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一维-二维耦合的河湖系统整体水动力模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为对自然界中的复杂水流系统进行整体水动力数值模拟,建立了适用于河湖系统的一维-二维耦合模型.将河网计算中用于处理河段间耦合的汊点水位预测校正法应用到一维-二维耦合边界的处理中,即耦合边界水位预测校正法.该方法具有一维、二维模型计算完全独立,可有效利用现有模型的优点.与传统一维-二维耦合处理方法相比,耦合连接条件的满足程度较高且可通过对计算容差的调整进行有效控制.利用理想及实际例子进行了计算验证,结果表明该方法具有较好的实用性.  相似文献   

为探讨计算高效的元胞自动机模型(WCA2D)与传统一维管网模型耦合的机制以及计算效果,尝试将WCA2D与SWMM模型耦合(SWMM/WCA2D),以广州市长湴片区为例探究一种暴雨洪涝快速二维模拟技术,对比实测积水数据以及SWMM/LISFLOOD-FP模拟,结果表明:SWMM/WCA2D模拟结果与"20180607"实测积水数据相近,表明模型精度良好;根据多指标评估结果,综合考虑主干渠道淤积以及建筑物阻挡情景的RTPR、RPPV、F1值分别达到0.8、0.6、0.7,模拟精度最高,最能反映区域实际情况;通过与SWMM耦合,WCA2D和LISFLOOD-FP的模拟结果差异小(最大水深差值基本低于0.1 m)、相关性强(相关系数基本超过0.7),但前者计算效率是后者的3~5倍,表明WCA2D能够耦合SWMM且计算效率更高,为复杂城市化地区暴雨洪涝快速模拟提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

Feng  Boyu  Zhang  Ying  Bourke  Robin 《Natural Hazards》2021,106(1):613-627
Natural Hazards - Urbanization increases regional impervious surface area, which generally reduces hydrologic response time and therefore increases flood risk. The objective of this work is to...  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic flow modeling is carried out using a coupled 1D and 2D hydrodynamic flow model in northern India where an industrial plant is proposed. Two flooding scenarios, one considering the flooding source at regional/catchment level and another considering all flooding sources at local level have been simulated. For simulating flooding scenario due to flooding of the upstream catchment, the probable maximum flood (PMF) in the main river is routed and its flooding impact at the plant site is studied, while at the local level flooding, in addition to PMF in the main river, the probable maximum precipitation at the plant site and breaches in the canals near the plant site have been considered. The flood extent, depth, level, duration and maximum flow velocity have been computed. Three parameters namely the flood depth, cross product of flood depth and velocity and flood duration have been used for assessing the flood hazard, and a flood hazard classification scheme has been proposed. Flood hazard assessment for flooding due to upstream catchment and study on local scale facilitates determination of plinth level for the plant site and helps in identifying the flood protection measures.  相似文献   

针对防洪保护区溃堤及漫堤洪水演进数值模拟面临复杂计算域、河道-防洪保护区洪水耦合作用等问题,建立了基于侧向联解的一维-二维耦合水动力学模型.通过构造并求解Riemann问题实现一维-二维模型耦合,有效克服了基于堰流公式的传统方法难以处理模型间动量交换的缺点,也避免了堰流公式中流量系数选取的不确定性;提出了时间步长自适应匹配方法,解决了一维模型和二维模型时间步长不一致问题.算例研究表明,该模型可有效模拟河道-防洪保护区耦合系统中漫堤洪水和具有任意溃口形状的溃堤洪水演进过程,具有较好的推广应用价值.  相似文献   

Li  Bingyao  Hou  Jingming  Ma  Yongyong  Bai  Ganggang  Wang  Tian  Xu  Guoxin  Wu  Binzhong  Jiao  Yongbao 《Natural Hazards》2022,110(1):607-628

Flooding is now becoming one of the most frequent and widely distributed natural hazards, with significant losses to human lives and property around the world. Evacuation of pedestrians during flooding events is a crucial factor in flood risk management, in addition to saving people’s lives and increasing time for rescue. The key objective of this work is to propose a shortest evacuation path planning algorithm by considering the evacuable areas and human instability during floods. A shortest route optimization algorithm based on cellular automata is established while using diagonal distance calculation methods in heuristic search algorithms. The Morpeth flood event that occurred in 2008 in the UK is used as a case study, and a highly accurate and efficient 2D hydrodynamic model is adopted to discuss the flood characteristics in flood plains. Two flood hazard assessment approaches [i.e., empirical and mechanics-based and experimental calibrated (M&E)] are chosen to study human instability. A comprehensive analysis shows that extreme events are better identified with mechanics-based and experimental calibration methods than with an empirical method. The result of M&E is used as the initial condition for the Morpeth evacuation scenario. Evacuation path planning in Morpeth shows that this algorithm can realize shortest route planning with multiple starting points and ending points at the microscale. These findings are of significance for flood risk management and emergency evacuation research.


河网海湾水动力联网数学模型   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
在一维显式、二维隐式水动力联网数学模型的基础上,建立了一种一维、二维全隐河网海湾水动力联网数学模型。该一维河网模型采用Preissmann四点隐式格式,用节点水位控制法进行数值计算,二维海湾模型采用改进型双向隐式(DSI)法进行数值求解。在河口一维、二维连接处,水力因子通过接口断面法传递,无需重叠一个一维河段来传递水力因子,避免了口门处二维网格需取较小尺度的问题。模型在珠江三角洲河网及横门、洪奇沥口门海域做了检验,验证结果表明,建立的河网海湾水动力联网数学模型是可行的,可以用于河网、河口治理工程的数值研究。  相似文献   

Huangpu River floodplain is historically vulnerable to flooding due to its location in the path of tropical cyclones, low elevation, relatively flat topography, rapid changes in sea level and fast rate of land subsidence due to urbanization. This paper presents a scenario-based study that investigates the fluvial flood potentials in the Huangpu River floodplain. Flood scenarios with return periods of 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 years were designed to cover the probable situations. Further, a flood inundation model (FloodMap) that tightly couples a river flow model with a 1D solution of the full form of the St. Venant equations and a 2D floodplain flow model was used to predict the river flow and inundation extents. Flood characteristics obtained from the simulations were used in the exposure analysis to determine the spatial distribution of susceptible land uses under different scenarios. Results suggest that overtopping inundation mainly occurs within 1–2 km of the banks of the Huangpu River, with larger inundation extent predicted in the upper and middle reaches of the channel, a result of varying protection levels from relatively rural upstream to high urbanized floodplain in the vicinity of the middle reaches.  相似文献   

城市内涝的高效模拟对于降低内涝灾害影响、制定防灾减灾措施具有极其重要的意义。本文提出了基于雨篦子耦合地表与管网的城市降雨-产汇流-内涝全过程高效模拟方法,结合常州市双桥浜城市产汇流与内涝试验基地监测数据,分别构建了基于高效模拟算法和二维水动力算法的城市内涝模型。根据监测数据对所构建的模型进行了率定与验证,并分析对比了2种算法在不同降雨事件中的精度与可靠性。结果表明:太湖流域模型中基于雨篦子的城市水文特征单元高效模拟方法能够较为真实地反映城市内涝的具体特征,且在模型参数一致的前提下,其计算效率约为二维水动力算法的780~1 275倍,能够对城市内涝情况进行快速模拟。  相似文献   

This article presents a comparison between two two-dimensional finite volume flood propagation models: SRH-2D and Hydro_AS-2D. The models are compared using an experimental dam-break test case provided by Soares-Frazão (J Hydraul Res, 2007. doi: 10.1080/00221686.2007.9521829). Four progressively refined meshes are used, and both models react adequately to mesh and time step refinement. Hydro_AS-2D shows some unphysical oscillations with the finest mesh and a certain loss of accuracy. For that test case, Hydro_AS-2D is more accurate for all meshes and generally faster than SRH-2D. Hydro_AS-2D reacts well to automatic calibration with PEST, whereas SRH-2D has some difficulties in retrieving the suggested Manning’s roughness coefficient.  相似文献   

Comparison of 2D debris-flow simulation models with field events   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Three two-dimensional (2D) debris-flow simulation models are applied to two large well-documented debris-flow events which caused major deposition of solid material on the fan. The models are based on a Voellmy fluid rheology reflecting turbulent-like and basal frictional stresses, a quadratic rheologic formulation including Bingham, collisional and turbulent stresses, and a Herschel–Bulkley rheology representing a viscoplastic fluid. The rheologic or friction parameters of the models are either assumed a priori or adjusted to best match field observations. All three models are capable of reasonably reproducing the depositional pattern on the alluvial fan after the models have been calibrated using historical data from the torrent. Accurate representation of the channel and fan topography is especially important to achieve a good replication of the observed deposition pattern.  相似文献   

漫溃堤洪水联算全二维水动力模型及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为应对河道洪峰流量增大和漫溃堤长历时相伴发生的洪灾现象,借鉴全二维气相色谱理论提出全二维水动力模型概念,建立了模拟河道和灌区洪水演进的漫溃堤洪水联算全二维水动力模型,并采用Roe格式的近似Riemann解对界面通量进行数值求解。模型内通过漫溃堤堰流公式成功实现河道与灌区的耦联,考虑溃口展宽变化,加密处理河道网格,采用热启动与干湿水深理论对模型进行优化,并利用加大糙率法对村庄较为密集的地形进行优化处理,尽可能反应地面真实情况。将该模型应用于黄河宁蒙段河道与左右岸灌区的漫溃堤洪水演进模拟,计算结果合理可靠,流场分布均匀光滑,初步验证了模型的精度及可靠性,研究成果对河道溃决洪水的精细仿真模拟和该地区洪水风险分析决策具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Surat city of India, situated 100 km downstream of Ukai Dam and 19.4 km upstream from the mouth of River Tapi, has experienced the largest flood in 2006. The peak discharge of about 25,770 m3 s?1 released from the Ukai Dam was responsible for a disaster. To assess the flood and find inundation in low-lying areas, simulation work is carried out under the 1D/2D couple hydrodynamic modeling. Two hundred ninety-nine cross sections, two hydraulic structures and five major bridges across the river are considered for 1D modeling, whereas a topographic map at 0.5 m contour interval was used to produce a 5 m grid, and SRTM (30 and 90 m) grid has been considered for Surat and the Lower Tapi Basin. The tidal level at the river mouth and the release from the Ukai Dam during 2006 flood are considered as the downstream and upstream boundaries, respectively. The model is simulated under the unsteady flow condition and validated for the year 2006. The simulated result shows that 9th August was the worst day in terms of flooding for Surat city and a maximum 75–77% area was under inundation. Out of seven zones, the west zone had the deepest flood and inundated under 4–5 m. Furthermore, inundation is simulated under the bank protection work (i.e., levees, retaining wall) constructed after the 2006 flood. The simulated results show that the major zones are safe against the inundation under 14,430 m3 s?1 water releases from Ukai Dam except for the west zone. The study shows the 2D capability of new HEC-RAS 5 for flood inundation mapping and management studies.  相似文献   

基于结构网格,采用有限体积法建立了二维水动力学模型,模拟溃坝洪水在复杂实际地形条件下的流动过程。该模型采用中心迎风格式求解界面通量,并结合对界面变量的线性重构,使其具有空间上的二阶精度。分别采用中心差分方法和半隐式方法对底床坡度项和摩擦阻力项进行离散,保证了模型的和谐性和稳定性。对于复杂地形条件下溃坝洪水的模拟,负水深的产生是影响模型稳定的关键因素。当库朗特数小于0.25时,模型能够保证任何时刻的计算水深都是非负的,而无需对负水深单元进行特殊处理。因此,相比于现有的大部分溃坝洪水模型,该模型具有更强的鲁棒性和稳定性。  相似文献   

Floods are regular feature in rapidly urbanizing Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. It is observed that about 60% of the eastern Dhaka regularly goes under water every year in monsoon due to lack of flood protection. Experience gathered from past devastating floods shows that, besides structural approach, non-structural approach such as flood hazard map and risk map is effective tools for reducing flood damages. In this paper, assessment of flood hazard by developing a flood hazard map for mid-eastern Dhaka (37.16 km2) was carried out by 1D hydrodynamic simulation on the basis of digital elevation model (DEM) data from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission and the hydrologic field-observed data for 32 years (1972–2004). As the topography of the area has been considerably changed due to rapid land-filling by land developers which was observed in recent satellite image (DigitalGlobe image; Date of imagery: 7th March 2007), the acquired DEM data were modified to represent the current topography. The inundation simulation was conducted using hydrodynamic program HEC-RAS for flood of 100-year return period. The simulation has revealed that the maximum depth is 7.55 m at the southeastern part of that area and affected area is more than 50%. A flood hazard map was prepared according to the simulation result using the software ArcGIS. Finally, to assess the flood risk of that area, a risk map was prepared where risk was defined as the product of hazard (i.e., depth of inundation) and vulnerability (i.e., the exposure of people or assets to flood). These two maps should be helpful in raising awareness of inhabitants and in assigning priority for land development and for emergency preparedness including aid and relief operations in high-risk areas in the future.  相似文献   

Yan  Chengzeng  Jiao  Yu-Yong  Yang  Shengqi 《Acta Geotechnica》2019,14(2):403-416

Based on the combined finite-discrete element method (FDEM), a two-dimensional coupled hydro-thermal model is proposed. This model can simulate fluid flow and heat transfer in rock masses with arbitrary complex fracture networks. The model consists of three parts: a heat conduction model of the rock matrix, a heat-transfer model of the fluid in the fracture (including the heat conduction and convection of fluid), and a heat exchange model between the fluid and rock at the fracture surface. Three examples with analytical solutions are given to verify the correctness of the coupled model. Finally, the coupled model is applied to hydro-thermal coupling simulations of a rock mass with a fracture network. The temperature field evolution, the effect of thermal conductivity of the rock matrix thermal conductivity and the fracture aperture on the outlet temperature are studied. The coupled model presented in this paper will enable the application of FDEM to study rock rupture driven by the effect of hydro-thermo-mechanical coupling in geomaterials such as in geothermal systems, petroleum engineering, environmental engineering and nuclear waste geological storage.


Li  Daming  Chen  Shuo  Zhen  Zhu  Bu  Shilong  Li  Yanqing 《Natural Hazards》2021,109(2):1801-1820
Natural Hazards - A 2D local inertial equations model coupled with a 1D hydraulic model was established to simulate flood dispatching in river and flood detention areas. A simplified first-order...  相似文献   

设计暴雨雨型对城市内涝影响数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为分析设计暴雨雨型对城市内涝的影响,应用耦合了水文和水动力过程的数值模型,以陕西省西咸新区为研究区域,对不同重现期及峰值比例设计暴雨条件下的内涝过程进行模拟,并对内涝积水总量、不同积水深度内涝面积等量值进行对比分析。结果表明:设计暴雨重现期短于20年时,峰值比例较小的设计暴雨内涝积水总量较大,而重现期长于20年时,规律相反;除2年一遇设计暴雨外,峰值比例较大的设计暴雨致涝总面积较大,但其中影响严重的Ⅳ级致涝面积较小;设计暴雨峰值比例越小,重现期越长,积水总量峰值时刻相对于暴雨峰值时刻的迟滞时间越长。揭示了暴雨雨型与内涝积水程度的量化规律,对更合理地开展城市雨洪管理工作具有指导意义。  相似文献   

<正>Recent advances in landslide/avalanche modeling have been enabling us to investigate the kinematics of such catastrophic events with much more details.Taiwan is located in a region where seismic activities and extreme weather conditions frequently occur.One of their common consequences is the slope failure.In the past decodes,we witnessed at least three giant landslides:Tsaoling,Jiufenershan landslides,triggered by the Chi-Chi earthquake in  相似文献   

Hou  Jingming  Zhou  Nie  Chen  Guangzhao  Huang  Miansong  Bai  Guangbi 《Natural Hazards》2021,108(2):2335-2356
Natural Hazards - Urban flood inundation is worsening as the number of short-duration rainstorms increases, and it is difficult to accurately predict urban flood inundation over a long lead time;...  相似文献   

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