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采用DNA条形码技术辅以传统形态分类方法,对雷州半岛马尾藻属(Sargassum)6常见种进行物种鉴定和系统进化分析。测得6种马尾藻线粒体COI基因序列,该序列与Gen Bank和BOLD数据库中马尾藻序列同源性均大于或等于99%,该结果与形态分类学鉴定结果一致。COI基因序列特征分析表明,6种马尾藻保守位点421个,变异位点58个,简约信息位点21个,单一突变位点37个,变异率7.7%,T、C、A、G平均含量分别为39.1%、18.9%、19.1%、22.9%,A+T含量(58.2%)高于C+G含量(41.8%),UUU所编码的苯丙氨酸(F)使用频率最高,达12.5%,最大似然法估算的转换颠换比值为2.42,种间遗传距离多在0.030±0.013~0.100±0.016之间。聚类分析结果与形态学鉴定、同源性分析结果一致。  相似文献   

通过PCR扩增直接测序得到10种徐闻石珊瑚线粒体Cyt b基因部分序列,分析其碱基组成和变异频率,并采用Neighbor-Joining和Maximum Parsimony法构建系统发育树。结果显示:序列中A+T比例为61.0%,G+C比例为39.0%,前者明显高于后者,碱基替换主要发生在密码子第3位;滨珊瑚科分类与传统分类存在一定差异,揭示传统形态学分类可能受珊瑚骨骼生长可塑性限制,造成分类不准确;刺柄珊瑚属与蜂巢珊瑚科各属亲缘关系较近。  相似文献   

设计双层洞穴式弹涂鱼捕捉器,于雷州半岛红树林海区捕获弹涂鱼类野生群体,筛选出弹涂鱼(Periophthalmus modestus)、大弹涂鱼(Boleophthalmus pectinirostris)2个优势种群,并获取其线粒体控制区(D-loop)和cox 1基因部分序列,进行序列变异分析及遗传分析。结果表明,cox 1基因和D-loop区碱基组成A+T含量均大于C+G。cox 1数据揭示,大弹涂鱼变异位点占总长度2.1%,弹涂鱼占2.4%,种内平均遗传距离分别为0.003、0.006,种间遗传距离为0.158,37个个体共定义22个单倍型,单倍型多样性为0.950 45。而D-loop区数据指明,大弹涂鱼变异位点占总长度4.9%,弹涂鱼占7.5%,种内平均遗传距离分别为0.012、0.019,种间距离为0.409,37个个体定义32个单倍型,单倍型多样性水平极高(0.989 49)。中性检验结果显示,2种弹涂鱼进化历程符合中性进化假设,且存在群体扩张的可能。综合cox 1基因和控制区数据显示:弹涂鱼种群遗传多样性高于大弹涂鱼。  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization has triggered large rural population floating into cities, which in turn affects rural human-land relationships. The actual human-land relationship involves the coupling level of a time point and dynamic change of a time interval. However, few studies have identified the rural human-land relationship from these two perspectives. This study combined static coupling analysis with a dynamic decoupling model to analyze the relationships between rural population and settlements from 2009 to 2018 in Jiangsu Province, China. Although the static coupling degree in Jiangsu Province was relatively high, the decoupling analysis found that the rural human-land relationship in most counties was uncoordinated. There were 11 combination types based on the coupling and decoupling relationships. The most common two types(accounting for 76.74%) were recession decoupling with high-level coupling and strong decoupling with high-level coupling. Although the majority of counties had a high-level coupling degree, an uncoordinated change in rural population and rural settlements was observed in these counties. Counties with relatively reasonable human-land relationships accounted for only 12.79% of the total. The combination features for each type were identified and differential policies were proposed for optimizing human-land relationship in rural areas. This study would contribute to our understanding of the multiple relationships between rural population and settlements involved in different patterns and processes, and expect to provide theoretical and methodological support for promoting rural revitalization and sustainable development in practice.  相似文献   

将滑坡的变形看作时间、月降雨量、气温的函数,使用泰勒级数建立它们的函数关系,并将泰勒级数展开至二次项,建立卡尔曼滤波模型,用于滑坡变形的预测预报。实例计算表明,卡尔曼滤波模型的拟合效果和预测效果良好,可用于土质滑坡变形的短期预测预报。  相似文献   

于2014年5月对珠江口东部沿岸18条入海河口的淤积滩涂采集了表层沉积物样品,测定总有机碳、铝、铁、锰、铜、锌、铅、镉、铬、砷、汞含量,并以其分布特征及彼此之间的统计分析结果推断各元素间的来源相似性及来源类别,探讨重金属元素富集系数与其生物毒性间的特征关系。结果表明,研究区域的北部与南部表层沉积物重金属含量高于中部,其中Hg、Cu、Zn、Cd及Cr等元素来源相似,可能来源于人为污染,而Fe、Mn与As的相关程度高,则可能来源于自然沉积环境,至于Al与Pb元素则受岩石的自然风化影响较为明显。表层沉积物中Hg、Cu、Zn、Cd、Cr、As与Pb等特征重金属的富集系数均大于2,处于中等富集状态及以上,且多介于效应浓度低值(ERL)与效应浓度中值(ERL)之间,表示不利的生物效应偶有发生。各重金属间不利生物效应的发生频率与其富集系数(αEF)呈正相关关系,且As元素致使不利生物效应发生的机率较高(Cd则反之),而Cr的不利生物效应发生频率则随EF值的增加,其加剧的程度最快(Cd则反之)。  相似文献   

为探讨地闪活动与中尺度数值模式输出量之间的关系,利用新一代中尺度数值模式WRF模拟2011年7月23日四川盆地中的一次强雷暴过程,并对比研究模式输出的动力和微物理场量与地闪频数的关系。结果表明,在WRF模式中采用Kain-Fritsch积云参数化方案和Thompson微物理方案的组合方案能较为成功模拟出此次雷暴过程,模式输出的上升气流和冰相粒子与地闪关系密切,500hPa霰和300hPa冰晶含量在时间上比地闪频数超前约15min,300hPa雪晶含量与地闪频数在时间上基本同步;上升气流速度对冰相粒子的分布起关键作用,上升气流速度较大地区附近相应地闪活动比较频繁。  相似文献   

利用PCR技术分别扩增连云港及启东沿海蛤蜊科的西施舌(Coelomactra antiquata)、中国蛤蜊(Mactrachinensis)和四角蛤蜊(Mactra veneriformis)3种双壳贝的16S rRNA基因片段和ITS2核苷酸序列,测序后用DNA star软件分析了核苷酸差异。结果显示:三种贝类16S rRNA基因片段长度相同,均为306bp(去除引物),核苷酸存在多态性,共有45个变异位点,54个核苷酸发生了变异,全部为碱基置换。西施舌与中国蛤蜊此片段核苷酸的同源性为88.9%,与四角蛤蜊的同源性为88.6%,中国蛤蜊与四角蛤蜊的同源性为90.6%。三种蛤蜊ITS2序列分别为390 bp(西施舌)4、41 bp(四角蛤蜊)和466 bp(中国蛤蜊),存在长度多态性,ITS2核苷酸差异分析结果显示,西施舌与中国蛤蜊的同源性为70.9%-71.1%,西施舌与四角蛤蜊的为70.5%-71.0%,中国蛤蜊与四角蛤蜊的同源性为88.1%-88.8%。ITS2序列分析结果与16S rRNA基因片段分析结果一致,2种分子分析法均显示中国蛤蜊与四角蛤蜊的亲缘关系近。  相似文献   

With the rapid development of population and urbanization and the progress of lighting technology, the influence of artificial light sources has increased.In this context, the problem of light pollution has attracted wide attention.Previous studies have revealed that light pollution can affect biological living environments, human physical and mental health, astronomical observations and many other aspects.Therefore, organizations internationally have begun to advocate for measures to prevent light pollution, many of which are recognized by the International Dark-Sky Association(IDA).In addition to improving public awareness, legal protections, technical treatments and other means, the construction of Dark Sky Reserves(DSR) has proven to be an effective preventive measure.So far, as a pioneer practice in this field, the IDA has identified 11 DSRs worldwide.Based on the DA requirements for DSRs, this paper utilizes NPP-VIIRS nighttime light data and other multi-source spatial data to analyze possible DSR sites in China.The land of China was divided into more than ten thousand 30 km × 30 km fishnets, and constraint and suitable conditions were designated, respectively, as light and cloud conditions, and scale, traffic and attractiveness conditions.Using a multiple criteria evaluation, 1443 fishnets were finally selected as most suitable sites for the construction of DSRs.Results found that less than 25% of China is not subject to light pollution, and less than 13% is suitable for DSR construction, primarily in western and northern areas, including Tibet, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu and Inner Mongolia.  相似文献   

With the increasing number of vehicles in large- and medium-sized cities challenges in urban traffic management, control, and road planning are being faced. Taxi GPS trajectory data is a novel data source that can be used to study the potential dynamic traffic characteristics of urban roads, and thus identify locations that show a notable lack of road planning. Considering that road traffic characteristics on their own are insufficient for a comprehensive understanding of urban traffic, we develop a road traffic characteristic time series clustering model to analyze the relationship between urban road traffic characteristics and road grade based on existing taxi trajectory data. We select the main urban area of Nanjing as our study area and use the taxi trajectory data of a single month for evaluating our method. The experiments show that the clustering model exhibit good performance and can be successfully used for road traffic characteristic classification. Moreover, we analyze the correlation between traffic characteristics and road grade to identify road segments with planning designs that do not match the actual traffic demands.  相似文献   

采用InSAR技术获取鄂尔多斯块体南缘地表形变速率场,为精细分析研究区域内不同类型的形变特征提供依据。结果表明,研究区中部存在多处形变漏斗,南部盆地内城区存在大范围沉降与隆升;岐山-马召段断裂为左旋走滑运动,口镇-关山断裂两侧存在差异运动。结合遥感影像与野外调查数据,确定研究区中部的形变漏斗为矿区开采所致,盆地内三原县发生沉降的原因主要为地下抽水,扶风县与蒲城县的地表隆升主要与地下水位回升有关。  相似文献   

Set-nets are common alongshore fishing gear used in Haizhou Bay, which rely on flow to catch fish. The catch per unit effort(CPUE) of set-net is affected by spatial-temporal and environmental factors but no research has been conducted on this subject. In this study, we used generalized additive models(GAMs) to explore the influence of spatial-temporal and environmental factors on CPUEs of species aggregated, small yellow croaker(Larimichthys polyactis), and octopus(Octopus variabilis) based on logbooks investigations conducted at 4 stations in an alongshore area of Haizhou Bay from 2011 to 2012. The results showed that all CPUEs exhibited significant spatial-temporal differences at various scales. Aggregated CPUE was high when the sea surface temperature(SST) was 15-18℃ and 20-23℃, which was mainly determined by life history traits of the octopus and small yellow croaker(optimal SSTs 14-17℃ and 19-24℃, respectively). Chlorophyll-a concentration had significant influences on the aggregated, small yellow croaker and octopus CPUEs at optimal ranges of 3.8-6.2 mg m~(-3), 4.2-4.8 mg m~(-3) and 4.5-5.5 mg m~(-3), respectively. Flow through the net had positive relationships with CPUEs. The approximate logarithmic trends in regression curves had a critical point of 2.5 Mm~3 d~(-1), which was the dividing point that differentiated whether the major factor affecting CPUEs was the flow velocity or the fishery resource. Our results from this study will help guide fishery production and improve catch rate of set-net fishing in Haizhou Bay.  相似文献   

西北太平洋柔鱼资源与海洋环境的GIS空间分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文根据1995~2001年的西北太平洋地区(35°N~45°N,140°E~170°W)巴特柔鱼资源调查与生产的实际情况对柔鱼渔获量进行了研究,并利用同期遥感反演的海洋表层温度数据(SST)和近表层叶绿素a数据(Chlorophylla),拓展了GIS的空间分析功能,定量地研究了我国远洋柔鱼产量与水温、叶绿素等海洋要素场之间的关系,揭示西北太平洋柔鱼中心渔场的环境特征,以期为我国西北太平洋海区的鱿鱼生产服务。  相似文献   

回顾了深圳市规划国土地理信息系统的发展历程,分析总结了系统发展中遇到的问题。结合最近进行的系统集成改造工作,介绍了系统的体系结构、数据框架和功能组成,阐述了以地籍为核心的地楼房信息一体化管理思想,最后简要概述了基于该思想进行的系统建设工作及系统应用效果。  相似文献   

利用2004~2010年北太平洋鱿钓船队生产数据和海洋环境数据,以海表温度(SST)1℃、海面高度(SSH)为1 cm、叶绿素a浓度(CHL-a)为0.1 mg/m3的间距,分析作业产量、CPUE与SST、SSH、CHL-a的关系,得到柔鱼渔场适宜环境因子范围,并将生产数据和环境数据匹配组成样本集,建立北太平洋柔鱼空间分布BP神经网络模型;利用2011年环境数据预报柔鱼渔场,并与2011年实际生产数据进行对比。结果表明,6~10月各月实际作业位置落入基于频度统计方法预报渔场的概率达90%以上;而BP模型预报的平均精度为79.2%,最低精度为52.5%。基于多环境因子的频度统计柔鱼渔场预报模型优于神经网络模型。  相似文献   

STAT3 plays a particularly important role in several cancer-related signal transduction pathways. Silencing STAT3 via RNA interference or small molecule inhibitors induces the apoptosis of tumor cells, thereby inhibiting the growth of the tumors. In this study, short-hairpin RNA sequences targeting the STAT3 genes were designed, synthesized, and then connected to pGPU6/GFP/Neo plasmids as the shRNA-expression vectors. The expression of STAT3-shRNA was analyzed by real-time PCR, western blotting, and cell apoptosis assay to study the growth and apoptosis of the cells. Then, the effect of STAT3 knockdown on the NCI-H1650 cells was studied in a tumor mouse model. The results revealed that, after an in vitro transfection, the proliferation of NCI-H1650 cells was inhibited, and the cells were induced to apoptosis. The mRNA and protein expression levels of STAT3 were downregulated in the STAT3-sh RNA group. In vivo, the tumor mass and volume in the STAT3-sh RNA group were significantly lower than in the other two groups. Both the in vivo and in vitro results demonstrated a long-period inhibiting effect on NSCLC, especially in vivo,when the tumor inhibition rate could reach 50% in the STAT3-shRNA group, which is an exciting outcome. Moreover, the study of the conjugation of STAT3-shRNA and chitosan-based vectors revealed that they could be combined steadily with good cytocompatibility and transfection efficiency. These results together provide convincing evidence for the application of STAT3-shRNA used in the treatment of non-small lung cancer, which could be a promoting prospect for the development of gene therapy.  相似文献   

针对现有速度场模型采用数据少、现势性不强的问题,详细论述了速度场模型建立的数据获取与处理方法,利用中国大陆地壳运动监测网络中260个连续运行基准站2011~2015年的连续观测数据,采用GAMIT/GLOBK与GMT软件,获得高精度的定位及速度成果,并基于上述速度成果采用克里金插值法构建了中国大陆地壳运动速度场1°×1°格网模型。最后利用IERS公布的中国区域7个IGS站实测速度以及全国范围内均匀分布的陆态网络区域站实测速度,对模型内插结果进行检核,验证了模型的现势性、精确性和可靠性。  相似文献   

针对灰色GM(1,1)预测模型预测结果精度低、模型缺乏稳定性的问题,基于最小二乘配置理论的GM(1,1)预测优化模型,首先通过使得生成序列新预测值的误差在最小二乘意义下最小,选取GM(1,1)模型的最优初值,利用指数函数法构造新的背景值;然后将优化的GM(1,1)模型和最小二乘配置理论有机结合,进一步对优化的GM(1,1)模型进行改进,构建优化的灰色最小二乘配置预测模型;最后通过对建筑物的沉降数据进行定量分析与预报,与其他模型进行对比分析。  相似文献   

基于GIS的广州市土地利用遥感动态监测与变化分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以1997、2003年广州市的Landsat TM影像为基本数据源,在遥感和地理信息系统处理软件的支持下,经过几何纠正、图像裁剪和图像增强处理后,采用最大似然比法结合人工目视解译对影像进行了识别分类,获得了广州市两个时相的土地利用分类数据,并进行了分类精度评价.然后建立了土地利用转移矩阵,并利用数值统计的方法,从不同角度分析了1997~2003年广州市土地利用变化的过程,包括土地利用变化的数量、速度、空间转移及其区域差异等.另外,经济发展、人口的增长、城市化建设等因素是广州市土地利用变化的主要驱动力.  相似文献   

基于DEM的江苏省平原/丘陵分区与制图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在平原微丘区,丘陵、平原界限的确定是地貌图制作的难点.本文首先指出,地貌的多样性和地区差异性决定了地貌分类的量化指标差异性,通过对比实验,制定一套合理、有效的丘陵、平原量化分类标准.在此基础上,以江苏省1:50 000比例尺25 m分辨率DEM为基本数据源,对全省平原、丘陵进行了划分.通过自动制图综合,完成了江苏省地貌类型图制作.实验结果显示,所提出的分类指标简单、实用,该方法大大提高了丘陵岗地划分效率与精度.  相似文献   

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