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Abstract— Piplia Kalan is an equilibrated eucrite consisting of 60–80 vol% lithic clasts in a subordinate brecciated matrix. Ophitic/subophitic clasts fall into two groups: finer‐grained lithology A and coarser‐grained lithology B. Very fine‐grained clasts with equigranular textures (lithology C) also occur and originally were hypocrystalline in texture. The variety of materials represented in Piplia Kalan suggests cooling histories ranging from quenching to slower crystallization. Despite textural differences, clasts and matrix have similar mineral and bulk compositions. Thus, Piplia Kalan is probably best classified as a genomict breccia that could represent fragments of a single lava flow or shallow intrusive body, including fine‐grained or glassy outer margin and more slowly cooled coarser‐grained interior. Bulk composition suggests that the meteorite is most closely related to the main group eucrites, but it probably was affected by minor amounts of fractional crystallization. Piplia Kalan displays evidence of an early shock event, including brecciated matrix and areas of lithic clasts that contain very fine‐grained, granular pyroxene between deformed feldspar laths. The meteorite also displays evidence of at least one episode of extensive thermal metamorphism: hypocrystalline materials are recrystallized to hornfelsic textures and minerals throughout the meteorite contain abundant inclusions that are relatively large in size. Veins of brown glass transect both clasts and matrix and indicate a second, postmetamorphism shock event.  相似文献   

Abstract— Cosmogenic radionuclides, particle tracks and rare gases have been measured in two fragments of the Piplia Kalan eucrite that fell in Rajasthan, India on 1996 June 20. The cosmic-ray exposure age of the meteorite is calculated to be 23 Ma, which is similar to ages of some other eucrites. The track density in feldspars and pyroxenes varies between 0.2 × 106 to ~4.5 × 106 cm?2. The mass ablation of the meteorite, based on the distribution of track density in near-surface samples of the two fragments, is calculated to be ~75%, which corresponds to an entry velocity of ~17 km/s. The orbital parameters of the eucrite have been computed from the radiant of the meteor trail and the geocentric velocity. The best estimates are a = 2.47 AU, e = 0.62 and i = 7.54°, which is similar to the orbital elements of other meteorites, most of which have been inferred to originate within 2.6 AU of the Sun. The activity of the radionuclide 26Al agrees with the expected production rate; whereas the shortlived radionuclides 22Na, 54Mn, 46Sc etc. have levels that are consistent with the galactic cosmic-ray fluxes that are expected during the solar minimum period before the time of fall. All the cosmogenic effects (i.e., radio- and stable- nuclides and particle tracks) are consistent with the meteoroid having had a simple, one-stage exposure history in interplanetary space. Lower radio genic ages of U, Th-He (0.7 Ga) and K-Ar (3.6 Ga) indicate severe losses of 4He and 40Ar, as observed in most eucrites. A Pu-Xe age, concordant with Angra dos Reis, shows that Piplia belongs to the “old” eucrite group.  相似文献   

Abstract— Two meteorites belonging to the howardite‐eucrite‐diogenite (HED) group fell recently in Rajasthan, India. One of these, Piplia Kalan, was classified as a eucrite and the other, Lohawat, as a howardite. In this study, we present the results of Mössbauer spectroscopic investigations of these two meteorites. We also compare the results with the Mössbauer experiments reported for the Kapoeta howardite and look for systematics in the Mössbauer spectra of HED meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Dar al Gani 872 (DaG 872) is a new meteorite from Libya that we classified by means of Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA), electron microprobe, and optical microscopy. According to our results, DaG 872 is a Mg‐rich main group eucrite, i.e., a monomict noncumulate basaltic eucrite displaying a predominant coarse‐grained relict subophitic and a fine‐grained granulitic texture. The meteorite also shows pockets of late‐stage mesostasis and is penetrated by several calcite veins due to terrestrial weathering. Finally, it exhibits shock phenomena of stage 1–2 including heavily fractured mineral components, undulose extinction of plagioclase, kinked lamellae, and mosaicism in pyroxenes corresponding to peak pressures of ?20 GPa. In view of petrographic criteria as well as compositional and exsolution characteristics of its pyroxenes, the sample represents a metamorphic type 5 eucrite. Assuming the metamorphic type to be a function of burial depth on the parent body and taking into account the relatively high shock stage, the excavation of DaG 872 was likely induced by a major impact event. Prior to this point, DaG 872 apparently underwent a 4‐stage geological evolution that is reflected by intricate textural and mineralogical features.  相似文献   

Abstract— Mineralogical and chemical studies of Dar al Gani 983 show that this meteorite is a eucrite. Its texture is that of an impact breccia. It contains cumulate pyroxene and feldspar megacrysts, a variety of recrystallized melt clasts, clasts of subophitic basalt, and mesostasis. These components are embedded in a matrix of fragmental pyroxene and plagioclase. In addition, the entire rock is penetrated by glassy melt veins and patches, and displays features of strong shock. The mineralogical and chemical evidence obtained for DaG 983 indicates that this meteorite experienced a complex evolutionary history. The presence of cumulate silicate crystals implies substantial, large scale cratering events on the HED asteroid. As a result of these impacts, rocks from different intrusive bodies to extrusive surface layers were laterally and vertically transported to form a thoroughly mixed megaregolith. DaG 983 represents a sample of this megabreccia.  相似文献   

Abstract— A multiple fall of a stony meteorite occurred near the town of Dergaon in Assam, India, on March 2, 2001. Several fragments weighing <2 kg and a single large fragment weighing ~10 kg were recovered from the strewn field, which extended over several tens of square kilometers. Chemical, petrographic, and oxygen isotopic studies indicate it to be, in most aspects, a typical H5 chondrite, except the unusually low K content of ~340 ppm. A cosmic ray exposure of 9.7 Ma is inferred from the cosmogenic noble gas records. Activities of eleven cosmogenic radionuclides were measured. 26Al and 22Na activities as well as the 22Na/26Al activity ratio are close to the values expected on the basis of solar modulation of galactic cosmic rays. The low 60Co activity (<1 dpm/kg) is indicative of a small preatmospheric size of the meteorite. Cosmic ray heavy nuclei track densities in olivine grains range from ~106 cm?2 in samples from the largest fragment to approximately (4–9) × 105 cm?2 in one of the smaller fragments. The combined track, radionuclide, and noble gas data suggest a preatmospheric radius of ~20 cm for the Dergaon meteorite.  相似文献   

Abstract— The C contents and isotopic compositions of four eucrites, four diogenites and two howardites have been determined. Stepped heating in an O atmosphere was employed to convert selectively different carbonaceous materials to CO2 gas at various temperatures. This technique successfully distinguishes between terrestrial contaminants and indigenous C. With the exception of the Kapoeta howardite, the howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) meteorites contain ~10–30 ppm indigenous C with δ13C between ?29% and ?19%. Kapoeta (a regolith breccia) has an elevated C content and δ13C, due to the presence of 13C-enriched carbonate minerals (δ13C ~ +20%) in CM2- or CR2-like clasts. The range in δ13C displayed by HED samples is similar to that of other solar system basalts, such as lunar rocks and Martian meteorites but distinctly different from that of the terrestrial mantle. The diogenites have a slightly lower total C yield and higher δ13C than the eucrites, which is a result of degassing of trapped CO/CC2/CO2–3 from the silicate lattice during metamorphism or annealing. However, three out of the four diogenites studied appear to contain a discrete component, possibly of graphitic C coating silicate grains, that is seemingly unaffected by the extended annealing period experienced by the diogenites. It is possible that this component might host the indigenous primitive Xe recently identified in diogenites.  相似文献   

The Emmaville eucrite is a relatively poorly studied basaltic achondrite with an anomalous oxygen isotope signature. In this study, we report comprehensive mineralogical, petrographic, and geochemical data from Emmaville in order to understand its petrogenesis and relationship with the basaltic eucrites. Emmaville is an unusually fine‐grained, hornfelsic‐textured metabasalt with pervasive impact melt veins and mineral compositions similar to those of typical basaltic eucrites. The major and trace element bulk composition of Emmaville is also typical of a basaltic eucrite. Three separated individual lithologies were also analyzed for O isotopes; a dark gray fraction (E1), a shocked lithology (E2), and a lighter gray portion (E3). Fractions E1 and E2 shared similar O isotope compositions to the bulk sample (E‐B), whereas the lighter gray portion (E3) is slightly elevated in Δ17O and significantly elevated in δ18O compared to bulk. No evidence for any exogenous material is observed in the thin sections, coupled with the striking compositional similarity to typical basaltic eucrites, appears to preclude a simple impact‐mixing hypothesis. The O‐isotopes of Emmaville are similar to those of Bunburra Rockhole, A‐881394, and EET 92023, and thus distinct from the majority of the HEDs, despite having similarities in petrology, mineral, and bulk compositions. It would, therefore, seem plausible that all four of these samples are derived from a single HED‐like parent body that is isotopically distinct from that of the HEDs (Vesta) but similar in composition.  相似文献   

Abstract— The large, complex Woodleigh structure in the Carnarvon basin of Western Australia has recently been added to the terrestrial impact crater record. Many aspects of this structure are, however, still uncertain. This work provides a detailed petrographic assessment of a suite of representative drill core samples from the borehole Woodleigh 1 that penetrated uplifted basement rocks of the central part of this structure. Fundamental rock and mineral deformation data and high‐precision chemical data, including results of PGE and oxygen isotopic analysis, are presented. The sampled interval displays likely impact‐produced macrodeformation in the form of fracturing and breccia veining at the microscopic scale. Contrary to earlier reports that these breccias represent pseudotachylite (friction melt) or even shock/shear‐produced pseudotachylitic melt breccia cannot be confirmed due to pervasive post‐impact alteration. Abundant planar deformation features (PDFs) in quartz, in addition to diaplectic glass and partial isotropization, are the main shock deformation effects observed, confirming that Woodleigh is of impact origin. Over the investigated depth interval, the statistics of quartz grains with a variable number of sets of PDFs does not change significantly, and the patterns of crystallographic orientations of PDFs in randomly selected quartz grains does not indicate a change in absolute shock pressure with depth either. The value of oxygen isotopes for the recognition of meteoritic contamination, as proposed by earlier Woodleigh workers, is critically assessed. Neither INA nor PGE analyses of our samples support the presence of a meteoritic component within this basement section, as had been claimed in earlier work.  相似文献   

Abstract— We studied the petrography, mineralogy, bulk chemical, I-Xe, and O-isotopic compositions of three dark inclusions (E39, E53, and E80) in the reduced CV3 chondrite Efremovka. They consist of chondrules, calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs), and fine-grained matrix. Primary minerals in chondrules and CAIs are pseudomorphed to various degrees by a mixture largely composed of abundant (>95%), fine-grained (>0.2 μm) fayalitic olivine (Fa35–42) and minor amounts of chlorite, poorly-crystalline Si-Al-rich material, and chromite; chondrule and CAI shapes and textures are well-preserved. Secondary Ca-rich minerals (Ti-andradite, kirschsteinite, Fe-diopside) are common in chondrule pseudomorphs and matrices in E39 and E80. The degree of replacement increases from E53 to E39 to E80. Fayalitic olivines are heavily strained and contain abundant voids similar to those in incompletely dehydrated phyllosilicates in metamorphosed CM and CI chondrites. Opaque nodules in chondrules consist of Ni- and Co-rich taenite, Co-rich kamacite, and wairauite; sulfides are rare; magnetite is absent. Bulk O-isotopic compositions of E39 and E53 plot in the field of aqueously altered CM chondrites, close to the terrestrial fractionation line; the more heavily altered E39 is isotopically heavier than the less altered E53. The apparent I-Xe age of E53 is 5.4 Ma earlier than Bjurböle and 5.7 ± 2.0 Ma earlier than E39. The I-Xe data are consistent with the most heavily altered dark inclusion, E39 having experienced either longer or later alteration than E53. Bulk lithophile elements in E39 and E53 most closely match those of CO chondrites, except that Ca is depleted and K and As are enriched. Both inclusions are depleted in Se by factors of 3–5 compared to mean CO, CV, CR, or CK chondrites. Zinc in E39 is lower than the mean of any carbonaceous chondrite groups, but in E53 Zn is similar to the means in CO, CV, and CK chondrites. The Efremovka dark inclusions experienced various degrees of aqueous alteration, followed by low degree thermal metamorphism in an asteroidal environment. These processes resulted in preferential oxidation of Fe from opaque nodules and formation of Ni- and Co-rich metal, metasomatic alteration of primary minerals in chondrules and CAIs, and the formation of fayalitic olivine and secondary Ca-Fe-rich minerals. Based on the observed similarities of the alteration mineralization in the Efremovka and Allende dark inclusions, we infer that the latter may have experienced similar alteration processes.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Kärdla crater is a 4 km‐wide impact structure of Late Ordovician age located on Hiiumaa Island, Estonia. The 455 Ma‐old buried crater was formed in shallow seawater in Precambrian crystalline target rocks that were covered with sedimentary rocks. Basement and breccia samples from 13 drill cores were studied mineralogically, petrographically, and geochemically. Geochemical analyses of major and trace elements were performed on 90 samples from allochthonous breccias, sub‐crater and surrounding basement rocks. The breccia units do not include any melt rocks or suevites. The remarkably poorly mixed sedimentary and crystalline rocks were deposited separately within the allochthonous breccia suites of the crater. The most intensely shockmetamorphosed allochthonous granitoid crystalline‐derived breccia layers contain planar deformation features (PDFs) in quartz, indicating shock pressures of 20–35 GPa. An apparent K‐enrichment and Ca‐Na‐depletion of feldspar‐ and hornblende‐bearing rocks in the allochthonous breccia units and sub‐crater basement is interpreted to be the result of early stage alteration in an impact‐induced hydrothermal system. The chemical composition of the breccias shows no definite sign of an extraterrestrial contamination. By modeling of the different breccia units with HMX‐mixing, the indigenous component was determined. From the abundances of the siderophile elements (Cr, Co, Ni, Ir, and Au) in the breccia samples, no unambiguous evidence for the incorporation of a meteoritic component above about 0.1 wt% chondrite‐equivalent was found.  相似文献   

Abstract— The purpose of this survey is to establish reference bulk elemental abundances for the eucrites and thereby provide the basis to test core formation models as well as partial melting, fractional crystallization and magma ocean theories for the eucrite parent body. In order to evaluate bulk elemental abundances for the eucrites, 296 peer-reviewed articles, monographs, theses or books and 143 abstracts dating from 1938 to 1997 were surveyed. Of the 101 eucrites having at least one set of elemental abundance analyses reported in the literature, 20 were selected for in-depth examination. The selection criteria of our sample were based on the total number of analyses available for a given eucrite and the total number of elements for which data exist. The mean bulk elemental abundance, 1σ standard deviation, and the percent deviation were calculated for each element in a given eucrite. In order to evaluate the quality of the mean abundances, the elements were then grouped according to availability of data and percent deviations. Possible reasons for the different deviations in the different groups are briefly discussed. From the major element abundances, the normative (CIPW) composition, the molar compositions of pyroxene, olivine and plagioclase, and the bulk densities were calculated and compared to petrographic observations. The calculated norms for the noncumulates agree well with the observations while the norms for the cumulates do not. Possible reasons for this are discussed. Unfortunately, analyses of many elements are poorly represented in the literature and many bulk analyses suffer from unacceptable levels of uncertainty. Therefore, future work requires bulk elemental analyses for some of the more poorly characterized elements in eucrites, especially those of key elements used for planetary modeling.  相似文献   

Abstract— Spectra of asteroid 4 Vesta and 21 small (estimated diameters less than 10 km) asteroids with Vesta‐like spectral properties (Vestoids) were measured at visible and near‐infrared wavelengths (~0.44 to ~1.65 μm). All of the measured small asteroids (except for 2579 Spartacus) have reflectance spectra consistent with surface compositions similar to eucrites and howardites and consistent with all being derived from Vesta. None of the observed asteroids have spectra similar to diogenites. We find no spectral distinction between the 15 objects tabulated as members of the Vesta dynamical family and 6 of the 7 sampled “non‐family” members that reside just outside the semi‐major axis (a), eccentricity (e), and inclination (i) region of the family. The spectral consistency and close orbital (a‐e‐i) match of these “non‐family” objects to Vesta and the Vesta family imply that the true bounds of the family extend beyond the subjective cut‐off for membership. Asteroid 2579 Spartacus has a spectrum consistent with a mixture of eucritic material and olivine. Spartacus could contain olivine‐rich material from Vesta's mantle or may be unrelated to Vesta altogether. Laboratory measurements of the spectra of eucrites show that samples having nearly identical compositions can display a wide range of spectral slopes. Finer particle sizes lead to an increase in the slope, which is usually referred to as reddening. This range of spectral variation for the best‐known meteoritic analogs to the Vestoids, regardless of whether they are actually related to each other, suggests that the extremely red spectral slopes for some Vestoids can be explained by very fine‐grained eucritic material on their surfaces.  相似文献   

Abstract— We studied the texture, mineralogy, and bulk chemical composition of Dhofar 007, a basaltic achondrite. Dhofar 007 is a polymict breccia that is mostly composed of coarse‐grained granular (CG) clasts with a minor amount of xenolithic components, such as a fragment of Mg‐rich pyroxene. The coarse‐grained, relict gabbroic texture, mineral chemistry, and bulk chemical data of the coarse‐grained clast indicate that the CG clasts were originally a cumulate rock crystallized in a crust of the parent body. However, in contrast to monomict eucrites, the siderophile elements are highly enriched and could have been introduced by impact events. Dhofar 007 appears to have experienced a two‐stage postcrystallization thermal history: rapid cooling at high temperatures and slow cooling at lower temperatures. The presence of pigeonite with closely spaced, fine augite lamellae suggests that this rock was cooled rapidly from higher temperatures (>0.5 °C/yr at ˜1000 °C) than typical cumulate eucrites. However, the presence of the cloudy zone in taenite and the Ni profile across the kamacite‐taenite boundaries indicates that the cooling rate was very slow at lower temperatures (˜1–10 °C/Myr at <600–700 °C). The slow cooling rate is comparable to those in mesosiderites and pallasites. The two‐stage thermal history and the relative abundance of siderophile elements similar to those for metallic portions in mesosiderites suggest that Dhofar 007 is a large inclusion of mesosiderite. However, we cannot rule out a possibility that Dhofar 007 is an anomalous eucrite.  相似文献   

Abstract— The fall of the Puerto Lápice eucrite occurred on May 10, 2007, at 17 h 57 m 30 ± 30 s UTC. Its daylight fireball was witnessed by hundreds of people from Spain, and produced a meteorite fall associated with a large strewn field of fragments. There were no direct pictures of the fireball, but several pictures of the fireball's train were taken from different locations in Spain. Additional theodolite calibrations of visual records were made in order to find the most probable fireball trajectory based on the available data. The shape of the meteorite strewn field was considered as well. Although the orbit of the Puerto Lápice meteoroid could not be computed due to the absence of velocity data, we assumed a likely range of geocentric velocities and computed a range of possible orbits. All solutions show that the body was in an Apollo‐type orbit, with low inclination and perihelion distance just below 1 astronomical unit (AU). This is the first case that an orbit can be discussed for an HED meteorite fall.  相似文献   

Abstract— Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data was used to investigate the Aorounga and Gweni Fada impact structures in Chad as part of a new remote sensing study. We believe the results of various data treatments provide extensive new perspective on the macro‐structural and topographic divisions for these two impact structures. Our remote sensing studies indicate revised diameters of Aorounga and Gweni Fada of 16 and 22 km, respectively. We selected samples from these two structures for their petrographic, geochemical, and Rb‐Sr and Sm‐Nd isotopic characteristics. In samples from both structures, evidence for shock metamorphism was found in the form of single or multiple sets of planar deformation features in quartz, which confirms the impact origin for both the Aorounga and Gweni Fada structures. The crystallographic orientations of PDFs indicate maximum shock levels of 20–30 GPa for samples from the central parts of both structures. The PDF orientations are characteristic for the orientations observed elsewhere in shocked sandstones, with the higher angles in the orientation histograms being fairly abundant. Geochemically, the rocks are typical upper‐crustal sandstones.  相似文献   

Abstract— Many lines of evidence indicate that meteorites are derived from the asteroid belt but, in general, identifying any meteorite class with a particular asteroid has been problematical. One exception is asteroid 4 Vesta, where a strong case can be made that it is the ultimate source of the howardite‐eucrite‐diogenite (HED) family of basaltic achondrites. Visible and near‐infrared reflectance spectra first suggested a connection between Vesta and the basaltic achondrites. Experimental petrology demonstrated that the eucrites (the relatively unaltered and unmixed basaltic achondrites) were the product of approximately a 10% melt. Studies of siderophile element partitioning suggested that this melt was the residue of an asteroidal‐scale magma ocean. Mass balance considerations point to a parent body that had its surface excavated, but remains intact. Modern telescopic spectroscopy has identified kilometer‐scale “Vestoids” between Vesta and the 3:1 orbit‐orbit resonance with Jupiter. Dynamical simulations of impact into Vesta demonstrate the plausibility of ejecting relatively unshocked material at velocities consistent with these astronomical observations. Hubble Space Telescope images show a 460 km diameter impact basin at the south pole of Vesta. It seems that nature has provided multiple free sample return missions to a unique asteroid. Major challenges are to establish the geologic context of the HED meteorites on the surface of Vesta and to connect the remaining meteorites to specific asteroids.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Carcote meteorite, detected in 1888 in the northern Chilean Andes, is a brecciated, weakly shocked H5 chondrite. It contains a few barred olivine chondrules and, even more rarely, fan-shaped or granular orthopyroxene chondrules. The chondrules are situated in a fine-grained matrix that consists predominantly of olivine and orthopyroxene with accessory clinopyroxene, troilite, chromite, merrillite, and plagioclase. The metal phase is mainly kamacite with subordinate taenite and traces of native Cu. In its bulk rock composition, Carcote compares well with other H5 chondrites so far analysed, except for a distinctly higher C content. Microprobe analyses revealed the following mineral compositions: olivine (Fa16.5–20), orthopyroxene (Fs14–17.5), diopsidic clinopyroxene (FS6–7), plagioclase (An15–20). Troilite is stoichimetric FeS with traces of Ni and Cr; chromite has Cr/(Cr + Al) of 0.86, Fe2+/(Fe2+ + Mg) of 0.80-0.88 and contains considerable amounts of Ti, Mn, and Zn. Merrillite is close to the theoretical formula Ca18(Mg, Fe)2Na2(PO4)14, although with a Na deficiency not compensated for by excess Ca; the Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) ratio of the Carcote merrilite is 0.93-0.95. Kamacite and taenite have Ni contents of 5.6–7.2 and 17.1–23.4 wt%, respectively. Native Cu contains about 3.1–3.3 wt% Fe and 1.6 wt% Ni. Application of different geothermometers to the Carcote H5 chondrite yielded apparently inconsistent results. The highest temperature range of 850–950 °C (at 1 bar) is derived from the Ca-in-opx thermometer. From the cpx-opx solvus geothermometers and the two-pyroxene Fe-Mg exchange geothermometer, a lower temperature range of 750–840 °C is estimated, whereas lower and more variable temperatures of 630–770 °C are obtained from the Ca-in-olivine geothermometer. Recent calibrations of the olivine-spinel geothermometer yielded a still lower temperature range of 570–670 °C, which fits well to the temperature information derived from the Ni distribution between kamacite and taenite. Judging from crystal chemical considerations, we assume that these different temperatures reflect the closure of different exchange equilibria during cooling of the meteorite parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract– Analysis of the mineralogy, isotopic, and bulk compositions of the eucrite meteorites is imperative for understanding their origin on the asteroid 4 Vesta, the proposed parent body of the HED meteorites. We present here the petrology, mineral compositions, and bulk chemistry of several lithic components of the new brecciated basaltic eucrite Northwest Africa (NWA) 3368 to determine if all the lithologies reflect formation from one rock type or many rock types. The meteorite has three main lithologies: coarse‐ and fine‐grained clasts surrounded by a fine‐grained recrystallized silicate matrix. Silicate compositions are homogeneous, and the average rare earth element pattern for NWA 3368 is approximately 10× CI chondrites with a slight negative Eu anomaly. Major and trace element data place NWA 3368 with the Main Group‐Nuevo Laredo trend. High‐Ti chromites with ilmenite exsolution lamellae provide evidence of NWA 3368’s history of intense metamorphism. We suggest that this meteorite underwent several episodes of brecciation and metamorphism, similar to that proposed by Metzler et al. (1995) . We conclude that NWA 3368 is a monomict basaltic eucrite breccia related to known eucrites in texture and in mineral, bulk, and oxygen isotopic composition.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have performed a detailed petrologic and mineralogic study of two chondritic clasts from the polymict eucrite Lewis Cliff (LEW) 85300, and performed chemical analyses by INAA and RNAA on one of these. Petrologically, the clasts are identical and are composed of dispersed aggregates, chondrules and chondrule fragments supported by matrix. The aggregates and chondrules are composed of olivine (Fo100–45), orthopyroxene (Wo1–2En98–60), plus some diopside. The matrix consists of fine-grained olivine (Fo60–53), and lesser orthopyroxene and augite. Fine-grained saponite is common in the matrix. The bulk major element composition of the matrix is identical in both clasts and similar to that of CM, CO and CV chondrites. The bulk composition of the clast studied by INAA and RNAA shows unusual abundance patterns for lithophile, siderophile and chalcophile elements but is basically chondritic. The INAA/RNAA data preclude assignment of the LEW 85300,15 clast to any commonly accepted group of carbonaceous chondrite. The unusual rare earth element abundance pattern may, in part, be due to terrestrial alteration.  相似文献   

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