向的要求等方面;虽然这些新变化有利于不同市场、地域或行业的企业更好地体现其排放特点,但也对企业未来开展温室气体排放核算与报告提出了更高的要求,建议中国企业梳理温室气体核算的核心工作,建立基础的数据收集体系;同时也理清各标准差异,建立相适应的报告能力;建议中国标准制定机构关注标准的适用性与可操作性,根据国内温室气体管理的政策与措施分阶段制定相关标准。  相似文献   

陕西省温室气体排放清单研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用IPCC指南推荐的碳排放计算方法,将省级温室气体排放源分为能源活动、工业生产、农业、林业、废弃物等5个单元,全面测算了2005—2013年陕西省温室气体排放清单。结果表明:2005—2013年,陕西省温室气体排放总量和人均碳排放量逐年增长且有加速趋势,而温室气体吸收总量却增长缓慢,净温室气体排放量增长趋势显著,单位GDP碳排放量呈波动下降趋势;能源部门的温室气体排放量占总排放比例最大,为78.42%~83.36%;工业过程、农业、废弃物处理排放所占比例分别为9.57%~14.78%、3.11%~9.02%、1.25%~1.98%;林业部门表现为碳汇,约9%的CO2排放被森林吸收。  相似文献   

附件一国家温室气体排放趋势及其履约进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 对《联合国气候变化框架公约》秘书处最新公布的温室气体排放数据进行统计分析,结果显示:相对于基准年(1990年),附件一国家温室气体排放总量整体呈下降趋势。其中,经济转型期国家温室气体排放总量总体上呈逐年下降趋势,非经济转型期国家的温室气体排放总量有逐年增长的趋势。美国和加拿大能源部门的温室气体排放量增长最为显著,相对于1990年,2005年其增幅分别为19.2%和28.6%;英国和德国能源部门温室气体减排量最为显著,其减幅分别为7.8%和17.4%。在2005年,有超过一半的附件一国家的实际排放量低于其目标排放量,履约进展状况良好。  相似文献   

对《联合国气候变化框架公约》秘书处最新公布的温室气体排放数据进行统计分析,结果显示:相对于基准年(1990年),附件一国家温室气体排放总量整体呈下降趋势。其中,经济转型期国家温室气体排放总量总体上呈逐年下降趋势,非经济转型期国家的温室气体排放总量有逐年增长的趋势。美国和加拿大能源部门的温室气体排放量增长最为显著,相对于1990年,2005年其增幅分别为19.2%和28.6%;英国和德国能源部门温室气体减排量最为显著,其减幅分别为7.8%和17.4%。在2005年,有超过一半的附件一国家的实际排放量低于其目标排放量,履约进展状况良好。  相似文献   

电力行业温室气体排放核算方法体系研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
调研了主要发达国家的温室气体清单编制方法和国内相关经验,结合我国电力行业特点和温室气体清单编制目标、尺度、方法等,提出以IPCC推荐的详细技术为基础的第二类(T2)方法为主,更精确的第三类(T3)方法为辅的我国电力行业温室气体清单编制方法的基本原则;借鉴国外温室气体排放核算的优良做法,结合我国电力行业实际情况,对我国电力行业温室气体清单编制进行实体分类和分析,根据清单编制的范围、定义和数据可得性等建立符合我国国情的电力行业温室气体清单编制方法体系框架。  相似文献   

根据IPCC报告,在过去140年间,全球平均升温0.6℃,13个最暖年份出现在1983年以后。在IPCC关于全球气候变化第三次评估报告指出,如果不采取措施,未来100年内全球平均气温可能上升1.4~5.8℃。具预测黑龙江省2030年和2050年在现在基础上还将上升1.9℃和2.4℃。从图中可见CO2呈线性快速增长的趋势。全球气候变暖,对生态环境产生严重影响,正引起政府间普遍关注。黑龙江省是我国重要老工业基地,又是能源大省和农业大省,能源资源、煤、石油、木材、秸秆、柴草都相当丰富。由于环保意识淡薄,一些有害气体温室气体CO2、NO2、SO2、CH4不经处理…  相似文献   

国际气候谈判背景下的国家温室气体排放清单编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于"共同但有区别的责任"原则,《联合国气候变化框架公约》对附件I和非附件I缔约方提交国家温室气体排放清单的要求不尽相同。2007年以来,发展中国家自主减缓行动透明度、以国家温室气候排放清单为核心的国家信息通报提交频率及其磋商分析问题成为气候谈判争论的焦点之一,发展中国家承担的相关义务有不断增加的趋势。通过阐述该公约对发达国家和发展中国家排放清单编制的不同要求,特别是通过对目前发达国家所接受的清单审评制度和我国国家温室气体排放清单编制情况的分析论述,明确我国国家清单编制所面临的挑战,并提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

温室气体排放信息披露是确保实现温室气体排放总量控制目标和顺利开展碳交易、推动企业碳减排的重要前提和根本保障。研究表明,通过明确法律制度保障、完善信息披露路径、加强监管等措施,可以有效建立温室气体排放信息披露制度。建议在综合考虑国内碳市场信息披露、省级重点企业温室气体排放信息披露、环境信息披露等工作基础上,推动我国温室气体排放信息披露在法律基础、制度框架、重点要素等方面的顶层设计,并加强监管。  相似文献   


This article analyses the national circumstances and major factors underpinning China's energy demand and supply, energy-related emissions, and consequently China's sustainable development. These factors include the huge, still growing, and aging population, rapid economic growth, ongoing industrialization and urbanization, environmental and health concerns at local, regional and global level. Against such background analysis, the article explores the potential and constraints of non-fossil fuel, fuel-switching to natural gas, economy restructuring and clean coal technology in mitigating emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) and ensuring energy supply in China. The authors reiterate the importance of improving energy efficiency in China and discuss how to integrate renewable energy into rural development. The article concludes with an in-depth discussion about redefining development goals, the equity issue in climate change process, and the linkage with sustainable development.  相似文献   

The use of shale gas is commonly considered as a low-cost option for meeting ambitious climate policy targets. This article explores global and country-specific effects of increasing global shale gas exploitation on the energy markets, on greenhouse gas emissions, and on mitigation costs. The global techno-economic partial equilibrium model POLES (Prospective Outlook on Long-term Energy Systems) is employed to compare policies which limit global warming to 2°C and baseline scenarios when the availability of shale gas is either high or low. According to the simulation results, a high availability of shale gas has rather small effects on the costs of meeting climate targets in the medium and long term. In the long term, a higher availability of shale gas increases baseline emissions of greenhouse gases for most countries and for the world, and leads to higher compliance costs for most, but not all, countries. Allowing for global trading of emission certificates does not alter these general results. In sum, these findings cast doubt on shale gas’s potential as a low-cost option for meeting ambitious global climate targets.


Many countries with a large shale gas resource base consider the expansion of local shale gas extraction as an option to reduce their GHG emissions. The findings in this article imply that a higher availability of shale gas in these countries might actually increase emissions and mitigation costs for these countries and also for the world. An increase in shale gas extraction may spur a switch from coal to gas electricity generation, thus lowering emissions. At the global level and for many countries, though, this effect is more than offset by a crowding out of renewable and nuclear energy carriers, and by lower energy prices, leading to higher emissions and higher mitigation costs in turn. These findings would warrant a re-evaluation of the climate strategy in most countries relying on the exploitation of shale gas to meet their climate targets.  相似文献   

The conditional probabilistic scenario analysis combines statistical methods of uncertainty analysis at parameter level with storylines which recognize the deep uncertainty that exists for several underlying trends. The model calculations indicate that cumulative 21st century emissions could range from 800 to 2500 GtC in the absence of climate policy. This range originates partly from the underlying storylines, and partly from the probabilistic analysis. Among the most important parameters contributing to the uncertainty range are uncertainty in income growth, population growth, parameters determining energy demand, oil resources and fuel preferences. The contribution of these factors is also scenario-dependent.  相似文献   

China is now the world's biggest annual emitter of greenhouse gases with 7467 million tons (Mt) carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) in 2005, with agriculture accounting for 11% of this total. As elsewhere, agricultural emissions mitigation policy in China faces a range of challenges due to the biophysical complexity and heterogeneity of farming systems, as well as other socioeconomic barriers. Existing research has contributed to improving our understanding of the technical potential of mitigation measures in this sector (i.e. what works). But for policy purposes it is important to convert these measures into a feasible economic potential, which provides a perspective on whether agricultural emissions reduction (measures) are low cost relative to mitigation measures and overall potential offered by other sectors of the economy. We develop a bottom-up marginal abatement cost curve (MACC) representing the cost of mitigation measures applicable in addition to business-as-usual agricultural practices. The MACC results demonstrate that while the sector offers a maximum technical potential of 402 MtCO2e in 2020, a reduction of 135 MtCO2e is potentially available at zero or negative cost (i.e. a cost saving), and 176 MtCO2e (approximately 44% of the total) can be abated at a cost below a threshold carbon price ≤¥ 100 (approximately €12) per tCO2e. Our findings highlight the relative cost effectiveness of nitrogen fertilizer and manure best management practices, and animal breeding practices. We outline the assumptions underlying MACC construction and discuss some scientific, socioeconomic and institutional barriers to realizing the indicated levels of mitigation.  相似文献   

The transport sector is one of the major sources of greenhouse gas emissions. The proposal of “dual-carbon” targets puts forward higher requirements for carbon emission reduction in the transport sector. The statistical data base for energy consumption statistics and greenhouse gas emission measurement in China’s transport sector is relatively weak. There is no precise data on greenhouse gas emission of transport sector. The boundary, scope, and methodology of greenhouse gas emission accounting need to be further clarified. At present, the accounting method for greenhouse gases has not been unified in the transport sector at the national level. Drawing on the experience and practice of domestic and overseas greenhouse gas emissions accounting boundaries and calculating methods for the transport sector, this paper puts forward the greenhouse gas emissions accounting methods applicable to different modes of transportation in China. Aiming at the existing problems in the transport greenhouse gas accounting, corresponding policy recommendations in establishing energy consumption and emissions accounting method system, setting up the transport energy consumption and carbon emissions data sharing mechanism, strengthening transportation energy consumption emissions accounting methods training, improving data quality management are proposed in this study, to provide a reference for the continuous development of greenhouse gas emissions accounting in China’s transport sector. © 2023 BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

国家自主贡献文件是《巴黎协定》后发展中国家气候资金需求信息的重要载体。发展中国家的气候资金需求日益增长,而发达国家提供的气候资金存在的不平衡与不充分等问题,已成为当前气候资金议题的主要矛盾。因此,本文依据最新的151份发展中国家的国家自主贡献文件,深入分析发展中国家自主提出的未来气候资金需求,并评估了各国自主贡献资金需求的合理性。研究发现,151个发展中国家中有84个国家提出具体的国家自主贡献资金需求,其国家自主贡献时间框架内的资金需求总值达4.4万亿美元;分析48个同时提出减缓与适应资金需求以及21个同时提出国内与国外资金需求国家的国家自主贡献文件得到,发展中国家资金需求类别中用于减缓与适应的资金需求比例约为6?4,国外资金需求与国内资金需求比值约为7?3;基于国家自主贡献文件估算的发展中国家累积减排量到2030年约119 Gt CO2-eq,自主贡献减排成本平均值为50美元/ t CO2-eq;发展中国家2015—2030年国家自主贡献资金需求预期为1万亿~4万亿美元,年均700亿~2600亿美元,其中国际资金需求为0.7万亿~2.8万亿美元,年均500亿~1900亿美元。  相似文献   

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