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This paper discusses the broadscale distribution of some ore deposit types in South America, trying to discern possible relations with major geotectonic features. It does not cover all ore deposits but rather a selection based on available information, genetic types, geographic distribution, and a representation of deposit types which are either abundant or very rare in South America. Included are porphyry copper, zoned copper-zinc-lead-silver, contact-metasomatic, red-bed copper-uranium-vanadium, lead-zinc (including Mississippi Valley type), mercury, tin, pegmatite, carbonatite and alkalic complex, diamond, nickelcobalt-chromite-asbestos-talc, iron, bauxite, tungsten, titanium, uranium, gold, potash and phosphate deposits. Comparisons are made with the distribution of these deposit types in other continents, especially in North America and Africa. This leads to some speculations bearing on theories of ore genesis. The evidence suggests that upper crustal processes predominate in the formation of the majority of ore deposits considered (excepting carbonatites, alkalic complexes and diamond pipes). Also, the relative level of an orogenic belt exposed by erosion seems to be an important factor bearing on the presently known distribution of many ore deposit types. Furthermore, the fact that ore deposits of given types tend to be aligned along the Cordillera in more or less defined belts with changing chemical composition accross the Andes, which partake in all its inflections, and in patterns which are similar in North and South America, indicates that they are either dependent on the distribution of eugeosynclinal vs miogeosynclinal sediments in the original geosynclinal prism, or that their character is related to distance from the major batholitic masses or to shallow stocks and volcanic activity. The indicated correlation with sediment character and evaporites speaks in favor of modem concepts viewing hydrothermal fluids as mainly meteoric but heated and circulated largely by igneous activity. This study raises more questions than it can answer and calls attention to a number of problems requiring further research. From a practical point of view, this investigation reveals several possibilities for future exploration, as well as opportunities for further development of mineral resources in South America. Several countries could probably improve or diversify their mineral production significantly, thus raising the standard of living of their increasing population. Whereas in North America both Canada and the U.S.A. span from east to west the whole range of geological environments, from cratonic to geosynclinal and orogenic, in South America the distribución of countries is essentially either along the Cordillera or over shield areas, a fact of obvious geopolitical implications with regard to mineral resources.  相似文献   

Part I. An attempt is made to solve the relationships between tectonism, magmatism and the formation of ore deposits using the Bolivian tin-province as an example. In the eastern Cordillera we are not dealing with an orthogeosyncline, but with a fault-block mountain system. Vertical movements of the fault blocks are predominant. An approximately E-W trending, old geotectonic zone of weakness divides the tin district into two parts which differ from each other in their history of development. The northern part has been uplifted against its southern counterpart. In the former, granitic plutons connected with early Variscan block faulting and folding crop out. Synorogenic Au and Sb mineralization and postorogenic W, Sn, Bi, Zn, and Pb ore deposits are connected with these. In the southern part two metallogenic epochs can be differentiated: a highly plutonic phase of Miocene age with generally weaker mineralization and a subvolcanic phase which took place during Pliocene. The Pliocene phase, which also gave rise to rich Ag mineralization, was of a greater intensity than the phases connected with the older metallogenic epochs. The genesis of the tin-silver mineralization is discussed. Within the tin-province three metallogenic epochs are recognized, with approximately the same mineralization within the same space. Part II. The metallogenic provinces of the Altiplano have been investigated with reference to their relationship to sedimentation, tectonism and magmatism, and the genesis of the deposits is discussed. The Altiplano constitutes a stable element situated between two mobile realms located to the east and west. Its subsidence began with the start of the Tertiary. During the entire Tertiary, over 15,000 m of clastic sediments were supplied to the northern portion of the basin from areas of the east and west.Copper was supplied by sulfate-bearing waters through erosion of the late Mesozoic porphyry formations from the west and was fixed as chalcocite in the Red Bed deposits. These are distributed throughout a bedded complex of approximately 9,000 m thickness, which range in age from Paleocene up till the base of the Miocene. A strong uplifted block in the NE of the basin underwent intensive erosion and peneplanation during the late Tertiary, by means of which the copper in the Red Bed-horizons was dissolved out reprecipitated again and enriched in deeper-lying horizons. Hereby, abundant chlorides and sulfates played a dominant role. The copper deposits of the Corocorotype are epigenetic and probably in principle of descendent solution-migration origin. The native copper-bearing mineralization occurs in higher horizons stratigraphically than the chalcocite mineralization. The mineral deposits are older in age than the last strong block-movement which took place during the Pliocene and by means of which they were down-faulted and consequently preserved.The polymetallic province of the Altiplano contains subvolcanic ore deposits, principally with Pb, Zn, Ag, Cu, Cd mineralization and Sb subordinately. They are associated with acid differentiated end products of Upper Tertiary volcanic activity. Transitions to the deposits of the tin-province exist in the north (Laurani and La Joya) and in the south. The polymetallic ore deposits of the Altiplano are of Pliocene age and are probably of approximately the same age as the subvolcanic Sn-W-Bi-Ag-deposits of the tin-province.
Zusammenfassung Teil I. Es wird versucht, die Beziehungen von Tektonik, Magmatismus und Lagerstättenbildung am Beispiel der bolivianischen Zinnprovinzen zu klären. In der Ostkordillere haben wir es nicht mit einer Orthogeosynklinale, sondern mit einem Bruchfaltengebirge zu tun. Vertikale Blockverschiebungen herrschen vor. Eine etwa E-W streichende alte geotektonische Schwächezone teilt den Zinnbogen in zwei sich entwicklungsgeschichtlich unterscheidende Abschnitte. Der nördliche Abschnitt ist gegen den südlichen herausgehoben. In ihm treten, verbunden mit jungvariszischen Blockverschiebungen und Faltungen, granitische Plutone zutage. Mit diesen sind synorogene Au- und Sb-Vererzungen und postorogene W, Sn, Bi, Zn und Pb-Lagerstätten verbunden. Im südlichen Abschnitt sind zwei Metallepochen zu unterscheiden: Eine hochplutonische Phase im Miozän mit im allgemeinen schwacher Vererzung und eine subvulkanische Phase im Pliozän. Die pliozäne Phase, die auch reichlich Ag lieferte, war von größerer Intensität als die der älteren Metallepochen. Die Genesis der Zinn-Silberformation wird erörtert. Wir haben es innerhalb der Zinn-provinz mit drei Metallepochen mit annähernd gleicher Mineralisation im gleichen Raum zu tun. Teil II. Die Metallprovinzen des Altiplano hinsichtlich ihrer Beziehungen zu Sedimentation, Tektonik und Magmatismus werden untersucht, und die Genesis der Erzlagerstätten erörtert. Der Altiplano ist ein stabiles Element zwischen den mobilen Räumen im O und W. Sein Absinken hat mit Beginn des Tertiärs begonnen. Während des gesamten Tertiärs sind im nördlichen Teil der Senke über 15000 m klastische Sedimente von O und W eingeführt worden.Kupfer ist durch Abtragung der jungmesozoischen Porphyritformation von W her durch sulfathaltige Wässer zugeführt und in Red Bed-Lagerstätten als Kupferglanz fixiert worden. Diese verteilen sich auf einen Schichtkomplex von etwa 9000 m Mächtigkeit, der vom Paläozän bis zur Basis des Miozän reicht. Ein stark herausgehobener Block im NO der Senke erlitt im Jungtertiär eine intensive Abtragung und Einebnung, wodurch das Kupfer der Red Bed-Horizonte gelöst und in tieferen Horizonten wieder ausgefällt und angereichert wurde. Dabei haben reichlich vorhandene Chloride und Sulfate die Hauptrolle gespielt. Die Kupferlagerstätten des Typs Corocoro sind epigenetisch und wahrscheinlich in der Hauptsache deszendenter Entstehung. Die Vererzung mit gediegenem Kupfer liegt in höheren Horizonten als die Kupferglanzvererzung. Die Lagerstätten sind älter als die letzte starke Blockbewegung im Pliozän, durch welche sie tief versenkt und dadurch erhalten worden sind.Die polymetallische Provinz des Altiplano enthält subvulkanische Lagerstätten mit vorwiegend Pb, Zn, Ag und Cu und untergeordnet Cd und Sb. Sie sind an saure Enddifferentiate des jungtertiären Vulkanismus gebunden. Übergänge zu den Lagerstätten der Zinnprovinz bestehen im N (Laurani und La Joya) und im S. Die polymetallischen Lagerstätten des Altiplano haben pliozänes Alter und sind wahrscheinlich etwa gleichaltrig mit den subvulkanischen Sn-W-Bi-Ag-Lagerstätten der Zinnprovinz.

It is now possible to use newly available information to extend the study of metallogenic provinces throughout the Cordillera of western North and South America, encompassing approximately one-half of the circle of fire surrounding the Pacific Ocean. This study confirms the concept that a theory of metallogenesis requires a primitive sub-crustal heterogeneity of metals. The study further indicates that, in this area, a subduction process related to a plate tectonic hypothesis is incompatible with observed relationships of tectonism, magmatism, and metallogenesis. Attempts to maintain this hypothesis undoubtedly hinder the development of metallogenic theory.  相似文献   

We present a review of major gold mineralization events in China and a summary of metallogenic provinces, deposit types, metallogenic epochs and tectonic settings. Over 200 investigated gold deposits are grouped into 16 Au-metallogenic provinces within five tectonic units such as the Central Asian orogenic belt comprising provinces of Northeast China and Tianshan-Altay; North China Craton comprising the northern margin, Jiaodong, and Xiaoqinling; the Qinling-Qilian-Kunlun orogenic belt consisting of the West Qingling, North Qilian, and East Kunlun; the Tibet and Sanjiang orogenic belts consisting of Lhasa, Garzê-Litang, Ailaoshan, and Daduhe-Jinpingshan; and the South China block comprising Youjiang basin, Jiangnan orogenic belt, Middle and Lower Yangtze River, and SE coast. The gold deposits are classified as orogenic, Jiaodong-, porphyry–skarn, Carlin-like, and epithermal-types, among which the first three types are dominant.The orogenic gold deposits formed in various tectonic settings related to oceanic subduction and subsequent crustal extension in the Qinling-Qilian-Kunlun, Tianshan-Altay, northern margin of North China Craton, and Xiaoqinling, and related to the Eocene–Miocene continental collision in the Tibet and Sanjiang orogenic belts. The tectonic periods such as from slab subduction to block amalgamation, from continental soft to hard collision, from intracontinental compression to shearing or extension, are important for the formation of the orogenic gold deposits. The orogenic gold deposits are the products of metamorphic fluids released during regional metamorphism associated with oceanic subduction or continental collision, or related to magma emplacement and associated hydrothermal activity during lithospheric extension after ocean closure. The Jiaodong-type, clustered around Jiaodong, Xiaoqinling, and the northern margin of the North China Craton, is characterized by the involvement of mantle-derived fluids and a temporal link to the remote subduction of the Pacific oceanic plate concomitant with the episodic destruction of North China Craton. The Carlin-like gold metallogenesis is related to the activity of connate fluid, metamorphic fluid, and meteoric water in different degrees in the Youjiang basin and West Qinling; the former Au province is temporally related to the remote subduction of the Tethyan oceanic plate and the later formed in a syn-collision setting. Porphyry–skarn Au deposits are distributed in the Tianshan-Altay, the Middle and Lower Yangtze River region, and Tibet and Sanjiang orogenic belts in both subduction and continental collision settings. The magma for the porphyry–skarn Au deposits commonly formed by melting of a thickened juvenile crust. The epithermal Au deposits, dominated by the low-sulfidation type, plus a few high-sulfidation ones, were produced during the Carboniferous oceaic plate subduction in Tianshan-Altay, during Early Cretaceous and Quaternary oceanic plate subduction in SEt coast of South China Block, and during the Pliocene continental collision in Tibet. The available data of different isotopic systems, especially fluid D–O isotopes and carbonate C–O systems, reveal that the isotopic compositions are largely overlapping for different genetic types and different for the same genetic type in different Au belts. The isotopic compositions are thus not good indicators of various genetic types of gold deposit, perhaps due to overprinting of post-ore alteration or the complex evolution of the fluids.Although gold metallogeny in China was initiated in Cambrian and lasted until Cenozoic, it is mainly concentrated in four main periods. The first is Carboniferous when the Central Asian orogenic belt formed by welding of micro-continental blocks and arcs in Tianshan-Altay, generating a series of porphyry–epithermal–orogenic deposits. The second period is from Triassic to Early Jurassic when the current tectonic mainframe of China started to take shape. In central and southern China, the North China Craton, South China Block and Simao block were amalgamated after the closure of Paleo-Tethys Ocean in Triassic, forming orogenic and Carlin-like gold deposits. The third period is Early Cretaceous when the subduction of the Pacific oceanic plate to the east and that of Neo-Tethyan oceanic plate to the west were taking place. The subduction in eastern China produced the Jiaodong-type deposits in the North China Craton, the skarn-type deposits in the northern margin (Middle to lower reaches of Yangtze River) and the epithermal-type deposits in the southeastern margin in the South China Block. The subduction in western China produced the Carlin-like gold deposits in the Youjiang basin and orogenic ones in the Garzê-Litang orogenic belt. The Cenozoic is the last major phase, during which southwestern China experienced continental collision, generating orogenic and porphyry–skarn gold deposits in the Tibetan and Sanjiang orogenic belts. Due to the spatial overlap of the second and third periods in a single gold province, the Xiaoqinling, West Qinling, and northern margin of the North China Craton have two or more episodes of gold metallogeny.  相似文献   

Earthquake-induced landslides in Central America   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Central America is a region of high seismic activity and the impact of destructive earthquakes is often aggravated by the triggering of landslides. Data are presented for earthquake-triggered landslides in the region and their characteristics are compared with global relationships between the area of landsliding and earthquake magnitude. We find that the areas affected by landslides are similar to other parts of the world but in certain parts of Central America, the numbers of slides are disproportionate for the size of the earthquakes. We also find that there are important differences between the characteristics of landslides in different parts of the Central American isthmus, soil falls and slides in steep slopes in volcanic soils predominate in Guatemala and El Salvador, whereas extensive translational slides in lateritic soils on large slopes are the principal hazard in Costa Rica and Panama. Methods for assessing landslide hazards, considering both rainfall and earthquakes as triggering mechanisms, developed in Costa Rica appear not to be suitable for direct application in the northern countries of the isthmus, for which modified approaches are required.  相似文献   

浙赣若干火山岩型铀矿床成矿模式及找矿勘探方向   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
杨建明  熊韶峰 《铀矿地质》2003,19(5):283-289
本系统介绍了浙赣各类火山岩型铀矿床的地质特征,分析了各类火山岩型铀矿床的同位素组成、成矿物质来源以及成矿的物理化学条件,提出以次火山岩体为先导,热液柱(体)为主导所控制的地下水-火山岩成矿体系,是该区火山岩型铀矿成矿的主要模式,并以此对浙赣火山岩地区寻找火山岩型铀矿床提出勘探建议。  相似文献   

A tsunami catalogue for Central America is compiledcontaining 49 tsunamis for the period 1539–1996,thirty seven of them are in the Pacific and twelve inthe Caribbean. The number of known tsunamis increaseddramatically after the middle of the nineteenth century,since 43 events occurred between 1850 and 1996. This isprobably a consequence of the lack of populationliving near the coast in earlier times.The preliminary regionalization of the earthquakessources related to reported tsunamis shows that, inthe Pacific, most events were generated by theCocos-Caribbean Subduction Zone (CO-CA). At theCaribbean side, 5 events are related with the NorthAmerican-Caribbean Plate Boundary (NA-CA) and 7 withthe North Panama Deformed Belt (NPDB).There are ten local tsunamis with a specific damagereport, seven in the Pacific and the rest in theCaribbean. The total number of casualties due to localtsunamis is less than 455 but this number could behigher. The damages reported range from coastal andship damage to destruction of small towns, and theredoes not exist a quantification of them.A preliminary empirical estimation of tsunami hazardindicates that 43% of the large earthquakes (Ms 7.0) along the Pacific Coast of Central America and100% along the Caribbean, generate tsunamis. On thePacific, the Guatemala–Nicaragua coastal segment hasa 32% probability of generating tsunamis after largeearthquakes while the probability is 67% for theCosta Rica–Panama segment. Sixty population centers onthe Pacific Coast and 44 on the Caribbean are exposedto the impact of tsunamis. This estimation alsosuggests that areas with higher tsunami potential inthe Pacific are the coasts from Nicaragua to Guatemalaand Central Costa Rica; on the Caribbean side, Golfode Honduras Zone and the coasts of Panama and CostaRica have major hazard. Earthquakes of magnitudelarger than 7 with epicenters offshore or onshore(close to the coastline) could trigger tsunamis thatwould impact those zones.  相似文献   

锰作为一种重要的金属矿产,广泛应用于各种工业领域。世界锰矿资源总量丰富,但分布极不均衡,主要分布在南非、乌克兰、巴西、澳大利亚等国。中国锰矿资源具有总量大、平均品位低、开采难度大等特点,为满足国内需求,中国每年需从海外进口大量锰矿。南部非洲地区锰矿资源丰富,主要有海相沉积受变质型、海相沉积型、热液型及表生型锰矿4种成矿类型。其中,海相沉积受变质型和海相沉积型最重要,依据含矿岩系特征又进一步将其划分为BIF岩系型锰矿、黑色页岩系型锰矿及硅-泥-灰岩系型锰矿。南部非洲原生锰矿成矿时代主要集中在2.2~2.0 Ga,与Eburnean造山运动时代耦合;空间上主要分布在古陆块边缘,成矿背景以弧后盆地及边缘盆地为主。南部非洲地区锰矿成矿地质条件优越,且总体找矿勘查程度较低,资源潜力巨大。  相似文献   

王丹  陈建平  刘畅 《江苏地质》2022,46(4):389-397
黑龙江鸡西麻山区民主南山石墨矿位于佳木斯—兴凯(地块)Fe-Au-P-石墨-矽线石成矿带(Ⅲ-53)中部,为一沉积变质大型晶质石墨矿床。矿石量为2 000多万t,矿物量为100多万t,固定碳平均品位为6.09%。赋矿层位为中-新元古界麻山岩群西麻山岩组和余庆岩组,分为上下2个含矿层,石墨矿体30条。通过全面分析民主南山石墨矿的矿床地质特征,总结其成矿规律,为在黑龙江东部佳木斯隆起麻山岩群西麻山岩组、余庆岩组寻找同类矿床提供参考。  相似文献   

Ten new focal mechanisms are derived for earthquakes in southern Central America and its adjacent regions. These are combined with a study of seismicity and data of previous workers to delineate the position and nature of the plate boundaries in this complex region.The Middle America subduction zone may be divided into four or five distinct seismic segments. The plate boundary between North America and the Caribbean near the trench might be located more towards the south than previously suspected. Subduction has basically stopped south of the underthrusting Cocos Ridge. There is not much evidence for a seismically active strike-slip fault south of Panama, but its existence cannot be ruled out. More activity reveals the zone north of Panama which is identified as a subduction zone with normal fault events. Shallow seismicity induced by the interaction of the Nazca plate extends from the Colombia-Panama border south along the Pacific coast to meet a high-angle continental thrust fault system. Subduction with a pronounced slab starts only south of that point near a hot region which offsets the seismic trend at the trench. The Carnegie Ridge and/or the change of direction of subduction in Ecuador produce a highly active zone of seismicity mainly at the depth of 200 km. The area in the Pacific displays a termination of activity at a propagating rift west of the Galapagos Islands. The main eastern boundary of the Cocos plate, the Panama Fracture Zone, is offset towards the west at the southern end of the Malpelo Ridge. Its northern end consists of two active branches as defined by large earthquakes. A strike-slip mechanism near the southeastern flank of the Cocos Ridge was previously believed to be the site of an extended fracture zone. This paper proposes submarine volcanic activity as an alternative explanation.  相似文献   

In northwest Argentina, weakly metamorphic clastic and calcareous sedimentary rocks of latest Precambrian to Lower Cambrian age (Puncoviscana Formation and related units) contain an abundant ichnofauna of both chronostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental value. In the western and central Sierras Pampeanas, metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks are considered to form part of the same geotectonic unit. This “Pampean orogenic cycle” includes geosynclinal sedimentation of latest Precambrian to Lower Cambrian age, as well as magmatism, metamorphism and deformation of Middle to Upper Cambrian age, documented by an angular unconformity below the Upper Cambrian to Devonian rocks of the “Famatinian orogenic cycle”. In some of the metamorphic rocks of the Pampean Cycle a pre-Ordovician folding is also distinguished from a later tectonic overprinting. Hence, the concept of a Pampean cycle differs from other concepts of late Precambrian orogenic cycles of South America which are only defined by radiometric ages. The Pampean orogenesis may be compared with the Ross orogenesis of the Transantarctic Mts., the Tyennan orogenesis of Australia and some of the deformation phases of the Damara orogen in Namibia.  相似文献   

Younger Dryas in southern South America?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Two high resolution pollen records, Caunahue from mid-latitudes and Harberton from high latitudes, illustrate the issues in defining the Younger Dryas episode in records from southern South America. At mid-latitudes in the Chilean lake region, previous claims for the existence of a substantially cooler and wetter episode between 11,000 and 10,000 BP can no longer be supported by new pollen records with high temporal and paleoenvironmental resolution, such as Caunahue. The transition from glacial to interglacial conditions occurred in several steps, one shortly after 13,000 BP, when open Nothofagus woodland was replaced by cool-temperate North Patagonian forest, and one at 9,500 BP, when warmtemperate Validivian forest elements replaced the North Patagonian elements. At high latitudes, on the other hand, high resolution records do show marked short-term changes during the late-glacial, inclding the 11,000 to 10,000 BP Interval. However, neither the exact timing nor the duration of these changes is synchronous for specific taxa, neither within one record nor between different records. One of the two intervals of low pollen influx that has been singled out as evidence for a cooler episode is consistently dated between 11,000 and 12,000 BP, while the other interval dates between 10,800 and 9,000 BP. Based on all this information I believe that there is no evidence of Younger Dryas episode for the midlatitudes. For the high latitudes, on the other hand, the overall high paleoenvironmental variability in the records offers multiple choices for a Younger Dryas-type interval if specific taxa are selected without considering the overall context. However, the lack of synchroneity between short-term changes of specific taxa between different records suggests primarily a response to local disturbances, rather than a response to a global forcing.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the seismic moment tensor for earthquakes on plate boundary is a standard procedure to determine the relative velocity of plates, which controls the seismic deformation rate predicted from the slip on a single fault. The moment tensor is also decomposed into an isotropic and a deviatoric part to discover the relationship between the average strain rate and the relative velocity between two plates. We utilize this procedure to estimate the rates of deformation in northern Central America where plate boundaries are seismically well defined. Four different tectonic environments are considered for modelling of the plate motions. The deformation rates obtained here compare well with those predicted from the plate motions models and are in good agreement with actual observations. Deformation rates on faults are increasingly being used to estimate earthquake recurrence from information on fault slip rate and more on how we can incorporate our current understanding into seismic hazard analyses.  相似文献   

New chemical analyses of Mesozoic basalts from Zambia show that low K2O tholeiites are present in central as well as southern Africa. The distribution of geochemical provinces thus recognised supports the view that the Karroo Volcanic Cycle was initiated by the convective uprise of mantle material beneath the Nuanetsi area of Zimbabwe.
Zusammenfassung Neue chemische Analysen mesozoischer Basalte von Zambia zeigen, da\ Tholeiite mit niedrigen Gehalten an K2O sowohl in Zentralals auch in Südafrika vorkommen. Die auf diese Weise ermittelte Verbreitung geochemischer Provinzen unterstützt die Ansicht, da\ der Vulkanische Zyklus von Karroo durch den konvektiven Aufstieg von Mantelmaterial unter dem Gebiet von Nuanetsi Zimbabwes ausgelöst wurde.

Résumé De nouvelles analyses chimiques de basaltes mésozoÎques de Zambie indiquent que des tholéiites à teneur basse en K2O se présentent dans le centre aussi bien que dans le sud de l'Afrique. La distribution des provinces géochimiques ainsi reconnue confirme la théorie que »La Période Volcanique de Karoo« débuta par le soulèvement convectif du matériau du manteau sous la région de Nuanetsi en Zimbabwe.

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Occasional paper No. 75 Geological Survey of Zambia. Published by permission of the Director.

Publishes with the approval of the Director, Institute of Geological Sciences (N.E.R.C.). U.K.  相似文献   

黔中地区铝土矿基本特征及成矿模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对黔中基础地质及典型矿床研究,本文对该区铝土矿床基本地质特征及成矿进行总结、分析,探讨了成矿模式。黔中铝土矿最后定位于筑-织淡化泻湖环境,黔北古陆与广顺古岛围限形成的半局限盆地、泻湖区为铝土矿的形成提供了沉积环境条件。  相似文献   

梁秋原  刘文佳  王燕 《地球学报》2013,34(S1):163-167
通过对滇中地区典型铝土矿(老煤山铝土矿)成矿地质特征研究, 认为该区铝土矿为古风化壳沉积型铝土矿, 主要受地层层位、岩性古地理条件、褶皱构造及后期抬升改造影响。研究认为该区具有一定勘探潜力。  相似文献   

周洁  姚仲友  赵晓丹 《地质通报》2017,36(12):2208-2212
在中安第斯高原,包括玻利维亚西部、智利东部、阿根廷北部分布众多的盐湖,湖中含丰富的B、K、Li、Mg和其他蒸发盐类物质,封闭的盆地因蒸发作用使残留盐水中的成矿元素聚集并沉淀。这些矿床的形成与安第斯山的隆起和气侯变化关系密切。通过对该区蒸发岩型矿床的分布特征及成矿特征进行研究,讨论其形成的构造背景,分析成矿要素和找矿方向。  相似文献   

陈庆刚  陈群  戴晓燕 《贵州地质》2016,33(2):101-107
通过对黔中区域铝土矿系层序结构特征、顶底板岩组和界面特征、岩相古地理特征等的对比分析,以及黔中隆起的演化对铝土矿成矿时代的影响,把黔中区域铝土矿成矿时代统归为石炭系下统,地层归属为石炭系下统九架炉组,对划分依据进行了论述。  相似文献   

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