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Wang  Zhenqiang  Jia  Gaofeng 《Natural Hazards》2021,105(2):2045-2071

Tsunami evacuation is an effective way to save lives from the near-field tsunami. Realistic evacuation simulation can provide valuable information for accurate evacuation risk assessment and effective evacuation planning. Agent-based modeling is ideal for tsunami evacuation simulation due to its capability of capturing the emergent phenomena and modeling the individual-level interactions among agents and the agents’ interactions with the environment. However, existing models usually neglect or simplify some important factors and/or mechanisms in tsunami evacuation. For example, uncertainties in seismic damages to the transportation network are not probabilistically considered (e.g., by simply removing the damaged links (roads/bridges) from the network). Typically a relatively small population (i.e., evacuees) is considered (due to computational challenges) while neglecting population mobility. These simplifications may lead to inaccurate estimation of evacuation risk. Usually, only single traffic mode (e.g., on foot or by car) is considered, while pedestrian speed adjustment and multi-modal evacuation (e.g., on foot and by car) are not considered concurrently. Also, pedestrian–vehicle interaction is usually neglected in the multi-modal evacuation. To address the above limitations, this study proposes a novel and more realistic agent-based tsunami evacuation model for tsunami evacuation simulation and risk assessment. Uncertainties in seismic damages to all links in the transportation network as well as uncertainties in other evacuation parameters are explicitly modeled and considered. A novel and more realistic multi-modal evacuation model is proposed that explicitly considers the pedestrian–vehicle interaction, walking speed variability, and speed adjustment for both the pedestrian and car according to traffic density. In addition, several different population sizes are used to model population mobility and its impact on tsunami evacuation risk. The proposed model is applied within a simulation-based framework to assess the tsunami evacuation risk assessment for Seaside, Oregon.


Wang  Zhenqiang  Jia  Gaofeng 《Natural Hazards》2021,105(2):2073-2074
Natural Hazards - In the Abstract, the sentence “Usually, only single traffic mode (e.g., on foot or by car) is considered, while pedestrian speed adjustment and multi-modal evacuation (e.g.,...  相似文献   

We propose a workflow for decision making under uncertainty aiming at comparing different field development plan scenarios. The approach applies to mature fields where the residual uncertainty is estimated using a probabilistic inversion approach. Moreover, a robust optimization method is presented to optimize controllable parameters in the presence of uncertainty. The key element of this approach is the use of response surface model to reduce the very high number of simulator model evaluations that are classically needed to perform such workflows. The major issue is to be able to build an efficient and reliable response surface. This is achieved using a Gaussian process (kriging) statistical model and using a particular training set (experimental design) developed to take into account the variable correlation induced by the probabilistic inversion process. For the problem of optimization under uncertainty, an iterative training set is proposed, aiming at refining the response surface iteratively such as to effectively reduce approximation errors and converging faster to the true solution. The workflow is illustrated on a realistic test case of a mature field where the approach is used to compare two new development plan scenarios both in terms of expectation and of risk mitigation and to optimize well position parameters in the presence of uncertainty.  相似文献   

Lyu  Ya-Pin  Adams  Terri 《Natural Hazards》2022,114(1):405-425
Natural Hazards - The frequency of extreme weather events has increased in recent decades due to climate change, and the demand for both more accurate weather forecasts and early warnings surges in...  相似文献   

This paper aims to evaluate the crowd evacuation performance in a metro fire by using the limit state equation to describe the egress process. The limit state equation is established by the available time margin in fire evacuation, which comprises the evacuee's response time, behaviour time and movement time to an exit. Here, the available time margin in a fire evacuation is determined by the duration of time the smoke takes to exceed the evacuee's respiration level, the time that the smoke is detected by fire alarm and the time that the evacuee needs to respond and move to an exit during evacuation. Further, Monte Carlo simulation approach has been employed to integrate the fatality rates and the probabilities of occurrence of different scenarios in a typical metro in Xiaobailou station of station-Tianjin Line 1. Through this case study, it is shown that the evacuee's response time, behaviour time and movement time to exits can be integrated in a stochastic process model.  相似文献   

A practical, DEM-based practical method is proposed to enhance flood risk management in fluvial areas by quantifying relative risk as a function of vulnerability to inland and evacuation difficulty. Both measures are based mainly on the topography of the region, so the method does not require detailed data on the physical characteristics of the land. First, we use the deterministic 8-node method on a digital elevation map (DEM) to trace storm waterways. Second, we repeat the process on a reversed DEM to trace evacuation routes that avoid the waterways and zones dangerously close to the rivers. Finally, on the basis of such two flow lines of evacuee and storm water, we proposed the protocol to evaluate the flood risk at every point on the map taking into account both the minimum time required for floodwater to arrive and duration of an evacuation from that location. The time that must be allocated for safe evacuation is defined as the potential flood risk of evacuation (PFRE). The method is demonstrated on a fluvial area of the Kaki River in Nagaoka city, Japan. In addition, we illustrated the application of the PFRE map to divide the region into areas of greater or lesser evacuation urgency.  相似文献   

We present a detailed palaeoclimate analysis of the Middle Miocene (uppermost Badenian–lowermost Sarmatian) Schrotzburg locality in S Germany, based on the fossil macro- and micro-flora, using four different methods for the estimation of palaeoclimate parameters: the coexistence approach (CA), leaf margin analysis (LMA), the Climate-Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP), as well as a recently developed multivariate leaf physiognomic approach based on an European calibration dataset (ELPA). Considering results of all methods used, the following palaeoclimate estimates seem to be most likely: mean annual temperature ∼15–16°C (MAT), coldest month mean temperature ∼7°C (CMMT), warmest month mean temperature between 25 and 26°C, and mean annual precipiation ∼1,300 mm, although CMMT values may have been colder as indicated by the disappearance of the crocodile Diplocynodon and the temperature thresholds derived from modern alligators. For most palaeoclimatic parameters, estimates derived by CLAMP significantly differ from those derived by most other methods. With respect to the consistency of the results obtained by CA, LMA and ELPA, it is suggested that for the Schrotzburg locality CLAMP is probably less reliable than most other methods. A possible explanation may be attributed to the correlation between leaf physiognomy and climate as represented by the CLAMP calibration data set which is largely based on extant floras from N America and E Asia and which may be not suitable for application to the European Neogene. All physiognomic methods used here were affected by taphonomic biasses. Especially the number of taxa had a great influence on the reliability of the palaeoclimate estimates. Both multivariate leaf physiognomic approaches are less influenced by such biasses than the univariate LMA. In combination with previously published results from the European and Asian Neogene, our data suggest that during the Neogene in Eurasia CLAMP may produce temperature estimates, which are systematically too cold as compared to other evidence. This pattern, however, has to be further investigated using additional palaeofloras.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Harald Walther, Dresden, on the occasion of his 75th birthday.  相似文献   

The Valley of Toluca is a major industrial and agricultural area in Central Mexico, especially the City of Toluca, the capital of The State of Mexico. The Nevado de Toluca volcano is located to the southwest of The Toluca Basin. Results obtained from the vulnerability assessment phase of the study area (5,040 km2 and 42 municipalities) are presented here as a part of a comprehensive volcanic risk assessment of The Toluca Basin. Information has been gathered and processed at a municipal level including thematic maps at 1:250,000 scale. A database has been built, classified and analyzed within a GIS environment; additionally, a Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) approach was applied as an aid for the decision-making process. Cartographic results were five vulnerability maps: (1) Total Population, (2) Land Use/Cover, (3) Infrastructure, (4) Economic Units and (5) Total Vulnerability. Our main results suggest that the Toluca and Tianguistenco urban and industrial areas, to the north and northeast of The Valley of Toluca, are the most vulnerable areas, for their high concentration of population, infrastructure, economic activity, and exposure to volcanic events.  相似文献   

Kolumbo submarine volcano, located NE of Santorini caldera in the Aegean Sea, has only had one recorded eruption during historic times (1650 AD). Tsunamis from this event severely impacted the east coast of Santorini with extensive flooding and loss of buildings. Recent seismic studies in the area indicate a highly active region beneath Kolumbo suggesting the potential for future eruptive activity. Multibeam mapping and remotely operated vehicle explorations of Kolumbo have led to new insights into the eruptive processes of the 1650 AD eruption and improved assessments of the mechanisms by which tsunamis were generated and how they may be produced in future events. Principal mechanisms for tsunami generation at Kolumbo include shallow submarine explosions, entrance of pyroclastic flows into the sea, collapse of rapidly accumulated pyroclastic material, and intense eruption-related seismicity that may trigger submarine slope collapse. Compared with Santorini, the magnitude of explosive eruptions from Kolumbo is likely to be much smaller but the proximity of the volcano to the eastern coast of Santorini presents significant risks even for lower magnitude events.  相似文献   

The life time or time to failure of rocks under load is governed by microstructural defects, like microcracks, voids etc. The life time can be predicted either by empirical exponential laws or physical laws based on damage and fracture mechanics. The proposed numerical model is based on subcritical crack growth using the linear elastic fracture mechanical approach and is implemented as a numerical cellular automate. The algorithm considers both tensile and shear fracturing. Each cell contains a microcrack of random length according to a given probability function. Fracture growth is controlled by the Charles equation. Macroscopic cracks are the results of the coalescence of growing microcracks. Within the numerical approach elasto-plastic stress redistributions take place. If the stress intensity factors have reached the critical values or the microcrack has reached the zone dimension, the zone is considered as fractured and residual strength values are assigned. The proposed approach was applied to rock samples under uniaxial compressive and tensile loads (creep tests). Successful results were obtained in respect to the predicted life time, damage evolution and the fracture pattern. Conclusions for further improvements and extensions of this methodology were drawn.  相似文献   

The recurring heavy precipitations which have struck the south of France these last few years highlight that the affected cities have little pertinent information on how to manage these emergencies, and therefore appear powerless. In response, the development of a local emergency operations plan (EOP) for communities threatened by natural and technological hazards was made compulsory by French law in 2004. This article describes a systematic risk analysis approach for local EOPs. This method is based on a functional model that represents a local EOP as a set of interacting functions, each of them using resources and controls. This decomposition facilitates the identification of the human, technical, and organizational resources that are essential to safeguard the inhabitants of a community threatened by a hazard. This model provides a precise frame for performing an exhaustive and rigorous risk analysis of a local EOP. Based on this model and this risk analysis, potential failures are identified and organized into fault tree for each function. Then assessment checklists of the functions of the EOP are structured via these fault trees. By using these checklists, the analysis of a local EOP becomes more rigorous, exhaustive, and systematic, which makes it possible to broadly study the criticality of the plan. Therefore, this method enhances the potential success of the pre-planned actions during a disaster. This is the first step of a decision support system for city emergency managers who are designing their local emergency plan.  相似文献   

Estimations of mineral resources and ore reserves have been recently widely used by mining engineers and investors. The classification framework based on the prepared code by the Joint Ore Reserves Committee of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Australian Institute of Geoscientists and Minerals Council of Australia (JORC code), which is one of the international standards for mineral resource and ore reserve reporting, provides a template system that conforms to international society requirements. Recent research has shown that an existing fault risk can affect the mineral resource and ore reserve estimation. According to this research, the faulted area that is involved in the effect on the estimated region is so extensive that it is not distinguishable. In this research, a new method called FGT (F for fault, G for grade and T for thickness) is introduced and presented for the estimation of mineral resources. The proposed method can provide an error map of a particular aspect of the combination of coal accumulation (G), fault risk (F) and thickness (T), and its output would categorise the mineral resources. This method was implemented in the Parvadeh Ш coal deposit, which is located in the eastern portion of Central Iran. The deposit contains five seams named B1, B2, C1, C2 and D; of these, C1 was selected as the most important seam in the exploratory grid analysis. Thus, C1 alone can reflect the properties of the Parvadeh Ш deposit. In this study, we compared the conventional method and the FGT method. This comparison indicated that the areas that should be rejected from the region in the FGT method are less and more distinguishable than those determined with the conventional method. Therefore, the inferred resources can be completely differentiated from the indicated and measured resources with a high resolution. The conventional method cannot distinguish between these three categories at this level of resolution. Therefore, the FGT approach has high precision in classifying the coal resource compared to the conventional method.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, intense urban expansion has occurred over the Campi Flegrei territorial system without considering the volcanic risk. In this active volcanic area, where a short period evacuation could be necessary, the emergency management cannot be based solely on hazard-related information. The territorial and social features must also be considered. In this framework, the main purpose of this research is to point out the seriousness of the present setting of the Campi Flegrei territorial system in case an evacuation is necessary. Following the concept of regional evacuation, the zone to be involved in emergency planning was identified as the whole of the area threatened by the volcanic events of the past 10?ka. Inside this area the spatial relation between the resident distribution and the outflows of roads, railway stations and harbours, to facilitate evacuation, was investigated. A spatial relational GIS-based procedure was used to draw the territorial system vulnerability map, depicting the zones with different capabilities to support the evacuation of residents in case of volcanic activity. Based on the concept that people could leave the dangerous area by the means of transport supplied by Civil Protection, and using the threshold value of over-crowding of 0.70 people/m2, we identified the collection areas for residents to be immediately evacuated in case of volcanic unrest, and five macrozones displaying different capabilities to cope with an emergency phase.  相似文献   

Yong  An Gie  Lemyre  Louise 《Natural Hazards》2019,98(1):319-341

As part of our broader research agenda on the psychology of risk communication and of risk management, we use a socio-ecological approach, inspired by Bronfenbrenner (Am Psychol 32:513–531, 1977. https://doi.org/10.1037/0003-066x.32.7.513), to better understand how Canadians perceive and prepare for risks originating from natural disasters. In this article, we present three empirical mixed-method studies as layers of analysis—a national survey, a social-spatial multi-level analysis, and a series of qualitative interviews—to bring a better understanding of how to engage Canadians in disaster preparedness and risk management. From our data, we examined how individuals perceived and understood natural disaster risks in Canada and how these fit in their social and life contexts. Given the increasingly diverse Canadian population, we used a cultural lens to contrast immigrants to Canadian-born individuals. After introducing the conceptual background and presenting our empirical studies, we conclude with a discussion on the implications for risk communication and management for natural disasters. Our findings suggest that Canadians could benefit from culturally targeted disaster risk reduction strategies that engage individuals–communities–government at all levels and are more attuned to the realities and specificities of life stressors.


基于耦合方法的挡土墙地震响应的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周健  金炜枫 《岩土力学》2010,31(12):3949-3957
为有效描述动力灾变过程中挡土墙附近土体的细观特性,并大量减小离散元模拟的颗粒数目,节省计算时间,利用离散-连续耦合动力数值模型,模拟了已有离心机试验中重力式挡土墙的地震响应。靠近挡土墙的土体区域用相互作用的离散颗粒模拟,远离挡土墙的土体采用连续模型模拟,编写结构的动力有限元程序并嵌入离散元软件中来模拟挡土墙。通过离散元软件PFC2D和有限差分软件FLAC2D的交互运算实现耦合过程。耦合方法的核心在于:①在离散-连续土体的交界面保证连续性;②模拟中离散区域土体的宏观性质与连续土体模型一致。为进一步满足以上两点,分别提出了新的边界耦合力提取方法和自振柱模拟方法。研究表明耦合方法可以从细观尺度上有效描述土体与结构的相互作用和关心区域的土体特性。  相似文献   

We have studied a visibly zoned, thin (< 0.5 m) lamprophyre sill that crops out in the Catalonian Coastal Ranges (NE Spain). The sill is a camptonite composed of large abundant crystals, mainly of clinopyroxene and amphibole, set in a fine-grained groundmass. The mineral chemistry of the different crystal populations indicates that the large crystals are inherited antecrysts incorporated into the magma before emplacement. The major and trace element whole rock profiles are S-shaped, with the development of a marginal reversal in the lower chilled margin. These profiles cannot be explained by normal fractionation of the magma inwards. Instead, the whole rock zoning is controlled by the presence of antecrysts. This is proven: 1) quantitatively, through a trace element model which evaluates the contribution of the antecrysts to the overall composition of the rock, and 2) statistically, through a principal component analysis on the complete trace element data set. The mineral and groundmass compositions show rectilinear compositional profiles, indicating that the magma was emplaced in a single pulse. The accumulation of the antecrysts towards the bottom of the sill, together with the calculation of settling velocities for clinopyroxene and amphibole and cooling velocities for the magma, indicate that the settling of antecrysts during cooling is responsible for the varying proportions of antecrysts and therefore for the whole rock compositional zoning. This study proves that crystal settling is a significant process in triggering compositional zoning of igneous intrusions even at the cm-scale, provided that the magma carries large crystals upon emplacement.  相似文献   

In the twenty-first century, around 200 notable dam and reservoir failures happened worldwide causing massive fatalities and economic costs. In order to reduce the losses, managers usually define mitigation strategies identifying flooding area due to dam break by using standalone hydrodynamic models and then importing the results within a GIS to perform risk analysis. This two-step procedure is time expensive, error prone due to export/import requirements and not user friendly. For this reason with this work, a new numerical model for the solution of the two-dimensional dam break problem has been implemented in the GRASS GIS with a GIS-embedded approach. The model solves the conservative form of the 2D shallow water equations using a finite volume method; the intercell flux is computed by one-side upwind conservative scheme extended to a two-dimensional problem. The newly developed GIS module, among others outputs, allows to derive maximum intensity maps that can be directly used for risk assessment. Finally, the model has been (1) tested against two standard synthetic problems referenced in literature showing differences in estimated water depth of 2, 3 and 15% and (2) verified against official flooding map of an existing dam (Verzasca) detecting 75% of similarity. The problem formulation, the new GRASS module and its validation is presented.  相似文献   

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