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The cycling representer algorithm of Xu and Daley (2000) is a weak constraint four-dimensional variational data assimilation algorithm. It was successfully applied to a one-dimensional transport problem and was able to successfully extract the signal from noisy and sparse observations. The algorithm, however, has not previously been applied to a multivariate, multidimensional system with dynamic instability. The algorithm is also very computationally demanding and awaits considerable enhancement in computer power before being practical for operational forecast models. We have two objectives in this paper. The first is to apply the cycling representer algorithm to a two-dimensional, multivariate barotropically unstable linear shallow water system. The second objective is to formulate and test an accelerated representer algorithm that is much more computationally tractable than the cycling representer algorithm itself. A linear shallow water system with a barotropically unstable basic state was used as a test bed to conduct data assimilation experiments. The evolution of a 'neutral' eastward-propagating singular vector was selected as the 'truth', against which all data assimilation experiments were to be evaluated. The results indicated that the cycling representer algorithm was capable of providing satisfying state estimates for a multivariate, multidimensional system. The results from the accelerated representer algorithm were very encouraging because it is sufficiently computationally tractable to be used on present day multi-processor machines for operational applications. 相似文献
The results of numerical experiments involving data assimilation by linear and non-linear models for synoptic ocean dynamics are presented. This paper considers the model's response to data assimilation at diverse values of the relative error in the determination of the initial fields and space-time discreteness of data assimilation. The data obtained using the optimal filtering are compared with those provided by the optimal interpolation (OI). A qualitative difference in the response of the linear and non-linear models to data assimilation is noted. The limiting values of the time-space discreteness of observations assimilation are determined, which allow correct application of OI.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin. 相似文献
We assess validity of a Gaussian error assumption, the basic assumption in data assimilation theory, and propose two kinds
of constraints regarding non-Gaussian statistics. In the mixed water region (MWR) off the east coast of Japan exhibiting complicated
frontal structures, a probability density function (PDF) of subsurface temperature shows double peaks corresponding to the
Kuroshio and Oyashio waters. The complicated frontal structures characterized by the temperature PDF sometimes cause large
innovations, bringing about a non-Gaussianity of errors. It is also revealed that assimilated results with a standard three-dimensional
variational (3DVAR) scheme have some issues in MWR, arising from the non-Gaussianity of errors. The Oyashio water sometimes
becomes unrealistically cold. The double peaks seen in the observed temperature PDF are too smoothed. To improve the assimilated
field in MWR, we introduce two kinds of constraints, J
c1 and J
c2, which model the observed temperature PDF. The constraint J
c1 prevents the unrealistically cold Oyashio water, and J
c2 intends to reproduce the double peaks. The assimilated fields are significantly improved by using these constraints. The
constraint J
c1 effectively reduces the unrealistically cold Oyashio water. The double peaks in the observed temperature PDF are successfully
reproduced by J
c2. In addition, not only subsurface temperature but also whole level temperature and salinity (T–S) fields are improved by
adopting J
c1 and J
c2 to a multivariate 3DVAR scheme with vertical coupled T–S empirical orthogonal function modes. 相似文献
基于集合最优插值方法的南海北部海区的数据同化试验 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
基于ROMS(Regional Ocean Modeling System)模式建立一个南海北部集合最优插值的同化系统,并且利用2008年夏季SCOPE(Northern South China Sea Coastal Oceanographic Process Experiment)航次的温盐数据以及航次期间逐日OS... 相似文献
[1]Battisti D S. 1988. The dynamics and 相似文献
同化技术在渤海溢油应急预报系统中的应用 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
溢油应急预报对溢油事故现场处理具有重要指导意义。国内外已开展大量溢油数值预报技术研究,但由于各类误差的引入(尤其风和流数值预报误差的引入)以及模型本身的不完善等各种原因导致溢油数值预报无法满足日益提高的溢油预报精度需求。随着现场观测技术和监测水平的提高,如何充分利用实时观测数据提高业务化溢油应急预报精度,并满足应急预报迅速快捷的要求,成为目前业务化溢油应急预报的首要问题。国家海洋环境预报中心于2008年实现了渤海溢油业务化预报系统的建立和业务化应用,本文针对当前渤海溢油业务化应急预报中存在的现实问题,利用已有渤海海上5个石油平台从2010年1月至2011年2月的风场观测数据,初步开展最优插值方法(optimal interpolation assimilation method,OI)同化技术在国家海洋环境预报中心渤海溢油应急预报系统风场订正的应用研究。本文采用交错订正方法,确定了OI同化技术中相关尺度因子的选取,从而实现在这5个观测站地理分布情况下,OI同化技术应用中参数的最优化,之后在理想实验和实际案例的应用中,该同化方法明显提高渤海溢油预报精度。本文为如何进一步利用同化方法迅速快捷地实现溢油应急预报精度的提高提供了一定研究基础。 相似文献
3‐dimensional variational algorithms are widely used for atmospheric data assimilation at the present time, particularly on the synoptic and global scales. However, mesoscale and convective scale phenomena are considerably more chaotic and intermittent and it is clear that true 4‐dimensional data assimilation algorithms will be required to properly analyze these phenomena. In its most general form, the data assimilation problem can be posed as the minimization of a 4‐dimensional cost function with the forecast model as a weak constraint. This is a much more difficult problem than the widely discussed 4DVAR algorithm where the model is a strong constraint. Bennett and collaborators have considered a method of solution to the weak constraint problem, based on representer theory. However, their method is not suitable for the numerical weather prediction problem, because it does not cycle in time. In this paper, the representer method is modified to permit cycling in time, in a manner which is entirely internally consistent. The method was applied to a simple 1‐dimensional constituent transport problem where the signal was sampled (perfectly and imperfectly) with various sparse observation network configurations. The cycling representer algorithm discussed here successfully extracted the signal from the noisy, sparse observations 相似文献
国家气候中心全球海洋资料四维同化系统在热带太平洋的结果初步分析 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
介绍了国家气候中心(NCC)“全球海洋资料四维同化系统”(简称NCC-GODAS).该系统包含观测资料预处理系统、插值分析系统和所应用的动力模式.插值分析系统采用四维同化技术方案,在时间上设置一个4周的窗口,将此窗口之内的观测资料以一定的权重插入插值分析系统,在空间上采用三维变分方案.海洋动力模式为“九五”期间LASG研制的L30T63OGCM 1 0版本.文中考察了该系统从1982年到2003年3月在热带太平洋的部分同化分析结果,并与NCEP的再分析资料和EMC/NCEP的太平洋区域海洋资料同化系统的结果进行了对比分析.结果显示,该系统的同化结果(如SST,SSTA,Nino指数,次表层海温变化等)与NCEP的同期同化结果具有很好的一致性.同时,该系统得出的海洋同化资料气候场与海洋模式气候场相比,有显著的改进.表明该系统具有较好的同化能力,其同化结果可为海-气耦合模式进行季节和跨季节的气候预测业务提供可信的海洋初始场资料,同时还可以为相关研究提供海洋分析场. 相似文献
Parametric transduction offers valuable advantages for underwater acoustic communications. Perhaps the most significant benefit is the fact that high directivity is achieved by means of a physically small transmit transducer. This feature may, ultimately, be employed to permit long-range, low-frequency communication using a compact source. The high directivity is desirable to combat multipath propagation and to achieve data communications in water which is shallow by comparison with range. A real-time, high data-rate “model” differential phase shift keying (DPSK) communication system has been constructed and demonstrated. This system uses parametric transduction, with a 300-kHz primary frequency and a 50-kHz secondary frequency. Experimental results show that the system can be employed to combat multipath propagation in shallow water and can achieve high data-rate text and color image transmission at 10 and 20 kb s-1 for 2-DPSK and 4-DPSK, respectively, through a transmission bandwidth of 10 kHz. The “model” system was developed to confirm performance predictions for a future, operational long-range link employing a 50-kHz primary frequency and a 5-kHz secondary frequency 相似文献
A one-dimensional (1D) integral dynamico-stochastic model of the upper ocean with a non-linear assimilation algorithm is considered. The accuracy of computing the characteristics of the upper layer depends essentially on the values of the empirical coefficients. A numerical experiment was carried out which verified the efficiency of the model's adaptive mechanism operation when different values of the empirical coefficients and their variances were preset. Recommendations on assigment of the model's initial parameters are derived.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov. 相似文献
C. A. Rossit Research scientist CONICET P. A. A. Laura Research scientist CONICET 《Ocean Engineering》2001,28(7)
An exact solution for the title problem is obtained using the Bernoulli–Euler theory of beam vibrations. Natural frequencies are obtained for a wide range of the intervening physical parameters. The problem is of interest in naval and ocean engineering systems since in order to avoid dangerous resonance conditions the designer must be able to predict natural frequencies of the overall mechanical system: structure–motor and its elastic mounting. 相似文献
Juerg M. Brunnschweiler 《Marine Ecology》2006,27(1):89-94
It is not known whether sharksuckers have positive or negative effects on their hosts, partly because this association is difficult to study in free‐ranging fish. I observed the behaviour of sharks with and without sharksuckers, to determine whether the hosts actively avoid sharksuckers. Wild blacktip sharks, Carcharhinus limbatus, took evasive actions when sharksuckers, Echeneis naucrates, attached to them, presumably to escape from skin irritation or hydrodynamical drag caused by the sharksuckers. Sharksuckers were most often attached to the belly or back of the shark, and sharks reacted most strongly to sharksuckers on their heads, sides, and dorsal fins. Observations of two captive bull sharks, Carcharhinus leucas, indicated that swimming speed increased when sharksuckers were attached. This paper supports the hypothesis that sharksucker attachment irritates sharks, and that the relationship between the two is best viewed as a subtle host–parasite interaction. 相似文献
G. G. Panteleev M. N. Koshlyakov E. G. Morozov R. Yu. Tarakanov A. Yu. Goldin A. Yu. Shcherbina M. Ikeda 《Oceanology》2006,46(6):772-783
Computation of ocean currents in the Drake Passage is carried out with variational assimilation of the data of the hydrographical section across the Drake Passage carried out on December 11–15, 2003, and other data. A stream-eddy structure of the easterly Antarctic Circumpolar Current and a westerly current on the Antarctic Slope are obtained. Water transports by the different current field components and the integral transport across the Drake Passage are estimated. The necessity of direct current measurements in the Drake Passage for a correct estimate of the transport is confirmed. 相似文献
根据47年月平均的海表面高度序列(SODA-Simple Ocean Data Assimilation数据同化产品),运用经验正交函数(Empirical Orthogoual Function-EOF)的方法,分析了南海海面高度的季节与年际变化.在季节变化尺度上,第一模态体现了对南海上层环流季节变化的传统认识,占有绝对比重(84%):第二模态解析了14%的方差,越南中部沿岸约11°~12°N向东的急流和上升流出现在该模态中.经13个月滑动平均过滤年变化信号后,南海海表面高度变化的前2个模态都表明与ENSO关系密切.年际变化的第一模态说明,厄尔尼诺年整个海面高度出现负异常,特别是南海暖池附近区域.研究结果似乎表明广东沿岸附近海面变化也与ENSO有关. 相似文献