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The Western Volcanic Zone (WVZ) in Iceland is ∼120 km long and 40 km wide. It offers an opportunity to study rift zones in a local ultra-slow spreading area close to a hotspot. Fractures were mapped from aerial photographs and digital elevation models. Most surface fractures are located in the southern part of the WVZ. The majority of the fractures have a north-northeasterly orientation, some deviations occur from this, especially in the north part of the WVZ. Fracture orientations are therefore quite uniform in the southern, faster spreading part of the WVZ, but more irregular in the slower-spreading northern part. This suggests different stress fields in the north part, which could be due to the influence of the Hreppar microplate and possibly also due to stress fields induced by crustal deformation because of changes in glacial load in the area. Such glacially-induced stress fields may have similar or even more influence than crustal spreading in the slower spreading northern part of the WVZ. Lower fracture density towards the north within the WVZ suggests lower frequency of rifting events in the north part, in accordance with less spreading in the north as measured by GPS geodetic measurements.  相似文献   

There is a zone of blastomylonites containing hornblende gneisses of Lewisian Inliertype in the northeast-east of Yell,Shetland.This zone with a north—northwesterlytrend consists of blastomylonised hornblende-banded gneiss,hornblende-feldspar gneissand mica-felsie-gneiss with lenses of hornblende gneiss.It is indicated that theblastomylonite zone is actually a ductile shear zone and the sense of shear is dextral.This contributes to understanding the details of tectonic evolution in this area,and thiszone is probably a part of tectonic system of the British Caledonides.  相似文献   

In this study, geochemical characteristics of acid mine drainage (AMD) and its sediments from the Malan and Sitai coalmines, Shanxi Province, China, were investigated. Many analytical approaches such as IC, ICP-MS, XRD, XRF, and modeling calculation of hydrogeochemistry using PHREEQCI software were employed. The AMD is characterized by higher concentrations of iron and sulfate, a low pH, and elevated concentrations of a wide variety of heavy metals. The results of modeling calculation by PHREEQCI software demonstrate the metals in AMD are present mainly as Me^n+ and MeSO4^n-2 species. The sediments of AMD are composed mainly of iron-beating minerals such as goethite and schwertmannite, which are controlled by pH, Fe and SO4^2- concentrations. The schwertmannite mineral has been found for the first time in China.  相似文献   

The Northern Snake Range is a classic example of a metamorphic core complex, Basin-and-Range province, United States. It is composed of a plastically deformed footwall and a brittlely deformed hanging wall, separated by the Northern Snake Range low-angle detachment (NSRD). Brittle deformation, however, is not confined to the hanging wall.This paper focuses on exposures in Cove Canyon, located on the SE flank of the Northern Snake Range, where penetrative, homogeneous faults are well exposed throughout the hanging wall, footwall and NSRD, and overprint early plastic deformation. These late-stage fault sets assisted Eocene-Miocene extension. Detailed analysis of the faults reveals the following: (1) The shortening direction defined by faults is similar to the shortening direction defined by the stretching lineation in the footwall mylonites, indicating that the extensional kinematic history remained unchanged as the rocks were uplifted into the elastico-frictional regime. (2) After ∼17 Ma, extension may have continued entirely within elastic-frictional regime via cataclastic flow. (3) This latest deformation phase may have been accommodated by a single, continuous event. (3) Faults within NSRD boudins indicate that deformation within the detachment zone was non-coaxial during the latest phase of extension.  相似文献   

Individual U–Pb ages for 5,655 detrital zircons (DZ) in 61 sandstone samples from Mesozoic strata of the Colorado Plateau and nearby areas provide insights into paleogeographic relations across the interior of North America and the paleotectonic evolution of North American continental margins. Pre-Mesozoic DZ grains derived either directly, or ultimately through sediment recycling, from distant sources in eastern North America are more abundant than DZ grains derived from the nearby Cordilleran magmatic arc of western North America. Sediment dispersal patterns included Triassic fluvial transport of detritus westward from the Ouachita orogen uplifted along the northern flank of rift highlands precursor to the oceanic Gulf of Mexico, Jurassic eolian transport southward into widespread ergs from deflation of floodplains of transcontinental paleorivers with headwaters in pre-Atlantic Appalachian highlands, and Jurassic-Cretaceous recycling of eolianite DZ from retroarc Sevier thrust sheets and from sedimentary cover of the Mogollon paleohighlands flanking the Border rift system.  相似文献   

太平洋深海沉积物中富集稀土元素(REY,包括钇),被认为是富有潜力的新型稀土资源。(含)沸石粘土、深海粘土和多金属软泥是主要的富含REY的沉积物类型,其中(含)沸石粘土和深海粘土在中、西北太平洋海盆大面积分布,而多金属软泥则多分布于靠近东太平洋洋脊热液活动的深海盆地中。目前关于中、西北太平洋海盆的深海粘土和(含)沸石粘土已有较多的研究,但关于多金属软泥中REY的研究较少。不同区域、不同类型深海沉积物中的稀土元素赋存状态有何差异?影响稀土富集的机制又是什么目前尚不清楚,也就进一步影响了对深海沉积物稀土资源的勘查和开发工作。本文分析对比了太平洋不同区域不同类型深海沉积物的地球化学特征及矿物学特征。结果表明,总体上,中、西北太平洋海盆深海沉积物中,尤其是(含)沸石粘土中的REY含量明显高于东太平洋海盆多金属软泥REY含量,其REY的富集主要与磷酸盐有关。超常富集REY(∑REY>2000×10^(-6))的沉积物中的CaO/P_(2)O_(5)比值趋向于一致(~1.4),几乎接近于磷灰石CaO/P2O5比值(~1.3),因此REY主要赋存载体为磷灰石,该区沉积物中REY的富集可能受到磷酸盐化的影响;东太平洋海盆多金属软泥明显受到热液影响,铁和锰的含量明显增加,但其∑REY含量集中于500×10^(-6)~800×10^(-6),不随铁和锰的增加而变化,REY的富集仍与磷酸盐关系密切,而与铁锰物质和铝硅酸盐关系不大。中、西北太平洋海盆富稀土的深海沉积物形成时处于较强的氧化环境,同时又有充足的含磷物质补给,才造成REY在该区沉积物中的超常富集;而东太平洋海盆多金属软泥虽然处于氧化环境,但缺少足够的磷补给,所以其∑REY含量通常低于中、西北太平洋海盆沸石粘土中∑REY含量。  相似文献   

Elemental and organic geochemical studies have been carried out on the Gondwana sediments, collected from the outcrops of Permian and Jurassic–Cretaceous rocks in the Krishna–Godavari basin on the eastern coast of India, to understand their paleo and depositional environment and its implications for hydrocarbon generation in the basin. Amongst the studied formations, the Raghavapuram, Gollapalli and Tirupati form a dominant Cretaceous Petroleum System in the west of the basin. Raghavapuram shales and its stratigraphic equivalents are the source rock and Gollapalli and Tirupati sandstones form the reservoirs, along with basaltic Razole formation as the caprock. Major element systematics and X-ray diffraction study of the sandstones indicate them to be variably enriched with SiO2 relative to Al2O3 and CaO, which is associated, inherently with the deposition and diagenesis of the Gondwana sediments. Post-Archean Average Shale normalized rare earth elements in shales show enrichment in most of the samples due to the increasing clay mineral and organic matter assemblage. A negative europium and cerium anomaly is exhibited by the REE's in majority of rocks. Composed primarily of quartz grains and silica cement, the Gollapalli and Tirupati sandstones have characteristics of high quality reservoirs. The shales show a significant increase in the concentration of redox sensitive trace elements, Ni, V, Cr, Ba and Zn. The total organic carbon content of the shales ranges between 0.1 and 0.5 wt%. Programmed pyrolysis of selected samples show the Tmax values to range between 352–497 °C and that of hydrogen index to be between 57–460 mgHC/gTOC. The organic matter is characterized by, mainly, gas prone Type III kerogen. The n-alkane composition is dominated by n-C11–C18 and acyclic isoprenoid, phytane. The aromatic fraction shows the presence of naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrene, chrysene and their derivatives, resulting largely from the diagenetic alteration of precursor terpenoids. The organic geochemical proxies indicate the input of organic matter from near-shore terrestrial sources and its deposition in strongly reducing, low oxygen conditions. The organic matter richness and maturity derived from a favorable depositional setting has its bearing upon the Gondwana sediments globally, and also provides promising exploration opportunities, particularly in the Raghavapuram sequence of the KG basin.  相似文献   

Formation of the Urals Volcanic-Hosted Massive Sulphide (VHMS) deposits is considered to be related with the intra-oceanic stage of the island arc(s) development in Late Ordovician – Middle Devonian time (ca. 460–385 Ma) based on the biostratigraphic record of ore-hosting sedimentary rocks. However, the known radiometric ages of ore hosting volcanics are very limited. Here we present direct dating results of sulphide mineralisation from the Yaman-Kasy and Kul-Yurt-Tau VHMS deposits using Re-Os isotope systematics showing similar mineralisation ages of 362 ± 9 Ma and 363 ± 1 Ma. These ages coincide with the previous Re-Os dating of the Alexandrinskoe (355 ± 15 Ma) and Dergamysh (366 ± 2 Ma) VHMS deposits. This Late Devonian (Famennian) age corresponds to the late stage of the ‘Magnitogorsk arc – Laurussia continent’ collision event and coincides with a beginning of large scale subduction-related granitoid magmatism. The younger mineralisation age relative to the biostratigraphic ages of host rocks is interpreted as one of the latest episodes of the multi-stage history of VHMS deposits development. Ar-Ar ages of sericites from metasomatic rocks of Barsuchi Log and Babaryk deposits show even younger ages clustering around 345 Ma, and testify another late hydrothermal event in the history of the Urals VHMS deposits.  相似文献   

The Mahoning River is one of the five most contaminated rivers in the U.S. This study characterized the contaminated sediments in the river banks and investigated the hydraulic interconnection between shallow aquifer in the banks with the river water. The study was conducted along the most polluted section of the river, which is 50-km long, using over 50 monitoring wells. The characterization part of the study investigated the sedimentology, hydraulic conductivity, and spatial distribution of the contaminated sediments. Results of the characterization revealed that the contaminated sediments consist of fine-grained sand, silt, mud, and clay. The spatial distribution of the contaminated sediment is heterogeneous and positively correlates with the hydraulic conductivity values, i.e., the greatest contamination occurs in high conductivity areas. Hydraulic conductivity was determined by the Hazen formula using 82 sediment samples. Bioremediation, which is one of the remedial options considered for the banks, is found to be hydraulically feasible because of sufficient hydraulic conductivity values (≥10?4 cm/s) that ensure reasonable rates of nutrient delivery. Monitoring of water levels in the river and groundwater for a 10-month period shows that flow occurs from the river to groundwater and vice versa. The exchange of flow is influenced by rainfall. Flow of groundwater to the river will continually transport the dissolved contaminants in groundwater to the river. Therefore, findings of this study show that one of the remedial options that proposes dredging of channel sediments and permits no action for bank sediments cannot be chosen due to river water–groundwater interactions.  相似文献   

Adsorption of dissolved copper and phosphate by natural and peroxide-treated marine sediments was compared. A three-fold increase in copper adsorption and a six-fold increase in phosphate adsorption was caused by the peroxide treatment. Indigenous organic matter evidently interferes with adsorption.Clay minerals coated with heptadecanoic acid adsorbed somewhat less copper, phosphate, and hexadecane than uncoated clays, but slightly more nonadecanoic acid and anthracene.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on the inorganic geochemical characteristics of the sediments from Hole LZ1024 (Lake El’gygytgyn, Chukotka, 67°30′ N 172°08′ E). It is demonstrated how these data are associated with climatic variations during isotope stages 1–9. The sediments of the warm stages are characterized by elevated contents of SiO2, CaO, Na2O, K2O, and Sr and low concentrations of TiO2, Al2O3, MgO, and Fe2O3. It has been established that the geochemical parameters correlate with global climatic variations.  相似文献   

Mineral and organic matter either soluble or suspended are transported by the rivers and when deposited in the bed of the river or in the water reservoir, sediments are formed, whose chemical composition may serve as a fingerprint of the history of the ecosystem. The results of the studies of sediments in water systems (river catchments, reservoirs) can be used not only for the evaluation of the current state of the ecosystem but also to prevent any dangerous environmental changes. Bottom sediments can in many ways accumulate both suspended and soluble components. The process is influenced by several factors like pH, red-ox potential, oxygen content, interactions, etc. The complexity of those phenomena causes that in order to study the accumulation processes of compounds in sediments the application of various analytical techniques is required. The authors participate in two big projects on sediment studies. The AquaTerra Project is the EU funded project on understanding river-sediment-soil-groundwater interactions for support of management of river basins and catchment areas. Our group's studies are focused on mercury determination and its speciation in sediments and fish from the Ebro River in Spain. The Dobczyce Project is the national project funded by the Ministry of Education and sciences of Poland which is also a EU member country. The latter covers many aspects of accumulation and fate processes of chemical compounds in sediments of the reservoir which supplies 60% of drinking water to about one million population in the city of Krakow in Poland.  相似文献   

U–Pb dating of detrital zircons was performed on mélange-hosted lithic and basaltic sandstones from the Inthanon Zone in northern Thailand to determine the timing of accretion and arc activity associated with Paleo-Tethys subduction. The detrital zircons have peak ages at 3400–3200, 2600–2400, 1000–700, 600–400, and 300–250 Ma, similar to the peaks ages of detrital zircons associated with other circum-Paleo-Tethys subduction zones. We identified two types of sandstone in the study area based on the youngest detrital zircon ages: Type 1 sandstones have Late Carboniferous youngest zircon U–Pb ages of 308 ± 14 and 300 ± 16 Ma, older than associated radiolarian chert blocks within the same outcrop. In contrast, Type 2 sandstones have youngest zircon U–Pb ages of 238 ± 10 and 236 ± 15 Ma, suggesting a Middle Triassic maximum depositional age. The youngest detrital zircons in Type 1 sandstones were derived from a Late Carboniferous–Early Permian ‘missing’ arc, suggesting that the Sukhothai Arc was active during sedimentation. The data presented within this study provide information on the development of the Sukhothai Arc, and further suggest that subduction of the Paleo-Tethyan oceanic plate beneath the Indochina Block had already commenced by the Late Carboniferous. Significant Middle Triassic arc magmatism, following the Late Carboniferous–Early Permian arc activity, is inferred from the presence of conspicuous detrital zircon U–Pb age peaks in Type 2 sandstones and the igneous rock record of the Sukhothai Arc. In contrast, only minimal arc activity occurred during the Middle Permian–earliest Triassic. Type 1 sandstones were deposited between the Late Permian and the earliest Triassic, after the deposition of associated Middle–Late Permian cherts that occur in the same mélanges and during a hiatus in Sukhothai Arc magmatism. In contrast, Type 2 sandstones were deposited during the Middle Triassic, coincident with the timing of maximum magmatism in the Sukhothai Arc, as evidenced by the presence of abundant Middle Triassic detrital zircons. These two types of sandstone were probably derived from discrete accretionary units in an original accretionary prism that was located along the western margin of the Sukhothai Arc.  相似文献   

This paper,based on the fundamental inorganic chemical and organic geochemical characteristics of oilfield waters from the Turpan Depression,presents the contents of organic matter,the distribution of low-carbon fatty acids and the contents of aromatic hydrocarbons as well as their principal ultraviolet absorption spectral and fluorescence spectral characteristics in oilfield waters from different oil/gas-bearing areas.The oil/gas reservoirs in this depression are classified in terms of their conserving conditions.In additon,the paper also discusses the chemical characteristics of oilfield waters from different types of oil/gas reservoirs with an emphasis on the characteristics of their localization in the γNa/γCa-γN a/γCl correction diagram.On this basis it is attempted to expound the fundamental geochemical characteristics of oilfield waters from the Turpan Depression and their geological significance.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), optical microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (SEM-EDS) and Electron Probe micro-analyser (EPMA) and Wavelength-Dispersive Spectroscopy (WDS) were conducted on charnockite from the Caparaó Suite and its alteration cortex to determine the mineralogical, micromorphological and geochemical transformations resulting from the weathering process. The hydrolysis of the charnockite occurred in different stages, in accordance with the order of stability of the minerals with respect to weathering: andesine/orthopyroxene, pargasite and alkali feldspar. The rock modifications had begun with the formation of a layer of incipient alteration due to the percolation of weathering solutions first in the pressure relief fractures and then in cleavage and mineral edges. The iron exuded from ferromagnesian minerals precipitated in the intermineral and intramineral discontinuities. The layer of incipient alteration evolves into an inner cortex where the plagioclase changes into gibbsite by direct alitisation, the ferromagnesian minerals initiate the formation of goethitic boxworks with kaolinitic cores, and the alkali feldspar initiates indirect transformation into gibbsite, forming an intermediate phase of illite and kaolinite. In the outer cortex, mostly traces of alkali feldspar remain, and they are surrounded by goethite and gibbsite as alteromorphics, characterising the formation of the isalteritic horizon that occurs along the slope and explains the bauxitization process at the Caparaó Range, SE Brazil.  相似文献   

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