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MORSE  S. A. 《Journal of Petrology》1970,11(2):221-251
Alkali feldspars with water at 5 kb begin to melt at an isobariceutectic: 703±2 °C, Or 28.5 (wt. per cent) recalculatedanhydrous. The liquidus of albite-H2O at 5 kb is 758±3°C. The K feldspar-rich, water-saturated liquidus is essentiallythat of Yoder, Stewart, & Smith (1957), who furthermorefound orthoclase-H2O to melt at 876 °C. The alkali feldspar solvus, determined by synthesis from glassand a few reversals using crystalline material, has a calculatedcritical temperature of 730 °C and a critical compositionof Or31 (wt. per cent) using parametric equations (Thompson& Waldbaum, 1969). The Margules equation yields Tc = 738°C. The feldspars produced are structural equivalents oflow sanidine on the basis of their 060 and 04 powder X-ray diffractionpeaks. The critical line intersects the beginning of meltingcurve for the system Ab-Or-H2O at 4.2 kb, 715 °C, the minimumconditions for the coexistence of two feldspars and liquid inthis system. The slope of the critical line, using Orville's (1963) 2 kbresults, is 18.3 °C/kb, leading to an intersection withthe kyanite-sillimanite curve of Richardson, Bell, & Gilbert(1968) at about 10.6 kb, 834 °C. The intersection with theandalusite-sillimanite curve of these authors (1969) falls atabout 3.5 kb, 703 °C. Such intersections may be used toestimate limits of P and T for a variety of crustal rocks. Because isobaric crystallization of feldspars in the water-deficientregion must enrich liquids in H2O to the saturation point, haplosyeniticliquids with a finite initial water content must, at 5 kb totalpressure, eventually crystallize two feldspars.  相似文献   

The stability of chloritoid, FeAl2SiO6H2O, was investigatedat fluid pressures less than 10 kb. At oxygen fugacities definedby the Ni-NiO buffer, chloritoid reacts to Fe-cordierite andhercynite spinel at 550 and 575 °C at 1 and 2 kb fluid pressure.At pressures between 2.5 and 3.5 kb the assemblage aluminousferro-anthophyllite, staurolite and hercynite spinel appears.The breakdown of chloritoid to this assemblage takes place at625, 650, and 675 °C at 5.5, 7.0, and 8.7 kb, respectively.The aluminous ferro-anthophyllite assemblage is stable onlyover 50 °C, reacting with increasing temperature to almandine,staurolite, and hercynite spinel. Under the QFM buffer, thesame equilibria are displaced to higher temperatures and thealuminous ferro-anthophyllite bearing field is further restrictedwith respect to temperature. The 7 Å chamosite assemblage,previously considered to be the metastable equivalent of chloritoidat low pressures, is shown to be unstable and chloritoid canbe synthesized at pressures as low as 1 kb. An analysis of the equilibria and related experimental datapermits the construction of a schematic P-T grid which outlinesthe stability limits of several important mineral assemblagesin this system. Although the experimental and natural systemsare not strictly analogous, there is an excellent degree ofcorrespondence between the defined upper limit of chloritoidstability and previous estimates of the facies boundaries itserves to define.  相似文献   

本文叙述了不同粒径的石英砂粒的物理力学特性与声速关系的室内试验研究,着重探讨了容重、含水量与纵波波速、横波波速之间的关系,给出了以含水量为参数的容重与纵横波速度间的关系式,以及空隙比与纵横波速度之间的关系式。此外分析了在各种不同含水量时,容重、空隙比与波速的单调变化关系,并给出了相应的表达式。  相似文献   

The correlations of sound wave velocities and physical properties of quartz sand with different grain size were investigated through laboratory tests. Emphases were put on studying the relationship between density, water content and longitudinal and shear wave velocities. The equations which show the correlation of density, void ratio and longitudinal and shear wave velocities, and with water content as a parameter are given in this paper. In addition, the monotonic relations of density, void ratio and sound wave velocities for sands with different water content are also presented.  相似文献   

In the system CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-Na2O-H2O under 5 kb pressurethe invariant equilibrium forsterite-orthopyroxene-Ca-rich clinopyroxene-amphibole-plagioclase-liquid-vapourhas been identified at 960?12 ?C. A similar invariant assemblagewith spinel replacing Ca-rich clinopyroxene exists at 950?8?C. The liquid in the former equilibrium contains 16.5 per cent(wt.) normative quartz and 3 per cent Na2O; the plagioclaseis more calcic than An87; the pyroxenes contain about 3 percent Al2O3 and the amphibole is hypersthene-normative. Two anhydrousthermal maxima, the olivine-Ca-rich clinopyroxene-plagioclaseand the orthopyroxene-Ca-rich clinopyroxene-plagioclase dividezones are not encountered in this system, and nepheline-normativeliquids may crystallize amphibole?olivine?Ca-rich clinopyroxeneto produce quartz-normative residual liquids of andesite-typecomposition. A thermal maximum involving amphibole-olivine-Ca-richclinopyroxene-liquid-vapour exists for liquids containing approximately11 per cent normative nepheline and liquids more undersaturatedthan this will crystallize these phases to produce extremelynephelinitic liquids. Phase diagrams are presented which facilitate the predictionof crystallization sequences and liquid evolution paths forany basic or intermediate composition under the conditions employedhere.  相似文献   

Equilibrium H2O pressure (PeH2O) was fixed at values less thantotal pressure (PT) in melting experiments on mixtures of 1921Kilauea tholeiite, H2O, and CO2 (58.5 mole per cent H2O, 41.5mole per cent CO2), buffered by Ni+NiO. New determinations ofthe beginning of melting of mixtures of 1921 Kilauea tholeiiteand H2O buffered by quartz+fayalite+magnetite were made at 2and 3 kb. Microprobe analyses of coexisting glass, clinopyroxene,?olivine, ?amphibole were determined for several runs. Decreasing H2O fugacity (fH2O) to about six-tenths the fugacityof pure H2O (f?II2O) raises the solidus and the upper stabilitylimit of plagioclase. Plagioclase and clinopyroxene coexistin equilibrium with liquid-a feature not observed in the pureH2O system. Amphibole is stable to about 970 ?C at 2 kb, 1025?C at 5 kb and 1060 ?C at 8 kb. The Al (VI)+Ti contents of theamphibole increase with P, yielding kaersutite at 1050 ?C and8 kb. Calculated modes for the condensed phases reveal large differencesin the amount of glass (liquid) present and large differencesin liquid composition below and above the breakdown temperatureof amphibole at 5 and 8 kb. Liquids coexisting with amphibole,clinopyroxene, olivine, and magnetite are dacitic near the solidusand silica-rich andesites around 1000 ?C at 5 and 8 kb. Theresults of this study substantiate the model for the generationof the calc-alkaline suite by partial melting of H2O-rich basalts.  相似文献   

条分法中土条周边水压力与渗透力之间的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时卫民  付玉辉 《岩土工程技术》2007,21(3):123-125,152
目前在边坡稳定分析中,常常存在土条周边水压力与渗透力同时考虑的现象,导致水压力的重复考虑。针对这个问题,以瑞典条分法为例,通过用流网性质来确定土条周边水压力的方法,研究了条分法中土条周边水压力与渗透力之间的关系,得出了渗透力与土条中的水重和周边静水压力是一对平衡力的结论,澄清了模糊认识,纠正了计算方法。  相似文献   

This paper describes the melting relations of three basalts,a Picture Gorge tholeiite, the 1921 Kilauea olivine tholeiite,and the 1801 Hualalai alkali basalt, at 5 kb water pressure,680–1045 °C, at the oxygen fugacities of the quartz-fayalite-magnetite(QFM) and hematite-magnetite (HM) buffer. All melts producedwithin the hornblende stability field are strongly quartzo-feldspathic.All are quartz-normative, including those from the alkali basalt,and all but two of the melts are corundum-normative. Melt compositionshows very little dependence on oxygen fugacity within the hornblendestability field, as MgO and FeO contents are very low. Whenhornblende begins to melt extensively (1000°–1045°C), the TiO2, FeO, and MgO contents of the melt increaseabruptly. In this range, melts formed on the HM buffer havemuch higher Mg/Fe ratios and lower TiO2 than melts formed onthe QFM buffer. Melt composition is also quite insensitive to changes in basaltcomposition, within the hornblende stability field. The chiefexception is the Na/Ca ratio, which varies directly with Na/Cain the starting basalt. When projected into the Ab-An-Or-Qzquaternary system, all melts produced follow a rather narrowspiral path through the tetrahedron; they descend from the Ancorner, moving toward Qz at constant Ab/Or, moving toward Oronly when plagioclase± quartz begin to precipitate. The melting behavior of hornblende, plagioclase, and augitein these experiments has been examined closely, with the followingresults: successive partial melts may differ from each otherby compositional increments which are very different in compositionfrom the minerals contributing to the melt in the temperatureinterval under consideration. These increments can almost neverbe expressed solely in terms of members of the one or two mineralsolid solutions from which they are actually derived. In a fewcases the increments cannot be expressed in terms of any reasonablecombination of minerals. This pattern contrasts markedly withthat observed in fractional crystallization, in which the differencebetween successive melts must always correspond to present orpossible phenocryst minerals. The contrast implies that magmaseries generated by any kind of melting process, equilibriumor fractional, should be recognizably different from seriesgenerated by fractional crystallization, if minerals like hornblendeor pyroxene are involved.  相似文献   

Stability Relations of the Ferruginous Biotite, Annite   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Annite, KFe3AISi3O10(OH)2 a member of the iron biotites andthe ferrous analogue of phlogopite, has been synthesized andits phase relations have been determined as functions of temperature,fugacity of oxygen (fo2), and total pressure (PtotalPH2O+PH2).A method for controlling fo2at high total pressures is described,and data for the ‘oxygen buffers’ used are given.Buffers range from quartz+iron+fayalite assemblages (low fo2)to magnetite-hematite assemblages (high fo2). Optical propertiesand unit-cell dimensions of synthetic annites depend on theconditions of synthesis. By recalculating published analyses of natural iron-rich biotitesit can be shown that one cannot assume a constant hydrogen contentfor such biotites. Oxidation may have occurred by drying at115?C. Octahedral occupancy therefore cannot be calculated fromsuch data. Phase relations of annite are presented in 2,070 and 1,035 barsections. Depending on fo2-T values annite was found to decomposeto one of the following assemblages: hematite+ sanidine, magnetite+sanidine,fayalite+leucite+kalsilite, iron+sanidine. All decompositionsare dehydration and redox reactions and are sensitive to changesin fH20 and fo2 (or fH20 and fH2). At 2, 070 bars total pressureannite+magnetite+sanidine can coexist between 425?C and 825?C, depending upon the magnitude of fo2. In the presence of quartz the stability field of annite is morerestricted. Phase equilibria in the system KAlSiO4–SiO2–Fe–O2–H2have been summarized schematically. Wherever possible, thermodynamic extrapolations are made totest the internal consistency of the data. Enthalpies of formationare calculated for both annite and phlogopite. Ranges of fo2values in nature as well as mechanisms for changes in fo2 areinvestigated. It is useful to distinguish between assemblageswhich are internally buffered with respect to fo2changes andthose which are not buffered. The applications of individualreactions involving annite to specific geologic problems arediscussed with respect to igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentaryrocks.  相似文献   

高温高压水流体中矿物的溶解度是研究地球内部水流体-固体相互作用过程中元素活化、迁移和沉淀以及热液组成、性状及演化的必备参数。石英作为地壳最基本的组成矿物,其在高温高压水流体中的溶解度在地球内部热液作用研究中具有极为重要的意义,迄今已有许多学者对石英在高温高压水流体中的溶解度作过研究。本文通过系统总结前人有关研究成果,从实验技术、影响因素以及石英的赋存状态和溶解度模型等方面介绍了高温高压水流体中石英溶解度的研究进展,对目前该研究存在的问题作出了评述,并对未来该研究的发展趋势进行了预测。  相似文献   

Hydrothermal synthesis and investigations of stability relationsof Mg—Al pumpellyite were conducted using high-pressurecold-seal apparatus over the temperature range 250–600°C and 2–8 kb Pfluid. Mg—Al pumpellyite Ca4Al5MgSi6O21(OH)7was synthesized from partially crystalline gel mixtures of stoichiometriccomposition at 275–410 °C, 6–9 kb Pfluid, andruns of 7–90 days. Pure monomineralic synthetic Mg—Alpumpellyite has refractive index nß = 1.624 (2) andcell dimensions = 8.825 (8) Á, b = 5.875 (5) Á,c = 19.10 (1) Á, and ß = 97.39 (7)°. The high temperature assemblage of the equivalent bulk compositionconsists of clinozoisite, hydrogrossular/grossular, aluminousseptechlorite/chlorite, quartz, and H2O. Hydrogrossular wassynthesized in the presence of quartz at 8 kb from 400–500°C, and hydrogrossular + quartz are unstable with respectto grossular + H2O at 400 °C and 8 kb Pfluid. At 8 kb Pfluid,aluminous septechlorite forms at temperatures below 500 °Cwhereas aluminous 14 Á chlorite crystallizes at 500–600°C. The equilibrium relations of Mg—Al pumpellyite were determinedusing subequal mixtures of synthetic Mg—Al pumpellyiteand its high temperature assemblage. The reaction 9 Mg—Alpumpellyite = 9 clinozoisite + 6 grossular + 2 chlorite + 4quartz + 19 H2O occurs at temperatures of 390 °C at 8 kb,368 °C at 5 kb, and near 325 °C at 2 kb Pfluid. Thereversal data yield an approximate value of –3141 joules/mole°K for the standard entropy of formation for the syntheticMg—Al pumpellyite. The Schreinemakers' relations for pumpellyite, prehnite, clinozoisite,tremolite, grossular, and amesite in the presence of excessquartz and fluid were constructed in the pseudo-ternary systemCaO–Al2O3–MgO(SiO2–H2O). The results, togetherwith reconnaissance experiments on the reaction 4 Mg—Alpumpellyite + 2 quartz = 8 prehnite + aluminous septechlorite+ 2 H2O, locate the invariant point [TR] at approximately 5.7kb Pfluid and 375 °C. The results of the present study arenot compatible with previous experimental data on the invariantpoint [GR]. The P–T oriented phase relations are used to interpretsome natural parageneses developed in low-grade metabasalticrocks recrystallized under conditions of low co2. The high-temperaturestability relations of Mg—Al pumpellyite are useful todenote the onset of greenschist facies metamorphism in rocksof basaltic composition.  相似文献   

The phase relations of three basalts, the Picture Gorge tholeiite,the 1921 Kilauea olivine tholeiite, and the 1801 Hualalai alkalibasalt, were studied at 5 kb water pressure, 680–1000°C,at the oxygen fugacities of the quartz-fayalite-magnetite (QFM)and hematite-magnetite (HM) buffers. In the range 680–850 °C, the crystalline assemblageon the QFM buffer is dominantly hornblende+ plagioclase, ±ilmenite, magnetite, sphene, fayalitic olivine, and phlogopiticmica. From 875 to 1000 °C the crystalline assemblage ishornblende+ olivine± augite+ ilmenite± magnetite.A melt phase is present from 700 to 1000 °C; a vapor phasewas present in all charges. The hornblendes formed on the QFM buffer range in compositionfrom common green hornblendes at low temperatures to kaersutitichornblendes at 1000 °C. A1(IV) and Ti increase temperature.AI(VI) passes through a maximum near 825 °C, decreasingboth above and below this temperature. AI(IV) is proportionalto the sum A1(VI)+2Ti. There is a positive linear correlationof approximately 3 : 1 between AI(IV) and the number of cationsin the A-site. The most likely explanation for this correlationat present is that the substitution of AI(VI) or Ti+4for a divalentcation creates local charge imbalances in the amphibole structurewhich can be compensated only by further A-site substitution.There also appears to be a correlation between the a-cell dimensionof hornblende and the A-site occupancy. Above a thresh holdvalue of approxmately 0.5 cations in A, a increases as A-siteoccupancy increases. Phase relations on the hematite-magnetite buffer are considerablysimpler. The hornblendes show relatively little change in compositionas temperature increases, and in the tholelitic compositionsbreak down at or below 970 °C 35–60 °C above thefirst appearance of augite±olivine. The melting of hornblendeis incongruent in all cases. The Fe-Ti oxides are pseudo-brookiteand titanohematite; at 1000 °C these oxides make up 10 percent by weight of the assemblage and contain most of the Tio2and FeO in the charge. The patterns of hornblende variation observed in this studycompare closely with those reported in a wide range of experimentaland field data. The appearance of high-TiO2 kaersutitic hornblendesin the tholeities at 1000° C, PH2O= 5 kb on the QFM bufferimplies that the restricted occurence of kaersutite in nature(where it is associated only with mafic to intermediate alkalicrocks) is controlled by volatile content (H2O,F2)rather thanby differences in condensed bulk composition.  相似文献   

超高压变质岩中柯石英→石英相变研究的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙卧云  孟大维 《世界地质》2003,22(3):252-257
柯石英是石英的高压同质多相变体,是超高压变质作用的产物,它是识别超高压变质作用的重要标志矿物。柯石英的发现表明了近地表的岩石随板块运动曾被俯冲至地下大于90km的深度并经受了超高压变质作用。研究柯石英→石英相变过程中的微结构变化,对进一步研究超高压变质作用的机理及超高压变质岩折返过程的动力学机制具有重要意义。本文简述了近年来有关超高压变质岩中柯石英→石英相变研究的一些进展。  相似文献   

梁金龙  孙晓明  徐莉  翟伟  汤倩  梁业恒 《地质学报》2006,80(12):1904-1910
单斜辉石中发育石英出溶体是UHP变质作用的典型矿物学标志之一,在世界上著名UHP变质地体中屡有发现。本文利用激光Raman光谱和电子探针分析在中国大陆科学钻探先导孔(CCSD-PP1)榴辉岩岩心的绿辉石中发现了大量石英(棒)出溶现象。通过与CCSD主孔榴辉岩各种赋存形式的绿辉石成分对比,发现含石英出溶体的绿辉石具有超硅特征,这是出溶现象发生的决定性因素之一。结合高压实验岩石学资料,提出在UHP变质的峰值期部分Si进入六次配位的Si-O八面体位置,压力降低这部分Si析出,形成石英出溶体的出溶机制。结合新的矿物学研究进展,认为绿辉石中出溶石英所标志的压力应远大于前人提出的2.5GPa,意味着苏鲁超高压变质带陆壳物质的俯冲深度要大于目前一般认为的80~120km范围。  相似文献   

Scapolite solid solution has been synthesized at 750°C and 4 kbar and is stable relative to plagioclase + calcite + halite over the range of plagioclase compositions from Ab85An15 to Ab70An30, although albite + halite is stable relative to marialite, Na4Al3Si9O24Cl, and anorthite + calcite is stable relative to meionite, Ca4Al6Si6O24CO3. A chloride-free scapolite, mizzonite, has been synthesized at the approximate composition NaCa3Al5Si7O24CO3 (Ab. 2An. CaCO3). In the absence of chloride, a three-phase invariant assemblage, sodic plagioclase (~Ab60An40) + scapolite + calcite is stable relative to plagioclase + calcite over the approximate range of plagioclase composition Ab60An40-Ab35An65 and another three-phase invariant assemblage, calcic plagioclase (~Ab15An85) + scapolite + calcite is stable over the approximate range Ab30An70-An15An85.Unit-cell dimensions and refractive indices have been determined for the scapotite synthesized in these experiments and are compared with values for chemically analyzed natural scapolites.Scapolite must be regarded as a ternary solid solution in which, at a given equivalent An-content, the Cl/CO3 ratio in the large anion site can vary as a function of NaCl and CaCO3 activities.  相似文献   

The thermal equilibrium for the reaction Fe-staurolite+quartz=almandine+sillimanite+H2Ohas been reversed at 3?25 and 5?00 kb pressure using a well-characterizednatural Fe-rich staurolite. Long run times of 100 days at 3?25kb and 60 days at 5 kb, in addition to pretreatments of thealmandine+sillimanite+quartz by annealing at the experimentalP and T for 30 days prior to the experimental run, increasedthe probability that equilibrium was attained and that sufficientamounts of reaction had occurred to allow its detection. Reaction direction was determined by directly observing surfacemorphologies of the staurolites with the Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM), a technique that permits evaluation of stability andinstability even when the extent of reaction is minor. Growthand dissolution appear to be crystallographically controlledbut produce distinct morphologies that allow mterpretation ofthe reaction direction. Growth of staurolite develops by a face-selectiveprocess, such that small step-like features overgrow the originalseed staurolite surface. Dissolution produces simpler, blockierforms locally transected by etch pits. Based on textural criteria for staurolite stability and instability,the equilibrium boundary is located between 643' and 658?C at3?25 kb and between 673 and 688?C at 5 kb. This phase boundaryhas a shallower dP/dT slope and lies {small tilde}25?C lowerthan the previous experimental investigation at low pressure(Richardson, 1968). However, this study has not solved the apparentdiscrepancy between the experimentally determined thermal stabilityof staurolite and natural occurrences of staurolite (the stauroliteproblem). For the experimentally determined staurolite curveto agree with natural staurolite occurrences, the experimentalequilibrium boundary would have to be {small tilde}50? lowerthan that indicated by the results of this study. Additionalthermochemical discrepancies are most likely related to thecomplex crystal chemistry of staurolite. *Present address: Department of Geology & Geophysics, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803  相似文献   

A large number of aqueous metal complexes contribute significantly to hydrothermal, metamorphic, and magmatic processes in the crust of the Earth. Nevertheless, relatively few thermodynamic data other than dissociation constants (K) for a few dozen of these complexes have been determined experimentally at elevated temperatures and pressures. The calculations summarized below are intended to supplement these experimental data by providing interim predictions of the thermodynamic properties of supercritical aqueous metal complexes using the revised HKF (Helgeson et al., 1981) equations of state for aqueous species (Tanger and Helgeson, 1988; Shock et al., 1992) and correlations among equations of state parameters and standard partial molal properties at 25 degrees C and 1 bar (Shock and Helgeson, 1988, 1990; Shock et al., 1989). These equations and correlations permit retrieval of the conventional standard partial molal entropies (mean S0), volumes (mean V0), and heat capacities (mean C0P) of aqueous metal complexes at 25 degrees C and 1 bar from published values of log K in the supercritical region and the limited number of experimental dissociation constants available in the literature over relatively short ranges of elevated temperature at PSAT (PSAT and SAT are used in the present communication to refer to pressures corresponding to liquid-vapor equilibrium for the system H2O except at temperatures <100 degrees C, where they refer to the reference pressure of 1 bar). The standard partial molal properties computed in this way can then be used to generate corresponding values of delta mean S0, delta mean V0, and delta mean C0P of association, which for similar complexes correlate linearly with mean S0, mean V0 and mean C0P, respectively, of the constituent cations and ligands at 25 degrees C and 1 bar. Generalizing these correlations and combining them with the equations of state permits prediction of the temperature and pressure dependence of log K and other thermodynamic properties of a large number of aqueous metal complexes. As a consequence, it is possible to retrieve values of log K at 25 degrees C and 1 bar from the results of hydrothermal experiments at higher temperatures and pressures or to predict values of log K at hydrothermal conditions when no experimental data are available at temperatures and pressures above 25 degrees C and 1 bar. Such predictions can be made for temperatures and pressures from 0 degrees C and 1 bar to 1000 degrees C and 5000 bars.  相似文献   

静水压力对岩体边坡抗滑移稳定性的影响无处不在,在河道和水库两岸常会发现因河道或水库水位的交替消长而发生岸边岩体的滑移与坍塌,通过长期的观察和总结,发现这种情况的发生与岩体边坡外邻水水位的消长以及岩体节理裂缝内水位的变化密切相关。本文通过对水位在不同变化情况下边坡稳定性的定量分析,结合不同实际场景,讨论了边坡外邻水和节理裂缝内充水这两种情况对岩体边坡稳定性影响大小的对比,得出了以下结论:岩体边坡外邻水水位的上涨会增大岩体边坡的抗滑移稳定性;而岩体节理裂缝内水位的上涨会减小岩体边坡的抗滑移稳定性,并定量对比了二者之间的大小关系。  相似文献   

在煤层底板突水发生过程中,矿山压力和底板承压水起着重要的作用。煤炭采出后,围岩失去原有的平衡,除顶板岩层产生破坏及移动外,底板岩层也相应遭到一定程度的破坏和影响,在一定的条件下,发生底板突水事故。  相似文献   

张辉 《中国煤田地质》2004,16(Z1):43-44
以东 欢坨 矿 北 一 采区 2188采面 回 采 时 发生 突 水 为 例,通 过 观 测 孔 水 位 、水 质 化 验 、瞬 变 电 磁 对 突 水 水 源 进 B行 了分 析 ;通 过顶 底板 的 破坏 机理 对 突水 通道 进 行了 分析 ,并 通过 实 践找 出了 防 治水 方法 。  相似文献   

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