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Wang  Lingping  Song  Dongri  Zhou  Gordon G. D.  Chen  Xiao Qing  Xu  Min  Choi  Clarence E.  Peng  Peng 《Landslides》2022,19(8):1881-1896
Landslides - The multiple-barrier mitigation strategy in the debris-flow source area is an effective approach to inhibit debris-flow entrainment and scale amplification along the flow path....  相似文献   

Innovative flume experiments were conducted in a recirculating straight flume. Zostera noltei meadows were sampled in their natural bed sediments in the field at contrasting stages of their seasonal growth. The aims of this study were: (i) to quantify the combined effects of leaf flexibility and development characteristics of Zostera noltei canopies on their interaction with hydrodynamics; and (ii) to quantify the role of Zostera noltei meadows in suspended sediment trapping and bed sediment resuspension related with changes in hydrodynamic forcing caused by the seasonal development of seagrasses. Velocity within the canopy was significantly damped. The attenuation in velocity ranged from 34 to 87% compared with bare sediments and was associated with a density threshold resulting from the flow‐induced canopy reconfiguration. The reduction in flow was higher in dense canopies at higher velocities than in less dense canopies, in which the reduction in flow was greater at low velocities. These contrasted results can be explained by competition between a rough‐wall boundary layer caused by the bed and a shear layer caused by the canopy. The velocity attenuation was associated with a two to three‐fold increase in bottom shear stress compared with unvegetated sediment. Despite the increase in near‐bed turbulence, protection of the sediment against erosion increased under a fully developed meadow, while sediment properties were found to be the main factor controlling erosion in a less developed meadow. Deposition fluxes were higher on the vegetated bed than on bare sediments, and these fluxes increased with leaf density. Fewer freshly deposited sediments were resuspended in vegetated beds, resulting in an increase in net sediment deposition with meadow growth. However, in the case of a very high leaf area index, sediment was mostly deposited on leaves, which facilitated subsequent resuspension and resulted in less efficient sediment trapping than in the less developed meadow.  相似文献   

A hillslope flow model is developed considering 3D saturated and unsaturated flow of water during rainfall events. A finite difference-based numerical model of hillslope flow processes is developed. Four different experiments are done to see the effects of a single- and double-layered soil in pore-water pressure dynamics and slope failure. Results from the numerical model are verified with experimental results. The numerical and experimental values of the pore-water pressure and moisture contents are in good agreement. The results show that the hillslope heterogeneity caused by multiple layers of soil has greater influence on hillslope pore-pressure dynamics and slope failure patterns. The depth of slope failure shows high dependency on layering characteristics of the soil slope and pattern of rainfall. The proposed model provides a perspective on failure mechanism of a single- or double-layered slope under rainfall infiltration.  相似文献   

A channelized debris flow is usually represented by a mixture of solid particles of various sizes and water flowing along a laterally confined inclined channel-shaped region to an unconfined area where it slows down and spreads out into a flat-shaped mass.The assessment of the mechanical behavior of protection structures upon impact with a flow, as well as the energy associated to it, are necessary for the proper design of such structures which, in densely populated areas, can prevent victims and limit the destructive effects of such a phenomenon.In the present paper, a simplified analysis of the mechanics of the impact of a debris flow is considered in order to estimate the forces that develop on the main structural elements of a deformable retention barrier.For this purpose, a simplified structural model of cable-like retention barriers has been developed – on basis of the equation of equilibrium of wires under large displacement conditions, – and the restraining forces, cable stresses and dissipated energies have been estimated.The results obtained from parametric analyses and full-scale tests have then been analysed and compared with the proposed model.  相似文献   

The threshold of motion of non-fragmented mollusc shells was studied for the first time under oscillatory flow. In this regard, flume experiments were used to investigate the threshold of motion of three bivalve and three gastropod species, two typical mollusc classes of coastal coquina deposits. The sieve diameters ranged from 2·0 to 15·9 mm. These experiments were performed on a flat-bottom setup under regular non-breaking waves (swell) produced by a flap-type wave generator. The critical Shields values for each species of mollusc were plotted against the sieve and nominal diameter. Moreover, the dimensionless Corey shape factor of the shells was evaluated in order to investigate the effect of mollusc shell shapes on the threshold of motion. According to their critical Shields parameter, the mollusc threshold data under oscillatory flow present smaller values than the siliciclastic sediments when considering their sieve diameter. In addition, the mollusc datasets are below the empirical curves built from siliciclastic grain data under current and waves. When considering the nominal diameter, the critical Shields parameter increases and the mollusc data are closer to siliciclastic sediments. Bivalves, which have a flat-concave shape (form factor: 0·27 to 0·37), have a higher critical Shields parameter for smaller particles and more uniform datasets than the gastropod scattered data, which have a rounded shape (form factor: 0·58 to 0·62) and have varied morphologies (ellipsoidal, conical and cubic). The comparison between previous current-driven threshold data of bioclastic sediment motion and the data of mollusc whole shells under oscillatory flow shows a fair correlation on the Shields diagram, in which all datasets are below the mean empirical curves for siliciclastic sediments. These findings indicate that the shape effect on the transport initiation is predominant for smaller shells. The use of the nominal diameter is satisfactory to improve the bioclastic and siliciclastic data correlation.  相似文献   

A series of wave‐flume experiments was conducted to closely look at characteristics of geometry and migration of wave‐generated ripples, with particular reference to the effect of velocity ‘hiatuses’ during which the near‐bed flow velocity becomes much smaller than the threshold of sediment movement. Three types of wave patterns were generated: two types for simulating waves with intervening velocity hiatuses; and regular waves for comparison purposes. In the former two types, two different wavelengths of water waves were generated alternately in the course of a wave test: the wave with a longer wavelength was set large enough to mobilize the bottom sediment, whereas the wave with a shorter wavelength was set too small to mobilize the sediment. The former two types were designed to be different in sequence of convexity and concavity of wave patterns. The sequence with the convex–concave longer wave and successive convex–concave shorter wave was described as a ‘zero‐up‐crossing’ wave pattern, and the inverse sequence was described as a ‘zero‐down‐crossing’ wave pattern. The ripples developed under oscillatory flow with intervening hiatuses manifested the following characteristics in geometry and migration. (i) The morphological characteristics of ripples, namely wavelength, height and the ripple steepness, are unaffected by the intervening hiatuses of velocity. (ii) The directions of ripple migration under the zero‐up‐crossing and zero‐down‐crossing wave patterns corresponded well with the directions of the flow immediately before onset of the hiatuses. (iii) The observation of sand particle movement on the ripple surface indicated that, under the zero‐up‐crossing waves, the velocity hiatus prevents the entrained sediment cloud from being thrown onshore, and thus the sediment grains thrown onshore are fewer than those thrown offshore. As a result of the sediment movement over one wave‐cycle, the net sediment transport is directed offshore under the zero‐up‐crossing wave pattern. (iv) The velocity of ripple migration was highly correlated with acceleration skewness. Under most of the zero‐up‐crossing (zero‐down‐crossing) wave patterns, flow acceleration skewed negative (positive) and ripples migrated offshore (onshore).  相似文献   

白正雄  陈益峰  胡冉  张勤  周创兵 《岩土力学》2012,33(9):2829-2836
排水是岩土体及工程构筑物渗流控制的主要措施之一,其实质是通过在渗流域内形成潜在溢出边界或低水位边界而实现渗流控制的。在排水渗控条件下,渗流场往往具有强烈的边界非线性特征,Signorini型变分不等式方法从理论上为稳定和非稳定排水渗流问题提供了有效的分析方法,但其实际效果还需要得到试验的验证。通过开展含5个排水廊道的排水砂槽模型试验,研究了复杂排水条件下砂土渗流的基本规律,并通过试验数据与数值计算成果的对比分析,论证了Signorini型变分不等式方法的有效性和正确性。试验结果表明,在稳定渗流条件下,排水砂槽上游侧3个排水廊道对渗流控制起主导作用,而下游侧2个廊道则失去排水功能,数值计算与试验成果吻合较好;在非稳定渗流条件下,受测压管精度、砂样均匀性和毛细效应的影响,数值计算与试验成果存在一定偏差,但也较好地揭示了复杂排水条件下砂槽中的非稳定渗流特征。排水砂槽试验结果验证了Signorini型变分不等式方法的有效性和正确性,为复杂排水条件下岩土体及工程构筑物的渗控结构优化设计提供了有效的分析手段。  相似文献   

Extreme and/or prolonged rainfall events frequently cause landslides in many parts of the world. In this study, infiltration of rainfall into an unsaturated soil slope and triggering of landslides is studied through laboratory model (flume) tests, with the goal of obtaining the triggering rainfall intensity–duration (I–D) threshold. Flume tests with fine sand at two different relative densities (34 and 48%) and at slope angle of 56.5° are prepared, and rainfall (intensity in the range of 18 to 64 mm/h) is applied via a mist sprinkler system to trigger landslides. Soil water characteristic curve and hydraulic conductivity function of the fine sand are also presented. In flume tests, suction in the soil is measured with tensiometers, the progress of wetting front with time and deformations in the soil are also measured. Some of the findings of this study are: for the fine sand used in this study (a) the failure mechanism is infinite-slope type (mostly translational), and the failure surface is generally coincident with the wetting front or is in its vicinity, (b) the deformations leading to a landslide occurred abruptly, (c) both relatively high-intensity–short-duration rainfalls and relatively low-intensity–long duration rainfalls triggered landslides, (d) the shape of the I–D threshold is demonstrated to be a bilinear relation in log intensity–log duration plot, (e) below a certain rainfall intensity landslides are not triggered, (f) the effect of relative density of the soil on the I–D threshold is demonstrated by physical laboratory tests (as the relative density of the soil increases, the triggering rainfall intensity–duration threshold moves to larger rainfall events). The results of this study could be useful for accurate numerical modeling of rainfall-triggered landslides.  相似文献   

A FEM model for analysis of fully coupled multiphase flow, thermal transport and stress/deformation in geological porous media was developed based on the momentum, mass and energy conservation laws of the continuum mechanics and the averaging approach of the mixture theory over a three phase (solid–liquid–gas) system. Six processes (i.e. stress–strain, water flow, gas flow, vapor flow, heat transport and porosity evolution processes) and their coupling effects are considered, which not only makes the problem well-defined, but renders the governing PDEs closed, complete, compact and compatible. Displacements, pore water pressure, pore gas pressure, pore vapor pressure, temperature and porosity are selected as basic unknowns. The physical phenomena such as phase transition, gas solubility in liquid, thermo-osmosis, moisture transfer and moisture swelling are modeled. As a result, the relative humidity and other related variables in porous media can be evaluated on a sounder physical basis. A three dimensional computer code, THYME3D, was developed, with eight degrees of freedom at each node. The laboratory CEA Mock-up test and the field scale FEBEX benchmark test on bentonite performance assessment for underground nuclear waste repositories were used to validate the numerical model and the software. The coupled THM behaviors of the bentonite barriers were satisfactorily simulated, and the effects and impacts of the governing equations, constitutive relations and property parameters on the coupled THM processes were understood in terms of more straightforward interpretation of physical processes at microscopic scale of the porous media. The work developed enables further in-depth research on fully coupled THM or THMC processes in porous media.  相似文献   

Supercritical‐flow phenomena are fairly common in modern sedimentary environments, yet their recognition and analysis remain difficult in the stratigraphic record. This fact is commonly ascribed to the poor preservation potential of deposits from high‐energy supercritical flows. However, the number of flume data sets on supercritical‐flow dynamics and sedimentary structures is very limited in comparison with available data for subcritical flows, which hampers the recognition and interpretation of such deposits. The results of systematic flume experiments spanning a broad range of supercritical‐flow bedforms (antidunes, chutes‐and‐pools and cyclic steps) developed in mobile sand beds of variable grain sizes are presented. Flow character and related bedform patterns are constrained through time‐series measurements of bed configurations, flow depths, flow velocities and Froude numbers. The results allow the refinement and extension of some widely used bedform stability diagrams in the supercritical‐flow domain, clarifying in particular the morphodynamic relations between antidunes and cyclic steps. The onset of antidunes is controlled by flows exceeding a threshold Froude number. The transition from antidunes to cyclic steps in fine to medium‐grained sand occurs at a threshold mobility parameter. Sedimentary structures associated with supercritical bedforms developed under variable aggradation rates are revealed by means of combining flume results and synthetic stratigraphy. The sedimentary structures are compared with examples from field and other flume studies. Aggradation rate is seen to exert an important control on the geometry of supercritical‐flow structures and should be considered when identifying supercritical bedforms in the sedimentary record.  相似文献   

Submarine leveed channels are sculpted by turbidity currents that are commonly highly stratified. Both the concentration and the grain size decrease upward in the flow, and this is a fundamental factor that affects the location and grain size of deposits around a channel. This study presents laboratory experiments that link the morphological evolution of a progressively developing leveed channel to the suspended sediment structure of the turbidity currents. Previously, it was difficult to link turbidity current structure to channel–levee development because observations from natural systems were limited to the depositional products while experiments did not show realistic morphodynamics due to scaling issues related to the sediment transport. This study uses a novel experimental approach to overcome scaling issues, which results in channel inception and evolution on an initially featureless slope. Depth of the channel increased continuously as a result of levee aggradation combined with varying rates of channel floor aggradation and degradation. The resulting levees are fining upward and the grain‐size trend in the levee matches the upward decrease in grain size in the flow. It is shown that such deposit trends can result from internal channel dynamics and do not have to reflect upstream forcing. The suspended sediment structure can also be linked to the lateral transition from sediment bypass in the channel thalweg to sediment deposition on the levees. The transition occurs because the sediment concentration is below the flow capacity in the channel thalweg, while higher up on the channel walls the concentration exceeds capacity resulting in deposition of the inner levee. Thus, a framework is provided to predict the growth pattern and facies of a levee from the suspended sediment structure in a turbidity current.  相似文献   

Freshwater carbonates (tufas) develop today from the Arctic to the tropics, many being localized about springs and upper water courses. Some Quaternary tufas, especially in the Mediterranean region, extend over tens of square kilometres and exceed 30 m in thickness. Radiometric dating of Holocene deposits shows that many have accumulated at an average rate of 1 mm year?1. However, local precipitation may be much faster and some Holocene deposits may even have outpaced their tropical marine carbonate counterparts. Recently, the study of active sites has attempted to quantify the precipitation mechanisms which lead to tufa deposition. However, field observation and sampling procedures suffer from the inherent disadvantages of uncontrolled fluctuations in environmental conditions during the study programme. These disadvantages compromise any interpretations, particularly where controls on spar versus micrite precipitation are concerned. Many of these problems have been overcome in the current study by the construction and operation of laboratory mesocosm flumes which simulate the natural conditions (e.g. pH, flow rate, ambient temperature and daylight) in which freshwater carbonate (tufa) is deposited. Three mesocosms were supplied with natural river water from tufa precipitating streams and two mesocosms were supplied with UV‐treated (sterile) river water from the same source. One of the untreated flume mesocosms was linked with a calcium reactor, which replaced calcium ions removed during the precipitation process in order to maintain tufa growth over extended experimental runs. Low‐magnesium calcite precipitates (both rhombic sparite grown from long‐crystallite dendrites and short‐crystallite dendrite triad precursors) and micrite peloids (grown from spherulitic precursors) were precipitated in intimate association with biofilm (extracellular polymeric substances) within the four mesocosms supplied with natural river water. Virtually, no tufa‐like precipitate was obtained from the flumes supplied with UV‐treated river water. A second extended run flume experiment was also carried out for comparison purposes using a calcium hydroxide solution in deionized water. Collectively, these experiments provide convincing evidence confirming that the presence of a microbial biofilm strongly influences the precipitation of carbonates in riverine freshwater settings. In particular, experimental results show that micro‐peloidal micrite and short‐crystallite calcite dendrites are only produced in the presence of microbial extracellular polymeric substances.  相似文献   

渗流-水平井流耦合数学模型和数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在有侧向流入(流出)的水平井流运动和连续性方程的基础上,建立了渗流与水平井流耦合数学模型,主要针对混合水头损失问题,进行了渗流与水平井流耦合数值计算,分析了常用的摩擦系数修正方法对计算结果的影响。数值模拟计算表明:层流或者光滑紊流流态时,不同的摩擦系数修正方法对结果影响较小;粗糙紊流流态时,不同的摩擦系数修正方法对结果影响较大。当水平井流是层流-光滑紊流流态时,使用了一种新的流态分界点识别方法对水平井流态进行判断,计算结果证实了方法的可靠性、合理性。  相似文献   

Flexible barriers undergo large deformation to extend the impact duration, and thereby reduce the impact load of geophysical flows. The performance of flexible barriers remains a crucial challenge because there currently lacks a comprehensive criterion for estimating impact load. In this study, a series of centrifuge tests were carried out to investigate different geophysical flow types impacting an instrumented flexible barrier. The geophysical flows modelled include covered in this study include flood, hyperconcentrated flow, debris flow, and dry debris avalanche. Results reveal that the relationship between the Froude number, Fr, and the pressure coefficient α strongly depends on the formation of static deposits called dead zones which induce static loads and whether a run-up or pile-up impact mechanism develops. Test results demonstrate that flexible barriers can attenuate peak impact loads of flood, hyperconcentrated flow, and debris flow by up to 50% compared to rigid barriers. Furthermore, flexible barriers attenuate the impact load of dry debris avalanche by enabling the dry debris to reach an active failure state through large deformation. Examination of the state of static debris deposits behind the barriers indicates that hyperconcentrated and debris flows are strongly influenced by whether excessive pore water pressures regulate the depositional process of particles during the impact process. This results in significant particle rearrangement and similar state of static debris behind rigid barrier and the deformed full-retention flexible barrier, and thus the static loads on both barriers converge.  相似文献   

After the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, mountainous areas in SW China are recognized as a region with highly active and perilous landslides and debris flows. The frequent impacts of debris flow are a major threat to bridge piers located in debris flow gullies. It is an important issue for guaranteeing the safety of railway bridges in areas prone to hazardous debris flows. Previous research has achieved significant results characterizing the initiation and mechanisms for debris flow, and their interactions with some structures. However, there has been little research on the dynamic pressure of debris flow on bridge pier caused by different debris flows. In this study, the measurement and estimation of the impact pressure and dynamic behavior of debris flows on scaled bridge piers were conducted. Nine pressure sensors were used to measure the impact pressure of debris flows. Flow velocities and flow depths were determined at the end of a flume using a high-speed camera. The results show that the impact pressure differed between different types of debris flows. The distribution of impact pressures from high-viscosity debris flows indicated three layers, with different features in individual event. In comparison, a layered structure was not observed in low-viscosity debris flows. Based on dimensional analyses, the impact pressure depended on Froude number (Fr) and Reynolds number (Re). For low-viscosity debris flows, the dimensionless impact pressures were power functions of Fr, while for high-viscosity debris flows, the dimensionless impact pressures were power functions of both Re and Fr. The impact frequencies of low-viscosity and high-viscosity debris flows showed considerable differences based on spectral analysis. Compared to high-viscosity debris flows, low-viscosity debris flows were characterized by relatively high velocity, strong striking pressure, and high impact frequency.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted in a recirculating saltwater flume to determine if flow influences the vertical distribution of meiofauna within fine cohesive sediments. Replicate flume boxcores collected from a nonvegetated mudflat were exposed to either a no flow or a flow experimental treatment. After 3 h in the flume, the boxcores were sampled by taking smaller sediment cores and sectioning these cores vertically in 2-mm intervals. There was no statistical difference in the number of copepods (adults, copepodites, and nauplii) in the top 2mm of sediment in flow vs. no flow treatments. The number of nematodes and foraminiferans within the top 2 mm of sediment was significantly lower in the flow treatments than in the no flow treatments. Downward migrations may decrease the susceptibility of these fauna to passive erosion by tidal currents.  相似文献   

王康  刘佑荣  胡政  牛超颖  温韬 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z2):171-177
针对现有岩石损伤模型的局限性与不足,在深入探讨岩石变形损伤机制的基础上考虑岩石损伤的过程,提出损伤部分可分为损伤材料和因材料损伤而变化的微缺陷。在该基础上提出新的损伤定义,还提出了损伤材料与因材料损伤而变化的微缺陷之间的影响因子?,同时提出其参数确定方法,研究其基本性质。通过岩石微观受力分析,建立了岩石损伤模型。通过深入研究岩石有效应力与名义应力的关系,并引进统计损伤理论,建立岩石损伤统计本构模型。该模型能够充分地反映岩石的应变软化特性和应变硬化特性,且参数物理意义明确,应用将较为方便。最后,与实测结果及前人成果的比较分析,验证了该模型的合理性、可行性。  相似文献   

在我国西部山区地震、地质活跃带,泥石流灾害对位于泥石流沟道、沟口等位置处的桥墩构成重大威胁。如何量化描述泥石流冲击桥墩的动力过程,是泥石流减灾领域拟要解决的一个重要科学问题。以泥石流灾害威胁成兰铁路沿线桥墩的工程背景为基础,依托大型泥石流模拟系统,进行多组室内大比例泥石流冲击桥墩物理模型试验。研究泥石流流速、流深以及流体特征参数与泥石流冲击压力的相关性。试验结果表明:冲击过程主要受到弗汝德数Fr和雷诺数Re两个无量纲数控制,稀性泥石流冲击压力主要控制参数为Fr,而对于黏性泥石流则同时有Fr和Re的影响;不论是对于峰值冲击力还是冲击功率谱,不同类型泥石流差别显著;在相同重度等条件下,稀性泥石流具有更大的冲击能量;此外,各种类型泥石流通过临界Fr线得到了本质上的区分。研究成果将为桥墩抗泥石流冲击结构设计提供技术支持及科学依据。  相似文献   

A susceptibility map for an area, which is representative in terms of both geologic setting and slope instability phenomena of large sectors of the Sicilian Apennines, was produced using slope units and a multiparametric univariate model. The study area, extending for approximately 90 km2, was partitioned into 774 slope units, whose expected landslide occurrence was estimated by averaging seven susceptibility values, determined for the selected controlling factors: lithology, mean slope gradient, stream power index at the foot, mean topographic wetness index and profile curvature, slope unit length, and altitude range. Each of the recognized 490 landslides was represented by its centroid point. On the basis of conditional analysis, the susceptibility function here adopted is the density of landslides, computed for each class. Univariate susceptibility models were prepared for each of the controlling factors, and their predictive performance was estimated by prediction rate curves and effectiveness ratio applied to the susceptibility classes. This procedure allowed us to discriminate between effective and non-effective factors, so that only the former was subsequently combined in a multiparametric model, which was used to produce the final susceptibility map. The validation of this map latter enabled us to verify the reliability and predictive performance of the model. Slope unit altitude range and length, lithology and, subordinately, stream power index at the foot of the slope unit demonstrated to be the main controlling factors of landslides, while mean slope gradient, profile curvature, and topographic wetness index gave unsatisfactory results.  相似文献   

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