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综合地球物理调查表明,北印度洋阿拉伯海马克兰俯冲带海域水合物资源非常丰富。为调查该海域水合物及与其相关的流体活动,采集了高分辨率多道地震数据,分析了原始地震数据的特征,并按照常规水合物地震数据处理流程进行处理,获得了较好的处理效果。基于新采集处理的地震数据,识别出了经典的BSR、非经典的BSR及双BSR现象。双BSR的发现表明该海域的水合物处在一个复杂的动态过程中,对该海域水合物的研究具有重要意义。由于本次地震数据的排列长度较短(最大排列长度1 300 m),对该海域水合物的定量分析以及精细刻画受到了限制。结合此次采集的短排列数据以及理论公式分析了排列长度对水合物勘探的影响,指出在水合物的勘探中,除了震源能量、频率、道间距等参数外,排列长度也是一个需要优化设计的参数。  相似文献   

A promising method for gas hydrates exploration incorporates pre-stack seismic inversion data, elastic properties modeling, and seismic interpretation to predict saturation of gas hydrates (Sgh). The technology can be modified slightly and used for predicting hydrate concentrations in shallow arctic locations as well. Examples from Gulf of Mexico Walker Ridge (WR) and Green Canyon (GC) protraction areas illustrate how Sgh was derived and used to support the selection of well locations to be drilled for gas hydrates in sand reservoirs by the Chevron-led Joint Industry Project (JIP) Leg II cruise in 2009. Concentrations of hydrates were estimated through the integration of seismic inversion of carefully conditioned pre-stack data, seismic stratigraphic interpretation, and shallow rock property modeling. Rock property trends were established by applying principles of rock physics and shallow sediment compaction, constrained by regional geological knowledge. No nearby sonic or density logs were available to define the elastic property trends in the zone of interest. Sgh volumes were generated by inverting pre-stack data to acoustic and shear impedance (PI and SI) volumes, and then analyzing deviations from modeled impedance trends. In order to enhance the quality of the inversion, we stress the importance of maximizing the signal to noise ratio of the offset data by conditioning seismic angle gathers prior to inversion. Seismic interpretation further plays an important role by identifying false anomalies such as hard, compact strata, which can produce apparent high Sgh values, and by identifying the more promising strata and structures for containing the hydrates. This integrated workflow presents a highly promising methodology, appropriate for the exploration of gas hydrates.  相似文献   

Worldwide distribution of subaquatic gas hydrates   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
Sediments containing natural gas hydrates occur worldwide on continental and insular slopes and rises of active and passive margins, on continental shelves of polar regions, and in deep-water (> 300 m) environments of inland lakes and seas. The potential amount of methane in natural gas hydrates is enormous, with current estimates at about 1019 g of methane carbon. Subaquatic gas hydrates have been recovered in 14 different areas of the world, and geophysical and geochemical evidence for them has been found in 33 other areas. The worldwide distribution of natural gas hydrates is updated here; their global importance to the chemical and physical properties of near-surface subaquatic sediments is affirmed.  相似文献   

The newly developed P-Cable 3D seismic system allows for high-resolution seismic imaging to characterize upper geosphere geological features focusing on geofluid expressions (gas chimneys), shallow gas and gas hydrate reservoirs. Seismic imaging of a geofluid system of an Arctic sediment drift at the Vestnesa Ridge, offshore western Svalbard, provides significantly improved details of internal chimney structures from the seafloor to ∼500 m bsf (below seafloor). The chimneys connect to pockmarks at the seafloor and indicate focused fluid flow through gas hydrated sediments. The pockmarks are not buried and align at the ridge-crest pointing to recent, topography-controlled fluid discharge. Chimneys are fuelled by sources beneath the base of gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) that is evident at ∼160–170 m bsf as indicated by a bottom-simulating reflector (BSR). Conduit centres that are not vertically straight but shift laterally by up to 200 m as well as discontinuous internal chimney reflections indicate heterogeneous hydraulic fracturing of the sediments. Episodically active, pressure-driven focused fluid flow could explain the hydro-fracturing processes that control the plumbing system and lead to extensive pockmark formation at crest of the Vestnesa Ridge. High-amplitude anomalies in the upper 50 m of the chimney structures suggest formations of near-surface gas hydrates and/or authigenic carbonate precipitation. Acoustic anomalies, expressed as high amplitudes and amplitude blanking, are irregularly distributed throughout the deeper parts of the chimneys and provide evidence for the variability of hydrate and/or carbonate formation in space and time.  相似文献   

The Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments at lease block Green Canyon 955 (GC955) in the Gulf of Mexico include sand-rich strata with high saturations of gas hydrate; these gas hydrate accumulations and the associated geology have been characterized over the past decade using conventional industry three-dimensional (3D) seismic data and dedicated logging-while-drilling (LWD) borehole data. To improve structural and stratigraphic characterization and to address questions of gas flow and reservoir properties, in 2013 the U.S. Geological Survey acquired high-resolution two-dimensional (2D) seismic data at GC955. Combined analysis of all available data improves our understanding of the geological evolution of the study area, which includes basin-scale migration of the Mississippi River sediment influx as well as local-scale shifting of sedimentary channels at GC955 in response to salt-driven uplift, structural deformation associated with the salt uplift, and upward gas migration from deeper sediments that charges the main gas hydrate reservoir and shallower strata. The 2D data confirm that the sand-rich reservoir is composed principally of sediments deposited in a proximal levee setting and that episodes of channel scour, interspersed with levee deposition, have resulted in an assemblage of many individual proximal levee deposit “pods” each with horizontal extent up to several hundred meters. Joint analysis of the 2D and 3D data reveals new detail of a complex fault network that controls the fluid-flow system; large east-west trending normal faults allow fluid flow through the reservoir-sealing fine-grained unit, and smaller north-south oriented faults provide focused fluid-flow pathways (chimneys) through the shallower sediments. This system has enabled the flow of gas from the main reservoir to the seafloor throughout the recent history at GC955, and its intricacies help explain the distributed occurrences of gas hydrate in the intervening strata.  相似文献   

We present a methodology for generating pre-drill estimations of hydrate saturations using conventional 3D seismic data. These seismic-based estimates will be compared with well log derived saturations from the subsequently drilled wells of the Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Joint Industry Project Leg II (JIP Leg II) expedition.Predicting saturation of gas hydrates (Sh-seismic) combines pre-stack seismic inversion, rock physics modeling and stratigraphic interpretation. Before the wells were drilled, no nearby sonic and density logs were available to define and calibrate the elastic property trends for the shallow target interval containing the gas hydrate stability zone. Therefore, rock property trends were established by applying principles of rock physics and shallow sediment compaction, constrained by known regional geological parameters. Sh-seismic volumes were generated by inverting pre-stack data to acoustic impedance (PI) and shear impedance (SI) volumes, and then analyzing deviations from modeled impedance trends. To enhance the quality of the inversion, the signal-to-noise ratio of the offset data was maximized by conditioning the seismic prior to inversion. Seismic stratigraphic interpretation plays an important role by identifying the more promising strata and structures for the presence of gas hydrates.The pre-drill Sh-seismic results are compared with saturations calculated from log data, Sh-log, of the wells drilled in the JIP Leg II campaign. Due to weaker seismic reflections, predictions may be less accurate for low concentrations, such as saturations less than 40%, and for thin intervals below the vertical resolution of the seismic data (about 15 m). However, the integrated geophysical workflow is very effective for identifying and quantifying significant hydrate concentrations, making the method a promising prospecting technique.  相似文献   

This study is a synthesis of gas-related features in recent sediments across the western Black Sea basin. The investigation is based on an extensive seismic dataset, and integrates published information from previous local studies. Our data reveal widespread occurrences of seismic facies indicating free gas in sediments and gas escape in the water column. The presence of gas hydrates is inferred from bottom-simulating reflections (BSRs). The distribution of the gas facies shows (1) major gas accumulations close to the seafloor in the coastal area and along the shelfbreak, (2) ubiquitous gas migration from the deeper subsurface on the shelf and (3) gas hydrate occurrences on the lower slope (below 750 m water depth). The coastal and shelfbreak shallow gas areas correspond to the highstand and lowstand depocentres, respectively. Gas in these areas most likely results from in situ degradation of biogenic methane, probably with a contribution of deep gas in the shelfbreak accumulation. On the western shelf, vertical gas migration appears to originate from a source of Eocene age or older and, in some cases, it is clearly related to known deep oil and gas fields. Gas release at the seafloor is abundant at water depths shallower than 725 m, which corresponds to the minimum theoretical depth for methane hydrate stability, but occurs only exceptionally at water depths where hydrates can form. As such, gas entering the hydrate stability field appears to form hydrates, acting as a buffer for gas migration towards the seafloor and subsequent escape.  相似文献   

通过耦合布设海底表面和孔内水合物观测系统获取物理、化学、微生物等数据是了解掌握海洋水合物环境动态变化、碳循环规律和资源开发技术的有效手段,据此初步提出了一套海底孔内水合物观测系统,并指出了系统的关键技术难点。而在钻井布设该孔内观测系统时,要注意防止井内安全事故的发生,充分评估安放位置处含水合物地层的地质力学稳定性并采取适当的钻井和完井方式稳定或强化含水合物地层以支撑孔内观察仪器,实现孔内长期监测。最后讨论了在我国南海实施孔内水合物观测系统的必要性,并提出了初步想法。  相似文献   

The northern Gulf of Mexico (GoM) has long been a focus area for the study of gas hydrates. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, work focused on massive gas hydrates deposits that were found to form at and near the seafloor in association with hydrocarbon seeps. However, as global scientific and industrial interest in assessment of the drilling hazards and resource implications of gas hydrate accelerated, focus shifted to understanding the nature and abundance of “buried” gas hydrates. Through 2005, despite the drilling of more than 1200 oil and gas industry wells through the gas hydrate stability zone, published evidence of significant sub-seafloor gas hydrate in the GoM was lacking. A 2005 drilling program by the GoM Gas Hydrate Joint Industry Project (the JIP) provided an initial confirmation of the occurrence of gas hydrates below the GoM seafloor. In 2006, release of data from a 2003 industry well in Alaminos Canyon 818 provided initial documentation of gas hydrate occurrence at high concentrations in sand reservoirs in the GoM. From 2006 to 2008, the JIP facilitated the integration of geophysical and geological data to identify sites prospective for gas hydrate-bearing sands, culminating in the recommendation of numerous drilling targets within four sites spanning a range of typical deepwater settings. Concurrent with, but independent of, the JIP prospecting effort, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) conducted a preliminary assessment of the GoM gas hydrate petroleum system, resulting in an estimate of 607 trillion cubic meters (21,444 trillion cubic feet) gas-in-place of which roughly one-third occurs at expected high concentrations in sand reservoirs. In 2009, the JIP drilled seven wells at three sites, discovering gas hydrate at high saturation in sand reservoirs in four wells and suspected gas hydrate at low to moderate saturations in two other wells. These results provide an initial confirmation of the complex nature and occurrence of gas hydrate-bearing sands in the GoM, the efficacy of the integrated geological/geophysical prospecting approach used to identify the JIP drilling sites, and the relevance of the 2008 BOEM assessment.  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopic measurements of synthetic gas hydrates in the ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Raman spectrometer extensively modified for deep ocean use was used to measure synthetic hydrates formed in an ocean environment. This was the first time hydrates formed in the ocean have been measured in situ using Raman spectroscopy. Gas hydrates were formed in situ in the Monterey Bay by pressurizing a Pyrex cell with various gas mixtures. Raman spectra were obtained for sI methane hydrate and sII methane + ethane hydrate. Gas occlusion resulting from rapid gas growth of methane hydrate was measured immediately after formation. The Raman shift for methane free gas was coincident with that of methane in the small 512 hydrate cage. The methane Raman peak widths were used to discriminate between methane in the free gas and hydrate phase. Methane + ethane sII hydrate was formed for 43 days on the seafloor. In this case, gas occlusion was not measured when the gas hydrates were allowed to form over an extended time period. Equivalent Raman spectra were obtained for the in situ and laboratory-formed sII methane + ethane hydrates, under similar p, T, and x conditions. With the Raman spectrometer operating in the ocean, seawater contributes to the Raman spectra obtained. Both the Raman bands for the sulfate ion and water were used to qualitatively determine the distribution of water phases measured (hydrate, seawater) in the Raman spectra.  相似文献   

High-frequency seismic reflection profiling is a well-established and often used technique in marine investigations. Traditionally seismic data are viewed as two-dimensional time sections. Given closely spaced profile lines, it is possible to produce posted two-way travel time maps of sub-surface reflectors which, when plotted as isometric displays, clearly show the three-dimensional spatial morphology of the sub-surface topography. With borehole control, such information can be used to provide a series of images which indicate temporal as well as spatial relationships of sub-surface reflectors. With the high-resolution afforded by high-frequency methods, detailed information on palaeo-environments can be reconstructed. Using the geophysical database as a basic framework, other aspects of the same environment can be examined in considerable detail. To demonstrate the effectiveness of these procedures, examples will be given from Plymouth Sound where a series of nested buried rock valleys has been mapped in detail from Sparker and Boomer surveys which have been interpreted in the light of newly-acquired borehole information. Isometric plots of the various sub-surface interfaces show how the channels have developed as sea level has risen over the last ca. 10,000 years. Different sedimentological facies can be resolved within the channel system thus providing information about the processes involved in their formation. Methods of improving the resolution and subsequent geological interpretation of high-resolution seismic reflection surveys are being developed for shallow marine and estuarine environments such as those found in Plymouth Sound.  相似文献   

Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas and an important energy source. The global significance and impact in coastal zones of methane gas accumulation and seepage in sediments from coastal lagoon environments are still largely unknown. This paper presents results from four high-resolution seismic surveys carried out in the Ria de Aveiro barrier lagoon (Portugal) in 1999, 2002 and 2003. These comprise three chirp surveys (RIAV99, RIAV02, RIAV02A) and one boomer survey (RIAV03). Evidence of extensive gas accumulation and seepage in tidal channel sediments from the Ria de Aveiro barrier lagoon is presented here for the first time. This evidence includes: acoustic turbidity, enhanced reflections, acoustic blanking, domes, and acoustic plumes in the water column (flares). The stratigraphy and structural framework control the distribution and extent of gas accumulations and seepage in the study area. In these shallow systems, however, tidal altitude variations have a significant impact on gas detection using acoustic methods, by changing the raw amplitude of the enhanced seismic reflections, acoustic turbidity, and acoustic blanking in gas-prone areas. Direct evidence of gas escape from drill holes in the surrounding area has shown that the gas present in the Ria de Aveiro consists of biogenic methane. Most of the gas in the study area was probably generated mainly in Holocene lagoon sediments. Evidence of faults affecting the Mesozoic limestones and clays underlying some of the shallow gas occurrences, and the presence of high-amplitude reflections in these deeper units raise the possibility that some of this gas could have been generated in deeper sedimentary layers, and then migrated upward through the fractured Mesozoic strata.  相似文献   

截至目前,只有中国和日本实施了海域天然气水合物的试采,了解日本的海域水合物试采中遇到的问题及其对问题的分析情况,有助于中国下一步的水合物研究和开发工作。为了深入认识日本于2013年和2017年在日本海域南海海槽分别实施的两次试采,介绍了两次试采的部署实施情况及实际产气情况,梳理了日本对两次试采中出现的问题及其针对问题的分析研究成果,对比了两次试采中3口生产井的产气情况。发现日本两次试采都没有解决实际产气与预测结果存在差异的问题,认为加强对水合物储层特征和物理特性的认识是解决上述问题的关键;另外,水合物的生产是一个综合的过程,防砂、压降过程、排水等互相影响,在解决这些问题时应综合考虑,并应寻找稳产需要的各项生产参数的平衡点。  相似文献   

陈翰  陈忠  颜文  王淑红  颜彬 《海洋科学》2011,35(6):90-95
天然气水合物是21世纪最具开发潜力的新型能源。它在低温、高压条件下稳定存在,主要分布于大陆边缘、深水盆地及冻土带,在环境和灾害等方面都具有重要影响。目前,人们已发展了地质、地球物理、地球化学等多种天然气水合物的识别方法和指标,但不同的方法或指标具有各自的局限性和适用范围,同时天然气水合物是否存在也需要多种识别技术的集成...  相似文献   

Horizon velocity analysis and pre-stack depth migration of seismic profiles collected by R/V Maurice Ewing in 1995 across the accretionary prism off SW Taiwan and along the continental slope of the northernmost South China Sea were implemented for identifying gas hydrates. Similarly, a survey of 32 ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS), with a spacing of about 500 m, was conducted for exploring gas hydrates on the accretionary prism off SW Taiwan in April 2006. Travel times of head wave, refraction, reflection and converted shear wave identified from the hydrophone, vertical and horizontal components of these OBS data were applied for imaging P-wave velocity and Poisson’s ratio of hydrate-bearing sediments. In the accretionary prism off SW Taiwan, we found hydrate-bearing sediment, with a thickness of about 100–200 m, a relatively high P-wave velocity of 1.87–2.04 km/s and a relatively low Poisson’s ratio of 0.445–0.455, below anticlinal ridges near imbricate emergent thrusts in the drainage system of the Penghu and Kaoping Canyons. Free-gas layer, with a thickness of about 30–120 m, a relatively low P-wave velocity of 1.4–1.8 km/s and a relatively high Poisson’s ratio (0.47–0.48), was also observed below most of the bottom-simulating reflectors (BSR). Subsequently, based on rock physics of the three-phase effective medium, we evaluated the hydrate saturation of about 12–30% and the free-gas saturation of about 1–4%. The highest saturation (30% and 4%) of gas hydrates is found below anticlines due to N–S trending thrust-bounded folds and NE-SW thrusting and strike-slip ramps in the lower slope of the accretionary prism. We suggest that fluid may have migrated through the relay-fault array due to decollement folding and gas hydrates have been trapped in anticlines formed by the basement rises along the thrust faults. In contrast, in the rifted continental margin of the northernmost South China Sea, P-wave velocities of 1.9–2.2 km/s and 1.3–1.6 km/s, and thicknesses of about 50–200 m and 100–200 m, respectively, for a hydrate layer and a free-gas layer were imaged below the remnant and erosional ridges in the upper continental slope. High P-wave velocity of hydrate-bearing sediment below erosional ridges may also indicate high saturation of hydrates there. Normal faults due to rifting in the South China continental crust may have provided conduits for gas migration below the erosional ridges where P-wave velocity of hydrate-bearing sediment in the passive continental margin of the northernmost South China Sea is greater than that in the active accretionary prism off SW Taiwan.  相似文献   

Seismic attribute study for gas hydrates in the Andaman Offshore India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seismic data from the Andaman offshore region has been examined to investigate for the presence of gas hydrates. The seismic data displays reflection characteristics such as blanking, enhanced reflection patterns, shadows in instantaneous frequency, and increase in amplitude with the offset, which are indicative of gas hydrates and underlying free gas. A prominent bottom-simulating reflection, BSR, coupled with reverse polarity is observed around 650–700 ms. Seismic attributes such as the reflection strength and instantaneous frequency are computed along this reflector in order to probe for the presence of gas hydrates or free gas in this region. The reflection plot shows a strong reflector paralleling the seafloor. In addition, attenuation of the high frequency signal is noticed, indicating the presence of free gas below the BSR.  相似文献   

Velocity analysis of multi-channel seismic (MCS) data and amplitude-versus-offset (AVO) modeling provides an efficient way of identifying gas hydrate and free gas, and therefore the nature of the bottom-simulating reflector (BSR). Additionally, AVO modeling also yields estimates of the hydrate concentration and free gas saturation across the BSR in terms of velocity distribution. In the present study, we apply directivity correction in order to accentuate the AVO behavior. Modeling for AVO pattern of the observed BSR over the Kerala–Konkan Offshore Basin may provide the probable velocity distribution across the BSR and thereby infer whether hydrate or hydrate/free gas model governs the AVO observations. Initial results indicate the possible presence of free gas underlying the gas hydrates-saturated sediments in this region.  相似文献   

南海北部天然气水合物研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
天然气水合物是一种新型的储量巨大的绿色能源,是目前世界各国研究界的研究热点之一。我国以及美国、日本、印度、韩国等国家都采集到了天然气水合物的实物样品。虽然我国对天然气水合物的研究起步较晚,但近年来的研究已经取得了飞速的进步,而且也于2007年5月在南海北部陆坡的神狐海域成功采集到天然气水合物的实物样品,这是在南海海域首次获取天然气水合物实物样品,证实了南海北部蕴藏着丰富的天然气水合物资源,标志着我国天然气水合物调查研究水平又上了一个新的台阶。目前,南海北部陆坡已经作为我国天然气水合物未来开发的战略选区之一。在总结我国天然气水合物以往十几年研究工作的基础上,综述了我国天然气水合物近年来在南海北部的地质、地球物理、地球化学3个方面的研究进展,提出了未来天然气水合物勘探和研究的方向和建议。  相似文献   

Gas hydrate samples from various locations in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) differ considerably in their microstructure. Distinct microstructure characteristics coincide with discrete crystallographic structures, gas compositions and calculated thermodynamic stabilities.  相似文献   

海底地震仪(OBS)直接布设在海底,在地球动力学研究、油气勘探以及地震学研究等众多领域中应用广泛。随着采集技术的提高,海底地震仪也越来越广泛地应用到水合物的勘探中。文中从OBS数据采集、数据处理以及速度反演三个方面对OBS在水合物勘探中的应用现状进行综述,重点在于综述目前的应用现状和OBS使用的难点。数据采集方面主要综述了在OBS水合物勘探中几种常见的观测系统;OBS数据处理方面主要综述OBS数据预处理和OBS数据镜像成像;OBS速度反演方面主要综述常用的反演方法及其优缺点;最后,在以下几个方面对OBS在水合物勘探中的应用进行了展望:(1)优化观测系统的设计;(2)发展更先进的波场分离算法;(3)基于全波形反演以及基于面波的速度反演。  相似文献   

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