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We investigate the influence of baroclinic tidal waves on the diffusion of an impurity spot in a continuously stratified liquid. The equation of turbulent diffusion is solved numerically by taking into account the wave currents. We establish the dependences of the characteristics of the diffusion process on the parameters of the baroclinic wave and the location of the impurity spot. Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev  相似文献   

We study the influence of baroclinic tidal waves on the diffusion of an impurity spot in a continuously stratified fluid. The equation of turbulent diffusion is solved numerically by taking into account the wave currents. We establish the dependences of the characteristics of the diffusion process on parameters of baroclinic waves and the location of the impurity spot. Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev  相似文献   

Edge baroclinic waves are generated in a geostrophic flow with a vertical shear near a solid surface. The study investigates a new class of baroclinic waves in flows with horizontal and vertical shears and a linear distribution of potential vorticity. It is shown that taking account of the horizontal shear leads to the appearance of new features of wave dynamics. These include the nonmodal growth of energy in the initial stage of development, the time dependence of the vertical wave scale, and the possibility of generation of stationary or blocked waves. The horizontal shear makes the mechanism of generation of baroclinic waves by initial vortex perturbations more efficient. One important feature is associated with vortex paths, which are formed by the superposition of a baroclinic wave on the flow with horizontal shear.  相似文献   

本文用一个简单的斜压两层模式,在热力学方程中只考虑牛顿冷却和感热加热,从理论上分析了大尺度海温异常时感热加热带大气压Kelvin波的影响。研究发现,牛顿冷却使大气Kelvin波振幅减,并使波速减慢;感热加热可使得Kevin波波速加快;当海气温差超过某一临界值时,波动趋于不稳定。  相似文献   

The satellite altimeter data reveal that intraseasonal long Rossby wave is amplified in the western part of subtropical ocean. Based on a two and half layer ocean model we infer that the intraseasonal long Rossby wave may be amplified by the baroclinic instability. According to the baroclinic instability criterion derived from the two and half layer model, we calculate the baroclinic instability area of the Subtropical North Pacific Ocean based on Levitus98 data. The baroclinic instability area is well in accord with the amplification area of the intraseasonal long Rossby wave, and this also proves that the baroclinic instability is the main amplification mechanism of the intraseasonal long Rossby wave in the subtropical ocean. The consistency between the baroclinic instability area and potential vorticity (PV) pool is further proved in this paper, therefore, we have confidence that the intraseasonal long Rossby wave is amplified in the PV pool. Due to the relatively large ocean basin and weak ventilation, the PV pool is much larger in the North Pacific Ocean than in the North Atlantic Ocean, and this is the reason for the difference of wave amplification areas of these two Oceans.  相似文献   

采用海洋再分析结果,研究了海洋涡旋和锋面波动对台湾以东黑潮锋的影响,结果表明,Rossby波第一斜压模态形成的冷涡(暖涡),减弱(增强)台湾以东黑潮温度锋强度,减小(加大)锋的宽度.在再分析结果中,捕获到1991年1-2月台湾以东的一次黑潮锋面波动.锋面波动的波槽(波脊)到达时,该温度锋强度减弱(增强),宽度和厚度减小...  相似文献   

A mathematical model is presented for the diffusion of a local impurity patch in the presence of waves in a homogeneous fluid. A semi-empirical equation for the turbulent diffusion of a passive substance is solved numerically, with the initial and boundary conditions imposed. Temporal evolution of the patch is studied in a tidal wave field. Relations have been derived linking the patch parameters with tidal characteristics.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

The effect of stratification on very long-period waves trapped on a straight continental shelf of constant depth is examined for a two-layer model. There are 4 modes in this system. The characteristics of the mode with the largest phase velocity can be approximated by the barotropic mode. The mode corresponding to the barotropic shelf-wave mode is modified by the baroclinic motions significantly, and in the limit of very narrow shelf width, the mode characteristics are transformed from those of the barotropic shelf-wave to the baroclinic Kelvin wave if the long-shore wave length is larger than the internal deformation radius. In this case, the stratification has an apparent effect of increasing phase velocity of barotropic shelf-waves. The remaining two modes are dominated by baroclinic motions with significant contribution from barotropic motions: among which the one has a shelf-wave characteristics for small values of the shelf width and approaches the mode corresponding to the baroclinic Kelvin wave in shallower water for large shelf width and the other is a stationary mode. If the long-shore wave length is much shorter than the internal deformation radius, the motions in the upper and lower layers are decoupled: the surface and bottom modes analogous to those discussed byRhines (1970) appears.If the interface is deeper than the shelf depth, the stationary mode is absent and the characteristics of the third mode approaches those of the baroclinic double Kelvin wave mode as the shelf width increases.  相似文献   

采用海洋再分析结果,研究了海洋涡旋和锋面波动对台湾以东黑潮锋的影响,结果表明,Rossby波第一斜压模态形成的冷涡(暖涡),减弱(增强)台湾以东黑潮温度锋强度,减小(加大)锋的宽度.在再分析结果中,捕获到1991年1-2月台湾以东的一次黑潮锋面波动.锋面波动的波槽(波脊)到达时,该温度锋强度减弱(增强),宽度和厚度减小...  相似文献   

The combined and individual responses of the first and second baroclinic mode dynamics of the tropical Indian Ocean to the well-known Indian Ocean Dipole mode (IOD) wind anomalies are investigated. The IOD forced first baroclinic Rossby waves arrive at the western boundary in three months, while the reflected component from the eastern boundary with opposite phase arrives in five to six months, both carry input energy to the west. The inclusion of the second baroclinic mode slows down the wave propagation by mode coupling and stretches the energy spectrum to a relatively longer time scale. The total energy exists in the equatorial wave guide for at least five months from the forcing, as much as 10% of that of the atmospheric input, which mainly dissipates at the western boundary. The individual responses of the ocean to IOD interannual wind anomaly show that the significant modes of oceanic anomalies are confined to a wave guide of 10° on either side of the equator.  相似文献   

A model for a two-layer ocean is applied to consider, in terms of the geometrical optics approximation, the effect of mean flows propagating within the upper layer upon the dynamics of Rossby waves. The case is theoretically analysed, with the depth of the ocean's upper layer much smaller than that of the underlying layer. In this case, the flow's impact upon the baroclinic mode of Rossby waves is ubiquitous, with the exception of synchronicity. Depending on the parameters, four types of wave packets' behaviour in the vicinity of synchronicity points are singled out, namely, the elimination of the peculiarity, shadowing, and convective/absolute instability. For the mean flow profile simulating cyclonic and anticyclonic gyres, we have obtained wave packet trajectories and have studied the wave packet's interaction with the current. Specifically, it has been demonstrated that, given some modulus of the wave packet, vigorous energy exchange between the wave vector and the flow takes place. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

Within the framework of a two-layer model, we consider the process of, formation of livel in a closed basin under the action of a source with constant flow rate located on its boundary in the upper layer. The response of the level of the basin to the inflow of liquid is observed in the form of the baroclinic and barotropic modes. The baroclinic mode, has the form of an edge wave for which the deviation of level is positive for the upper layer and negative for the lower layer. The barotropic component of the level is almost spatially homogeneous and its intensity increases with time. The increase in the volume of the upper layer caused by the inflow of liquid on the boundary is almost completely attained in the barotropic mode. In the lower layer, the increase in the volume attained in the barotropic mode is completely compensated by the baroclinic edge wave. Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev  相似文献   

The quasi-geostrophic dynamics of disturbances of a flow with a vertical shear is described by a transfer equation for potential vorticity. Wave solutions of this equation are represented by edge baroclinic waves (modes in a discrete spectrum) and singular modes in a continuous spectrum. When frequencies of these modes coincide, the effect of resonant excitation occurs in which the amplitude of baroclinic waves increases linearly. This paper studies this effect in the presence of Ekman bottom friction. It is shown that friction suppresses linear wave growth and gives rise to baroclinic waves of finite amplitude.  相似文献   

Internal waves generated by a baroclinic internal wave impinging on an oceanic ridge are studied. Two stratification models are considered: a two-layer ocean model (with a density jump) and a continuously stratified ocean model (model pycnocline). The results yielded by different stratification models are compared analytically. The analysis makes possible the application of a piecewise-constant approximation of the fluid stratification to study topographically-generated baroclinic tides. Translated by V. Puchkin.  相似文献   

Conditions for generating a train of intensive internal waves and a solitary internal wave, as well as the evolution and dissipation of shelf waves have been studied using temperature measurements at six buoy moorings and an array of distributed temperature meters towed in the Morocco shelf zone. Waves of each type have been numerically simulated. The paper's focus is the generation of a baroclinic tide in a shelf zone and the occurrence of a packet of intensive internal waves on the back slope of a baroclinic wave. Besides, it studies the mechanism responsible for the generation of a solitary internal wave of soliton type. Thein situ data and the model data are matched up and shown to be consistent, in terms of quality and quantity. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

It is well known that, within the linear nonviscous equations of tidal dynamics, the amplitudes of oscillations of the barotropic and baroclinic tidal velocity components unlimitedly increase when approaching the critical latitude. It is also known that the linear equations of tidal dynamics with a constant and specified vertical eddy viscosity indicate the occurrence of significant tidal velocity shears in the near-bottom layer, which are responsible for increasing the baroclinic tidal energy dissipation, the turbulent kinetic energy, and the thickness of the bottom boundary layer. The first circumstance—the growth of the amplitudes of oscillations of the barotropic and baroclinic tidal velocity components—is due to the elimination in the original equations of small terms, which are small everywhere except for the critical latitude zone. The second circumstance—the occurrence of significant tidal velocity shears—is due to the fact that internal tidal waves, which induce the dissipation of the baroclinic tidal energy and the diapycnal diffusion, are either not taken into account or described inadequately. It is suggested that diapycnal diffusion can lead to the degeneration (complete or partial) of tidal velocity shears, with all the ensuing consequences. The aforesaid is confirmed by simulation results obtained using the QUODDY-4 high-resolution three-dimensional finite-element hydrostatic model along the 66.25° E section, which passes in the Kara Sea across the critical latitude.  相似文献   

A stability of planetary waves on an infinite beta-plane is investigated in an idealized two-layer fluid system for the large local Rossby numberM. When a primary wave is barotropic, two kinds of barotropic instability modes are found. One of them was previously discussed byGill (1974). When a primary wave is baroclinic, two different kinds of modes that enable barotropic and baroclinic energy transfers are found. The one that has the larger growth rate gains its energy mainly from the mean shear of the primary wave when the internal rotational Froude numberF is smaller than 1/2. WhenF is larger than 1/2, however, the available energy conversion of the primary wave is dominant. This mode has a fairly large part of its energy in the barotropic motion although the primary wave is purely baroclinic.The effect ofO(M –2) corrections is found to have a stabilizing influence on all symmetrical modes. The geophysical applications of the present analysis are suggested in the context.  相似文献   

The representation of baroclinic instability in numerical models depends strongly upon the model physics and significant differences may be found depending on the vertical discretization of the governing dynamical equations. This dependency is explored in the context of the restratification of an idealized convective basin with no external forcing. A comparison is made between an isopycnic model including a mixed layer (the Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model, MICOM), its adiabatic version (MICOM-ADIAB) in which the mixed layer physics are removed and the convective layer is described by a deep adiabatic layer outcropping at the surface instead of a thick dense mixed layer, and a z-coordinate model (OPA model).In the absence of a buoyancy source at the surface, the mixed layer geometry in MICOM prevents almost any retreat of this layer. As a result, lateral heat exchanges in the upper layers are limited while mass transfers across the outer boundary of the deep convective mixed layer result in an unrealistic outward spreading of this layer. Such a widespread deep mixed layer maintains a low level of baroclinic instability, and therefore limits lateral heat exchanges in the upper layers over most of the model domain. The behavior of the adiabatic isopycnic model and z-coordinate model is by far more satisfactory although contrasted features can be observed between the two simulations. In MICOM-ADIAB, the more baroclinic dynamics introduce a stronger contrast between the surface and the dense waters in the eddy kinetic energy and heat flux distributions. Better preservation of the density contrasts around the dense water patch maintains more persistent baroclinic instability, essentially associated with the process of dense water spreading. The OPA simulation shows a faster growth of the eddy kinetic energy in the early stages of the restratification which is attributed to more efficient baroclinic instability and leads to the most rapid buoyancy restoring in the convective area among the three simulations. Dense water spreading and warm surface capping occur on fairly similar time scales in MICOM-ADIAB although the former is more persistent that the latter. In this model, heat is mainly transported by anticyclonic eddies in the dense layer while both cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies are involved in the upper layers. In OPA, heat is mainly brought into the convective zone through the export of cold water trapped in cyclonic eddies with a strong barotropic structure. Probably the most interesting difference between the z-coordinate and the adiabatic isopycnic model is found in the temperature distribution ultimately produced by the restratification process. OPA generates a spurious volume of intermediate water which is not seen in MICOM-ADIAB where the volume of the dense water is preserved.  相似文献   

The interannual variations of sea level at Chichi-jima and five other islands in the subtropical North Pacific are calculated for 1961–95 with a model of Rossby waves excited by wind. The Rossby-wave forcing is significant east of 140°E. Strong forcing of upwelling (downwelling) Rossby wave occurs during El Niño (La Niña) and warm (cold) water anomaly in the eastern equatorial Pacific. The first and second baroclinic modes of Rossby wave are more strongly generated than the barotropic mode in the study area. A higher vertical mode of Rossby wave propagates more slowly and is more decayed by eddy dissipation. The best coefficient of vertical eddy dissipation is determined by comparing the calculated sea level with observation. The variation in sea level at Chichi-jima is successfully calculated, in particular for the long-term change of the mean level between before and after 1986 with a rise in 1986 as well as the variations with periods of two to four years after 1980. It is concluded that variations of sea level at Chichi-jima are produced by wind-forced Rossby waves, the first baroclinic wave primarily and the barotropic wave secondly. The calculation for other islands is less successful. Degree of the success in calculation almost corresponds to a spatial difference in quantity of wind data, and seems to be determined by quality of wind data.  相似文献   

The temporal characteristics and spatial structures of high frequency variability of the current in the western channel of the Tsushima/Korea Straits (TKS) are studied using ADCP data from 10?years along the cruise line of a regular ferry, “Camilla”, between Busan and Hakata. The eddy kinetic energy analysis shows that the high frequency variability has strong seasonal and spatial dependencies. From December to April, the variability is prominent in the entire western channel of the TKS. From July to October, it is enhanced only in the Korean coastal zone. The EOF analysis for the component of the high frequency currents normal to the ferry route illuminates three types of dominant modes, a transport mode and a vortex mode in the western channel during December–April, and a baroclinic coastal-trapped mode in the Korean coastal zone during July–October. The transport mode with a uniform current direction throughout the channel shows good correlation with the high frequency variability of the volume transport through the western channel with dominant time scales of 3.5 and 7?days. The vortex mode with alternating current directions across the channel explains well the variability of the eddy vorticity in the western channel with dominant time scales of 5–8?days. The baroclinic coastal-trapped mode in the Korean coastal zone has characteristics of both baroclinic Kelvin wave and topographic Rossby wave in the vertical current structure with dominant time scales of 14 and 32?days.  相似文献   

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