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Wavelet-based analyses were used in this study to interpret the near-source ground-motion characteristics of records obtained during the 2012 Varzaghan–Ahar double earthquakes in the East-Azerbaijan province of Iran. For this purpose, the large pulse of ground motions was extracted by applying continuous wavelet transforms, and then, the residual motions were achieved by subtraction of extracted pulse from the original motions. Analysis of ground motions illustrated that the records obtained at Varzaghan station could be classified as pulse-like motions with pulse index around 0.9. As well, the acceleration response spectra for horizontal directions were compared with the design response spectrum of Iranian seismic design code (Standard No. 2800). The comparisons showed a relatively large amplification in spectral values due to near-source pulse effects.  相似文献   

Bastami  M.  Soghrat  M. R. 《Natural Hazards》2017,86(1):125-149
Natural Hazards - The dual Ahar–Varzaghan earthquakes occurred on August 11, 2012, at 16:53 (Iran standard time) in East Azerbaijan province of Iran. The two quakes measured 6.3 and 6.4 on...  相似文献   

Sahar  D.  Narayan  J. P.  Kumar  Neeraj 《Natural Hazards》2015,75(2):1167-1186
Natural Hazards - In this paper, the role of basin shape in the site–city interaction (SCI) effects on the ground motion characteristics is documented. The effects of city type and city...  相似文献   

The metasedimentary and granitoid rocks of the Soresat Metamorphic Complex occur along the northern margin of the Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone in northwest Iran. Four different deformational events (D1–D4) are recorded in the Soresat Metamorphic Complex. The D1 and D2 progressive deformation events resulted from north-northeast–south-southwest regional horizontal shortening due to the subduction of Neo-Tethys oceanic lithosphere beneath the Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone. Post-suturing convergence between Arabia and Iran, which resulted in a right lateral-reverse displacement along the suture caused the north-northwest–south-southeast horizontal shortening of D3. D4 is recorded by normal faulting. Andalusite, cordierite and sillimanite (fibrolite) record the thermal peak (with a geothermal gradient >30°C/km). Field and microscopic studies of intruded granitoid rocks in the Soresat Metamorphic Complex divide them into three major groups: (i) syn-deformation (syn-D2) granitic gneiss; (ii) late- to post-deformation (late- to post-D2) granites and granodiorites; and (iii) post-deformation (post-D2) alkali granites.  相似文献   

The weights-of-evidence is a data-driven method that provides a simple approach to integration of diverse geo-data set information. In this study, we will use weights-of-evidence to build a model for predicting tracts in the Ahar–Arasbaran zone of Urumieh-Dokhtar orogenic belt (northwestern Iran) that are favorable for porphyry copper deposits. Weights of evidence are a data-driven method requiring known deposits and occurrences that are used as training points in the evaluated area. This zone hosts two major porphyry Cu deposits (The Sarcheshmeh deposit contains 450 million tonnes of sulfide ore with an average grade of 1.13 % Cu and 0.03 % Mo and Sungun deposit, which has 500 million tonnes of sulfide reserves grading 0.76 % Cu and 0.01 % Mo), and a number of subeconomic porphyry copper deposits are all associated with Mid- to Late Miocene diorite/granodiorite to quartz-monzonite stocks. Five evidential layers including geology, alteration, geochemistry, geophysics, and faulting are chosen for potential mapping. Weight factors were determined based on the applied method to generate last mineral prospectivity map. The studied area reduces to less than 11.78 %, while large zones are excluded for further studies. This result represents a significant area reduction and may help to better focus on mineral exploration targeting porphyry copper deposits in the Ahar–Arasbaran zone.  相似文献   

The spatial–temporal patterns of cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning covering the period 2010–2015 over the northwest Iberian Peninsula were investigated. The analysis conducted employed three main methods: the circulation weather types developed by Jenkinson and Collison, the fit of a generalized additive model (GAM) for geographic variables, and the use of a concentration index for the ratio of lightning strikes and thunderstorm days. The main activity in the summer months can be attributed to situations with eastern or anticyclonic flow due to convection by insolation. In winter, lightning proves to have a frontal origin and is mainly associated with western or cyclonic flow situations which occur with advections of air masses of maritime origin. The largest number of CG discharges occurs under eastern flow and their hybrids with anticyclonic situations. Thunderstorms with greater CG lightning activity, highlighted by a higher concentration index, are located in areas with a higher density of lightning strikes, above all in mountainous areas away from the sea. The modeling of lightning density with geographic variables shows the positive influence of altitude and, particularly, distance to the sea, with nonlinear relationships due to the complex orography of the region. Likewise, areas with convex topography receive more lightning strikes than concave ones, a relation which has been demonstrated for the first time from a GAM.  相似文献   

Deposition of organic rich black shales and dark gray argillaceous limestones in the Berriasian–Turonian interval has been documented in many parts of the world. Northwest of Zagros, Iran (Lurestan zone), thin bedded black shales and marls, dark gray argillaceous limestones and fissile limestone layers, having bitumen, of the Garau Formation are deposited. For biostratigraphic studies two stratigraphic sections including one surface section (Kuzaran) and one subsurface section (Naft well) were selected, respectively. In this study, 61 foraminiferal species belonging to 17 genera have been identified, and 12 biozones were recognized. Based on fossils distribution and biozones identification, the age of the Garau Formation is Berriasian?–early Cenomanian. In addition, the micropalaeontological study demonstrated a variety of widespread morphological changes in planktonic foraminifera assemblages (e.g., the elongation of the final chambers, appearance of twin chambers in the last whorl). These changes coincide with deposition of argillaceous limestones and marls rich in organic matter, indicating oceanic anoxic events. On this basis, three oceanic anoxic events such as OAE1a, OAE1b and OAE1d were recognized in Naft well section and two (OAE1b and OAE1d) in Kuzaran section.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - A residual tilt after a teleseismic earthquake is described in this work. The results of static and dynamic modeling of this event fit the measured values. The conditions...  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1239-1262
The Chahgaz Zn–Pb–Cu volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposit occurs within a metamorphosed bimodal volcano–sedimentary sequence in the south Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone (SSZ) of southern Iran. This deposit is hosted by rhyodacitic volcaniclastics and is underlain and overlain by rhyodacitic flows, volcaniclastics, and pelites. Peperitic textures between rhyodacite flows and contact pelites indicate that emplacement of the rhyodacite occurred prior to the lithification of the pelites. The rhyodacitic flows are calc-alkaline, and show rare earth and trace elements features characteristic of arc magmatism. Zircons extracted from stratigraphic footwall and hanging-wall rhyodacitic flows of the Chahgaz deposit yield concordant U–Pb ages of 175.7 ± 1.7 and 172.9 ± 1.4 Ma, respectively, and a mean age of 174 ± 1.2 Ma. This time period is interpreted to represent the age of mineralization of the Chahgaz deposit. This Middle Jurassic age is suggested as a major time of VMS mineralization within pull-apart basins formed during Neo-Tethyan oblique subduction-related arc volcano-plutonism in the SSZ. Galena mineral separates from the layered massive sulphide have uniform lead isotope ratios of 206Pb/204Pb?=?18.604–18.617, 207Pb/204Pb?=?15.654–15.667, and 208Pb/204Pb?=?38.736–38.769; they show a model age of 200 Ma, consistent with the derivation of Pb from a Late Triassic, homogeneous upper crustal source.  相似文献   

Before starting seismic cycle of Ahar–Varzaghan 2012 event, a partial gap in the form of a pre-seismic calm sequence (seismicity rate, r = 0.46 event/year, b = 1.4) with duration of 303 days spatially has dominated over the entire seismogenic area. From April 17, 2012, to May 31, 2012, r significantly increased to 2.16, indicating strong foreshock sequence, and b value changed to 1.9, remarkably. In the last two months before the mainshock, foreshocks have partially migrated toward the earthquake fault (with a decrease in size, b = 2.0). Significantly, high rate of seismicity and low V P /V S (1.64) in the foreshocks sequence and also very high seismicity rate (17.3) and high V P /V S (1.76) in the aftershocks sequence make substantial differences between the seismic cycle and the background seismicity. Moreover, a significant E–W migration of the microseismicity was confirmed in the study area.  相似文献   

Spectacular erratic boulders, polymictic conglomerates, and sedimentary structures are discovered in many localities at the Midyan Peninsula, east of the Gulf of Aqaba. These deposits are discontinuous, and they unconformably overlie older lithological units of Proterozoic, Cretaceous, Paleogene, and Neogene ages. The erratic boulders are composed of basement rocks, sandstone, and limestone. Some of the boulders exceed 2?m (6?ft) in diameter. The boulders are sub-rounded to rounded, striated, polished, grooved, and faceted. The polymictics are composed of heterogeneous coarse clastics (ranging from boulders to conglomeratic sandstones) of various rock types and fill incised paleovalleys. The sedimentary structures include polished, faceted, and striated boulders, pavements, U-shaped valleys, slumps, and fan-shaped structures. These deposits are herein informally named the Midyan Formation. A Pleistocene age is assigned to the formation based on its stratigraphic position. The polymictic conglomerates are interpreted as glaciogenic tillite, and the erratic boulders and sedimentary structures are considered to have been deposited by glacial erosion, deposition, and possibly tectonics. This interpretation raises the question; did glaciers exist during Pleistocene in the Midyan region? If this interpretation is valid, then recognition of Pleistocene glaciation in Arabia fills a blank spot in the global map of the ??Ice Age??. Pleistocene glacial features were reported in Yemen and regions in north Iraq.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2018,350(4):180-191
The delineation of populations of stream sediment geochemical data is a crucial task in regional exploration surveys. In this contribution, uni-element stream sediment geochemical data of Cu, Au, Mo, and Bi have been subjected to two reliable anomaly-background separation methods, namely, the concentration-area (C–A) fractal and the U-spatial statistics methods to separate geochemical anomalies related to porphyry-type Cu mineralization in northwest Iran. The quantitative comparison of the delineated geochemical populations using the modified success-rate curves revealed the superiority of the U-spatial statistics method over the fractal model. Moreover, geochemical maps of investigated elements revealed strongly positive correlations between strong anomalies and Oligocene–Miocene intrusions in the study area. Therefore, follow-up exploration programs should focus on these areas.  相似文献   

We explore the challenges of avalanche and debris flow hazard assessment for urban areas exposed in the Sakhalin region. Avalanches are a threat to more than 60 settlements in the region and debris flows to more than 30. Data are provided for avalanche and debris flow events that occurred in the Sakhalin region between 1928 and 2015. In this paper, the method for the design of hazard maps for snow avalanches and debris flows is described, providing the starting point for any planning constraints in general settlement planning schemes. These maps further allow conducting an assessment of avalanche and debris flow risk within a short time period for a larger territory and at minimum cost.  相似文献   

The Baneh plutonic complex is situated in the Zagros suture zone of northwest Iran between the Arabian and Eurasian plates. This complex is divided into granite and appinite groups. Zircon U–Pb dating shows that granites crystallized 41–38 million years ago but appinites experience more protracted magmatic evolution, from at 52 to 38 Ma. Whole-rock chemical compositions show significant major and trace element variations between the two lithologies. Granitic rocks are more evolved, with high contents of SiO2 (62.4–77.0 wt%), low contents of TiO2 (0.25 wt%), MgO (0.05–1.57 wt%), and Fe2O3 (0.40–4.06 wt%) and high contents of Na2O + K2O (≈10 wt%). In contrast, appinites have low contents of SiO2 (51.0–57.0 wt%) and K2O (<2.1 wt%) and high Fe2O3 (6.4–9.35 wt%), MgO (2.0–9.9 wt%), and Mg number (Mg# = 35–76). The concentration of rare earth elements in the appinites is higher than in granitic rocks, making it difficult to form granites solely by fractionation of appinite magma. (87Sr/86Sr)i and εNd(40 Ma) in both groups are similar, from 0.7045 to 0.7061 and ?1.2 to +2.6, except for a primitive gabbroic dike with εNd(40 Ma) = +9.9. Appinites show mainly typical I-type characteristics, but granites have some S-type characteristics. The sigmoidal shape of the Baneh pluton and its emplacement into deformed Cretaceous shales and limestone showing kink bands, asymmetric and recumbent folds in a broad contact zone, with pervasive ductile to brittle structures in both host rocks and intrusion, indicate that magma emplacement was controlled by a transpressional tectonic regime, perhaps developed during early stages in the collision of Arabia and Eurasian plates.  相似文献   

Sheikh  Vahedberdi  Kornejady  Aiding  Ownegh  Majid 《Natural Hazards》2019,96(3):1335-1365
Natural Hazards - This study is aimed at producing an improved ranking method by coupling the technique for the order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) and Mahalanobis distance...  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - The presence of the Bashkirian–Moscovian (lower Pennsylvanian) sequence with mixed siliciclastics and fossil-rich carbonates has long been known from...  相似文献   

The Neo-Tethyan subduction in Iran is characterized by the Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic arc (UDMA), formed by northeast-ward subduction of the oceanic crust beneath the central Iran. This belt coincides with the porphyry copper metallogenic belt that comprises several metallogenic zones, including Ahar–Jolfa in northwest Iran. The Ahar–Jolfa metallogenic zone encompasses two main batholiths of Qaradagh and Sheyvardagh and numerous intrusive bodies of Cenozoic, which have produced many base and precious metal deposits and prospects. The former is considered as continuation of the Meghri–Ordubad pluton in South Armenian Block (SAB), which also hosts porphyry copper deposits (PCDs). The Sungun PCD is the largest occurrence in northwest Iran. Rhenium-Osmium ages of Sungun molybdenites are early Miocene and range between 22.9 ± 0.2 and 21.7 ± 0.2 Ma. Comparison of the ages obtained here with published ages for mineralization across the region suggests the following sequence. The earliest porphyry Cu–Mo mineralization event in northwest Iran is represented by Saheb Divan PCD of late Eocene age, which is followed by the second epoch of middle Oligocene, including the Cu–Mo–Au mineralization at Qarachilar and the Haftcheshmeh PCD. Mineralization in Sungun, Masjed Daghi, Kighal and Niaz deposits corresponds to the third mineralization event in northwest Iran. The first epoch in northwest Iran postdates all Eocene mineralizations in SAB, while the second epoch is coeval with Paragachay and the first-stage of Kadjaran PCDs. Its third epoch is younger than all mineralizations in SAB, except the second stage in Kadjaran PCD. Finally, the Cu mineralization epochs in northwest Iran are older than nearly all PCDs and prospects in Central Iran (except the Bondar Hanza PCD), altogether revealing an old to young trend along the UDMA and the porphyry Cu belt towards southeast, resulted from diachronous, later closure of the Neo-Tethyan oceanic basin in central and SE Iran.  相似文献   

The Sungun porphyry copper deposit of northwestern Iran is associated with Miocene diorite/granodiorite to quartz-monzonite intrusive into Eocene volcanic–sedimentary and Cretaceous carbonate rocks. Three main mineralization-related alteration episodes (I, potassic; II, transition; and III, phyllic alterations) were studied in terms of mass transfer during hydrothermal evolution of the Sungun deposit. Isocon plots (Grant, J.A. 1986 Grant, J.A. 1986. The isocon diagram – a simple solution to Gresens’ equation for metasomatic alteration. Economic Geology, 81: 19761982. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], The isocon diagram – a simple solution to Gresens’ equation for metasomatic alteration: Economic Geology, v. 81, p. 1976–1982) were employed to illustrate these changes quantitatively. These plots illustrate that Al, Ti, and Ga were relatively immobile during alteration, and that the alteration was essentially mass-conservative. At all stages in the evolution of the hydrothermal system, computed volume changes were close to zero. In the potassic alteration zone, an obvious enrichment of K and depletions of Na, Ca, Mn, and Fe took place. These changes were due to replacement of plagioclase and amphibole by K-feldspar and biotite, respectively. Potassic alteration was associated with significant addition of Cu, as might be expected from the occurrence of disseminated chalcopyrite and bornite in this zone. In the transition alteration zone, Ca was added, Na, Fe, and Mg were relatively unchanged, and K, Ba, and Cu were depleted. The loss of K and Ba relative to Na reflects replacement of K-feldspar by albite. Phyllic alteration was accompanied by the depletion of Na, K, Fe, and Ba and enrichment of Si and Cu. The losses of Na, K, and Fe reflect the sericitization of alkali feldspar and destruction of ferromagnesian minerals. The addition of Si is consistent with the widespread silicification, which is a major feature of phyllic alteration and the addition of Cu with mobilization from the transition zone, which is depleted in this element.  相似文献   

Two moderate magnitude earthquakes (M5.5 and M5.4) occurred in January 2010 with their epicenters at a distance of about 5?km between them, in the western part of the Corinth Gulf. The recordings of the regional seismological network, which is dense locally, were used for the location of the two main events and aftershocks, which are concentrated in three clusters beneath the northern coasts of the Gulf. The first two clusters accompany each one of the two stronger earthquakes, whereas the third cluster comprises only low magnitude aftershocks, located westward of the two stronger events. Seismic excitation started in January 18, 2010, with the M?=?5.5 earthquake in the area occupied by the central cluster. Seismicity immediately jumped to the east with numerous aftershocks and the M?=?5.4 earthquake which occurred four days later (January 22, 2010). Cross sections normal to the long axis of each cluster show ruptures on north dipping faults at depths of 7?C11?km. Focal mechanisms of the stronger events of the sequence support the results obtained from the spatial distribution of the aftershocks that three different fault segments activated in this excitation. The slip vectors of all the events have an NNW?CSSE to NNE?CSSW orientation almost parallel to the direction of extension along the Corinth Gulf. Calculation of the Coulomb stress changes supports an interaction between the different clusters, with the major activity being coincided with the area of positive induced stress changes after the first earthquake.  相似文献   

Cherty marbles of Hasan-Robat area, northwest of Isfahan, in the Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone of Iran preserves evidences of multiple deformational events. The Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone is the inner crystalline zone of the Zagros Orogen, which has been highly deformed and exhumed during continental collision between the Arabian Plate and Central Iran. The Hasan-Robat area is an example of the exposed Precambrian–Paleozoic basement rocks that stretched along two NW–SE-trending faults and located in the inner part of the HasanRobat positive flower strcuture. The Hasan-Robat marbles record a complex shortening and shearing history. This lead to the development of disharmonic ptygmatic folds with vertical to sub-vertical axes and some interference patterns of folding that may have been created from deformations during the Pan-African Orogeny and later phases. Based on this research, tectonic evolution of the Hasan-Robat area is interpreted as the product of three major geotectonic events that have been started after Precambrian to Quaternary: (1) old deformation phases (2) contractional movements and (3) strike-slip movements. Different sets and distributions of joints, faults and folds are confirmed with effect of several deformational stages of the area and formation of the flower structure.  相似文献   

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