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In the geological sciences it has only recently been recognized how important the process of impact cratering is on a planetary scale, where it is commonly the most important surface-modifying process. On the Moon and other planetary bodies that lack an appreciable atmosphere, meteorite impact craters are well preserved, and they can commonly be recognized from morphological characteristics, but on Earth complications arise as a consequence of the weathering, obliteration, deformation, or burial of impact craters and the projectiles that formed them. These problems made it necessary to develop diagnostic criteria for the identification and confirmation of impact structures on Earth. Diagnostic evidence for impact events is often present in the target rocks that were affected by the impact. The conditions of impact produce an unusual group of melted, shocked, and brecciated rocks, some of which fill the resulting crater, and others which are transported, in some cases to considerable distances from the source crater. Only the presence of diagnostic shock-metamorphic effects and, in some cases, the discovery of meteorites, or traces thereof, is generally accepted as unambiguous evidence for an impact origin. Shock deformation can be expressed in macroscopic form (shatter cones) or in microscopic forms (e.g., distinctive planar deformation features [PDFs] in quartz). In nature, shock-metamorphic effects are uniquely characteristic of shock levels associated with hypervelocity impact. The same two criteria (shock-metamorphic effects or traces of the impacting meteorite) apply to distal impact ejecta layers, and their presence confirms that materials found in such layers originated in an impact event at a possibly still unknown location. As of 2009 about 175 impact structures have been identified on Earth based on these criteria. A wide variety of shock-metamorphic effects has been identified, with the best diagnostic indicators for shock metamorphism being features that can be studied easily by using the polarizing microscope. These include specific planar microdeformation features (planar fractures [PFs], PDFs), isotropization (e.g., formation of diaplectic glasses), and phase changes (high pressure phases; melting). The present review provides a detailed discussion of shock effects and geochemical tracers that can be used for the unambiguous identification of impact structures, as well as an overview of doubtful criteria or ambiguous lines of evidence that have erroneously been applied in the past.  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土(RC)板与一定厚度的土颗粒缓冲层组合结构被广泛用于山区高位单体及群发性崩塌落石的防治,为研究此类防护结构在落石作用下的冲击力衰减规律及RC板的破坏模式,开展了室外系列落石冲击试验。结果表明,增大缓冲层厚度能够有效减小最大冲击力,峰值加速度随缓冲层厚度减小而增大,尤其在缓冲层厚度为0.1 m及0.2 m时,最大值急剧增大,峰值加速度与缓冲层厚度的变化满足指数函数关系;根据量纲分析原理得到缓冲层最大冲击深度与动能的平方成正比、与最大入射冲击力成反比的计算公式,且与实测值较吻合;入射冲击力在缓冲层内的衰减率随缓冲层厚度的增加以指数函数递增,在0.6 m缓冲层厚度下可使峰值冲击力衰减70%左右;随累积冲击能级的增大,RC板经历了弯曲起裂及扩展、次级弯曲裂纹和剪裂纹产生及跨中弯曲裂纹贯通的过程,试验结束时RC板整体表现出典型的弯曲破坏特征。  相似文献   

肖智勇 《地质学报》2021,95(9):2641-2661
在太阳系的形成和演化过程中,发生在天体物质间的撞击作用是最重要的地质过程之一.撞击构造是地外天体表面最常见的地貌单元,大部分天体的地貌演化主要受撞击作用控制.撞击过程产生的温度、压力和应变速率比岩石圈内的其他地质过程高多个数量级,形成广泛分布的撞击产物,如气化物、熔融物、冲击变质和变形等.虽然撞击过程转瞬即逝,撞击作用向天体注入能量并改变其内、外结构,对天体的圈层系统产生长远影响.持续撞击在天体表面累积了大量的撞击坑,撞击坑的空间分布反映了受外来撞击的历史.内太阳系在~3. 8 Ga前的撞击频率更高,但是大量撞击盆地是否灾变式的密集形成仍在持续争议;~3. 8 Ga以来的撞击频率趋于稳定,但是缺乏具有明确事件指代性的标定样品.在同一天体上,撞击坑的空间密度指示了相应地质单元的形成时间,因此撞击坑统计常被用于估算地外天体表面地质单元的相对年龄.基于月球软着陆探测任务返回的样品,前人已约束了不同直径的月球撞击坑的形成频率,进而建立了使用撞击坑统计估算月球表面地质单元的绝对模式年龄的方法.另外,内太阳系天体可能经历了相似的撞击历史,因此地-月系统的撞击频率已被缩放至其他类地行星.撞击坑统计是探索太阳系天体的撞击历史、遥估地外天体表面的相对和绝对年龄的主要方法,也是行星地质研究的基本工具.该方法的整体可靠性已得到大量实验的验证.同时,该方法在理论基础和技术细节上还存在大量的不确定性.修正该方法是完善太阳系撞击历史的重要研究内容,也是未来采样返回探测任务的重要科学目标.  相似文献   

Impact cratering was an important — even dominant — process affecting the crustal evolution of the small terrestrial planets. The fundamental highlands/maria dichotomy of the Moon's surface can be traced to a late heavy bombardment by basin-forming, asteroid-sized bodies which produced not only a topographic division in the lunar crust but also localized the later eruptions of mare basalts. Major impact basins with diameters in excess of 200 km are recognized throughout the inner solar system from Mars to Mercury. Similar craters must have formed on the Earth prior to 4 Ga ago, and the minimum number of such basin-forming impacts can be calculated by scaling from the observed (minimum) number preserved on the Moon. When allowance is made for differences in impact velocity, gravitational cross-section and the effects of gravity on crater diameter, it is found that at least 50% of a presumed global sialic crust would have been converted into impact basins by 4 Ga ago. Among the effects resulting from the impact of an asteroidal object on the early crust were: (a) establishment of a topographic dichotmy of 3–4 km (after isostatic adjustment), (b) pressure-release partial melting of the upper mantle and rapid flooding of the basin floor by basalt, and (c) enhancement of thermal gradients in the sub-basin lithosphere and upper asthenosphere. Comparative planetary data such as impact scaling can be used as important constraints on models of the early terrestrial crust. For example, the topography resulting from impact bombardment produced discrete oceans and dry land by 4 Ga ago, making unreasonable models of a globe-encircling ocean on the Earth after that time.  相似文献   

In this work, dynamic test results of D-bolts are presented. The rock bolt specimens studied are 20 and 22 mm in diameter and 0.8–1.5 m in section length. The bolts were tested at an impact velocity of 5.4–6.2 m/s and with impact energy varying from 10 to 60 kJ. In total, over 50 drop tests were conducted during a period of three years. The dynamic tests show that a D-bolt section of 22 mm × 1.5 m can sustain an impact of 56 kJ of a dynamic impact and absorb 60 kJ of energy prior to failure. The maximum impact energy of the 22 mm bolt is thus 37 kJ/m of bolt and the maximum energy absorption is 40 kJ/m. The displacement of the D-bolt increases linearly with the impact energy. A theoretical solution has been obtained for the relationship between the impact energy and the displacement of the bolt. It states that the energy absorption of a D-bolt section is proportionally related to the volume of the bolt section and the tensile strength and ultimate strain of the bolt material. It was also found that the magnitude of the impact energy determines whether or not the bolt fails, while the impact momentum determines how long the impact lasts. The impact duration increases linearly with momentum as long as the bolt shank does not fail.  相似文献   

A zone with high remanent magnetization and magnetic susceptibility has been identified at the boundary between Lower Devonian gray- and red-colored deposits in the basin of the Dniester River in the southwest of Ukraine (in the southwest of the East European Platform). The microparticles of native iron and nickel and iron-nickel intermetallic compounds found here might be markers of an impact event in the Lochkovian (~ 415 Ma). Electron microscope examination and probe microanalysis of the chemical composition, morphology, structures, and textures of specific microobjects showed that they are the product of melting of meteoritic substance and target rocks caused by an impact explosion. Explosive dispersion and deposition of microparticles on the Earth’s surface result in a rapid differentiation of their substance. The obtained data can be used as evidence of a reference impact event during the fall of an iron-stone meteorite, and a characteristic set of minerals and geochemical parameters can help to identify catastrophic events in the geologic history.  相似文献   

高速冲击载荷作用深埋巷道变形非线性数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深埋巷道冲击破坏问题一直是研究的难点,为更好的研究深部岩体动力破坏规律,揭示深埋巷道冲击破坏机制,采用非线性动力分析方法,利用FLAC3D计算软件再现深埋巷道冲击破坏过程,对高速冲击载荷作用下煤岩巷道变形规律进行非线性分析。计算结果表明,在高速冲击载荷作用下巷道顶底板和两帮围岩处有应力集中,均出现较大变形,且向巷道内部方向呈现出近似V型分布;各监测点作用力和位移结果也说明在巷道顶、底板和两帮围岩处均发生明显的冲击,且加载初期冲击较弱,在t=0.5s时冲击作用明显增强,计算结果可为深埋巷道加固措施提供有利参考。  相似文献   

陈忠清  徐超  吕越 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z2):525-531
冲击碾压技术(IR)已在国内外公路、机场等工程的地基处理中得到大量应用,处理的深度明显大于传统静碾和振动压实技术,具有施工快速、节省工期和施工成本等优点,逐渐受到工程界和学术界的重视。关于冲击碾压技术的理论研究明显落后于工程实践,为进一步促进冲击碾压技术在工程中的合理应用,采用自行研制的冲击碾压模拟试验设备进行了模型试验研究,探讨冲击轮质量和牵引速度对冲碾加固效果的影响以及冲碾过程滚动冲击产生的冲击荷载形式和冲击能量在砂土中传递与衰减的过程。研究结果表明,冲击轮的质量和牵引速度对冲击碾压加固效果有明显影响,通过增加冲击轮质量可以明显增大土中浅层深度范围内的冲碾加固效果,牵引速度在冲碾过程中存在最佳值,接近最佳牵引速度时的冲碾加固效果最好;三边形冲击轮滚动冲击产生的冲击荷载为瞬变单脉冲形式,且在冲击接触面上不均匀分布,表现为接触面中心处冲击荷载较大而两侧明显较小;冲碾过程中冲击能量主要以瞬变非周期性脉冲形式在土体中传播,沿竖直方向传递,其衰减过程以负幂函数形式进行。  相似文献   

危岩拦石墙计算方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
拦石墙是危岩主要的被动防治技术之一。通常布设在陡崖或陡坡脚前适当部位。而布设在陡崖或陡坡脚前的距离及自身高度、宽度等结构尺寸均应通过计算确定,但计算理论迄今尚未完善。作者将危岩落石作用于拦石墙的传力机理概化为落石→堤→桩及板→地基的传力过程。落石作用于挡土墙后在挡土墙内的扩散范围为一锥体,建立了落石对拦石墙的冲击力及其在土堤内部扩散的计算方法,量化了落石在墙体内的冲击深度及扩散角,即锥体的高度及顶角张开度。将拦石墙土埕等效为连续土板,则可将拦石墙概化为连续桩板结构并将冲击力均布作用于扩散锥:据此便可运用结构力学方法进行拦石墙内力计算。运用论文建立的拦石墙计算方法在三峡水库区万州太白岩实施了3km长的示范工程。多次随机落石事件显示了该结构的可靠性及有效性。  相似文献   

范光  温志坚 《国外铀金地质》2010,(4):229-232,238
矿产开发过程中的辐射环境影响日益被管理部门和广大公众所重视。针对我国南方某铜矿开采项目,在详细工程分析和现状调查的基础上,对铜矿开采可能带来的辐射环境影响进行了细致分析,预测和评价项目建设对辐射环境的可能影响,并针对性地提出环境保护措施。相关结论和措施对于铜矿资源合理开发和保护环境具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Sudden collapse of the Quaternary soil to form sinkholes on the order of meters and tens of meters has been a geologic phenomenon within living memory in a localized area north of Lake Chiemsee in Southeast Germany. Failing a satisfying explanation, a relation with an undefined glaciation process has always been proposed. Excavations and geophysical measurements at three newly affected sites show underground features such as prominent sandy-gravelly intrusions and extrusions typical of rock liquefaction processes well known to occur during strong earthquakes. Since strong earthquakes can reasonably be excluded to have affected the area under discussion, it has been suggested that the observed widespread liquefaction is related with the recently proposed Holocene Chiemgau meteorite impact event. Except for one earlier proposed but unassertive relation between impact and liquefaction, the obviously direct association of both processes in the Chiemgau area emphasizes that observed paleoliquefaction features need not necessarily have originated solely from paleoseismicity but can provide a recognizable regional impact signature.  相似文献   

马显东  周剑  张路青  黄福有  李蕊瑞 《地球科学》2022,47(12):4559-4573
为获取被动柔性防护网在不同崩塌滚石运动特征下的动态响应规律,以鲁甸803地震震后崩塌滚石造成防护网损坏现场为例,通过无人机倾斜摄影技术实现地质调查,采用Rockyfor3D获取研究区落石的运动特征,并通过被动柔性防护网有限元模型,对不同落石冲击形式下防护网的动态响应规律进行研究.研究显示区内落石弹跳高度普遍在1~2 m,优势路径上的落石会形成稍高速低弹跳的范围冲击.在范围落石冲击下,防护网绳索最大拉力增加可达123.7%;在低弹跳落石冲击下,绳索最大拉力增加可达181.2%.范围落石冲击会导致防护网网面耗能的降低,并导致上拉锚绳拉力的增大.防护网下一级支撑绳对不同落石弹跳高度的响应较为敏感,部分高弹跳落石会对上拉锚绳和上一级支撑绳产生影响.   相似文献   

撞击地层学及其研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张华 《地球科学进展》2005,20(9):961-969
地质历史中的地外物体撞击地球事件可在撞击点、近源区和远源区分别形成撞击坑熔融岩体、近源溅射岩席及海啸沉积和远源溅射层等一系列撞击地层层序。撞击地层有其独特的物理学和化学特征,与正常沉积作用、火山喷发和板块碰撞等成因的地层显然有别。通过对撞击地层层序的时空变化、所包含的撞击成因矿物、撞击微球粒和微玻璃陨石以及古生物和地球化学异常等的研究,可以了解撞击事件的发生频率、幅度和撞击天体的性质等,也为探索生物和地球环境的灾难性变化及其起因提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

陈泰江  章广成  向欣 《岩土力学》2022,43(1):277-285
落石冲击棚洞结构作用过程复杂,缺乏统一的落石冲击力表达式。首先,将落石简化为刚性球体,基于Hertz接触理论,推导得到落石冲击力半正弦算法的理论表达式,考虑落石冲击下棚洞的非弹性特征,根据落石与材料碰撞过程中落石加速度曲线特征,采用函数拟合法推导得到落石法向冲击下其冲击力的理论计算方法;然后,基于ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件建立落石冲击棚洞数值计算模型,研究不同冲击速度下落石冲击棚洞动力特征;最后,与现存常见的多种方法进行对比,得出以下结论:Hertz半正弦法得到的落石冲击力远大于函数拟合法和数值法,而函数拟合法和数值法得到的落石冲击力时程曲线相接近,表明函数拟合法更能反映落石与棚洞接触碰撞动力关系;对比其他计算方法可以得到,Hertz算法适用于分析无能量损失下的弹性碰撞问题,而Logistic算法适用于材料大塑性变形的情况,弹塑性接触理论结果和动力有限元结果存在差异,而采用函数拟合推导的计算方法得到的落石最大冲击力和落石冲击作用时间与动力有限元法更接近,更能反映落石冲击棚洞动力响应特征,推导的落石冲击力计算方法可为工程实践中棚洞防护设计提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Flexible barriers undergo large deformation to extend the impact duration, and thereby reduce the impact load of geophysical flows. The performance of flexible barriers remains a crucial challenge because there currently lacks a comprehensive criterion for estimating impact load. In this study, a series of centrifuge tests were carried out to investigate different geophysical flow types impacting an instrumented flexible barrier. The geophysical flows modelled include covered in this study include flood, hyperconcentrated flow, debris flow, and dry debris avalanche. Results reveal that the relationship between the Froude number, Fr, and the pressure coefficient α strongly depends on the formation of static deposits called dead zones which induce static loads and whether a run-up or pile-up impact mechanism develops. Test results demonstrate that flexible barriers can attenuate peak impact loads of flood, hyperconcentrated flow, and debris flow by up to 50% compared to rigid barriers. Furthermore, flexible barriers attenuate the impact load of dry debris avalanche by enabling the dry debris to reach an active failure state through large deformation. Examination of the state of static debris deposits behind the barriers indicates that hyperconcentrated and debris flows are strongly influenced by whether excessive pore water pressures regulate the depositional process of particles during the impact process. This results in significant particle rearrangement and similar state of static debris behind rigid barrier and the deformed full-retention flexible barrier, and thus the static loads on both barriers converge.  相似文献   

新近系-第四系界面撞击事件研究的新进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对中国黄土高原南缘的段家坡黄土-红粘土剖面Ga/M边界(2.48MaBP)上下地层中5种微颗粒和土样微量元素的研究,进一步确定了下更新统午城组黄土底部记录着两次撞击事件的信息。较早的一次记录于L38中,年代为2.53-2.48MaBP,以多种撞击成因或与之有关的微颗粒为标志,且有丰度为58.3×10-12g/g的Ir异常和14.3×10-9g/g的Au异常给与确证。这是一次真正的N/Q界面撞击事件,在气候地层上与从上新统红粘土向更新统黄土的过渡相一致,在磁性地层上与从高斯正极性向松山反极性的转变相联系。较晚的一次记录于S37中,年代为2.43-2.42MaBP,在多种微颗粒标志中,还包括含有Ir异常分别为3.89×10-6g/g的宇宙尘和2.15×10-8g/g的生物球粒。文中用综合成因模式解释了不同特性的撞击记录共存的现象,并指出中国黄土在天文地质研究方面尚蕴藏着大量信息。   相似文献   

陈泰江  向欣  章广成 《岩土力学》2022,43(9):2410-2420
落石与坡面或者防护结构接触过程中冲击参量随时间变化特征是描述落石碰撞过程的重要指标,对于揭示落石与坡面相互作用机制以及采取合理的防护措施具有重要的意义。在现有的相关设计规范中,并没有给出关于落石冲击力时程关系的计算方法,仅参照有关规范或经验方法确定一个落石最大冲击力值。为此,首先基于线黏弹性接触理论,建立落石冲击地面力学模型,根据位移-速度组合初始条件以及速度-加速度组合初始条件分别推导得到两种落石冲击特征参量理论解析解;然后基于 ANSYS/LS-DYNA 非线性动力学软件,建立落石冲击地面三维数值模型,研究球体落石冲击地面力学特点;最后将理论结果对比室内试验和已有的研究成果,得出以下结论:(1)Hertz 弹性接触理论结果中各参量变化在加载阶段和恢复阶段均呈现对称的趋势,速度、加速度初始条件下的落石冲击特征参量和动力有限元法非常接近,而位移-速度初始条件组合并不适用于研究落石冲击下的动力特征;(2)不同速度和下落高度下,落石最大冲击力值随落石下落高度和冲击速度的增大而增加,而落石冲击作用时间随下落高度和冲击速度的增加而减小;(3)计算结果得到的落石最大冲击力以及落石冲击作用时间与室内试验结果和已有成果相接近,相比室内试验和有限元结果的震荡性,此结果更能体现落石冲击力变化规律; (4)多种冲击速度下,对比不同方法得到的落石最大冲击力,可知计算结果均在各种冲击力计算结果的范围内,具有很好的可靠性。考虑到现有研究理论的不足,难以求解落石冲击力时程关系,求解结果丰富了落石碰撞理论,可以指导工程有关落石灾害的防护设计。  相似文献   

Organic matter in impactites from the 24 km wide and 39 Ma old Haughton impact structure, Canadian High Arctic, is a mixture of fossil and modern biological components. The fossil component represents a conventional oil that was generated from Lower Palaeozoic marine source material before impact and permeates bedrock dolomites. Biomarker maturity parameters record the thermal effect of the mid-Tertiary impact. Maturity-influenced sterane, rearranged hopanoid, and triaromatic steroid ratios all increase towards the centre of the impact structure, where thermal alteration was greatest. The heating was probably dominated by an impact-related hydrothermal system, as such systems last long enough for kinetically-based thermal alteration to occur. Kinetically-related biomarker data suggest that the hydrothermal heating lasted for c. 5000 years. Biomarkers are also preserved in dolomite clasts within impact melt breccia, and indicate strong thermal alteration. Modern biological contamination of the rocks is responsible for the superposition of two geochemical signatures (which could be cyanobacteria, non-marine algae, or higher plant matter) onto the fossil component, but they can be recognized and distinguished. The data show that the impact structure system holds a record of both the pre-impact organic signature and the thermal signature of the impact, and thereby indicates that organic geochemistry is a valuable tool in documenting the response of rocks to impacts.  相似文献   

Since the Apollo 14 mission delivered samples of the Fra Mauro formation, interpreted as ejecta of the Imbrium impact, defining the age of this impact has emerged as one of the critical tasks required for the complete understanding of the asteroid bombardment history of the Moon and, by extension, the inner Solar System. Significant effort dedicated to this task has resulted in a substantial set of ages centered around 3.9 Ga and obtained for the samples from most Apollo landing sites using a variety of chronological methods. However, the available age data are scattered over a range of a few tens of millions of years, which hinders the ability to distinguish between the samples that are truly representative of the Imbrium impact and those formed/reset by other, broadly contemporaneous impact events. This study presents a new set of U-Pb ages obtained for the VHK (very high K) basalt clasts found in the Apollo 14 breccia sample 14305 and phosphates from (i) several fragments of impact-melt breccia extracted from Apollo 14 soil sample 14161, and (ii) two Apollo 15 breccias 15455 and 15445. The new data obtained for the Apollo 14 samples increase the number of independently dated samples from this landing site to ten. These Apollo 14 samples represent the Fra Mauro formation, which is traditionally viewed as Imbrium ejecta, and therefore should record the age of the Imbrium impact. Using the variance of ten ages, we propose an age of 3922 ± 12 Ma for this event. Samples that yield ages within these limits can be considered as possible products of the Imbrium impact, while those that fall significantly outside this range should be treated as representing different impact events. Comparison of this age for Imbrium (determined from Apollo 14 samples) with the ages of another eleven impact-melt breccia samples collected at four other landing sites and a related lunar meteorite suggests that they can be viewed as part of Imbrium ejecta. Comprehensive review of 40Ar/39Ar ages available for impact melt samples from different landing sites and obtained using the step-heating technique, suggests that the majority of the samples that gave robust plateau ages are indistinguishable within uncertainties and altogether yield a weighted average age of 3916 ± 7 Ma (95 % conf., MSWD = 1.1; P = 0.13) and a median average age of 3919 + 14/-12 Ma, both of which agree with the confidence interval obtained using the U-Pb system. These samples, dated by 40Ar/39Ar method, can be also viewed as representing the Imbrium impact. In total 36 out of 41 breccia samples from five landing sites can be interpreted to represent formation of the Imbrium basin, supporting the conclusion that Imbrium material was distributed widely across the near side of the Moon. Establishing temporal limits for the Imbrium impact allows discrimination of ten samples with Rb-Sr and 40Ar/39Ar ages about 50 Ma younger than 3922 ± 12 Ma. This group may represent a separate single impact on the Moon and needs to be investigated further to improve our understanding of lunar impact history.  相似文献   

冲击压路机已大量用于各种原位地基土以及填土的压实处理,压实深度明显大于传统压路机和平板压实设备。但冲击压路机在冲击碾压过程中的能量传递过程、土中应力和位移的分布情况等尚不清楚。为探讨冲击碾压加固地基的机制和加固效果的主要影响因素,研制了冲击碾压模拟试验设备。该设备主要由模型箱、模型冲击轮、简易缓冲装置以及支架与牵引系统四部分组成,其中核心组成部分是具有不同外接圆尺寸大小和质量的三边形模型冲击轮。模型冲击轮可通过牵引系统中电机的牵引作用,在试验土体表面沿直线滚动,对土体施加冲击碾压作用。采用该设备进行了不同尺寸的模型冲击轮冲击碾压砂土的模型试验,并采用直径为2.5 cm的小型静力触探仪对冲击碾压加固效果进行检测。结果表明:该试验设备可用于实现对非圆形冲击轮冲击压实土体过程的模拟,同时显示冲击轮尺寸对冲碾加固效果的影响与冲碾遍数有关,且该影响在不同深度的土体中会有不同的响应,增大冲击轮的尺寸可以在土体的浅层深度范围内获得更好的加固效果。  相似文献   

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