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《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(10):1760-1780
Sulfide-rich mine tailings in Adak that are exposed to weathering cause acid mine drainage characterized by low pH (2–4) and high SO4 (up to 800 mg L−1). Surface water, sediment and soil samples collected in this study contain higher concentrations of As, Cu, Fe and Zn, compared to the target and/or intervention limits set by international regulatory agencies. In particular, high As concentrations in water (up to 2900 μg L−1) and sediment (up to 900 mg kg−1) are of concern. There is large variability in trace element concentrations, implying that both physical (grain size) and chemical factors (pH, secondary phases as sulfides, Al-oxides or clay minerals) play an important role in their distribution. The low pH keeps the trace elements dissolved, and they are transported farther downstream. Trace element partition coefficients are low (log Kd = 0.3–4.3), and saturation indices calculated with PHREEQC are <0 for common oxide and sulfidic minerals. The sediment and soil samples indicate an enhanced pollution index (up to 17), and high enrichment factors for trace elements (As up to 38,300; Zn up to 800). Finally, leaves collected from different plant types indicate bioaccumulation of several elements (As, Al, Cu, Fe and Zn). However, some of the plants growing in this area (e.g., Salix, Equisétum) are generally resistant to metal toxicity, and hence, liming and phytoremediation could be considered as potential on-site remediation methods.  相似文献   

Mining wastes and calcines from two abandoned mining areas (Valle del Azogue and Bayarque in Almería) have been characterized. In the mining wastes, the dominant mercury phases are cinnabar and elemental mercury in the matrix. In the calcines, however, the dominant mercury phase is elemental mercury bounded to the matrix. Water-leaching experiments were conducted on low-grade stockpiles and calcines in order to simulate the mobilization of mercury by runoff under environmental conditions. The laboratory column-leaching experiments show a possible mobilization of mercury from Hg0 dissolution, colloid transport and a possible dissolution of calomel and other soluble phases in the mine wastes from the Valle del Azogue and Bayarque mines. Equilibrium speciation modeling of Hg, conducted using the numerical code MINTEQ, showed that the theoretical dominant mercury species in the calcine and mining wastes samples are Hg(OH)2, HgCl2, HgClOH and Hg0. In some leachates obtained from the Valle del Azogue mining wastes (sample A06), the high Hg concentrations may indicate the possible dissolution of mineral phases such as calomel and other soluble phases, which are subsaturated. The environmental results indicate a great environmental mobility of mercury, especially during wet episodes associated with intense precipitation events, when there are significative amounts of secondary soluble minerals.  相似文献   

Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) has been applied to determine the elemental composition of the surface layer, as well as of the first interior layer, of quartz grains from the mine tailings from Kristineberg (northern Sweden) in order to determine concentration gradients between these two layers. The quartz grains were collected from the oxidized and unoxidized zones within the tailings. The aim of this study is to assess the role of quartz surfaces as sites for the attenuation of solutes from the mine-tailings porewater. Concentrations of Cu, Ag, Sb, Pb and Bi are highest near the surface of each grain and decrease towards the interior. The surface concentration of Cu, Zn and Pb is more pronounced within the unoxidized than within the oxidized zone of the tailings. Cu exhibits a distinct concentration peak at the surface of the quartz grains below the pre-remediation oxidation front. For Zn and Ce the trend of high surface concentration is less pronounced than for Cu or Pb. Silver, Bi and As are preferably adsorbed within the uppermost layers of the oxidized zone where the pH is as high as 6.2. The conversion of intensity signals of the elements to concentration values in ppm was done by using external standards (NIST silicate glass).  相似文献   

Mine tailings are ubiquitous in the landscapes of mined areas. Metal solubilities were compared in two chemically distinct mine tailings from the old Mining District of Cartagena-La Unión (SE Spain). One of the tailings was acidic (pH 3.0) with 5400 mg/kg Zn, 1900 mg/kg As and 7000 mg/kg Pb. The other was neutral (pH 7.4) with 9100 mg/kg Zn, 5200 mg/kg Pb and 350 mg/kg As. In samples from the acidic tailings, more than 15% of the Zn and 55% of the Cd were extractable with 0.1 M NaNO3, and distilled water. In the neutral tailings, using the same reagents, less than 1% of the metals were extractable. A sequential extraction procedure revealed that the sum of the residual and the Fe oxide fractions of Cu, Zn and Pb comprised 80–95% in the acidic tailings and 70–90% in the neutral tailings. The acidic mine tailings had a higher metal solubility, resulting in more metal leaching in the short-term, but also a higher fraction of inert metal. In contrast, in the neutral tailings, the metals were evenly distributed between, oxides and the residual fraction. This implies lower metal mobility in the short-term, but that metal mobility may increase in the long-term. When applied to mine tailings, sequential extractions may provide misleading results because the strong cation exchange capacity of some extractants may induce pH changes and thereby significantly change metal solubility.  相似文献   

The Tamra iron mine (Nefza mining district, N. Tunisia) has been exploited for about one century. There are, however, very few publications modelling the mineralisation within this 50 m-thick Messinian–Zanclean sedimentary series. We present the result of a detailed sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical study on the siliciclastic sediments heavily mineralised in iron. In their present state of preservation, these are rather unusual sediments, wherein most of sedimentological information is obliterated by iron impregnation. The whole series consists of a succession of fining-upward sequences (a few meters in thickness) that are capped by clay-bearing variegated and mottled horizons, each sequence being interpreted as a shallowing-upward sequence topped by an emersive horizon corresponding to a paleosoil. We propose that alteration and/or pedogenesis by the downward percolation of meteoric fluids accounts for most of the initial iron concentration, while a hydrothermal overprint, linked to the neighbouring Miocene magmatic rocks and associated mineral deposits (Sidi Driss Fe–Pb–Zn mine), accounts for the existing extreme iron enrichment. The proposed model is likely to apply to several other iron mines linked to the Miocene magmatic activity in the whole Maghreb area, and especially along the Apenninic thrust front (locally known as Tell-Rif front).  相似文献   

A Quaternary interglacial lake sediment record from the Piànico-Sèllere Basin (northern Italy) consists of biochemical calcite varves with intercalated detrital layers. At the end of the Piànico Interglacial, continuous varve formation was replaced by predominantly detrital sedimentation. However, 427 varve-years before this shift, an abrupt increase in the frequency and thickness of detrital layers occurred. Microfacies analyses reveal a total of 152 detrital layers, ranging from 0·2 to 20·15 mm in thickness, deposited during the last 896 years of the Piànico Interglacial. Three microfacies types are distinguished: (i) graded layers, (ii) non-graded silt layers, and (iii) matrix-supported layers. The position of detrital layers within an individual varve provides additional information on the season in which they have been deposited. Microfacies analyses in combination with varve counting further enabled precise varve-to-varve correlation of the detrital layers for two sediment sections cropping out ca 130 m apart. The detailed intra-basin correlation allows the source regions of detrital layers to be inferred. Moreover, micro-erosion at sub-millimetre scale has been established. Of the described facies types, only the accumulation of summer and spring graded and non-graded silt layers abruptly increased before the end of interglacial varve formation whereas non-graded winter silt and matrix-supported layers are randomly distributed over the entire study period. Heavy rainfalls are assumed to have triggered spring and summer graded layers, so that the occurrence of these layers is thought to be a proxy for extreme precipitation events in the past.  相似文献   

Stratigraphically important ammonites Deshayesites ex gr. deshayesi (d’Orbigny, 1840), Deshayesites sp. juv., and Paradeshayesites aff. callidiscus [Casey, 1961] from lower Aptian pelagic sediments at the Verkhorech’e Village have been described and depicted. The new finds and revision of previously found ammonites allow the recognition of ammonite zones Deshayesites volgensis and Deshayesites deshayesi in the Southwestern Crimea.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of Fe was determined in water, Fe-oxides and sulfides from the Tinto and Odiel Basins (South West Spain). As a consequence of sulfide oxidation in mine tailings both rivers are acidic (1.45 < pH < 3.85) and display high concentrations of dissolved Fe (up to 420 mmol l− 1) and sulphates (up to 1190 mmol l− 1).The δ56Fe of pyrite-rich samples from the Rio Tinto and from the Tharsis mine ranged from − 0.56 ± 0.08‰ to + 0.25 ± 0.1‰. δ56Fe values for Fe-oxides precipitates that currently form in the riverbed varied from − 1.98 ± 0.10‰ to 1.57 ± 0.08‰. Comparatively narrower ranges of values (− 0.18 ± 0.08‰ and + 0.21 ± 0.14‰) were observed in their fossil analogues from the Pliocene–Pleistocene and in samples from the Gossan (the oxidized layer that formed through exposure to oxygen of the massive sulfide deposits) (− 0.36 ± 0.12‰ to 0.82 ± 0.07‰). In water, δ56Fe values ranged from − 1.76 ± 0.10‰ to + 0.43 ± 0.05‰.At the source of the Tinto River, fractionation between aqueous Fe(III) and pyrite from the tailings was less than would be expected from a simple pyrite oxidation process. Similarly, the isotopic composition of Gossan oxides and that of pyrite was different from what would be expected from pyrite oxidation. In rivers, the precipitation of Fe-oxides (mainly jarosite and schwertmannite and lesser amounts of goethite) from water containing mainly (more than 99%) Fe(III) with concentrations up to 372 mmol l− 1 causes variable fractionation between the solid and the aqueous phase (− 0.98‰ < Δ56Fesolid–water < 2.25‰). The significant magnitude of the positive fractionation factor observed in several Fe(III) dominated water may be related to the precipitation of Fe(III) sulphates containing phases.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic analysis of alluvial/colluvial sequences and 14C dating have been used as proxies for Holocene climate changes in the highlands of Tigray (northern Ethiopia). The studied records show alternations of buried soils and peaty–clayey sediments, pointing to wet, stabilization phases, and organic-free colluvium layers resulting from the abrupt occurrence of dry-climate episodes. The 14C dates, mostly unpublished, cluster in the 11,090–9915, 9465–9135, 8450–7330, 6720–3635, 2710–2345, and 1265–790 cal yr B.P. time spans. Evidence of subsequent pedogenesis is lacking in the area, apart from a buried humified horizon dated at 300 ± 60 14C yr B.P. (460–295 cal yr B.P.). Both the timing and the pattern of Tigray paleoclimatic events fit the corresponding framework, based on lake level changes, previously implemented for the Main Rift Valley. These findings give further support for arguing that the forcing mechanisms of the wet/dry fluctuations during the Holocene were effective over a large scale.  相似文献   

杜胜江  温汉捷  张锦让  杨光树 《地质学报》2023,97(10):3347-3362
滇东南是我国重要的钨锡多金属成矿区,老君山矿集区是其重要组成部分,围绕燕山期老君山复式花岗岩体,分布有都龙、南秧田、新寨大型-超大型Sn-W多金属矿床及多个中小型矿床(点)。该区地质演化复杂,Sn、W多金属可能存在多期成矿作用,包括燕山期、印支期和加里东期。由于目前该区发现的Sn-W矿化多分布于老君山岩体南、东侧,而岩体北部Sn-W成矿作用的研究相对较薄弱,特别是成矿年代学方面,多数矿床依然缺少精确同位素年代学数据,制约了该区Sn-W多金属成矿作用的认识和地质勘探的深入。长田是老君山岩体北缘代表性W (Sn)多金属矿床,区内加里东期和燕山期花岗岩均有分布,由于缺少年代学数据和地质地球化学研究,W(Sn)成矿作用的认识尚缺少实际地质地球化学依据,难以建立合理的成矿模式,制约了区内地质勘探的深入和突破。基于此,本文通过对长田W (Sn)矿床中白钨矿及共生萤石的Sm-Nd同位素定年,分别获得97 Ma和79 Ma两个年代学数据,显示该矿床钨矿化主成矿期应为燕山晚期,与老君山花岗岩活动时限一致,表明长田钨成矿作用与燕山期老君山花岗岩的侵入活动关系密切,而与加里东期岩浆活动关系不大。该成果丰富了...  相似文献   

The Gümü hane area near Artvin is highly characteristic due to a significant hydrothermal alteration zone genetically associated with a microdiorite stock and its late-stage derivatives in the form of porphyry plugs that intruded into all the pre-Middle Eocene lithologies. The porphyry intrusion is multi-stage, intermediate to felsic in composition, and divided into pre-ore feldspar porphyries and quartz–feldspar porphyries, syn-ore feldspar–amphibole porphyries, and post-ore feldspar porphyries. Sericitic alteration is dominant, but K-silicate alteration is also observed and is characterised mainly by secondary feldspars, biotites, quartz, anhydrite, magnetite and pyrite veinlets. The central part of the alteration and the porphyry system where syn-ore feldspar–amphibole porphyry outcrops coincides with intense quartz stock-working with anomalous but uneconomical Cu and Au values. In this zone, pyrite is ubiquitous and is accompanied by chalcopyrite and lesser sphalerite, sulphosalts, molybdenite, bornite and magnetite. Chemical analyses of surface and drill core samples show that overall Au and Cu values are around 0.5 ppm and 0.3%, respectively, and that they are in the ranges of 1–2 ppm and 0.3–0.4%, respectively, in the densest stock-work zones.Multi-phase intrusion of porphyries into Late Cretaceous limestone also caused replacement fronts along re-crystallised limestone and porphyry contacts. This type of mineralisation is enriched in Mn, Zn, Cu, Au and Ba, and contains on average 4.7% MnO, 3.2% FeO, 3.1% Zn, 0.95% Cu, 0.3% Pb, 200 ppb Au, 900 ppm Bi and 660 ppm Ba, present in Fe- and Mn-oxides, pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and lesser bornite, sulphosalts and gold. Supergene oxidation is well developed in these zones.Hydrothermal alteration mass change calculations reflect an intimate relationship between the two types of mineralisation. The lithologies near mineralised fronts are highly depleted in MnO and Zn, and the intensity of depletion is reduced away from the contact into the porphyry. The leached elements are added to the re-crystallised limestone block in which MnO and Zn show an 81-fold and 472-fold increase, respectively, over the least altered limestone. Au and Cu are enriched along the contact both in the porphyry and in the limestone, implying that they may have been derived either from other lithologies in the vicinity or the magma itself.  相似文献   

In the last decade, the Atlantic coast of south-eastern Brazil has been affected by increasing deforestation and anthropogenic effluents. Sediments in the coastal lagoons have recorded the process of such environmental change. Thirty-seven sediment samples from three cores in Piratininga Lagoon, Rio de Janeiro, were analyzed for their major components and minor element concentrations in order to examine geochemical characteristics and the depositional environment and to investigate the variation of heavy metals of environmental concern. Two multivariate analysis methods, principal component analysis and cluster analysis, were performed on the analytical data set to help visualize the sample clusters and the element associations. On the whole, the sediment samples from each core are similar and the sample clusters corresponding to the three cores are clearly separated, as a result of the different conditions of sedimentation. Some changes in the depositional environment are recognized using the results of multivariate analysis. The enrichment of Pb, Cu, and Zn in the upper parts of cores is in agreement with increasing anthropogenic influx (pollution).  相似文献   

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