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滇黔桂地区位于扬子板块西南缘,是我国重要的卡林型(微细浸染型)金矿集中区之一,区内弥勒-师宗、南盘江、富宁等深大断裂等控制了区域构造变形的发生和发展以及矿床的分布。该金三角内的老寨湾金矿床是目前在云南境内发现的唯一一处大型卡林型金矿床,已探明储量31.40t,具有矿石物质组成简单、金微细浸染分布、品位低、储量大的特点。该矿床目前划分为袁家坪矿段、椿树湾矿段和老鹰山矿段三个矿段,矿体的产出主要受不整合面和构造的双重控制。赋矿地层主要是加里东不整合面之上的下泥盆统坡松冲组的灰色、灰白色及褐黄色厚层块状细粒石英砂岩。最大的V3矿体分布在椿树湾矿段,后期辉绿岩脉沿着北西向的F7断层侵入,紧邻脉岩的矿体金品位明显增高。热液成矿过程可以划分为早、中、晚三个阶段,分别以石英-黄铁矿、石英-黄铁矿-绢云母、辉锑矿-方解石为典型矿物组合特征。论文对脉石矿物和流体包裹体开展了H-O同位素研究,对不同阶段的矿石矿物开展了S-Pb同位素研究。成矿流体的δDH2O值介于为-109‰~-93‰,而不同成矿阶段流体的δ18OH2O值略有变化,早阶段3个硅化的石英砂岩中的δ18OH2O值变化于7.8‰~9.2‰,中阶段流体的δ18O值=5.9‰~7.0‰,晚阶段δ18OH2O值为2.70‰,在投影图中位于不同的区域内,表明早阶段成矿热液来源于区域变质水和/或部分地层建造水,主成矿阶段岩浆流体的参与对局部的金矿化富集起到了重要作用,在成矿晚期有大气降水的参与。不同阶段、不同类型矿石或蚀变岩中硫化物δ34S值变化范围较大(2.096‰~32.289‰),早阶段蚀变岩中的2个黄铁矿样品的δ34S值为6.115‰和6.412‰;晚阶段的5个辉锑矿的δ34S值集中在2.096‰~4.691‰;而中阶段的不同矿石中黄铁矿的硫同位素变化较大;暗示了硫的多来源特征。但总体上矿石硫同位素组成以正值为主,硫化物δ34S峰值集中在2‰~8‰。矿石铅同位素组成分别为:206Pb/204Pb为18.178~18.992,207Pb/204Pb为15.635~15.774,208Pb/204Pb变化于38.456~39.051,相对富集放射成因铅。硫铅同位素综合分析表明老寨湾金矿床的成矿物质具有双重来源的特点:区内的沉积碎屑岩及岩浆活动共同提供了必要的成矿物质。辉绿岩中的石英的热活化ESR测年结果为64.8±6.5Ma,结合矿体产出特征,认为老寨湾金矿的主成矿作用发生在燕山晚期-喜马拉雅期;矿床的形成经历了早泥盆世的初始富集、燕山晚期-喜山期变质/岩浆热液对成矿物质的萃取、迁移和富集成矿以及成矿后的氧化富集等过程。  相似文献   

Landslides in the hilly terrain along the Kansas and Missouri rivers in northeastern Kansas have caused millions of dollars in property damage during the last decade. To address this problem, a statistical method called multiple logistic regression has been used to create a landslide-hazard map for Atchison, Kansas, and surrounding areas. Data included digitized geology, slopes, and landslides, manipulated using ArcView GIS. Logistic regression relates predictor variables to the occurrence or nonoccurrence of landslides within geographic cells and uses the relationship to produce a map showing the probability of future landslides, given local slopes and geologic units. Results indicated that slope is the most important variable for estimating landslide hazard in the study area. Geologic units consisting mostly of shale, siltstone, and sandstone were most susceptible to landslides. Soil type and aspect ratio were considered but excluded from the final analysis because these variables did not significantly add to the predictive power of the logistic regression. Soil types were highly correlated with the geologic units, and no significant relationships existed between landslides and slope aspect.  相似文献   

The study highlights the dangers of limiting recharge calculations in humid climates to meteorological and soil considerations. It highlights the importance of developing a conceptual understanding of the influence of geology on recharge mechanisms and recharge rates. Uncertainties in recharge estimates through tills are examined by a study of the available literature, combined with sensitivity analyses of soil moisture budget parameters and of hypothetical scenarios of till properties and hydraulic gradients that are realistic for Irish conditions. The sensitivity analyses demonstrate that till properties have a greater influence over recharge than the soil moisture budgeting parameters. Results are considered in terms of recharge coefficients, representing the proportion of effective precipitation that becomes actual recharge to the aquifer. The literature review identifies a range in recharge coefficients from 4% to 90% in selected field and catchment scale studies from bedrock aquifers in Ireland and the U.K. The sensitivity analyses are able to simulate a similar range in recharge coefficient of 2% to 80% by varying only till permeability, thickness and vertical hydraulic gradients. In the scenarios examined, the greatest sensitivity to vertical till permeability lies between 0.001 m/day and 0.01 m/day. The sensitivity to soil moisture budgeting parameters is much less apparent. It is concluded that this is due to the dominance of grassland in Ireland and the relatively wet summers, resulting in the limited development of soil moisture deficits by comparison with some parts of the U.K.
Résumé Cette étude met en lumière les dangers résultants de la pratique consultant à limiter les calculs de recharge aux données météorologiques ainsi qu’aux considérations liées au sol. Elle met en lumière l’importance de développer des modèles conceptuels comprenant l’influence de la géologie sur les mécanismes de la recharge et les taux de recharge. Les incertitudes sur les estimations de la recharge à travers les argiles sont examinées à travers les données disponibles dans la littérature, combinées avec une analyse de sensibilité des paramètres du bilan hydrique et des scénarios hypothétiques reprenant les propriétés des argiles et les gradients hydrauliques qui sont réalistes dans le contexte irlandais de l’étude. Les analyses de sensibilité démontrent que les propriétés des argiles ont une plus grande influence sur la recharge que les paramètres du bilan hydrique des sols. Les résultats sont considérés en terme de coefficients de recharge, représentant la proportion de précipitation effective qui devient la recharge réelle de l’aquifère. La littérature identifie des coefficients de recharge allant de 4 à 90% sur des terrains sélectionnés à l’échelle de bassins-versants, sur les aquifères de socle en Irlande et au Royaume-Uni. Les analyses de sensibilité sont capables de simuler une variation aussi large de coefficients de recharge, en ne changeant rien que la perméabilité des argiles, leur épaisseur et les gradients hydrauliques verticaux. Dans les scénarios étudiés, la meilleure sensibilité à la perméabilité verticale se situe entre 0.001 et 0.01 m/jour. La sensibilité au bilan hydrique est beaucoup moins apparente. On en conclut que ceci est du à la dominance des prairies en Ireland et aux étés relativement humides, résultant des déficits en eau des sols relativement modérés en comparaison avec certaines zones du Royaume-uni.

Resumen El estudio resalta los peligros de limitar los cálculos de recarga en climas húmedos a las consideraciones meteorológicas y del suelo. Se destaca la importancia de desarrollar un entendimiento conceptual de la influencia de la geología en los mecanismos de recarga y los ritmos de recarga. Se examinan las incertidumbres en los estimados de recarga a través de tills mediante un estudio de la literatura disponible combinado con análisis de sensibilidad de parámetros de balance de humedad del suelo y de escenarios hipotéticos de las propiedades del till y gradientes hidráulicos que son realistas para condiciones típicas de Irlanda. Los análisis de sensibilidad demuestran que las propiedades del till tienen una influencia más grande en la recarga que los parámetros del balance de humedad del suelo. Se consideran los resultados en términos de coeficientes de recarga, representando la proporción de precipitación efectiva que se convierte en recarga real al acuífero. La revisión de literatura identifica un rango de coeficientes de recarga que varía de 4% a 90% en estudios seleccionados de cuencas y escala de campo realizados en acuíferos de macizo rocoso en Irlanda y el Reino Unido. Los análisis de sensibilidad pueden simular un rango similar en los coeficientes de recarga de 2% a 80% al variar únicamente la permeabilidad del till, el espesor y los gradientes verticales hidráulicos. En los escenarios examinados, la relación de sensibilidad más grande con la permeabilidad vertical del till se encuentra entre 0.001 m/día y 0.01 m/día. La sensibilidad en relación a los parámetros del balance de humedad del suelo es mucho menos aparente. Se concluye que esto se debe a la predominancia de tierras con hierba en Irlanda y los veranos relativamente húmedos, lo que resulta en el desarrollo limitado de déficit de humedad de suelo en comparación con algunas partes del Reino Unido.

土壤监测对于查清土壤生态质量家底,积极开展土壤污染生态修复与防治,实现可持续土地资源监测与利用有重要指导价值。为了研究江苏省宜兴市土壤监测指标的时空变化,根据宜兴市2004年多目标地球化学调查的426个土壤样本以及2015年1∶5万土地质量地球化学调查的4 458个土壤样本的数据,利用地理信息系统(GIS)和统计学方法研究了该区重要土壤环境参数的变化,通过箱线图和t检验对参数或元素浓度变化进行了检测,利用基于半变异函数的块金值(C0)进行了误差分析,并评估分析了不同的空间变量。结果表明,宜兴市土壤中有机质(OM)、氮、磷、硼等营养元素(指标)在11年间呈增长趋势,土壤pH值呈现明显下降趋势,土壤中镉、铜、铅、锌等重金属元素和硒含量呈上升趋势,砷含量没有明显变化。  相似文献   

樊祺诚  孙谦  隋建立  李霓 《岩石学报》2008,24(6):1323-1332
本文在北部湾内一对姊妹火山岛即涠洲岛及斜阳岛火山地质研究基础上,进一步开展火山岩微量元素和Sr-Nd-Pb同位素,以及地幔橄榄岩Re-Os同位素地球化学研究.岛上早晚两期火山岩均为碱性玄武岩,分别属于碱性橄榄玄武岩和碧玄岩.碧玄岩为玻基斑状结构,舍地幔橄榄岩碎块(一般<1cm),表明为地幔岩浆快速喷出地表冷凝而成,岩浆上升过程中极少演化.火山岩微量元素和Sr-Nd-Pb同位素资料表明,涠洲岛及斜阳岛玄武岩与雷琼及北部湾周边、南海海盆玄武岩类似,具有亏损地幔的Sr、Nd同位素组成与Pb同位素显示的EMII富集地幔特征的Dupal异常,表明岩浆并非来自单一地幔源区,不可与OIB或MORB源区简单类比,也非地幔柱成因,而是由两个不同的地球化学组分混合而成.Re-OS同位素特征也指示地幔橄榄岩捕虏体来源于亏损的岩石圈地幔,而非核幔边界.推测涠洲岛及斜阳岛与雷琼及北部湾周边的岩浆可能是由于南海扩张后大陆裂解-软流圈地幔热物质上涌,与上覆薄而年轻的岩石圈地幔相互作用的产物.  相似文献   

Due to the existence of fragile karst geo-ecological environments, such as environments with extremely poor soil cover, low soil-forming velocity, and fragmentized terrain and physiognomy, as well as inappropriate and intensive land use, soil erosion is a serious problem in Guizhou Province, which is located in the centre of the karst areas of southwestern China; evaluation of soil loss and spatial distribution for conservation planning is urgently needed. This study integrated the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) with a GIS to assess soil loss and identify risk erosion areas in the Maotiao River watershed of Guizhou. Current land use/cover and management practices were evaluated to determine their effects on average annual soil loss and future soil conservation practices were discussed. Data used to generate the RUSLE factors included a Landsat Thematic Mapper image (land cover), digitized topographic and soil maps, and precipitation data. The results of the study compare well with the other studies and local data, and provide useful information for decision makers and planners to take appropriate land management measures in the area. It thus indicates the RUSLE–GIS model is a useful tool for evaluating and mapping soil erosion quantitatively and spatially at a larger watershed scale in Guizhou.  相似文献   

The regional survey of groundwater used as a small water supply system was performed to know the effect of geology, soil properties and land use on groundwater quality at Nonsan City, Korea. A total of 126 groundwater samples were collected and analyzed at the study area. The multivariate statistical methods, principal components analysis and discriminant analysis, and GIS technique were used for the quantitative interpretation of groundwater quality. The study area is mainly composed of Precambrian gneiss, Jurassic granite, and Cretaceous volcanics, and metasedimentary rocks of the Ogcheon zone. The land use was grouped as paddy, upland, grassland, resident, point source, industrial area, and water system. The soil properties were classified as 4 major groups, Entisols, Alfisols, Inceptisols, and Ultisols, by the degree of development, and reclassified as 11 subgroups. The modified and simplified geologic map, soil map, and land use map were made by using ARCGIS soft-ware. The area of geology, soil property, and land use affecting the groundwater quality for each well were also calculated by ARCGIS soft-ware to acquire the quantitative parameters for multivariate statistical analysis. The monitoring results of groundwater in the study area showed that 13%-21% of the groundwater samples exceeded the portable water guideline and the main causes were turbidity, bacteria, arsenic and nitrate-N. The spatial distribution of each component showed the close relationship between groundwater quality and geology reflecting the topography, land use.  相似文献   

土壤/沉积物中汞污染地球化学及污染防治措施研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文综述了汞的来源,介绍了汞的形态及形态分析方法的研究进展,讨论了影响汞吸附和解吸的主要因素,比较了对土壤/沉积物中汞污染进行风险评价的方法,提出了生物修复、减少汞污染的排放等治理我国汞污染的有效措施。最后对汞在土壤/沉积物中的地球化学行为等研究方面进行了展望。  相似文献   

The complexity of modern geochemical data sets is increasing in several aspects (number of available samples, number of elements measured, number of matrices analysed, geological-environmental variability covered, etc), hence it is becoming increasingly necessary to apply statistical methods to elucidate their structure. This paper presents an exploratory analysis of one such complex data set, the Tellus geochemical soil survey of Northern Ireland (NI). This exploratory analysis is based on one of the most fundamental exploratory tools, principal component analysis (PCA) and its graphical representation as a biplot, albeit in several variations: the set of elements included (only major oxides vs. all observed elements), the prior transformation applied to the data (none, a standardization or a logratio transformation) and the way the covariance matrix between components is estimated (classical estimation vs. robust estimation). Results show that a log-ratio PCA (robust or classical) of all available elements is the most powerful exploratory setting, providing the following insights: the first two processes controlling the whole geochemical variation in NI soils are peat coverage and a contrast between “mafic” and “felsic” background lithologies; peat covered areas are detected as outliers by a robust analysis, and can be then filtered out if required for further modelling; and peat coverage intensity can be quantified with the %Br in the subcomposition (Br, Rb, Ni).  相似文献   

Mesoscale eddies are active and energetic in the South China Sea (SCS), and play an important role in regulating the multi-scale circulation and mass transportation in the region, especially for those long-lived strong eddies. Using AVISO altimeter data and outermost closed contour sea level anomaly method, this study identified and tracked mesoscale eddies in the northern SCS during 2011-2018, and focused on the temporal and spatial characteristics of mesoscale eddies in recent years. Similarly to previous results in this region, statistical results show that about 8.6 anticyclonic eddies and 4.5 cyclonic eddies (lifetime > 28 days) were born per year. Among them, about 1/3 of the total number are strong eddies (lifetime > 45 days), showing relatively strong dynamic characteristics, such as strong Eddy Kinetic Energy (EKE) and highly nonlinear feature. Statistics also show significant seasonal variability in mesoscale eddies’ birth places, trajectories and distribution of frequency of occurrence. Specifically, anticyclonic eddies mainly form at the north part of Luzon Strait between autumn and winter, and then move southwestward along isobaths. During this period, the largest value of the frequency of occurrence is over 30%. In summer, most of them form in the west off Luzon Island, and then move westward paralleling to latitude lines. In contrast, cyclonic mainly form in the west off Luzon Strait, and then move westward in winter and spring. During this period, the largest value is about 26%. In addition, observation finds that the strong mesoscale eddy pair could generate off the southwest of Taiwan Island. Analysis of the Kuroshio SCS Index (KSI) implies that loop current caused by Kuroshio intrusion is the most important mechanism for the formation of eddy pair.  相似文献   

A soil and vegetation survey was undertaken in NW Euboea Island, Greece. The objectives of the study were to establish the geochemical baseline of soil and identify the impact of local geology on threshold values of potentially harmful elements. The studied area is characterized by complex geology comprising metamorphic and ultramafic rocks as well as active hot springs. A total of 117 soil samples were collected from 89 sites at depths of 0–25 cm and 25–50 cm. Eighteen vegetation samples were also collected representing prevalent indigenous perennial species in the region. Soil samples from the present study were enriched in As, Ca, Cu, Mg, Ni with concentrations reaching 233 mg/kg, 38%, 336 mg/kg, 10.8%, 1560 mg/kg respectively. Factor analysis revealed three main factors controlling the chemical composition of soil reflecting the influence of ultramafic rocks (Cr, Ca, Mg, Ni), hot spring deposits (Ca, S, Sr, As) and paedogenesis processes (Fe, Co, V, Mn, Al). The first two of these factors showed significant spatial correlation with the geological features within the study area. Subsequently, baseline concentrations based on statistical and spatial data were estimated within sub-areas reflecting the influence of local geology in soil composition. Concentrations of potentially harmful elements in the plant tissues of indigenous perennial vegetation species showed a wide range of variation from below the detection limit up to 1700 mg/kg for Ni in the hyperaccumulator Alyssum chalcidicum demonstrating that plant species have adapted to the stressful conditions caused by high elemental concentrations in soil. The results of this study can be utilized in future studies at areas of similar geology by providing an objective basis for setting realistic threshold values for pollution assessment and remediation.  相似文献   

A proxy climate record from a raised bog in County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, is presented. The record spans the interval between 2850 cal. yr BC and cal. yr AD 1000 and chronological control is achieved through the use of tephrochronology and 14C dating, including a wiggle‐match on one section of the record. Palaeoclimatic inferences are based on a combination of a testate amoebae‐derived water table reconstruction, peat humification and plant macrofossil analyses. This multiproxy approach enables proxy‐specific effects to be identified. Major wet shifts are registered in the proxies at ca. 1510 cal. yr BC, 750 cal. yr BC and cal. yr AD 470. Smaller magnitude shifts to wetter conditions are also recorded at ca. 380 cal. yr BC, 150 cal. yr BC, cal. yr AD 180, and cal. yr AD 690. It is hypothesised that the wet shifts are not merely local events as they appear to be linked to wider climate deteriorations in northwest Europe. Harmonic analysis of the proxies illustrates statistically significant periodicities of 580, 423–373, 307 and 265 years that may be related to wider Holocene climate cycles. This paper illustrates how the timing of climate changes registered in peat profiles records can be precisely constrained using tephrochronology to examine possible climatic responses to solar forcing. Relying on interpolated chronologies with considerable dating uncertainty must be avoided if the climatic responses to forcing mechanisms are to be fully understood. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accumulation of continental, deltaic and shallow‐marine sediments in the Po River coastal plain preserves a record of the Late Quaternary sea‐level changes and shoreline migrations. The palaeoenvironmental evolution of this area and the changes in composition and provenance of sediments have been investigated through integrated sedimentological, micropalaeontological (mainly foraminifers) and geochemical analyses of core S1, from the southern part of the Po River delta, within a chronological framework supported by radiocarbon dating and correlations with adjacent core sequences. Eleven lithofacies, grouped into five facies associations, and four palaeontological assemblages provide the basis to define the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of this succession consisting, from the base to the top, of: (i) continental sediments accumulated during the Late Pleistocene; (ii) back‐barrier sediments marking the onset of Holocene sea‐level rise; (iii) transgressive sands deposited during the rapid landward migration of a barrier‐lagoon system; (iv) shallow‐marine and prodelta sediments with faunal associations indicating a gradual approach to the Po River mouth; and (v) sub‐recent delta front sands that form a considerable portion of the present coastal plain. Bulk chemical composition of sediments shows remarkable relationships with palaeoenvironments and locally improves facies characterizations. For example, they reveal carbonate leaching that emphasizes the occurrence of palaeosols in continental deposits or record enrichments in loss on ignition, S and Br, diagnostic of organic‐rich layers in back‐shore sediments. Selected geochemical elements (e.g. Mg and Ni) are particularly effective for the recognition of sediment provenances from the three main source areas observed in the subsurface deposits of the Po River coastal plain (e.g. Apenninic rivers, North Adriatic rivers and Po River). An Apenninic provenance is observed in continental and back‐barrier sediments. A North Adriatic provenance characterizes the transgressive sands and the shallow‐marine deposits; a significant Po River provenance is recorded in sediments related to the onset of the prodelta environment, confirmed by foraminiferal assemblages indicating remarkable increase in fluvial influxes. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil degradation resulted from unreasonable land use and erosion has been a serious problem in the black soil region of northeastern China. This paper seeks to understand the relationships between topsoil properties and topography and land use for land management targeting at improving soil quality in this region. A total of 292 soil samples and 81 volumetric rings were taken from a typical small watershed of the region in June 2005 for examining total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), soil texture (classified into gravel, sand, silt, and clay), and bulk density (ρ b), respectively. Spatial variability of these soil properties was evaluated with classical statistics and geostatistics methods. The results of classical statistics indicated that TC, TN, sand, silt, clay content, and ρ b were moderate variables while gravel had great variability. Soil properties were mainly correlated to slope position, elevation and land types. Geostatistical analyses showed that the spatial autocorrelation for TC, TN, and silt was weak, strong for clay and moderate for and ρ b sand, respectively. The spatial variations of soil properties are affected comprehensively by topographic factors, land use, erosion, and erosion control in this watershed. Past erosion, however, is the most important component to induce change of soil properties. In this small watershed, current soil and water conservation measures play an important role in controlling soil loss. But the restoration of soil properties was unsatisfactory. Comparing with untilled soil of this region, TC, TN, silt content are excessively low; whereas ρ b, sand and clay content are excessively high; gravel appears at most sampling locations. It is necessary for improving soil properties to protect forest and grassland and change cultivation system of farmlands.  相似文献   

大兴安岭中部哈拉哈河-绰尔河第四纪火山区分布有34座火山,这些火山总体呈北东向带状分布,火山岩分布面积约400 km2,岩性主要为碱性橄榄玄武岩.根据火山地质特征,结合火山岩K-Ar测年结果,哈拉哈河-绰尔河第四纪火山可进一步划分为早、中、晚更新世和全新世4期.早更新世火山岩,由于被后期火山岩覆盖,主要分布于火山区周边和出露在河谷中.中更新世火山活动最强,不论火山数量(27座)还是熔岩流规模都超过该区第四纪火山的一半以上.晚更新世时期火山活动趋弱,火山活动范围缩小,只局限于小范围区域.全新世火山活动又进入新的高峰期,强爆破式喷发和规模宏大的熔岩流,以及保存完好的熔岩流地貌是全新世火山之特点.  相似文献   

秦岭卡林型金矿床金、砷地球化学探讨   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
讨论了秦岭卡林型金矿床中Au 、As 的元素地球化学、矿物学特征。在含矿岩系中获得的Au、As 等成矿元素初始含量较高,且主要集中在成岩黄铁矿中。在矿石样品中对含砷硫化物矿物的研究表明,Au 、As 在矿物显微结构中具有强的正相关性。在大量金进入到硫化物结构之前,就已有[AsS]3 - 的存在。在含砷硫化物矿物中,金多半以一种带电类型(Au3 +) 存在, 它很可能替代铁位置上的过剩砷, 以固溶体方式沉淀于硫化物矿物中。此时, 黄铁矿构成(Au3 + ,Fe2 +)([AsS]3 - [S2]2 - ),毒砂构成(Au3 + ,Fe2 +)([AsS]3 - [AsS]3 -) 。通过电子探针(EMP) 和透射电镜(TEM) 对秦岭卡林型金矿含砷硫化物矿物中金的赋存状态的研究表明,在金的成矿作用早期阶段, 金主要以固溶体形式优先富集于含砷黄铁矿和毒砂及砷黝铜矿之中,并且认为是以金的氧化和砷的还原的共沉淀方式发生的。在此之后的金成矿作用晚期阶段,由于热液蚀变和结晶作用程度的增高,寄主矿物耐熔性质相对降低,加之金本身的聚集能力,和因过量砷加入而造成的含砷硫化物矿物的晶格缺陷,致使已形成的固溶体金以“出溶”形式发生再分布,赋存于硫化物矿物晶粒  相似文献   

阿拉善北部雅干地区古生代火山岩发育,研究其形成时代和地质特征,对探讨中亚造山带中段南缘北山弧盆系的演化具有重要的意义。对雅干地区原划奥陶系火山岩进行了同位素年代学与地球化学研究,获得流纹岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为298.4±1.5Ma,时代为早二叠世初期,结合岩石组合特征和区域对比,将其重新厘定为上石炭统—下二叠统白山组。该套火山岩富SiO2、高K2O、低TiO2,属于钙碱性系列; 相对富集Rb、Pb、K等大离子亲石元素,明显亏损Ta、Nb、P、Ti等高场强元素; 呈现为轻稀土元素相对富集、重稀土元素相对亏损的的右倾特征,具有较明显的负Eu异常,显示出陆缘弧火山岩的地球化学特征。上述证据表明,雅干地区白山组火山岩形成于古亚洲洋向明水-旱山地块北缘俯冲的陆缘弧构造环境。  相似文献   

Spatial distributions of 0-20 cm soil carbon sources/sinks caused by land use changes from the year 1980 to 2000 in an area of 2.97 × 10~6 km~2 in eastern China were investigated using a land use dataset from a recent soil geochemical survey.A map of soil carbon sources/sinks has been prepared based on a spatial analysis scheme with GIS.Spatial statistics showed that land use changes had caused 30.7 ± 13.64 Tg of surface soil organic carbon loss,which accounts for 0.33%of the total carbon storage of 9.22 Pg.The net effect of the carbon source was estimated to be ~ 71.49 Tg soil carbon decrease and ~40.80 Tg increase.Land use changes in Northeast China(NE) have the largest impact on soil organic carbon storage compared with other regions.Paddy fields,which were mainly transformed into dry farmland in NE,and constructed land in other regions,were the largest carbon sources among the land use types.Swamp land in NE was also another large soil carbon source when it was transformed into dry farmland or paddy fields.Dry farmland in the NE region formed the largest soil organic carbon sink,as some were transformed into paddy fields,forested land,and other land use types with high SOCD.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes information on geomorphology and physical resources as a part of the Jordan Badia Research and Development Program. The research focused on the issue of the environment in arid lands as an aid to providing practical options for sustainable development, for the benefit not only of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan but of other arid regions of the world. The research is significant in that there is a need to identify usable natural resources and establish a framework for their effective exploitation and management in a marginal, fragile environment, which is sensitive to change. Pressure for development of the Badia stems from the fact that the great majority of the population in Jordan is compressed into less than 10% of the country by environmental constraints. It is hoped that the Jordan Badia Research and Development Program will provide the required framework to ease current environmental pressures, encourage migration to the Badia, a sparsely populated region, and establish economically and ecologically self-supporting communities. This paper discusses the following areas that are related to the sustainable development of the Jordan Badia with special emphasis on the Safawi area in the northern Jordan Badia; geomorphology, including landform, processes, and hazards; geology and physical resources; hydrology; surface water and water engineering; and groundwater.  相似文献   

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