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Abstract— Partition coefficients of the rare-earth-elements (REE) between sulfides (FeS or CaS) and silicate melt were determined experimentally at 1200–1300 °C. The REE sulfide/silicate partition coefficients (D) are ≤1 under the experimental O and S fugacities, which demonstrates that the REE are mainly located in the silicate phase. Rare-earth-element partition coefficients in the FeS/silicate system decrease from light to heavy REE, while the opposite behavior is found for the CaS/silicate system, where partition coefficients increase from light to heavy REE. In both sulfide systems, Eu is preferentially incorporated into the sulfide phases, as also expected from thermodynamic calculations. The Eu sulfide/silicate partition coefficient is about a factor of ten higher than that of neighboring Sm and Gd, in accordance with thermodynamic predictions of REE sulfide/silicate partition coefficients. The low sulfide/silicate partition coefficients indicate that CaS (oldhamite) in enstatite achondrites (aubrites) cannot have gained its high REE concentrations during igneous differentiation processes. The high REE concentrations and the REE patterns in aubritic oldhamite are more plausibly explained by REE condensation into refractory CaS. The refractory nature of CaS prevented major exchange reactions of the oldhamite with other aubritic minerals during the short differentiation and metamorphism period on the aubrite parent body. Thus, oldhamite in aubrites may be relict condensates altered to different degrees during short heating events, as originally suggested by Lodders and Palme (1990).  相似文献   

Abstract— The origin of the aubrite parent body (APB) and its relation to the enstatite chondrites is still unclear. Therefore we began a detailed chemical study of the aubrite Peña Blanca Spring. Bulk samples and mineral separates (oldhamite, troilite, alabandite, pyroxene) of Peña Blanca Spring were analyzed for major and trace elements by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). In addition, a leaching experiment was performed on a powdered bulk sample to study the distribution of trace elements in aubrite minerals. The elemental abundances in Peña Blanca Spring are compared to abundances in EH-chondrites and EL-chondrites in an attempt to distinguish volatility related fractionations (evaporation, condensation) from planetary differentiation (melting and core formation). Low abundances of siderophile (e.g., Ir) and chalcophile (e.g., V) elements in bulk samples indicate that 25% (by mass) metal and about 6% (by mass) sulfide separated from an enstatite chondrite like-parent body to form a core and a residual mantle with aubrite composition. We argue that the high observed rare earth element (REE) abundances in oldhamite (>100 × EH-chondrite normalized) reflect REE incorporation into oldhamite during nebular condensation. Thus, oldhamite in aubrites is, at least in part, a relict phase as originally proposed by Lodders and Palme (1990). Some re-equilibration of CaS with silicates has, however, occurred, leading to partial redistribution of REE, as exemplified by the uptake of Eu by plagioclase. The distribution of the REE among aubritic minerals cannot be the result of fractional crystallization, which would occur if high degrees of partial melting took place on the APB. Instead, the REE distributions indicate incomplete equilibrium of oldhamite and other phases. Therefore, a short non-equlibrium melting episode led to segregation of metal and sulfides.  相似文献   

Abstract— To test whether aubrites can be formed by melting of enstatite chondrites and to understand igneous processes at very low O fugacities, we have conducted partial melting experiments on the Indarch (EH4) chondrite at 1000–1500 °C. Silicate melting begins at 1000 °C, and Indarch is completely melted by 1500 °C. The metal-sulfide component melts completely at 1000 °C. Substantial melt migration occurs at 1300–1400 °C, and metal migrates out of the silicate charge at 1450 °C and ~50% silicate partial melting. As a group, our experiments contain three immiscible metallic melts (Si-, P-, and C-rich), two immiscible sulfide melts (Fe- and FeMgMnCa-rich), and silicate melt. Our partial melting experiments on the Indarch (EH4) enstatite chondrite suggest that igneous processes at low fO2 exhibit several unique features. The complete melting of sulfides at 1000 °C suggests that aubritic sulfides are not relics. Aubritic oldhamite may have crystallized from Ca and S complexed in the silicate melt. Significant metal-sulfide melt migration might occur at relatively low degrees of silicate partial melting. Substantial elemental exchange occurred between different melts (e.g., S between sulfide and silicate, Si between silicate and metal), a feature not observed during experiments at higher fO2. This exchange may help explain the formation of aubrites from known enstatite chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— In Qingzhen (EH3), oldhamite contains numerous types of inclusions and intergrows with other phases; but in equilibrated enstatite chondrites and aubrites, it usually occurs as individual grains. I suggest that oldhamite in unequilibrated enstatite chondrites (UECs) crystallized from a melt, probably during chondrule formation. Subsequent thermal metamorphism on the parent bodies further modified the oldhamite occurrences in enstatite chondrites. This suggestion is consistent with the results of melting experiments on UECs and aubrites and with the volatile element enrichments in this mineral. I analyzed minor and trace element abundances in diopside from two aubrites. These data and petrographic observations suggest that diopside formed by igneous crystallization. I report the first known occurrence of roedderite in an aubrite and its major, minor, and trace element concentrations. This mineral is rich in alkalis but is depleted in siderophile and refractory lithophile elements. A negative Sm anomaly was noted in albite from equilibrated enstatite chondrites and aubrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— –Literature data show that, among EH chondrites, the Abee impact‐melt breccia exhibits unusual mineralogical characteristics. These include very low MnO in enstatite (<0.04 wt%), higher Mn in troilite (0.24 wt%) and oldhamite (0.36 wt%) than in EH4 Indarch and EH3 Kota‐Kota (which are not impact‐melt breccias), low Mn in keilite (3.6–4.3 wt%), high modal abundances of keilite (11.2 wt%) and silica (~7 wt%, but ranging up to 16 wt% in some regions), low modal abundances of total silicates (58.8 wt%) and troilite (5.8 wt%), and the presence of acicular grains of the amphibole, fluor‐richterite. These features result from Abee's complex history of shock melting and crystallization. Impact heating was responsible for the loss of MnO from enstatite and the concomitant sulfidation of Mn. Troilite and oldhamite grains that crystallized from the impact melt acquired relatively high Mn contents. Abundant keilite and silica also crystallized from the melt; these phases (along with metallic Fe) were produced at the expense of enstatite, niningerite and troilite. Melting of the latter two phases produced a S‐rich liquid with higher Fe/Mg and Fe/Mn ratios than in the original niningerite, allowing the crystallization of keilite. Prior to impact melting, F was distributed throughout Abee, perhaps in part adsorbed onto grain surfaces; after impact melting, most of the F that was not volatilized was incorporated into crystallizing grains of fluor‐richterite. Other EH‐chondrite impact‐melt breccias and impact‐melt rocks exhibit some of these mineralogical features and must have experienced broadly similar thermal histories.  相似文献   

Abstract— Enstatite is the primary silicate phase of equilibrated enstatite chondrites (EECs). The CaO contents of these enstatites lie close to or on the enstatite-diopside phase boundary, yet, curiously, diopside has always been absent from EEC assemblages. In contrast, aubrites contain abundant diopside even though they are thought to be derived from an E chondrite-like protolith. A phase equilibrium analysis of the Ca-Mg-Fe-Mn-Si-O-S system under reducing conditions solves this enigma and shows that diopside-bearing EECs should commonly be found. When S fugacity is sufficiently high (e.g., Fe-FeS buffer), low O fugacity limits the stability of diopside in favor of oldhamite. Under such conditions, the relative stability of diopside and oldhamite is described by the reaction: CaMgSi2O6 + MgS = CaS + Mg2Si2O6 A large bulk compositional field exists where diopside and oldhamite are simultaneously stable. The existence of oldhamite does not preclude the stability of diopside. Phase diagram topology demonstrates that bulk compositions lying in the enstatite-oldhamite field and enstatite-oldhamite-alabandite field have enstatite CaO contents nearly identical to that of enstatite in equilibrium with diopside alone. This explains the high enstatite CaO contents of all EECs that do not contain diopside. This study also reports the discovery of the first EEC to contain metamorphic diopside, the Antarctic meteorite EET 90102. Elephant Moraine 90102 has a typical EL6 texture and contains the assemblage: enstatite, diopside, albite, kamacite, troilite, sinoite, and graphite. Trace quantities of alabandite, oldhamite and daubreelite are also present. Diopside is stable in EET 90102 because its bulk composition lies within either the enstatite-diopside-oldhamite-alabandite or diopside-alabandite-enstatite stability fields. In contrast, all other EECs analyzed to date have bulk compositions lying in the enstatite-oldhamite-alabandite stability field. The discovery of diopside in EET 90102 helps confirm the predictions of the phase equilibrium analysis. Elephant Moraine 90102 experienced a high-temperature metamorphic equilibration from which it was quenched. The enstatite-diopside, CaS in alabandite and Fe in alabandite, geothermometers yield temperatures of last equilibration of ~900 °C. The absence of daubreelite and schreibersite along with high troilite Cr contents and high kamacite P contents confirm a high-temperature metamorphic quench. The EET 90102 chondrite experienced a somewhat different cooling history and has a slightly different bulk composition than all other EECs studied to date; however, the close mineralogic, petrologic and textural similarities between EET 90102 and nominal EL6 chondrites signify that it should be classified as a diopside- and sinoite-bearing EL6 chondrite. Assuming that the aubrites formed from an E chondrite-like protolith, a source rock similar to that of a diopside-bearing EEC offers a clear advantage for aubrite formation. Melting of a diopside-saturated EEC protolith would not require conversion of CaS to achieve diopside-saturation upon cooling.  相似文献   

We present petrologic and isotopic data on Northwest Africa (NWA) 4799, NWA 7809, NWA 7214, and NWA 11071 meteorites, which were previously classified as aubrites. These four meteorites contain between 31 and 56 vol% of equigranular, nearly endmember enstatite, Fe,Ni metal, plagioclase, terrestrial alteration products, and sulfides, such as troilite, niningerite, daubréelite, oldhamite, and caswellsilverite. The equigranular texture of the enstatite and the presence of the metal surrounding enstatite indicate that these rocks were not formed through igneous processes like the aubrites, but rather by impact processes. In addition, the presence of pre‐terrestrially weathered metal (7.1–14 vol%), undifferentiated modal abundances compared to enstatite chondrites, presence of graphite, absence of diopside and forsterite, low Ti in troilite, and high Si in Fe,Ni metals suggest that these rocks formed through impact melting on chondritic and not aubritic parent bodies. Formation of these meteorites on a parent body with similar properties to the EHa enstatite chondrite parent body is suggested by their mineralogy. These parent bodies have undergone impact events from at least 4.5 Ga (NWA 11071) until at least 4.2 Ga (NWA 4799) according to 39Ar‐40Ar ages, indicating that this region of the solar system was heavily bombarded early in its history. By comparing NWA enstatite chondrite impact melts to Mercury, we infer that they represent imperfect petrological analogs to this planet given their high metal abundances, but they could represent important geochemical analogs for the behavior and geochemical affinities of elements on Mercury. Furthermore, the enstatite chondrite impact melts represent an important petrological analog for understanding high‐temperature processes and impact processes on Mercury, due to their similar mineralogies, Fe‐metal‐rich and FeO‐poor silicate abundances, and low oxygen fugacity.  相似文献   

Al Haggounia 001 and paired specimens (including Northwest Africa [NWA] 2828 and 7401) are part of a vesicular, incompletely melted, EL chondrite impact melt rock with a mass of ~3 metric tons. The meteorite exhibits numerous shock effects including (1) development of undulose to weak mosaic extinction in low‐Ca pyroxene; (2) dispersion of metal‐sulfide blebs within silicates causing “darkening”; (3) incomplete impact melting wherein some relict chondrules survived; (4) vaporization of troilite, resulting in S2 bubbles that infused the melt; (5) formation of immiscible silicate and metal‐sulfide melts; (6) shock‐induced transportation of the metal‐sulfide melt to distances >10 cm; (7) partial resorption of relict chondrules and coarse silicate grains by the surrounding silicate melt; (8) crystallization of enstatite in the matrix and as overgrowths on relict silicate grains and relict chondrules; (9) crystallization of plagioclase from the melt; and (10) quenching of the vesicular silicate melt. The vesicular samples lost almost all of their metal during the shock event and were less susceptible to terrestrial weathering; in contrast, the samples in which the metal melt accumulated became severely weathered. Literature data indicate the meteorite fell ~23,000 yr ago; numerous secondary phases formed during weathering. Both impact melting and weathering altered the meteorite's bulk chemical composition: e.g., impact melting and loss of a metal‐sulfide melt from NWA 2828 is responsible for bulk depletions in common siderophile elements and in Mn (from alabandite); weathering of oldhamite caused depletions in many rare earth elements; the growth of secondary phases caused enrichments in alkalis, Ga, As, Se, and Au.  相似文献   

Abstract— We studied 2 enstatite aggregates (En >99), with sizes of 0.5 and 1.5 mm, embedded in the carbonaceous matrix of Kaidun. They contain sulfide inclusions up to 650 μm in length, which consist mainly of niningerite but contain numerous grains of heideite as well as oldhamite and some secondary phases (complex Fe, Ti, S hydroxides and Ca carbonate). Both niningerite and heideite are enriched in all trace elements relative to the co‐existing enstatite except for Be and Sc. The niningerite has the highest Ca content (about 5 wt%) of all niningerites analyzed so far in any meteorite and is the phase richest in trace elements. The REE pattern is fractionated, with the CI‐normalized abundance of Lu being higher by 2 orders of magnitude than that of La, and has a strong negative Eu anomaly. Heideite is, on average, poorer in trace elements except for Zr, La, and Li. Its REE pattern is flat at about 0.5 × CI, and it also has a strong negative Eu anomaly. The enstatite is very poor in trace elements. Its Ce content is about 0.01 that of niningerite, but Li, Be, Ti, and Sc have between 0.1 and 1 × CI abundances. The preferential partitioning of typical lithophile elements into sulfides indicates highly O‐deficient and S‐dominated formation conditions for the aggregates. The minimum temperature of niningerite formation is estimated to be ?850–900 °C. The texture and the chemical characteristics of the phases in the aggregates suggest formation by aggregation and subsequent sintering before incorporation into the Kaidun breccia. The trace element data obtained for heideite, the first on record, show that this mineral, in addition to oldhamite and niningerite, is also a significant carrier of trace elements in enstatite meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— NWA 2526 is a coarse‐grained, achondritic rock dominated by equigranular grains of polysynthetically twinned enstatite (?85 vol%) with frequent 120° triple junctions and ?10–15 vol% of kamacite + terrestrial weathering products. All other phases including troilite, daubreelite, schreibersite, and silica‐normative melt areas make up 相似文献   

Abstract— The Ca isotopic compositions of 32 oldhamite (CaS) grains from the Qingzhen (EH3), MAC88136 (EL3), and Indarch (EH4) enstatite chondrites were determined by ion microprobe mass spectrometry. Also measured were the S isotopic compositions of eight oldhamite, two niningerite (MgS), and seven troilite (FeS) grains. The S isotopic compositions of all minerals are normal, but oldhamite grains of the first two meteorites exhibit apparent small 48Ca excesses and deficits that are correlated with isotopic mass fractionation as determined from the 40Ca-44Ca pair. The interpretation of these results is complicated by the fact that none of the established mass fractionation laws can account for the data in the Norton County oldhamite standard. The method of analysis is carefully scrutinized for experimental artifacts. Neither interferences nor any known mass fractionation effect can satisfactorily explain the observed small deviations from normal isotopic composition. If these are truly isotopic anomalies, they are much smaller than those observed in hibonite. The nucleosynthetic origin of Ca isotopes is discussed.  相似文献   

The Qingzhen (EH3) chondrite contains a population of spheroidal metal-sulfide nodules, which display textural evidence of reheating and melting. Evidence of metal sulfuration is also present, suggesting replacement of metal by sulfide during melting. This process has led to the nucleation of perryite along metal-sulfide interfaces. Gallium-bearing sphalerite and a Cu-sulfide of composition intermediate between chalcopyrite and cubanite occur as inclusions within the metal of some nodules. Other phases present are: kamacite, troilite, Ga-free sphalerite, niningerite, perryite, schreibersite, oldhamite, Cr-sulfide (minerals A and B), djerfisherite, SiO2, albite and enstatite. The Ga-bearing sphalerite may have formed by injection of molten sulfide droplets into the metal followed by subsolidus diffusion of Ga from the metal into the sulfide. The latter may occur because of Ga supersaturation in the metal during progressive sulfuration and its decreased affinity for the metal phase during cooling below the taenite-kamacite transition point.  相似文献   

We report in situ LA‐ICP‐MS trace element analyses of silicate phases in olivine‐bearing chondrules in the Sahara 97096 (EH3) enstatite chondrite. Most olivine and enstatite present rare earth element (REE) patterns comparable to their counterparts in type I chondrules in ordinary chondrites. They thus likely share a similar igneous origin, likely under similar redox conditions. The mesostasis however frequently shows negative Eu and/or Yb (and more rarely Sm) anomalies, evidently out of equilibrium with olivine and enstatite. We suggest that this reflects crystallization of oldhamite during a sulfidation event, already inferred by others, during which the mesostasis was molten, where the complementary positive Eu and Yb anomalies exhibited by oldhamite would have possibly arisen due to a divalent state of these elements. Much of this igneous oldhamite would have been expelled from the chondrules, presumably by inertial acceleration or surface tension effects, and would have contributed to the high abundance of opaque nodules found outside them in EH chondrites. In two chondrules, olivine and enstatite exhibit negatively sloped REE patterns, which may be an extreme manifestation of a general phenomenon (possibly linked to near‐liquidus partitioning) underlying the overabundance of light REE observed in most chondrule silicates relative to equilibrium predictions. The silicate phases in one of these two chondrules show complementary Eu, Yb, and Sm anomalies providing direct evidence for the postulated occurrence of the divalent state for these elements at some stage in the formation reservoir of enstatite chondrites. Our work supports the idea that the peculiarities of enstatite chondrites may not require a condensation sequence at high C/O ratios as has long been believed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Patches of clastic matrix (15 to 730 μm in size) constitute 4.9 vol% of EH3 Yamato (Y‐) 691 and 11.7 vol% of EH3 Allan Hills (ALH) 81189. Individual patches in Y‐691 consist of 1) ?25 vol% relatively coarse opaque grain fragments and polycrystalline assemblages of kamacite, schreibersite, perryite, troilite (some grains with daubréelite exsolution lamellae), niningerite, oldhamite, and caswellsilverite; 2) ?30 vol% relatively coarse silicate grains including enstatite, albitic plagioclase, silica and diopside; and 3) an inferred fine nebular component (?45 vol%) comprised of submicrometer‐size grains. Clastic matrix patches in ALH 81189 contain relatively coarse grains of opaques (?20 vol%; kamacite, schreibersite, perryite and troilite) and silicates (?30 vol%; enstatite, silica and forsterite) as well as an inferred fine nebular component (?50 vol%). The O‐isotopic composition of clastic matrix in Y‐691 is indistinguishable from that of olivine and pyroxene grains in adjacent chondrules; both sets of objects lie on the terrestrial mass‐fractionation line on the standard three‐isotope graph. Some patches of fine‐grained matrix in Y‐691 have distinguishable bulk concentrations of Na and K, inferred to be inherited from the solar nebula. Some patches in ALH 81189 differ in their bulk concentrations of Ca, Cr, Mn, and Ni. The average compositions of matrix material in Y‐691 and ALH 81189 are similar but not identical‐matrix in ALH 81189 is much richer in Mn (0.23 ± 0.05 versus 0.07 ± 0.02 wt%) and appreciably richer in Ni (0.36 ± 0.10 versus 0.18 ± 0.05 wt%) than matrix in Y‐691. Each of the two whole‐rocks exhibits a petrofabric, probably produced by shock processes on their parent asteroid.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Frontier Mountain (FRO) 93001 meteorite is a 4.86 g fragment of an unshocked, medium‐ to coarse‐grained rock from the acapulcoite‐lodranite (AL) parent body. It consists of anhedral orthoenstatite (Fs13.3 ± 0.4Wo3.1 ± 0.2), augite (Fs6.1 ± 0.7Wo42.3 ± 0.9; Cr2O3 = 1.54 ± 0.03), and oligoclase (Ab80.5 ± 3.3Or3.1 ± 0.6) up to >1 cm in size enclosing polycrystalline aggregates of fine‐grained olivine (average grain size: 460 ± 210 μm) showing granoblastic textures, often associated with Fe,Ni metal, troilite, chromite (cr# = 0.91 ± 0.03; fe# = 0.62 ± 0.04), schreibersite, and phosphates. Such aggregates appear to have been corroded by a melt. They are interpreted as lodranitic xenoliths. After the igneous (the term “igneous” is used here strictly to describe rocks or minerals that solidified from molten material) lithology intruding an acapulcoite host in Lewis Cliff (LEW) 86220, FRO 93001 is the second‐known silicate‐rich melt from the AL parent asteroid. Despite some similarities, the silicate igneous component of FRO 93001 (i.e., the pyroxene‐plagioclase mineral assemblage) differs in being coarser‐grained and containing abundant enstatite. Melting‐crystallization modeling suggests that FRO 93001 formed through high‐degree partial melting (≥35 wt%; namely, ≥15 wt% silicate melting and ?20 wt% metal melting) of an acapulcoitic source rock, or its chondritic precursor, at temperatures ≥1200 °C, under reducing conditions. The resulting magnesium‐rich silicate melt then underwent equilibrium crystallization; prior to complete crystallization at ?1040 °C, it incorporated lodranitic xenoliths. FRO 93001 is the highest‐temperature melt from the AL parent‐body so far available in laboratory. The fact that FRO 93001 could form by partial melting and crystallization under equilibrium conditions, coupled with the lack of quench‐textures and evidence for shock deformation in the xenoliths, suggests that FRO 93001 is a magmatic rock produced by endogenic heating rather than impact melting.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report new petrographic and chemical data for the equilibrated EL chondrite Grein 002, including the occurrence of osbornite, metallic copper, abundant taenite, and abundant diopside. As inferred from low Si concentrations in kamacite, the presence of ferroan alabandite, textural deformation, chemical equilibration of mafic silicates, and a subsolar noble gas component, we concur with Grein 002's previous classification as an EL4‐5 chondrite. Furthermore, the existence of pockets consisting of relatively coarse, euhedral enstatite crystals protruding large patches of Fe‐Ni alloys suggests to us that this EL4‐5 chondrite has been locally melted. We suspect impact induced shock to have triggered the formation of the melt pockets. Mineralogical evidence indicates that the localized melting of metal and adjacent enstatite must have happened relatively late in the meteorite's history. The deformation of chondrules, equilibration of mafic silicates, and generation of normal zoning in Fe, Zn‐sulfides took place during thermal alteration before the melting event. Following parent body metamorphism, daubreelite was exsolved from troilite in response to a period of slow cooling at subsolidus temperatures. Exsolution of schreibersite from the coarse metal patches probably occurred during a similar period of slow cooling subsequent to the event that induced the formation of the melt pockets. Overall shock features other than localized melting correspond to stage S2 and were likely established by the final impact that excavated the Grein 002 meteoroid.  相似文献   

The Gao‐Guenie H5 chondrite that fell on Burkina Faso (March 1960) has portions that were impact‐melted on an H chondrite asteroid at ~300 Ma and, through later impact events in space, sent into an Earth‐crossing orbit. This article presents a petrographic and electron microprobe analysis of a representative sample of the Gao‐Guenie impact melt breccia consisting of a chondritic clast domain, quenched melt in contact with chondritic clasts, and an igneous‐textured impact melt domain. Olivine is predominantly Fo80–82. The clast domain contains low‐Ca pyroxene. Impact melt‐grown pyroxene is commonly zoned from low‐Ca pyroxene in cores to pigeonite and augite in rims. Metal–troilite orbs in the impact melt domain measure up to ~2 mm across. The cores of metal orbs in the impact melt domain contain ~7.9 wt% of Ni and are typically surrounded by taenite and Ni‐rich troilite. The metallography of metal–troilite droplets suggest a stage I cooling rate of order 10 °C s?1 for the superheated impact melt. The subsolidus stage II cooling rate for the impact melt breccia could not be determined directly, but was presumably fast. An analogy between the Ni rim gradients in metal of the Gao‐Guenie impact melt breccia and the impact‐melted H6 chondrite Orvinio suggests similar cooling rates, probably on the order of ~5000–40,000 °C yr?1. A simple model of conductive heat transfer shows that the Gao‐Guenie impact melt breccia may have formed in a melt injection dike ~0.5–5 m in width, generated during a sizeable impact event on the H chondrite parent asteroid.  相似文献   

Abstract– Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94204, an enstatite achondrite, is a coarse‐grained, highly recrystallized, chondrule‐free and unbrecciated rock dominated (about 70 vol%) by anhedral, equigranular crystals of orthoenstatite of nearly endmember composition (Fs0.1–0.4, Wo0.3–0.4) with interstitial plagioclase, kamacite, and troilite. Abundance of approximately 120° triple junctions and the close association of metal–sulfide and plagioclase‐rich melts indicate that QUE 94204 has undergone limited partial melting with inefficient melt extraction. Mineral chemistry indicates a high degree of thermal metamorphism. Kamacite in QUE 94204 contains between 2.09 and 2.55 wt% Si, similar to highly metamorphosed EL chondrites. Plagioclase has between 4.31 and 6.66 wt% CaO, higher than other E chondrites but closer in composition to plagioclase from metamorphosed EL chondrites. QUE 94204 troilite contains up to 2.55 wt% Ti, consistent with extensive thermal metamorphism of an E chondrite‐like precursor. Results presented in this study indicate that QUE 94204 is the result of low degree, (about 5–20 vol%, probably toward the lower end of this range) partial melting of an E chondrite protolith. Textural and chemical evidence suggests that during the metamorphism of QUE 94204, melts formed first at the Fe,Ni‐FeS cotectic near approximately 900 °C, followed by plagioclase‐pyroxene silicate partial melts near approximately 1100 °C. Neither the Fe,Ni‐FeS nor the plagioclase‐pyroxene melts were efficiently segregated or extracted. QUE 94204 belongs to a grouplet of similar “primitive enstatite achondrites” that are analogous to the acapulcoites‐lodranites, but that have resulted from the partial melting of an E chondrite‐like protolith.  相似文献   

A slab of the Willamette ungrouped iron contains elongated troilite nodules (up to ~2 × 10 cm) that were crushed and penetrated by wedges of crushed metal during a major impact event. What makes this sample unique is the contrast between the large amount of shock damage and the very small (~1%) amounts of shock melting in the large troilite nodules. The postshock temperature was low, probably ?960 °C. The Widmanstätten pattern has been largely obscured by an episode of postshock annealing that caused recrystallization of the kamacite. The shock and thermal history of Willamette includes (1) initial crystallization and formation of multicentimeter‐size troilite nodules from trapped melt, (2) impact‐induced melting of metal‐sulfide assemblages to form lobate taenite masses a few hundred micrometers in size, (3) impact‐crushing of the nodules and jamming of metal wedges into them, (4) simultaneous crushing of metal grains adjacent to sulfide throughout the meteorite, (5) postshock annealing causing minor recrystallization of metal and troilite, and (6) a late‐stage shock event (and additional annealing) producing Neumann lines in the kamacite.  相似文献   

Abstract— SA-1, an unusual basaltic plagioclase-olivine inclusion (POI) in Allende, has concentric textural and mineralogic zones, a fine-grained, 100μm outer border and a coarse-grained interior with subophitic texture. Fassaite, diopside and olivine from the exterior border and interior of SA-1 have uniform intrinsic mass fractionation with isotopically heavy Mg (FMg = 3.6 ± 1.8‰/amu). In contrast, spinels from the spinel-rich regions adjacent to the fine-grained border have normal Mg isotopic composition (FMg = 0.1 ± 1.5‰/amu). The cores of large calcic (An90,99) plagioclase have no excess 26Mg, corresponding to 26Mg*/ 27Al < 3.7 × 10?6. The Mg isotopic heterogeneity in SA-1 requires initial cooling rates of spinel-rich regions adjacent to the fine-grained border to be greater than ~75 °C/hr. In contrast, the subophitic texture of the interior suggests cooling rates of 5–20 °C/ hr. The minerals in SA-1 exhibit a wide range of REE abundances. Lanthanum concentrations vary from 1 × chondritic (ch) in early crystallizing diopside to 100 × ch in late crystallizing fassaite. Nepheline has 18–20 × ch LREE and 11–25 × ch HREE and iron-rich mesostasis is highly enriched in the REE with 270–400 × ch LREE and 230–280 × ch HREE. The complementary REE patterns of clinopyroxene and plagioclase and the enrichment of incompatible trace elements in the mesostasis and late crystallizing phases is consistent with closed system crystallization. The REE data for nepheline and the iron-rich mesostasis indicate these phases are in equilibrium and that nepheline crystallized from a melt. Influx of alkalies, minor Fe and halogens must have occurred during the last stages of crystallization or the inclusion must have been partially molten during Na influx as both anorthite (An99) and nepheline are present in this inclusion. The preservation of isotopic heterogeneity in an inclusion that crystallized from a melt implies that melting was incomplete, allowing for survival of the relict spinels. The major and trace element abundances in SA-1 are inconsistent with formation as a mixture of nebular materials and suggest that SA-1 contains a chemically fractionated component produced by igneous differentiation.  相似文献   

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