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By comparing benthic foraminiferal and macrofaunal responses to sewage sludge disposal in the Firth of Clyde (Scotland), we wanted to investigate the possibility of using foraminifera as bio-indicators of marine environmental degradation. Both groups present a similar distributional pattern, with poor faunas composed of species tolerant to strong oxygen depletion near to the disposal site, surrounded by high density of opportunistic species. Farther away, faunal density decreases and equilibrium taxa gradually replace opportunistic species. No more environmental impact is perceptible beyond 3 km. Nevertheless, some differences exist: foraminifera appear to be more impacted at the disposal site, probably as a consequence of the low pH, a supplementary stress factor for organisms provided with a calcareous test. At 3 km west of the disposal site, macrofauna is comparable to the reference station, whereas foraminifera still indicate environmental degradation, suggesting their higher sensitivity to this type of pollution. It appears that benthic foraminifera may add valuable information to open marine environmental monitoring. 相似文献
钢管超高性能RPC短柱的轴压特性研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文用试验研究了钢管超高强混凝土RPC(后称钢管RPC)短柱在轴压荷载作用下的性能,从分析RPC与普通混凝土和高强混凝土性能上的差异着手,探讨了钢管RPC在轴压作用下的受力变形机理与破坏特点。基于对试验结果和相关文献资料的综合分析,得到了计算钢管RPC承载力的经验公式,并与相关现行规程的计算结果进行了比较。结果表明,国内现行的一些钢管混凝土设计规程不适用于计算钢管RPC的承载力。 相似文献
Despite the inherently advantages of the box column, finding the best option for the I beam to the box column connection is the main challenge in using the box column as a structural member for special moment frames. In this paper, the seismic performance of unreinforced connection, weakened connection and strengthened connection was evaluated through a comprehensive experimental program. The seismic comparisons were fabricated by assessing the strength, ductility and energy dissipation in each configuration. Three full scale tests with several connections were carried out. All the specimens were subjected to cyclic loading and prior to failure by forming a plastic hinge in the beam, all the connections managed to reach an inelastic rotation of more than 6.0% rad. The experimental and analytical results showed that the seismic performance of the strengthened connection with flange and shear plates turned out to be the most effective in the beam to the box column connection. Moreover, the normalized stress distribution of the continuity plates revealed that the possibility of the weld fracture in unreinforced connection is more than other specimens. 相似文献
Camamu Bay (Bahia, Brazil) is an Environmental Protected Area with mangroves of economic and ecological importance. The objective of this study was to elucidate, through the distribution of the benthic macrofauna and its relationships with trace metals and bioavailabilty, if the current quality of the mangrove sediments of Camamu Bay is acceptable for the protection of aquatic life. Seven sampling stations were selected as representative of the meso-littoral region of Camamu Bay. It was found 581 macrobenthic organisms distributed in 38 species. The highest values of metals occurred at stations located in areas that influenced by barite extraction, while the lowest concentrations were found in areas with relatively lower anthropogenic influence. Analysis of acid volatile sulphide and simultaneously extracted metals showed the occurrence of the ratio SEM/AVS >1, indicative of possible bioavailability of metals, at only one station. The results suggested that Camamu Bay is a nearly pristine area. 相似文献
Peter Haase Susanne Lohse Steffen Pauls Karin Schindehütte Andrea Sundermann Peter Rolauffs Daniel Hering 《Limnologica》2004,34(4):349-365
In the past, no single standardised method for sampling and sorting benthic macroinvertebrates has been implemented in Germany. Therefore, we tested the suitability of two common sorting protocols, RIVPACS and AQEM/STAR, by taking samples with each protocol at 44 sampling sites. Our results reveal that different methods deliver slightly different assessment results. Moreover these two methods differ in costs. Although the AQEM/STAR protocol takes longer than the RIVPACS protocol, we favoured the AQEM/STAR protocol because of its higher level of standardisation. In order to limit costs to an acceptable level, a modification of the AQEM/STAR protocol (MAS method) is developed. This method is highly standardised, gives stable assessment results and is relatively inexpensive (€ 224.00 for processing of an average sample). A detailed protocol of the newly developed method is given. 相似文献
In the current study in the middle of a coastal zone,a harbor basin in the form of a square area recessed to the front is considered.A breakwater of variable length and position offers protection from waves.The water renewal time and the self-purification capacity of the harbor under the influence of alongshore currents due to wind-induced water circulation of varying intensities were examined.Furthermore,the transport of particulate matter released from the upstream side of the coastal zone and the possible influence(via sedimentation)on the lateral basin was investigated.The current study was based on the use of a two-dimensional depth-averaged hydrodynamic model and a quasi-three-,dimensional transport model while the effect of partial closing of the harbor's entrance was examined.The(1)adjustment and(2)validation of the reliability of the numerical model at a laboratory level were done using a recent research based on the use of a particle image velocimetry(PIV)measurements ensuring very good agreement between numerical and experimental results.The current study showed that the partial closing of the opening between the harbor basin and the extended coastal zone,with a breakwater of length equal to 1/3 of the opening,seems to be the most acceptable technical solution. 相似文献
IPSTAR系统由IPSTAR号卫星、地面业务关口站和小口径天线地面终端组成.本文通过建立调制方式模型和高斯信道模型,分析卫星信号信噪比及传输性能,对比信噪比不同的星座图,分析卫星通信系统使用QPSK调制方式调制、传输地震数据对信号的影响,为使用卫星通信系统传输地震数据提供理论依据. 相似文献
Dr. Hans Kautsky 《Ocean Dynamics》1985,38(5):193-224
Summary The measured concentrations of137Cs in the water of the North Sea gained during the years 1977 to 1982 largely confirm the results found in the preceding years (Fig. 1). After a distinct maximum in 1978 — brought about by a particularly strong influx during 1977 — the total quantity of137Cs present in the North Sea has reced, to around half of these peak values by the year 1982 (Table 1).On the way from the Sellafield Works near the Irish Sea as far as into the North Sea, a strong shift of the137Cs:90Sr ratio in favour of the90Sr can be observed.By following the temporal course of that ratio at different measurement points, a transport time can be deduced of around 3 years between the Sellafield Works and the Pentland Firth; a further year would be needed to reach into the southeastern North Sea.The ratio Cs:Sr furthermore permits, in the southeastern North Sea, a good distinction between the watermasses comming from the north into the North Sea with respect to those that come through the Channel from the South. These masses practically flow side by side until about the entrance to the Skagerrak.The vertical distribution of the137Cs shows, as is to be expected, seasonally conditioned differences. However, effects also occur, which — on the basis of the data available to date — do not yet permit a clear explanation.The90Sr, as well as the239+240Pu, present in the North Sea show an analogous distribution scheme compared with that of the137Cs. Their concentrations lie far below that of the137Cs (90Sr 17.5%;239+240Pu 0.03%).Tritium, on the other hand — with essentially higher concentrations — shows a completely different distribution, because it is principly introduced via the freshwater flowing in from the land.
Verteilung und Gehalt verschiedener künstlicher Radionuklide im Wasser der Nordsee in den Jahren 1977 bis 1981 (ergänzt durch einige Ergebnisse von 1982 bis 1984)
Zusammenfassung Die in den Jahren 1977 bis 1982 gewonnenen Meßdaten der Aktivitätskonzentrationen von137Cs im Wasser der Nordsee bestätigen weitgehend die in den vorhergehenden Jahren gefundenen Ergebnisse (Fig. 1) Nach einem deutlichen Maximum im Jahre 1978 — hervorgerufen durch eine besonders starke Zufuhr im Jahre 1977 —ist die in der Nordsee insgesamt vorhandene Menge an137Cs bis zum Jahre 1982 wieder auf rund die Hälfte zurückgegangen (Tab. 1).Auf dem Weg von den Sellafield Works an der Irischen See bis in die Nordsee ist eine starke Verschiebung des137Cs:90Sr Verhältnisses zugunsten des90Sr zu beobachten.Aus dem zeitlichen Verlauf dieses Verhältnisses an verschiedenen Meßpunkten ergeben sich Transportzeiten zwischen den Sellafield Works und dem Pentland Firth von rund 3 Jahren; bis in die südöstliche Nordsee wird ein weiteres Jahr benötigt.Das Verhältnis Cs:Sr erlaubt außerdem in der südöstlichen Nordsee eine gute Unterscheidung der aus der Nordsee bzw. durch den Kanal von Süden kommenden Wassermassen, die praktisch nebeneinander her bis etwa zum Beginn des Skagerraks fließen.Die Vertikalverteilung des137Cs zeigt, wie zu erwarten ist, jahreszeitlich bedingte Unterschiede. Es treten aber auch Effekte auf, die sich anhand der bisher vorliegenden Daten noch nicht eindeutig erklären lassen.Das in der Nordsee vorhandene90Sr sowie das239+240Pu zeigen ein analoges Verteilungsschema verglichen mit dem des137Cs. Ihre Konzentrationen liegen weit unter der des137Cs (90Sr 17,5%,239+240Pu 0,03%).Das Tritium zeigt bei wesentlich höheren Konzentrationen dagegen eine völlig andere Verteilung, da seine Hauptzufuhr im wesentlichen über das von Land her zufließende Süßwasser erfolgt.
Distribution et teneur de differents radionucleides artificiels, dans les eaux de la Mer du Nord entre les années 1977 et 1981 (completes par quelques résultats de 1982 à 1984)
Résumé Les mesures de concentration du Césium 137 dans les eaux de la Mer du Nord, acquises entre les années 1977 et 1982, confirment largement les résultats obtenus au cours des années précédentes. Après un net maximum en 1978 — occassionné par un apport particulièrement fort en 1977 — la quantité totale de Césium 137 présent en Mer du Nord a régressé,jusqu'en 1982, aux alentours de la moitié de ces valeurs maximales.Il a pu être observé une modification importante du rapport Césium 137/Strontium 90, en faveur du Strontium 90, sur le trajet de Sellafield Works prés de la Mer d'Irlande jusqu'à la Mer du Nord.En suivant l'évolution temporelle de la valuer de ce rapport en différents points de mesure, on peut en déduire une durée de transport d'environ 3 ans entre Sellafield Works et Pentland Firth; une année supplémentaire est ensuite nécessaire pour pénétrer en Mer du Nord Sud-orientale.En Mer du Nord Sud-orientale, le rapport Césium/Strontium permet en outre d'effectuer une nette distinction entre les masses d'eau pénétrant respectivement par le Nord dans la Mer du Nord et celles pénétrant par le Sud et venant de la Manche. Ces masses d'eau s'écoulent pratiquement côte à côte jusqu'à l'entrée du Skagerrak.Comme l'on pouvait s'y attendre, la distribution verticale du Césium est différente suivant les saisons. Cependant il apparaît également des effects qui, sur la base des données disponibles à ce jour, ne s'expliquent pas encore clairement.Le Strontium 90 aussi bien que le Plutonium 239+240 présent dans la Mer du Nord, montrent une distribution comparable, analogue à celle du Césium 137. Leurs concentrations sont bien inférieures à celle du Césium 137 (Strontium 90 17,5%; Plutonium 239+240 0,03%).Le tritium d'autre part, — avec des concentrations significativement plus fortes —montre une distribution complètement différente, due principalement au fait qu'il est introduit par l'intermédiaire de l'écoulement d'eau douce provenant de la terre.相似文献
Taking the three earthquakes which occurred in Tibet, China during the period of July 12 to August 25, 2004 as an example,the paper analyses the M_S≥6.0 earthquakes that occurred in China and M_S≥7.0 earthquakes that occurred overseas since May of 2003 by combining the image data from the National Center for Environmental Prediction of America(NCEP)with the additive tectonic stress from astro-tidal-triggering (ATSA) and makes the following conclusions: The abnormal temperature image data of NCEP can better reflect the spatial-temporal evolution process of tectonic earthquake activity; The ATSA has an evident triggering effect on the activity of a fault when the terra stress is in critical status; using the NCEP images and the ATSA to forecast short-impending earthquake is a new concept; The three earthquakes occurred during the same phase of the respective ATSA cycle, i.e. that occurred at the time when the ATSA reached the relatively steady end of a peak, rather than at the time when the variation rate was maximal. In addition, the author discovered that the occurrence time of other earthquake cases during 2003~2004 in Tibet was also in the same phase of the above-mentioned cycles, and therefore, further study of this feature is needed with more earthquake cases in other areas over longer periods of time. 相似文献
Kwokal Z Francisković-Bilinski S Bilinski H Branica M 《Marine pollution bulletin》2002,44(10):1152-1157
Anthropogenic mercury pollution was studied in Kastela Bay (Croatia), 10 years after chloralkaline plant (PVC) stopped production. The concentration of total mercury determined in sediments which are composed mainly of calcite and quartz, are in the range 14,280-30,400 ng/g. The values are higher than reported in the literature for Elbe and Seine estuaries and also above 25,000 ng/g used for criterion in remediation project in Minamata Bay. The concentration of methylmercury 6.05-36.74 ng/g are typical for slightly to highly contaminated estuarine sediments. The low ratio of methylmercury to total mercury found in sediments of Kastela Bay is in the range 0.04-0.18%. It can be explained that in this region predominate conditions which do not promote in-situ methylation. Sediments were found to be highly anoxic. Concentrations of total mercury in unfiltered surface waters are in the range 69-145 ng/l and in unfiltered bottom waters in the range 230-1,418 ngl(-1). High concentrations found in bottom waters suggest that either resuspension or partial dissolution of sediments takes place. An experiment performed on filtered and unfiltered waters showed that about 85% of total mercury in surface water and almost 100% in bottom water was retained on 45 microm filters. To demonstrate contrasts, two pristine estuaries from norths and south Europe were studied. Silicious sediments of Ore estuary (Sweden) and calcareous sediments of Krka estuary (Croatia) have total mercury concentrations close to accepted background level. The ratio of methylmercury to total mercury is < or = 1% in all samples with one exception. The highest observed ratio (2.70%) was in the surface sediment from E2 station in Krka estuary measured in March 2000. This location is suitable for studying methylmercury formation in pristine environment. 相似文献
— Well temperature logs from 61 sites located in discontinuous and continuous permafrost regions of northern Canada are analyzed. The method of functional space inversion (FSI) is applied to the set of precise temperature logs from wells located between 60 ° and 82 °N. There is strong evidence of extensive ground surface temperature (GST) warming beginning in the late 18th century and lasting until the 20th century. This was preceded by a lengthy period of cooling. The approximate average increase of the surface temperature of Canadian Arctic, based on all individual GST histories, is > 1.3 °C for the last 200 years. Simultaneous inversion of all well temperature data suggests an even higher warming (approximately 2 °C). There has been no strong south-to-north gradient in the ground warming magnitude when northern Canadian data are compared with eastern and central Canadian data south of 60 °N which also shows warming close to 2 °C. In Alaska, warming of some 2 °C has been restricted mainly to the 20th century. In general, however, a high warming magnitude is common for most of Canada and Alaska for the previous century. The averaged GST history (GSTH) for the Canadian Arctic is calibrated with and compares visually with a variety of recently published regional and hemispheric proxy climate reconstructions. These show that GST warming derived from well temperature logs is generally higher than one shown by other proxy (mainly tree-ring reconstructions).Received April, 2003 相似文献
利用拉格朗日元法模拟了平面应变单轴压缩条件下具有初始随机材料缺陷的岩石试样的破坏过程、前兆和宏观力学响应.利用若干FISH函数于岩样内部规定初始缺陷并计算全部变形特征.比密实岩石弱的缺陷在破坏之后经历理想塑性行为.密实岩石在破坏之后先是经历线性应变软化行为,然后是理想塑性行为.随着缺陷数目的增加,剪切带间距缩小;岩样的强度下降.在应变软化阶段,最大不平衡力的明显的突增是由于被剪切带切割的试样块体发生了沿剪切带方向的运动.试样内部的缺陷数目越少,应变软化阶段最大不平衡力的峰值越高.无论从单元破坏角度,还是从侧向应变-轴向应变曲线、体积应变-轴向应变曲线、计算得到的泊松比-轴向应变曲线角度,都得到了相同的结论(即,缺陷越多,破坏前兆越明显).采用两条倾斜的扫描线对岩样最终的破坏形态进行了扫描,发现当扫描线间距等于半个至1个单元长度时,初始随机缺陷位置与岩样最终破坏形态具有很好的相关性. 相似文献
Based on the high-accuracy data obtained from the GPS measurements carried out in 1992, 1995 and 1996, the isochronous active
units with different kinematic property inside the North China area have been distinguished, 4 active units and 1 transition
zone with distinct differential movement have been determined. They are Ordos-Yinshan unit, Yanshan unit, Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong
(Jin-Ji-Lu) unit, Jiaodong-Liaoning-Shandong (Jiao-Liao-Lu) unit and Yanshan-Hebei (Yan-Ji) transition zone. The relative
movements among the neighboring units in this period have been given. 1 The compressive movement between Ordos-Yinshan unit
and Yanshan unit is not obvious with an amount of 0.4±1.3 mm/a. 2 Jin-Ji-Lu unit moves E40°S off the Ordos-Yinshan unit and
the magnitude is 4.4±1.0 mm/a. 3 Relative to the Yan-Ji transition zone of differential movement, Yanshan unit shifts W38°N
with a value of 2.4±1.3 mm/a and Jin-Ji-Lu unit moves eastward 35° by south with an amount of 2.3±0.9 mm/a. 4 Jin-Ji-Lu unit
has a tensional left-lateral movement of 4.7±1.4 mm/a in the direction of E37°S relative to Yanshan unit. 5 Some area near
Tanlu belt which is located in the southern part of Jin-Ji-Lu block has a southward movement 14° by west with a magnitude
of 1.5±1.1 mm/a off the Jin-Ji-Lu unit. 6 Relative to Jin-Ji-Lu unit, Jiao-Liao-Lu unit has a trend of clockwise movement
with a tensional right-lateral motion at the north end which neighbors Yanshan unit and a compressive motion at the south
end. It should be noted that the errors given in the paper are obtained based on the divergence among the displacements of
the sites in the unit, rather than the value calculated from the displacement error of the sites. The analyzed results indicate
that: 1 Shanxi tectonic zone and Yan-Ji transition zone are the major tectonic active zones to show the frame and magnitude
of interior relative movement in North China area, and others are the secondary tectonic active zones; 2 The complete horizontal
deformation in the North China area is not homogeneous nor successive; 3 The kinetic model of North China area might be "mantle
dragging plus boundary coupling".
Foundation item: The National Key Basic Research Project Mechanism and Prediction of Continental Earthquakes (G1998040700). 相似文献
I. Jankovic R. Andricevic 《Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA)》1996,10(1):39-63
A numerical experiment of flow in variably saturated porous media was performed in order to evaluate the spatial and temporal distribution of the groundwater recharge at the phreatic surface for a shallow aquifer as a function of the input rainfall process and soil heterogeneity. The study focused on the groundwater recharge which resulted from the percolation of the excess rainfall for a 90-days period of an actual precipitation record. Groundwater recharge was defined as the water flux across the moving phreatic surface. The observed spatial non-uniformity of the groundwater recharge was caused by soil heterogeneity and is particularly pronounced during the stage of recharge peak (substantial percolation stage). During that stage the recharge is associated with preferential flow paths defined as soil zones of locally higher hydraulic conductivity. For the periods of low percolation intensity the groundwater recharge was exhibiting more uniform spatial characteristics. The temporal distribution of the recharge was found to be a function of the frequency and intensity of the rainfall events. Application of sampling design demonstrates the joint influence of the spatial and temporal recharge variability on the cost-effective monitoring of groundwater potentiometric surfaces. 相似文献
Wayne S. Gardner Mark J. McCarthy Stephen A. Carini Afonso C. Souza Hou Lijun Karen S. McNeal Mary Keith Puckett Jack Pennington 《Continental Shelf Research》2009,29(18):2207-2213
Settled particles of fresh, labile organic matter may be a significant source of oxygen demand and nutrient regeneration in seasonally-hypoxic regions caused by nutrient inputs into stratified coastal zones. Studying the dynamics of this material requires sediment sampling methods that include flocculent organic materials and overlying water (OLW) at or above the sediment–water interface (SWI). A new coring device (“HYPOX” corer) was evaluated for examining nitrogen- (N) and oxygen-dynamics at the SWI and OLW in the northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOMEX). The HYPOX corer consists of a “Coring Head” with a check-valve, a weighted “Drive Unit,” and a “Lander,” constructed from inexpensive components. The corer collected undisturbed sediment cores and OLW from sediments at NGOMEX sampling sites with underlying substrates ranging from sand to dense clay. The HYPOX corer could be deployed in weather conditions similar to those needed for a multi-bottle rosette water-sampling system with 20 L bottles. As an example of corer applicability to NGOMEX issues, NH4+ cycling rates were examined at hypoxic and control sites by isotope dilution experiments. The objective was to determine if N-dynamics in OLW were different from those in the water column. “Ammonium demand,” as reflected by potential NH4+ uptake rates, was higher in OLW than in waters collected from a meter or more above the bottom at both sites, but the pattern was more pronounced at the hypoxia site. By contrast, NH4+ regeneration rates were low in all samples. These preliminary results suggest that heterotrophic activity and oxygen consumption in OLW in the hypoxic region may be regulated by the availability of NH4+, or other reduced N compounds, rather than by the lack of sufficient labile organic carbon. 相似文献
缓冲带径流污染物净化效果研究及其与草皮生物量的相关性 总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7
2006—2007年对东太湖网围养殖区及航道水生植物种群结构和水环境状况进行了调查.结果表明:采样区内共有水生植物10种,其中沉水植物6种、浮叶植物3种、漂浮植物1种;养殖区植物种类较单一,耐污染、再生能力强以及水质净化能力好的金鱼藻、狐尾藻和伊乐藻在养殖区呈优势种分布;航道和敞水区优势种类为苦草和马来眼子菜.从水生植物生物量变化来看,9月生物量最高,平均为2882.4±748.8g/m^2;养殖区水生植物生物量高于航道和敞水区,两个网区平均可达1251.2±1012.7g/m^2、993.9±968.6g/m^2.水生植物与水环境相互关系来看,温度、透明度和pH等水体物理环境因子对水生植物季节生长和光合作用具有重要影响;水生植物具有吸收水体氮磷营养盐和抑制藻类生长的作用,从而改善了东太湖水质,同时植物季节性生长以及空间分布差异也影响水质时空差异. 相似文献