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Abstract— Transmission-electron-microscopy (TEM) and optical data suggest that chondrules in the Chainpur (LL3.4) chondrite experienced varied thermal and deformation histories prior to the final agglomeration of the meteorite. Chainpur may be regarded as an agglomerate or breccia that experienced little deformation or heating during and after the final accumulation and compaction of its constituents. One chondrule in Chainpur was impact-shocked to high pressures (~ 20–50 GPa), almost certainly prior to final agglomeration, either while it was an independent entity in space or while it was in the regolith of a parent body. However, most (>85%) of the chondrules in Chainpur were evidently not significantly shock-metamorphosed subsequent to their formation. The dearth of shock effects implies that most chondrules in Chainpur did not form by shock melting, although some chondrules may have formed by this process. Dusty-metal-bearing olivine grains, which are widely interpreted to have escaped melting during chondrule formation, contain moderate densities of dislocations (~ 108 cm?2). The dislocations in these grains were introduced before or during the last episode of melting in at least one chondrule. This observation can be explained if olivine was impact-deformed before or during chondrule formation, or if olivine was strained by reduction or thermally-induced processes during chondrule formation. Low-Ca pyroxene grains in chondrules are often strained. In most cases this strain probably arose as a by-product of polytype transformations (protoenstatite → clinoenstatite/orthoenstatite and clinoenstatite → orthoenstatite) that occurred during the igneous crystallization and static annealing of chondrules. Droplet chondrules with glassy mesostases were minimally annealed, consistent with an origin as relatively rapidly cooled objects in an unconfined, cold environment. Some irregular chondrules and at least one droplet chondrule were thermally metamorphosed prior to final agglomeration, either as a result of moderately slow cooling (~ 100 °C/hr) from melt temperatures (during autometamorphism) or as a result of reheating episodes. Two of the most annealed chondrules contain relatively abundant plagioclase feldspar, and one of these has a uniform olivine composition appropriate to that of an LL4 chondrite.  相似文献   

Abstract— A set of cristobalite- and tridymite-rich igneous clasts (CB1 to CB8) have been found in Parnallee (LL3.6). They consist of clinoenstatite, minor feldspathic mesostasis and cristobalite veined by endiopsideaugite. The largest clast, CB8, is 1.6 cm in diameter and contains veined tridymite and cristobalite, clinoenstatite (zoned to ferroaugite and pyroxferroite Fs75.6Wo20.0) and plagioclase. Compared to bulk ordinary chondrites (OC), the bulk clasts are depleted in Al (0.02–0.8× OC), Na and K and enriched in Si (1.6–2.0× OC) and Ca (1.3–4.5× OC). Bulk CB8 has LREE > HREE (La/Lu = 1.6) with a positive Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 2.4). Textural observations suggest that the clasts cooled rapidly (24–420 °C/h) above 1200 °C. Clasts CB1—CB8 contain the isotopically heaviest O yet found in ordinary chondrites (up to δ17O = +8.7%o, δ18O = +11.6%o). Enrichment in the heavy isotopes of O is dependent on the proportion of cristobalite (or tridymite) in the clasts. A regression line CRIL (Cristobalite Line), with slope 0.77, is defined by the isotopic compositions of CB1—CB8, the Farmington clast and ordinary chondrite chondrules. An 16O-poor gas reservoir, whose composition must lie at some point along the extension of CRIL, has undergone varying degrees of isotopic exchange with most ordinary chondrite material. Silica polymorphs have undergone the greatest degree of exchange because of their open, framework structures. Silicon in CB1—CB8 has normal isotopic ratios. A model is proposed that involves differentiation of H-group material through extraction of volatile elements in a vapour phase, loss of an Fe-Ni-S melt and metastable crystallisation (60–70%) of olivine. The calculated residual liquid is silica-oversaturated and its subsequent predicted crystallisation sequence resembles that preserved in CB1—CB8. This model may require two stages of heating, the second one prior to cristobalite crystallisation (if the silica polymorph crystallises within its predicted stability field of > 1500 °C). Isotopic exchange took place either when CB1—CB8 were ejected from their parent body due to impact or near the surface of the parent body, perhaps in an ejecta blanket setting. The latter option is preferred because it is more consistent with our igneous model.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the results of a mineralogical and O‐isotopic study of 362 chondrules disaggregated from the Bo Xian chondrite. The range of mineral compositions (Fa = 0.8–31.2%, mean = 23.5%, mode = 27–28%) are consistent with a reclassification of this meteorite from LL4 to LL3.9. Chondrule diameters range from 0.20 to 3.40 mm (mean = 0.74 mm) in the disaggregated population. A lower mean diameter (0.64 mm) calculated from thin‐section measurements partly reflects the high proportion of chondrule fragments. The chondrule size distribution, which is approximately log‐normal, is consistent with size‐sorting mechanisms. This sorting could be linked to the fragmentation of many chondrules on the parent body. However, in detail, the variation in diameter of different chondrule types and a hiatus in the size distribution at 0.6 mm indicate that there may have been complex controls perhaps partly being determined by the chondrule formation mechanism. Seven percent of the sectioned chondrules (102) contain chemically fractionated mineral assemblages: cristobalite‐bearing and Al‐rich. This significant degree of chemical heterogeneity probably resulted from both igneous and volatility controls. Oxygen‐isotopic compositions were determined on mineral separates and 16 of the sectioned chondrules. Three separate isotopic exchange events have been identified. The dominant one is a low‐temperature hydrous gas‐solid exchange event between 16O‐rich solid and 16O‐poor gas reservoirs that lay along a slope 1.0 line on three‐isotope plots. Partial equilibration with the gas by feldspar and cristobalite, which exchanged more rapidly than olivine or pyroxene, led to formation of a slope 0.77 mixing line for Bo Xian and other LL chondrites. Mineralogy is the dominant control on the extent of this exchange; no relationship between isotopic composition and chondrule texture or size was identified. The feldspar separate and cristobalite‐rich chondrules have the most 16O‐poor compositions. Subsequently, thermal metamorphism in the parent body led to partial isotopic equilibration between the different mineral phases. A third exchange event, predating the other two events, is probably shown by one of the Al‐rich chondrules. This has an 16O‐rich composition, lying below the terrestrial fractionation line. Another Al‐rich chondrule has a normal ordinary chondrite isotopic composition. It is not clear whether the isotopic fractionation recorded in some Al‐rich chondrules can be achieved by the dominant gas‐solid exchange. Instead, the precursor O to the mineral phases may have become 16O‐rich during an earlier phase of mass‐independent fractionation.  相似文献   

Abstract— Whole‐chondrule Mn‐Cr isochrons are presented for chondrules separated from the Chainpur (LL3.4) and Bishunpur (LL3.1) meteorites. The chondrules were initially surveyed by instrumental neutron activation analysis. LL‐chondrite‐normalized Mn/Cr, Mn/Fe, and Sc/Fe served to identify chondrules with unusually high or low Mn/Cr ratios, and to correlate the abundances of other elements to Sc, the most refractory element measured. A subset of chondrules from each chondrite was chosen for analysis by a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive x‐ray spectrometer prior to high‐precision Cr‐isotopic analyses. 53Cr/52Cr correlates with 55Mn/52Cr to give initial (53Mn/55Mn)I = (9.4 ± 1.7) × 10?6 for Chainpur chondrules and (53Mn/55Mn)I = (9.5 ± 3.1) × 10?6 for Bishunpur chondrules. The corresponding chondrule formation intervals are, respectively, ΔtLEW = ?10 ± 1 Ma for Chainpur and ?10 ± 2 Ma for Bishunpur relative to the time of igneous crystallization of the Lewis Cliff (LEW) 86010 angrite. Because Mn/Sc correlates positively with Mn/Cr for both the Chainpur and Bishunpur chondrules, indicating dependence of the Mn/Cr ratio on the relative volatility of the elements, we identify the event dated by the isochrons as volatility‐driven elemental fractionation for chondrule precursors in the solar nebula. Thus, our data suggest that the precursors to LL chondrules condensed from the nebula 5.8 ± 2.7 Ma after the time when initial (53Mn/55Mn)I = (2.8 ± 0.3) × 10?5 for calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs), our preferred value, determined from data for (a) mineral separates of type B Allende CAI BR1, (b) spinels from Efremovka CAI E38, and (c) bulk chondrites. Mn‐Cr formation intervals for meteorites are presented relative to average I(Mn) = (53Mn/55Mn)Ch = 9.46 × 10?6 for chondrules. Mn/Cr ratios for radiogenic growth of 53Cr in the solar nebula and later reservoirs are calculated relative to average (I(Mn), ?(53Cr)I) = ((9.46 ± 0.08) × 10?6, ?0.23 ± 0.08) for chondrules. Inferred values of Mn/Cr lie within expected ranges. Thus, it appears that evolution of the Cr‐isotopic composition can be traced from condensation of CAIs via condensation of the ferromagnesian precursors of chondrules to basalt generation on differentiated asteroids. Measured values of ?(53Cr) for individual chondrules exhibit the entire range of values that has been observed as initial ?(53Cr) values for samples from various planetary objects, and which has been attributed to radial heterogeneity in initial 53Mn/55Mn in the early solar system. Estimated 55Mn/52Cr = 0.42 ± 0.05 for the bulk Earth, combined with ?(53Cr) = 0 for the Earth, plots very close to the chondrule isochrons, so that the Earth appears to have the Mn‐Cr systematics of a refractory chondrule. Thus, the Earth apparently formed from material that had been depleted in Mn relative to Cr contemporaneously with condensation of chondrule precursors. If, as seems likely, the Earth's core formed after complete decay of 53Mn, there must have been little differential partitioning of Mn and Cr at that time.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present a detailed petrographic and electron microprobe study of metal grains and related opaque minerals in the chondrule interiors and rims of the Bishunpur (LL3.1) ordinary chondrite. There are distinct differences between metal grains that are completely encased in chondrule interiors and those that have some portion of their surface exposed outside of the chondrule boundary, even though the two types of metal grains can be separated by only a few microns. Metal grains in chondrule interiors exhibit minor alteration in the form of oxidized P‐, Cr‐, and Si‐bearing minerals. Metal grains at chondrule boundaries and in chondrule rims are extensively altered into troilite and fayalite. The results of this study suggest that many metal grains in Bishunpur reacted with a type‐I chondrule melt and incorporated significant amounts of P, Cr, and Si. As the system cooled, some metal oxidation occurred in the chondrule interior, producing metal‐associated phosphate, chromite, and silica. Metal that migrated to chondrule boundaries experienced extensive corrosion as a result of exposure to the external atmosphere present during chondrule formation. It appears that chondrule‐derived metal and its corrosion products were incorporated into the fine‐grained rims that surround many type‐I chondrules, contributing to their Fe‐rich compositions. We propose that these fine‐grained rims formed by a combination of corrosion of metal expelled from the chondrule interior and accretion of fine‐grained mineral fragments and microchondrules.  相似文献   

Abstract– LaPaz Icefield (LAP) 04581 is a shock‐stage S2 LL5 chondrite that initially consisted of unrecrystallized LL3 material with a moderately abundant fine‐grained porous matrix (on the order of 15 vol%). A rare oblique impact created shearing stresses that produced a petrofabric in the rock, induced frictional melting of troilite (thereby forming a large troilite vein), and caused chondrule flattening. The latter process was facilitated by impact‐induced collapse of matrix pores. Chondrule flattening could not have occurred if the rock had been impacted after it had been metamorphosed to type 5 levels because the fine‐grained matrix would have previously recrystallized and developed low porosity. Ar‐Ar dating of LAP 04581 yields an age of 4175 Ma. This date is long after 26Al had decayed away and most likely reflects the timing of a second impact event that shocked the rock to S4–S5 levels. The troilite vein became polycrystalline at this time and the whole rock was annealed to petrologic type 5, perhaps by being buried beneath hot ejecta of low thermal diffusivity. After annealing, the rock was weakly shocked to S2 levels. LAP 04581 serves as an example of impact‐induced heating being a viable mechanism for chondrite metamorphism.  相似文献   

Abstract— We measured the sizes and textural types of 719 intact chondrules and 1322 chondrule fragments in thin sections of Semarkona (LL3.0), Bishunpur (LL3.1), Krymka (LL3.1), Piancaldoli (LL3.4) and Lewis Cliff 88175 (LL3.8). The mean apparent diameter of chondrules in these LL3 chondrites is 0.80 φ units or 570 μm, much smaller than the previous rough estimate of ~900 μm. Chondrule fragments in the five LL3 chondrites have a mean apparent cross‐section of 1.60 φ units or 330 μm. The smallest fragments are isolated olivine and pyroxene grains; these are probably phenocrysts liberated from disrupted porphyritic chondrules. All five LL3 chondrites have fragment/ chondrule number ratios exceeding unity, suggesting that substantial numbers of the chondrules in these rocks were shattered. Most fragmentation probably occurred on the parent asteroid. Porphyritic chondrules (porphyritic olivine + porphyritic pyroxene + porphyritic olivine‐pyroxene) are more readily broken than droplet chondrules (barred olivine + radial pyroxene + cryptocrystalline). The porphyritic fragment/chondrule number ratio (2.0) appreciably exceeds that of droplet‐textured objects (0.9). Intact droplet chondrules have a larger mean size than intact porphyritic chondrules, implying that large porphyritic chondrules are fragmented preferentially. This is consistent with the relatively low percentage of porphyritic chondrules within the set of the largest chondrules (57%) compared to that within the set of the smallest chondrules (81%). Differences in mean size among chondrule textural types may be due mainly to parent‐body chondrule‐fragmentation events and not to chondrule‐formation processes in the solar nebula.  相似文献   

Abstract— Iodine concentrations in small domains (~10 μm) of silicates and troilite (FeS) phases in three chondrules from the Semarkona (LL3) meteorite were determined by an ion microprobe. Independent determination of I content in some of these phases was accomplished by in situ laser probe mass spectrometric analysis of I-derived 128Xe in one of these neutron-irradiated chondrules. The ion microprobe data suggest low I content for olivines (20–45 ppb) and relatively higher values for pyroxene and glass (mesostasis) (40–160 ppb). The broad similarity in the measured I contents in pyroxenes in a porphyritic pyroxene chondrule by ion microprobe (42–138 ppb) and by laser probe (37–76 ppb) demonstrate the feasibility of in situ determination of I content in silicate phases via ion microprobe. The I contents in troilite measured by ion microprobe, however, are prone to uncertainty because of the lack of a sulfide standard. The ion microprobe data suggest I content of > 1 ppm in troilite, if the calibration from our silicate standard is used. However, the noble gas data suggest that the I content in troilite is comparable to that in silicates. We attribute this apparent discrepancy to an enhanced sputter ion yield of I from sulfides. Iodine-derived 129Xe excesses were observed in both pyroxene and troilite within this chondrule. The I-Xe model ages of these selected phases are consistent with the I-Xe studies of the bulk chondrule. The individual data points fall on or near the isochron obtained from the bulk chondrule, although all except the most radiogenic data point contain evidence of low-temperature uncorrelated iodine.  相似文献   

Abstract– The CO3s Colony and Ornans and LL3s Chainpur and Bishunpur were analyzed for the first time for amino acids using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC‐MS). Type 3 chondrites have relatively unaltered metamorphic and petrological histories. Chainpur was the most amino acid rich of the four type 3 chondrites with a total amino acid abundance of 3330 parts per billion (ppb). The other type 3 chondrites had total amino acid abundances that ranged from 660 to 1110 ppb. A d /l ratio of <0.7 for all proteic amino acids suggests at least some amino acid terrestrial contamination. However, a small fraction of indigenous extraterrestrial amino acids cannot be excluded because of the presence of the nonprotein amino acid α‐aminoisobutyric acid (α‐AIB), and unusually high relative abundances (to glycine) of β‐alanine and γ‐ABA. The comparisons between the free and total amino acid contents of the samples also indicate a low free/total amino acid ratio (ranging from about 1:4 in CO chondrites to about 1:50 in Chainpur), which indicate that amino acids are present mainly in the bound form and were made detectable after acid hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Abstract— Cooling rates of chondrules provide important constraints on the formation process of chondrite components at high temperatures. Although many dynamic crystallization experiments have been performed to obtain the cooling rate of chondrules, these only provide a possible range of cooling rates, rather than providing actual measured values from natural chondrules. We have developed a new model to calculate chondrule cooling rates by using the Fe‐Mg chemical zoning profile of olivine, considering diffusional modification of zoning profiles as crystals grow by fractional crystallization from a chondrule melt. The model was successfully verified by reproducing the Fe‐Mg zoning profiles obtained in dynamic crystallization experiments on analogs for type II chondrules in Semarkona. We applied the model to calculating cooling rates for olivine grains of type II porphyritic olivine chondrules in the Semarkona (LL3.00) ordinary chondrite. Calculated cooling rates show a wide range from 0.7 °C/h to 2400 °C/h and are broadly consistent with those obtained by dynamic crystallization experiments (10–1000 °C/h). Variations in cooling rates in individual chondrules can be attributed to the fact that we modeled grains with different core Fa compositions that are more Fe‐rich either because of sectioning effects or because of delayed nucleation. Variations in cooling rates among chondrules suggest that each chondrule formed in different conditions, for example in regions with varying gas density, and assembled in the Semarkona parent body after chondrule formation.  相似文献   

Abstract— We used synchrotron X‐ray microtomography to image in 3‐dimensions (3D) eight whole chondrules in a ?1 cm3piece of the Renazzo (CR) chondrite at ?17 μm per volume element (voxel) edge. We report the first volumetric (3D) measurement of metal/silicate ratios in chondrules and quantify indices of chondrule sphericity. Volumetric metal abundances in whole chondrules range from 1 to 37 volume % in 8 measured chondrules and by inspection in tomography data. We show that metal abundances and metal grain locations in individual chondrules cannot be reliably obtained from single random 2D sections. Samples were physically cut to intersect representative chondrules multiple times and to verify 3D data. Detailed 2D chemical analysis combined with 3D data yield highly variable whole‐chondrule Mg/Si ratios with a supra‐chondritic mean value, yet the chemically diverse, independently formed chondrules are mutually complementary in preserving chondritic (solar) Fe/Si ratios in the aggregate CR chondrite. These results are consistent with localized chondrule formation and rapid accretion resulting in chondrule + matrix aggregates (meteorite parent bodies) that preserve the bulk chondritic composition of source regions.  相似文献   

Abstract— In order to study abundances of alkali metals in chondrules, 25 petrographically characterized chondrules, including 18 barred olivine (BO) chondrules from the Allende (CV3) meteorite, were analyzed for alkalis (K and Rb) and alkaline earths (Sr, Ba, Ca and Mg) by mass spectrometric isotope dilution. Most BO chondrules with higher alkalis (>CI level) have nearly CI-chondritic Rb/K ratios, while those with lower alkalis clearly show higher Rb/K ratios than the CI-chondritic. In general, BO chondrules with higher Rb/K exhibit more depletion of alkalis relative to Ca. The mean olivine Fa for individual chondrules positively correlates with bulk alkali concentrations in BO type but not in porphyritic type chondrules. These observations suggest that some BO chondrules formed from more reducing assemblages of precursor minerals, which experienced more intensive vaporization losses of alkalis, accompanied by Rb/K fractionation, during the chondrule-formation melting.  相似文献   

Abstract— The size-frequency distributions of chondrules in 11 CO3 chondrites were determined by petrographic analysis of thin sections. CO chondrites have the smallest chondrules of any major chondrite group. In order of decreasing chondrule size, chondrite groups can be arranged as CV ≥ LL > L > H ≥ CM ≥ EH > CO. Chondrule size varies significantly among different CO chondrites; there is a tendency for chondrules to increase in average size with increasing metamorphic grade of the whole-rock. Different chondrule types in CO chondrites have distinct size-frequency distributions: in order of decreasing chondrule size, BO > PO > PP > POP > RP = C. The large size of BO chondrules is problematic; however, PO chondrules are among the largest because ~20% of them contain very coarse relict olivine grains that constitute 40–90 vol.% of the individual chondrules. PP chondrules may be larger than POP chondrules because some of them contain coarse relict pyroxene grains; a compound object consisting of a POP chondrule attached to a large relict pyroxene grain occurs in Lancé. The mean proportions of chondrule types in CO chondrites are estimated to be 69% POP, 18% PP, 8% PO, 2% BO, 2% RP, 1% C and <0.1% GOP. CO chondrites thus contain a smaller proportion of nonporphyritic chondrules than ordinary or EH chondrites, but a larger proportion than CV chondrites. Relative proportions of chondrule types vary with size interval: PO chondrules decrease fairly regularly in abundance with decreasing chondrule size, and RP chondrules appear to be most abundant in the smallest size intervals.  相似文献   

Abstract— The petrographic and chemical characteristics of a fresh Indian meteorite fall at Sabrum are described. Its mean mineral composition is defined by olivine (Fa31.4), orthopyroxene (Fs25.1,Wo2.0), clinopyroxene (Wo45En45.6Fs9.4) and plagioclase (An10.6Ab83.6Or5.8). The meteorite shows moderate shock features, which indicate that it belongs to the S4 category. Based on mineralogical and chemical criteria the meteorite is classified as an LL6 brecciated veined chondrite. Several cosmogenic radioisotopes (46Sc, 7Be, 54Mn, 22Na and 26Al), noble gas (He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe), nitrogen isotopes, and particle tracks density have been measured. Concentrations of cosmogenic 21Ne and 38Ar indicate that its cosmic‐ray exposure age is 24.8 Ma. Small amounts of trapped Kr and Xe, consistent with petrologic class 5/6, are present. The track density in olivines is found to be (1.3 ± 0.3) × 106/cm2. Activities of most of the short‐lived isotopes are lower than those expected from solar cycle variation. 22Na/26Al (1.12 ± 0.02) is found to be significantly anomalous, being ?25% lower than expected from the Climax neutron monitor data. These results indicate that the cosmic‐ray flux during the terminal segment of the meteoroid orbit was low. The activities of 26Al and 60Co and the track density indicate small meteoroid size with a radius ?15 cm.  相似文献   

Impact-generated silicate spherules from the Lonar Crater, India and from all Apollo sites are analogous to meteoritic chondrules (and some microtektites). Thus, the impact origin of chondrules, first proposed by Urey (1952) is a mechanism strongly supported by physical evidence from both the Moon and the Earth. Chondrites appear to be essentially impact breccias similar to lunar and Lonar microbreccias. The implications of this with regard to size and composition of the meteorite parent bodies are reviewed as well as the possible variations of element fractionation by volatilization-condensation.Paper dedicated to Professor Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April 1973.  相似文献   

Abstract— The distribution of Li, Be, and B was studied by ion microprobe mass spectrometry in 36 chondrules from the Semarkona, Bishunpur, Allende, Clovis #1, and Hedjaz meteorites. Within a single chondrule, Li-Be-B concentrations can vary up to one order of magnitude. For example, in a chondrule from Hedjaz, concentrations range from 0.3 to 2.4 ppm for Li, from <0.001 to 0.17 ppm for Be, and from 0.4 to 5.5 ppm for B. Among chondrules from Semarkona and Bishunpur, clear crystal-mesostasis partitioning was observed in nine chondrules for Li, in nine chondrules for Be, and in three chondrules for B. The heterogeneities in the distribution of Li, Be, and B in chondrules from Semarkona and Bishunpur appear to be primary features that were inherited from the chondrules' precursors and not totally obscured during the chondrules' formation. A redistribution of B was nevertheless observed at the whole-rock scale for Allende (B-Al2O3 correlation) and Hedjaz (B–SiO2 correlation). At the scale of bulk chondrules, a robust correlation is observed for all studied meteorites between the B/Be and the B/Li ratios, which indicates that Li and Be are much less heterogeneously distributed in chondrites than B. Mean Li, Be, and B concentrations of chondrules ([Li] ? 0.83+0.86 ppm; [Be] ? 0.0430.027 ppm; [B] ? 0.89+3.71-0.72 ppm) are consistent with those of Orgueil ([Li] ? 1.49 ppm; [Be] ? 0.0249 ppm; [B] ? 0.87 ppm), but the mean Li/Be ratio of chondrules (24.5+6.5-9.1) is a factor of ~4 depleted relative to Orgueil (Li/Be ratio of ~78). Such a depletion is puzzling because no correlation between Li and Na or B has been found as would be expected to result from volatilization processes during chondrule melting and cooling. As a consequence, the exact abundance of solar system Li remains an open question.  相似文献   

The trajectory and orbit of the LL7 ordinary chondrite Dishchii'bikoh are derived from low‐light video observations of a fireball first detected at 10:56:26 UTC on June 2, 2016. Results show a relatively steep ~21° inclined orbit and a short 1.13 AU semimajor axis. Following entry in Earth's atmosphere, the meteor luminosity oscillated corresponding to a meteoroid spin rate of 2.28 ± 0.02 rotations per second. A large fragment broke off at 44 km altitude. Further down, mass was lost to dust during flares at altitudes of 34, 29, and 25 km. Surviving meteorites were detected by Doppler weather radar and several small 0.9–29 g meteorites were recovered under the radar reflection footprint. Based on cosmogenic radionuclides and ground‐based radiometric observations, the Dishchii'bikoh meteoroid was 80 ± 20 cm in diameter assuming the density was 3.5 g/cm3. The meteoroid's collisional history confirms that the unusual petrologic class of LL7 does not require a different parent body than three previously observed LL chondrite falls. Dishchii'bikoh was ejected 11 Ma ago from parent body material that has a 4471 ± 6 Ma U‐Pb age, the same as that of Chelyabinsk (4452 ± 21 Ma). The distribution of the four known pre‐impact LL chondrite orbits is best matched by dynamical modeling if the source of LL chondrites is in the inner asteroid belt in a low inclined orbit, with the highly inclined Dishchii'bikoh being the result of interactions with Earth before impacting.  相似文献   

Bulk major element composition, petrography, mineralogy, and oxygen isotope compositions of twenty Al‐rich chondrules (ARCs) from five CV3 chondrites (Northwest Africa [NWA] 989, NWA 2086, NWA 2140, NWA 2697, NWA 3118) and the Ningqiang carbonaceous chondrite were studied and compared with those of ferromagnesian chondrules and refractory inclusions. Most ARCs are marginally Al‐richer than ferromagnesian chondrules with bulk Al2O3 of 10–15 wt%. ARCs are texturally similar to ferromagnesian chondrules, composed primarily of olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase, spinel, Al‐rich glass, and metallic phases. Minerals in ARCs have intermediate compositions. Low‐Ca pyroxene (Fs0.6–8.8Wo0.7–9.3) has much higher Al2O3 and TiO2 contents (up to 12.5 and 2.3 wt%, respectively) than that in ferromagnesian chondrules. High‐Ca pyroxene (Fs0.3–2.0Wo33–54) contains less Al2O3 and TiO2 than that in Ca,Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs). Plagioclase (An77–99Ab1–23) is much more sodic than that in CAIs. Spinel is enriched in moderately volatile element Cr (up to 6.7 wt%) compared to that in CAIs. Al‐rich enstatite coexists with anorthite and spinel in a glass‐free chondrule, implying that the formation of Al‐enstatite was not due to kinetic reasons but is likely due to the high Al2O3/CaO ratio (7.4) of the bulk chondrule. Three ARCs contain relict CAIs. Oxygen isotope compositions of ARCs are also intermediate between those of ferromagnesian chondrules and CAIs. They vary from ?39.4‰ to 13.9‰ in δ18O and yield a best fit line (slope = 0.88) close to the carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous mineral (CCAM) line. Chondrules with 5–10 wt% bulk Al2O3 have a slightly more narrow range in δ18O (?32.5 to 5.9‰) along the CCAM line. Except for the ARCs with relict phases, however, most ARCs have oxygen isotope compositions (>?20‰ in δ18O) similar to those of typical ferromagnesian chondrules. ARCs are genetically related to both ferromagnesian chondrules and CAIs, but the relationship between ARCs and ferromagnesian chondrules is closer. Most ARCs were formed during flash heating and rapid cooling processes like normal chondrules, only from chemically evolved precursors. ARCs extremely enriched in Al and those with relict phases could have had a hybrid origin (Krot et al. 2002) which incorporated refractory inclusions as part of the precursors in addition to ferromagnesian materials. The occurrence of melilite in ARCs indicates that melilite‐rich CAIs might be present in the precursor materials of ARCs. The absence of melilite in most ARCs is possibly due to high‐temperature interactions between a chondrule melt and the solar nebula.  相似文献   

We analyzed noble gases in nine individual chondrules, an assemblage of small chondrules, and four whole‐rock samples of the Allende CV3 chondrite. Major elements were also determined for five chondrules. The cosmic ray exposure ages are calculated from cosmogenic 3He to be 5.17 ± 0.38 and 5.15 ± 0.25 Myr for the averages of the chondrules and whole rocks, respectively, showing no significant pre‐exposure evidence for the studied chondrules. Large amounts of 36Ar, 80,82Kr, and 128Xe produced by neutron capture are observed in most samples; the abundances of these nuclides are correlated among the samples. The epithermal neutron flux and neutron slowing down density are calculated based on [80Kr]n, from which a sample depth of about 30 cm can be calculated. The measured chondrules contain variable amounts of radiogenic 129Xe. The abundance ratios of radiogenic 129Xe to neutron capture–produced 128Xe are rather constant among the studied chondrules; four chondrules give more precise ratios at the high‐temperature fractions, ranging from 1920 ± 80 to 2280 ± 140, which corresponds to a time difference of 3.9 ± 2.4 Myr. It is noticeable that most chondrules also contain 244Pu‐derived fission Xe. The average 244Pu/238U ratio for nine chondrules is 0.0069 ± 0.0018, which agrees well with the preferred ratio reported for chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— The study of chondrules provides information about processes occurring in the early solar system. In order to ascertain to what extent these processes played a role in determining the properties of the enstatite chondrites, the physical and chemical properties of chondrules from three EL3 chondrites and three EH3 chondrites have been examined by optical, cathodoluminescence (CL), and electron microprobe techniques. Properties examined include size, texture, CL, and composition of both individual phases and bulk chondrules. The textures, distribution of textures, and composition of silicates of the EL3 chondrules resemble those of EH3 chondrules. However, the chondrules from the two classes differ in that (1) the size distribution of the EL chondrules is skewed to larger values than EH chondrules, (2) the enstatite in EL chondrules displays varying shades of red CL due to the presence of fine‐grained sulfides and metal in the silicates, and (3) the mesostasis of EH chondrules is enriched in Na relative to that of EL chondrules. The similarities between the chondrules of the two classes suggest similar precursor materials, while the differences suggest that there was not a single reservoir of meteoritic chondrules, but that their origin was fairly local. The differences in the size distribution of chondrules in EH and EL chondrites may be explained by aerodynamic and gravitational sorting during accumulation of the meteoric material, while differences in CL and mesostasis properties may reflect differences in formation conditions and cooling rate following chondrule formation. We argue that our observations are consistent with the formation of enstatite chondrites in a thick dynamic regolith on their parent body.  相似文献   

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