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Abstract Five basalt samples from the Point Sal ophiolite, California, were examined using HRTEM and AEM in order to compare observations with interpretations of XRD patterns and microprobe analyses. XRD data from ethylene-glycol-saturated samples indicate the following percentages of chlorite in mixed-layer chlorite–smectite identified for each specimen: (i) L2036 ± 50%, (ii) L2035 ± 70 and 20%, (iii) 1A-13 ± 70%, (iv) 1B-42 ± 70%, and (v) 1B-55 = 100%. Detailed electron microprobe analyses show that 'chlorite'analyses with high Si, K, Na and Ca contents are the result of interlayering with smectite-like layers. The Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratios of mixed-layer phyllosilicates from Point Sal samples are influenced by the bulk rock composition, not by the percentage of chlorite nor the structure of the phyllosilicate.
Measurements of lattice-fringe images indicate that both smectite and chlorite layers are present in the Point Sal samples in abundances similar to those predicted with XRD techniques and that regular alternation of chlorite and smectite occurs at the unit-cell scale. Both 10- and 14-Å layers were recorded with HRTEM and interpreted to be smectite and chlorite, respectively. Regular alternation of chlorite and smectite (24-Å periodicity) occurs in upper lava samples L2036 and 1A-13, and lower lava sample 1B-42 for as many as seven alternations per crystallite with local layer mistakes. Sample L2035 shows disordered alternation of chlorite and smectite, with juxtaposition of smectite-like layers, suggesting that randomly interlayered chlorite (<0.5)–smectite exists. Images of lower lava sample 1B-55 show predominantly 14-Å layers. Units of 24 Å tend to cluster in what may otherwise appear to be disordered mixtures, suggesting the existence of a corrensite end-member having thermodynamic significance.  相似文献   

Kulkeite occurs as platy, colorless, porphyroblastic, single crystals up to 2 mm in size in a low-grade dolomite rock associated with a Triassic meta-evaporite series at Derrag, Tell Atlas, Algeria, It is associated with sodian aluminian talc, unusual chlorite polytypes, and both K and Na phlogopite. Kulkeite is optically biaxial, negative, n x=1.552, n y=1.5605, n z=1.5610, 2Vz=24° (obs.). Based on microprobe analysis the empirical formula is (Na0.38K0.01Ca0.01)(Mg8.02Al0.99)[Al1.43Si6.57O20](OH)10 with some variation in Na, Si, and tetrahedral Al. The crystals are monoclinic with a=5.319(1), b=9.195(2), c=23.897(10) Å, β=97° 1(3)′; Z=2; the calculated density is 2.70 g cm?3. The four strongest lines in the X-ray powder pattern are (d, I, hkl): 7.90, 100, 003; 1.533, 100, 060; 7.42, 80, 002; 3.38, 80, 007; the 001 reflection with 23.7 Å has intensity 10. Transmission electron microscopy confirms the nature of a regular 1∶1 mixed-layer, which consists of 14 Å chlorite (clinochlore) sheets alternating with sheets of one-layer (9.5 Å) talc characterized by the lattice substitution NaAl→Si just as in the talc occurring as a discrete mineral co-existing with kulkeite. Kulkeite is intergrown with lamellae of clinochlore that represent two-layer and five-layer (70 Å) polytypes with optical birefringence exceeding the normal value for clinochlore by a factor of 3. The origin of kulkeite is due to low-grade metamorphism with temperatures probably not exceeding 400° C. As the clinochlore lamellae and sodian aluminian talc are found in mutual contact, kulkeite seems to represent a metastable mineral at least during the latest phase of metamorphism. However, at an earlier stage, prior to clinochlore formation, kulkeite might have been stable, and the incorporation of Na and Al into its talc component could indeed be the decisive factor for the formation of the mixed-layer.  相似文献   

Chlorite is a common sheet silicate that occurs in various lithologies over a wide grade range involving diagenesis and low‐grade metamorphism. Thus, the reaction progress of chlorite offers a unique opportunity for direct correlation of zonal classification of metasedimentary rocks based on illite crystallinity with metabasite mineral facies. To provide such correlation, chlorite crystallinity indices, apparent mean crystallite sizes and lattice strains, crystallite size distributions and compositions of chlorite from coexisting metapelites and metabasites were determined by X‐ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), analytical electron microscopy (AEM) and electron microprobe (EMP) methods. Samples were from Palaeozoic and Mesozoic formations of the Bükkium (innermost Western Carpathians, Hungary) that underwent Alpine (Cretaceous) orogenic metamorphism. Metapelites range in grade from late diagenesis to epizone, whereas metabasites vary from prehnite–pumpellyite through pumpellyite–actinolite to greenschist facies. Despite significant differences in composition, mineral assemblages and textures, reaction progress, as measured in part by chlorite crystallinity, in metapelites paralleled that in metabasites. Chlorite crystallinity and mean crystallite size increase and the proportion of mixed layers in chlorite decreases, whereas the calculated lattice strain does not change significantly with increasing metamorphic grade. Similar trends, but (especially at higher grades) significant differences, were found in mean crystallite size values using various methods for XRD line profile analyses. The increase in crystallite size with increasing grade was demonstrated also by direct TEM measurements on ion‐milled whole‐rock samples, but with a larger scatter of data at higher grades. In spite of the different kinds of mixed layering in chlorite (Mg‐rich smectitic, mostly random, local corrensite‐like units in metabasites, and Fe‐rich berthierine and dioctahedral smectite in metapelites), XRD‐calculated and TEM‐measured parameters were found to be reliable tools for measuring reaction progress and metamorphic grade of the same degree in both lithotypes.  相似文献   

Transmission and scanning electron microscopy were utilized to investigate the nature and mechanisms of alteration of abundant detrital biotite of volcanic origin and progressive modification of phyllosilicate aggregates in a prograde sequence of pelitic rocks (illite crystallinity index = 0.19–0.58λ2θ) from the Gaspé Peninsula in Quebec.
Detrital biotite has been diagenetically altered to form corrensite and chlorite through two mechanisms; (1) layer-by-layer replacement gave rise to interstratification of packets of layers and complex mixed layering via several kinds of layer transitions between biotite and chlorite, corrensite or smectite; (2) dissolution-transport-precipitation resulted in the formation of relatively coarse-grained aggregates of randomly orientated, corrensite-rich flakes and fine-grained corrensite intergrown with chlorite and illite in the matrix.
The data show that stacks consisting of alternating packets of trioctahedral and dioctahedral phyllosilicates originated during early diagenesis when lenticular fissures in strained altering biotite were filled by dioctahedral clays. Subsequent prograde evolution of dioctahedral clays occurred through deformation, dissolution and crystallization, and overgrowth. Illite evolved to muscovite, with K in part provided through biotite alteration, and corrensite/chlorite to homogeneous chlorite. The alteration of detrital biotite is closely related to the formation of titanite and magnetite in diagenetic rocks, and pyrite, calcite and anatase or rutile in the higher grade rocks.
The observations demonstrate that detrital biotite of volcanic origin may be the principal precursor of chlorite in chlorite-rich metapelites originating in marginal basins. The mineral parageneses suggest that the transitions from corrensite to chlorite and illite to muscovite may be a function of local chemistry and time.  相似文献   

Clay minerals from the three principal kinds of zeolitic sediments from the type area for zeolite facies alteration, the Triassic Murihiku Supergroup, Southland, New Zealand, have been studied by TEM. Bentonitic tuff consists largely of smectite and heulandite with minor illite; they occur as replacements of glass shards and are inferred to be direct alteration products of tuff alteration. Both analcime- and laumontite-rich tuffs contain chlorite, illite and mixed-layer illite-chlorite, including 11 mixed-layer sequences. Subhedral to euhedral phyllosilicate crystal shapes and other textural features imply that phyllosilicates crystallized from solution derived in part by dissolution of precursor smectite. Intralayer transitions involving illite and chlorite are inferred to be products of crystallization rather than direct alteration and replacement. Petrographically similar bentonitic and analcimized tuffs overlap each other in the stratigraphic section, supporting earlier observations that there is no systematic change in smectite relative to the illite plus chlorite derived from smectite in sections up to 8.5 km thick. The data imply that smectite may be metastable relative to illite plus chlorite. Permeability and fluid chemistry are inferred to be as significant as temperature in promoting reactions in clay minerals as well as zeolites during burial metamorphism.Contribution No. 436, from The Mineralogical Laboratory, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109  相似文献   

The occurrence and chemistry of immiscible silicate glasses in a tholeiite mesostasis from the Umtanum formation, Washington, were investigated with transmission electron microscopy and analytical electron microscopy (TEM/AEM). TEM observation reveals isolated, dark globules (2.1 micron or less in diameter) randomly distributed in a transparent matrix glass interstitial to plagioclase laths. The globules less than 0.3 micron and larger than 0.8 micron fall beyond the linear relationship defined by the 0.3–0.8 micron globules in a plot of the logarithm of number versus size. Large globules (0.7 micron or larger in diameter) range from homogeneous to heterogeneous in optical properties and chemistry. Homogeneous globules are completely glassy, whereas heterogeneous globules contain crystalline domains. AEM analyses show that the globules have high Si, Fe, Ca, and Ti with subordinate Mg, Al, P, S, Cl, K, and Mn, which gives high normative fa, px, il, and ap. The matrix glass consists dominantly of Si with low Al and minor Na and K, yielding a high normative qz, or, ab, and an.It is proposed that the silicate liquid immiscibility occurs by reaction of network-modifying cations (NMCs) with dominantly chain-like anionic units in the parental melt to form less polymerized, NMC-bearing units and highly polymerized, Si-rich units. The globules nucleated metastably under supercooled conditions, and medium-size globules become either larger or smaller at lower temperatures. Internal nucleation of NMC-rich phases occurred in some larger globules upon cooling.  相似文献   

Phyllosilicates occurring as replacements of olivine, clinopyroxene and interstitial materials and as veins or fracture-fillings in hydrothermally altered basalts from DSDP Hole 504B, Leg 83 have been studied using transmission and analytical electron microscopy. The parageneses of phyllosilicates generally change systematically with depth and with the degree of alteration, which in turn is related to permeability of basalts. Saponite and some mixed-layer chlorite/smectite are the dominant phyllosilicates at the top of the transition zone. Chlorite, corrensite, and mixed-layer chlorite/corrensite occur mainly in the lower transition zone and upper levels of the sheeted dike zone. Chlorite, talc, and mixed-layer talc/chlorite are the major phyllosilicates in the sheeted dike zone, although replacement of talc or ohvine by saponite is observed. The phyllosilicates consist of parallel or subparallel discrete packets of coherent layers with packet thicknesses generally ranging from< 100 Å to a few hundred Å. The packets of saponite layers are much smaller or less well defined than those of chlorite, corrensite and talc, indicating poorer crystal-linity of saponite. by contrast, chlorite and talc from the lower transition zone and the sheeted dike zone occur in packets up to thousands of Å thick. The Si/(Si+Al) ratio of these trioctahedral phyllosilicates increases and Fe/(Fe+Mg) decreases in the order chlorite, corrensite, saponite, and talc. These relations reflect optimal solid solution consistent with minimum misfit of articulated octahedral and tetrahedral sheets. Variations in composition of hydrothermal fluids and precursor minerals, especially in Si/(Si+Al) and Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratios, are thus important factors in controlling the parageneses of phyllosilicates. The phyllosilicates are generally well crystallized discrete phases, rather than mixed-layered phases, where they have been affected by relatively high fluid/rock ratios as in high-permeability basalts, in veins, or areas adjacent to veins. Intense alteration in basalts with high permeability (indicating high fluid/rock ratios) is characterized by pervasive albitization and zeolitization. Minimal alteration in the basalts without significant albitization and zeolitization is characterized by the occurrence of saponite±mixed-layer chlorite/smectite in the low-temperature alteration zone, and mixed-layer chlorite/corrensite or mixed-layer talc/chlorite in the high-temperature alteration zone. Textural non-equilibrium for phyllosilicates is represented by mixed layering and poorly defined packets of partially incoherent layers. The approach to textural equilibrium was controlled largely by the availability of fluid or permeability.Contribution No. 488 from the Mineralogical Laboratory, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Michigan  相似文献   

Abstract TEM and XRD techniques were used to study crystal growth characteristics of the fabric-forming phyllosilicates which developed in response to low-grade metamorphism and tectonic imbrication in part of the Southern Uplands thrust terrane. Prograde regional metamorphism, ranging from late diagenesis through the anchizone to the epizone, was accompanied by the development of a slaty cleavage which is commonly bedding-parallel. TEM-measured mean thicknesses of white mica and chlorite crystallite populations increase with advancing grade and correlate with XRD-measured crystallinity indices. Analytical TEM data show that prograde changes in composition lead to a net loss of Si, Ca and minor Fe from the fabric-forming phyllosilicates. White micas are paragonite-poor phengites with a mean b lattice parameter of 9.037 Å, and indicate an intermediate pressure series of metamorphism with a field gradient of <25° C km-1. Chlorite compositions evolved from diabantite (with intergrown corrensite) to ripidolite over an estimated temperature range of 150–320° C. Field gradient and temperature estimates suggest that crystal growth and fabric development occurred at burial depths ranging from 6 km to at least 13 km in the thrust terrane. During late diagenesis, crystal growth of white mica and chlorite was predominantly a consequence of polytypic and phase transitions, and resulted in similar size distributions which resemble typical Ostwald ripening curves. Under anchizonal and epizonal conditions, white mica grew more rapidly than chlorite because of its greater ability to store strain energy and recover from subgrain development; as a result crystal thickness distributions are not typical of Ostwald ripening. In contrast, chlorite crystals which grew under these conditions developed subgrain boundaries at high strain rates which were only partially recovered at low strain rates; these retained dislocations reduce the crystallite thicknesses detected by TEM and XRD, compared with those of white mica. These differences in strain-induced crystal growth indicate that white mica (illite) and chlorite crystallinity indices are likely to show significant differences where low-grade metamorphism is closely associated with tectonic fabric development.  相似文献   

Abstract In well NJ-15 of the Nesjavellir geothermal field, Iceland, the transition of discrete smectite into discrete chlorite has been studied from drill cuttings recovered at depths of less than 1714 m and over a continuous range of temperatures between 60 and 300° C. At temperatures below 180° C, the clay fractions contain mixtures of di- and trioctahedral smectites, whose layer charge increases with depth. Between 200 and 240° C, discrete smectites have transformed into smectite-rich, randomly interstratified chlorite and smecite ( R 0 C/S). Because the abundance of chlorite interlayers in this C/S is generally <20%, its presence can be detected only by electron microprobe techniques and not by X-ray diffraction. Between 245 and 265° C, both regularly ( R 1) and randomly interstratified C/S are the predominant layer silicates. Discrete chlorite first appears at approximately 270° C and coexists with minor amounts of R 0 C/S at higher temperatures.
R 0 and R 1 C/S form a nearly complete compositional series between trioctahedral saponite and discrete chlorite end-members. The interlayer cation and Si content of smectites and C/S decrease with increasing temperature. The Mg/(Mg + Fe) content of smectite, C/S, and chlorite is unrelated to temperature. The percentage of chlorite in C/S, as determined by electron microprobe analyses, increases continuously with increasing temperature, except for occurrences of smectite-rich C/S in fresh basaltic dykes which have not thermally equilibrated with the higher grade country rocks.  相似文献   

Al-Si ordering in Sr-feldspar has been followed by isothermal annealing, starting from a disordered metastable configuration. Ordering could not be followed by changes in the spontaneous strain as cell parameters did not show significant changes with thermal treatment from 0.016 h to 452 h at T=1350° C, while, on the contrary, significant changes in IR spectra are observed. A single crystal obtained from melt (Q od 0) has been progressively heated up to 678 h at T=1350° C and the relevant structural refinements enabled to monitor changes in degree of Al-Si order up to Qod = 0.86. In isothermal treatment for Sr-feldspar it is observed a significantly lower Q od than in anorthite after the same annealing time. TEM observation has shown in Sr-feldspar, also for shortest annealing, b type reflections, while in anorthite, in the same conditions, e type reflections have been observed (Carpenter 1991a). In the first stages of ordering b APDs sized 100 Å (at T=1350° C, 0.33 h) have been observed in Sr-feldspar; APD coarsening occurs with an activation energy of 120±7 kcal mol-1, not significantly different from anorthite. The ordering process seems to be a slower process in Sr-feldspar than in anorthite, even though data from longer annealing suggest that the Q od close to the equilibrium is the same in Sr and Ca-feldspar (Q od = 0.86 at T=1350° C).  相似文献   

相山铀矿田为中国最大的火山岩型铀矿田,其中北部花岗斑岩型铀矿床资源储量占总储量的36.65%。虽然前人对相山矿田北部花岗斑岩进行了系统研究,但是关于花岗斑岩中矿物化学研究较为薄弱。本次研究运用电子探针技术对相山北部花岗斑岩中黑云母及绿泥石进行了矿物化学分析,并探讨了成岩成矿意义。结果表明:(1)相山北部产铀花岗斑岩黑云母为铁质黑云母。花岗斑岩岩浆结晶温度为721~753℃,平均737℃,氧逸度lgf(O2)为-14.8~-15.7,形成压力为112~147 MPa,侵位结晶深度为4.1~5.4 km。岩石成因类型为A型花岗岩,形成于板内拉张构造环境,物质来源于上地壳部分熔融;(2)相山北部绿泥石为蠕绿泥石属于富铁绿泥石,形成于还原环境。绿泥石形成温度为230~271℃,平均值为258℃,属于中温热液作用范围;(3)花岗斑岩中铀的载体主要为黑云母包体中含铀副矿物。矿前期,热液流体交代黑云母形成绿泥石,使得黑云母内含铀副矿物中的铀活化转移为分散吸附状态的铀,被绿泥石等矿物吸附于矿物晶格表面或矿物裂隙为成矿期热液提供了铀源。  相似文献   

长江岩体和九峰岩体同为粤北诸广山复式岩体中的燕山期花岗岩体,它们的矿化特征具有显著差异,是诸广山地区典型的产铀岩体和不产铀岩体。本文利用电子探针对两岩体中黑云母和绿泥石开展了详细的矿物化学研究。结果显示,长江岩体中黑云母富铁贫镁,为铁叶云母,黑云母绿泥石化较为严重,绿泥石类型主要是蠕绿泥石和铁镁绿泥石,偏铁质绿泥石,主要形成于较还原环境;九峰岩体中黑云母为铁质黑云母,绿泥石化较弱,绿泥石类型多为蠕绿泥石、铁镁绿泥石和密绿泥石,偏镁质绿泥石。黑云母的成分特征显示,长江岩体结晶温度为600~650℃,氧逸度lgf(O2)为-16~-17,挥发分组成显示出相对高F、低Cl的特征;九峰岩体结晶温度为680~720℃,氧逸度lgf(O2)为-14~-15,挥发分组成显示出相对低F、高Cl的特征。综合地质特征和矿物化学特征可知,较低的温度和氧逸度、较高的挥发分F含量是岩体产铀的有利因素。  相似文献   

Chlorite peridotites from Almklovdalen in southwest Norway were studied to understand the deformation processes and seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle. The lattice preferred orientation (LPO) of olivine and chlorite was determined using electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD)/scanning electron microscopy. A sample with abundant garnet showed [100] axes of olivine aligned sub-parallel to lineation, and [010] axes aligned subnormal to foliation: A-type LPO. Samples rich in chlorite showed different olivine LPOs. Two samples showed [001] axes aligned sub-parallel to lineation, and [010] axes aligned subnormal to foliation: B-type LPO. Two other samples showed [100] axes aligned sub-parallel to lineation, and [001] axes aligned subnormal to foliation: E-type LPO. Chlorite showed a strong LPO characterized by [001] axes aligned subnormal to foliation with a weak girdle subnormal to lineation. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy of the specimens revealed that the olivines with A-type LPO contain a small amount (170 ppm H/Si) of water. In contrast, the olivines with B-type LPOs contain a large amount (340 ppm H/Si) of water.

The seismic anisotropy of the olivine and chlorite was calculated. Olivine showed Vp anisotropy of up to 3.8% and a maximum Vs anisotropy of up to 2.7%. However, the chlorite showed a much stronger Vp anisotropy, up to 21.1%, and a maximum Vs anisotropy of up to 31.7%. A sample with a mixture of 25% of olivine and 75% of chlorite can produce a Vp anisotropy of 14.2% and a maximum Vs anisotropy of 22.9%. Because chlorite has a wide stability field at high pressure and high temperature in the subduction zone, the strong LPO of chlorite can be a source of the observed trench-normal or trench-parallel seismic anisotropy in the mantle wedge as well as in subducting slabs depending on the dipping angle of slab in a subduction zone where chlorite is stable.  相似文献   

Along the Eurasian continental margin, fragments of island arcs and continents affiliated with Gond-wanaland have continually been accreted as suspect terraines through the processes of accretionary orogeny and ensuing orogenic collapse. These proc-esses can be vividly perceived in the present Western Pacific area, where southern Ryukyu and northern Taiwan serve as the youngest and most dynamic ex-ample of tectonic transformation from a rising moun-tain belt to a deepening marine basin.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Metabasites and metagreywackes from the Pelona and Rand Schists of southern California were analysed using three different electron microprobes. For all three instruments, the estimated Fe3+ contents of calcic amphibole, chlorite and epidote are positively correlated. For some samples, there is an additional correlation between high estimated Fe3+ and the presence of magnetite. These results imply that microprobe analyses can be used to discern relative differences in Fe3+. However, microprobe data and calculations on the sensitivity of the correction procedures to systematic analytical errors indicate that estimated values of Fe3+ are not significant in an absolute sense. Thus, estimates of Fe3+ are meaningful when comparing samples analysed with a single microprobe, but must be used with caution when comparing analyses obtained on more than one probe.  相似文献   

The source material, precursor and formation processes of chlorite rims, and impact of pore-lining chlorite on reservoir quality of the Shiqianfeng sandstones, Dongpu Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China, are studied using an integrated approach, including core observation, point-count analysis of thin-sections, scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe analysis and cathode luminescence. The petrographic analysis shows that chlorite rims consist of grain-coating chlorite, poorly crystalline pore-lining chlorite and euhedral-crystallised pore-lining chlorite. The chemical composition shows that pore-lining chlorite is mainly Fe-rich with an average of 0.785 for Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratio. Petrographic analysis shows a large amount of volcanic dust (3.0~16.0 vol%, average of 7.93 vol%) in Shiqianfeng sandstones, which determines the formation of poorly crystalline pore-lining chlorite. Transformation of volcanic dust to smectite rims started with shallow burial depth at an early diagenetic stage, followed by in situ alteration of the smectite rims to poorly crystalline chlorite rims. Euhedral-crystallised chlorite mainly develops in sandstones with high porosity, high permeability and open flow systems. Pore-lining chlorite can inhibit quartz overgrowth but cannot effectively prevent pore-filling of authigenic quartz, carbonate and kaolinite cements, and therefore cannot prevent porosity destruction. However, the occurrence of pore-lining chlorite is a barometer of good reservoir quality and intense hydrodynamic conditions.  相似文献   

翟庆国  李才  王军  陈文 《地质通报》2009,28(9):1221-1228
1∶25万玛依岗日幅区域地质调查期间,在藏北戈木错北部发现了一套新生代钾质火山岩。对保存较好的3处火山岩的样品进行40Ar/39Ar年代学研究,获得了30.6Ma±0.4Ma、30.0Ma±0.2Ma和29.8Ma±0.3Ma三个坪年龄,代表该地区火山岩的喷溢时代。戈木错北部火山岩的地球化学特征与钾质火山岩的类似,它与鱼鳞山、走构由茶错、多格错仁等地区的新生代火山岩共同构成了羌塘地区钾质—超钾质火山岩带,它们的形成与印度大陆同亚洲大陆的碰撞和青藏高原的隆升密不可分。  相似文献   

翟庆国  李才  王军  陈文 《地质通报》2009,28(09):1221-1228
1∶25万玛依岗日幅区域地质调查期间,在藏北戈木错北部发现了一套新生代钾质火山岩。对保存较好的3处火山岩的样品进行40Ar/39Ar年代学研究,获得了30.6Ma±0.4Ma、30.0Ma±0.2Ma和29.8Ma±0.3Ma三个坪年龄,代表该地区火山岩的喷溢时代。戈木错北部火山岩的地球化学特征与钾质火山岩的类似,它与鱼鳞山、走构由茶错、多格错仁等地区的新生代火山岩共同构成了羌塘地区钾质—超钾质火山岩带,它们的形成与印度大陆同亚洲大陆的碰撞和青藏高原的隆升密不可分。  相似文献   

The large lead-zinc deposits of Middle Proterozoic age in northern Australia occur in sediments interpreted as having been deposited under saline, shallow-emergent conditions. Significant alkaline diagenesis is evident from the presence of abundant K-feldspar and locally albite. Alkali element compositions clearly distinguish the sediments of the mineralised shallow-emergent locations both from those of more permanent water cover (lacustrine or lagoonal), and from those close to basin margins. The key variables for identifying the geochemical contrasts are the levels of K, Rb and Na, and the ratios of K : Al and K : Rb. These geochemical parameters can be used in conjunction with the levels of the target and indicator elements to detect whether mineralisation may be present in a favourable geological environment. Two case studies of the application of whole rock geochemistry in base metal exploration are given for the Glyde River Sub-basin (McArthur Basin) and the Western Succession, Mt Isa Block.  相似文献   

Data sets of collapsed earthquake locations, earthquake focal mechanisms, GPS velocities and geologic data are integrated to constrain the geometry and kinematics of a crustal block within the accreted continental margin rocks of Taiwan's northeastern Central Range. This block is laterally extruding and exhuming towards the north-northeast. The block is bound on the west-southwest by the previously recognized Sanyi–Puli seismic zone and on the east by a vertical seismic structure that projects to the eastern mountain front of the Central Range. Focal mechanisms from the Broadband Array of Taiwan Seismicity (BATS) catalog consistently show west-side-up reverse displacements for this fault zone. A second vertical structure is recognized beneath the Slate Belt–Metamorphic Belt boundary as a post-Chi-Chi relaxation oblique normal fault. BATS focal mechanisms show east-side-up, normal displacements with a minor left-lateral component. The vertical and lateral extrusion of this crustal block may be driven by the current collision between the Philippine Sea Plate and the Puli basement high indenter on the Eurasian Plate and/or trench rollback along the Ryukyu subduction zone. In addition, the vertical extent of the two shear zones suggests that a basal décollement below the eastern Central Range is deeper than previously proposed and may extend below the brittle–ductile transition.  相似文献   

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