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依兰-伊通断裂北段地震活动性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据地质构造背景,应用测震学的基本方法,讨论依兰-伊通断裂北段的地震活动特征,由地震活动在时空强显示的一些规律性,认为近期该区域中强地震活动可能处于较弱势状态。  相似文献   

依兰-伊通地堑断裂北段地震活动的某些特征探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据地质构造背景和某些地震学方法,讨论了依兰-伊通地堑断裂北段的地震活动特征,认为该区域的地震活跃期通常在东北地震区活跃期的“尾声”或平静期开始,具有“首尾相接”的特点。  相似文献   

红河断裂是我国境内主要的区域性活动断裂之一,根据地震地质特征,它被分为南北两段。本文引入一种新的分段法—地球化学分段法,依据断裂上温泉的密度、热储温度、循环深度和CO_2、F、Li、Sr、B的含量等特征,把红河断裂北段进一步划分为四个亚段。笔者认为断裂带中的流体对断裂各亚段弱化程度的不同,是引起各个亚段地震活动性差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

本文用地震活动性参数等地震学方法和用时间域小地震地震图测量震源物理参数及介质Q值等震源参数方法,对伊通-舒兰断裂进行分段及地震危险性探讨。初步研究结果表明该断裂乌拉街-舒兰段(北段)、伊通-双阳段(南段)存在明显差异,北段介质强度大,易积累能量而发生较大地震。  相似文献   

依兰—伊通裂谷火山活动与地震活动   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
沿着衣兰-伊通裂谷发育有新生代的火山喷发带和现代的地震活动带。本文论述了该裂谷及其火山与地震活动特征,并讨论了地震与火山贩关系,认为该裂谷的某些地震发生可能与深部岩浆活动有关。  相似文献   

合肥地区地震活动性及地震地质构造背景分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对合肥地区区域(R=200 km)和近场(R=25 km)范围内的地震活动性进行了研究,对区域和近场地震地质构造、区域重力场和磁场特征进行了分析,并重点对郯庐断裂及对合肥地区影响较大的近场区断裂活动性进行了研究,分析研究表明:自公元294年以来区域范围共发生Ms≥43/4级地震47次,1970年以来区域测震台网记录的ML≥2.0级地震有25次,其中ML3.0~3.9级地震5次;该区域断裂构造比较发育,其展布方向主要有北北东、北东、北西和近东西向,这几组方向的断裂形成区域断裂构造格架.区域Ms≥6级地震多发生在这几组不同方向断裂的交汇处附近.合肥地区未来的地震危险性主要来自华北地震区的长江下游-黄海地震带和郯庐地震带,其中安徽六安-霍山地震危险区、涡阳-凤台地震危险区和江苏的溧阳地区等未来可能发生中强震的地区,是对合肥地区影响较大的潜在地震危险区.  相似文献   

依兰-伊通断裂全新世活动的新发现及其意义   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
闵伟  焦德成  周本刚  盛俭  陈涛 《地震地质》2011,33(1):141-150
郯庐断裂带东北段依兰-伊通断裂历史上没有发生过6级以上地震,一般认为是第四纪早期活动断裂,为中强地震发震构造.通过高分辨率卫星影像解译和野外调查,在该断裂多个段落发现断错河流Ⅰ级阶地等全新世地貌面、高1~2m的地表陡坎.其中,在通河县附近的最新地表陡坎长约70km,舒兰附近的最新地表陡坎长约10km.分别对黑龙江通河县...  相似文献   

新疆深断裂与地震活动   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄河源 《内陆地震》1992,6(4):340-350
论述了新疆的深断裂与深断裂格局、深断裂格局与深断裂关系的基本特征以及活动深断裂同地震活动的关系。  相似文献   

通过对华蓥山断裂带5级以上地震以及现今中小地震活动性的分析,认识了该地区背景性和区域性的地震活动特征,认为该断裂带南段是地震活动的主体,尤其是宜宾地区地震活动较频繁,中段、北段次之。总结得到的5级以上地震的“平静—活跃”时段分布特征,3级以上地震的“弱活动—增强”规律,以及2019年长宁MS6.0地震发生后应变能释放速率加速现象,均可为该地区5级以上地震预测预报提供参考依据。   相似文献   

库玛断裂带强震活动与地震空区研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
陈玉华  马文静 《地震》2002,22(2):81-87
库玛断裂带作为青藏高原内部的一条强地震活动带, 1900年以来发生过3次7级地震,其中2次7级大震前均出现5级以上地震的背景空区,表明背景空区对该带大震具有中长期预报意义。最近一次背景空区业已形成,并出现与之配套的孕震空区,其演化图像符合强震孕育模式。研究发现,库玛断裂带中段ML 3以上地震空区,对共和7级强震及周边200 km的强震有前兆意义。  相似文献   

2016年12月—2018年4月间布设于汶川、芦山地震之间地震空段的密集监测台阵(LmsSGA)提供了密集的观测数据.通过拾取地震走时、初始定位,计算地方震级,得到了完备性震级为0级的地震目录.更加完备的地震目录为地震空段及周围地震活动的时空分布特征和孕震风险性评估提供了丰富的信息.重定位结果显示地震主要集中于龙门山断裂带深度为5~20 km的孕震层内.地震活动频繁的汶川、芦山主震区,震源的空间分布模式与其早期余震相似,说明两次大地震的区域仍处于缓慢的应力调整阶段.青藏高原物质东向挤出受宝兴、彭灌杂岩阻挡,在两个杂岩体西北侧地震活动频繁.地震活动性分布显示汶川—茂县、映秀—北川断裂上存在一个清晰的长约30 km,宽约20 km的地震活动"空白"区域,与其下方因部分熔融而产生的低速体分布一致,我们推测熔融体的加温作用是导致空段内极低的地震活动性的主要原因.监测时段内仍观测到降雨变化率和地震数量呈反相关关系,再次证实了汶川—芦山地震间地震空段及邻区内季节性降雨对地震活动性存在一定调节作用.综合分析S波速度模型、历史强震活动及b值,我们推断地震空段东部的彭灌断裂中段及周围部分隐伏断层存在发生强震的风险.  相似文献   

Introduction Strong and large earthquakes are prepared and generated on specific segments of active fault zones, especially on the asperity parts of the zones (Aki, 1984; Wiemer, Wyss, 1997; Wyss, et al, 2000). Therefore, both the faulting-behavior identification and the rupture segmentation mainly based on the method of active tectonics are always important aspects in active fault research (DING, et al, 1993). The purposes of the two aspects of research focus on determining fault units tha…  相似文献   

1 研究背景 近年来,易桂喜等(2006,2007)、武敏捷等(2013)利用以b值为主的地震活动性参数空间分布,结合历史及现今地震活动背景,分析活动断裂带现今活动习性,综合判断处于相对高应力和闭锁状态下活动断裂带的强震危险性.这种组合分析方法比单个活动性参数值能更好地反映断裂现今活动习性,且对地震样本需求不高,适用于...  相似文献   

The historical seismicity of the eastern Transbaikalia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The seismicity of eastern Transbaikalia has not been studied extensively. According to the current estimate, the seismic activity in this area is defined as moderate and low. At the same time, there is some historical evidence to show that major seismic occurrences have repeatedly taken place in various areas of Transbaikalia. The evidence is fragmentary and for this reason has not been taken account of when developing parametric catalogs and for seismic hazard assessment in eastern Siberia. The present paper considers some new data that throw light on the macroseismic effects of some large historical earthquakes in eastern Transbaikalia and permit estimation of their basic parameters. Additional material was discovered when inspecting the regional periodicals that were published in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This study suggests higher seismic activity for eastern Transbaikalia than thought previously.  相似文献   

The seismicity of Longmenshan fault zone and its vicinities before the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake is studied.Based on the digital seismic waveform data observed from regional seismic networks and mobile stations, the focal mechanism solutions are determined.Our analysis results show that the seismicities of Longmenshan fault zone before the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake were in stable state.No obvious phenomena of seismic activity intensifying appeared.According to focal mechanism solutions of ...  相似文献   

Re-measured GPS data have recently revealed that a broad NE trending dextral shear zone exists in the eastern Bayan Har block about 200 km northwest of the Longmenshan thrust on the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The strain rate along this shear zone may reach up to 4-6 mm/a. Our interpretation of satellite images and field observations indicate that this dextral shear zone corresponds to a newly generated NE trending Longriba fault zone that has been ignored before. The northeast segment of the Longriba fault zone consists of two subparallel N54°±5°E trending branch faults about 30 km apart, and late Quaternary offset landforms are well developed along the strands of these two branch faults. The northern branch fault, the Longriqu fault, has relatively large reverse component, while the southern branch fault, the Maoergai fault, is a pure right-lateral strike slip fault. According to vector synthesizing principle, the average right-lateral strike slip rate along the Longriba fault zone in the late Quaternary is calculated to be 5.4±2.0 mm/a, the vertical slip rate to be 0.7 mm/a, and the rate of crustal shortening to be 0.55 mm/a. The discovery of the Longriba fault zone may provide a new insight into the tectonics and dynamics of the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Taken the Longriba fault zone as a boundary, the Bayan Har block is divided into two sub-blocks: the Ahba sub-block in the west and the Longmenshan sub-block in the east. The shortening and uplifting of the Longmenshan sub-block as a whole reflects that both the Longmenshan thrust and Longriba fault zone are subordinated to a back propagated nappe tectonic system that was formed during the southeastward motion of the Bayan Har block owing to intense resistance of the South China block. This nappe tectonic system has become a boundary tectonic type of an active block supporting crustal deformation along the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from late Cenozoic till now. The Longriba fault zone is just an active fault zone newly-generated in late Quaternary along this tectonic system.  相似文献   

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