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随着海洋渔业资源的不断衰退,为了保护渔业资源、推动海洋渔业的可持续发展,自20世纪70年代后期,我国出台了许多海洋捕捞相关政策。文章从投入控制制度、产出控制制度和技术控制制度3个角度出发,以捕捞许可制度、捕捞限额管理和伏季休渔制度等政策为重点,通过整理1980—2017年浙江省渔业经济的相关资料,从海洋捕捞渔船数量和功率、海洋捕捞产量、渔业劳动力数量变化3个方面,深入分析浙江省海洋捕捞现状,提出了完善现有的海洋捕捞政策、加强渔业执法管理力量、加强普法宣传、建立渔业资源调查与评估体系、帮助捕捞从业人员转产转业等对策建议,以期为我国海洋捕捞管理部门提供决策参考。  相似文献   

自从<联合国海洋法公约>生效以后,国际海洋秩序发生了许多重大变化.就我国而言,变化主要表现在两个方面,一是我国现行的渔业资源保护立法的协调与政策调整;二是我国实行的渔业资源管理措施的变化.为促进我国渔业的健康持续发展,系统研究了我国渔业立法与管理方法的变化状况.  相似文献   

《渔业法》颁布实施20年来,我国海洋和渔业法治建设已取得很大成就,但这一法规体系尚存在多方面问题。文章从海洋环境保护和渔业资源养护立法、海洋与渔业自然保护区立法、渔业保险立法、渔船管理立法、《防治海洋工程建设项目污染损害海洋环境管理条例》配套法规等五个方面,提出了进一步完善我国海洋和渔业法规的建议。  相似文献   

近年来我国渔业作业群体的数量明显增多,同时违反捕捞许可到共同管理渔区作业的违法行为也日益严重。在《中华人民共和国渔业法》及相关渔业立法中已经存在明确界定,但是对于法律责任没有具体阐明,严重影响了渔业活动的正常秩序与渔业资源的可持续发展。文章根据违反捕捞许可到共同管理渔区作业的现状出发,结合渔业法等相关规定,分析增设法律责任的必要性与可行性,提出完善相关法律责任,细化责任认定;加大惩治力度,提高违法成本等建议。  相似文献   

海洋伏季休渔制度是一项重要的渔业资源养护管理制度。该制度自1995年实施以来取得了良好的效果,同时在国际上也产生了积极的影响。作为渔业管理领域中最为重要的制度之一,海洋伏季休渔制度目前只是一项渔业政策和措施,并没有上升到国家的法律和法规层面,该制度的效力远不能从根本上解决我国海洋渔业资源养护和可持续发展的问题。因此,文章对海洋伏季休渔制度的具体内容进行了深度分析,从法律与政策的关系出发,通过探讨国家立法、执法以及渔民守法等方面存在的问题,指出海洋伏季休渔制度作为一项渔业政策向法律和法规转变的必要性和条件,建议推动伏休政策的立法转变、加强渔业执法监督体制和加强政府对渔民的扶持政策。旨在进一步促进实施该制度,为海洋渔业资源的可持续发展服务。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,各国捕捞量的持续增加造成了渔业资源的衰退.为了减缓这一问题,世界各国提出了一系列基于"投入控制"和"产出控制"的管理措施.为此,本文通过分析投入控制与产出控制中各要素,对国际上主要渔业大国(美国、欧盟、日本等)的管理制度和措施进行综合评述,并与我国管理措施进行对比,分析我国渔业管理措施长期存在的问...  相似文献   

为推动我国渔业法律制度的完善和渔业经济的发展,文章分析俄罗斯远东地区渔业法律制度及其实施情况、存在的问题和优劣势,并提出对我国渔业发展的启示。研究结果表明:俄罗斯渔业已形成较完备的法律体系,通过对远东地区渔业法律制度的不断完善,其渔业获得极大的恢复和成效;基于此,发展国内渔业组织、完善渔业立法、加强与俄罗斯的渔业合作以及完善渔业管理体制机制是促进我国渔业发展的可行性对策。  相似文献   

文章以总量控制的概念为出发点,从立法与政策、方法与技术、总量控制下的排污权交易制度3个方面对国内外入海污染物总量控制的相关研究进行了归纳总结,同时分析了我国现阶段实施入海污染物总量控制制度存在的问题,最后,针对这些问题提出了完善我国入海污染物总量控制制度的一些建议。  相似文献   

中,日渔业法规比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中日两国有不同的国情和社会制度,造成两国的渔业法规必然存在差异。但是两国的渔业资源和捕捞海域有相近之处,渔业法规也应有类似的内容。由于日本渔业法规制定较早,立法体系较完备;而我国渔业法规起步较晚,立法体系较简单。本文通过对中、日两国渔业法规进行比较,从日本渔业法规中找到可供我国借鉴的地方。  相似文献   

丁金胜 《海洋科学》2019,43(12):59-66
我国对海岛管理的研究主要集中在海岛管理立法研究、海岛开发利用研究与海岛生态保护研究3个层面。鉴于我国目前的海岛管理制度在法律、社会、经济和生态等多方面环境约束下存在一系列的问题,诸如法律法规的不完善、海岛居民异地搬迁管理制度不完善、无居民海岛的个人特许经营制度效用低下、海岛生态系统保护管理执法力度欠缺,综合现代社会发展前沿趋势,针对不同的环境约束提出优化我国海岛管理制度的建议和对策,包括完善海岛立法体系、完善岛民外迁政策、创新经济机制与加强过程监管并举等。海岛巨大的军事、生态、经济和科研价值使得对海岛管理制度的研究意义深远,为我国海岛的可持续发展提供更多动力。  相似文献   

A social scientist's perspective on the Census of Marine Life   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over 300 natural scientists in 53 nations are taking part in the Census of Marine Life (CoML) to investigate what lived, what lives, and what will live in the oceans. The CoML is a scientific experiment that is exploring the limits of ocean science. The paper discusses the potential applications of CoML research and the mechanisms by which the potential benefits can be measured and preserved. I recommend developing and integrating policy advisory committees with the natural science activities to both maximize the benefits of the research and to avoid unintended consequences.  相似文献   

This article sets out to explore the extent to which the maritime policies that have been formulated in recent years are public policies on a par with other State-level policies, or whether the geographical domain where they are applied makes them exceptional. Maritime policy and territorial structure are very closely related, and it can be seen that maritime policies are beginning to shift towards the domain of State internal affairs, necessitating the rethinking of the way powers are distributed between territorial bodies that have the legal power to be involved in the formulation of these policies and some instruments, such as marine spatial planning.  相似文献   

This study examined how the United States’ largest marine resource management agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has begun to change its management strategy away from traditional marine resource management approaches towards an Ecosystem Approach to Management (EAM). Surveys were conducted with 57 NOAA scientists and resource managers in nine NOAA programs in 8 different geographic regions across the United States in 2005. A qualitative analysis examined the attitudes and experiences of participants with respect to implementing EAM and identified four major challenges to enhancing cooperation and understanding of EAM. We conclude with recommendations for concrete initiatives that future efforts in EAM that any management agency can undertake to facilitate further ecosystem management opportunities.  相似文献   

This study identifies some mechanisms through which external factors constrain state behavior. Examining Norwegian governance for the disputed Svalbard offshore area, it finds the behavior of Norway to be constrained in multiple ways by the conflicting policies of foreign powers toward the area. When shaping the management regime of the controversial maritime zones of the former terra nullius Svalbard, Norwegian authorities cautiously consider the possible international ramifications of their actions. Norway's behavior—not only manifested in policy but also in the exercise of contested legislative and enforcement jurisdiction—is curbed amid international disagreements over Norwegian rights in the area.  相似文献   

In recent years, clusters of industry have attracted multilateral attention, from academia and practice, alike. Clusters of industry relate to harbouring regional competitiveness; as such, they have come to be considered as important constructs for strategy and policy, that can be deemed as complementary domains. At the same time, maritime clusters are regarded as dynamic cases from a multitude of viewpoints. The concepts of strategic policy, particularly as they pertain to maritime clusters, require deeper understanding and more thorough analysis. In this context, cluster typologies surface as a useful instrument that can offer valuable insight. While this field instils the eventuality of facilitating policy and strategy within clusters, it remains relatively barren. This instance may present the opportunity to better elaborate on the formulation of models and frameworks that address the intricacies within maritime clusters. The research conducted introduces a three-tier framework for the generation of maritime cluster typologies, that bears the potential to enrich strategic management and its eventual policy implications, towards a more streamlined and informed manifestation.  相似文献   

This paper presents how environmental concerns emanating outside the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) are increasingly setting the stage for EU fisheries management. This is illustrated via what is termed the exogenous entrance of environmental concerns through the implementation of directives in EU policy. More endogenous entrance of environmental concerns occurs via stakeholder participation in Regional Advisory Councils (RACs) as well as market mechanisms, such as ecolabelling and traceability. This study discusses how these latter channels of environmental concern may have become a more potent and efficient way of reaching environmental goals, outside of the primacy of the CFP.  相似文献   

Maritime transport has become well developed in Taiwan, which is located in the western Pacific Rim. Following the model of traditional maritime nations, Taiwan's government enacted some shipping-friendly measures to help the industry in its early expansion stage. Nevertheless, government authorities have taken actions to liberalize the operations of the maritime-transport sector over the past 10 years. This paper focuses on how the liberalization measures were proposed and implemented including the process and reasons behind the formulation of governmental policies, the interaction between domestic shipping operators and the government. In addition, this paper presents a comprehensive review of the liberalization policy's impact on domestic maritime transport operators.  相似文献   

This study indicates that environmental policy interventions significantly influence the innovation processes for reducing the emissions of marine engine technology. Several different types of interventions have been important and the effect is not directly proportional to the strength or spatial coverage of the intervention. Despite its relative weakness, the MARPOL rule on NOx emissions has contributed to technology development. We also show that the rise of environmental issues in other fields has had a marked effect on the development of the marine sector and that relatively local interventions can influence innovation even in an international sector like marine transport.  相似文献   

Fishing limitations to protect fish stocks can develop to different types of property rights. A move towards full private rights is promoted by some authors. The article questions whether such a move is desirable and it also investigates whether private rights are indeed becoming more important in EU fisheries. A study on property rights in the Danish, Dutch and UK fishery (WP Davidse, ed., Property Rights in Fishing, LEI-DLO, The Hague, 1997, OV159) sector forms the background of this approach.Bromley’s definition of property rights (D W Bromley, Environment and Economy: Property Rights & Public Policy, Blackwell, Oxford, 1991), including ‘a right to a benefit stream’, has been used to identify rights in these three EU fishing sectors. These property rights regimes vary from a domination of state property, the Danish one, to a complete system of individual rights, the Dutch case. The UK position is between these extremes, showing characteristics of common property, apart from kinds of state- and individual property of fishing rights.The article ends with a consideration of the review of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in 2002 from the viewpoint of property rights. Negotiations in the run up to 2002 will demonstrate conflicts between views on state property and on private property rights. This regards the tension between the principle of relative stability of quota allocations and the EU principle of free movement of capital, goods and services. Finally, two possibilities are suggested to combine both these principles.  相似文献   

Hans Frost  Peder Andersen   《Marine Policy》2006,30(6):737-746
The revision of the Common Fisheries Policy of the European Union in 2003 was communicated in a ‘Roadmap’, including the opinion of the EU Commission on how to reform the fisheries policy. This paper reviews the Roadmap and confronts the opinion and initiatives proposed by the Commission with the ‘conventional’ bioeconomic theory. The purpose is to assess to what extent the lessons of the theory could be found in the Roadmap. Having in mind the complexity of the EU fisheries, the Roadmap, in particular, focuses on fleet management policy with the aim of reducing overcapacity on a community level. This applies as a supplementary means to the conventional fish stock conservation measures. In conclusion, the EU Commission is aware of the lessons learned from the bioeconomic theory.  相似文献   

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