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Field investigation and lab analysis on samples were carried out for Quaternary volcanoes, including Xiaoshan volcano, Dashan volcano and Bianzhuang hidden volcano, in Haixing area, east of North China. Results show that Xiaoshan volcano with the eruptive material of volcanic scoria, crystal fragments and volcanic ash is a maar volcano, the eruptive pattern is pheatomagmatic eruption, and the influence scope is near the crater. Dashan volcano exploded in the early stage, and then the magma intruded, forming the volcanic neck. The eruption strength and scale are limited, and the eruptive materials are scoria, volcanic agglomerate and dense lava neck. The volcanic rocks in Bianzhuang are porosity and dense volcanic rocks and volcanic breccia, reflecting the pattern of weak explosive eruption and lava flow, and the K-Ar age dating on volcanic rocks indicates that the eruption happened in early Pleistocene. Xiaoshan volcanic scoria and Bianzhuang hidden volcanic rocks are mainly basaltic, Dashan volcanic rocks with lower SiO2 content are nephelinite in composition. Their oxide contents have no linear relationship, indicating that there is no magma evolution relationship between these magmas from the three places. Three volcanic rocks all have enrichment of light rare earth. The Bianzhuang volcanic rocks are rich in large ion lithophile elements, and have no high field strength elements Zr and Hf, Ti losses. The volcanic materials from Xiaoshan and Dashan are intensively rich in Th, U, Nb and Ta, and significantly poor in K and Ti. Although the magmas from these three places in Haixing area may all come from asthenosphere, the volcanic materials have different petrological and geochemical features, and relatively independent volcanic structures, therefore, they experienced different magma processes.  相似文献   

One of largest eruptions in the Tianchi volcano during the Holocene occurred in about 1000 years ago[1―3]. The volcanic ash erupted had been found in Japan, which is more than 1000 km from the Tianchi volcanic vent[4,5]. Moreover, this eruption has been recognized in the study of Greenland ice core (GISP2)[6,7]. There have been many studies about eruption products of the Tianchi volcano, which dominantly focused on petrological, geochemical and volcanic eruptive dynamic aspects[8―10]. On…  相似文献   

Volcanomagnetic anomalies have been mostly observed during strong eruptions. Our aim is to improve the geomagnetic data analysis to evidence the anomalies occurring in a larger time span, especially in the phases preceding the eruptive events. We developed a time variant statistical approach and applied it to the 2000–2002 Etna geomagnetic temporal series. It is based on an algorithm that statistically predicts the geomagnetic field at the station on the volcanic edifice by that recorded at the remote one. In such a way a number of significant changes in the time series (called statistical innovations), marking the local magnetic field change, were detected. The distribution of such statistical innovations accurately describes the Etna volcanic evolution: we note a progressive increase of the innovation occurrence as the eruptive cycles were approaching and only few and weak innovations at times between the various eruptive cycles. The significance of this analysis is further confirmed by the close agreement among the mean square prediction error, strain release and the volcanic activity behavior. On the contrary, the geomagnetic field at a single station or its difference at two stations do not have any clear correlation with other measured physical quantities. The complex pattern of the prediction error was also investigated by a multifractal analysis. We found that the Holder regularity increases with the intensification of the volcanic activity, implying that innovations tend to be less sporadic and correlated during the major volcanic phases.  相似文献   

The Mt. Hekla eruptions in 1991 and 2000 have provided a unique opportunity to study the local environmental effects of high latitude volcanic eruptions in the middle of winter. Both eruptions started around sunset at sub-zero temperatures. In order to define better these effects we studied the chemistry of surface waters in the vicinity of the volcano. Additionally, we describe and predict the environmental consequences of these volcanic eruptions on the chemistry of surface waters on land and in the ocean.  相似文献   

Mombacho is a deeply dissected volcano belonging to the Quaternary volcanic chain of Nicaragua. The southern, historic collapse crater (El Crater) currently hosts a fumarolic field with a maximum temperature of 121°C. Chemical and isotopic data from five gas-sampling field campaigns carried out in 2002, 2003 and 2005 highlight the presence of high-temperature gas components (e.g. SO2, HCl and HF), which indicate a significant contribution of juvenile magmatic fluids to the hydrothermal system feeding the gas discharges. This is strongly supported by the mantle-derived helium and carbon isotopic signatures, although the latter is partly masked by either a sedimentary subduction-related or a shallow carbonate component. The observed chemical and isotopic composition of the Mombacho fluids seems to indicate that this volcanic system, although it has not experienced eruptive events during the last centuries, can be considered active and possibly dangerous, in agreement with the geophysical data recorded in the region. Systematic geochemical monitoring of the fumarolic gas discharges, coupled with a seismic and ground deformation network, is highly recommended in order to monitor a possible new eruptive phase.  相似文献   

An extensive geochemical survey of the fluids released by the volcanic/geothermal system of Methana was undertaken. Gases were characterized based on the chemical and isotopic [helium (He) and carbon (C)] analysis of 27 samples. Carbon dioxide soil gas concentration and fluxes were measured at 179 sampling sites throughout the peninsula. Forty samples of thermal and cold groundwaters were also sampled and analysed to characterize the geochemistry of the aquifers.  相似文献   

We analyze data from three seismic antennas deployed in Las Cañadas caldera (Tenerife) during May–July 2004. The period selected for the analysis (May 12–31, 2004) constitutes one of the most active seismic episodes reported in the area, except for the precursory seismicity accompanying historical eruptions. Most seismic signals recorded by the antennas were volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquakes. They usually exhibited low magnitudes, although some of them were large enough to be felt at nearby villages. A few long-period (LP) events, generally associated with the presence of volcanic fluids in the medium, were also detected. Furthermore, we detected the appearance of a continuous tremor that started on May 18 and lasted for several weeks, at least until the end of the recording period. It is the first time that volcanic tremor has been reported at Teide volcano. This tremor was a small-amplitude, narrow-band signal with central frequency in the range 1–6 Hz. It was detected at the three antennas located in Las Cañadas caldera. We applied the zero-lag cross-correlation (ZLCC) method to estimate the propagation parameters (back-azimuth and apparent slowness) of the recorded signals. For VT earthquakes, we also determined the S–P times and source locations. Our results indicate that at the beginning of the analyzed period most earthquakes clustered in a deep volume below the northwest flank of Teide volcano. The similarity of the propagation parameters obtained for LP events and these early VT earthquakes suggests that LP events might also originate within the source volume of the VT cluster. During the last two weeks of May, VT earthquakes were generally shallower, and spread all over Las Cañadas caldera. Finally, the analysis of the tremor wavefield points to the presence of multiple, low-energy sources acting simultaneously. We propose a model to explain the pattern of seismicity observed at Teide volcano. The process started in early April with a deep magma injection under the northwest flank of Teide volcano, related to a basaltic magma chamber inferred by geological and geophysical studies. The stress changes associated with the injection produced the deep VT cluster. In turn, the occurrence of earthquakes permitted an enhanced supply of fresh magmatic gases toward the surface. This gas flow induced the generation of LP events. The gases permeated the volcanic edifice, producing lubrication of pre-existing fractures and thus favoring the occurrence of VT earthquakes. On May 18, the flow front reached the shallow aquifer located under Las Cañadas caldera. The induced instability constituted the driving mechanism of the observed tremor.  相似文献   

Since the March–April 1982 eruption of El Chichòn volcano, intense hydrothermal activity has characterised the 1-km-wide summit crater. This mainly consists of mud and boiling pools, fumaroles, which are mainly located in the northwestern bank of the crater lake. During the period 1998–2000, hot springs and fumaroles discharging inside the crater and from the southeastern outer flank (Agua Caliente) were collected for chemical analyses. The observed chemical fluctuations suggest that the physico-chemical boundary conditions regulating the thermodynamic equilibria of the deep rock/fluid interactions have changed with time. The chemical composition of the lake water, characterised in the period 1983–1997 by high Na+, Cl, Ca2+ and SO42− contents, experienced a dramatic change in 1998–1999, turning from a Na+–Cl- to a Ca2+–SO42−-rich composition. In June 2000, a relatively sharp increase in Na+ and Cl contents was observed. At the same time, SO2/H2S ratios and H2 and CO contents in most gas discharges increased with respect to the previous two years of observations, suggesting either a new input of deep-seated fluids or local variations of the more surficial hydrothermal system. Migration of gas manifestations, enhanced number of emission spots and variations in both gas discharge flux and outlet temperatures of the main fluid manifestations were also recorded. The magmatic-hydrothermal system of El Chichòn is probably related to interaction processes between a deep magmatic source and a surficial cold aquifer; an important role may also be played by the interaction of the deep fluids with the volcanic rocks and the sedimentary (limestone and evaporites) basement. The chemical and physical changes recorded in 1998–2000 were possibly due to variations in the permeability of the conduit system feeding the fluid discharges at surface, as testified by the migration of gas and water emanations. Two different scenarios can be put forward for the volcanic evolution of El Chichòn: (1) build-up of an infra-crater dome that may imply a future eruption in terms of tens to hundreds of years; (2) minor phreatic–phreatomagmatic events whose prediction and timing is more difficult to constrain. This suggests that, unlike the diminished volcanic activity at El Chichòn after the 1982 paroxistic event, the volcano-hydrothermal fluid discharges need to be more constantly monitored with regular and more frequent geochemical sampling and, at the same time, a permanent network of seismic stations should be installed.  相似文献   

以当代火山物理的观点和思路对黑龙江省五大连池老黑山火烧山进行了研究。在旧锥锥体上部发现滞后角砾岩,在其下部坡脚发现有涌浪(surge)堆积物的存在,对形成过程和机制做了一些解释。  相似文献   

Radionuclide activities (210Pb, 210Bi, 210Po) were investigated in Mount Etna plume from 1983 to 1995. At SE crater the long-term observation (12 years) of the 210Po/210Pb ratio shows that it can behave as a degassing vent not directly related to the main magma reservoir depending on the magma level inside the volcano. Since 1992, the simultaneous determination of radionuclides and sulfur in the main plume results in new constraints on the degassing model of Lambert et al. (Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 76 (1986) 185). The 210Po/SO2 and 210Pb/SO2 ratios enable us to identify two sources of 210Po in the plume: one is magmatic, correlated with SO2, the other one is an additional component issued from the decay of 210Pb in the shallow degassing cell, and depends directly on the residence time of the gases before their emission. Estimations of the volume of degassing magma, the residence time of the gases and the proportion of undegassed magma renewing the shallow degassing cell are given for the period 1992–1995. During the 1992 eruption, the rate of degassing magma volume is estimated to have been as high as 5×106 m3/day, and the volume of the shallow degassing magma reservoir about 0.5 km3. In 1994 and 1995 the rate of non-erupted degassing magma volume was estimated to have been about 0.18 km3/year. During the entire 1983–1995 period, only 15–20% of the degassed magma was erupted.  相似文献   

介绍了2018年12月22日发生的巽他海峡喀拉喀托火山喷发的过程及其火山监测情况,并提取了欧空局哨兵1A遥感卫星在火山喷发前后的遥感影像,通过遥感影像的对比分析获得了火山锥体的坍塌范围;使用3DAnalyst软件模块对坍塌部分的DEM影像进行分析,计算出海平面以上火山锥体的坍塌体积约为54000000m3,海面以下崩塌锥体体积更加巨大,崩塌导致火山周围水体发生激荡形成海浪,海浪相干传播至周边海岸附近引发了巽他海峡海啸;海啸灾害主要发生在印尼万丹省西冷县和板底兰县西部沿海,与根据火山喷发引发海啸的传播路径推测的受灾地区基本一致。  相似文献   

El Chichón volcano is an andesite stratovolcano in southern México. It erupted in March 1982, after about 550 years of quiescence. The 1982 eruption of El Chichón has not been followed by the growth of a lava dome within the newly formed crater. This is rather anomalous since the construction of a new dome after the destruction of an old one is a common process during the eruptions at andesite and dacite volcanoes. To discuss this anomalous aspect of the El Chichón eruption, some regularity in the process of re-awakening of dormant (here defined as a period of quiescence of more than 100 years) andesite and dacite volcanoes are studied based on the seismic activity recorded at the volcanoes Bezymianny, Mount St. Helens, El Chichón, Unzen, Pinatubo and Soufrière Hills. Three stages were identified in the re-awakening activity of these volcanoes: (1) preliminary seismic activity, leading up to the first phreatic explosion; (2) activity between the first and the largest explosions; (3) post-explosion dome-building process. The eruptions were divided into two groups: low-VEI (Volcanic Explosivity Index) and the long duration stage-1 events (Unzen, 1991 and Soufrière Hills volcano, 1995) and high-VEI and the short duration stage-1 events (Bezymianny, 1956; Mount St. Helens, 1980; El Chichón, 1982 and Pinatubo, 1992). The comparative analysis of the seismo-eruptive activity of two eruptions of the second group, the 1980 of Mt. St. Helens and the 1982 of El Chichón, produced an explanation the absence of new dome building during the 1982 eruption of El Chichón volcano. It may be explained in terms of the unusually rapid emission of gas and water from the magmatic and hydrothermal system beneath the volcano during a relatively short sequence of large explosions that could have sharply increased the viscosity of the magma making impossible its exit to the surface.  相似文献   

The February 1999 eruption of Mt. Etna took place through a fissure on the SSE flank of the cone of the summit SE Crater. This event was preceded by continuous activity since 1995, sometimes accompanied by violent outbursts from one or more of the three other summit craters (NE Crater, Voragine or Chasm, and Bocca Nuova), and finally by a series of 20 short-lived eruptions from the SE Crater between September 1998 and January 1999. These phenomena could be accounted for by invoking gradual invasion of a shallow small reservoir by more primitive, basic and gas-rich magma coming from depth. The shallow “chamber” is more likely to be a plexus of dikes, which had developed during the previous years (1995–1997), following variations of the local stress field owing to enhanced magma generation and accumulation at the top of the mantle. Magma injection and mixing is evidenced through geochemistry, whereas the state of stress of the volcanic pile and underlying crust is determined using earthquake distributions and focal mechanisms. The behaviour of the seismic tremor amplitude appears to be a good indicator of the state of unrest of the volcano, although not always directly linked to the relative energy of degassing phenomena.  相似文献   

Dykes are the principal channels through which magma reaches the surface in volcanic eruptions. For this reason dykes observed in the field are commonly assumed to be feeders to lava flows. The actual proportion of dykes reaching the surface is, however, poorly known. In order to develop models for the purpose of estimating volcanic hazard, this proportion must be known. This follows because such models should not only consider the probability of dykes being injected from magma chambers during periods of unrest in the associated volcanoes, but also the probability of the injected dykes being arrested. This paper presents field data on several thousand dykes from Iceland and Tenerife (Canary Islands) indicating that many, and probably most, dykes become arrested at various crustal levels and never reach the surface to feed eruptions. Using the results of analytical and numerical models, it is shown that, for common loading conditions, the stress field in the vicinity of a magma chamber may favour the injection and propagation of dykes while the stress field at a certain distance from the chamber favours dyke arrest. This means that many dykes that are injected from the chamber propagate only for a very limited distance from the chamber to the point where they become arrested. The implication is that during periods of unrest in volcanoes, the probability of volcanic eruption is only a small fraction of the probability of dyke injection from the source magma chamber.  相似文献   

Sediment yields were calculated on the ?anks of Merapi and Semeru volcanoes in Java, Indonesia, using two different methods. During the ?rst year following the 22 November 1994 eruption of Merapi, a sediment yield in excess of 1·5 × 105 m3 km?2 yr?1 was calculated in the Boyong River drainage basin, based on the volumes of sediment that were trapped by ?ve check dams. At Semeru, sediment discharges were assessed in the Curah Lengkong River from direct measurements on the lahars in motion and on the most signi?cant stream?ows. The calculated rate of sediment yield during one year of data in 2000 was 2·7 × 105 m3 km?2 yr?1. Sediment yields are dominated by rain‐triggered lahars, which occur every rainy season in several drainage basins of Merapi and Semeru volcanoes, mostly during the rainy season extending from October to April. The return period of lahars carrying sediment in excess of 5 × 105 m3 is about one year in the Curah Lengkong River at Semeru. At Merapi, the volume of sediments transported by a lahar did not exceed 2·8 × 105 m3 in the Boyong River during the rainy season 1994–95. On both volcanoes, the sediments are derived from similar sources: pyroclastic‐?ow/surges deposits, rockfalls from the lava domes, and old material from the riverbed and banks. However, daily explosions of vulcanian type at Semeru provide a more continuous sediment supply than at Merapi. Therefore, sediment yields are larger at Semeru. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This petrologic analysis of the Negra Muerta Volcanic Complex (NMVC) contributes to understanding the magmatic evolution of eruptive centres associated with prominent NW-striking fault zones in the southern Central Andes. Specifically, the geochemical characteristics and magmatic evolution of the two eruptive episodes of this Complex are analysed. The first one occurred as an explosive eruption at 9 Ma and is represented by a strongly welded, fiamme-rich, andesitic to dacitic ignimbrite deposit. The second commenced with an eruption of a rhyolitic ignimbrite at 7.6 Ma followed by effusive discharge of hybrid lavas at 7.3 Ma and by emplacement of andesitic to rhyodacitic dykes and domes. Both explosive and effusive eruptions of the second episode occurred within a short time span, but geochemical interpretations permit consideration of the existence of different magmas interacting in the same magma chamber. Our model involves an andesitic recharge into a partially cooled rhyolitic magma chamber, pressurising the magmatic system and triggering explosive eruption of rhyolitic magma. Chemical or mechanical evidence for interaction between the rhyolitic and andesitic magma in the initial stages are not obvious because of their difference in composition, which could have been strong enough to inhibit the interaction between the two magmas. After the initial explosive stages of the eruption at 7.6 Ma, the magma chamber become more depressurised and the most mafic magma settled in compositional layers by fractional crystallisation. Restricted hybridisation occurred and was effective between adjacent and thermally equivalent layers close to the top of the magma chamber. At 7.3 Ma, increments of caldera formation were accompanied by effusive discharge of hybrid lavas through radially disposed dykes whereby andesitic magma gained in importance toward the end of this effusive episode in the central portion of the caldera. Assimilation during turbulent ascent (ATA) is invoked to explain a conspicuous reversed isotopic signature (87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd) in the entire volcanic series. Therefore, the 7.6 to 7.3 Ma volcanic rocks of the NMVC resulted from synchronous and mutually interacting petrological processes such as recharge, fractional crystallization, hybridisation, and Assimilation during Turbulent Ascent (ATA).Geochemical characteristics of both volcanic episodes show diverse type and/or depth in the sources and variable influence of upper crustal processes, and indicate a recurrence in the magma-forming conditions. Similarly, other minor volcanic centres in the transversal volcanic belts of the Central Andes repeated their geochemical signatures throughout the Miocene.  相似文献   

Our two newly obtained high-quality 40Ar/39Ar ages suggest that the high-K volcanic rocks of the Lawuxiang Formation in the Mangkang basin, Tibet were formed at 33.5±0.2 Ma. The tracing of elemental and Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic geochemistry indicates that they were derived from an EM2 enriched mantle in continental subduction caused by transpression. Their evidently negative anomalies in HFSEs such as Nb and Ta make clear that there is an input of continental material into the mantle source. The high-K rocks at 33.5±0.2 Ma in the Mangkang basin may temporally, spatially and compositionally compare with the early one of two-pulse high-K rocks in eastern Tibet distinguished by Wang J. H. et al., implying that they were formed in the same tectonic setting.  相似文献   

The probabilistic analysis of volcanic eruption time series is an essential step for the assessment of volcanic hazard and risk. Such series describe complex processes involving different types of eruptions over different time scales. A statistical method linking geological and historical eruption time series is proposed for calculating the probabilities of future eruptions. The first step of the analysis is to characterize the eruptions by their magnitudes. As is the case in most natural phenomena, lower magnitude events are more frequent, and the behavior of the eruption series may be biased by such events. On the other hand, eruptive series are commonly studied using conventional statistics and treated as homogeneous Poisson processes. However, time-dependent series, or sequences including rare or extreme events, represented by very few data of large eruptions require special methods of analysis, such as the extreme-value theory applied to non-homogeneous Poisson processes. Here we propose a general methodology for analyzing such processes attempting to obtain better estimates of the volcanic hazard. This is done in three steps: Firstly, the historical eruptive series is complemented with the available geological eruption data. The linking of these series is done assuming an inverse relationship between the eruption magnitudes and the occurrence rate of each magnitude class. Secondly, we perform a Weibull analysis of the distribution of repose time between successive eruptions. Thirdly, the linked eruption series are analyzed as a non-homogeneous Poisson process with a generalized Pareto distribution as intensity function. As an application, the method is tested on the eruption series of five active polygenetic Mexican volcanoes: Colima, Citlaltépetl, Nevado de Toluca, Popocatépetl and El Chichón, to obtain hazard estimates.  相似文献   

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