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Tsunami risk mitigation programs often include iconic evacuation signage to direct locals and visitors to safety during a tsunami event. This paper examines sign placement in Seaside, Oregon, from a visibility perspective. It leverages existing visibility analysis methodologies characterize the visibility of the community’s evacuation signage and reveals patterns in the viewable landscape. Additionally, we develop a topologically 3D approach to visibility analysis using raw LiDAR datasets. This applied work situates a discussion on existing patterns of visibility, how to improve existing signage placement, 2D and 3D representation of landscape, and the importance of visibility analysis. This work aims to stimulate discussion and development of hazard research that incorporates a visibility perspective.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Cikidang gold deposit, discovered in 1991, is located within the Bayah dome, a Tertiary-Quaternary volcanic zone at west end of Java, which is well known as a gold district (e.g., Pongkor and Cikotok mines). Typical low-sulfidation quartz-adularia-sericite(-calcite) vein deposits represent the gold deposit in the district.
The Cikidang vein system comprises four sub-parallel quartz-adularia-sericite(-calcite) veins that are rich in manganese oxide and limonite with very poor amount of sulfides. These vary from 0.5 to 2.7 m thick and extend for up to 1,000 m long. The vein trends roughly N-S and dip 60 to 86° toward west. The ore grades vary from trace to 74.9 g/t Au and 1.2 to 225.0 g/t Ag. A K/Ar age determination on adularia yielded 2.4 Ma for the Cikidang vein.
The ore minerals are represented by electrum, argentite, aguilarite and pyrite. Electrum shows the compositional ranges of Ag (50–65 atom %). The gangue minerals are dominated by quartz with variable amounts of calcite, sericite, adularia, clay minerals, manganese oxide and limonite. The vein textures are so variable as banded, colloform, comb, brecciated and massive. Host rocks, composed of Miocene lapilli tuff and breccia, suffered from pervasive hydrothermal alterations. Wall rocks adjacent to the vein are characterized by argillic and propylitic alteration.
The fluid inclusion study of the Cikidang vein shows homogenization temperatures ranging from 170 to 260°C. Salinities are low, generally below 3 wt% NaCl equivalent. Oxygen isotope results suggest meteoric water in origin for ore fluids responsible for the Cikidang deposit.  相似文献   

2004年12月26日印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛西北近海发生ML9级强烈地震。地震的强度是100a来全球非常罕见的。地震引起了巨大海啸,浪高近10m,波及到东南亚、南亚和东非地区10多个国家,造成近30万人遇难。地震使印度尼西亚、泰国的部分岛屿发生了地形变化。海啸在受灾国留下了大片的盐碱地。苏门答腊板块边缘的一个长距离破裂带通过长时间积累,蓄积了巨大能量。这些能量在2004-12-26集中释放出来。导致了这次地震海啸的发生。地震海啸灾害本身规模巨大,发生异常突然,再加上受灾地区人员密集,缺乏海啸灾害逃生的知识和经验。印度洋沿岸国家没有海啸预警系统,是造成这次灾害巨大伤亡的原因。中国从台湾-海南岛一线的海区,存在地震海啸的可能性。因此应不断完善海啸预警系统,提高沿海地区建设工程的防灾抗灾标准,加强防波堤建设以及采取恢复红树林等生物工程措施,预防潜在的海啸灾害。  相似文献   

Gold‐mineralized quartz veins at the Trenggalek district of the Southern Mountains Range in East Java, Indonesia, are hosted by Oligo‐Miocene volcaniclastic and volcanic rocks, and are distributed close to andesitic plugs in the northern prospects (Dalangturu, Suruh, Jati, Gregah, Jombok, Salak, and Kojan) and the southern prospects (Sentul and Buluroto). The plugs are subalkaline tholeiitic basaltic‐andesite to calc‐alkaline andesite in composition. 40Ar–39Ar dating of a quartz‐adularia vein at the Dalangturu prospect yielded an age of 16.29 ± 0.56 Ma (2σ), and a crystal tuff of a limestone‐pyroclastic rock sequence at the southwest of the Dalangturu prospect was determined as 15.6 ± 0.5 Ma (2σ). Statistic overlap of ages suggests that the gold mineralization in the northern prospects took place in a shallow marine to subaerial transitional environment. Hydrothermal alteration of the host rocks is characterized by the replacement of quartz, illite and adularia. Quartz veins in surface outcrops are up to 50 cm wide in the northern prospects and up to 3 m wide in the southern prospects, showing a banded or brecciated texture, and are composed of quartz, adularia, carbonates with pyrite, electrum, sphalerite, galena, and polybasite. Gold contents of quartz veins are positively correlated with Ag, Zn, Pb, and Cu contents in both the northern and southern prospects. The quartz veins at the Jati, Gregah, and Sentul prospects have relatively lower gold‐silver ratios (Ag/Au = 23.2) compared to those at the Kojan, Dalangturu, Salak, and Suruh prospects (Ag/Au = 66.8). The quartz veins at the Dalangturu prospect are relatively rich in base metal sulfides. Ag/(Au+Ag) ratios of electrum in the Dalangturu prospect range from 45.2 to 65.0 at%, and FeS contents of sphalerite range from 1.2 to 6.4 mol%. Fluid inclusion microthermometry indicates ore‐forming temperatures of 190–200°C and 220–230°C at the Sentul and Kojan prospects, respectively. Widely variable vapor/liquid ratio of fluid inclusions indicates that fluid boiling took place within the hydrothermal system at the Sentul prospect. Salinities of ore‐fluids range from 0 to 0.7 wt% (av. 0.4 wt% NaCl equiv.) and from 0.5 to 1.4 wt% (av. 0.9 wt%) for the Sentul and Kojan prospects, respectively. The boiling of hydrothermal fluid was one of the gold deposition mechanisms in the Sentul prospect.  相似文献   

Educational tsunami evacuation map brochures in Washington and Oregon have been developed locally, resulting in significant differences between the types of tsunami hazard information they include. This paper identifies six tsunami hazard information types present in 38 brochures in Washington and Oregon: (1) tsunami hazard zone, (2) road network, (3) assembly areas, (4) evacuation guidance, (5) infrastructure, and (6) terrain. It compares and contrasts these information types in the maps and text of six of the brochures, including a proposed design standard in Oregon. Design differences of all 38 brochure maps are then organized using principles of cartographic abstraction, which describe mapmaker decisions about selection, generalization, and symbolization of information. We further use this framework to situate the information content of a new interactive Google Maps tool in Oregon. Our assessment identifies limitations of current tsunami hazard information that may be relevant to improving tsunami education. In theory, more advanced evacuation map tools can play an important role in reducing the limitations of tsunami hazard information relevant to the public. The new Google Maps tool addresses few of these limitations. Recognizing how map-making decisions define the underlying information content of evacuation maps can facilitate much needed future evaluations and developments in evacuation map design.  相似文献   

印尼东爪哇盆地新生代构造演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东爪哇盆地是印尼最重要的含油气盆地之一,其新生代的构造演化可以概括为:两期裂谷和两期挤压.始新世裂谷是印度-澳大利亚板块近南北向俯冲形成的弧后裂谷性盆地.渐新世期间,印度-澳大利亚板块俯冲方向发生变化,在东爪哇地区形成了第二期东西向裂谷.15 Ma以来,东爪哇南面的Roo Rise洋底高原与巽他大陆发生碰撞,导致盆地内...  相似文献   

Priest  George R.  Gabel  Laura L.  Wood  Nathan J.  Madin  Ian P.  Watzig  Rudie J. 《Natural Hazards》2018,92(3):1509-1522
Natural Hazards - Due to a procedural error in construction of Figs.&;nbsp;8 and 9, listed minimum speeds to beat the tsunami wave in areas of Seaside seaward of Neawanna Creek are too high. The...  相似文献   

Natural hazards in Central Java Province,Indonesia: an overview   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Central Java Province, Indonesia, suffers from natural hazard processes such as land subsidence, coastal inundation, flood, volcanic eruption, earthquake, tsunami, and landslide. The occurrence of each kind of natural hazard is varied according to the intensity of geo-processes. It is necessary to learn from the historical record of coastal inundation, flood, volcanic eruption, earthquake, tsunami, and landslide hazards in Central Java Province to address issues of comprehensive hazard mitigation and management action. Through the understanding about the nature and spatial distribution of natural hazards, treatments can be done to reduce the risks. This paper presents the natural hazard phenomena in Central Java Province and provides critical information for hazard mitigation and reduction.  相似文献   

A hydrogeochemical study was conducted in the Gunung Sewu Karst, Java Island, Indonesia. The main objective of this study is to describe the spatial and temporal variations of hydrochemistry that occur in the central and western parts of Gunung Sewu. Discharge measurements for a one-year period are taken in some karst springs or underground rivers to define their discharge hydrograph. Furthermore, baseflow separation analysis was conducted to determine the base flow percentage throughout the year. Water sampling for hydrogeochemical analysis was taken every month to represent the dry and rainy season conditions. To describe the hydrogeochemical processes, a scatter plot analysis with a small sample size was conducted. The results showed that the hydrochemistry of karst water in the study area has different characteristics spatially and temporally. Within the dry season, the dominant hydrogeochemical process is water–rock interaction (precipitation of calcite mineral), indicated by achieving the maximum level of Ca2+, HCO3 ?, electrical conductivity, base flow percentage, and SI calcite, with the lowest level of log \(P_{{{\text{CO}}_{2} }}\) in the water. In addition, the dry season hydrochemistry is characterized by a strong relationship between electrical conductivity–calcium/bicarbonate, base flow percentage-discharge, base flow percentage-SI calcite, and SI calcite-log \(P_{{{\text{CO}}_{2} }}\). Spatially, the different level of correlations between these parameters depended on the sampling location, flow recharge, and the conduit development. Conversely, in the rainy season, the hydrogeochemical process shifted from water–rock interaction to dilution of rainwater as a result of rain water supply through a conduit system channel, which is characterized by declining Ca2+, HCO3 ?, electrical conductivity, base flow percentage, and SI calcite, with the highest level of log \(P_{{{\text{CO}}_{2} }}\) in the water. The dilution of rainwater process also caused a decline in the correlation of some hydrogeochemical parameters.  相似文献   

Merapi is Indonesia's most dangerous volcano with a history of deadly eruptions. Over the past two centuries, the volcanic activity has been dominated by prolonged periods of lava dome growth and intermittent gravitational or explosive dome failures to produce pyroclastic flows every few years. Explosive eruptions, such as in 2010, have occurred occasionally during this period, but were more common in pre‐historical time, during which a collapse of the western sector of the volcano occurred at least once. Variations in magma supply from depth, magma ascent rates and the degassing behaviour during ascent are thought to be important factors that control whether Merapi erupts effusively or explosively. A combination of sub‐surface processes operating at relatively shallow depth inside the volcano, including complex conduit processes and the release of carbon dioxide into the magmatic system through assimilation of carbonate crustal rocks, may result in unpredictable explosive behaviour during periods of dome growth. Pyroclastic flows generated by gravitational or explosive lava dome collapses and subsequent lahars remain the most likely immediate hazards near the volcano, although the possibility of more violent eruptions that affect areas farther away from the volcano cannot be fully discounted. In order to improve hazard assessment during future volcanic crises at Merapi, we consider it crucial to improve our understanding of the processes operating in the volcano's plumbing system and their surface manifestations, to generate accurate hazard zonation maps that make use of numerical mass flow models on a realistic digital terrain model, and to utilize probabilistic information on eruption recurrence and inundation areas.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Cibaliung deposit is a low-sulfidation type epithermal gold deposit situated about 70 km west of the Bayah dome complex. The gold-bearing quartz veins are hosted by basaltic andesite of the Honje Formation, which is comparable to the host rock of gold deposits at the Bayah dome complex.
In order to clarify the timing of the mineralization and the volcanism at the Cibaliung area, two radiometric dating methods were applied. First, 40Ar/39Ar dating was conducted on six adularia samples to elucidate the age of mineralization. Second, K-Ar method was applied to two samples of the host rock, andesite and the Cibaliung tuff, in order to reveal the timing of volcanism.
The 40Ar/39Ar dating determined mineralization ages in the range from 11.18 to 10.65 Ma while the K-Ar dating indicated the age of the andesite and the Cibaliung tuff to be 11.4±0.8 Ma and 4.9±0.6 Ma, respectively. These results imply that the epithermal gold mineralization in the Cibaliung area is related to the volcanic activity that produced the Honje Formation, while the Cibaliung tuff played an important role in the preservation of the Cibaliung deposit. The Cibaliung deposit is the oldest epithermal gold deposit yet discovered in western Java.  相似文献   

Tidal inundation by high tide under enhanced land subsidence is a damaging phenomenon and a major threat to the Semarang urban area in Indonesia. It impacts on economic activities, as well as the cost of an emergency program and causes interruption of pubic services, danger of infectious diseases and injury to human lives. This study examines a spatial analysis tool on the GIS-raster system for the tidal inundation mapping based on the subsidence-benchmark data and modified detail digital elevation model. Neighborhood operation and iteration model as a spatial analysis tool have been applied in order to calculate the encroachment of the tidal inundation on the coastal area. The resulting map shows that the tidal flood spreads to the lowland area and causes the inundation of coastal settlement, infrastructure, as well as productive agricultural land, i.e., the fish-pond area. The monitoring of the vulnerable area due to the tidal inundation under the scenario of extended land subsidence plays an important role in long-term coastal zone management in Semarang.  相似文献   

Tanner  Alexa  Reynolds  Ryan 《Natural Hazards》2020,104(2):1679-1693
Natural Hazards - In the early hours of January 23, 2018, residents of Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada, awoke to the sounds of the community’s tsunami warning system, alerting them of...  相似文献   

Pedestrian evacuation modeling for tsunami hazards typically focuses on current land-cover conditions and population distributions. To examine how post-disaster redevelopment may influence the evacuation potential of at-risk populations to future threats, we modeled pedestrian travel times to safety in Seward, Alaska, based on conditions before the 1964 Good Friday earthquake and tsunami disaster and on modern conditions. Anisotropic, path distance modeling is conducted to estimate travel times to safety during the 1964 event and in modern Seward, and results are merged with various population data, including the location and number of residents, employees, public venues, and dependent care facilities. Results suggest that modeled travel time estimates conform well to the fatality patterns of the 1964 event and that evacuation travel times have increased in modern Seward due to the relocation and expansion of port and harbor facilities after the disaster. The majority of individuals threatened by tsunamis today in Seward are employee, customer, and tourist populations, rather than residents in their homes. Modern evacuation travel times to safety for the majority of the region are less than wave arrival times for future tectonic tsunamis but greater than arrival times for landslide-related tsunamis. Evacuation travel times will likely be higher in the winter time, when the presence of snow may constrain evacuations to roads.  相似文献   

A detailed assessment of the impact of a far-field tsunami on the Australian coastline was carried out in the Steep Point region of Western Australia following the July 17 2006 Java tsunami. Tsunami inundation and run-up were mapped on the basis of eyewitness accounts, debris lines, vegetation damage and the occurrence of recently deposited fish, starfish, corals and sea urchins well above high-tide mark. A topographic survey using kinematic GPS with accuracies of 0.02 m in the horizontal and 0.04 m in the vertical recorded flow depths of between 1 and 2 m, inundation of up to 200 m inland, and a maximum recorded run-up of 7.9 m AHD (Australian Height Datum). The tsunami impacted the sparsely populated Steep Point coastline close to low tide. It caused widespread erosion in the littoral zone, extensive vegetation damage and destroyed several campsites. Eyewitnesses reported three waves in the tsunami wave train, the second being the largest. A sand sheet, up to 14 cm thick and tapering landwards over 200 m, was deposited over coastal dunes. The deposits are predominantly composed of moderately well-sorted, medium-grained carbonate sand with some gravel and organic debris. A basal unconformity defines the boundary between tsunami sediments and underlying aeolian dune sand. Evidence for up to three individual waves is preserved as normally graded sequences mantled by layers of dark grey, organic-rich fine silty sand. Given the strong wind regimes in the area and the similarity of the underlying dune deposits to the tsunami sediments, it is likely that seasonal erosion will remove all traces of these sediment sheets within years to decades.  相似文献   

为探讨印尼金马石金矿的成矿物质来源及金成矿时期,对矿床中的岩、矿石进行了黄铁矿的硫同位素测试和矿石微量元素分析研究。结果显示,岩、矿石的硫同位素组成非常均一,均呈弱富集重硫且相差不大,表现出深部岩浆硫的特点。各样品的微量元素含量均低于地壳,在微量元素蛛网图上具有较好的一致性,反映成矿物源和演化过程的一致性及幔壳混合的特征;相容元素几乎都亏损,说明Au沉淀发生在岩浆热液演化后期;Au与Cu、As呈正相关;Co-Ni值投影显示与沉积有关。综合而知,金马石金矿的物质来源于地幔与地壳的混染,其高δ34S值主要由俯冲板块沉积组分贡献,Au与Cu同沉淀发生在岩浆热液演化后期。  相似文献   

The constant threat from landslides in the northeastern part of Istria, Croatia, calls for the need to apply accurate and reliable methods in landslide hazard assessment in order to prevent landslide damage and to set an early warning system if necessary. Furthermore, landslide susceptibility and hazard assessment enable optimal area management and regional urban planning. The study area is in the northeastern and central part of the Istrian Peninsula, well known as an area of frequent, small and shallow slope instability phenomena. Landslide susceptibility assessment in the area around the city of Buzet was performed using a deterministic landslide susceptibility model in the LS-RAPID software. LS-RAPID was developed to analyze stability at one single location, but the performed analysis has shown that LS-RAPID can be used as a powerful tool in landslide susceptibility and hazard assessment on regional scale. The objective of this paper is to establish the influence of the runout potential on the enlargement of the landslide-susceptible zones, due to expansion of the failure area around the initial failure zone. Performed analysis of rainfall return periods shows the frequency of landslide occurrence and provides the possible correlation with the time component of landslide hazard in the area.  相似文献   

This research focuses on providing information related to the damaging effects of the 2010 eruption of Merapi volcano in Central Java, Indonesia. This information will be used to help emergency responders to assess losses more timely and efficiently, and to monitor the progress in emergency response and recovery. The objectives of this research are: (a) to generate a map of pyroclastic deposits based on activities pre- and post-volcano eruption of 2010 in the research area, (b) to investigate the impact of volcano eruption on the environment, and (c) to assess the impact of volcano eruption on landuse. ALOS PALSAR remote sensing data pre- and post-disaster were used in this research for mapping the volcano eruption. Topographic and geomorphological maps were analyzed for profiling and field orientation, which were used to investigate the impact of volcano eruption on the environment. SPOT 4 satellite images were used in this research for updating landuse information from the topographic map. The result of the landuse updated data was used for assessment of the volcano eruption’s impact on landuse with the GIS raster environment. The volcanic eruption that occurred in 2010 is estimated to have an impact of 133.31 ha for settlements, 92.32 ha for paddy fields, 235.60 ha for dry farming, 570.98 ha for plantations, 380.86 ha for bare land, and 0.12 ha for forest areas. An estimate of the number of buildings damaged due to the volcano eruption in 2010 was carried out by overlaying a map of pyroclastic deposits and the information point of the building sites from the topographic map. The total number of buildings damaged is estimated to be around 12,276 units.  相似文献   

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