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京津唐地区地壳三维P波速度结构与地震活动性分析   总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用华北遥测地震台网和首都圈数字地震台网112个台站记录到的1993~2004年发生在首都圈地区3983次地震的P波绝对到时资料和相对到时资料,采用双差地震层析成像方法联合反演了京津唐地区地壳三维P波速度结构和震源参数.京津唐地区的三维P波速度结构图像在浅层上很好地反映了地表地质、地形的特征.在平原和凹陷的盆地处呈现P波低速速度异常,而在隆起的山区或基岩出露区显示为P波高速速度异常.在研究区域内震级M≥6.0历史地震和经过重新定位后的震级ML≥3.0的地震的震源位置在10 km深度和15 km深度处的P波相对速度扰动图上的投影都显示出相似的特点,即:绝大部分的地震的震源位置在P波相对速度扰动图上的投影分布在低、高速异常的交界地带,且偏高速体一侧,只有极少数的地震分布在P波速度异常体内部.  相似文献   

A new set of three-dimensional velocity models beneath Mt. Etna volcano is derived in the present work. We have used P- and S-wave arrivals from local earthquakes recorded at permanent and temporary seismic networks installed since 1980. A set of 1249 earthquakes recorded at more than four seismic stations was selected for traveltime inversion. The velocity models obtained by using different data selection criteria and parametrization display similar basic features, showing a high P-wave velocity at shallow depth in the SE quadrant, in close connection with a high gravimetric Bouguer anomaly. This area shares a low Vp/Vs ratio. High P-wave velocities and high Vp/Vs ratios are obtained along the central conduits, suggesting the presence of dense, intrusive magmatic bodies extending to a depth of about 20 km. The central intrusive core is surrounded by lower P-wave velocities. The relocated earthquake hypocenters also display the presence of an outward dipping brittle region, away from the central conduits, surrounding a ductile zone spatially related to the high P-wave velocity anomalies located in proximity to the central craters.  相似文献   

本文利用2010年1月至2020年6月巧家地震和鲁甸地震震源区周围发生地震事件的走时观测资料,应用双差层析成像方法获得了2014年MS6.5鲁甸地震和2020年5月18日巧家MS5.0地震周边区域中上地壳的P波速度结构.成像结果显示:整个研究区域的速度结构存在很强的非均匀性:在鲁甸地震震源区附近,浅部存在速度高达6.4...  相似文献   

联合芦山地震序列5285个地震的50711条P波初至绝对到时数据及7294691条高质量的相对到时数据,利用双差地震层析成像方法联合反演了芦山震源区高分辨率的三维P波速度精细结构及5115个地震震源参数.反演结果表明,芦山主震震中为30.28°N,103.98°E,震源深度为16.38 km,主震南西段余震扩展长度约23 km,余震前缘倾角较和缓,主震北东段余震扩展长度约12 km,余震前缘呈铲形,倾角较陡.芦山震源区P波三维速度结构表现出明显的横向不均匀性,近地表处的P波速度异常与地形起伏及地质构造密切相关:宝兴杂岩对应明显的高速异常,此异常由地表延伸到地下15 km深度附近,而中新生代岩石表现为低速异常;大兴附近区域亦显示出小范围的大幅度高速异常,宝兴高速异常与大兴高速异常在10 km深度附近相连,进而增加了芦山震源区的高低速异常对比幅度.在芦山主震的南西、北东两段速度结构存在着较大差异,芦山主震在水平向位于宝兴及大兴高速异常所包围的低速异常的前缘.主震南西段余震主要发生在倾向北西的高低速异常转换带上并靠近低速一侧,其下盘为低速异常,上盘为高速异常.而芦山主震北东段的余震主要分布在宝兴高速体与大兴高速体之间,主发震层向北西倾斜,主发震层上方的宝兴高速异常下边界出现一条南东倾向的反冲地震带,两地震带呈"y"型分布.  相似文献   

根据福建及台湾海峡南部海陆联测试验记录到的Pg和Pm震相走时数据,利用速度与界面联合成像方法构建地壳三维P波速度结构,揭示了该区地壳深部构造特征.结果表明:福建和台湾海峡海陆过渡带以及海峡南部地壳速度结构存在明显的不均匀性,滨海断裂两侧速度结构复杂,随深度呈现明显的分段特征,其上地壳海陆过渡带呈高速特性,台湾海峡呈低速特性;下地壳海陆过渡带呈低速特性,台湾海峡呈高速特性;研究区莫霍面的深度约为28~33 km,存在较明显差异,闽粤交接部位存在明显的地壳厚度减薄,莫霍面深度接近28 km,这与正常型华南活动地块与减薄型南海活动地块交汇致使地壳厚度减薄有关,体现了活动块体边界构造特征.历史大震主要发生在高低速异常过渡带且有深大断裂穿过的区域,现今中小震主要分布于闽粤海陆过渡带,这一特征可能与此地广泛发育的断层和华南与南海活动地块相互作用有关.  相似文献   

The mode serials of the Earth’s free oscillation provide some important information on the Earth’s deep structure and superconducting gravimeters (SG) can investigate the phenomena of the Earth’s free oscillations with high accuracy. The great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake fully excited the Earth’s free oscillations and these signals were perfectly recorded by five superconducting gravimeters in the globe. After the pre-treatment and spectral analysis on the SG observation data, we obtained the experimented mo...  相似文献   

A magnitude 5.5 earthquakes occurred in Eryuan County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China, on March 3. And a magnitude 5.0 earthquake occurred in the same place on April 17, 2013, i.e., 45 days later. Then, on May 21, 2021, multiple earthquakes, one with magnitude 6.4 and several at 5.0 or above, occurred in Yangbi County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China. All of these occurred in the Weixi-Qiaohou-Weishan fault zone. In this study, 1,874 seismic events in Yangbi and Eryuan counties were identified by automatic micro-seismic identification technology and the first arrivals were picked up manually. Following this, a total of 11,968 direct P-wave absolute arrivals and 73,987 high-quality P-wave relative arrivals were collected for joint inversion via the double difference tomography method. This was done to obtain the regional three-dimensional fine crustal P-wave velocity structure. The results show that the travel time residuals before and after inversion decreased from the initial –0.1–0.1 s to –0.06–0.06 s. The upper crust in the study area, which exhibited a low-velocity anomaly, corresponded to the basin region; this indicated that the low-velocity anomaly in the shallow part of the study area was affected by the basin. Results also showed some correlation between the distribution of the earthquakes and velocity structure, as there was a low-velocity body Lv1 with a wide distribution at depths ranging from 15–20 km in the Yangbi and Eryuan earthquake regions. In addition, earthquakes occurred predominantly in the high-low velocity abnormal transition zone. The low-velocity body in the middle and lower crust may be prone to concentrating upper crustal stress, thus leading to the occurrence of earthquakes.  相似文献   

Deception Island is a volcanic island with a flooded caldera that has a complex geological setting in Bransfield Strait, Antarctica. We use P-wave arrivals recorded on land and seafloor seismometers from airgun shots within the caldera and around the island to invert for the P-wave velocity structure along two orthogonal profiles. The results show that there is a sharp increase in velocity to the north of the caldera which coincides with a regional normal fault that defines the northwestern boundary of the Bransfield Strait backarc basin. There is a low-velocity region beneath the caldera extending from the seafloor to > 4 km depth with a maximum negative anomaly of 1 km/s. Refracted arrivals are consistent with a 1.2-km-thick layer of low-velocity sediments and pyroclastites infilling the caldera. Synthetic inversions show that this layer accounts for only a small portion of the velocity anomaly, implying that there is a significant region of low velocities at greater depths. Further synthetic inversions and melt fraction calculations are consistent with, but do not require, the presence of an extensive magma chamber beneath the caldera that extends downwards from ≤ 2 km depth.  相似文献   

天山造山带一直以来是研究盆山耦合作用的理想场所, 深入理解这一地区的壳幔结构对认识天山造山带深部动力学过程具有重要意义.本研究基于2009—2020年新疆区域数字地震台网固定台站、震后架设应急流动台站以及部分宽频带流动地震台站记录到的MS≥1.5地震到时资料, 采用双差地震层析成像方法反演获得了新疆天山中段精细的地壳和上地幔顶部三维P波速度结构和地震震源参数.结果显示: 新疆天山中段具有复杂的深浅构造关系, 地壳浅部及上地壳P波速度结构与地表地质构造密切相关, 高速异常区对应于天山造山带, 低速异常区对应于沉积盆地.研究区中东段中地壳和下地壳存在较大范围低速区, 与两侧准噶尔盆地和塔里木盆地上地壳和中地壳低速区相连, 且准噶尔盆地和塔里木盆地下地壳及上地幔顶部双向均向新疆天山中段下方倾斜.结合前人诸多研究成果推测, 在南北向构造挤压作用下, 塔里木盆地与准噶尔盆地双向向天山造山带壳幔岩石圈发生"层间插入与俯冲削减".重定位后地震分布显示, 地震震源深度优势范围为0~25 km, 主要沿断裂带、盆山结合部以及不同块体接触部位分布, 且与壳内低速体有较好的相关性.这些结果可能为研究新疆天山中段地壳和上地幔顶部速度结构和动力学过程提供参考依据.  相似文献   

1980—2012年河北省及邻区测震台网地震记录,使用了河北省南部及邻区(34.0°—38.0°N,112.0°—118.0°E)63个固定地震台站和4 540个地震事件,得到27 709条P波到时数据,采用速度结构与地震位置联合反演的方法,获得研究区内地壳P波三维速度结构,重新确定中小地震震源位置。速度结构揭示:研究区域内地壳的P波速度结构存在明显的横向不均匀性,在10—25 km深度上横向不均匀性更加显著;大地震基本发生在速度异常体或高低速交界区域。地震重新定位结果显示:地震P波走时均方根残差(RMS)从1.68 s降到0.82 s;地震呈明显条带状分布,震源深度与地质构造年代具有一定负相关性。  相似文献   

IntroductionUsingarrival-timeofobservedearthquakewavestoinfertheinteriorvelocitystrUctUreoftheearthisthebaseworkofgeophysics.Thepreviousstudyappliedclassicalmethodshaveobtainedmanymeaningfulresults(Jeffreys,Bullen,1940;Haddon,Bullen,1969;Mizutani,Abe,1972),andtodaytheseresultsstillisthefoundationbywhichweunderstandtheeaFth.Inthelasttwentyyears,alongwiththedevelopmentofseismicobservationarray,inversiontheoryandthepowerfulcomputer,theinversionmethodsanddatausingtoexplorethestructureofEarth'S…  相似文献   

青藏高原东北缘地壳三维速度结构   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
本文用1980—2000年M≥1.5的2 032个天然地震事件的38 052个〖AKP-〗、〖AKS-〗、Pm、Sm、Pn和Sn震相到时及人工地震测深给出的Moho面形态资料,利用地震层析技术反演了32°~40°N, 100°~108°E区域内地壳地震波速度结构.从层析成像图象中可以得到,本区的地壳可分成4个层位.第1层(埋深约在0~3 km)为沉积层, 速度梯度约为0.2 s-1;第2层(埋深约在3~17 km)为上地壳, 其顶部速度梯度约为0.1 s-1, 下部速度横向变化较大且存在低速块体;第3层(埋深约在17~36 km)为中地壳, 速度梯度约为0.03 s-1;第4层(埋深约在36 km—Moho)为下地壳, 是一个契形层,总的趋势是西厚东薄,青藏高原较厚逐渐向鄂尔多斯地块和扬子准地台方向变薄,各处的地震波速度梯度不尽相同.  相似文献   

青藏高原P波速度层析成像与岩石圈结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文



本文利用Envisat ASAR的升、降轨和宽幅数据,通过基于先验知识的最小二乘迭代逼近获取大柴旦2次地震的地表三维同震形变.结果表明,2008年MW6.3地震垂直向形变主要发生在断层南盘,以隆升形变为主,最大隆升量约10 cm,北盘沉降量小于等于-1 cm.东西向形变在南盘呈向东运动的特征,最大运动量约4 cm,北盘向西运动,最大运动量约为-2 cm.2009年MW5.8地震垂直向形变显示断层南盘抬升的特征,最大抬升量约27 cm,北盘最大沉降量约-3 cm.东西向形变表现为南盘向东运动,最大约10 cm,北盘向西运动,约为-4 cm.可以看出这两次地震均表现为逆冲为主,兼少量左旋走滑的震源特征.视线向结果无法判定同震形变的少量走滑特征,而地表三维分量可以有效地识别出少量左旋还是右旋走滑的震源特性.本文以视线向、垂直向、东西向形变量作为约束条件,利用Okada模型正演了2008年地震同震三维形变场.结果显示,采用逆冲兼少量左旋走滑的发震断层参数,视线向、垂直向、东西向正演结果与观测结果吻合.这也表明采用分解后的地表三维同震形变场可以有效地识别出发震断层的少量左旋走滑特征.  相似文献   

Maximum amplitude observations of local and regional seismic phases(S g and L g, with 800 km) recorded by stations of the I.N.G.National Seismological Network in the period 1994–1999 have beenused to investigate the attenuation of such phases in Italy. The propagationmodel adopted herein accounts for both geometrical spreading, with a termdepending on a given power of distance, and inelastic absorption of themedium, with a term depending exponentially on the distance. Fitting theparameters of the model with experimental data, we considered two cases:assuming a quality factor Q proportional to the frequency f orindependent of f. We compared our results with the values tabled byRichter in 1935, which are still used for the local magnitude estimate in theI.N.G. bulletins. The values found in this study are different than thosegiven by Richter. This suggests that these new values should be used insteadto compute the local magnitude in Italy.  相似文献   

Aso Volcano experienced a huge pyroclastic eruption 90 thousand years ago, and formed a large caldera (18 km × 25 km). In order to test the hypothesis of a magma body in the mid and lower crust that has been suggested geophysically and geochemically, we investigated seismic velocity discontinuities and velocity structure beneath Aso Caldera using receiver functions and a genetic algorithm inversion. We confirm the existence of the Moho at depths between 30 km and 35 km and a large velocity anomaly should exist in the deep portion of the crust beneath Aso Caldera, from imaging of receiver functions observed only at stations outside the caldera. As a result of a more detailed examination with GA inversion, a low velocity layer is detected at depths between 10 km and 24 km beneath the western part of the caldera. S-wave velocity of the layer is estimated to be 2.0–2.4 km/s. We estimate that the low velocity layer contains at most 15% melt or 30% aqueous fluid. The layer exists near the Conrad and at the same depths as the swarm of the low frequency earthquakes and a compressional and dilatational deformation source which are expected to be caused by fluid movement beneath the middle-eastern part of the caldera. Fluid contained in the layer might be related with huge pyroclastic eruptions of Aso Volcano.  相似文献   


华北是克拉通破坏的典型案例, 也是陆内强震活动最为强烈、频繁的地区之一, 对该区壳幔速度结构进行研究, 可为深化认识克拉通的形成演化、板内强震与火山发生机理等研究提供重要的深部约束. 利用202个固定台站、360个流动台站所记录到的天然地震事件P波资料和实测布格重力异常, 采用近震体波走时与重力联合反演方法获得了地壳、上地幔顶部P波速度结构. 重力资料的引入不仅对壳幔结构进行了更合理的约束, 而且有效提高了浅层和边缘射线分布稀疏区的成像能力. 联合成像结果显示, 鄂尔多斯地块和华北平原浅层表现为明显的低速异常, 可能与其存在厚的松软沉积层有关; 鄂尔多斯东部上地壳存在明显的P波高速异常, 推测该高速异常与古元古代孔兹岩带的形成有关.大同火山区15~25 km和25~40 km表现为明显的低速异常, 且这两个低速层是连通的, 推测与地幔热物质上涌导致的多期次岩浆侵位有关. 三河—平谷8.0级地震和邢台7.2级地震震源都位于脆性的上地壳, 均下伏低速异常, 推测在区域动力环境加载作用下, 韧性的壳内蠕变导致脆性上地壳岩石中弹性应变能的局部积累, 从而引起地震的发生.



利用布设在青藏高原东北缘地区的甘肃宽频带地震台阵记录到的远震P波走时数据,采用小波域参数化和基于L1范数的稀疏约束反演算法的多尺度层析成像方法,得到了该地区400 km深度范围内上地幔的P波速度结构.本文采用的多尺度层析成像方法可以自适应数据非均匀采样的情况,有效降低谱泄漏效应和反问题的多解性,明显提高解的分辨率和可靠性.层析成像结果表明青藏高原东北缘上地幔整体上显示为低速特征,扬子地块上地幔则显示为高速特征,两者之间上地幔存在清晰的块体边界带,该边界带位于东经104°-105°之间并且随深度的增加逐渐东移.该特征暗示了青藏高原上地幔物质向东扩张的机制,但在西秦岭上地幔顶部不存在物质运移的通道.青藏高原东北缘内部也具有明显的分区特征,松潘-甘孜地块上地幔P波速度整体呈低速特征,而柴达木地块的上地幔顶部具有相对高速特征,而在上地幔200 km以下这两个地块间的差别逐渐减小.1654年天水地震和1879年武都地震都发生在扬子地块与青藏高原的碰撞交汇区,其震中下方上地幔显示为高低速转换结构.


 Kuju Volcano lies near Aso Caldera at the center of Kyushu Island, western Japan. After a few hundred years of dormancy, a phreatic explosion accompanied by a small ash eruption occurred on 11 October 1995. This study was undertaken to determine the subsurface seismic velocity structure associated with the active magmatic regime in the Kuju volcanic region. The three-dimensional, upper crustal, P-wave velocity structure beneath Kuju Volcano was determined using methods for the simultaneous inversion of P-wave arrival times from local earthquakes in and around the Kuju volcanic region for velocities and hypocentral parameters. Results reveal two shallower low-velocity anomalies located in the northern and southern parts of Kuju Volcano, consistent with the presence of significant negative Bouguer gravity anomalies. In addition, a high-velocity anomaly is located approximately 5 km northwest of Mt. Kuju, one of the domes in Kuju Volcano. Beneath this high-velocity anomaly, a low-velocity anomaly is present. This velocity structure suggests a magmatic regime that has a lid consisting of cooled solid material overlying a chamber of partially molten material. Received: 23 September 1997 / Accepted: 20 June 1998  相似文献   

利用2002~2003年中国地震局地质研究所台阵实验室以唐山大震区为中心布设的40个流动宽频带地震台站和首都圈数字台网的33个宽频带台站的远震数据,采用接收函数非线性反演方法得到其中72个宽频带台站下方60 km深度范围内的S波速度结构.根据得到的各台站下方地壳上地幔的S波速度结构,并综合刘启元等(1997)用接收函数非线性反演方法得到的延怀盆地15个宽频带流动台站下方的地壳上地幔S波速度结构模型,给出了39°N~41°N,114°E~119.5°E区域内沿不同走向、不同深度S波速度分布.由于综合了利用首都圈数字地震台网的宽频带台站以及流动地震台阵的观测数据,本文给出了较前人同类研究空间分辨率更好的结果.结果表明: (1)研究区的速度结构,特别是怀来以东的速度结构十分复杂.在10~20 km深度范围内,研究区地壳具有高速和低速异常块体的交错结构.研究区中上地壳速度结构主要被与张渤地震带大体重合的NW向高速条带和穿越唐山大震区的NE向高速条带所控制,而其中下地壳的速度结构主要为延怀—三河—唐山地区上地幔隆起所控制.(2)研究区内存在若干壳内S波低速体,它们主要分布在唐山,三河及延怀盆地等地区.在这些地区,壳内低速体伴随着壳幔界面的隆起和上地幔顶部速度结构的横向变化.(3)地表断层分布与地壳速度结构分区有较好的相关性,表明断层对不同块体有明显的控制作用.其中,宝坻断裂,香河断裂和唐山断裂均为超壳断裂.(4)首都圈内大地震的分布与壳内低速体及上地幔顶部的速度结构有密切关系.对于唐山大地震的成因,仅考虑板块作用引起的水平应力场是不够的,有必要充分重视由于上地幔变形引起的地壳垂直变形和上地幔物质侵入造成的热效应.  相似文献   

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