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拉萨地块中东部松多高压变质带是揭示拉萨地体形成与演化过程的重要研究对象。松多变质带记录了古特提斯洋的俯冲和闭合过程。前人对松多地区出露的榴辉岩及围岩开展了大量的岩石学工作,但变质峰期温压条件没有得到很好的限定,温压分布范围较广,且变质演化过程仍存争议。笔者等总结了松多变质带不同地区榴辉岩的岩石学和矿物学特征,汇总了不同计算方法得到的温压条件。通过对比发现,松多高压变质带内榴辉岩的峰期温压条件处于465~880℃,2.5~3.9 GPa的范围,其宽泛的峰期温压条件是由于不同计算方法和折返机制造成的。与传统矿物对温压计相比,变质相平衡模拟方法更适合低温榴辉岩的峰期温压条件及变质过程的限定。  相似文献   

张忠炜  张聪  秦雪晴  赵晓轩  申婷婷  邱添  杜瑾雪 《地质论评》2022,68(2):2022030032-2022030032
拉萨地块中东部松多高压变质带是揭示拉萨地体形成与演化过程的重要研究对象。松多变质带记录了古特提斯洋的俯冲和闭合过程。前人对松多地区出露的榴辉岩及围岩开展了大量的岩石学工作,但变质峰期温压条件没有得到很好的限定,温压分布范围较广,且变质演化过程仍存争议。笔者等总结了松多变质带不同地区榴辉岩的岩石学和矿物学特征,汇总了不同计算方法得到的温压条件。通过对比发现,松多高压变质带内榴辉岩的峰期温压条件处于465~880℃,2.5~3.9 GPa的范围,其宽泛的峰期温压条件是由于不同计算方法和折返机制造成的。与传统矿物对温压计相比,变质相平衡模拟方法更适合低温榴辉岩的峰期温压条件及变质过程的限定。  相似文献   

青藏高原拉萨地块松多蓝闪石榴辉岩主要矿物组合为石榴石、绿辉石、蓝闪石、绿帘石/斜黝帘石,及少量的金红石、石英、多硅白云母和普通角闪石。石榴石具有成分环带,从核到边Xpy升高,Xgr降低,部分石榴石外边缘受退变质改造影响,形成富Xgr的成分带。利用NCKMnFMASHTO体系中的P-T视剖面图,结合石榴石边部最大Xpy等值线和多硅白云母最大Si-含量值确定了松多榴辉岩的峰期变质条件为30±0.6kbar和610±6℃。石榴石核部到幔部成分环带记录的相对平缓的PT轨迹反应了岩石早期经历了以加热升温为主、轻微加压的缓慢俯冲过程,地温梯度为7~8℃/km。石榴石幔部到边部成分环带,结合多硅白云母最大Si含量等值线模拟了以缓慢升温、快速增压为特征的P-T轨迹,反应了岩石由早期的缓慢俯冲进入到后期的快速俯冲阶段,地温梯度由7~8℃/km减小到5~6℃/km。峰期之后的榴辉岩经历了早期近等温减压的变质过程,以硬柱石和少量滑石的脱水反应生成蓝闪石和绿帘石(约22~23kbar)为主要特征。其后的晚期退变质阶段以硬柱石消失后局部成分域内由富余流体的消耗形成冻蓝闪石(约16kbar)以及蓝闪石和绿辉石边部发育后成合晶为特征(11~12kbar),石榴石边部的韭闪石冠状体和金红石边部生成的榍石退变边也大致发生在该阶段。榴辉岩近等温减压的变质过程可能代表了早期的构造快速抬升过程。松多榴辉岩带可能代表了青藏高原拉萨地块内一条新的大洋型高压-超高压变质带,大约266Ma的榴辉岩相变质时代说明在拉萨地块内部可能存在过一个二叠纪的古特提斯洋盆。  相似文献   

松多榴辉岩出露于拉萨地块的石英片岩中,主要由较为基性的金红石榴辉岩和较为酸性的石英榴辉岩组成。榴辉岩相矿物组合为石榴子石 绿辉石 绿帘石±多硅白云母±石英±金红石。岩石发生了较强烈的退变质作用,退变质矿物有角闪石、绿帘石、石英、钠长石及绿泥石。石榴子石变斑晶具有生长环带结构,变斑晶和基质石榴子石主要落入C类榴辉岩区,少数石榴子石变斑晶边部和基质石榴子石落入B类榴辉岩区;单斜辉石主要为绿辉石,少数Ⅰ世代和Ⅲ世代为普通辉石;角闪石均为钙质角闪石。根据石榴子石-绿辉石-多硅白云母矿物温压计计算,获得的温压范围为630~777℃和2.58~2.70GPa,峰期变质条件接近于石英-柯石英转变线。榴辉岩的原岩经历了从高绿片岩相、角闪岩相、榴辉岩相、角闪岩相到高绿片岩相的变质过程,这反映了与古特提斯洋闭合有关的俯冲进变质作用和随后的折返退变质作用。  相似文献   

西藏松多榴辉岩变质作用研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
西藏拉萨地块松多附近新发现一条榴辉岩带,长约100 km,宽约2~3 km。松多榴辉岩主要经历了进变质的绿帘石榴辉岩相-峰期的榴辉岩相-退变质的角闪岩相3个阶段。岩石学研究表明,峰期的特征矿物组合是石榴子石绿辉石多硅白云母金红石,峰期温压条件是760~800 ℃,33~39 GPa。这表明松多地区可能曾经历超高压变质作用,之后快速返回,p T轨迹呈“发卡”状,后期退变质经历了角闪石榴辉岩相阶段。研究松多榴辉岩表明,拉萨地块内部有一条新的缝合带,这对于了解拉萨地块和古特提斯洋的演化有重要意义。  相似文献   

拉萨地块松多超高压变质带含石榴石白云母石英片岩为榴辉岩的围岩,岩石的矿物组合为石榴石、白云母、钠长石、绿泥石、石英及少量金红石、榍石。石榴石具有明显的成分环带,从核部到幔部Xprp=[Mg/(Mg+Fe+Mn+Ca)]缓慢升高,Xsps=[Mn/(Mg+Fe+Mn+Ca)]逐渐降低,表明石榴石从核部到幔部的成分记录了温度逐渐升高的进变质过程;幔部到边部,Xprp=[Mg/(Mg+Fe+Mn+Ca)]略微降低,Xgrs=[Ca/(Mg+Fe+Mn+Ca)]明显升高,Xsps=[Mn/(Mg+Fe+Mn+Ca)]先升高后降低,表明石榴石边部成分受到了退变质作用改造,呈现扩散环带的特征。利用Thermocalc变质相平衡计算软件在Mn NCKFMASHO体系下计算出含石榴石云母石英片岩的P-T、P-M(H2O)视剖面图,结合石榴石镁铝榴石等值线、钙铝榴石等值线及饱和水含量等值线限定出含石榴石云母石英片岩的峰期变质条件为约27×105k Pa,523/580℃,对应的峰期矿物组合为(g-Jd-Cr-Law(+Phn+q/Coe+H2O)。石榴石核部到幔部成分记录了主要的进变质演化,结合饱和水等值线的变化,判断进变质阶段为升温升压的冷俯冲过程,岩石经历了蓝片岩相至榴辉岩相的变质演化;P-M(H2O)视剖面图及饱和水等值线反映了岩石在减压中的流体行为,通过其变化特征可以确定岩石在峰期之后先经历近等温降压的早期退变质过程,晚期降温降压的退变轨迹则由石榴石边部成分所确定,此过程中,岩石发生了角闪岩相至绿帘角闪岩相变质,并在后期经历了绿片岩相变质叠加。近等温降压的退变质过程反映了快速抬升的构造运动过程,早期硬玉转变为钠长石可能发生在这个阶段。对比含石榴石云母石英片岩与榴辉岩的P-T轨迹,峰期变质温压及变质演化特征,提出含石榴石云母石英片岩曾经历过高压变质,结合野外相互伴生的地质关系,认为该片岩与榴辉岩经历了相同或者相似的俯冲折返过程。  相似文献   

最近在青藏高原拉萨地块中发现一条榴辉岩带.榴辉岩带位于拉萨北东近200km处的松多乡一带,呈近东西方向延伸,至少长60kin,宽2km~3km.锆石样品选自新鲜的榴辉岩样品,共测了39个数据点,其中前19个数据点仅做Lu-Hf同位素分析,后20个数据点既做了锆石原位Lu-Hf同位素分析,同时也做了锆石原位LA-MC-ICPMS U-Pb定年.结果表明,松多榴辉岩锆石Hf同位素组成比较均一,具有高176Hf/177Hf和低176Lu/177Hf特征,176Hf/177Hf和176Lu/176Hf值分别变化在0.2829651~0.2830295和0.000002~0.000008之间,其可能代表全岩体系在变质作用发生时的平均Hf同位素组成.松多榴辉岩的高176Hf/177Hf和低176Lu/177Hf组成特征可能跟其高压变质作用以及在变质作用过程中形成石榴子石矿物有关.εHf(0)变化于6.8~10.0,表明在其变质过程中,变质流体有亏损地幔物质的加入.LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb定年,所获得加权平均年龄260Ma±16Ma,为变质年龄.从而进一步确定了松多榴辉岩变质事件发生在二叠纪.  相似文献   

西藏拉萨地块MORB型榴辉岩的岩石地球化学特征   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
松多榴辉岩的SiO2、Al2O3含量分别为45.3%~50.6%、12.93%~14.27%,K2O Na2O为1.3%~2.8%,TFeO/MgO为1.11~2.02,CaO为10.4%~14.47%,K2O<0.3%,Na2O为0.97%~2.47%。总体上具有玄武质或辉长质岩石的成分特征,属于钙碱性系列,具有MORB的特征,表明其原岩来自大洋环境。松多榴辉岩大多数样品的稀土元素配分模式显示轻稀土元素亏损,无明显的Eu异常,重稀土元素平坦。微量元素蛛网图均显示从Zr到Yb属于平坦型,基本上未发生分馏。松多榴辉岩的LaN/YbN比值为0.19~0.56,LaN/CeN为0.75~0.81,LaN/SmN为0.37~0.81,三者均小于1;Hf/Th除了石英榴辉岩中的06Y-344样品为6.81外,其他样品为11.10~33.97,均大于8;Ce/Nb为2.72~19.02,均大于2;Th/Yb为0.01~0.10,均小于或等于0.1,也说明其原岩具有典型MORB的特征。锆石SHRIMPU-Pb定年获得松多榴辉岩的变质年龄为261Ma±5.3Ma,推测其原岩可能为古特提斯洋盆的残留。  相似文献   

在西藏拉萨地块的东部,从松多到加兴,在晚古生代石英岩和碳酸岩地层中分布着一条近东西走向的榴辉岩带。尽管受到不同程度的海水蚀变和后期流体/岩浆渗滤的影响,多数松多榴辉岩保存了类似于N-MORB的微量元素地球化学特征,这也与榴辉岩的Sr-Nd同位素系统特征一致。这些榴辉岩经历了压力约为2.6GPa、温度约为650℃的高压变质作用。石榴石-绿辉石-全岩Sm-Nd等时线给出(239±3.5)Ma的等时线年龄,表明在早中生代,拉萨地块内部至少发生过一期洋壳俯冲事件。以松多榴辉岩为代表的洋壳俯冲事件同时表明带状基墨里大陆的形成有可能是一系列微陆块碰撞拼贴而成。  相似文献   

论大别地块中榴辉岩与围岩的变质关系及区域...   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Recently, an over 100 kin long MORB-type eclogite belt of Permian was discovered in the Sumdo (松多) region of the Lhasa block, Tibet. A critical question thus is: what is the tectonic setting of the eclogite belt and is it related to an unrecognized suture in the region? Further investigations show that there are some mafic and ultramafic rocks spatially associated with the eclogite belt in the region. Three ultramafic massifs were recognized in the Sumdo region, and called the Luomaling (罗马岭),Gongbupala (贡布爬拉) and Qiazhasumdo (卡扎松多) massifs. All the massifs are fault-contacted with greenschist (Chasagang (岔萨岗) Formation) or muscovite-quartz schist (Mabuku (马布库) Formation), and individuals are about 100 m×50 m in size extending in EW as the regional structure. All the ultramafic rocks have been entirely serpentinized, and the Gongbupala massif has been selected for study in geochemistry. Eleven chemical analyses of the rocks from the Gongbupala massif show a narrow range in contents: SiO2(35.97-40.63) wt.%, MgO (37.02-38.60) wt.%, TiO2(0.01-0.08) wt.%, Al2O3 (0.80-1.64) wt.%, (Na2O+K2O) less than 0.1 wt.%, with high volatile contents (H2O+CO2) (11.24-14.91) wt.%. After recalculation without H2O+CO2, the mean values are SiO2 45.24 wt.%, MgO 43.54 wt.%, FeOT(7.45-9.97) wt.% (8.55 wt.% in average), (MgO+FeOT) 52.09 wt.%, Mg# (100×Mg/(Mg+Fe*), where Fe* represents total Fe)=89.42-90.08, (m+f)/Si ((atomicity Mg+atomicity Fe) /atomicity Si)=1.53-1.75 (1.59 in average), respectively. The mean M/F (atomicity Mg/atomicity Fe) ratio of the rocks is 9.05, which is classified as magnesium enriched-type of ultramafic rocks. The compositional features, depleted in K, Na, Ca, Al and Ti and enriched in Mg#, indicate the characteristics of peridotite originated from a depleted mantle. The rocks have low ∑ REE with (1.60-2.68)×10-6 similar to those of the primitive mantle. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of all samples show slightly enrichment in LREE, with (Ce/Yb)N 1.03-2.46, but a little depleted in HREE. Most samples show a slight negative anomaly in Eu, a feature In REE from a relic mantle and common features In highly serpentinized ultramafic rocks in the Yarlung-Zangbo (雅鲁藏布) ophiolite and the Bangong (班公)-Nnjiang (怒江)ophiolite in Tibet. The primitive mantle-normalized spiderdiagram of trace elements for Gongbupala ultramafic rocks yields uniform distributed pattern. They are relatively enriched in Rb, Ba, La, P element (LHSE) and depleted in Sin, Ti, Y, Yb element (HFSE), a feature of metasomatic mantle peridotite. The geochemical features of the rocks suggest that the protofith of Gongbupala serpentinite in Sumdo region is harzburgite, a typical depleted mantle rock, and may represent a dismembered ophiolite unit in the region.  相似文献   

拉萨地块榴辉岩样品中的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄值为(242.4±15.2)~(291.9±12.8)Ma,平均261.7Ma±5.3Ma。所有锆石均含有大量的包裹体,主要分布在锆石核部。最常见的矿物包裹体是石榴子石,其次为石英、磷灰石、金红石和绿辉石,可见角闪石、榍石、多硅白云母和钠长石。包裹体具3种组合:榴辉岩相(Grt Omp Rt Phe)、角闪岩相(Amp Spn Ab)和不确定相(Qtz Ap)。锆石中的矿物包裹体与岩石中对应矿物的成分相同。包裹体集中在锆石核部和榴辉岩相矿物的大量出现表明锆石生长发生于变质峰期或峰期之后不久。锆石的Th/U比值均很低,具变质成因锆石的典型特征。区域地质资料对比表明,榴辉岩的原岩可能形成于石炭纪—二叠纪早期,是古特提斯洋盆裂解的产物。  相似文献   

Thrusting of the North Lhasa Block in the Tibetan Plateau   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
A huge thrust system, the North Lhasa Thrust (NLT), was discovered in the northern Lhasa block of the Tibetan Plateau based on geological mapping of the Damxung region and its vicinity, the Deqen-Lunpola traverse and the Amdo-Bam Co profile. The NLT consists of the Dongqiao-Lunpola thrust (DLT), the west Namco thrust (WNT) and the south Damxung thrust (SDT) and ductile shear zones, ophiolite slices and folds extending in a WNW direction. Major thrust faults of the NLT seem to merge into a single deep-seated detachment of the upper-crust and totally displaced southward as far as 100-120 km. Chronological analyses with 39Ar-40Ar of plagioclase and hornblende, Rb-Sr isochron of minerals and fission-tracks of apatite from mylonite within the WNT yield ages of 174-173 Ma, 109 Ma and 44 Ma, showing 3 periods of thrusting in the north Lhasa block caused by subduction of the Tethys oceanic plate and the India-Eurasia continental collision respectively.  相似文献   

A new occurrence of kyanite eclogite in the Pirin Mountains of southwestern Bulgaria within the rocks belonging to the Obidim Unit of the Rhodope Metamorphic Complex is presented. This eclogite provides important information about the peak–pressure conditions despite strong thermal overprint at low pressure. Textural relationships, phase equilibrium modelling and conventional geothermobarometry were used to constrain the metamorphic evolution. Garnet porphyroblasts with inclusions of omphacite (up to 43 mol.% Jd), phengite (up to 3.5 Si p.f.u.), kyanite, polycrystalline quartz, pargasitic amphibole, zoisite and rutile in the Mg‐rich cores (XMg = 0.44–0.46) record a prograde increase in P–T conditions from ~2.5 GPa and 650 °C to ~3 GPa and 700–750 °C. Maximum pressure values fall within the stability field of coesite. During exhumation, the peak–pressure assemblage garnet + omphacite + phengite + kyanite was variably overprinted by a lower pressure one forming symplectitic textures, such as diopside + plagioclase after omphacite and biotite + plagioclase after phengite. The development of spinel (XMg = 0.4–0.45) + corundum + anorthite assemblage in the kyanite‐bearing domains at ~1.1 GPa and 800–850 °C suggests a thermal overprint in the high‐pressure granulite facies stability field. This thermal event was followed by cooling at ~0.8 GPa under amphibolite facies conditions; retrograde kelyphite texture involving plagioclase and amphibole was developed around garnet. Our results add to the already existing evidence for ultra high pressure (UHP) metamorphism in the Upper Allochthon of the Rhodope Metamorphic Complex as in the Kimi Unit and show that it is more widespread than previously known. Published age data and field structural relations suggest that the Obidim Unit represents Variscan continental crust involved into the Alpine nappe edifice of the Rhodopes and that eclogite facies metamorphism was Palaeozoic, in contrast to the Kimi Unit where age determinations suggest a Jurassic or Cretaceous age for UHP metamorphism. This implies that UHP metamorphism in the Upper Allochthon of the Rhodopes may have occurred twice, during Alpine and pre‐Alpine orogenic events, and that two independent HP/UHP provinces of different age overlap in this area.  相似文献   

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