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Carl A. Rouse 《Solar physics》1986,106(2):205-216
The high-Z core (HZC) model of the Sun, supported in Rouse (1985) by superior agreements of nonradial g-mode periods of oscillation with long period observations, is used to calculate frequencies of oscillation in the five-minute band (5MB). Allowing for the fact that the present HZC model profile does not include an upper photosphere and self-consistent chromosphere, the HZC model of the Sun is also supported by the very good agreements of the 5MB nonradial frequencies of oscillation with observations for HZC l degrees 0 to 19 and orders n 20, and the good agreement of the HZC purely radial frequencies of oscillation with about the same n-orders with observations previously identified as l = 0 oscillations. Two important aspects of these agreements are (1) the nonradial frequencies were calculated with the equations that neglect the gravitational perturbation (the Cowling approximation), and (2) the radial frequencies were calculated with the equation that includes the gravitational perturbation. The present agreements suggest that for solar-type stars, the gravitational perturbation may not affect the nonradial p-modes of oscillation as much as it affects the radial modes and the nonradial g-modes. More research will be performed.  相似文献   

An inhomogeneous model neutron star with a variable density profile of the type 0(r)=c[1–(2/3)r2/R2]exp(–r2/R2) is considered, where c is the central density, R is the star's radius, and is the inhomogeneity parameter in the radial mass distribution. This parameterization adequately reproduces the results of numerical evolutionary calculations of the density profile and enables one to obtain in analytical form the parameters of hydrostatic equilibrium and the eigenmodes of nonradial oscillations of a nonrotating neutron star, modeled by a spherical mass of incompressible, inviscid liquid. It is shown that a characteristic manifestation of the star's inhomogeneity is the presence of a stable dipole f-mode, the lowest one in the spectrum of natural oscillations. The presence of this mode serves as a general and primary criterion that evidently distinguishes all inhomogeneous hydrodynamic models from the homogeneous Kelvin model, in which the quadrupole mode is the lowest stable mode. Estimates obtained for the periods of nonradial pulsations coincide with the periods of micropulses observed in the average pulse profiles of c-pulsars. This suggests that the detected variations in emission intensity in the range of micropulse duration (on the order of 10–4 sec) are associated with nonradial stellar oscillations.Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 475–488, July–September, 1996.  相似文献   

The conclusions of the present paper broadly are: (a) The galactic concentration of doubles by comparing the distributions in galactic latitudes 0°<20° and >40° is nearly twice as large as the galactic concentration of stars in general. (b) The astrographic catalogues are not complete in the fainter magnitudes. (c) The large value of the ratioT:O k (observed to optical number of pairs) from Kreiken's formula shows that almost all stars in the group 0<d5 and quite a few in the other two groups, viz., 5<d10 and 10<d15 might be shown true binaries. Consequently, Aitken's working definition of a true binary should be extended if it were to include all true binaries. (d) The doubles are probably stars of Population I. (e) The logarithm to the base 10 of the cumulative counts can be represented by an empirical relationA+B(m–1.5)+C(m–1.5)2.Communication presented at the International Conference on Astrometric Binaries, held on 13–15 June, 1984, at the Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, Germany, to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (1784–1846)  相似文献   

We determine the momentum distribution of the relativistic particles near the Crab pulsar from the observed X- and -ray spectra (103109 eV), provided that the curvature radiation is responsible for it. The power law spectrum for the relativistic electrons,f() –5, reproduces a close fit to the observed high-energy photon spectrum. The theoretically determined upper limit to the momentum (due to radiation damping), M 8×106, corresponds to the upper cut-off energy of the -ray spectrum, 109 eV. The lower limit to the momentum, m 1.8×105, is chosen such that flattening of the X-ray spectrum below 10 keV is simulated. The number density of these electrons is found to be much higher than the Goldreich-Julian density. We also discuss pulse shape and polarization of high-energy photons. The extremely high density of particles and the steep momentum spectrum are difficult to understand. This may imply that another, more efficient, mechanism is in operation.  相似文献   

The low l solar acoustic spectrum has been measured with great accuracy (v/v 10–4), for intermediate radial order modes, 11 n 34 (Jiménez et al., 1986; Grec, Fossat, and Pomerantz, 1983; Pallé et al., 1986). The measurement of the frequencies of modes of lower n, up to the fundamental one, are very important as they depart from asymptotic behaviour and, therefore, put more severe constraints on solar models. However, their amplitudes are very low (under 2 cm s–1) and when compared to the solar velocity background noise (Jiménez et al., 1986), a S/N 1 is obtained. Taking advantage of the fact that lifetimes seem to be higher at lower frequencies (lower n values) (Jefferies et al., 1988; Elsworth et al., 1990), very long Doppler velocity measurements, obtained at Teide Observatory, have been used to increase S/N, therefore, providing the possibility to detect such modes. The frequencies observed are compared to those predicted by a solar model (Christensen-Dalsgaard, Däppen, and Lebreton, 1988), using the best equation of state yet computed (Mihalas, Däppen, and Hummer, 1988).  相似文献   

A semi-continuous hierarchy, (i.e., one in which there are galaxies outside clusters, clusters outside superclusters etc.), is examined using an expression of the field equations of general relativity in a form due to Podurets, Misner and Sharp. It is shown (a) that for a sufficiently populous hierarchy, the thinning factor( i+1/ i [r i /r i+1] is approximately equal to the exponentN in a continuous density law (=aR –N) provided (r i /r i+1)3-1; (b) that a hierarchical Universe will not look decidedly asymmetric to an observer like a human being because such salient observers live close to the densest elements of the hierarchy (viz stars), the probability of the Universe looking spherically symmetric (dipole anisotropy0.1 to such an observer being of order unity; (c) the existence of a semi-continuous or continuous hierarchy (Peebles) requires that 2 if galaxies, not presently bound to clusters were once members of such systems; (d) there are now in existence no less than ten arguments for believing 2, though recent number counts by Sandageet al. seem to be in contradiction to such a value; (e) Hubble's law, withH independent of distance, can be proved approximately in a relativistic hierarchy provided (i)N=2, (ii)2GM(R)/c 2 R1; (iii)Rc (iv)M0 in a system of massM, sizeR (f) Hubble's law holds also in a hierarchy with density jumps; (g)H100 km s–1 Mpc–1; (h) objects forming the stellar level of the hierarchy (in a cosmology of the Wilson type) must once have had 2GM/c 2 R1; (i) there is a finite pressurep=2Ga in all astrophysical systems (a=R N ,N2); (j) for the Galaxy, theory predictsp G7×10–12 dyn cm–2, observation givesp G5×10–12 dyn cm–2; (k) if the mass-defect (or excess binding energy) hypothesis is taken as a postulate, all non-collapsed astrophysical systems must be non-static, and any non-static, p0 systems must in any case be losing mass; (1) the predicted mass-loss rate from the Sun is 1012 g s–1, compared to 1011 g s–1 in the observed solar wind; (m) the mass-loss rates known by observation imply timescales of 5×109 years for the Sun and 1010 years for other astrophysical systems; (n) degenerate superdense objects composed of fermions must haveN-2 if they were ever at their Schwarzschild radii and comprised a finite numberN B of baryons; (o)N B1057N for degenerate fermion and boson systems; (p)285-4; (q) the metric coefficients for superdense bodies give equations of motion that imply equal maximum luminosities for all evolving superdense bodies (L max1059 erg s–1); (r) larger bodies have longer time-scales of energy radiation atL max (10–5 s for stars,1 h for QSO's) (s) expansion velocities are c soon after the initial loss of equilibrium in a superdense object; (t) if the density parametera(t) in aR –N isa=a (non-atomic constants of physicsc, G, A), andA, thenN=2; (u) N2 is necessary to giveMM at the stellar level of the hierarchy;(v) systems larger than, and including, galaxies must have formed by clumping of smaller systems and not (as advocated by Wertz and others) in a multiple big bang.  相似文献   

On the basis of empirical (D)-dependency at the frequency of 5 GHz constructed using 15 planetary nebulae with the independently measured distances (10–171×10–20 W m–2 Hz–1 ster–1), we evaluated distances of 335 objects. Independent evidence of the correctness of the accepted scale are given. Then(D)-dependency is constructed and it is shown that atD<0.08 pc the mean electron density is higher than the one determined by the Seaton method. We showed that the filling factor diminishes with the increase of the PN diameter (1 atD0.08 pc and 0.2 atD0.4 pc). the ionized mass of 33 PNs is determined. With the diameter increase the ionized mass grows and atD0.4 pc reaches the valueM0.07M . We used the new distance scale when investigating the space distribution of PNs. The mean scale height =130±15 pc and the mean gradient of the change of surface densitym=0.37, which allowed us to estimate the total number of nebulae in the GalaxyN4×104. We divided the PNs according to their velocities (withV LSR>35 km s–1 andV LSR<35 km s–1) and permitted us to confirm that the PN belong to different sub-systems of the Galaxy. The estimated local formation rate of PNs [=(4.6±2.2)×10–12 pc–3 yr–1] is a little higher than the one of the white dwarfs. That can be explained by a large number of PNs having binary cores, which used in our sample. The statistical estimation of PN expansion velocity showed thatV ex increases from 5–7 km s–1 (atD0.03 pc) to 40–50 km s–1 (atD0.8 pc).  相似文献   

We present an attempt for an extension of the modified Boltzmann model, which was introduced by Callebautet al. (1982) as an improvement of the polytropic models, to the case of chemically-heterogeneous stars in equilibrium, containing H and He, by proposing a density profile of the formp=C 1 T N exp (–H m(–*)/kT) +C 2 T N exp (–He m(–*)/kT. Analytical properties are derived and numerical as well as analytical arguments are presented for the conclusion that this hypothesis for a density profile imposes an almost constant chemical profile to the model as a whole, thereby making it in this form unsuited for the study of heterogeneous stars. A comparison is made with the former Boltzmann model in the homogeneous limit.  相似文献   

Some peculiarities in the behaviour of a model self-gravitating system described by hydrodynamical equations and isothermal equation of state connected with the presence of thermodynamical fluctuations in real systems were investigated in numerical experiment. The values of density and velocity , , respectively, were computed by numerical code perturbed on each time-step and in each computational cell by random values , for modeling such fluctuations. Perturbed values i = i + i ,v i = i + v i were used to initiate the next step of computations. This procedure is equivalent to an introduction into original hydrodynamical equations of Langevin sources which are random functions. It is shown that these small fluctuations (= v =0,2 =v 2 = 10–8) grow many times in marginally-stable state.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic observations of the Be stars Eri, Oph, 66 Oph, and Ori for the period 1982–1988 are reported. The NRP hypothesis was verified on the ground of rapid line profile variability, radial velocities, and equivalent widths. The star Eri is pulsating in bothl=2 andl=8 with period 0 . d 7. Pulsation in modesl=2 andl=4 are observed in Hei profiles of Oph for May 1982. For radial velocities has been obtained a period 0 . d 913. The H and H lines of 66 Oph for April–August 1983 are in emission state with two clearly expressed components with intensity variations. All the parameters measured have the same period of variation — 0 . d 025. For Ori variations in line profiles for component Ab have been observed and a period of 0 . d 463 found for the radial velocities.  相似文献   

In this paper, series of rigid Mars nutations for the angular momentum axis, the rotation axis and the figure axis, as well as series of rigid Mars tide generating potential (TGP) are computed. The method used is based on the calculation of the forces produced by the external bodies on the rigid Mars. We have included the direct effect of the sun, Phobos and Deimos. We have also included the indirect effects associated with these bodies and planets of the Solar System which are given at the level of the ephemerides. For the nutation series, with a truncation level of 0.1mas (milliarcsecond), related to the present-day precision of the Martian precession constant, 24 terms in longitudes (*****) and 10 terms in obliquity (*****) are computed. The value of the dynamical flattening used is H D=(CA)/C=0.00536, derived from the value p a=–7576±35mas/yr for the precession rate. Our results show a perfect agreement with those of Bouquillon and Souchay (1996) to the truncation level of Bouquillon and Souchary (1mas). For the TGP series, we have set the truncation level to 10–6m2/s2 which corresponds to an effect on the vertical acceleration on Mars surface of about 10–12m/s2=0.1nanogal (1nanogal=10–11m/s2. With this truncation level, 134 terms are computed.  相似文献   

Profiles of the H and K lines of Mgii and the K line of Ca ii are computed using a two-level atom for five model atmospheres distinguished from each other mainly by the location of the temperature minimum. In the five models the temperature minimum and the chromospheric temperature are adjusted to give best agreement between computed and observed profiles. The parameters and r 0 are prescribed as functions of from a density model of the atmosphere. By comparing computed and observed profiles of the K3, K2 and inner K1 components of the lines we determine both the approximate depth variation of D and the best of the temperature models. We find that the Doppler width increases rapidly with height in the chromosphere beginning from a value of 1.6 km/sec at 0 10–2. This latter value corresponds closely to the thermal velocity of Mg atoms in the upper photosphere. The preferred temperature model is one for which the temperature minimum occurs near 0( 2800) 10–4–10–5 with a value T min 4200 ° and which has a temperatu near 7000 ° at 0 = 10–6 where K2 is formed. The intensity in K3 is determined largely by d D/d in the K2 and K3 regions.  相似文献   

Wheatland  M.S. 《Solar physics》2003,214(2):361-373
The distribution of times t between coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) CME catalog for the years 1996–2001 is examined. The distribution exhibits a power-law tail (t) with an index –2.36±0.11 for large waiting times (t>10 hours). The power-law index of the waiting-time distribution varies with the solar cycle: for the years 1996–1998 (a period of low activity), the power-law index is –1.86±0.14, and for the years 1999–2001 (a period of higher activity), the index is –2.98±0.20. The observed CME waiting-time distribution, and its variation with the cycle, may be understood in terms of CMEs occurring as a time-dependent Poisson process. The CME waiting-time distribution is compared with that for greater than C1 class solar flares in the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) catalog for the same years. The flare and CME waiting-time distributions exhibit power-law tails with very similar indices and time variation.  相似文献   

We have studied the behavior of the inner motions of OH, H2CO, and CO molecular clouds. This study shows the existence of two main components of these clouds: the narrow one, associated to dense small clouds and a wide one representing the large diffuse clouds seen in neutral hydrogen, the large clouds are the vortex and intermediate state between turbulent and hydrodynamic motions in the Galaxy.For the dense clouds with sizesd<10 pc we have found a relationship d 0.38 consistent with the Kolmogorov law of turbulence; the densities and sizes of these clouds behave asnd –1. This last relation for these molecular clouds is compared with theHII one. Also, we discuss the effects of the inner magnetic field in these clouds.  相似文献   

A highly anisotropic packet of solar electron intensities was observed on 6 April 1971 with a sensitive electrostatic analyzer array on the Earth-orbiting satellite IMP-6. The anisotropies of intensities at electron energies of several keV were factors 10 favoring the expected direction of the interplanetary magnetic lines of force from the Sun. The directional, differential intensities of solar electrons were determined over the energy range 1–40 keV and peak intensities were 102 cm–2 s–1 sr–1 eV–1 at 2–6 keV. This anisotropic packet of solar electrons was detected at the sattelite for a period of 4200 s and was soon followed by isotropic intensities for a relatively prolonged period. This impulsive emission was associated with the onsets of an optical flare, soft X-ray emission and a radio noise storm at centimeter wavelengths on the western limb of the Sun. Simultaneous measurements of a type III radio noise burst at kilometric wavelengths with a plasma wave instrument on the same satellite showed that the onsets for detectable noise levels ranged from 500 s at 178 kHz to 2700 s at 31.1 kHz. The corresponding drift rate requires a speed of 0.15c for the exciting particles if the emission is at the electron plasma frequency. The corresponding electron energy of 6 keV is in excellent agreement with the above direct observations of the anisotropic electron packet. Further supporting evidence that several-keV solar electrons in the anisotropic packet are associated with the emission of type III radio noise beyond 50R is provided by their time-of-arrival at Earth and the relative durations of the radio noise and the solar electron packet. Electron intensities at E 45 keV and the isotropic intensities of lower-energy solar electrons are relatively uncorrelated with the measurements of type III radio noise at these low frequencies. The implications of these observations relative to those at higher frequencies, and heliocentric radial distances 50R , include apparent deceleration of the exciting electron beam with increasing heliocentric radial distance.Research supported in part by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under contracts NAS5-11039 and NAS5-11074 and grant NGL16-001-002 and by the Office of Naval Research under contract N000-14-68-A-0196-0003.  相似文献   

Ther-centroids and Franck-Condon factors for the bands of theA 2X 2+ of CP,C 3X 3 of SiC, andB 2+X 2+ of CO+ molecules have been determined. The Franck-Condon factors are evaluated by the approximate analytical method of Jarmain and Fraser. The absence of the bands in these systems is explained.  相似文献   

A. Greve 《Solar physics》1977,52(2):423-427
For a representative set of atmospheric and atomic parameters we determine the strengths of solar dielectronic recombination lines originating in ions with Z 6 at frequencies of 70 GHz. We compare the line strengths derived here with those calculated by Berger and Simon (1972) and find that our values for representative ions with Z3 are lower by a factor 102–103, being mainly the result of the inclusion of the electronic pressure broadening. We outline the requirements for the detection of lines, which must establish an upper limit of at least 10-5 for the line to continuum ratio.  相似文献   

An analysis of the effects of Hall current on hydromagnetic free-convective flow through a porous medium bounded by a vertical plate is theoretically investigated when a strong magnetic field is imposed in a direction which is perpendicular to the free stream and makes an angle to the vertical direction. The influence of Hall currents on the flow is studied for various values of .Nomenclature c p specific heat at constant pressure - e electrical charge - E Eckert number - E electrical field intensity - g acceleration due to gravity - G Grashof number - H 0 applied magnetic field - H magnetic field intensity - (j x , j y , j z ) components of current densityJ - J current density - K permeability of porous medium - M magnetic parameter - m Hall parameter - n e electron number density - P Prandtl number - q velocity vector - (T, T w , T ) temperature - t time - (u, v, w) components of the velocity vectorq - U 0 uniform velocity - v 0 suction velocity - (x, y, z) Cartesian coordinates Greek Symbols angle - coefficient of volume expansion - e cyclotron frequency - frequency - dimensionless temperature - thermal conductivity - coefficient of viscosity - magnetic permeability - kinematic viscosity - mass density of fluid - e charge density - electrical conductivity - e electron collision time  相似文献   

We present the tenth list of blue stellar objects of the second part of the First Byurakan Spectral Sky Survey (FBS). The list contains 100 objects in the region+73°+80° and3 h 30 m 18 h 30 m encompassing an area of 355 square degrees. The objects have stellar V magnitude within the limits 12.0–18.5 and B-V colors between–0.77 and+0.37. Of these 100 objects, 80 were discovered for the first time. We give the equatorial coordinates, stellar V magnitude, color index CI, and preliminary classification of the objects on the basis of low-disperion prismatic spectra. For 29 objects we give approximate types, among which 4 are candidates for quasars, 2 for Seyfert galaxies, 1 for superassociation galaxy IC 381, 18 for white dwarfs, and 4 for cataclysmic variables.Translated fromAstrofizika, Vol. 38, No. 2, 1995.  相似文献   

An expansion of the force function ofn-body dynamical systems, where the equations of motion are expressed in the Jacobian coordinate system, is shown to give rise naturally to a set of (n–1) (n–2) dimensionless parameters ki li {i = 2,...,n;k = 2,...,i – 1 (i 3);l =i + 1,...,n (i n – 1)}, representative of the size of the disturbances on the Keplerian orbits of the various bodies. The expansion is particularized to the casen=3 which involves the consideration of only two parameters 23 and 32. Further, the work of Szebehely and Zare (1977) is reviewed briefly with reference to a sufficient condition for the stability of corotational coplanar three-body systems, in which two of the bodies form a binary system. This condition is sufficient in the sense that it precludes any possibility of an exchange of bodies, i.e. Hill type stability, however, it is not a necessary condition. These two approaches are then combined to yield regions of stability or instability in terms of the parameters 23 and 32 for any system of given masses and orbital characteristics (neglecting eccentricities and inclinations) with the following result: that there is a readily applicable rule to assess the likelihood of stability or instability of any given triple system in terms of 23 and 32.Treating a system ofn bodies as a set of disturbed three-body systems we use existing data from the solar system, known triple systems and numerical experiments in the many-body problem to plot a large number of triple systems in the 23, 32 plane and show the results agree well with the 23, 32 analysis above (eccentricities and inclinations as appropriate to most real systems being negligible). We further deal briefly with the extension of the criteria to many-body systems wheren>4, and discuss several interesting cases of dynamical systems.  相似文献   

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