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以同济逸夫楼等四个项目为例,就建筑设计要兼顾社会效益和经济效益,要考虑一专多能,要勇于创新、敢于创新,要充分利用环境、改造环境等方面作了阐述和随想.  相似文献   

宏观和微观探讨整体生态建筑观对新时期工业建筑设计的指导,为工业建筑设计在新的世纪的发展拓展思路。  相似文献   

The present study investigates the interaction between microbial growth and activity and the redox dynamics in natural porous media. The impact the transport regime has on this interaction is also addressed. Expressions for microbial growth are incorporated into a geochemical reaction network linking redox reaction rates to the activity of the microorganisms. A flexible simulation environment, the Biogeochemical Reaction Network Simulator (BRNS) is used for this purpose. Two reactive transport applications relevant to fields of contaminant hydrology and early diagenesis are simulated with the BRNS. Model results are evaluated based on a comparison with comprehensive datasets on the biodegradation of lactate in a sand column experiment and on the distribution of redox-sensitive chemical species in marine sediments of the Skagerrak, Denmark. It is shown that, despite quite different transport regimes, the geomicrobiological model performs equally well in the reproduction of measured chemical species distribution for both applications. This result emphasizes the broad applicability of the proposed approach. Our simulations support that the competitive behavior between various microbial groups is a process controlling the development of redox stratified environments. Furthermore, it is also shown that the transport regime is a key controlling factor for the degree of spatial correlation between microbial biomass distributions and redox reaction rates. Although all our simulations yield a pronounced stratification of the redox processes in the system, the biomass distribution is related to the associated reaction rates only in case of the advection controlled column experiment. In the early diagenetic application, mixing due to bioturbation is the dominant transport process for particulate matter, hence leading to fairly homogeneous distribution of bacterial biomasses which are unrelated to the spatial distribution of redox reaction rates. This homogeneous biomass distribution combined with the 1G carbon degradation model approach might explain why the steady state concentration profiles in such systems can be reproduced by diagenetic models without explicit representation of microbial growth.  相似文献   




Reconstructing the environmental conditions that supported early life on Earth relies on well-preserved geochemical archives in the rock record. However, many geochemical tracers either lack specificity or they are affected by post-depositional alteration. We present a data set of major and trace element abundances and Cd isotope compositions of dome-shaped and conophyton-type stromatolites of the Late Mesoproterozoic Paranoá Group (Brazil), showing distinct values with unprecedented resolution at the lamina scale.The studied stromatolites consist of dolomite with a high purity and a negligible content of immobile elements (e.g., <0.66 ppm Zr), indicating that elemental compositions are not influenced by detrital contamination. Even though the carbonates have experienced different extent of recrystallization, the measured elemental and isotopic compositions do not correlate with fluid mobile elements. The stromatolites thus represent prime archives for geochemical proxies to reconstruct paleo-environmental conditions.Two endmember compositions can be distinguished by multiple proxy analysis, reflecting the contrasting depositional environments of the two types of stromatolites: Shale-normalized rare earth elements including yttrium (REYSN) patterns of domal stromatolites show a light REYSN (LREY) enrichment (YbSN/PrSN < 0.84), slightly super-chondritic Y/Ho ratios (33.6–39.3) and unfractionated Cd isotopes relative to upper continental crust. This indicates that the stromatolites formed in a shallow-water environment that was episodically influenced by seawater. Their REY and Cd compositions are dominated by dissolved elements that were delivered via weathering and erosion processes from the ambient continent.In contrast, REYSN patterns of the conophyta are parallel those of modern seawater with an LREYSN depletion relative to HREYSN (YbSN/PrSN = 2.1 to 3.9), positive GdSN anomalies (1.1 to 1.4) and strong super-chondritic Y/Ho ratios (37.9 to 46.2), suggesting a microbial habitat that was dominated by seawater. Cd isotopes correlate negatively with Cd and U, but positively with Mn and Ce concentrations, reflecting authigenic carbonate formation at different depths within a redox gradient of the ancient microbial mat. ε112/110Cddol values increase from −3.52 at the mat surface to +3.46 in the interior of the mat, due to the effect of kinetic fractionation during Cd-uptake, e.g. by adsorption onto organic matter or by precipitation of sulfides, in addition to incorporation into carbonate minerals. Hence, our multi-proxy approach including Cd isotopes bears a high potential to shed light on environmental conditions in ancient microbial habitats and the activity of microbial life on Early Earth.  相似文献   

昆明客站建成运营后,于近期获得了铁道部优秀设计一等奖。昆明客站项目的建设实现了预期的构想,创造出富有云南地域特色的建筑空间。本文回顾了昆明客站的设计创作历程,对传统文化融入现代交通建筑作了有益的尝试。  相似文献   

The redox state of subduction zones: insights from arc-peridotites   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Spinel peridotites from a variety of island arcs have been utilised to calculate the redox state of the mantle wedge above subduction zones. Oxygen fugacities (fO2 values) calculated from the ferric iron content of spinels, measured by Electron Microprobe (EMP) using secondary standards [Wood, B.J., Virgo, D., 1989. Upper mantle oxidation state: ferric iron contents of lherzolite spinels by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and resultant oxygen fugacities. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 53, 1277–1291.], yield values which range from 0.3 to 2.0 above the fayalite–magnetite–quartz (FMQ) buffer. These data provide further evidence that the mantle wedge is ubiquitously oxidised relative to oceanic and ancient cratonic mantle. There is no correlation between fO2 values and the presence of hydrous phases and, in fact, the most oxidised samples contain no hydrous phases. Within individual suites there is no correlation between fO2 and degree of depletion as indicated by spinel Cr#, except for a suite of reacted forearc-peridotites. However, when the data is viewed as a whole there is broad a positive correlation between fO2 and spinel Cr# suggesting that partial melting processes may influence the redox state of the mantle wedge. We suggest that the ultimate source of the oxygen which oxidises the mantle wedge is from the subducted slab. It is not clear whether this oxidising agent is a solute-rich hydrous fluid or a water-bearing silicate melt. However, our data does indicate that silicate melts are effective oxidisers of the depleted shallow upper mantle. Simple mass balance calculations based on the ferric iron content of primitive subduction zone magmas indicates that the source region must contain 0.6–1.0 wt.% Fe2O3. This amount of Fe2O3 in a fertile spinel peridotite yields an oxygen fugacity of 0.5–1.7 log units above FMQ in the IAB source. If water is the sole oxidising agent in the mantle wedge then 0.030–0.075 wt.% H2O is required which is considerably less than the 0.25% H2O envisaged by Stolper and Newman [Stolper, E.M., Newman, S., 1994. The role of water in the petrogenesis of Mariana trough magmas. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 121, 293–325.], suggesting water is not necessarily an efficient oxidising agent. Alternatively, ferric iron may be added to the mantle wedge by addition of a ferric iron-rich sediment melt or more likely as a solute-rich hydrous fluid. This model would produce spinel, orthopyroxene or amphibole in the wedge with only a slight increase in fO2 of the source region. Although it is unclear which model is correct the maximum fO2 of the fertile mantle wedge is unlikely to be above FMQ+2 and therefore some decompression melting in the mantle wedge is required to explain the higher fO2 values of primitive arc lavas than arc-peridotites.  相似文献   

The Palinuro volcanic complex and the Panarea hydrothermal field, both located in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy), are associated with island arc magmatism and characterized by polymetallic sulfide mineralization. Dissolved sulfide concentrations, pH, and Eh measured in porewaters at both sites reveal a variable hydrothermal influence on porewater chemistry.Multiple sulfur isotopic measurements for disseminated sulfides (CRS: chromium reducible sulfur) extracted from sediments at Palinuro yielded a broad range in δ34S range between ?29.8 and + 10.2‰ and Δ33S values between + 0.015 and + 0.134‰. In contrast, sediments at Panarea exhibit a much smaller range in δ34SCRS with less negative values between ?11.3 and ?1.8‰. The sulfur isotope signatures are interpreted to reflect a mixture between hydrothermal and biogenic sulfide, with a more substantial biogenic contribution at Panarea.Multiple sulfur isotope measurements were performed on sulfides and elemental sulfur from drill core material from the Palinuro massive sulfide complex. δ34S and Δ33S values for pyrite between ?32.8 and ?1.1‰ and between ?0.012 to + 0.042‰, respectively, as well as for elemental sulfur with δ34S and Δ33S values between ?26.7 and ?2.1‰ and between + 0.035 and + 0.109‰, respectively, point to a microbial origin for much of the sulfide and elemental sulfur studied. Moreover, data suggest a coupling of bacterial sulfate reduction, sulfide oxidation and sulfur disproportionation. In addition, δ34S values for barite between + 25.0 and + 63.6‰ are also in agreement with high microbial turnover of sulfate at Palinuro.Although a magmatic SO2 contribution towards the formation of the Palinuro massive sulfide complex is very likely, the activity of different sulfur utilizing microorganisms played a fundamental role during its formation. Thus, porewater and multiple sulfur isotope data reveal differences in the hydrothermal activity at Palinuro and Panarea drill sites and underline the importance of microbial communities for the origin of massive sulfide mineralizations in the hydrothermal subsurface.  相似文献   

The oxygen content of the Earth's surface environment is thought to have increased in two broad steps: the Great Oxygenation Event (GOE) around the Archean–Proterozoic boundary and the Neoproterozoic Oxygenation Event (NOE), during which oxygen possibly accumulated to the levels required to support animal life and ventilate the deep oceans. Although the concept of the GOE is widely accepted, the NOE is less well constrained and its timing and extent remain the subjects of debate. We review available evidence for the NOE against the background of major climatic perturbations, tectonic upheaval related to the break-up of the supercontinent Rodinia and reassembly into Gondwana, and, most importantly, major biological innovations exemplified by the Ediacarian Biota and the Cambrian ‘Explosion’.Geochemical lines of evidence for the NOE include perturbations to the biogeochemical cycling of carbon. Generally high δ13C values are possibly indicative of increased organic carbon burial and the release of oxidative power to the Earth's surface environment after c. 800 Ma. A demonstrably global and primary record of extremely negative δ13C values after about 580 Ma strongly suggests the oxidation of a large dissolved organic carbon pool (DOC), the culmination of which around c. 550 Ma coincided with an abrupt diversification of Ediacaran macrobiota. Increasing 87Sr/86Sr ratios toward the Neoproterozoic–Cambrian transition indicates enhanced continental weathering which may have fuelled higher organic production and burial during the later Neoproterozoic.Evidence for enhanced oxidative recycling is given by the increase in sulfur isotope fractionation between sulfide and sulfate, exceeding the range usually attained by sulfate reduction alone, reflecting an increasing importance of the oxidative part in the sulfur cycle. S/C ratios attained a maximum during the Precambrian–Cambrian transition, further indicating higher sulfate concentrations in the ocean and a transition from dominantly pyrite burial to sulfate burial after the Neoproterozoic. Strong evidence for the oxygenation of the deep marine environment has emerged through elemental approaches over the past few years which were able to show significant increases in redox-sensitive trace-metal (notably Mo) enrichment in marine sediments not only during the GOE but even more pronounced during the inferred NOE. In addition to past studies involving Mo enrichment, which has been extended and further substantiated in the current review, we present new compilations of V and U concentrations in black shales throughout Earth history that confirm such a rise and further support the NOE. With regard to ocean ventilation, we also review other sedimentary redox indicators, such as iron speciation, molybdenum isotopes and the more ambiguous REE patterns. Although the timing and extent of the NOE remain the subjects of debate and speculation, we consider the record of redox-sensitive trace-metals and C and S contents in black shales to indicate delayed ocean ventilation later in the Cambrian on a global scale with regard to rising oxygen levels in the atmosphere which likely rose during the Late Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   

Lacustrine sediments, submerged tailings, and their pore waters have been collected at several sites in Yellowknife Bay, Great Slave Lake, Canada, in order to investigate the biogeochemical controls on the remobilization of As from mining-impacted materials under different depositional conditions. Radiometric dating confirms that a mid-core enrichment of Pb, Zn, Cu and Sb corresponds to the opening of a large Au mine 60 a ago. This was evident even in a relatively remote site. Arsenic was enriched at mid-core, coincident with mining activity, but clearly exhibited post-depositional mobility, migrating upwards towards the sediment water interface (SWI) as well as down-core. Deep-water (15 m) Yellowknife Bay sediments that contain buried mine waste are suboxic, relatively organic-rich and abundant in microbes with As in pore waters and sediments reaching 585 μg/L and 1310 mg/kg, respectively. Late summer pore waters show equal proportions of As(III) and As(V) (16–415 μg/L) whereas late winter pore waters are dominated by As(III) (284–947 μg/L). This can be explained by As(III) desorption mechanisms associated with the conversion of FeS to FeS2 and the reduction of As(V) to As(III) through the oxidation of dissolved sulfide, both microbially-mediated processes. Processes affecting As cycling involve the attenuating efficiency of the oxic zone at the SWI, sediment redox heterogeneity and the reductive dissolution of Fe(hydr)oxides by labile organic matter, temporarily and spatially variable.  相似文献   

An analytical expression that evaluates the effect of pH and the redox potential (E) on Pu-colloid association was studied on a model basis. It includes surface complexation with one type of surface site and its formulation leads to a distribution coefficient (Kd) as a function of the pH (hydrolysis) and E (redox sensitive species). The formulation also considers the values of the stability and hydrolysis constants for all species present in solution and associated at the surface. Correlations between hydrolysis and surface complexation constants reported in the literature have been applied systematically to evaluate sorption of all species for each colloid system. The presence of ligands in solution was also taken into account. The model was applied to study the association of Pu onto colloids coated with AlOH, FeOH or SiOH groups in the presence and in the absence of carbonates in solution. The tests performed with the model suggest that the oxidation of Pu(III) to Pu(IV) has the potential to increase sorption, as demonstrated by the increased Kd values. Under natural conditions Pu may be present at oxidation states of (III)--(VI), and the effect of redox potential is significant because of the differences in the sorption of each oxidation state. When carbonates are present in the solution, the calculated values of distribution coefficient were lower than those calculated in the absence of carbonates, particularly in the case of Pu(VI). The Kd values obtained with the developed model are compared with experimental values reported for the sorption of Pu onto colloids. This model can equally be applied to study the sorption of other redox sensitive elements.  相似文献   

Most sedimentary basins contain saline pore water. Saline formation waters can form during burial diagenesis as the result of normal processes of water/rock interaction involving incongruent halite dissolution, bittern salt destruction, and albitization of detrital plagioclase. The kinds of Na-Ca-Cl saline formation waters typical of sedimentary basins can also result from modification of surficial brines formed by the precipitation of NaCl from evaporated seawater. As the porosity of rocks is reduced during burial, discharge of saline formation waters contributes to crustal chloride cycling, and helps explain riverine chloride loads. During burial, the dissolution of metastable detrital minerals derived from crustal rocks in corrosive, saline water transfers incompatible elements such as Li and B from the igneous crust to the sedimentary crust. Similarly, albitization transfers Ca from the crustal silicate (igneous) mineral reservoir to the crustal carbonate and aqueous (sedimentary) reservoirs. Metamorphism and then melting of albite-enriched rocks accounts for the elevated sodium contents of igneous rocks relative to sedimentary rocks. In this way average sediments have become enriched through time in Ca, Cl, Br, S, Li, and B, and depleted in Na relative to average igneous crust.  相似文献   

结合延边朝鲜自治州独特的自然景观、人文环境特点和城市建设现状,就如何用科学发展观提升民族风格建筑设计水平,如何发挥地域优势,继承和发扬民族文化和生活习俗,更多更好地设计和建造富有民族特色的建筑,提升城市建设品位,创造良好的投资和旅游环境,促进延边朝鲜自治州经济发展的课题,提出了相应的建议.结合民族风格建筑设计专题专案研讨会、座谈会和方案设计展评活动阐述了理清民族风格建设设计的基本思路.  相似文献   

More than half a century of geological and exploration studies have taken place in the Red Sea area, and still very limited information is available to the geological community in regard to the lithological distribution and the stratigraphic architecture. In this study, extensive well data was used to build the first lithologic and stratigraphic 3D models of the entire Red Sea to better understand the lithological distribution. The potential models have been constrained by bathymetric and geophysical data. Studied data demonstrate that up to 5 km of sediments were deposited in the Red Sea. It is mainly comprised of limestones, evaporites, and shales. Our models show that the evaporite body represents more than 70% of the Red Sea succession. In particular, the evaporite succession seems to be well developed in the southern region. Salt dome features are present and developed close to the margins. The models suggest that domal formation did not enable thick carbonate accumulation in some parts of the basin but the carbonate generally follows the evaporite trend. The models help to identify the main controls leading to salt diapir by highlighting the distribution of this body and the geometry of geological structures. Syn-rift faulting and rifting has been one of the most prominent structural features. Complex interplay of tectono-stratigraphic events played a significant role in shaping the stratigraphic evolution of the Red Sea basin with multiple evolution phases of paleoenvironment and paleogeographic were recognized based on the models. Our synthesis and interpretation support that moderately deep marine conditions dominated in the Miocene, whereas shallow seas dominated the whole basin during the Plio-Pleistocene period as a result of episodic marine invasion. However, lacustrine environment may have prevailed at the Oligocene time in isolated half grabens.  相似文献   

《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1999,63(11-12):1735-1750
We analyzed the redox sensitive elements V, Mo, U, Re and Cd in surface sediments from the Northwest African margin, the U.S. Northwest margin and the Arabian Sea to determine their response under a range of redox conditions. Where oxygen penetrates 1 cm or less into the sediments, Mo and V diffuse to the overlying water as Mn is reduced and remobilized. Authigenic enrichments of U, Re and Cd are evident under these redox conditions. With the onset of sulfate reduction, all of the metals accumulate authigenically with Re being by far the most enriched. General trends in authigenic metal accumulation are described by calculating authigenic fluxes for the 3 main redox regimes: oxic, reducing where oxygen penetrates ≤1 cm, and anoxic conditions. Using a simple diagenesis model and global estimates of organic carbon rain rate and bottom water oxygen concentrations, we calculate the area of sediments below 1000 m water depth in which oxygen penetration is ≤1 cm to be 4% of the ocean floor. We conclude that sediments where oxygen penetrates ≤1 cm release Mn, V and Mo to seawater at rates of 140%–260%, 60%–150% and 5%–10% of their respective riverine fluxes, using the authigenic metal concentrations and accumulation rates from this work and other literature. These sediments are sinks for Re, Cd and U, with burial fluxes of 70%–140%, 30%–80% and 20%–40%, respectively, of their dissolved riverine inputs. We modeled the sensitivity of the response of seawater Re, Cd and V concentrations to changes in the area of reducing sediments where oxygen penetrates ≤1 cm. Our analysis suggests a negligible change in seawater Re concentration, whereas seawater concentrations of Cd and V could have decreased and increased, respectively, by 5%–10% over 20 kyr if the area of reducing sediments increased by a factor of 2 and by 10%–20% if the area increased by a factor of 3. The concentration variations for a factor of 2 increase in the area of reducing sediments are at about the level of uncertainty of Cd/Ca and V/Ca ratios observed in foraminifera shells over the last 40 kyr. This implies that the area of reducing sediments in the ocean deeper than 1000 m (4%) has not been greater than twice the present value in the recent past.  相似文献   

本文以长沙市中医医院的方案设计为例,对如何利用自然环境划分、组织建筑空间以及结合当地人文、地理环境塑造合理的建筑造型进行了详尽的描述。  相似文献   

In field and laboratory experiments the relationship of redox, electric, and total potential was studied. This was carried out by using different arrangements of Pt and Ag/AgCl electrodes. The total potential is obtained by placing a Pt and an Ag/AgCl electrode at considerable distance apart on the rock. The studies indicate that the total potential yields the sum of redox and electric potential. Deviations larger than a couple of mV are caused by extensive fluid–rock interactions. In the laboratory it is seen that the magnitude of the electric potential is generally not larger than the artificially produced difference of the redox potential. The former is most likely attributed to a diffusion or membrane potential. At field scale the electric potential is designated as self potential. Redox potential measurements in the field may supply information from remnants of pore fluid of the rock and thereby may be suitable to support the exploration of concealed metal deposits. Detectable are in particular the fast H+ ions which are released by electrochemical reactions and transported by electromigration, both of which are attributed to the presence of the so called geobattery.  相似文献   

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