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Paolo Budetta 《Landslides》2011,8(3):381-389
On December 15, 2008, a rock slide of approximately 4,000 m3 occurred near San Severino di Centola (Cilento, Province of Salerno). The landslide occurred along very steep bedding planes intersected by tectonic joints affecting a rocky cliff. The landslide debris, formed by several boulders, came to a halt along the gentler slope below. Many blocks reached the slope base including the national road n° 562 and injuring a motorist on the road. Furthermore, the road suffered heavy damages causing a halt in traffic for many weeks. Several signs of the impacts were detected along the slope and on the road; also, the volumes of some boulders were measured. The area affected by block trajectories stretch down slope about 4,900 m2. By means of 2D and 3D trajectory codes using the “lumped-mass” method, it was possible to estimate more suitable impact energy restitution and rolling friction coefficients, to reconstruct rock fall trajectories, and to calculate total kinetic energies. Extending to the surrounding slope (surface about 2 ha) these data, a hazard scenario was carried out, displaying the pattern of iso-energy distribution curves calculated along 11 critical profiles, and zones exposed to 70% and 30% of frequencies of block transits and endpoints. Successively, with reference to the Swiss Federal Guidelines, another scenario was prepared on the basis of rock fall intensity values and the return period of the 2008 landslide event. In this way, it was possible to define areas of high, moderate and low hazard. The degrees of hazard are assigned according to their consequences for construction activity and outline zones where additional protection is required. The construction of a retaining embankment was believed suitable for local risk mitigation.  相似文献   

We approach the reconstruction of the recent structural evolution of Stromboli volcano (Italy) and the analysis of the interplay between tectonics, gravity and volcanic deformation. By tying together structural, lithostratigraphic and rock mechanics data, we establish that since 100 ka BP, the edifice has faulted and jointed mainly along NE-striking planes. Faults mostly dip to the NW with normal displacement. Taking also into account the presence of a NW-trending regional least principal stress and of tectonic earthquake hypocenters inside the cone, we suggest that this fracturing can be related to the transmission of tectonic forces from the basement to the cone. Dyking concentrated along a main NE-trending weakness zone (NEZ) across the volcano summit, resembling a volcanic rift, whose geometry is governed by the tectonic field. In the past 13 ka, Stromboli experienced a reorganisation of the strain field, which was linked with the development of four sector collapses affecting the NW flank, alternating with growth phases. The tectonic strain field interplayed with dyking and fracturing related to unbuttressing along the collapse shoulders. We propose that tectonics control the geometry of dykes inside the cone and that these, in turn, contribute to destabilise the cone flanks.  相似文献   

. Weathering and mineralogical processes observed in a marble quarry in Turkey are compared with similar processes occurring on monument surfaces. Patina formations (microstromatolitic, microlaminated, monolayered) as well as destructive processes (mainly biopitting and bioerosion) are associated with microbial colonisation of the rock surfaces and one influenced by microclimatic conditions. Patina stratification is independent of substrate rock, but is affected by the position and orientation of rock surfaces. The different layers formed by mineralisation processes may reflect the seasonality of climatic events and the consequent colonisation. Bio-deteriorative processes take place mainly when the climatic conditions cause the organisms to live below the surface.  相似文献   

The evolution of volatiles in the AD 79 magma chamber at Vesuvius (Italy) was investigated through the study of melt inclusions (MI) in crystals of different origins. FTIR spectroscopy and EMPA were used to measure H2O, CO2, S and Cl of the different melts. This allowed us to define the volatile content of the most evolved, phonolitic portion of the magma chamber and of the mafic melts feeding the chamber. MI in sanidine from phonolitic and tephri-phonolitic pumices show systematic differences in composition and volatile content, which can be explained by resorption of the host mineral during syn-eruptive mixing. The pre-eruption content of phonolitic magma appears to have been dominated by H2O and Cl (respectively 6.0 to 6.5 wt% and 6700 ppm), while magma chamber refilling occurred through the repeated injection of H2O, CO2 and S-rich tephritic magmas (respectively 3%, 1500 ppm and 1400 ppm). Strong CO2 degassing probably occurred during the decompressional path of mafic batches towards the magma chamber, while sulphur was probably released by the magma following crystallization and mixing processes. Water and chlorine strongly accumulated in the magma and reached their solubility limits only during the eruption. Chlorine solubility appears to have been strongly compositionally controlled, and Cl release was inhibited by groundmass crystallization of leucite, which shifted the composition of the residual liquid towards higher Cl solubilities. Received: 28 October 1999 / Accepted: 21 April 2000  相似文献   

The Colli Albani volcanic complex (Rome, Italy) has been dominated by episodic eruptions commencing around 561?ka and ending with the most recent activity of the Albano maar phase (<70?ka). Earthquakes of moderate intensity, gas emissions and significant ground deformations are the recent evidences of a residual activity. Former geodetic data from leveling surveys, GPS stations and InSAR observations tracked ongoing significant uplift of the order of few mm/year near the Colli Albani western flank. Different uplift rates were detected by each technique in different time spans, suggesting also the possibility of sporadic recharge of the hydrothermal system. The renewed high precision leveling data from IGMI survey carried out in 1997/1999 and the last leveling survey carried out in 2006 show that the uplift along the route is currently significant at an average rate of ~3?mm/year. Radar interferograms from ALOS satellite show uplift rate of ~6?mm/year, southwest of the central sector of the leveling route. We have undertaken a joint inversion of the various geodetic data (vertical rates from leveling surveys, GPS site velocities and InSAR observations acquired by ALOS satellite) using a nonlinear inversion technique to estimate the parameters of a point-pressure source, possibly capable of explaining the ongoing deformation at Colli Albani volcano.  相似文献   

Rainfall thresholds represent the main tool for the Italian Civil Protection System for early warning of the threat of landslides. However, it is well-known that soil moisture conditions at the onset of a storm event also play a critical role in triggering slope failures, especially in the case of shallow landslides. This study attempts to define soil moisture (estimated by using a soil water balance model) and rainfall thresholds that can be employed for hydrogeological risk prevention by the Civil Protection Decentrate Functional Centre (CFD) located in the Umbria Region (central Italy). Two different analyses were carried out by determining rainfall and soil moisture conditions prior to widespread landslide events that occurred in the Umbria Region and that are reported in the AVI (Italian Vulnerable Areas) inventory for the period 1991?C2001. Specifically, a ??local?? analysis that considered the major landslide events of the AVI inventory and an ??areal?? analysis subdividing the Umbria Region in ten sub-areas were carried out. Comparison with rainfall thresholds used by the Umbria Region CFD was also carried out to evaluate the reliability of the current procedures employed for landslide warning. The main result of the analysis is the quantification of the decreasing linear trend between the maximum cumulated rainfall values over 24, 36 and 48?h and the soil moisture conditions prior to landslide events. This trend provides a guideline to dynamically adjust the operational rainfall thresholds used for warning. Moreover, the areal analysis, which was aimed to test the operational use of the combined soil moisture?Crainfall thresholds showed, particularly for low values of rainfall, the key role of soil moisture conditions for the triggering of landslides. On the basis of these results, the Umbria Region CFD is implementing a procedure aimed to the near real-time estimation of soil moisture conditions based on the soil water balance model developed ad hoc for the region. In fact, it was evident that a better assessment of the initial soil moisture conditions would support and improve the hydrogeological risk assessment.  相似文献   

A hydrogeological conceptual model has been developed that describes the hydrothermal system of Suio Terme (central Italy). The studied area is located along the peri-Tyrrhenian zone of the central Apennines, between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic carbonate platform sequences of the Aurunci Mountains and the volcanic sequences of the Roccamonfina. A multi-disciplinary approach was followed, using new hydrogeological surveys, the interpretation of stratigraphic logs of boreholes and water wells, and geophysical data—seismic sections, shear-wave velocity (Vs) crustal model and gravimetric model. The collected information allowed for construction of a conceptual hydrogeological model and characterization of the hydrothermal system. The Suio hydrothermal system is strongly influenced by the Eastern Aurunci hydrostructure. Along the southeastern side, the top of the hydrostructure sinks to ?1,000 m relative to sea level via a series of normal faults which give origin to the Garigliano graben. Geological and hydrogeological data strongly suggest the propagation and mixing of hot fluids, with cold waters coming from the shallow karst circuit. The aquitard distribution, the normal tectonic displacements and the fracturing of the karst hydrostructure strongly influence the hydrothermal basin. Carbon dioxide and other gasses play a key role in the whole circuit, facilitating the development of the hydrothermal system. The current level of knowledge suggests that the origin of the Suio hydrothermalism is the result of interaction between the carbonate reservoir of the Eastern Aurunci Mountains and the hot and deep crust of this peri-Tyrrhenian sector, where the Roccamonfina volcano represents the shallowest expression.  相似文献   

A case study describes the recent catastrophic subsidence of the land surface neighboring the Lepini karstic range (Lazio region). A number of sinkholes in the Pontina plain are shown on the early topographic maps (dated 1850). Their origin is natural and related to subsidence that occurred during the Holocene. A review of sinkholes in central Italy was made by Facenna and others (1993). The aim of this study is to clarify the possible relationships between tectonics and sinkhole formation. The subsidence phenomena have been related to the slow dissolution of the buried carbonate bedrock due to fluids rich in CO2, H2S, and SO2, which migrate through major tectonic fractures. Lowering of piezometric levels in waterbearing formations and seismic events are also important factors as they may upset the stability of a cave system buried by unconsolidated deposits.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》1999,18(10-11):1173-1184
Two cliff-sites on the Tyrrhenian coast of central Italy have been investigated in order to investigate late Pleistocene depositional environments by microfacies analysis and chronostratigraphy by luminescence age estimations. Both sections cover the period from the Last Interglacial to the end of the Last Glaciation. In the Buca dei Corvi site an increasing rate of uplift is recognised, which is responsible for significant environmental change and formation of the modern coastal fault scarp at around 9 ka. In the Golfo di Baratti site the vertical succession of three marine horizons, previously recognised by Cortemiglia et al., (1983), is attributed to the OIS stages ⩾5c, 5a and 3 respectively. This cliff-section is affected by NNE–SSW orientated normal faults, confirming that extentional structural processes are still active. The coastal deposit of Stage 3, today located at 7 m a.s.l., suggests abnormal high uplift rate if the position of the palaeo-shoreline was assumed at −40 to −50 m. Both central Mediterranean coastal records strongly suggest that the eustatic sea-level has dropped to a smaller amount than that of the open oceans.  相似文献   

The Selli Level is a marker-bed in the Umbria-Marche Apennines that represents the regional sedimentary expression of the Lower Aptain Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a. This one to three-metre-thick interval shows a remarkable uniformity on a regional scale, with a green to grey marly lower part overlain by black shales. Bulk geochemical studies and an examination of palynofacies were carried out on three sections in order to characterise the distribution and nature of the organic matter in the Selli Level which has been poorly known hitherto. The organic content is medium (0.5 to 2.9% TOC) in the basal part and higher (4.5% on average, and up to 18% TOC) in the black shales. Pyrolysis and palynological data indicate that the organic matter is mainly of marine origin. The geochemical characteristics of the Selli Level are compared to other, more or less organic-rich marker-beds in the Cretaceous succession of the Umbria-Marche Apennines.


Le Niveau Selli est un niveau-repère des Apennins d'Ombrie-Marches qui correspond à l'enregistrement régional de l'événement anoxique océanique 1a. Ce niveau, épais de un à trois mètres, présente une remarquable uniformité à l'échelle régionale avec une partie inférieure argileuse, verdâtre à grise, surmontée par des black shales. Des analyses géochimiques et l'examen des palynofacies ont été entreprises sur trois coupes afin de caractériser le contenu en matière organique du niveau Selli, jusqu'à présent mal connu. Les teneurs en carbone organique sont moyennes (0,5 à 2,9% COT) dans la partie basale et élevées (4,5% en moyenne et jusque 18% COT) dans les black shales. Les résultats de pyrolyse et des observations palynologiques indiquent que la matière organique est essentiellement d'origine marine. Les caractéristiques géochimiques du niveau Selli sont comparées aux autres niveaux repères, plus ou moins riches en carbone organique, qui émaillent la série du Crétacé du basin d'Ombrie-Marches.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(13-14):1736-1758
This paper presents a high-resolution lake-level record for the Holocene at Lake Accesa (Tuscany, north-central Italy) based on a range of sedimentological techniques validated in previous studies, with a chronology derived from 43 radiocarbon dates and four tephra layers. It gives evidence of centennial-scale fluctuations with major highstands at ca 11 500, 11 100, 10 200, 9400, 8200, 7300, 6200, 5700–5200, 4850, 4200, 3400, 2600, 1200 and 400 cal BP. Except for the Early Holocene until ca 10 500 cal BP, this pattern of hydrological changes appears to be in agreement with the regional pattern established for west-central Europe. Correlations with the Preboreal oscillation and the 8.2 ka event as well as with the atmospheric 14C residual series suggest that lake-level fluctuations developed at Accesa in response to (1) final steps of the deglaciation in the North Atlantic area and (2) variations in solar activity. For the period after 4500 cal BP, correlations with other palaeohydrological records from central Italy indicate that lake-level changes reconstructed at Accesa were mainly driven by climatic variations while anthropic activities and local geomorphological factors only played a secondary role. The Accesa lake-level record also highlights millennial-scale variations with a maximal lowstand at ca 9200–7700 cal BP contemporaneous with Sapropel event 1 in the Mediterranean. It was followed by generally higher lake-level conditions. This appears to be the opposite of that observed in Sicily (southern Italy) where a lake-level maximum developed at ca 9000–8200 cal BP and was followed by a general trend towards aridification. These opposite patterns were interpreted as contrasting hydrological responses to orbitally induced changes in summer insolation. This interpretation has to be tested by further lake-level studies in the central Mediterranean region. Finally, correlations between major lowstands and periods of maximal representation of Quercus ilex point to convergences between climate oscillations and Holocene vegetation history in the Accesa region. However, the maximal representation of Abies during the first half of the Holocene, including a time window where lake level reached a minimal level, suggests a more subtle impact of seasonality processes.  相似文献   

Linking the deformation history of mylonitized continental rocks to the progress of devolatilization reactions that trigger reaction softening is critical for the understanding of crustal scale processes. We have analysed the field geometries and microstructures of deformed rocks within the southern Hercynian belt in Calabria, as well as modelled the pressure–temperature–deformation (P–T–d) trajectory of a main ductile shear zone that tectonically coupled the deeper crustal Mammola Paragneiss Unit with the upper crustal Stilo–Pazzano Phyllite Unit. P–T modelling of the mylonitic Mammola Paragneiss Unit was performed through calculation of phase equilibrium diagrams with the software thermocalc in the MnNCKFMASHTO model system. The prograde P–T–d trajectory is based on the zoning profiles of garnet porphyroblasts and their mineral inclusions, primarily barroisite and epidote. P–T modelling shows that peak metamorphic conditions of ~0.9 GPa and 585°C were reached during a Dn-1 under-thrusting event. The following exhumation during the Dn mylonitic event, and contact metamorphism during Dn+1 and Dn+2 folding events, have also been modelled because they are essential to restore the previous tectono-metamorphic history. The exhumation trajectory was modelled down to 0.3 GPa with temperatures of 440–460°C, under fluid-deficient conditions, as well as the final late Carboniferous contact metamorphism up to Tmax of 680–720°C. The prograde path shows clear evidence for thermal buffering during garnet growth at the expense of chlorite, with a heating-dominated stage after chlorite breakdown. Subsequently, a rheological change associated with epidote breakdown (i.e. reaction softening) occurred, highlighted by a net steepening of the P/T trajectory towards the pressure peak. On the basis of the barroisite inclusions within garnet porphyroblasts as well as the ‘hairpin’ shape of the reconstructed P–T–d path (before contact metamorphism), we infer that the unusual low T/P gradient for the Hercynian crust exposed in the Mammola Paragneiss Unit records its involvement in the Palaeotethys–Gondwana subduction beneath Laurussia during Dn-1 under-thrusting. We present a new palaeotectonic interpretation along the southern Hercynian belt in Calabria during the Upper Mississippian–Lower Pennsylvanian, that is consistent with previous geochronology studies.  相似文献   

The Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Venice (Italy) coastlands have experienced significant saltwater contamination of the phreatic aquifer, coastal erosion, hydrodynamic changes and relative sea level rise processes due to natural and man-induced factors. These factors expose coastal areas to morpho-hydro-geological hazards, such as soil desertification, frequency and degree of flooding, littoral erosion, and the silting of river mouths and channels. Man-made interventions and actions, such as beach mining, construction of coastal structures and exploitation of aquifers without an adequate knowledge of the hydrology setting and an adequate management program, worsen these natural hazards. Uncontrolled human activity induces environmental damage to the overall coastal plains. The coastal plains play an important role in the social/economic development of the two regions based on land use, such as agriculture, horticulture, breeding, and tourism, as well as industry. Results of investigations on saltwater contamination, sea level rise and morphological changes recently performed in these two coastal areas are presented here.  相似文献   

崩滑地质灾害监测网(站)建网工作程序及技术要求   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了对崩滑地质灾害监测网(站)建网方案进行优选设计的主要工作程序和技术要求.其中包括地质分折、监测对象的选择、监测项目和监测内容的选择、监测方法的选择、监测仪器的选择、监测网点的布设、监测预报系统等方面的主要内容.  相似文献   

Study of the glacial deposits and lacustrine sediments of Campo Felice (Apennines, central Italy) has enabled the glacial phases of the last 40 ka to be dated more precisely, and has demonstrated that the maximum glacial advance did not occur in correspondence with the last global glacial maximum and with the coldest and most arid phase suggested by the pollen, but in a period dated between about 33 and 27 ka, characterized by a less extreme climate. Furthermore, a glacial expansion took place also in the period prior to 35 ka. Correlation with the Alpine glacial variations has shown that the Apennine last glacial maximum occurred before that of the southern slope of the Alps. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Triassic succession of the central Southern Alps (Italy) is stacked into several units bounded by south-verging low-angle thrust faults, which are related to two successive steps of crustal shortening. The thrust surfaces are cut by high-angle extensional and strike-slip faults, which controlled the emplacement of hypabissal magmatic intrusions that post-date thrusts motions. Intrusion ages based on SHRIMP U–Pb zircon dating span between 42 ± 1 and 39 ± 1 Ma, suggesting close time relationships with the earliest Adamello intrusion stages and, more in general, with the widespread calc-alkaline magmatism described in the Southern Alps. Fission-track ages of magmatic apatites are indistinguishable from U–Pb crystallization ages of zircons, suggesting that the intrusion occurred in country rocks already exhumed above the partial annealing zone of apatite (depth < 2–4 km). These data indicate that the central Southern Alps were already structured and largely exhumed in the Middle Eocene. Although we describe minor faults affecting magmatic bodies and local reactivations of older structures, no major internal deformations have occurred in the area after the Bartonian. Neogene deformations were instead concentrated farther south, along the frontal part of the belt.  相似文献   

Carbon, oxygen and hydrogen isotope variations have been measured in samples from the epithermal fluorite vein deposit at Monte delle Fate, Latium. The ranges in 13C and 18O of calcite are –1.3 to 3.4 and 9.5 to 17.3, respectively. D values of water extracted from fluid inclusions are –49 to –39 for calcite and –41 to –34 for fluorite. Fluid inclusion filling temperatures (225°–240°C) and salinites (3.75) are nearly the same for both fluorite and sparry calcite. An elongated form of calcite, of minor abundance, precipitated at lower temperatures. The data indicate that (1) the CO2 involved in the mineralization was provided by the local marine limestones, (2) the waters were meteoric in origin and underwent an 18O shift of 10 permil by exchange with marine country rocks, and (3) all geochemical features can be explained by the action of two hydrothermal fluids. Hot brines recently discovered in the Cesano geothermal area, 30 km to the east, have temperatures and some chemical characteristics similar to the hydrothermal fluids at Monte delle Fate.  相似文献   

In this work an overview of the potential rock fall source areas and propagation assessment in the Province of Potenza territory has been presented. The rock fall process is characterized by two steps: the detachment of blocks and subsequently their propagation along the slope. The adopted methodology, used for the first time in the study area, and the software Histofit and FlowR have been very useful tools for the preliminary assessment of rock fall susceptibility at a regional scale, in particular because they have required low data of the study area. Only the DEM may be sufficient together with an appropriate choice of the input parameters and algorithms, that is to say: calculation method, directions algorithm, inertial algorithm and friction loss function. The output of the model is a map of the rock fall source areas, the propagation probabilities and the propagation kinetic energy. The results show that the adopted methodology is successful for the identification of rock fall source areas at a regional scale and the propagation probability obtaining an interesting rock fall susceptibility map.  相似文献   

In temperate regions, eolian deposits of different natures are often pedogenically-altered and mixed with underlying sediments. The research reported in this paper identifies for the first time the presence of eolian deposits in soils of central Tuscany and investigates the characteristics and origin. Five relict, polycyclic paleosol profiles were studied. P1 was situated in a natural dust trap, a doline on top of an isolated limestone hill; P2 and P3 were both situated on a limestone plateau, and P4 and P5 on a mid- and foot slope on schist. The profiles were sampled for routine analyses, iron forms, heavy minerals, major and trace elements, and pollen, spores and non-pollen palynomorphs. Undisturbed samples were taken for micromorphological and SEM analyses. Nine soil horizons were sampled for OSL dating. Eolian deposits were dominant or abundant in the first layers of P1, P2 and P3. OSL age determinations of soil horizons deriving from eolian parent material were middle Holocene. Chemical and heavy mineral analyses indicated different possible sources, including bare slopes, alluvial fans and wide channels, coming from the nearby streams that drain the Middle Tuscany ridge and the Mounts of Chianti; marginal contribution of volcanic ashes was only found in P1.The research demonstrated that wind soil erosion accompanied water erosion and colluvial deposition during the middle Holocene in the Elsa River basin. Pollen spectra, in particular, indicated that soil degradation occurred in an environment showing signs of incipient desertification, resulting from an increase of aridity in a land already strongly influenced by humans. Although central Italy is currently considered to be only marginally affected by wind soil erosion, a climate change, which would imply increased arid conditions, could trigger a new cycle of slope denudation, wind erosion and loess deposition.  相似文献   

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