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ABSTRACT. The borderland concept is not often applied to the U.S. West's northern boundary, but the northwestern Great Plains have been the subject of at least two border-straddling regional conceptions: Whoop-Up Country, based on a shared regional history; and Chinook Country, based on a shared natural environment. Both ideas can be found to varying degrees in northern Montana and southern Alberta, but as expressions of regional distinction, their significance and meaning differ sharply north and south of the international boundary. In borderlands such as these, nationalism and regionalism intersect.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Contrary to much of the hype that posits cyberspace as the uncontested domain of rugged individualists, computer networks and traffic exhibit deeply social and political roots. The Internet is neither inherently oppressive nor automatically emancipatory; it is a terrain of contested philosophies and politics. After a brief review of the politics of electronic knowledge, we discuss the ways in which the Internet can be harnessed for counterhegemonic (antiestablishment) political ends. We focus on progressive uses, including the confrontation of nomadic power and rhizomic power structures, in which the local becomes the global. We also offer an encapsulation of right-wing uses. Throughout, we see cyberactivism as a necessary, but not sufficient, complement to real-world struggles on behalf of the disempowered.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The Chiapas uprising of 1994 rallied an international community of supporters, largely organized through activities on the Internet, that provided an example of the possibilities and limitations of the Net as a tool for social movements. This article models the Internet as a form of rhizome: an intermediate and contested social space composed of flows that transcend boundaries and forge new connections between events and places. The success of Internet organizing in southern Mexico is due to the constant and reciprocal connections between cyberspace and other social spaces, which avoided the restriction of events to a contained space and scale.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Academic geography is dotted with fly-specks from the fashion conscious who have skittered from one enthusiasm to another like aggravating bugs in midroom flight. Our disciplinary history in fact abounds in dead-end roads entered at fatally high speed, theoretical turns not negotiated, crossroads oracles proved dismally inaccurate. By contrast, the formidable cultural geographer and landscape historian J. B. “Brinck” Jackson (1909–1996) conceived of a more slowly developing world, replete with enduring geographies. Although firmly Brahmin by origin, Jackson was chary of the fleeting fashions and power tropes of what he sometimes dubbed the Establishment. He was inclined instead to attend to the structures of the everyday, emphasizing community and connection over didactic fashion. With writing grounded in daily experience and a consummate ability to witness pattern, he urged geographers to think and envision.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Herein, we discuss the desire for new technology, the need for security, and the right to privacy; in doing so, we argue that each of these concerns comprises an important, tripartite debate. To highlight the complexities in this problem, we define our notion of a “digital footprint” and introduce Big Foot—specialized software created for the research described here to facilitate visualization and exploration of the data that comprise Stephen Weaver's personal digital footprint. Using Big Foot we demonstrate how multiple digital personae can be created from the data that constitute one unique digital footprint and provide a methodology for understanding the good and bad impacts that new technologies may have on future societies. One of the primary arguments of this work is that the debate—though not formally recognized—is currently before contemporary society and must receive sufficient attention.  相似文献   

A region's elderly population has two sources of growth: net migration and the net aging-in-place of its resident population. This paper outlines a method for identifying the projected relative contribution of these two sources of elderly population growth over time, and illustrates it with data for the states of Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, and New York. The sources of elderly population growth differ between regions and over time.  相似文献   

Multiple geographies of the Arab Internet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Barney Warf  Peter Vincent 《Area》2007,39(1):83-96
The Arab world plays a relatively minor role in the rapidly changing geographies of global cyberspace. This paper explores the multiple geographies of the Arab Internet. First, it addresses Internet penetration rates, which averaged 7.8 per cent in 2006, although these varied widely among and within the region's countries. Between 2000 and 2006, the number of users jumped by 830 per cent, indicating these geographies are in rapid flux. It then examines the telecommunications infrastructure of the Middle East and North Africa, including fixed and mobile telephone networks and Internet cafes. Third, it turns to the reasons why the Internet has experienced relatively late adoption among Arab countries, including the dominance of the Latin alphabet, high access costs reflecting state-owned telecommunications monopolies, low Arab literacy rates, and restrictive gender relations that keep the proportion of female users low. The paper pays special attention both to government censorship of the Arab Internet as well as resistance to such controls and attempts to utilize the Internet counter-hegemonically. Finally, it explores the impacts of the Internet on some Arab societies, including the opening of discursive communities of politics, the Palestinian–Israeli conflict, Iraq and electronic commerce.  相似文献   

Rural governance has drawn considerable attention from both local government officials and scholars in the United States since the early 1990s. It is touted as a way to mitigate the limitations of the traditional government unit‐based approaches to problem solving and decision making and to foster partnerships across both jurisdictional boundaries and sectors (public, private, and nonprofit). Established in 1962, the Resource Conservation and Development (rc&d ) program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture provides a unique model of rural regional governance. Acting as a coalition of governments, private businesses, individuals, and interest groups, the rc&d program provides the flexibility needed to deal with issues at the appropriate spatial scale. It incorporates aspects of both grassroots and governmental organizations and can bring together local interests and expertise with governmental policy and support in service provision, problem solving, and economic development. The approach does not necessarily entail loss of power on the part of the state, but it does provide a mechanism for local people to exercise their agency, to tackle their problems, and to decide which elements of their lives they want to sustain.  相似文献   

区域科学学科地位、体系和前沿   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
杨开忠 《地理科学》1999,19(4):358-363
区域科学虽然产生于大约半个世纪以前,但其在中国的正式亮相则是90年代初的事情。通过论述影响区域科学在中国发展的几个基本理论问题,即:通过弄清区域科学与地理学、经济学、管理科学学学科的关系进一步明确区域科学独立的学科地位,明晰区科学学科划分,探讨新区域科学的特点,指出其前沿领域。  相似文献   

This study investigates regions on cognitive maps and methods used to identify their boundaries. Subjects either drew regional boundaries on a map or decided in which region sample points were located. These methods produced similar results with differences associated more with regional boundaries than cores. The amount of time needed to make point decisions demonstrated the subjects' cognitive process and corroborated boundaries and cores for the cognitive regions. Differences among subjects' maps were greater when boundaries were drawn.  相似文献   

Dramatic shifts in regional economic activity have taken place in the United States in recent times. Regional shifts in manufacturing are related here to the influence of technological change and the product-cycle model. These changes are viewed over time as manifestations of regional life cycles analogous to Kondratieff-type long waves.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In this article I discuss the function of history in constructing regional identity and explore the ways in which the American Midwest differs from other widely recognized regions—New England, the South, and the West—in the kinds of historical figures and narratives that create a regional distinctiveness in the eyes of residents and writers. Whereas other regions tend to locate identity in a limited number of well-known figures and events from the past and to generalize them to the region as a whole, in the Midwest meaning is discerned on a more limited, place-by-place basis, in terms of more strictly local events and personages. This understanding of a particular kind of historically based identity is made especially clear in contemporary nonfiction from the Midwest, which collectively creates a dense mosaic of local meanings in a landscape conventionally seen by outsiders as largely empty of interest and significance.  相似文献   

赵焕庭  袁家义 《热带地理》1995,15(2):128-137
本文论述了南沙群岛海底地形、海底沉积物、区域地质、珊瑚礁地质地貌和区域古海洋。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Turkey is a republic that borders on, regularly interacts with, and actively seeks to define itself as a part of neighboring regions. As such, it provides a significant example of how Middle East nation‐states are not only affected by globalization but also deeply involved in contributing to the related processes of regionalization and regional (re)definition. Far from a unique phenomenon, regionalism involving Turkey is flexible and multifaceted, profoundly dynamic, and inextricably linked to virtually all aspects of the nation's foreign and domestic affairs. Regionalism in Turkey demonstrates clearly how processes of globalization are not simply economic but also directly implicated in contemporary shifts in national identity and even in the very nature of the nation‐state itself. This study surveys and analyzes the constructs and dynamics of regionalism that are shaping the Turkish nation and state, contributing to varieties of transnationalism, and reconstituting the scales at which Turkey is located, both in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

中国地区工业结构变化与区际增长和分工   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
杨开忠 《地理学报》1993,48(6):481-490
1979以来,中国地区工业结构发生了重要的变化。本文分析了这一变动的特征及其对区际增长和分工的作用,得出以下结论:(1)绝大多数省市区工业结构变化高于国家水平,但由于各地人均收入、区位性以及结构性差异,这种变动具有明显地理分异:南大北小,东西部大中部小。(2)各地工业结构变动普遍表现为重加工业地位上升,采掘工业地位下降,且多数省市区原材料工业和轻工业地位下降,高加工度化和重加工业化十分显著。(3)广东、江苏、福建、河北、安徽、湖南、陕西、浙江、甘肃、云南、四川等省区结构调整有利经济增长,其它省市区结构调整相对不利经济增长。(4)资源型地区数量减少,加工型地区较大幅度地增加,基本形成沿海沿江地区和陕西省以加工业为相对专业化部门,其它广大地区以采掘、原材料为相对专业化部门的区际分工格局。  相似文献   

Centuries of evolution of viticultural patterns in Europe have established well-known associations between cultivars and viticultural regions. Though California's viticultural landscape is much younger than Europe's, scholars increasingly talk about cultivar specialization in California wine regions. This study uses data for recent years and location quotients to test the hypothesis of regional cultivar specialization in California. Support is found for the hypothesis, though not for each cultivar and region. Evidence suggests also that there are significant differences between California and Europe with respect to viticultural specialization. Two such differences are in physical geography and wine laws.  相似文献   

SustainableroponaldevelopmentisdesignatedasthebasicresearchthemewiAnntheglobalscopeforthe2lstcentury.Therefore,tointensifyappiiedresearchesonspatialinformationoftheglobeisofvitalscientificandeconohacsignficancetoresourcesanalysisandmanageTnent,environmentaldapamicmonitoringanddeve1opmotpledng.RemotesensingisaconCenratedrePresentahonofthecomplexofthenatureandinrportaninformationsourceforgeo-sdenceresearchaswell.Hence,itisnotonlypossibletoprofoundlyrevealthedramaticchangesofnaturallawsinmpaphi…  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):684-704
This paper examines a social movement among affluent homeowners in Los Angeles. It argues that the social movement is highly institutionalized and durable, and that it has achieved many important citywide and statewide goals during the past 20 years. The paper further argues that this social movement should rightly be considered a stable branch of the urban elite along with local business and local government. However, the homeowners movement pursues a fundamentally different sociospatial agenda than either local business or local government, and those differing agendas suggest the absence of a unified governing regime in the city. The paper examines the structure, agenda, and political alliances of the movement through the case study of the debate surrounding the spatial and political reorganization of the City of Los Angeles, the most salient element of which is the possibility of San Fernando Valley secession.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. After the Mexican Revolution of 1910 the Mexican federal government created a communal resource‐holding institution, the ejido, to redress long‐standing land‐tenure inequality. Between the 1930s and the late 1970s, the period of active redistribution of federalized and previously private resources, half of Mexico's entire area was transferred to the ejido sector. Local ejidos became the driving political and economic force at the municipio level for agrarian reform, redistributing local power and affirming the national stamp of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional, the dominant national party of the twentieth century. Although the 1992–1993 reforms to Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution prohibited any future expansion of communal lands and allowed privatization of communal resources, few widespread privatization schemes have taken hold in the vast majority of ejidos. In this article I provide examples of this new communal framework and its implications, with illustrations based on fieldwork in the states of Guanajuato and Sonora.  相似文献   

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