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A shock wave passing through a stellar atmosphere disturbs the gas, and the consequent adjustment of the fluid is a redistribution of the shock's kinetic energy among the various degrees of freedom. This paper deals with the effects of the Lyman continuum on the shock front. The shock heated gas is cooled principally by ionizing collisions of ground state atoms. This process is followed by a large quasi-isothermal region in which radiative recombinations occur. A final cycle of processes consisting of ionization, photo-recombinations to upper-level and collisional de-excitation, gives way to a sequence of statistical balances as each degree of freedom in the fluid attains equilibrium. Our calculations show that to a great extent, the shock structure is separated into successive regions of internal and radiative relaxation by an intermediate layer of ionized gas appearing at high shock speeds. Numerical results are presented for a range of shock speeds typifying a cepheid atmosphere.Radiation field and gas motions in shock waves are coupled, but the gas reacts little to the radiation it produces. Only the Lyman continuum has an appreciable effect on the shock structure. The principal escape of energy from the shock wave is through continuum radiation produced in recombinations to upper levels; thus the continuum emission in the red is stronger than an equivalent black body. Lyman photons are trapped in the shock while 20–30% of the shock's kinetic energy escapes to the Balmer and Paschen continua after the Lyman continuum is in equilibrium. The post- and pre-shock lines, as well as the post-shock continuum above the Lyman constitute the only observable spectra which emanate from the shock wave. The shock structure is perturbed only by the radiation which is not observed, and its absence tends to distort the emission profile from a Planck distribution.This work was originally started at Smithsonian Observatory and was completed at City College New York under contract with NASA Institute for Space Studies, New York.  相似文献   

This note critically examines the relative importance of several effects which influence the diurnal variation of atomic hydrogen abundance near the critical level.It is pointed out that the neglect of exospheric hydrogen in a recent theoretical treatment causes an overestimation of the diurnal variation at high exospheric temperatures, and an underestimation at low exospheric temperatures. The fluxes due to lateral flow are large compared to other fluxes only to the extent that the actual diurnal variation is very different from the diurnal variation corresponding to zero net lateral flow, which does not seem to be the case in the real atmosphere. Two effects which are probably important are charge exchange reactions with thermal oxygen ions, resulting in a diurnal exchange with the plasmasphere; and charge exchange reactions with high velocity protons, resulting in enhanced escape and diurnal variation.  相似文献   

Based on a self-consistent solution of the equations of gas dynamics, kinetics of hydrogen atomic level populations, and radiative transfer, we analyze the structure of a shock wave that propagates in a partially ionized hydrogen gas. We consider the radiative transfer at the frequencies of spectral lines by taking into account the effects of a moving medium in the observer's frame of reference. The flux in Balmer lines is shown to be formed behind the shock discontinuity at the initial hydrogen recombination stage. The Doppler shift of the emission-line profile is approximately one and a half times smaller than the gas flow velocity in the Balmer emission region, because the radiation field of the shock wave is anisotropic. At Mach numbers M1?10 and unperturbed gas densities σ1=10?10 g cm?3, the Doppler shift is approximately one third of the shock velocity U1. The FWHM of the emission-line profile δ ? is related to the shock velocity by δ ? k ? U1, where k ? = 1, 0.6, and 0.65 for the Hα, Hβ, and Hγ lines, respectively.  相似文献   

We investigate the generation mechanism of long-wavelength Alfvénic disturbances near the front of a collisionless shock that propagates in a partially ionized plasma. The wave generation and dissipation rates are calculated in the linear approximation. The instability is attributable to a current of energetic particles upstream of the shock front. The generation of long-wavelength magnetic fluctuations is most pronounced for strong shocks, but the effect is retained for shocks with a moderate particle acceleration efficiency without any noticeable modification of the shock structure by the pressure of accelerated particles. The mode generation time for supernova remnants in a partially ionized interstellar medium is shown to be shorter than their age. Long-wavelength magnetic disturbances determine the limiting energies of the particles accelerated at a shock by the Fermimechanism. We discuss the application of the mechanism under consideration to explaining the observed properties of the SN 1006 remnant.  相似文献   

We solve the self-consistent problem of the generation of a static magnetic field by the electric current of accelerated particles near a strong plane MHD shock front. We take into account the back reaction of the field on the particle diffusion tensors and the background plasma parameters near the front. Various states that differ significantly in static magnetic-field strength are shown to be possible near a strong front. If the initial field has a component normal to the front, then its components parallel to the front are suppressed by accelerated particles by several orders of magnitude. Only the component perpendicular to the front remains. This field configuration for uniform particle injection at the front does not lead to the generation of an additional field, and, in this sense, it is stable. If the initial field is parallel to the front, then either its significant enhancement by two or three orders of magnitude or its suppression by several orders of magnitude is possible. The phenomenon under consideration is an example of the self-organization of plasma with a magnetic field in a strongly nonequilibrium system. It can significantly affect the efficiency of particle acceleration by the shock front and the magnetobremsstrahlung of the accelerated particles.  相似文献   

The structure of strong shock waves in a thermally-radiating and electrically-conducting fluid is studied by method of asymptotic matching principle. It is assumed that upstream of the shock the gas is cold and does not radiate thermally while the Mach number (M) is very high so that after being shocked the gas now thermally radiates. The viscosity of the gas () depends on temperature (T) in the simple manner T where is a constant exponent. The problem is worthy of note in high-temperature phenomena in hypersonic flow.  相似文献   

The structure and evolution of a slow reaction front propagation into a cool, hydrogen rich shell above an inert core has been studied. It has been found that, during the evolution of the front, the total radiative luminosity drops from 104 L to 10–4 L in a time scale of the order of 109 yr. The burned up fraction of the fuel is found to be less than 1%.  相似文献   

P. Hedelt  Y. Ito  L. Esposito 《Icarus》2010,210(1):424-435
Based on measurements performed by the Hydrogen Deuterium Absorption Cell (HDAC) aboard the Cassini orbiter, Titan’s atomic hydrogen exosphere is investigated. Data obtained during the T9 encounter are used to infer the distribution of atomic hydrogen throughout Titan’s exosphere, as well as the exospheric temperature.The measurements performed during the flyby are modeled by performing Monte Carlo radiative transfer calculations of solar Lyman-α radiation, which is resonantly scattered on atomic hydrogen in Titan’s exosphere. Two different atomic hydrogen distribution models are applied to determine the best fitting density profile. One model is a static model that uses the Chamberlain formalism to calculate the distribution of atomic hydrogen throughout the exosphere, whereas the second model is a Particle model, which can also be applied to non-Maxwellian velocity distributions.The density distributions provided by both models are able to fit the measurements although both models differ at the exobase: best fitting exobase atomic hydrogen densities of nH = (1.5 ± 0.5) × 104 cm−3 and nH = (7 ± 1) × 104 cm−3 were found using the density distribution provided by both models, respectively. This is based on the fact that during the encounter, HDAC was sensitive to altitudes above about 3000 km, hence well above the exobase at about 1500 km. Above 3000 km, both models produce densities which are comparable, when taking into account the measurement uncertainty.The inferred exobase density using the Chamberlain profile is a factor of about 2.6 lower than the density obtained from Voyager 1 measurements and much lower than the values inferred from current photochemical models. However, when taking into account the higher solar activity during the Voyager flyby, this is consistent with the Voyager measurements. When using the density profile provided by the particle model, the best fitting exobase density is in perfect agreement with the densities inferred by current photochemical models.Furthermore, a best fitting exospheric temperature of atomic hydrogen in the range of TH = (150-175) ± 25 K was obtained when assuming an isothermal exosphere for the calculations. The required exospheric temperature depends on the density distribution chosen. This result is within the temperature range determined by different instruments aboard Cassini. The inferred temperature is close to the critical temperature for atomic hydrogen, above which it can escape hydrodynamically after it diffused through the heavier background gas.  相似文献   

The initially supersonic flow of the solar wind passes through a magnetic shock front where its velocity is supposed to be reduced to subsonic values. The location of this shock front is primarily determined by the energy density of the external interstellar magnetic field and the momentum density of the solar wind plasma. Interstellar hydrogen penetrating into the heliosphere undergoes charge exchange processes with the solar wind protons and ionization processes by the solar EUV radiation. This results in an extraction of momentum from the solar wind plasma. Changes of the geometry and the location of the shock front due to this interaction are studied in detail and it is shown that the distance of the magnetic shock front from the Sun decreases from 200 to 80 AU for an increase of the interstellar hydrogen density from 0.1 to 1.0 cm−3. The geometry of the shock front is essentially spherical with a pronounced embayment in the direction opposite to the approach of interstellar matter which depends very much on the temperature of the interstellar gas. Due to the energy loss by the interaction with neutral matter the solar wind plasma reduces its velocity with increasing distance from the Sun. This modifies Parker's solution of a constant solar wind velocity.  相似文献   

The structure of a strong MHD shock wave which radiates thermally downstream of the shock is studied by asymptotic expansion. The exact integral equation for radiation is adopted for the study. Hence, the optically thick (and thin), the general differential approximate and the exact integral equation solutions may now be compared.  相似文献   

Fluctuations of the electric and magnetic field are studied in collisionless shock formed during plasma flow over a terrella. Spectra of magnetic fluctuations in the laboratory experiment and in space appear to coincide in dimensionless units. Electric field fluctuations appear at the shock wave formation, with frequencies in the hybrid Larmor frequency range. The appearance of noise is preceeded by the formation of positive potential maxima. The reflection of ions from the potential maxima must lead to two stream motion in a plasma with magnetized electrons. Such motion is unstable and excites longitudinal waves. Dissipation of energy of the directional motion after damping of electrical noises apparently occurs only through microfluctuations of the magnetic field.  相似文献   

We discuss the distribution of dust and atomic hydrogen in and around a small dark cloud near Ophiuchi. Although the obscuration reaches values as high as 8 magnitudes, the values ofN H derived inside the cloud do not differ markedly from those found at nearby, less obscured points. At low values of the obscuration, dust and hydrogen isophotes show satisfactory agreement, i.e.,N H increases withN G. However, we find thatN H starts decreasing for sufficiently large values ofN G. In the entire range of optical extinctions investigated our observations are satisfied by an expression of the typeN H=AN G exp (-BN G). Interpretation of this relationship suggests that an appreciable part of the hydrogen has been converted to molecular form inside the cloud. A tentative method for calculating the time elapsed since the conversion process began is proposed.Contribution No. 2 from the Argentine-Carnegie Radio Astronomy Station of the Instituto argentino de Radioastronomía and the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Carnegie Institution of Washington.  相似文献   

The GREX/COVER_PLASTEX experiment has measured the temporal and spatial fine structure of the EAS disc at sea level in a new and original way, using resistive plate counter detectors for direct measurements of the arrival time of each particle crossing the detector. Data were taken at EAS core distances up to 100 m for shower size N > 105 (PeV energy range). Arrival times of shower particles were measured with nanosecond accuracy. More than 450000 air shower events have been included in this analysis.  相似文献   

We have computed cross-sections and rate coefficients for rovibrational transitions in HD, induced by collisions with atomic and molecular hydrogen. We employed fully quantum-mechanical methods and the potential of Boothroyd et al. for H–HD, and that of Schwenke for H2–HD. The rate coefficients for vibrational relaxation v =1→0 of HD are compared with the corresponding values for H2. The influence of vibrationally excited channels on the rate coefficients for rotational transitions within the v =0 vibrational ground state of HD is shown to be small at T =500 K, where T is the kinetic temperature. The rate coefficients, for 100 T 2000 K, are available from http://ccp7.dur.ac.uk/.  相似文献   

An investigation of the front structure of the beam injected into the ionosphere in conditions corresponding to the “Electron Echo” Experiment (Hendrickson et al., 1971) is presented. It is shown that the front region of the beam is bunched and the Cerenkov radiation of the bunched beam is investigated. An explanation of the maxima of the amplitudes for definite pitch angles, observed in experiments, is given.  相似文献   

The process of cosmic ray acceleration in the front of the spherical shock wave bounding the supersonic solar wind is studied. On the basis of our analytical solution of the transport equation, the energy and spatial distributions of cosmic ray intensity and anisotropy are investigated. It is shown that the shape of accelerated particle spectrum is determined by the medium compressibility at the shock front and by cosmic ray modulation parameters.  相似文献   

We studied the difference in behavior of total energy and its thermal component during the radiative cooling of partially ionized hydrogen gas. Our calculations were fulfilled for the conditions in the atmosphere of a cool star. It is shown that the attenuation of total energy loss does not interfere with the cooling rate.  相似文献   

Nearby interstellar clouds with high (|ν|≥10km s−1) random velocities although easily detected in NaI and CaII lines have hitherto not been detected (in emission or absorption) in the HI 21cm line. We describe here deep Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) HI absorption observations toward radio sources with small angular separation from bright O and B stars whose spectra reveal the presence of intervening high random velocity CaII absorbing clouds. In 5 out of the 14 directions searched we detect HI 21cm absorption features from these clouds. The mean optical depth of these detections is ∼0.09 and FWHM is ∼10km s−1, consistent with absorption arising from CNM clouds.  相似文献   

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