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Melikyan  N. D. 《Astrophysics》1994,37(2):130-134
Results are presented from a study of 31 new H -emission objects in the Cepheus region. The observations were performed with the 40 Schmidt telescope of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory in 1979, 1985, and 1989. Spectral plates were obtained with a 4° objective prism (-1100 Å/mm near H on Kodak 103-aE, 103-aF, III-aF and ORWO ZP-3 emulsions. Type RG1 and RG2 light filters were used during the observations.Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 219–228, April–June, 1994.  相似文献   

155 H emission stars not catalogued earlier have been detected with the 60/90/180 cm Schmidt telescope of Konkoly Observatory in a field of 19.5 square degrees centred on theHii region IC 1396.UBVR photohraphic magnitudes were obtained for most of them. Equatorial coordinates for the epoch 1950.0 as well as identification charts are given. Space distribution of the emission stars and their connection with the association Cepheus OB 2 are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The present study of the nature of the stars LkH112, LkH115, LkH118, and LkH119 is based on low-dispersion IDS spectra and photometric measurements in the wavelength range between 0.33 and 3.8 m. These stars are located in the direction of the extremely young open cluster NGC 6530 (Walker, 1957). The purpose of this study is, in general, to know whether they belong to the group of intermediate mass pre-main sequence objects, also known as Herbig Ae/Be stars, and, in particular, what special characteristics they possess. The result is as follows. The stars are very young; probably only LkH112 and LkH115 are members of the above-mentioned class of objects. The membership of LkH118 and LkH119 in this group is doubtful.Based on observations made at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile.  相似文献   

Solar H-flares now reported with their distinctive visual features have been statistically examined for a period of about eight years in relation to their different characteristics, flare-burst and flare-sunspot association. Important results obtained are: (i) Integrated intensity changes from the highest to the lowest values in the order F, H, E, and D flare type, whereas, impulsiveness in the order H, F, E, and D type, (ii) Flare-burst association is frequency dependent and is highest and lowest for H and D types respectively in almost all the frequencies, (iii) Most of the flares of D, E, and F types are associated with sunspots of p , p , and configurations having field strength 1500–2500 G, while that of H type with p and configurations having field strength 1000–2000 G.  相似文献   

Results of a search for new H objects in the Cepheus region are presented. The observations on which the search was based were made in 1979 and 1985 at the 40 Schmidt telescope of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory with a 4° objective prism. Of the 80 emission stars detected, 68 are new. Most of them are fainter than the sun in absolute magnitude. A large fraction of the emission stars discovered may be flare stars as well as T Tau and Herbig Ae/Be stars.Translated fromAstrofizika, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 57–65, January–March, 1996.  相似文献   

90 spectral observations of the Hα regions of 31 RS CVn stars made with Reticon on the 2.1 metre McDonald Reflector in 1984 are reported here. Quantitative measurements were made on the Hα emission and absorption components. Combining with our previous observations in [1], we have now observed 70% of the systems in Hall's catalogue. On the basis of the combined data, a statistical discussion is presented.  相似文献   

By use of the data found in the literature, observed at the ESO and taken from the IRAS point source catalogue, the physical properties of the H-emission stars: CD-42°11721, KK Oph and XX Oph were studied photometrically and spectroscopically. The results can be summarized as follows: (a) Feii and [Feii] emission lines show that these stars have a gaseous envelope of which part is of low density. (b) P Cygni profiles in the spectral lines of XX Oph indicate the existence of rapid gaseous motions in its atmosphere. The presence of P Cygni profiles in the spectra of the other two stars is not certain. (c) In the outer atmosphere of CD-42°11721 and KK Oph at least two circumstellar concentrations of dust grains seems to be present; the temperatures of these dust shells are, for both stars, about 1200 and 250 K. (d) XX Oph has an M6III companion causing the infrared excess. Furthermore, we have studied the physical properties of the dust shells. The distances to the central star, the chemical composition and the masses of each shell were estimated. It is recommended to study above stars further with high dispersion spectroscopy and simultaneous long-term photometry.Based partly on data obtained at the ESO, La Silla, Chile and with the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS).  相似文献   

Thorne–?ytkow objects (T?Os), originally proposed by Thorne and ?ytkow, may form as a result of unstable mass transfer in a massive X-ray binary after a neutron star (NS) is engulfed in the envelope of its companion star. Using a rapid binary evolution program and the Monte Carlo method, we simulated the formation of T?Os in close binary stars. The Galactic birth rate of T?Os is about \(1.5\times 10^{-4}~\hbox {yr}^{-1}\). Their progenitors may be composed of a NS and a main-sequence star, a star in the Hertzsprung gap or a core-helium burning, or a naked helium star. The birth rates of T?Os via the above different progenitors are \(1.7\times 10^{-5}\), \(1.2\times 10^{-4}\), \(0.7\times 10^{-5}\), \(0.6\times 10^{-5}~\hbox {yr}^{-1}\), respectively. These progenitors may be massive X-ray binaries. We found that the observational properties of three massive X-ray binaries (SMC X-1, Cen X-3 and LMC X-4) in which the companions of NSs may fill their Roche robes were consistent with those of their progenitors.  相似文献   

Based on our spectrophotometric observations, we have studied the envelope of the HeN Nova Mon 2012. The abundances of some chemical elements in the envelope and its mass have been estimated. Our results show that the helium, nitrogen, oxygen, and neon abundances in the Nova envelope exceed the solar ones by a factor of 1.5, 33, 9, and 95, respectively. The envelope mass has been found to be 2.3 × 10?4 M .  相似文献   

We have measured the ratio of H to H central intensities in the peak kernels of 14 flares, using simultaneous filtergrams. The ratio is typically one with some scatter. By contrast, in stellar flares the ratio is about 0.8.  相似文献   

Monochromatic photographs of the Orion Nebula taken through narrow bandpass interference filters (Δλ=10 Å) centred on Hα, Hβ and [NII] lines are presented. Ratio contours of Hα/[NII] and Hα/Hβ are derived. They enable a detailed study of the point-to-point variation in ionization structure and temperature throughout the nebula. Dust located within the ionized gas is studied from the Hα/Hβ ratio which varies from point to point over the nebula. Its strongest concentration, apart in the obvious ‘dark bay’, occurs in a shell surrounding the exciting stars, with about 2′ of diameter. Close to Θ1 Ori the Hα/Hβ ratio, corrected for interstellar reddening, is about 3.0 in good agreement with the predicted value (Brocklehurst, 1971). To account for these measures, the following arguments are proposed:
  1. Dust grains are completely or partially destroyed in region close to the exciting stars.
  2. Radiation pressure and stellar wind push the remaining dust up to some equilibrium distance outwards. The consequence of this action is obviously the formation of a ‘dust mantle’ which is seen as a ring in projection.

Five new Herbig-Haro objects (HH 1036–1040) have been discovered in the neighborhood of the nebula GM 2–41 in a region with an area of 14′ × 14′, at the center of the HII region DR 15 located in the southern periphery of the Cyg OB2 association. Four of them have a complex structure typical of HH flows. Hydrogen molecular emission is detected in the object HH 1036 using archived images from the Spitzer telescope. Two new infrared nebulae illuminated by very red young stellar objects are also found.  相似文献   

We present examples of umbral oscillations observed on Big Bear H filtergram movies and investigate the relation between umbral oscillations and running penumbral waves occurring in the same sunspot. Umbral oscillations near the center of the umbra are probably physically independent of the penumbral waves because the period of these umbral oscillations (150 s) is shorter than the penumbral wave period (270 s) but not a harmonic. We also report dark puffs which emerge from the edge of the umbra and move outward across the penumbra, and which have the same period as the running penumbral waves. We interpret these dark puffs to be the extension of chromospheric umbral oscillations at the edge of the umbra. It is suggested that the dark puffs and the running penumbral waves have a common source: photospheric oscillations just inside the umbra.  相似文献   

It is shown that Mie theory predictions of extinction for pure water-ice with the optical constant measured at 100 K do not fit in detail the observed ice absorption feature in infrared objects, although we attempt to explain the observations by considering size distribution and shape of the grains.In addition, based on a similarity between the ice band and the absorption band found in carbon stars, we feel it is questionable whether or not the ice band can really be attributed to the interstellar water-ice.  相似文献   

We use the Cerenkov line emission mechanism to give a new explanation of the observed intensity ratios, particularly the L/H ratio, of the emission lines of quasars. We give equations that restrict the choice of the parameter values. The parameters are the characteristic energy of the relativistic electrons, the number density of neutral hydrogen and its relative level populations. With reasonable choice of the parmaeters, we can obtain calculated L/H, H/H, P/H ratios in agreement with observed values. Our estimate for the gas density in the broad line region of quasars is 1015 cm–3, very different from previous estimates. Unlike previous theories, such a high density causes no difficulties with the Cerenkov line emission.  相似文献   

Long-term spectroscopic monitoring campaigns on active galactic nuclei(AGNs) provide a wealth of information about its interior structure and kinematics. However, a number of the observations suffer from the contamination of second-order spectra(SOS) which will introduce some undesirable uncertainties at the red side of the spectra. In this paper, we test the effect of SOS and propose a method to correct it in the time domain spectroscopic data using the simultaneously observed comparison stars....  相似文献   

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