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西藏得几蛇绿岩体中玻安岩的地球化学特征及其地质意义   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
西藏日喀则蛇绿岩是我国发育最好的蛇绿岩之一,目前有关日喀则蛇绿岩形成的构造背景存在多种不同的认识。作者在研究得几蛇绿岩剖面时发现存在玻安岩,从而为日喀则蛇绿岩具有弧前背景提供了直接证据。得几蛇绿岩中玻安岩类样品具有高硅、高镁、低铁的特征,岩石中Zr、Yb和Y的含量也较低,具有明显的玻安岩特征。根据这些岩石的地球化学性质,认为岩石是由早期经历过较高程度的部分熔融的残余在含水条件下再发生部分熔融形成的。得几蛇绿杂岩体部分形成于弧前环境。  相似文献   

西藏罗布莎蛇绿岩铬铁矿中金刚石的研究   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:27  
在西藏罗布莎豆荚状铬铁矿中发现过金刚石,但迄今仍有人因为自己所取的小试样中没有分离出金刚石而否定罗布莎等地金刚石的存在。由于金刚石涉及西藏雅鲁藏布江缝合线和蛇绿岩、铬铁矿成因等问题,笔者重新在罗布莎铬铁矿中取样,经过选矿,又在1500kg样品中选出了25粒金刚石和近70种伴生矿物。这就表明西藏金刚石是的确存在的,而且它和蛇绿岩的铬铁矿同是深部成因的产物。  相似文献   

西藏罗布莎蛇绿岩豆荚状铬铁矿石中的合金成分   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
从西藏雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩带的罗布莎豆荚状铬铁矿床中 ,揭示出包含 70~ 80种矿物的一个地幔矿物群 ,其中特别引人注意的是含有多种合金。本文报道了已发现的合金类型和它们的化学成分。这些合金矿物主要通过人工重砂选矿提取的 ,少数合金在矿石光片中可以见到。本文报道的部分合金系有 :Ni(Fe) - C- Cr系 ,W-Cr- Co系 ,Al- Fe- L a系 ,Fe- Si- Ti系 ,Ag- Sn- Si系 ,Ni- Ir- Fe系 ,Fe- Pd- Pt系 ,Fe- Ni- C系。这些碳化物、金属硅以及铁合金等表明它们形成于还原环境 ,然而主岩铬铁矿石则形成于氧化环境 ,认为罗布莎铬铁矿是从玻安质岩浆中结晶的。这样合金矿物可能是外来晶体 ;或者它们形成于地核被后来上升的地幔柱带到浅部 ,包在铬铁矿中 ;或者是滞留在地幔中的成核物质后来被铬铁矿捕获。  相似文献   

西藏丁青弧前蛇绿岩的地球化学特征   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
刘文斌  钱青等 《岩石学报》2002,18(3):392-400
丁青蛇绿岩位于班化湖-丁青-怒江蛇绿岩带的东段,其地幔岩出露规模是该带中最大的。本文报道的丁青蛇绿岩主要由地幔橄榄岩、堆晶岩、辉长岩和斜长花岗岩组成。蛇绿岩剖面上覆硅岩中的放射虫化石是早株罗世和晚三叠世诺利克期的,中侏罗统砂岩和砾岩不整合覆盖在蛇绿岩之上,由此确定丁青蛇绿岩是晚三叠-早侏罗世的,在中株罗世之前侵位,丁青蛇绿岩属于玻安岩系,玻安岩的特点是富Si、Mg和大离子亲石元素(LILE),贫高场强元素(Ti、P、Zr、Y、Yb和Nb)。丁青蛇绿岩的堆晶岩、辉长岩和辉绿岩均具“U”型REE分布,暗示丁青玻安岩是由于亏损的地幔源岩和来自消减带的水和流体两组分的混合形成的。丁青玻安岩的地球化学特征类似西太平洋第三纪玻安岩,而明显不同于MORB的地球化学性质, 表明丁青玻安岩应当形成于洋内岛弧的弧前环境,属于弧前蛇绿岩。  相似文献   

西藏罗布莎蛇绿岩中透镜网络系统的特征及成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李德威 《中国区域地质》1995,(1):50-56,T001
通过对罗布莎蛇绿岩进行详细的构造解析,厘定了造山带蛇绿岩中多种类型、尺度的透镜网络系统,并认为它们是在裂陷海盆向造山带离合转移和镁铁质,超镁铁质岩从上地幔向上地壳固态位移过程中,由部分熔融产生的物性不均一的变质橄榄岩,在中、下壳塑性挤压状态下发生变形分解的产物。  相似文献   

罗布莎蛇绿岩体南部边界,呈断层与围岩三叠系接触,宏观上岩体产状不协调。中部香卡山段岩体直接逆冲于三叠系之上,断层面倾向北东。西部罗布莎段和东部康金拉段。围岩三叠系直接逆冲于岩体之上,断层面倾向南西。本文以衬观察取证,阅读前人资料并结合平面和剖面综合分析为出发点,对断层性质和岩体产状不协调从成因上进行探讨和分析。  相似文献   

在西藏罗布莎蛇绿岩的铬铁矿矿床中,存在一种Ir-Fe-Ni合金,电子探针分析确定其化学式为Ir0.69Fe0.28Ni0.03.用CCD技术测得X射线衍射数据(括号内为I/Io)为2.188(100)、1.896(90)、1.347(50)、1.149(80)、1.096(15)、0.949(5)、0.874(15)、0.852(15)、0.773(10),晶体结构应属金属元素面心立方结构类型.按其结构确定了原子坐标并计算出理论粉末衍射图,结果表明理论粉末衍射图谱与实测粉末衍射数据基本一致.该Ir-Fe-Ni合金晶体学参数可归纳为a=3.802(4)?,空间群Fm3m,单位晶胞中的分子数Z=4,Dc=13.84 g/cm3.  相似文献   

西藏罗布莎蛇绿岩的地球化学特征及形成环境探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗布莎蛇绿岩是形成中生代的蛇绿混杂构造岩片,与冈底斯火山-岩浆弧和喜马拉雅北部上三叠统复理石变形带,呈构造接触关系,现今地表为-自南而北的逆冲推覆岩片堆叠层序。于早白垩世发生构造侵位及主变质作用。蛇绿岩主要由主质橄榄岩,堆积杂岩,块状与枕状熔岩硅质岩组成。  相似文献   

在西藏罗布莎蛇绿岩块的豆荚状铬铁矿中,存在包裹体矿物镁橄榄石,这些镁橄榄石为无色透明多晶面形成的自形晶,Fo值可达到97-98,具富镁端员组分,选取一代表性颗粒的单晶进行X单晶和衍射分析,表明其为斜方晶系,空间群Pbnm,镁橄榄石晶胞参数,a,b,c以及M1-0和M2-0键长均小于地幔包裹体和一般地幔岩中橄缆中的对应值,测试出的晶胞参数与人工合成镁橄榄石的一致,镁橄榄石具有橄榄石族中已知最小的晶胞参数,据此推断它是在超高压环境下结晶的。  相似文献   

本文对西藏丁青玻安岩类深成岩的辉石和新喀里多尼亚玻安岩的斜顽辉石进行了矿物学工作及高分辨电镜观察。丁青斜方辉石堆晶岩辉石的超微结构包括:单斜辉石的(100)双晶、斜方辉石a/4平移畴结构及斜方辉石—单斜辉石相转变。玻安岩斜顽辉石典型超微结构是(100)双晶。由矿物的碎裂、错动以及斜方辉石—单斜辉石相变中只出现偶数倍单斜辉石等表明:矿物结晶及成岩过程中曾受应力作用、后者可能与岩石所处的构造位置有关。由辉石成分计算的地质温度表明,丁青堆晶斜方辉石岩的辉石是在高温下晶出、岩石固结温度是1013~1111℃,当它们在~1000℃下稳定时,斜方辉石出溶了单斜辉石片晶。将玻安岩斜顽辉石加热至1100℃后淬冷及按120℃/h速度冷却均未得到纯的斜顽辉石,可能斜顽辉石是原顽火辉石在应力环境中高温淬冷所成。  相似文献   

西藏雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩带罗布莎地幔橄榄岩的成因   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
广泛分布在雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩带的地幔橄榄岩是没有蛇纹石化的新鲜岩石,因而通过显微镜下观察和全岩化学分布探索其成因和地幔活动,是十分有利和简便的。最近几年来,利用岩石化学资料揭示远洋橄榄岩,认为它不是原始地幔岩经分或分离熔化作用萃取出玄武岩熔体后的直接残余物。罗布落蛇绿岩橄的镜下观察和岩石化学资料也证明,它不是原始地幔岩经局部熔化后的残余物,而且由来自更深层的地幔过渡带的硅酸盐超高压矿物底辟上升经熔取  相似文献   

藏南罗布莎蛇绿岩辉绿岩中锆石SHRIMP测年   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:32  
罗布莎蛇绿岩是雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩带东段出露较好,也是研究程度较高的蛇绿岩片之一。对该蛇绿岩的形成时代至今存在分歧。本文获得该蛇绿岩辉绿岩中的锆石SHRIMPU-Pb定年的结果为162.9±2.8Ma,表明该蛇绿岩的形成时代为中侏罗世,同时发现,在罗布莎地区新特提斯洋形成时,可能存在地幔熔融的岩浆在扩张脊上涌过程中俘获老洋壳或者深海沉积物中锆石的情况;并且在侵位过程中,在该蛇绿岩的局部由于蚀变而产生了变质锆石。  相似文献   

We report the discovery of an in-situ natural moissanite as an inclusion in the Cr-spinel from the dunite envelope of a chromitite deposit in Luobusa ophiolite, Tibet. The moissanite occurs as a twin crystal interpenetrated by two quadrilateral signal crystals with sizes of 17 μm× 10 μm and 20 μm× 7 μm, respectively. The moissanite is green with parallel extinction. The absorption peaks in its Raman spectra are at 967-971 cm-1, 787-788 cm-1, and 766 cm-1. The absorption peaks in the infrared spectra are at 696 cm-1, 767 cm-1, 1450 cm-1, and 1551 cm-1, which are distinctly different from the peaks for synthetic silicon carbide. Moissanites have been documented to form in ultra-high pressure, high temperature, and extremely low fO2 environments and their 13C-depleted compositions indicate a lower mantle origin. Combined with previous studies about other ultra-high pressure and highly reduced minerals in Luobusa ophiolite, the in-situ natural moissanite we found indicates a deep mantle origin of some materials in the mantle sequence of Luobusa ophiolite. Further, we proposed a transformation model to explain the transfer process of UHP materials from the deep mantle to ophiolite sequence and then to the supra-subduction zone environment. Interactions between the crown of the mantle plume and mid-ocean ridge are suggested to be the dominant mechanism.  相似文献   

The exsolutious of diopside and magnetite occur as intergrowth and orient within olivine from the mantle dunite, Luobusa ophiolite, Tibet. The dunite is very fresh with a mineral assemblage of olivine (〉95%) + chromite (1%-4%) + diopside (〈1%). Two types of olivine are found in thin sections: one (Fo = 94) is coarse-grained, elongated with development of kink bands, wavy extinction and irregular margins; and the other (Fo = 96) is fine-grained and poly-angied. Some of the olivine grains contain minor Ca, Cr and Ni. Besides the exsolutions in olivine, three micron-size inclusions are also discovered. Analyzed through energy dispersive system (EDS) with unitary analytical method, the average compositions of the inclusions are: Na20, 3.12%-3.84%; MgO, 19.51%-23.79%; Al2O3, 9.33%-11.31%; SiO2, 44.89%-46.29%; CaO, 11.46%-12.90%; Cr2O3, 0.74%-2.29%; FeO, 4.26%- 5.27%, which is quite similar to those of amphibole. Diopside is anhedral f'dling between olivines, or as micro-inclusions oriented in olivines. Chromite appears euhedral distributed between olivines, sometimes with apparent compositional zone. From core to rim of the chromite, Fe content increases and Cr decreases; and A! and Mg drop greatly on the rim. There is always incomplete magnetite zone around the chromite. Compared with the nodular chromite in the same section, the euhedral chromite has higher Fe3O4 and lower MgCr2O4 and MgAI2O4 end member contents, which means it formed under higher oxygen fugacity environment. With a geothermometer estimation, the equilibrium crystalline temperature is 820℃-960℃ for olivine and nodular chromite, 630℃-770℃ for olivine and euhedral chromite, and 350℃-550℃ for olivine and exsoluted magnetite, showing that the exsolutions occurred late at low temperature. Thus we propose that previously depleted mantle harzburgite reacted with the melt containing Na, Al and Ca, and produced an olivine solid solution added with Na^+, Al^3+, Ca^2+, Fe^3+, Cr^3+. With temperature d  相似文献   

The Luobusa ophiolite, Southern Tibet, lies in the Indus–YarlungZangbo suture zone that separates Eurasia to the north fromthe Indian continent to the south. The ophiolite contains awell-preserved mantle sequence consisting of harzburgite, clinopyroxene(cpx)-bearing harzburgite and dunite. The harzburgite containsabundant pods of chromitite, most of which have dunite envelopes,and the cpx-bearing harzburgites host numerous dunite dykes.Dunite also exists as a massive unit similar to those of themantle–crust transition zones in other ophiolites. Allof the dunites in the ophiolite have a similar mineralogy, comprisingmainly olivine with minor orthopyroxene and chromite and tracesof clinopyroxene. They also display similar chemical compositions,including U-shaped chondrite-normalized REE patterns. Mantle-normalizedPGE patterns show variable negative Pt anomalies. Detailed analysisof a chromite-bearing dunite dyke, which grades into the hostcpx-bearing harzburgite, indicates that LREE and Ir decrease,whereas HREE, Pd and Pt increase away from the dunite. Thesefeatures are consistent with formation of the dunite dykes byinteraction of MORB peridotites with boninitic melts from whichthe chromitites were formed. Because the transition-zone dunitesare mineralogically and chemically identical to those formedby such melt–rock reaction, we infer that they are ofsimilar origin. The Luobusa ultramafic rocks originally formedas MORB-source upper mantle, which was subsequently trappedas part of a mantle wedge above a subduction zone. Hydrous meltsgenerated under the influence of the subducted slab at depthmigrated upward and reacted with the cpx-bearing harzburgitesto form the dunite dykes. The modified melts ponded in smallpockets higher in the section, where they produced podiformchromitites with dunite envelopes. At the top of the mantlesection, pervasive reaction between melts and harzburgite producedthe transition-zone dunites. KEY WORDS: melt–rock interaction; REE; PGE; hydrous melt; mantle; ophiolite; Tibet  相似文献   

西藏罗布莎豆荚状铬铁矿中发现超高压矿物柯石英   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
在西藏雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩带东段的罗布莎豆荚状铬铁矿床中发现典型的超高压矿物柯石英和蓝晶石, 二者呈针柱状交生, 产在一个以TiFe合金成分为主的颗粒(0.7mm× 0.5mm大小) 的最外部.该颗粒从内到外由4层矿物组成, 分别为TiFe合金主体、2 0~ 70 μm宽的自然钛、约10 μm宽的TiSi合金及30~ 5 0 μm宽的柯石英和蓝晶石为主的硅酸岩和氧化物层.主体矿物为高Ti低Fe的TiFe合金, 内部出现由细粒状低Ti高Fe的TiFe合金和自然钛组成的蠕英结构.最外层由柯石英和蓝晶石组成的格架中分布细粒的Si金红石和Ti-Mg -K -Na -Ca氧化物.初步认为TiFe合金从深部高温高压环境往浅部上升过程中, 内部发生局部熔融, 分解出自然Ti, 并在其边部与其他硅酸岩矿物或熔体发生反应, 形成柯石英和蓝晶石.这一过程可能发生在洋脊拉张环境, 由于地幔柱的上涌, 将深部的豆荚状铬铁矿带到浅部, 使得其中包裹的一些高温高压环境下稳定的矿物变得不稳定, 发生熔融和交代反应, 形成新的不平衡的矿物组合.罗布莎柯石英的这种不寻常产出特征说明是在减压过程中形成, 不同于造山带中常见的由板块俯冲增压过程中形成的柯石英   相似文献   

日喀则地区的蛇绿岩是西藏南部雅鲁藏布蛇绿岩带出露较好的蛇绿岩之一。对日喀则地区白朗蛇绿岩的主量、微量元素及Sr-Nd同位素研究表明,其基性岩石为钙碱性系列,主要氧化物具有低钛(0.6%~1.1%)和富镁(6.6%~8.7%)、高铝(15.3%~16.0%),以及烧失量普遍较高(2.8%~4.6%)的特征。岩石微量元素配分型式与N-MORB类似,又具有岛弧玄武岩的地球化学特征,表明蛇绿岩受到了俯冲作用的影响。Sr-Nd同位素特征表明源区为略富集的MORB型地幔。白朗蛇绿岩所代表的特提斯地幔域与印度洋地幔域具有相似的地球化学性质,进一步证实了现今的印度洋继承了特提斯地幔域的地球化学特征。  相似文献   

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