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利用四川数字地震台网和流动地震台站在芦山MS7.0地震震后(2013年4月20日—6月23日)记录到的2026次区域地震事件的28188条P波到时资料,采用地震层析成像方法反演得到了芦山地震震源区及其周边区域中上地壳P波三维速度结构. 结果表明,浅部地壳的P波速度异常分布特征与地表地质构造、 地形和岩性密切相关,即成都断陷盆地表现出与第四纪沉积有关的低速异常区;犍为、 乐山一带的川中微升区和川青块体龙门山以西的邻近地带均表现为与构造抬升有关的高速异常;宝兴、 康定附近分布的基性火山岩及火山碎屑岩均呈局部高速异常分布. 芦山地震震源位于高低速异常分界线附近且偏向高速体一侧,其下方存在明显的低速异常分布,可能与流体的存在有关. 流体的作用导致中上地壳内部发震层的弱化,使孕震断层易于破裂,可能对芦山地震起到了触发作用. 芦山地震与汶川地震两次地震的余震密集区相距50 km,这50 km地震空区震源体的深度范围附近目前正处于高速异常区内,加之龙门山断裂带西南段又具有比较典型的断错地貌发育,使得该段地震空区(大邑—邛崃活动断裂破裂空段)现在所处的深浅部构造环境变得复杂,其潜在的地震危险性仍值得进一步关注.   相似文献   

利用震源位置和速度结构的联合反演,得到了2014年云南鲁甸6.5级地震序列的震源位置及震源区速度结构.结果表明,鲁甸地震序列呈共轭分布,余震主要分布在NNE向包谷垴—小河断裂上,另一小部分分布在近EW向的共轭未知断裂上.震源深度剖面结果显示包谷垴—小河断裂是一个走向NNW、高倾角、且倾向为SWW的断裂.震源区地壳结构复杂,存在大面积高速区,地震主要分布在P波速度较高的地区.  相似文献   

联合芦山地震序列5285个地震的50711条P波初至绝对到时数据及7294691条高质量的相对到时数据,利用双差地震层析成像方法联合反演了芦山震源区高分辨率的三维P波速度精细结构及5115个地震震源参数.反演结果表明,芦山主震震中为30.28°N,103.98°E,震源深度为16.38 km,主震南西段余震扩展长度约23 km,余震前缘倾角较和缓,主震北东段余震扩展长度约12 km,余震前缘呈铲形,倾角较陡.芦山震源区P波三维速度结构表现出明显的横向不均匀性,近地表处的P波速度异常与地形起伏及地质构造密切相关:宝兴杂岩对应明显的高速异常,此异常由地表延伸到地下15 km深度附近,而中新生代岩石表现为低速异常;大兴附近区域亦显示出小范围的大幅度高速异常,宝兴高速异常与大兴高速异常在10 km深度附近相连,进而增加了芦山震源区的高低速异常对比幅度.在芦山主震的南西、北东两段速度结构存在着较大差异,芦山主震在水平向位于宝兴及大兴高速异常所包围的低速异常的前缘.主震南西段余震主要发生在倾向北西的高低速异常转换带上并靠近低速一侧,其下盘为低速异常,上盘为高速异常.而芦山主震北东段的余震主要分布在宝兴高速体与大兴高速体之间,主发震层向北西倾斜,主发震层上方的宝兴高速异常下边界出现一条南东倾向的反冲地震带,两地震带呈"y"型分布.  相似文献   

利用2009年7月9日姚安Ms6.0地震序列的到时数据,应用双差层析成像方法,对地震进行了重定位,并反演了震源区的三维速度结构.经过资料选取,共有873次余震事件参加了反演.重定位结果显示,姚安地震余震序列呈WNW向条带状分布,大部分地震的震源深度集中在3-12 km之间.从余震的深度分布随时间的变化推测,姚安Ms6....  相似文献   

速度结构反演可提供与震源区介质及地震发生位置等有关的重要信息,为了解地震形成机理及发震环境提供重要依据。文中采用双差层析成像方法,对乳山台阵2014年5月7日—2016年12月31日期间有6个以上台站记录到的地震事件进行重新定位,并反演其震源区P波三维速度结构。1 410次乳山台阵记录的ML 1. 0地震经双差定位后获得1 376次精确定位结果,震中呈NWW-SEE向展布,走向SEE,倾向SW,形成长约3km、宽约1km的地震密集带;速度结构显示震源区附近存在3个速度明显不同的区域,余震活动主要发生在3个区域的交会位置,偏高速体一侧;综合考虑震中展布与高、低速体及不同性质岩体间的位置关系、区域地质构造等因素,推测震中展布位置应为2种不同岩体的界线,在高速体与低速体过渡带之间可能存在1条隐伏断裂。  相似文献   

基于山东省地震台网固定台站及乳山台阵的流动观测资料,利用双差层析成像方法对乳山震群及附近地区地壳浅层15 km深度以内的三维P波速度结构进行了反演。结果显示,研究区内的隆起区(如垛崮山、大孤山)及海洋所镇附近的超高压岩体为高速区,连接两者之间的白沙滩呈低速特征,乳山序列即发生在高、低速过渡带偏高速区的一侧。速度结构剖面显示,乳山序列下方的地壳内存在明显的类椭圆状的相对低速区域,序列活动基本处于该低速区域与第四纪盖层之间的高速夹层。综合考虑序列展布、区域地质构造及高低速岩体间的位置关系,本文推测在区域应力调整背景下,局部介质的不稳定性在乳山序列的发生过程中起主要作用。   相似文献   

京津唐地区地壳三维P波速度结构与地震活动性分析   总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用华北遥测地震台网和首都圈数字地震台网112个台站记录到的1993~2004年发生在首都圈地区3983次地震的P波绝对到时资料和相对到时资料,采用双差地震层析成像方法联合反演了京津唐地区地壳三维P波速度结构和震源参数.京津唐地区的三维P波速度结构图像在浅层上很好地反映了地表地质、地形的特征.在平原和凹陷的盆地处呈现P波低速速度异常,而在隆起的山区或基岩出露区显示为P波高速速度异常.在研究区域内震级M≥6.0历史地震和经过重新定位后的震级ML≥3.0的地震的震源位置在10 km深度和15 km深度处的P波相对速度扰动图上的投影都显示出相似的特点,即:绝大部分的地震的震源位置在P波相对速度扰动图上的投影分布在低、高速异常的交界地带,且偏高速体一侧,只有极少数的地震分布在P波速度异常体内部.  相似文献   

曹颖  钱佳威  黄江培  张国权  付虹 《地震地质》2021,43(6):1563-1585
为了获得2014年景谷MS 6.6地震发生前后10a间震源区高空间分辨率的P波速度变化,文中基于2008年1月1日—2017年12月31日由云南区域数字地震台网所记录的景谷地震震源区的地震资料,首先采用双差层析成像方法联合绝对到时和相对到时反演了景谷地震震源区高分辨率的三维P波速度结构,反演结果表明景谷地震的余震序列分布于P波高速异常区及低速异常区的交界处,与澜沧江断裂有所相交的断裂处于低速异常区,这可能与断层中的流体有关.然后采用基于双差层析成像的时移层析成像方法得到了不同时间段之间的P波速度变化的时空分布,并结合已有的地质与地球物理研究成果,对P波速度的变化特征及其机制进行了探究,得到几点认识:1)景谷主震震中附近浅层深度的P波速度最大降幅为0.2%,在景谷主震发生2个月后出现,主要受岩石破坏影响所致.2)5~15km深度处整体存在P波速度上升条带区域,推测该区域为高强度、高阻介质的脆韧性转换带,不受主震发生的影响.在2014年12月6日MS5.8及MS5.9余震发生后,余震分布方向发生了明显变化,震源深度加深,脆韧性转换带受其影响使得P波速度下降了3.8%.3)震后约3a,P波速度上升并超过震前水平,可能在震源区的愈合过程中还包含了2018年9月8日云南墨江MS5.9地震发生前的应力积累过程.  相似文献   

曹颖  钱佳威  黄江培 《地震学报》2021,43(6):690-705
基于云南地震台网的地震记录,利用基于双差层析成像的时移层析成像方法,开展了2014年5月24日盈江MS5.6和5月30日MS6.1地震前后震源区地下P波速度变化的时空特征研究.结果表明:在盈江MS5.6地震后,震源区的P波速度轻微下降,在MS6.1地震后,相对于MS5.6地震,P波速度继续下降,并下降至最低,下降幅度约...  相似文献   

曹颖  黄江培  付虹 《中国地震》2018,34(4):652-666
联合小湾水库库区及其附近11249个地震的P波绝对到时、相对到时数据,利用双差地震层析成像方法反演得到小湾水库蓄水后2008年12月16日~2011年6月30日和2011年7月1日~2016年12月31日2个时间段内库区及其附近的地震重定位结果和三维P波速度结构。结果表明,蓄水后黑惠江段和小湾水库回水澜沧江段地震的增多与水库蓄水有关。由于水体渗透导致孔隙压变化,并随着时间的推移孔隙压变化朝着更深的部位扩散,地震震源深度也随之向深部扩散,进而导致介质变化和P波速度降低。蓄水回水至澜沧江保山段后该区域地震增多,P波速度下降,库水渗透作用为主控因素,该区域地下一定深度的地质构造有利于库水的快速渗透。初步判定2015年10月30日云南昌宁M_S5.1地震余震序列是与蓄水有关的柯街断裂上的构造地震。同时,也存在着与蓄水相关性不大的属于构造地震的活动,如云南施甸一带历来地震多发,施甸2010年6月1日M_L4.8、2012年9月11日M_S4.7地震序列均属于构造地震,与水库蓄水无关。  相似文献   

根据本文提出的更为严格的地震数据筛选方法——横向分区地震均值筛选法,选取了四川、云南、重庆和贵州地震台网的224个固定台站和49个流动台站在2008年1月1日—2017年12月31日期间记录的48,177个地震、372,483条初至P波绝对到时数据以及2,413,407条精度较高的相对到时数据,利用区域双差地震层析成像...  相似文献   

The three-dimensional P-wave velocity structure beneath the Katmai group of volcanoes is determined by inversion of more than 10,000 rays from over 1000 earthquakes recorded on a local 18 station short-period network between September 1996 and May 2001. The inversion is well constrained from sea level to about 6 km below sea level and encompasses all of the Katmai volcanoes; Martin, Mageik, Trident, Griggs, Novarupta, Snowy, and Katmai caldera. The inversion reduced the average RMS travel-time error from 0.22 s for locations from the standard one-dimensional model to 0.13 s for the best three-dimensional model. The final model, from the 6th inversion step, reveals a prominent low velocity zone (3.6–5.0 km/s) centered at Katmai Pass and extending from Mageik to Trident volcanoes. The anomaly has values about 20–25% slower than velocities outboard of the region (5.0–6.5 km/s). Moderately low velocities (4.5–6.0 km/s) are observed along the volcanic axis between Martin and Katmai Caldera. Griggs volcano, located about 10 km behind (northwest of) the volcanic axis, has unremarkable velocities (5.0–5.7 km/s) compared to non-volcanic regions. The highest velocities are observed between Snowy and Griggs volcanoes (5.5–6.5 km/s). Relocated hypocenters for the best 3-D model are shifted significantly relative to the standard model with clusters of seismicity at Martin volcano shifting systematically deeper by about 1 km to depths of 0 to 4 km below sea level. Hypocenters for the Katmai Caldera are more tightly clustered, relocating beneath the 1912 scarp walls. The relocated hypocenters allow us to compare spatial frequency-size distributions (b-values) using one-dimensional and three-dimensional models. We find that the distribution of b is significantly changed for Martin volcano, which was characterized by variable values (0.8 < b < 2.0) with standard locations and more uniform values (0.8 < b < 1.2) after relocation. Other seismic clusters at Mageik (1.2 < b < 2.2), Trident (0.5 < b < 1.5) and Katmai Caldera (0.8 < b < 1.8) had stable b-values indicating the robustness of the observations. The strong high b-value region at Mageik volcano is mainly associated with an earthquake swarm in October, 1996 that possibly indicates a shallow intrusion or influx of gas. The new velocity and spatial b-value results, in conjunction with prior gravity (Bouguer anomalies up to − 40 mgal) and interferometry (several cm uplift) data, provide strong evidence in favor of partially molten rock at shallow depths beneath the Mageik–Katmai–Novarupta region. Moderately low velocities beneath Martin and Katmai suggest that old, mostly solidified intrusions exist beneath these volcanoes. Higher relative velocities beneath the Griggs and Snowy vents suggest that no magma is resident in the shallow crust beneath these volcanoes.  相似文献   

小江断裂带周边地区三维P波速度结构及其构造意义   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
作为青藏高原的东南边界,小江断裂带在高原物质的侧向逃逸中发挥着重要的作用.本文利用流动地震台阵及固定台站的走时观测资料,对小江断裂带及周边区域的壳幔三维P波速度结构进行了研究.结果表明,在中上地壳,小江断裂带内部主要为低速异常,其东侧主要为高速异常.在中下地壳,小江断裂带中部为低速异常,北部和南部主要为高速异常,其中北部的高速异常可延伸到地表附近,南部的高速异常可一直延伸到上地幔.我们推测,小江断裂带中部的低速异常与深部热作用有关;北部的高速异常可能是晚古生代地幔柱活动导致大量基性和超基性幔源物质侵入地壳引起的,它的存在对青藏高原物质向南逃逸起到了一定的阻挡作用,可能是导致川滇活动块体北部次级块体快速抬升的重要因素;南部顶界面向北倾斜的高速异常体对川滇活动块体向南滑移起到了进一步的阻挡作用,导致其上覆的中上地壳低速异常区发生较强的变形和强烈的地震活动,同时在上地幔深度范围起到了稳定的作用,使其南部区域的介质受青藏高原物质向南挤出的影响明显减小.  相似文献   

Using over 3 500 first P arrival times recorded by nine digital seismic stations from Hainan Digital Seismic Net-work during 1999~2005,a 3-D P-wave velocity model of the crust under Hainan Island and adjacent regions has been determined. The results show that the pattern of velocity anomalies in the shallower upper crust is somewhat associated with the surface geological tectonics in the region. A relative low-velocity anomaly appears north of the Wangwu-Wenjiao fault zone and a relative high-velocity anomaly appears south of the Wangwu-Wenjiao fault zone,corresponding to the depressed areas in north Hainan Island,where many volcanoes are frequently active and geothermal values are relatively higher,and the uplifted and stable regions in central and south of the Hainan Is-land. In the middle and lower crust velocities are relatively lower in east Hainan than those in west Hainan,possi-bly suggesting the existence of the upwelling of hot materials from the mantle in east Hainan. The pattern of veloc-ity anomalies also indicates that NW faults,i.e.,the Puqian-Qinglan fault,may be shallower,while the E-W Wangwu-Wenjiao fault may be deeper,which perhaps extends down to Moho depth or deeper.  相似文献   

A magnitude 5.5 earthquakes occurred in Eryuan County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China, on March 3. And a magnitude 5.0 earthquake occurred in the same place on April 17, 2013, i.e., 45 days later. Then, on May 21, 2021, multiple earthquakes, one with magnitude 6.4 and several at 5.0 or above, occurred in Yangbi County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China. All of these occurred in the Weixi-Qiaohou-Weishan fault zone. In this study, 1,874 seismic events in Yangbi and Eryuan counties were identified by automatic micro-seismic identification technology and the first arrivals were picked up manually. Following this, a total of 11,968 direct P-wave absolute arrivals and 73,987 high-quality P-wave relative arrivals were collected for joint inversion via the double difference tomography method. This was done to obtain the regional three-dimensional fine crustal P-wave velocity structure. The results show that the travel time residuals before and after inversion decreased from the initial –0.1–0.1 s to –0.06–0.06 s. The upper crust in the study area, which exhibited a low-velocity anomaly, corresponded to the basin region; this indicated that the low-velocity anomaly in the shallow part of the study area was affected by the basin. Results also showed some correlation between the distribution of the earthquakes and velocity structure, as there was a low-velocity body Lv1 with a wide distribution at depths ranging from 15–20 km in the Yangbi and Eryuan earthquake regions. In addition, earthquakes occurred predominantly in the high-low velocity abnormal transition zone. The low-velocity body in the middle and lower crust may be prone to concentrating upper crustal stress, thus leading to the occurrence of earthquakes.  相似文献   

 Kuju Volcano lies near Aso Caldera at the center of Kyushu Island, western Japan. After a few hundred years of dormancy, a phreatic explosion accompanied by a small ash eruption occurred on 11 October 1995. This study was undertaken to determine the subsurface seismic velocity structure associated with the active magmatic regime in the Kuju volcanic region. The three-dimensional, upper crustal, P-wave velocity structure beneath Kuju Volcano was determined using methods for the simultaneous inversion of P-wave arrival times from local earthquakes in and around the Kuju volcanic region for velocities and hypocentral parameters. Results reveal two shallower low-velocity anomalies located in the northern and southern parts of Kuju Volcano, consistent with the presence of significant negative Bouguer gravity anomalies. In addition, a high-velocity anomaly is located approximately 5 km northwest of Mt. Kuju, one of the domes in Kuju Volcano. Beneath this high-velocity anomaly, a low-velocity anomaly is present. This velocity structure suggests a magmatic regime that has a lid consisting of cooled solid material overlying a chamber of partially molten material. Received: 23 September 1997 / Accepted: 20 June 1998  相似文献   

On May 21, 2021, an MS6.4 earthquake occurred in Yangbi, Yunnan province, China, which exhibited typical foreshock-mainshock-aftershock characteristics. To better understand the velocity structure of the focal area and adjacent fault zones, Pg/Sg travel times at 12 seismic stations for the local earthquakes with ML ≥ 1.5 from 2009–2019 and the Yangbi sequence in May of 2021 were used to invert the three-dimensional (3D) structures for both vP and vP/vS. The obtained structure extends deeply to 15 km for area (25°N–26.5°N, 99.5°E–101°E) at a horizontal resolution of 10× 10 km, and the accuracy of the vP velocity was verified using airgun signals excited by the Binchuan Airgun Transmitting Seismic Station (BATSS). The resulting vP and vP/vS images correlate with existing fault zones and the Yangbi sequence, including: (1) The shallow velocity structure at 0 km agrees with local topography, where the Binchuan basin exhibits low-vP and high-vP/vS values. From 3–15 km, vP and vP/vS show variations, and the boundaries are consistent with the main faults (e.g., the Weixi-Qiaohou-Weishan, Honghe, and Chenghai faults). (2) The largest foreshock (MS5.6), mainshock (MS6.4), and largest aftershock (MS5.2) occurred near the boundaries where both vP and vP/vS have clear contrasts. (3) Small earthquakes are also concentrated in the transition zone between high- and low-vP and vP/vS anomalies, and are biased toward low-vP/vS zones. (4) Boundaries in vP and vP/vS are observed at 20 km west of the Weixi-Qiaohou-Weishan fault, indicating that there may exist one hidden fault.  相似文献   

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